Sunny’s Gratitude - Streetwalker's Break Part 2

Story by SkyelerTheFox on SoFurry

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#2 of Streetwalker's Tale

Sunny happily embraces his new job and the taste of the high life that his client provides. He enjoys his work and even pulls out some surprises for Frederick!

Sunny's Gratitude

Sunny had been basking in the glow of his freedom from his scrappy, harsh life of selling himself on the street in the dangerous conditions he had been enduring for so long. He was now laid back on one of the highest quality beds on the market, in a beautiful apartment on the 32nd floor in a highrise building with a mind blowing view of the expansive city. This area was filled with affluent people and it was meticulously maintained to be trash free and aesthetically pleasing. He was completely at ease, knowing he had come to have over $5,000 from a single night and the promise of much, much more from his wealthy client as long as he was interested in continuing to sell himself, although the relationship had transitioned into more of a sugar daddy to him as opposed to his just being a paid whore to be bought for the night or for particular acts. Sex was still a condition of their interactions, so he was still being paid for it, but he was now a high end, private prostitute for one man, and maybe occasionally that man's assistant type employee.

The young raccoon dog giggled to himself at the thought of being a high price whore and swelled with a strange sense of pride. Never in his life did he think possible that he would end up as a straight male working as a gay prostitute for a vastly wealthy owner of one of the more well known companies in the country. It didn't bother him much at all, because he actually found enjoyment from fucking and sucking certain customers, as long as they were kind and/or good looking in some way. He quite liked Mr. Thomson. He was well groomed, had a great energy, and seemed to be driven crazy with attraction and desire for the young man, and his scent and flavor was actually quite delicious. Sunny was made to feel gorgeous and cared for, and it made all the difference in the world.

Sunny splayed out across the bed in a wide, pleasant stretch. As he tilted over to get up, he accidentally rolled into Frederick's spent puddle of cum that had been left behind. He noticed the slick, sticky sensation and looked down at the strands linking from his fur to the bed. A satisfied smile spread over his face, knowing that he had given the ferret a wonderful send off to his business meeting. Absent-mindedly, he wiped the mess stuck to his body with his hand, smearing it into his side and creating a damp, sticky mat in his fur. He shrugged happily and got up off the bed to explore the place and seek out some coffee.

Around the apartment, he was able to more mindfully take in the environment. The dining tables, coffee tables, desks, cupboards, everything with wood was made of rich, dark mahogany. The place was also decorated with a heavy focus on greens, blues, and purples. Upon discovering the kitchen, it was much of the same, except with sparkling white tile floors that showed a clear reflection.

Having already eaten the most delightful meal he had ever had, his only focus was on getting a cup of coffee. He found something that looked like a coffee pot, and the aroma of coffee hung in the air around the peculiar device, but he had no idea how to operate it. Sunny had to go get his phone so he could look up what it was, having never seen a coffee pod device before. After shuffling through the cupboards for a little, he found the stash of little containers and fixed everything up as he read the directions. His eyes sparkled with wild fascination as he witnessed the strange machine do it's thing, then proceeded to dress his drink up with a delicious sugary creamer located in the refrigerator. With a full mug in his hand, he shook his head humorously while plodding over to the balcony. Having been either clothed or distracted in his previous ventures outside, the coon-dog had missed out on a much more interesting and enjoyable experience. Still being nude, he stood at the railing at the edge and closed his eyes, feeling the high breeze blowing through and combing his coat of fur. His species tended to have very thick, fluffy coats, but he had kept his cut short to highlight his lean body for his business. Being as such, the wind, normally unfelt, kissed swiftly at the skin beneath, eliciting a blissful sigh.

Sunny set his cup down and quickly lit a cigarette, as a craving had been building up. This time, unexpectedly, he noticed the more unpleasant effects more prominently. The burning and discomfort in his lungs was quite a bit more apparent, and the flavor had turned on him to a degree. The significant change had occurred overnight, and it put him off. Halfway through it, he snuffed it out, he felt the craving satisfied for the moment. Following the strange occurrence, he sat down and sipped at his coffee while listening to some music on his phone.

Half an hour later, with the caffeine delivered to his system, he had gone to the bathroom and found himself automatically brushing his teeth and washing his hands, as if Mr. Thomson had magically trained him somehow. He connected with his image in the mirror and noticed a peculiar astounded look on his face from the newly developed behavior. He shrugged happily, having the insight to realize this was a good thing. There was the sound of the door allowing someone to enter and closing with the automated click of the electronic lock sealing it behind whoever it was that had entered.

Sunny came stepping out with a spring in his step and came face to face with Gregory. Suddenly self aware of his lack of clothing, he shyly commented, "Oh uhh. Hey Gregory! Um. I'll put something on.. sorry about that."

The buck responded quickly and with utter relaxation in his voice, "Hey sunny! There's no need for that, unless you want to. I've been at this for too long to get all flustered and uncomfortable any time a naked guy prances around this place. Heh. You're fine either way, my dude." He saw the canid, who had been reaching down towards something to put on, pause in consideration. The buck continued to offer, "By the way, and you're free and totally welcome to stay here, I can take you home anytime you'd like. Just say the word. And again, I'm totally good with you staying here!"

Sunny assessed the man and came to understand that Gregory was being completely honest. He couldn't help but laugh, "Ha! I suppose you're right! Thanks, I'll stay here for a while, at least until my brother gets home." He glanced around the room to search for what he wanted to say next before curiously asking, "Hmmm... well.. do you ever cruise around here nude?"

Gregory let out his own amused chuckle, "Sounds good. Heh! Not often. I don't like to tease Mr. Thomson like that. Ha! Just kidding, that's not a thing. But... I relax sometimes, just in my boxers. Other than that, my pants stay on unless I'm sharing one of his toys. Heh. I honestly should though, it always looks so nice and free feeling!" A light, thoughtful glow spread through his eyes as he obviously imagined going all natural.

Sunny watched with a sense of lightheartedness at the handsome buck's dreaming face. He cleared his throat, unfortunately snapping Gregory out of his sweet daydream, and commented "Hehe! You're funny! I'd recommend it. And... speaking of sharing toys..." He peered suggestively at the other male and raised his eyebrows, hoping his message went across clearly.

The male deer's eyes widened slowly until they were fully opened in surprise and stumbled over his words, "Heh. Uhh.. you.. Yeah..?"

Sunny nodded happily while agreeing, "Heh. Caught ya off guard, did I? But yeah! I feel like I really owe you one for giving me such an amazing opportunity. I gotta express my gratitude. Just get comfortable. Sit or stand or lay down, whatever you feel like." He observed Gregory mulling over his decision for a few moments before walking over, lowering his pants to around his ankles, and sitting on the edge of his boss's bed.

The older man chuckled, "You sure did! Ha! I've never interacted with any of Mr. Thomson's play things one on one before, and they've never offered. Plus they're usually gone when he's all done with them. Uhh, well you're quite welcome! Express away!"

The canid walked over and dropped down in front of the assistant and immediately went to work, slipping the man's pouch into his maw and rolling the orbs contained inside with his tongue. His hand reached up and encouraged Gregory's cock to poke out by rubbing the sheath. His eyes stayed glued to it and suckled gently on the package in his mouth. In short time, he saw what he had been working towards. The head and shaft of the deer cock had poked out enough to move forward. He pulled his lips back, letting the balls drop silently out and then down his chin. Sunny looked up to check with the man and saw his eyes closed with a content, relaxed state beaming from his face. The raccoon dog tenderly traced his tongue up the growing member and culminated in taking it in his muzzle, lapping at it's tip. A deep groan rewarded his ears as he put his lips and tongue to full work.

A little under two minutes in, Gregory lifted his eyelids and gazed downwards. He released a pleasant sigh and inquired, "hmnff... You're really straight..?" Sunny's eyes opened and flicked up to meet his and nodded while he wrapped one of his hands around the long spire of male meat to stroke away in addition to the other stimulation. "Mm... god.. and you're into sucking dick..?" The male on his knees shrugged and tipped his head to the side to send a message like, "Mehh. It's not bad." Gregory had a thought and expressed it with a smug grin, "You like it because you're so good at it, aren't you? Because fuck! You have a talented muzzle.. mmmfff..." He was met with a proud gaze, which had remained locked to his eyes the entire time, and a nod accompanied by a muffled agreement, "Unm hummfff".

Sunny saw Gregory's eyes disappear again and his head tilt back. He used his other hand to take one of the buck's and pulled it to place it on the back of his head. He could feel the dick pulse in his mouth and almost immediately afterwards had his head being pushed down while his maw was humped up into. It wasn't too rough. The buck seemed to be careful not to go too rough. He dove down several times in succession, gagging as he did so, but held himself down to communicate that the buck didn't need to worry about it. His tongue was treated to the salty flavor of the ever growing puddle of pre being dribbled out. Finally, he heard the man moaning and felt the hips bucking forward, indicating the approaching release. As soon as he felt the telltale throbbing, he shoved the cock down his throat and swallowed the cascading gush of semen.

Gregory shuddered with pleasure as he unloaded into the young male's belly and fell backwards with a powerful grunt and heavy breathing. The canid pulled back but the dick remained in his maw until every drip of cum had been disposed of. The buck laid panting until he recovered and was able to sit back up. His searching eyes found Sunny sitting back on his knees with his feet folded up under him. Gregory ruffled the boy's hair and blissfully commented, "Fuck. That was insanely good! Honestly... best blowjob I've ever had. Thank you! Heh. And I'm glad I picked the right one for the job. No wonder Frederick is so fond of you!"

Sunny smiled happily, "Oooh! Wow. Better than any of the women you've been with?? You're welcome. Hehe." The man nodded weakly with a grin plastered on his face. Sunny continued, "Well, I'm flattered! Hehe. Thanks! Hey umm.... Before I need to go, would you wanna hang out for a bit? Just kick back and watch something, get to know each other? Might as well, since I'll be around a lot more, right??" Gregory agreed enthusiastically and after Sunny got dressed, they watched some TV and occasionally shared with one another. A ride was arranged to return home when he was sure that his brother was back from school.

At home, he greeted Jeremy and they caught up on how school had been and made sure he was doing good and listened to what his brother had been up to while he was gone. Sunny surprised Jeremy by ordering some pizza to be delivered to them for dinner. Once fully satisfied by the delicious meal, they had some down time to relax. Eventually, Sunny knew the time had come to share the recent development that would greatly affect their lives and life together.

"Hey bro... umm... I gotta tell you something. It's kinda a huge deal and it's gonna probably shock you.. so heads up.. um.. anyways.." He disclosed his secret life that he had been hiding and covering up for years. How he had started whoring himself out to men, starting at age 18 after their parents passed away, to support the two of them. The conversation built up to the news that he was now making incredible money and able to escape the dangerous lifestyle he had been engaged in. It would change their life for the better, and best of all, Sunny was actually safe and happy working for Mr. Thomson. Obviously, Jeremy had his world rocked and had to take some time to process and wrap his head around things.

Sunny was infinitely relieved when his little brother expressed his agreement and understanding and even some positive, happy attitude. He also loved not having to hide anything anymore. After their talk, Sunny explained that he would likely be called into "work" in a while. He gave his little bro some cash for any takeout or delivery, some for clothes shopping, and some just for whatever. A day of quality time together was arranged to get whatever Jeremy wanted. The kid deserved it, he had for a long time.

As expected, he was called no more than an hour after their talk. He expressed his thanks for Jeremy understanding and shared some hugs and loving words before getting picked up by both Frederick and Gregory. There was a glow about him which went unaddressed until they returned to the apartment.

Frederick smiled questioningly at his play toy's air of apparent joy and calm. "So.... You seem happy? Hmm? Hehe. What's gotten into you?" The update was provided of how things had fallen into place for Sunny and his brother, Frederick was rather amazed delighted to be given the news. "That's spectacular, my boy! Shall we celebrate somehow..? Heh." A sexy growl was loosed from low in his lungs as he eyed the lean male up and down.

Sunny bathed in his customer's happiness for the outcome. A heated gaze was reflected before smirking and asking, "Hmm... well I had such a great time this morning! If you're asking me for ideas, well... I wouldn't mind filling your tail hole again. Mmm... how's that sound?"

Frederick straightened up and sharply inhaled with his eyes closing involuntarily. It was still astounding just how eager this supposedly straight guy was to fuck and suck each other. His voice dripped with arousal, and even a tiny bit of weakness. "Mmm... ohhh god. Yes! I... ugh.. please! You wanna take the lead??"

Sunny grinned wildly and giggled, "Oh, awh. You loved that, didn't you?" He saw the ferret nod, almost looking to be in a trance like state. A moment of awareness was taken where it was revealed that Gregory had taken his leave at some point and then he took the initiative. "Well, I'll need access, won't I? Clothes on the floor, now!" He had never been the one to be in charge, but his words flowed forth with inspiration and little effort. The sight of the good looking older male giving in to the order was drank in with delighted thirst. It felt interesting and quite exhilarating to have someone doing things as he said. The clothes fell from his form as the ferret's did.

Frederick gazed on and asked, "Mm. I kinda like you getting all charged up and telling me what to do."

Sunny smiled knowingly and replied, "Ohh, I do too. Hmm.. You're not used to being told what to do, are you?" The ferret shook his head and lowered his eyes to Sunny's crotch with a deep desire, seemingly wanting to just pounce on top of him. The raccoon-dog exhibited a look showing that he saw Mr. Thomson's desire and suppressed compulsion. He smirked and seductively stated, "Mmm. Well I think you'll love what I want next. Hook up that camera to the TV. I'm in the mood to watch our video. Then join me on the couch. Move it!" With legs widened and his arms draped outwards over the back of the couch, his rear end was placed on the couch.

The ferret excitedly rushed into the other room, grabbing his camera and fumbling with it as it nearly fell from his hands. There was an internal tension rising in his body out of anticipation and connected the cables linking the devices. Frederick inquiringly looked towards the male in charge of him, awaiting further instruction.

Sunny soaked in the fantastic way things were turning out and asked, "Good! Hmm.. do you see any problems here..?" As anticipated, the larger of the two glanced around, squinted in thought, and shifted uneasily when he shook his head, knowing he was missing something.

Sunny chuckled, "Oh, Frederick... I'm disappointed.." His eyes were cast downward to his crotch and back up to the ferret's face. The realization dawning on Frederick's face caused Sunny to follow up with, "Thereeeee we go! Let's fix that, shall we?"

Frederick swiftly drifted over and knelt down before his young sex toy. He addressed the fact the lack of hard cock in Sunny's lap by gracefully capturing the sack in his fingers and rolling and delicately tugging on the hanging globes within. The slowly inflating sheath was bathed thoroughly with his tongue, all while peering up to ensure that his playmate was satisfied with his work. Sunny seemed more than happy with it, and his cock poked out fully in little time. He took a deep sniff at the canids scent floating out and closed his eyes, suddenly becoming aware that he had gotten fully stiff during the brief time pleasing Sunny.

Sunny loved the way Frederick expressed his lust and ecstasy at the scent and experience of getting to have Sunny in any way at all. He softly murred, "Oh, you're such a good boy.. you did well. Now why don't you get me nice and ready for you?" A ravenous set of ferret lips tightly wrapped around his dick and he groaned, "Ughhh.. fuck... You're pretty cute with my cock your muzzle." Frederick whined excitedly and started slurping away at the meat, pushing it back into his throat and making sure his tongue slathered every square millimeter. Sunny spoke with a rush of lust weaved through his voice, "Great job, but I think you've waited long enough. Mmm.. right..? Just hit play and take your seat."

After pressing play on the TV, Frederick's gaze magnetically drew to and locked onto Sunny's perked up cock, with a glistening appearance attributed to the thick coat of saliva it was adorned with. Once in front of Sunny, he squatted down and lowered his rump, hovering about the lap below. He noticed the canid angling his member into position and met it with his rear entrance, resting his tail hole on top of the spire. It gave both men a few moments of teasing to drive up their desire for each other. The hind end lowered down, taking Sunny into his tail hole, causing each of them to vocalize their pleasure. With Frederick weakly huffing, "ohmygod...mmhh..." and Sunny groaning, "Uhhnnnn fuckkkk..."

Sunny placed his hands underneath the ferret's ass, giving it a sharp squeeze, to help support him and enable Mr. Thomson to bounce up and down, occasionally lowering the male down onto his lap. It allowed their arms and legs to rest while they worked together to make Frederick gyrate his hips and ride the cock buried in him. Their attention focused frequently on their personal porno, increasing their burning heat. After some time, Sunny felt his arms tiring, and could sense Frederick's legs shaking, more so than from the pleasurable sensations of having the cock filling his ass pressing into his prostate and his cock throbbing and the thin trickle of pre slicking it's way down. To alleviate the growing trouble and discomfort Sunny chomped down on the ferret's exposed back, resulting in a surprised jump and slight yipe, before recommending, "Let's get you down and bent over for me."

With trembling legs, Frederick reluctantly yet eagerly lifted off and fell onto his hands and knees, his craving driving a strong impatience. Needing some sort of stimulation, his teeth sank down on his lip as a distraction even though nearly no wait existed whatsoever. As the sound of Sunny getting into position filled his ears, his head dropped forward and lowered. The meat that had momentarily vacated quickly filled back up the previously occupied hole. A groan blissfully escaped his chest, "Gahh.. fuck Sunny... I need you to take me hard.. please give it to me!"

It was beautiful music to Sunny's ears. His hands slid onto the ferret's hips and he dug his claws in, causing a delightful level of light pain. The canid's thrusting became passionate and rough and his eyes closed involuntarily and rolled slightly upwards. Their panting, moaning and huffing escalated into a dynamic symphony of overwhelming ecstasy that filled the room. Sunny could hold back no longer. He used an impressive strength, fueled by a level of pleasure he had never experienced before, to lean forward and roughly slammed the ferret's face into the carpet, causing the slightest of rug burn to heat a tiny section of his nose. The passionate in and out motion became harder and faster until he rammed his knot in without holding anything back and let his load explode within Frederick's tight hole. His body locked into place and his head wavered and swam as his ears were battered by a loud squeal/yelp from the bottom male.

Sunny fell forward onto the mustelid and heaved his chest, attempting to catch his breath. Between breaths, once he regained some degree of composure, he feebly asked, "holyhell... that was fucking... wow.... Did you..?" Huffing roughly, the top male was unable to finish his question for the moment. The ferret's head shaking no was sensed as it passed along through their bodies. He offered, "Mm.. once I can pull out, I'll take care of you.."

Frederick groaned desperately, "No.. I can't wait.. just finish me off.. hummpphhh... please, I can't handle it!"

Sunny chose to focus his energy on taking care of Frederick, rather than speaking. His arm made it's way around the bottom male's midsection and his hand gripped the pre lubed dick and started stroking immediately. It was beyond obvious that Frederick had been riding the edge for a while, to the point that it seemed impossible that he hadn't shot off. The lull while Sunny recovered had allowed the ferret to retreat back from that line. He pumped vigorously up and down the twitching shaft, wanting nothing more than to relieve the male of what had to be nearly an uncomfortable need to finish. A beckoning whisper was passed along to Frederick, "Come on, Frederick.. Cum for me.." Frederick was forced into a constant whine as his dick pulsed heavily, letting Sunny know that he had succeeded in giving the white furred male a mind blowing orgasm. Sunny had an idea flash into his mind and he slid his hand forward, catching most of the ferret's cumshot, with such volume that it poured out and off onto the carpet.

The canid allowed Frederick to relax and recover, as well as waited until he was able to pop his knot out. Frederick fell onto his side, and remembered the movement Sunny had made as he was cumming. His eyes lazily drew towards the other man, unfocused for a moment, and looked to him with peculiar interest.

Sunny smiled proudly and commented, "Mmm.. it just seemed like such a waste. I think it should go somewhere better than the floor, right..?" The brown, stripy cupped hand was raised to his muzzle and the ferret's load was slurped into his mouth, swallowing it happily while meeting Frederick's gaze.

Mr. Thomson was temporarily speechless. When the functioning of his mouth returned, he energetically gushed, "Fucking hell, Sunny... I... You're so fucking hot! I've never had anyone so god damn sexy.... You thought right!"

Sunny chuckled, savoring the salty taste of well earned seed coating his tongue, "Mm. I thought you'd like that. Fuck... that was seriously the best I've EVER had!"

Frederick, completely loose and relaxed and soaked in a powerful vibration of euphoria, responded with absolute amazement bursting in his voice, "Same here, my boy... same here... You're fucking wild! Honestly, I think you put me out.. I may need to go down for the night. I hope that's okay..?"

Sunny happily replied, "Really?? I'm so proud! Hehe. Umm... totally good! I don't think I've got anything left in me. Lemme get us to bed, mkay?" Frederick quietly nodded, so the man was aided to his feet and the escorted to the bedroom and passed out nearly the moment they hit the high end bed.

Both slept some of the greatest sleep of their lives. Sunny was the first to wake up. It was unnecessary to stretch, as he was as loose and relaxed as could be, but it felt incredible anyways. Upon attaining consciousness and discovering that his front was snuggled up to Frederick's backside, he gave a little hug, partly because he wanted to and partly to test if the man was awake yet, with no evidence pointing into that direction. That was fine by him, he laid contently until the blinds performed their automatic opening to permit the sunlight to fill the room. It still took a while for the ferret to stir into consciousness.

Frederick yawned and stretched before rolling over to face his companion. "Ahhh... good morning, Sunny! Quite fitting of your name for you to be up first, eh? Hehe. How'd you sleep?" A sweet, affectionate smile curled the ferret's mouth.

Sunny grinned at Frederick's joke and responded, "I suppose it is, isn't it?? Heh. Oh my gosh, I slept sooo good! I feel incredible! How about you?"

The happy mustelid mirrored the grin, "Mmm! Same here! I'm starving though! Gregory should be here soon with breakfast." He scooted over to the intercom type device on the nightstand and pressed the neon blue talk button, "Hiya, Gregory! Got an ETA on breakfast??"

Gregory's voice came through crystal clear as it was emitted from the speaker in the room, "Just a minute, sir. Just getting it on plates!"

The meal comprised of eggs, sausage, and waffles crowned with sliced strawberries, syrup and a dusting of powdered sugar, all decorated beautifully as Gregory was known for. Halfway through their breakfast Frederick's phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and looked uncertain. The company owner's position dictated that he pick it up, reluctantly answering, "Yeah..?" A back and forth ensued culminating in Frederick frowning a little and speaking with mild irritation, "Huh. Alright... I'll be in shortly.." He turned his attention to Sunny, who was fully focused on him with concerned intrigue. "Ughh... I gotta attend another damn meeting. It's pretty soon, so I gotta get ready."

Sunny felt a similar disappointment to what his new friend felt, though no quite. The patting of the soft furry chest of the ferret was followed closely by a bummed sigh, "Ah.. alright. Well, don't be too long, alright? Heh. I'd like to try and recreate last night, y'know... if it's even possible! Hehe."

Frederick grinned mischievously and rolled his eyes, "Now, now.. don't go getting me all fired up before I head off! Or.. maybe it'll make it better.. hmm.. either way, I'll be sure to get back as soon as I can!" He leaned over and locked his lips with the other male's. Following the kiss, he cocked his head and asked, "Oh.. it's okay that I do that, right..?"

Sunny held back a smile and said, "Hey, you pay to have whatever you want." He noticed the upset look displayed on Frederick's face and let his smile emerge from hiding, "I'm kidding! Of course it's okay! It's nice. You're a good kisser anyways." An irresistible urge to giggle took over at the ferret's relief and faked irritation.

Mr. Thomson laughed and blushed in embarrassment, "Ugh. Don't do that! That was rude. Heh. Anyways, I gotta get showered and ready real quick."

As the wealthy man turned to the bathroom, Sunny had his own mischievous moment as he commented, "Ooh, sorry. I suppose a punishment is in order then, mm.??"

The words struck the older male like lightning and he whipped his head around, growling his sudden overwhelming lust, "Ohhh fuck. Mmm... You're so in for it, boy. Just you fuckin wait. Mmm.."

Sunny murred, "Oh, I'm counting on it." The wild energy seemed to crackle in the air around Frederick, who turned around quickly, obviously in a rush to get everything taken care of so he could come back and use Sunny to his roughest desires.

Frederick made sure to say goodbye to Sunny again, this time giving a swift tug on the canid's fur, before he and Gregory hurried off to the meeting.

Sunny was once again left to himself for some time. Similarly to the previous day, he made some coffee, this time quite easily, having remembered how to operate the coffee pod machine, and relaxed in the nude. He realized that his clothes were still old from the other day, and the idea of wearing them again was less than desirable. They could surely be put through the wash soon, and maybe there were some clothes that could be borrowed. The fresh air seemed to lovingly request to be breathed in and amplified enjoyment of his sweet, aromatic drink out on the patio as he smoked enough of a cigarette to quell the restless withdrawal symptoms. Following his spirit bolstering start to the day, he went plodded heavily back inside and took a quick shower. The shower itself possessed a delightfully powerful spray and the stall was roomy, with a way of amplifying the sound of the splattering water pouring off of his trim body. With nobody at the apartment, the excess time was taken advantage of by mindfully scrubbing and simply taking in the sensations.

Feeling beyond refreshed, Sunny rotated the dial until the water slowed to a trickle and then dripped itself empty. Even the towels were luxurious and fluffy, and he dried off before wrapping it around his waist. He turned on the giant television for some background noise and, not wanting to get the couch wet, chose to stand rather than sit. It had been nearly 45 minutes, when Gregory returned.

The buck walked in and took off his navy blue suit jacket, hanging it gingerly on a clothes hanger. The younger man was greeted with a friendly tone, "Hey there, Sunny! Bahaha! I feel like I sound like an old man.." He imitated a raspy, elderly voice, "Hey there, sonny! Ya want a butterscotch?" A beautiful, self amused grin was expressed, "Hah! Anyway.. have you just been standing there? Cause you coulda sat down. All the furniture is treated to repel water and uhh... stains. Heh."

Sunny giggled at the mock old man voice, in addition to the suddenly obvious information regarding the protection of upholstery, "Ahhh, you crack me up! Hehe. I shoulda known! Thanks for letting me know." The seat on the couch was utilized and he leaned back with his head supported by the top of the piece of furniture, while keeping the buck as his point of focus.

Gregory smiled in satisfaction at the enjoyment expressed by the raccoon-dog at his silly portrayal. His eyes seemed to fade off elsewhere as he drifted away into thought. Upon regaining his presence in the current moment, he seemed to fidget a little. The voice that projected from his throat and mouth was seasoned with an unusual nervousness, "Umm.. heh. Ahem! Uhh.. speaking of stains..."

Sunny's head snapped up sharply at the unexpected, what seemed like a, request or suggestion. His own tone hid none of his surprise or disbelief, "Whoa... uhh." The buck seemed uncomfortable by the initial response, so Sunny hurried in finishing his thought, "I mean, yeah! Sorry, I just wasn't expecting that at all. Hmm.. I get the sense you've never actually asked for it from the others..?" This was preceded by unknowingly cocking his head and smiling sweetly, with compassion emanating from his eyes to show that all was fine and good.

Gregory released a breath that he hadn't realized he had been holding and visibly loosened. The response came out shyly, "Umm. No.. I always let Mr. Thomson invite me when he feels like it. I just..."

Sunny hushed him, "Hey, it's all good! Get over here. But I'm curious as to what made you feel like asking me, y'know, for the first time?" His eyes tracked Gregory as the man made his path over in front of him.

Having taken his place before Sunny, he dropped his pants with anxious eagerness, unveiling a swollen sheath and the tip of his cock have made the tiniest of progress to escape it's confines. "Uhh.. fuck.. I guess I'll just say it. You're so good. I actually haven't been able to stop thinking about using your muzzle again.." With face scrunched in an uncomfortable wince, he decided to share his next thought, "I umm.. I dunno how you feel about this. I know Mr. Thomson is who you're actually working for... so, with that in mind, do you like.. want me to pay..? I totally will! I just don't want you to feel ripped off or whatever... y'know..? I'm sorry, I've just never had a discussion like this. I hope it's okay."

Sunny could feel the tension and discomfort hanging thickly in the room, so he placed his hand on the toned thigh and rubbed it in reassurance. "That's very kind to offer. Thanks man! I appreciate it. Just whatever you feel like it's worth. Don't worry about needing to pay a bunch, alright?" Deciding that it was time to move forward, he placed his other hand firmly on the sheath that had continued to release it's contents at a glacial pace, even through the stressful conversation. "And wow! I can tell! Been like this very long..?"

The tall, sinewy buck glanced around coyly and, having never discussed the topic in such detail with another man before, provided the sensitive information, "Uhh. Started up yesterday evening, then woke up with the biggest, hardest morning wood I've ever had, plus a bit of a mess to clean up. Heh. Since then, I've been managing this situation."

The youthful male caringly responded, "Aww, that's quite the compliment! Heh. Don't worry, we'll get you taken care of." The tantalizing brushing of his fingers to the deer's tender region had enticed the long cock to slip halfway out, and he wasted no further time. Rather than any teasing or build up, he enveloped Gregory's meat in his muzzle. As usual, he expertly blew the male, slobber trailing down the veiny pole, resulting in the collected drool dripping to the carpet from the gradually tightening pouch hanging below. After a couple of minutes, filled with weak groans and increasingly shaky legs, Sunny pulled back and murmured, "Hey Gregory.. umm.. I was wondering.." He started and maintained a steady stroking with a loose grip, "Do you think.. and feel free to say no.. would you maybe uhh... want to try something that we could both enjoy..?"

Taken aback, Gregory gulped stressfully and requested clarification, "Ohumm... like what..?" He felt he knew what was being proposed, but was thrown off and was not thinking clearly or as quick as he normally would.

Sunny kept his gaze locked where it had been and elaborated uncertainly, "I was hoping that you might like... fuck me..? I know you're straight, but I think you'll love it. Not because I'm a guy, but... like you said, 'a muzzle's a muzzle'. Well, a tail hole's a tail hole. Can you really say you've never wanted to fuck a chick in the ass...?"

Gregory mulled over the challenge to his thinking, and the potential for a new pleasurable experience. He admitted in a matter of fact tone, "Well, I suppose I HAVE had that desire. And none of the women have ever even been slightly open to it..." His focus faded out into the distance in reflection, sensing an unexpected opening up to the idea.

Realizing that an actual shot existed at convincing the long, toned deer to participate in a mutually pleasurable activity, he tread lightly and chose his words carefully, "Right! It'll be just like that, except I don't have tits or anything. But you won't even miss that, I'll be down on all fours, plus I'll keep quiet and if it helps, you can put a hot video on. Since I'm also straight, I'm sure anything you pick will also be something I love!" The urge to lift his head and cast a hopeful look up at Gregory was irresistible, which felt affirmed by what he was reading on the lengthy face.

Noisily filling his lungs and letting it go with an emotional sigh, Gregory gave in to his curiosity, "Um.... Yeah, sure. Alright. Wanna come to my room..?" His hand extended down and gestured for the raccoon-dog to take it as assistance to get up.

Having been pulled up, accompanied by a "HUP!" noise, Sunny waited impatiently for Gregory to lift his pants up and lead the way to his room. The journey there seemed to take forever as time dilated due to anticipation. Once in the room he scanned his environment, taking in everything with extreme detail. The assistant certainly lived the high life! Several feet from the bed, he faltered, unsure of what to do since he was taking things easy. The best likely option was to suggest, "Why don't you put something on that'll help you get in the mood, alright? And we'll ease into it." A gesture was softly offered for Gregory to sit on the edge of the bed, where the video would be in perfect view.

The antsy deer mumbled, "Uhh.. yeah. Perfect!" He appeared to be somewhere else as he scrolled through his list of favorite pornos. The one selected was of a Clydesdale, black with a grey and white mottled face coloring and a pure black, thick cock, paired up with a grey wolf, massive in stature and general size, yet was bursting at the seams with the fat meat shoving it's way up inside her. Her ecstatic howling drew Gregory's attention, so much so that he had been unaware of his pants being completely removed and had the canid's moist, hot maw around him.

Sunny saw the change on Gregory's face as it became shadowed with a burning primal desire, especially once the man was shocked back to the more present moment with the sensation of the muzzle he had already come to crave slurped up and down his shaft. The raccoon-dog, needing to make it to the next scene in their act, started taking as much of the deer's dick into his throat, swallowing and gagging around it noisily. The craving to stroke himself turned irresistible, and becoming hard was made effortless while he watched the she wolf being nearly split in two. The member in his mouth throbbed heavily and he had to ask out of desperation, wanting every single extra second of rough pounding he could get from the gorgeous buck, "Hey.. you wanna..?" Gregory mostly stayed silent, except for deep breathing that had built up, but still managed nod his head. Sunny patted the deer's calf and signaled to follow his lead. He had Gregory stand up and, while he took his own position on all fours, crawl up behind him so they both could watch the two go at it on the large screen hanging on the wall. In preparation, one of the pillows on the bed was tucked under his top half. At last, he murred, "I'm ready. Just be easy putting it in, okay? I can handle a lot after that."

The deer scooted closer to the rear end of the first male he was seconds away from penetrating. The entire situation paralyzed him with it's sheer intensity and surreal feeling, resulting in his head swimming. As if his body and mind were being read, because they were, Sunny reached back and captured the lengthy buck cock in his palm and fingers and delicately tugged until it was snug up against the tight, hungry hole. It sat there briefly but he felt another pull that communicated it was time to do his part of the effort. The instructions to be soft with his entrance repeated in his mind, and he regained enough of his composure to begin pushing his hips forward. Initially he could feel the resistance keeping him out but he inevitably felt the hole surrender to him.

The sensation of the cock, of greater length and girth than the other man's, drove Sunny's face into the pillow in order to stifle the noise that strove to fight free from his lungs and lips. Gratitude filled his mind for Gregory's careful method of insertion because, had he been less restrained in his efforts, it would have likely been quite painful. The thrusting, which had started out weak accompanied by a stiff and rigid anxious feeling, evolved into a looser and more natural motion. The increasing pace and force had Sunny struggling to keep his vocalizations on the quieter end as the stretching out of his ass and the depth to which he was being explored was growing. In little time, his canid cock was firmly pulsing in sync with each hump that bottomed out Gregory's dick into him. Everything in him screamed to cry out and stop suppressing the natural expression of beautiful pleasure. The only tactic in his arsenal in the moment was to bite down into the pillow and squeeze his eyes shut while controlling his breathing.

Meanwhile, Gregory had remained faded away into the sex scene before him. However, once in a rhythm, he eventually glanced down thoughtlessly only to realize that from his vantage point he actually couldn't exactly tell that the person he was fucking wasn't a female. He managed to liken it to an more skinny woman, with an ass on the tinier side. He could imagine the one taking his cock as having small tits as well, small enough to not be able to see from above, behind, or to the side. Essentially it all reduced down to appearing that he had finally found a woman who was open to a good ass fucking, and a woman who was DAMN GOOD at taking it too. He found his hands floating forward and gripped into the androgynous hips, enabling him to pump rougher.

The moment he felt his hips held, Sunny lost the ability to keep quiet. What was allowed out was a high pitched whining and whimpering. Next, which caused Sunny to flush and lose his breath with triumphant lust, an unexpected sound graced his perky ears. The wild event was hearing Gregory, humping harder and harder, groaning, "Ohhh.. FUCK YEAHHH..." It actually stunned the young man completely silent for several seconds before uncontrollably yelling ecstatically into the item being used as a muffler for his noises.

During this time, the meeting Frederick had attended had come to an early end. As per usual after such events, the company's owner caught a rideshare back to his apartment. His assistant always dropped him off, but he usually caught a cab or rideshare to return. The deep burning fire that Sunny had ignited within him had him hustling home, absolutely needing to quench his heated and already half hard cock in his young, tight little man whore. The impatient tapping of his foot echoed in the elevator, seeming to mildly irritate one of the several other occupants. The hallways blurred by in a haze as tunnel vision slightly obscured his peripheral awareness. With his hand finally grasping the cold metal doorknob firmly, there was a noticeable loosening in the pent up tension held in his body.

Breathing out an explosive exhale, he set about his quest to find the place he so desperately desired to park his dick. The first few places searched were the bedroom, then the bathroom, and then the balcony. No luck, and since he had already ventured through the wide open living room, the only other place that felt possible would be the kitchen. Beyond that, the single remaining option, in his mind, would be that Sunny had left and gone home. Or maybe out getting food or shopping for something, though neither of those seemed likely. With the kitchen completely devoid of inhabitants, it seemed best to ask Gregory for information. An urgent feeling had sprouted and flourished, and his compulsion drove him swiftly to the other resident's door. The high quality of the building resulted in impressively sound proof walls and doors, and therefore prevented almost any noise within the room from penetrating and exiting the barrier.

In his excitement and angst, Frederick somewhat barged into his assistant's bedroom. Before the door had even revealed much of the interior, he blurted out uncomfortably, "Hey Gregory! Did you end up taking Sunny ho...." The sight of the two fucking created a long pause as the ferret froze absolutely motionless before he gasped out the completion of his question in a much more hushed manner, "ome.....?"

The blood surged and boiled in his veins and his head felt light and dizzy as he swayed weakly on his feet. Still fairly paralyzed, his mind raced to figure out and take in as much information as possible. The auditory sense was assaulted by the sounds of the male and female blasting from the television in addition to the hard slapping sound of Sunny being fucked almost violently by the thick dicked buck to the wild, primal groans and grunts of that male. There was also a variety of muffled noises not entirely confined within the depths of the pillow.

The visual information gathered was first of the absolute monster of a horse cock brutally penetrating the she wolf being projected from the screen. Next, of course, was the shocking scene of two straight males mating about as rough as anyone possibly could. The final detail that was picked up happened to be Sunny's face, now turned towards him, with eyes fluttering spasmodically and a crushing grip on his lip with his fangs. The young man appeared to be acknowledging his presence, having heard him enter the room and speaking, something which Gregory was clearly beyond at this point.

An overwhelming sense of craving and wanting to please the confused and fully hard cocked ferret exploded throughout the raccoon-dog, prompting him to faintly motion Frederick over, further beckoning by opening his maw and dangling his tongue out in an overt and emphatic invitation. The pleasure crackling electrically through every cell in his body kept him stuck where he was, head off to the side, rear raised for the taking and his top half lying limp on the bed and pillow. Assistance was a necessity by this point if his muzzle were to be used at all. There was a sudden sense of certainty that it was beyond the point that his male noises could even bother the other straight man, and he let out a deep, resonant moan that had been accumulating the entire time, "Ohhhgoddohhfuckkmeeee...." The powerful shine in the currently uninvolved man's eyes communicated that he had never needed anything more before in his life.

Running on pure instinct, the ferret was carried by his legs without even noticing. All he knew was that there was a force pulling him toward the young man. Having floated over in a deep haze, he found himself in front of the bed and there was no longer pants covering his more tender region. The fleshy rod bounced as it throbbed to his heartbeat above the canid's head. There was a certain look in the shuttering, barely visible eyes that pleaded him to help himself to the muzzle with the lolled out tongue. A moan escaped his lips as he leaned down and picked up Sunny's front half, giving extra support by holding up the younger man's shoulders in addition to Sunny forcing himself to raise up by his arms.

Sunny was essentially gone from the world, completely immersed in overwhelming desire and needs and their current fulfillment. Enough presence and awareness of the situation was in his possession for him to shakily maintain his position and keep his mouth open for Frederick's use. With how difficult it was to hold onto his sense of sight, he did still muster up enough power to make the slightest moment's contact between their eyes. His expression was one of delight to see Frederick and know that the ferret, who had clearly struggled during his time away judging by the size and stiffness of his erection and the fact that the cock was already somewhat smeared with a coating of pre, was to find a similar blissful oblivion of pleasure that he and Gregory were already submerged under. With the slightest of nods, his encouragement to the fired up ferret had it's intended effect, and the sensations of a slick, salty flavored cock filled up his muzzle.

Frederick drank in the sight of his cock disappearing into the hot, wet tunnel of the canid's face. Chills crept their way up his spine and caused his muscles to twinge in wild shivers. His pace and depth were kept light for the moment while he processed everything that was happening. It was all beyond his wildest imagination. Here he was, sharing one straight man with another straight man, with the one pumping into the other's tail hole as hard as he could. Gregory truly seemed to be loving it too! The buck had an animalistic searing energy exuding from his eyes and face as his larger cock rapidly rammed in and out of the boy toy, and the heavy grunting also communicated his spectacular, unexpected passion.

Every single aspect of the scene led to Frederick releasing any apprehensions he had held, and he pushed slowly forward, causing him to explore the precious space that was Sunny's throat. The sensation was so wild, so electric, that it seemed impossible to feel that good. The tighter area beyond the back of the raccoon-dog's mouth squeezed down tighter and released over and over as Sunny swallowed and gagged. Even though it looked uncomfortable for the young man, with his loud reflex kicking off again and again, and tears streaming down his face from the corners of his eyes, the canid made no efforts whatsoever to stop or pull back. The moments where Frederick took in the scene of both cocks buried balls deep in Sunny, with the ferret's sack on the boy's chin and absolutely no trace of Gregory's dick outside of the hole, all had Frederick wobbling on his legs, bucking involuntarily and whimpering and wailing his satisfaction into the room.

Gregory no longer had any concerns as to whether the person he was fucking was male or female, and it surprisingly only made it hotter when he looked forward and finally became aware of his boss's presence and the fact that the male who had seduced him in a way was now being spit roasted between them. The escalating howling projecting out of the television speakers was ringing in his sensitive deer ears, and he heard the male and female approaching release at the same rate that he was, which he was nearly there. He decided that he wanted this right now so he dug into Sunny's hips and humped with a revitalized vigor. Nothing else mattered in life other than emptying his seed into the person he was currently mating, and within a few seconds of the Clydesdale overflowing his wolfie partner with his thick, seemingly never ending ejaculate, Gregory gave one final heroic thrust and painted the insides of the canid with his hot spunk. He cried out weakly as he came, "FFFFFFUUUUCCCKKK...!! ahhhnnn..... ohgod.....uhhff..". Having been giving every ounce of his strength into working towards this indescribable unleashing of the most pure euphoria, he lost all ability to keep upright and pulled out, falling backwards onto the bed.

Sunny experienced Gregory's explosive and disabling finish, feeling his prostate battered by the man's desperate pounding, and had his load forcibly shot onto the bedspread. What would have been a scream, had it not been muffled by the meat down his throat, came out as little more than a combination of a moan and loud gurgling sound.

An enticing idea generated in Frederick's mind. He pulled his cock out of Sunny's maw and lifted the younger male's head by his chin before speaking with a passionate, confident tone, "You're coming with me." Summoning a strength created solely by his searing lust, he somehow managed to pick Sunny up by his middle and carried him through the apartment. As he did so, a trail of Gregory's cum dripped out from the used tail hole while the young man whimpered and huffed heavily. Frederick dropped Sunny on the table outside, with the top half laid flat on it while his legs dangled loosely over the edge. There was no time to waste and he was able to simply shove his dick into the pre warmed hole, as it was slick and had already become accustomed to being stretched out by a cock of much greater girth.

Sunny whined as he was again penetrated, even after having shot off a load less than a minute prior. The ferret's spire was immediately roughly fucking him, and he could feel his sensitive gland inside was once again pressed and teased, causing his legs to spasm sharply. His voice was high pitch, loud, and soaked with overwhelming shakiness, "Ahhh... hahhhh....mmmhhh... fuckkk, Frederick...ohmygodd......"

The vocalizations from the bottom male, which sounded almost like it was way too much to handle,stoked his furious craving and desire. He proudly grunted, "Mmm! Yeah?? All good?? Mmmfuck... Is it too much?" The response was glorious, "Al....most... don't mmmmstop..." It only inspired him to explosively thrust into Sunny. The breeze of fresh air and the incredible image of both Sunny's rump, back, and head, as well as the expansive city view completed a fantasy he never knew he needed to satisfy. The closer he got to his peak, the closer the raccoon-dog sounded as well. To further excite himself, he dug his sharp nails into the canid's rump and dragged them down, scratching into the flesh beneath the short fur. In very little time, his furry sack tightened up to his body and he shuddered as he grunted loudly and emptied his semen into Sunny's hole as the second load in under 10 minutes. His brutal finishing thrusting once again caused the canid to cry out in a sharp almost scream as he exploded in another dry orgasm.

Sunny lay whining and panting on the table, spasming occasionally from aftershocks jolting his system. He faintly requested, "humm... f... Fred...erick... take.. to.. bed...? Please...?" The sound of the ferret panting and catching his breath filled his ears in combination with the cool, clean breeze brushing over them. Shortly after making his request, it was granted and he was once again scooped up and carried into Mr. Thomson's bedroom and gently laid on the spectacularly high end, cloud like bed. He blew out a heavy breath and went limp, relaxing and stewing in the euphoric mixture of neurotransmitters firing off and filling his brain and body. His voice carried with a beautiful afterglow present in it, "Fuck... that was... this IS.. honestly the best I've EVER felt... cuddle up with me.."

Frederick needed absolutely no encouragement and was swiftly back behind his companion and wrapped up around him. "You got it!" They laid there cozily for a bit under ten minutes before he couldn't hold back a question that had been repeating in his mind, "Umm... exactly how the fuck did you convince Gregory to fuck you??"

Sunny weakly giggled at the urgency in Frederick's voice, "Hehe.. oh. Jealous? Mmm.. Well, I buttered him up by sucking him off for a bit, which HE requested by the way.. heh. Apparently I'm so good that he had to test me out again! Although I'm sure you know that already. But once I had him going, I asked if he'd fuck me, because it'd be like fucking a female in the ass. We made him comfortable and that was it!"

Frederick's eyes went wide at how easy it had been for a man to seduce his straight assistant. "Holy hell.... I wish I had known that! Hehe. I suppose it takes a hetero to know how to work another hetero into hooking up, huh..? Buuutt.... I guess I can see how his experience would have him breaking down the door for more of your talented little mouth. Mmm... also, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be wound up all day, so you better get used to it. You have probably 25-30 minutes to prepare."

Sunny had an inspiration for an idea and turned his head to the side so Frederick could hear better and then murred, "I suppose so. Heh. Mmm, yeah..? You gonna make your sexy little whore work hard for his money..mmm..?"

The ferret took a sharp breath and closed his eyes slowly out of stunned excitement and arousal. His sheath immediately filled a bit and he released the air from his lungs in a groan, "umnnnf... you have less than ten minutes now.. You are so fucking hot, my little whore. Shall we see if Gregory is up for another round..?"

In an amused chuckle Sunny replied, "Mmm, that's more like it. And sure! If he can even walk yet. Hehe." To add some sweet sensuality, he pushed his firm little rump back against his white fluffy ferret client.

Frederick grinned wildly and rolled over to the intercom system, once again reaching out to his deer assistant by depressing the blue comms button. He inquired, "Gregory, my good man.. Would you care to join us for another round? We'll be starting shortly." There was silence for at least fifteen seconds, so he moved on to warmly comment to Sunny, "By the way, since you've been so good to me and Gregory, I'll be getting you a present tomorrow, if you'll be here at some point. It's something you and he can share. It's a surprise though, so you'll have to wait and see!"

Sunny, with intrigue dripping in his voice, sighed and replied, "Mmm, fine. Hehe. Thanks though! I'm excited to see it!"

In the other room, on the bed that was now sticky with two men's cumshots, the buck remained laid back. As his boss's offer projected through the speaker connecting their rooms, he sat up and looked into the mirror on the other side of his room. Thoughtfully, he considered whether he was interested in participating in such an act again. The vivid memory of the most intense orgasm of his life played and replayed in his mind. As his eyes met those of his reflection's, he straightened up and spoke to the man in the mirror and asked, "A tail hole's a tail hole, right Gregory?" A deep sense of conviction and interest was lit and burned hot within him as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed.

Thanks for reading everyone! I believe a third chapter is in order, eh? ;3. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!!