Published form of Untouchable

Story by Dars on SoFurry

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#1 of Published work

This is a preview of the recently published first chapters of Untouchable.

The full book is available on Amazon at



The prologue consists of fast paced world hopping for the character of a series I have in development into this world and series. To prevent spoilers I do not provide much of the context needed to fully understand the prologues events. Please start at chapter one for the start of this series if that is an issue.

Olly paced the dank underground train station in the tunnel between the Twilight Lake valley and the dusty plains of Terraforma.

Jeb's untethered bodily memory echo hovered in the air. "You can't stay here."

I tried bringing Jeb back with Reshaping while projecting Giving.

The green and prismatic wisps flew from my hand into Jeb but the only definition that returned formed a shadowy outline with a jagged crack of clarity showing chestnut hair and a hazel eye.

All the rest of Echo remained a translucent haze where someone might have been.

I bit my lip. "I can't leave, don't you get it. You're gone if I can't find the missing pieces."

Echo faded from view.

Susurrus's child sized hand grasped the open air pulling Echo back in a flash of Magenta, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. "I got him. I need to make a more permanent stabilizer."

Echo appeared after a second continuing as if nothing happened. "You'll be gone if you look for me. Don't wake up there, please."

Susurrus stood pink rayon tee dress billowing. "He's right. If you wake up there, you'll forget. It's how it works there to heal broken minds. But you still need to."

I scuffed my foot under the slowly swaying light bulb. "It's worth it to me if I save-save him."

Echo hovered closer. "You'll be alone, and you'll forget."

Susurrus tilted her head. "Maybe he won't. Sleep connects him here. We could give reminders. Connecting thought, knowledge, and self is the purpose of Church Town."

Echo raised a hand towards me, shimmering translucent like a heat mirage under the amber incandescent light. "Please, you could go home and be safe. Fear and the Shadow are here. They're claiming the worlds. You need to go home. Then Whisper can restore everything."

My hand passed through Echo's.

Susurrus cracked small knuckles. "I'll handle the Shadow. That Spider's tough, but I'm scrappy."

I grit my teeth. "You're like Echo right now. They're too much for you. And Fear's definitely too much for Echo. You're sure he's unresponsive out there?"

Susurrus shrugged. "Yep, total cabbage. Gram told me to get it taken care of before Mom got involved, or your sister."

I clenched my fists. "Has she?"

Susurrus tapped her temple. "At this depth, I have no idea. I can probably handle the Spider, but that will leave Echo to get you updates. That can only happen from the town, here, or the lake."

I turned, heading down the right-facing tunnel label Twilight Lake and Scholium. "Then let's go back."

Susurrus appeared in front of me from thin air, left hand extended in a stop gesture. "You'd need to pass another check and offer up another story. We don't have time for that. I will have Echo dropped off in the center of the lake. Then I'll get you to the church."

Echo's visible eyebrow scrunched. "Please, Olly, go home if the link fails-"

"No." I clenched my teeth. "I'd rather be gone with you."

Susurrus held a palm up. "Then it's settled. I'll need the ones you still have for a sec."

I covered my pocket. "Why do you need them?"

Susurrus shook her head. "Well, my sisters aren't normal, but three protectors would make sense to them. I can arrange to have the rest of the stored recognize you on some level while in the Memorium."

I pulled out the bag of crystal cubes, spheres, and pyramids, holding it to my chest. "What about the ones that went ahead?"

Susurrus held out her hand patiently. "Please, I want to help. If you get the nine pieces I detected, all the rest come along with them... they've been entwined. Some are dormant already, which will make it harder. When the world layer broke, so did the silos for self."

I nodded.

Susurrus grabbed four small crystal cubes in one hand.

Light pink eyes flashed Prismaticly, then she returned the crystals with small clinks.

Then focused on the bag eyebrows knit.

The amber light above flickered.

Echo hovered just outside the light. "Olly, I feel so helpless."

I held my hand where Echoes cheek should have been. "I'll get you back. Then, if I do forget, you can get me back."

Susurrus passed me the bag. "No matter how many times it takes, they will be close to you."

I pocketed the bag of crystals. "Who'd you keep?"

Susurrus's light pink eyes glowed. "Dillan and Gagan. I have my own means, so I took copies."

Echo hovered closer to the bag. "You took four."

Susurrus's glowing eyes flashed sapphire, white, and magenta before going back to normal. "I took Mom and Grampa. I'm just planning. Anyway, I'll make cousin a construct to use... we need the rest of his Echo's to form a complete self and the link."

My heart stuttered. "You mean part of him will be back?"

Susurrus's shoulders drooped. "Not in the waking world, or most of the realms. Just the Dreaming Real. It's just a stable construct linked to the husk inself."

My hand hovered where Memories heart would be. "Gave me hope for a sec."

Susurrus crouched down. "There is hope, but we need to move faster."

The ground flowed upward like oil separating from water.

The flows of stone didn't claim portions from the ground like with other Makers as it split into three human shapes.

A petite red-haired man flashed into color, stumbling forward after Susurrus tapped the back of his head. "Dillan, your naps over."

Dillan gasped, "What happen-"

Susurrus waved a hand, Dillan's mouth kept moving wordlessly. "I'm on a time crunch, less talky-talky, and more listening, please."

Susurrus moved on, tapping the color into Gagan. Who blinked blearily around.

Susurrus tapped the last shape, Jeb's chestnut hair colored and skin pinkened.

Echo hovered close to his clone. "It's just a shell. Not me."

Susurrus held the construct's hand palm up towards Echo. "Yes, but it will be the stabilizer. In you go. Once switched and linked, I can take the husk to the lake."

Echo looked back at me.

I nodded.

He touched his translucent palms to the lifeless standing form.

The construct of Jeb's body breathed deep, the color draining from the mostly translucent husk.

I rushed forward, hugging Echo.

Susurrus rubbed her palms together. "Ok, ok, ok, oh-kay. Now, to make things weird."

Echo rubbed my back, holding me close. "What do you mean?"

Susurrus wibble wobbled her hand at Echo. "Cuz, you didn't use humans. If Olly's going to see you in dreams, it's got to be normal for him."

I quirked an eyebrow. "What's that mean?"

Susurrus spun tee dress billowing. "Jebediah's got a fetish or was on a budget. Take your pick."

Echo held me. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Susurrus knocked Gagan's chest with the backs of her knuckles flashing green. "Course not, you're a piece of Cuz. You'll see, watch."

Gagan's raven hair lengthened into fur, dripping down his face like flowing water.

Mahogany eyes went yellow near the iris as his nose lengthened.

The humanoid black Collie looked back at a tail, then rounded glaring at Susurrus.

Susurrus waved Gagan away with a shooing gesture, approaching an alarmed freckled face redhead of Dillan. "Cool your jets, Big-boy. You promised to help."

I blocked Susurrus. "What're you doing?"

Susurrus twitched two fingers in a scoot gesture. "I told you, making them relatable."

The world rippled in purple and onyx.

I stood outside a church by myself. "That bitch."

A circle of stained glass sat in the roof gable with a white-steepled bell tower cupola.

The cement walkway and a chain-link fence cut through the mixed crabgrass lawn.

I jogged down the path away from the church playground through my home town towards my childhood home and the train tracks behind it.

I slipped on a midnight purple pod with turquoise stripes kicking it off the sidewalk into the woodchips by the swings.

In a puff of purple and onyx mist, Susurrus appeared. "Olly, I sent you to the church. You needed to go inside and wake up."

I held my hand up from my side.

A numb tingle ran up my arm. "Where's Jeb?"

Susurrus beckoned me to follow. "Flying over, and red, yellow, and blue wisps don't work here. At least not yet. Gagan took the husk to the lake. Since he can't talk yet, they won't ask for a story."

I followed slowly towards the church crossing my arms. "You have your abilities?"

Susurrus skipped down the road. "I'm special. My sisters can't manage me. I can change almost anything."

I crossed my arms. "Why didn't you bring the other two?"

Susurrus gestured at her short hair. It flowed out into a long braid. "Amnesia-Cuz started telling me my business. You like? I can make it red like your sister's."

I popped my knuckles. "You think looking like my sister will win you points when you're telling me what to do?"

Susurrus's braid became a pixie cut. "True story, uncle Bitterroot does that."

I paused at the Kings' walkway for a second. "Susurrus, you're not normal."

Susurrus waved me to hurry. "Family trait, you should love it."

I jogged to catch up. "What is it like inside?"

Susurrus held her elbows. "It's all real memories. It's a way of processing unresolved emotions. That's why you forget. You will wake up in the middle of someone's life mixed with yours. Just the way Jeb hoped you would... Someday, but not like this."

I turned at flapping behind us. "Where'd he get the memories."

Susurrus stomped her foot. "Dad and Mom gathered them. Now! Would you stop stopping? This is all time-sensitive... Fear's already in there, and he's killed all but two. Dormants are more challenging to migrate."

A Calico Angel and a winged primarily black wolf landed.

I rounded on Susurrus. "What do you mean killed? I thought he was bodiless like Echo."

The Calico signed, but from my angle, I couldn't read the furred digits.

Susurrus tilted her head. "You know ASL. Well, aren't you full of annoying surprises!"

Calico Angel signed something else.

Susurrus grabbed my arm. "You're pretty good for high school level. You winged ones can both practice while this one dreams, come on. The infected clones can influence emotions."

The Calico threw up paws, silently huffing.

Echo folded silver and gold wings landing. "You didn't actually mute Gagan he's just quiet. He'll be stuck coming up with stories for your sisters."

Susurrus huffed. "Well, shit, That's what happens when you distract me, Olly-in-law."

Echo walked a pace behind. "You never give anyone your full attention. Maybe if you did, you would remember your goals when people surprise you."

Susurrus elbowed me. "See, I told you he was telling me my business."

I smiled back at Echo. "I default to his side. You get that, right?"

Susurrus held her index finger high in the air. "Annoying. Ok, you need to get in that church and wake up."

I rubbed my forehead. "First, how? Second, how will I find the pieces? You said you arranged for them to recognize me, but how will I recognize them?"

Susurrus gave me a thumbs up. "Good quality check. Everyone will notice you and feel they have to talk to you."

Calico Dillan signed, gesturing at me. "Ability good, socially awkward man."

Susurrus giggled, signing back.

I clenched my teeth as we reached the chain-link fence. Their bonding now, what a dick.

Echo nudged my shoulder. "I'm socially awkward too."

I took out the bag of crystals. "That still didn't answer how I'd notice them."

Susurrus rounded on me. "You won't remember them. They'll come to you."

I scuffed my foot on the walkway. "What if I push them away? I'll need to care."

Susurrus bit her thumb nail. "True story. Hold up the bag."

I raised my arm.

Susurrus stared intently light pink eyes flashing sapphire, white, and magenta. "Done, I made sure you will want the artifacts, and you'll Crush on any of the living entwined. Same for Jeb pieces and artifacts, and vice versa."

I dropped my arm. "What, no... seriously?"

Susurrus opened the church door. "It'll work now. Inside, wake up."

I passed her into the Church, stopping by a red velvet pew cover. "Still don't know how. You know I'm Jewish, right?"

Susurrus nodded at a pew for me to sit. "Jeb's not. You sit, breathe very deep, close your eyes, then exhale."

I side-eyed Echo. "Sounds like if I were frustrated, I'd pop back and forth."

Susurrus pinch fingers closed in front of her eyes, pantomiming deep breaths. "Dreams happen here, but you are there-there till the cycle ends, or you go back to the lake. Now would you wake the fuck up?"

I sat. "Fine, you're as bossy as Sandra."

I breathed deep.

Fear loomed behind Susurrus in the church door a black blade stabbing out through her chest.

Echo's paw flashed with lightning. "Fuck."

I closed my eyes as a blood spray hit me, exhaling, "shit."

Jerking awake, Oliver sat up, rubbing his muzzle bridge.

He rolled out of his king-sized bed, padding to the kitchen. "Wow, what was that... will this happen on AZT?"

He put a pumpkin pie spice instant coffee pod in the maker, checking his phone.

Derek and Chase hadn't texted, so they would arrive at the earliest around six.

He grabbed his coffee, sitting at his kitchen table. "Work from home or head to the office?"

He texted Paul, "Should I work from home or adult to the office?"

Paul texted back, "Boots, I have to dress, so should you."

Oliver got up, grabbing a tofu breakfast sausage sandwich from the freezer. "I had my first dream in a long time."

Paul texted, "Oooh, was I in it? Was it a naughty dream?"

Oliver snorted. "No, not naughty, Pervy Puss. You were using sign language because a creepy witch girl stole your voice."

Paul texted, "Let me guess, you failed to get it back. What would I give to live where you are, dammit?" Mermaid emoji.

Oliver sipped his coffee, opening a news app, then texted, "You're right. I'll dress and go to work."

Paul texted, "Good, fair is fair, see you at Purr tonight, Boots."

Oliver headed to the shower skimming the Economist, then texted back, "See you then, Puss, TTYL."

Chapter 1: A Friday Night

Xander PoV

Xander hovered by the photo albums. "It's been ten years. He doesn't look at you like that anymore."

He fell back with a creak into Sean's worn microfiber tan couch, yelling over his shoulder, "Dog, why're you taking such a long shower? Guys won't wanna dance with a wet mop."

Sean barked back in a muted baritone from the humid bathroom, "Oh, shut it." The water still running, and Pandora radio playing. "You're the one that gave me no information about the club tonight."

Xander stretched. "It's a surprise." Then snooped through Sean's caseless white tablet. Plus, I couldn't pick Ray's. It's across too many bridges.

Sean shut off the water. "Is it a themed bar? Do I need to wear anything special?"

Xander flipped through some of Sean's tiger and lion porn. "Oh, it's themed. You'll love it. It's totally up your alley."

Sean left the bathroom. "Right up my alley?"

Sean's dark wolf profile shamelessly crossed the long way through their narrow kitchen-living room.

Sean moved towards the washer and dryer closet, leaving wet splats on the unevenly dark walnut-stained wood floor.

Xander's ears perked. Why did he go around the dinner table and couch like that? It's unnecessary... is he showing off?

Sean grabbed a towel from the closet, doing a fast wipe down. "Oh, Alpha. Please tell me it's not Omega. I'm not looking for a pup."

Xander followed the towel. Sean's four-toned fur isn't that common. The whole family has it... Maybe that's why papa and momma Miller got together? Paul's four-toned, too... does that count as a type?

Sean sighed. "No pups?"

Xander sat up. "Uh-huh yeah, nope you'll be fine." He nodded. Would he let me give him a litterday scratch-down?

Sean opened the lavender-scented dryer sheet box. "So, what does 'up my alley' mean?"

Xander sniffed in lavender and cedar. I could tickle down along his gray fur from his neck to his thighs. He's so pretty.

Sean stared back at him, an eyebrow raised.

Xander dropped his ears. "Aah... what were we talking about?... Did you get your fur layered?"

Sean snorted, "Sorta, just a trim." Then moved the wet laundry from the washer to the drier, ratcheting the start.

Its rumble filled the room.

Xander played with his ruff. The layers to his fur make my black fur and this mane look so drab. I really need to get this trimmed. Then adjusted his junk. "Dude, are you not gonna towel off? And what's wrong with a pup or kitten?"

He lay back. Or a little guy like me?

Sean threw another load in the washer. "Nothing, just not my thing."

Xander leaned forward, setting the tablet on the scratched glass coffee table.

Xander sniffed the air for Sean's soap masked cedar musk. "Hey, aren't you more of an alpha than a beta at heart? Shouldn't you love a shorter guy?"

Sean stood in the puddle forming on the wood floor, then glazed over for a moment. "I guess it's just complicated with little guys. Anyway, my heart currently races for a strong guy that's, you know, my match."

Xander stretched his triceps, standing. "No matter what, you're smelling good muscle wolf, so you should get some tonight. Are you gonna dry off already, or are you going as is?" His muzzle fell. We were dumb. Never should of made a promise anyway.

Sean's full tail twitched.

Xander snapped his attention back to the moment.

Sean eyed the clothes on the coffee table. "I'm not getting arrested for public indecency. Snooping through my side of the closet then."

Xander bounced a knee. Why is everything so different now? Alpha, I wish it weren't.

Sean shook dry. "Fine, those work, I guess."

Xander headed to the kitchen.

Sean grabbed the outfit on the table.

Xander's muzzle burned. We never wrestle anymore. Why is he hanging out like that? Did he clean it in the shower? I hope he didn't smell how horny I am.

Sean gave him a shit-muzzled half whisker raise, while tail drying. "So, you're dressing me too? This is why two alphas can't date." Then added softly. "I could never be with an alpha. All they want is runting... it's disgusting. I'm no one's omega. You're not into that shit now, are you?"

Xander downed a glass of water, setting it on the butcher-board counter. "Well, I'm not gonna runt shame. But no... although, I wish I were taller."

Sean smirked. "The topic of runting makes you wish you were taller."

Xander grimaced. "Yeah, well, people have role expectations based on height."

Sean nodded, then looked at the clothes raising one ear, head tilted. "Why'd you grab these? I wear my camo sleeveless for the gym, and the jeans are for yard work and to go hiking. They're too beat up."

Xander glared up at the Alpha, refilling a glass of water. It's Seattle and an apartment you don't do yard work.

He leaned on the counter. "Sure, just put them on, Sean. They complement your gray undertones. Otherwise, everyone'll only see your blacks and browns."

Sean paused, reaching for the pants. "Maybe. I don't intimidate you, do I?"

Xander's fur stood, an itch running down his spine, sniffing more of the intoxicating cedar scent. "No, you distract me. Get dressed already. I've always been able to keep up with you three."

Sean winked. "You mean, run from Sharron."

Xander winced. "Not funny... and speak of the devil."

Sharron texted, "Are you two on the way yet? Also, why didn't Sam and I get to be surprised too?"

Xander waved Sean to hurry up, texting, "Oops, sorry."

Sean's ears dropped, glancing down at the photo albums on the cinderblock bookshelf lining the red brick and picture box window wall. "You're right about the height expectations. I wish I weren't short either. Being half a foot shorter than the average guy sucks."

Xander pinned his lashing tail to his side, following Sean's gaze to the picture of their creek, three wolf pups, and a short-nosed black collie building a dam in the water. "We're not short. Everyone else is just tall."

Sean's shoulders hunched. "I guess. If I were straight or into other wolves, everyone would assume I was an omega."

Xander grabbed his coat from the far side of the couch, covering his tail till he made it wag. What is with him and submissive's?

Sean smiled. "At least Quinnimus Maximus, Clarebear, and Nora-the-explorer always made me feel like a giant."

Xander walked past Sean towards the door.

A ticklish shiver washed over him. "The genetic lottery was rigged. But we averaged it out."

Sean's expression went wistful. "We should visit your folks."

Xander bobbed on his pads giving Sean a thumbs up. Great, he's holding his arm. He's all triggery today, but I can't mention that. He'd flip.

Papa Miller texted, "On the way?"

Xander drummed his thigh. "I'm five and a half Sean, that's a few inches' difference. Now put on your damn clothes."

Sean shook the pants out. "Well, you're still kinda tall for a... err mostly Collie. You leaving the mane? You never keep your-"

"Yeah yeah yeah." Xander's fur stood. Damn tease.

He tried smoothing his standing fur. "I'm a bushy giant for my people. Now would you get dressed?"

Sean stepped into low-rise jeans, tail swishing settling in. "I can, I guess."

Xander bounced a knee. "What'd you mean, you guess?"

Sean turned, holding up the sleeveless. "When will you date? You only seem to ask out unavailable guys."

Xander sucked in a breath. "Emotional commitment is attractive." He waved Sean to hurry. Are they all unavailable?

Sean stayed silent, straightening the shirt.

Xander checked on the rideshare service's eta. "So, mister average. Why don't you date the big strong wolves if you don't like the pups?"

Sean turned off Pandora radio, revealing a passing siren. "It just doesn't work for me."

Xander slapped his thighs. "Well, your Porn tells me big and muscly works out fine, so you're not mental. Would you hurry up?"

Sean snatched the tablet up. "Creeper much? How long of you had the password on this thing?"

Xander slipped on a smooth-surfaced waterproof coat. "Everyone knows your password. Heck, this Thanksgiving, you might find you and momma like the same porn."

Sean's jaw worked, setting the tablet on the table. "Don't talk about mom like that, dude."

The car showed a block away. "Whatever... are you ready? The ride's here."

Sean trotted to the bedroom. "I just need my wallet."

Their delayed arrival started a new dialog in the Pack's group text.

Xander's phone buzzed. "Sean, the car's here."

Sean said from the bedroom, "Geez, I'm coming."

Xander sing-sang, "Phrasing."

Sean carried a light jacket in paw. "So, what're we doing for dinner?"

Xander headed to the door. "Stop worrying. The club has a pretty good restaurant next to it, plus you can get into the club through the restaurant's bar. I've gotten to know the manager there. You'll like him. He's got a pretty sweet muzzle masking pattern."

Sean locked up their apartment. "Sweet, I hate lines. Is he married?"

Xander elbowed Sean playfully.

The hall's peeling cream-yellow wallpaper and threaded carpet smelt of the property manager's inaction.

Sean bumped his shoulder. "So, Xander? What happened with that Pincher you were telling me about? He was cute."

Xander hurried down their hall. "He had a girlfriend. My lack of bi didn't make that work. Anyway, I didn't know. Netflix and chill became Netflix and super awkward."

Sean eye-rolled, keeping pace. "Sorry, Dog. Hey, maybe it'll be the next one."

Xander glanced at a saved photo. "I guess. I've been chatting a guy for a while on the apps... But he's fully cat."

Sean missed a step. Then gently slugged his shoulder. "I have antihistamine. Maybe he'll be the one."

Xander dropped his eyes, paging the elevator. It could be you if you'd let it be.

Sean's fur stood. "Xander, This thing is so damn slow. Let's just take the stairs."

Xander half shrugged. "No, I can hear it's almost here."

He texted Dave, "Thanks for waiting."

He clicked his nails. "So, is it really cool?"

Sean shifted from paw to paw. "Yeah, allergy shots. Just shower off after you get together. And keep it to his place. I should be good. Allergies aren't worth it unless I'm the one getting some."

The elevator door opened, a crew of Siamese took the space opposite the control panel.

Xander squeezed onto the lift's far side. "Evening, ladies."

Sean stood stoically by the panel.

Xander leaned on the rail. Alpha, just pretend everyone doesn't exist when it suits you. Is he even breathing?

He let the girls continue their conversations. How does Sean do it? I can't hold still that long. It's like wolves always need to be in control or just feel like they are. Either it's a wolf thing, or Sean's just good at ignoring when people are into him. These ladies are super spicy, must be in heat. Is that how I smell to him?

Sean nudged Xander's shoulder. "How long's the drive?"

Xander jerked, coming back to himself. "Oh... less than ten minutes. Yeah, ten at the most."

Sean's nose twitched. "Hmm, don't know where that could be. There's too many places nearby."

One of the ladies waved. "Heading to a club, guys?"

Xander leaned along the rail. "Yeah, it's Friday. We're going to-"

Sean took a rapid breath. "To dinner first, then a club. But both locations are a surprise, apparently."

One of the ladies nudged their friend to leave us alone. "Enjoy dinner and the surprise."

The elevator settled.

They got off the lift at the lobby, stopping by the brass wall mailboxes.

Xander waved at the girls while Sean checked their mail but didn't grab it.

The setting sun greeted them with cooling humidity and a light breeze as they stepped outside.

He pulled out his phone. "Why'd you cut me off?"

Sean hunted for their ride. "You'd of told them. Or given a tip, at least. It's a 'surprise,' remember? And do you want randoms hovering around?"

Xander followed the pin to Dave's Retriever car. "I wasn't going to. I thought you hated surprises?"

Sean followed him to an iceberg-colored sedan. "I do. But I like people keeping their promises. Even unspoken ones."

Xander held in his scoff.

Sean got in the clean sedan after him. "Oh, will it be just you and me, or are others coming too?"

Xander pulled out his phone. "Ken and Pence are coming."

The car rumbled along the pavement to First Hill in Downtown Seattle.

He glanced up. "Don't know about Fred and Neal. Other than that, haven't heard from the rest of the pack."

Sean peered out the window as the street lights came on. "Are Ashley and Rachel getting out for once?"

Xander bounced a knee. "They haven't been on. But they are having birth-pack issues."

Sean glanced between the different street signs. "Really, like what? I thought their families came to terms with their sexuality."

Xander texted the calico restaurant manager, "we're on the way."

He hid his phone screen. "It's a mess. Rachel's mom and dad are claiming pack rights to try and annul the mating since it wasn't done in Washington."

Sean's lip curled on one side. "Those shit-eaters. Are they gonna raise Ashley and Rachel's pups or just send them into the shelter system?"

Xander flipped through some gym Instagram posts. "They wouldn't take them. They're too old, but I doubt a judge would shelter a pup into the public system."

He sank in his seat. Sean might be with someone else tonight. Guess I'll be on the couch unless I find someone.

Sean nudged him. "I noticed the driver knows where we're going without you saying."

Xander held up his phone. "Yeah, it's part of the Retriever app. I messaged the destination, and that it's a secret, Dave knows not to tell you. Give me your phone. You need the app if we're getting drinks."

The golden retriever driver nodded from the front. "Mums the word for a regular."

Sean shrugged, pausing for a second. "Back to Ashley and Rachel. Fred's a lawyer. Maybe he can help."

Xander snatched Sean's phone. "Well yeah, but a corporate lawyer... You're right. They should chat."

Sean popped joints. "Pack laws are so archaic, bureaucratic, and super old... you took more history. How old are they?"

Xander shrugged a phone in each paw. "Dude, the Pack has schismed so many times."

Xander scrolled through his last few e-mails from the Soup Kitchen while the app downloaded on Sean's phone.

Sean checked the street signs. "Are you my Hunting Wolf tonight? Or am I flying solo once we get where ever we're going?"

Xander locked Sean's phone. "I'm your Hunting Wolf. Unless I'm on the dance floor, then your Stag."

Sean gave him a side-eye glare. "Stag, Xander, come on, that's rude."

Xander scratched his elbow with Sean's phone before passing it back. "Fine-fine, sorry. Anyway, if I find a hottie, you'll be Lone Wolfing. Is that bigoted too?"

Sean pocketed the phone while playing tic-tac-toe on the fogged-up side window. "Kind of. But you're mostly dog, so it's not as offensive."

Xander shifted in his seat. "I hate needing political correctness." Then flipped through the Calico restaurant managers Muzzlebook. He's kinda like the phantom of the opera, but the masks not white. Would Sean think he's hot? 'A short cat, allergies and not my match,' ... I should go for it anyway.

Sean wiped the window peering out. "Others hate when you use them for insults and assumptions. It's rude to point out prey and vermin's lack of privilege. It would be like laughing at an anosmic guy for having anosmia."

Xander spotted a homeless guy in a doorway. Did Sky get the apartment situation resolved? Then stopped on a photo of a framed picture of the Calico with a gray Rat-hybrid and a white Sheep smiling on a beach. "True, I just wish everyone was raised in a way that didn't unknowingly offend others and all that."

Sean shrugged. "Being willing to apologize is the beginning. Just treating someone well is half the battle, but I know what you mean. It's like with Rachel's parents. They are unapologetically hateful."

Xander bounced a knee. "I wanna do something. Those two don't deserve this, but tonight is about having fun."

They pulled up into a dark-amber lit side alley with dumpsters and garbage bags strewn against the wall.

The clean kitchen air vented from above, warring with the corrupted garbage as they exited the sedan.

Sean stepped around the garbage bags getting out of the car. "Great 'up my alley,' ... not. I didn't think you meant a literal alley... and a dirty one at that."

Xander followed Sean out of the car. "We're going to the side door. Dude, relax. This way."

The door opened, catnip-flavored foods and the cinnamon and saffron of cat scents wafted out.

Sean froze behind him.

Xander pulled at Sean. "What's wrong?" Then opened the group text.

Sean's ears dropped. "I'm not sure I can go in there."

Xander gestured for Sean to come. "What do you mean?" Then texted Samantha.

Sean shifted from paw to paw. "It smells like... Uhm, Cat food."

Xander pulled Sean's arm and checked his buzzing phone. "But, you love Cat food."

Sean tail tucked, shifting from side to side. "Yeah, but I smell catnip."

Xander smacked Sean's shoulder. "You know that fad diet has you covered." Then pocketed his phone after sending, "Here."

Sean kneaded paws. "Something like that."

Xander grabbed Sean's cold right paw. "Oh, no worries. This place is catnip-free-friendly, and you had allergy shots. Come on. I'll get you an antihistamine if the cats set you off."

Xander dragged Sean inside to a Chorus of "Surprise, Happy Litterday," booming across the bustling chic dining room.

Sean elbowed him while everyone clapped. "I'm confused. My Litter was born last Wednesday."

Xander navigated to Sean's family. "And today is Friday, the day everyone could come, particularly our sisters."

Sean said, between hugs, "They musta worked hard keeping their flights a secret. You're not sneaky... hey, Ashley and Rachel are here too, you lied?"

Xander stayed near Sean. "No. Fred and Neal made sure they made it. I didn't talk to them. But if you asked about Pence and Ken, different story."

Sean headed toward the table. "Even your parents made it."

Xander patted Sean's back. "All part of the surprise. You can't have your Litterday without your Litter."

Sharron gestured around the room, glaring at him.

Xander shrugged. What's her problem now?

Everyone led Sean the rest of the way to their seats.

Sean glowed around their family. I'd kill to have that coloring. So unfair.

Xander wandered over to the host, the cute and athletic four-toned Calico from Muzzlebook.

He got a head rush from the cinnamon scent. "Hey, Paul. Thanks for letting us use the side entrance."

Paul pinched his cheek. "Anytime, handsome."

A whisper of cinnamon scent lived on after Paul's touch.

Xander touched the spot, the dining room clatter fading. "What?"

Paul purred in a soft tenor, tail dancing to the music through the walls. "You're sexy. So, should I ask you out, or will you ask me?"

Xander licked his nose. He's interested, wish I could tell that stuff. Blue eyes instead of green isn't bad. He dropped his ears. "Oh, I assumed on a Work night you wouldn't be free."

Paul's ears dropped, avoiding eye contact. "I'm off in thirty. If you wanna go dancing next door? Still single?"

Xander glanced back at Sean. Do you really want the couch? Are you ready? His heart raced. "I... yeah, I am... so, you like dogs, didn't realize, Uhm, I don't smell bad to you, do I?"

Paul relaxed, reviewing the tables and the check-in tablet. "I love dogs. That smell thing is no worse than foxes or badgers. But don't expect me to be your pup. I'm all power kitten."

Xander raised an eyebrow at Paul's dancing tail. "Power kitten, that's still a bottom?"

Paul winked down at his filling pant leg. "Close enough. I see you're 'big' into cats, obviously."

Xander slipped a paw in his pocket, masking his bulge. "I'd love to try you on. Do you think you're my size?"

Paul's fur stood. "Yeah, I think so... anyway, don't make me purr at work. Feel free to use my number."

Xander nodded, brushing the back of Paul's wrist gently, reaching to squeeze a bicep.

Paul playfully batted his paw away. "Go on back. I'll see you after the party."

The restaurant bustled around him.

Xander dropped his ears back. "You've been so helpful."

Paul half whisker raised, turning him around by the shoulders. "I'm a helpful guy. If we click, might see what else I can do for you. Now, I have work to do and calm down. You invited your family."

Paul briefly scratched above Xander's tail in the perfect spot.

Xander's vision flashed white from Paul's touch.

Then Paul gave him a playful shove.

Xander uncrossed his eyes, then headed back to the party.

He peaked over at the front-of-house, a cinnamon wisp living on his cheek.

Pence, a smaller Jack Russell terrier, waved him over, in a high tenor whisper, "Xander, you've got to help Sean. He's crashing and burning over there or is just shyer than we thought."

Pence's single brown patched almond eye rolled as Sean leaned away from the handsome gym-built panther.

The waiter refilled waters while making eye contact with Sean longer than usual.

Xander's ears tucked back. "Alpha." He shook his head. Would Sean cuddle me if he strikes out... Crap, I just made a date. It's Sean's litterday don't cock-block.

Ken, Pence's yellow lab partner, chuckled.

Xander's phone buzzed low battery. "He is hopeless, that Panther's being so obvious about it too. Is he trying to get away the idiot?"

Pence draped a white arm around Ken's neck. "He won't get any at this rate. I thought he had a thing for big cats?"

Xander squeezed Pence and Ken's shoulders. "He does, I swear. I got him Sudafed too. Maybe it's his family being around. I'll get him away hunting wolf to the rescue, doot-Du-DOO."

Pence nodded. "Good luck." Then leaned away, whispering in Ken's ear.

Xander moved past to his seat on the other side of Samantha next to Sharron. I'll wait till we get to the club, not gonna have a chance in here.

Sharron nudged him. "Hey, Xander. How's work and life treating you?"

Xander scanned the menu. "It's going well. Sean and I get to work together on a project for City Hall. My marketing firm got the bid for the new Species Equality project. What about you?"

Sharron leaned down, one ear raised at him. "Well, I just got asked to be Executive Financial Officer of the tech company I'm at. It might make it hard to have the pups Zach and I were planning for. Plus, mom and dad wanna retire from being the alphas and are putting Zach and me forward as the next couple."

Xander placed his order with the panther. Sharron as alpha wouldn't be that different from her dad, I guess.

He leaned toward Sharron. "Hard, yes, but pups would be worth it. Your family's coloring would be so cute on a pup or four."

Sharron sipped some water. "Oh, I don't doubt it. Zach and I would have adorable pups... however, the business world doesn't seem to care whether parents want pups or not. It doesn't matter who's staying home for them. It's like Zach's work or my work see us as a failed investment or that we don't care enough about the company."

Xander placed his napkin on his lap. "That's crap. We've laws against that stuff."

Sharron tapped the table with a nail. "No. We've laws against them taking actions that are provable against employees having pups. But you can't stop managers from doing things based on their opinions that they never share with anyone. Hey, for all I know, it might be something you and Sean work on."

The food soon arrived, Sharron got a Spicy Trout, and he got the Glazed salmon.

Sean kept leaning awkwardly away from the big cat.

Xander flagged the waiter, then ordered Sean a huckleberry mojito and a long island and asked they be extra-extra strong.

It took two more before Sean acted normal or at least drunk around the hot panther.

Sharron asked after dessert, "You two didn't drive, did you? I know he can drink more than a runt his size should be able to, but no driving."

Xander set down his drink. "Oh, no, we're getting a ride. I've a friend, Dave, who's a Retriever Driver."

Sharron paw hugged his upper arm. "Ok, good." Then leaned back, talking with Sean.

Xander downed his drink. Everyone's enjoying the company and the food. If everything goes to plan, Sean will have a cat for the night. I better order some, so I'll be too drunk to care about what I'll hear or smell.

Calicode: Part 2: Chapter 22-35

Chapter 22 Jill Then: Jill walked her bike across the four lanes at South West Allen and Erickson, a Carolina locust snapping black wings as it flew past, The twenty at Momma Russo's will do it, right, how much can scent be? "Jill, hurry up,"...

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Untouchable: Standalone Short Story: Worth it

Chapter 1: Ken Pincushion to Patches90: You're super-hot, are you sure you want to meet? Patches90: Yeah, we have so much in common, and I want to see your artwork. Pincushion: Ok, I'm super nervous, and I'm kinda shy. Patches90: That's ok,...

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Calicode: Chapter 22 Swimming Confessions

Jill walked her bike across the four lanes at SW Allen and Erickson, a Carolina locust's snapping black wings as it flew past, _I left a twenty at Momma Russo's for the perfume, was that enough?_ "Jill, hurry up," Paul called back to her, getting back...

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