A closer look

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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This is a story for art collab that avatar?user=508610&character=0&clevel=2 Nulkurrak has done with Tastywyrm

*Description: * More familiar with one another, Tawyr and Asharya share an intimate moment during which Tawyr's conflicting feelings are rejected by the wyverness who simply seeks the fleeting joys of their union.

For now, at least.

Asharya (c) is my character

Tawyr (c) belongs to Tastywyrm https://www.furaffinity.net/user/tastywyrm/

Artwork done by https://www.furaffinity.net/user/anastasiyavb/

***A closer look***

Soft-looking flower fields always called to Asharya to land and savor the suave scents while resting her wings. On the prairie overlooking snow-capped, distant mountains, the wyverness dropped down and rolled in the field of ruby flowers, enjoying the last rays of sun on her onyx-colored hide.

"Loosen those stiff wing muscles of yours," the wyverness lashed out with her tail to command him to follow her cue. "Otherwise, I'll outfly you when the fatigue grows too great for you to overcome it."

Tawyr's talons groped and clawed at the grass interwoven with the stalks of those little red balls, the warmth of unease slowly washing away the cold hailing from the mountains. His first instinct was to fly away and invoke the most obvious excuse that came to mind, that of trying to find shelter, but leaving a female that surrendered her belly to him all by herself--even one as terrifying as Asharya--sat wrong with him.

No. He wasn't going to be lesser than her, and neither would he lie down in the grassy field like a defeated hatchling. He had a story to tell his hatchlings too, one of a foolhardy wyvern who exhausted herself so thoroughly that she found the meadow better than a cozy lair where he could provide the bedding, as he often had. Silly female...

Resigned to spending the night in the open, given Asharya's interpretation of how long rest should take, Tawyr leaned back on his haunches and huddled within his wings. With only the passing clouds left, the previously fearsome gusts mellowed into a gentle and only slightly bothersome breeze that kept the wyvern's muscles tense and his back slightly crooked. Compared to his hunched and inelegant self, Asharya posed the picture of striking serenity. Even in the chilling breeze, the graceful female retained her majesty, her broad, splayed wings exposing their intriguing blue-grey underside to the male's enchanted eyes.

Aside from their one single brawl where he disrespected the rules of their game by licking her paw rather than bite it assertively, Tawyr had never spotted her in such vulnerable position, with her interlocking belly plates betraying their intricate details, along with that noticeable vulnerability at the base of her tail. He had stolen glimpses of her sex more than once, sometimes with Asharya's perverted help, and yet, it was only now that he realized just how tender that area looked. Her only soft spot hidden between tough, elegant plates, protected by thick, strong haunches and shadowed by long, imposing spikes that contoured the wyverness into a truly menacing creature to those not fortunate enough to find themselves in Tawyr's position.

But what position was this? The more he mulled over his experience at Asharya's side, the more uncertain and conflicted he grew. Was he simply a toy to her to make the passing of time more bearable? Or perhaps a set of necessary eyes to indulge her narcissistic behavior? She did enjoy flaunting her capabilities all too much, but given how precious little he knew of her family, that could simply be blamed on her desire to stand out.

To be important to someone.

"Grrh," Tawyr's frustration thrummed through his throat plates, akin to a purr. He greatly disliked seeing the worst in Asharya and interpreting it in the most unfavorable ways for her, but he couldn't help it. He wanted to blame her for practically coercing him into this asinine game of courtship. He needed her to be unlikable, so that he could fly away without guilt preying on him at every flap of his wings.

And why shouldn't he? Asharya made it clear that she abhorred courtship; that she viewed companionship as necessary yet temporary distraction. From their very first flight together, she emphasized the ephemeral nature of their friendship and that it might end at any time, and without warning.

Simply because that suited her best.

Like with everything that Asharya had said, Tawyr had little to no hope in deciphering truth from teasing falsehoods. He did, however, know one thing: that he wanted to smell her and if allowed, to lick her down there before they parted ways. Such a crude, base desire would never have graced his mind had he not blankly stared at her sex for minutes on end, and when he realized the extent of that crave, the shame of it rattled every bone in Tawyr's body.

"She meant the paw," Tawyr whispered to himself to fully convince himself of that fact. She enjoyed it enough to weave her toes over his tongue and subtly grip his snout to show him just how effective he was at soothing the smooth, soft underside of her paw. "And I should have stopped there."

But he didn't, and in his hunger, he had started a chain of events that led him right here, watching over a female who had awoken every emotion in existence within him.

"What are you thinking?"

Tawyr immediately stiffened upon noticing her gaze lingering on him. Analyzing him. Undoubtedly savoring the ease with which she could stun him with an appetizing sight, a word, or a question.

"Is that all you do when looking upon me? Getting hard?"

She turned away from him, feigning disgust with his weakness when in truth, she enjoyed that compliment as much as any other female.

"Take yourself in your maw and leave my underbelly unstained by your lust."

"I might have, had I not gotten accustomed to warmer, slicker, tighter climates that are completely devoid of teeth."

"Mrrrrmmmmm," Asharya's delighted hum sparked to life in her throat, a taunting rumble that Tawyr couldn't get enough of, even if it often preyed on his lacks. "What would have become of your member, had I not let you inside me?"

"It would continue to swing in the dead of night, hard and bothered," Tawyr murmured as he approached one of her aloft hind paws, leaning his muzzle into it. The softness of its scaleless underside always appealed to him, as did the earthy odors combined with the faintest trace of her specific scent. Asharya's grip tightened around the tip of his muzzle, reaffirming his interest in having her paws tend to his member whenever the risks associated with his seed finally crested that scaly head of hers.

"It would feel better for the both of us if your tongue moistened them," She slipped the tips of her claws to his lips, gently tugging them downward.

No need. Tawyr's tongue slipped out of its free will, teasing the awfully vulnerable cranny nestled between two of them, causing the wyverness to jerk her paw back.

"You are whatever I wish you to be, mmm? No dignity, only shallow, unbecoming lust."

Just the way she liked him. To further drive that point forward, Tawyr's head darted for the other paw, curling his tongue around two toes to hold them captive for a few precious seconds before they, too, escaped his clutch.

"Rarhh, you disgust me!" The wyverness sprang onto her feet with a single, coordinated flap of her wings, circling him one wing shuffle at a time. "And also intrigue me, little frills. How do you plan to earn this?" She aimed her tapered tail tip at her vent.

"In which ways will you distinguish yourself as a male worthy of entering me a second time? Or are paw licks the only means you have for mellowing down your female?"

He actually had a clever remark to make, but her unexpected leap threw him down into the grass, whatever words he wished utter now breaking out as a pained, surprised gasp.

Tawyr merely blinked after the initial shock of his crash died down, dazed by the audacity of this feisty and alluring creature. His toes twitched idly against bare air, stunned and unable to sink into the vulnerable scales dotting the side of her neck. And why would they? Now that his belly stood exposed to her whims, he did not mean to risk stirring her ire, preferring to adopt a more submissive stance. It had served him well in the past, after all.

"So quick to always remember your place," she said as she leaned forward onto her wings so that her left foot settled on the cream colored plates of his chest, her talons clicking against them menacingly. "You should try playing the role of a male now and then, rrr?"

He forgot about his predicament for a moment, her musical voice flowing through his ears and right into him, followed by a playful purr that made every scale on his body tingle with anxious excitement at what she had in mind for him.

Of all the partners that she could have claimed, it had to be him. Him! A wyvern without a territory to call as his own, and one who has never known a wyverness prior to her to begin with, let alone engage in perverse courtship with her that eventually led him into her sweetest of spots. Depending on her demands, he might find himself able to satisfy her cravings given what little he had gathered up to this point, but that errant thought did little to stoke his faltering courage at finding himself straddled by such elegant being. She spoke so kindly to him, treating him like a worthy male when, in fact, he barely accomplished anything worth mentioning!

Everything that had transpired earlier today came back to haunt Tawyr, a swirl of emotions that crashed against him like a tide. In his dazed state, he coped with Asharya's less than subtle advances quite well, considering the sudden turn of events. Stunned and flipped onto his back by the unusually strong female, all Tawyr could do was blink at her, lick his muzzle and hiss softly as his body turned against him. The tightness gathering within his underbelly broke through his dainty slit, his spaded tip swollen with pent-up anticipation at penetrating the slick crevice of the female who towered above him for a second time.

"Why tire your neck out when I can help you see it better?" Asharya crooned, turning around so that the base of her tail replaced the forest of spikes that crowned the back of her head and embellished the end of her jaws.

Tawyr's breath hitched, and his heart lodged up in his throat at the far too arousing sight that filled the entirety of his vision. Nestled between her thighs, a dash of pink broke the monotony of her blue-grey plates, the nigh impenetrable, natural armor protecting her giving way to that conspicuous vulnerability she chose to flaunt for him.

When his chest grew too tight for comfort, Tawyr allowed the tension to cascade out of him in a shuddering sigh and breathed in the alluring, pheromone-laden scent wafting from her slick vent. It smelled sharp, like her spikes, yet its prickly touch had a smoothness to it, just like the curtain of liquid silk that draped her fleshy folds. Tawyr's temples began to pound as the fire of arousal surged through his body. The scent was maddening, the appealing softness of her crevice too inviting for a male who had been inside such beautiful and eager female for only a few seconds before her warmth overwhelmed him. The contrast between her plates and the surface of her sex merely enriched Tawyr's crave to enter her and find out whether he could hold his seed back long enough to coax a moan out of her, if not a keening roar.

"Not yet," she said, her tail pressing down on the head that craned towards her most prized spot. "Not before I have a better look at you as well."

Asharya's snout inched closer to his malehood, watching it grow with steady throbs before her very eyes. Her swollen, excited pupils shifted back and forth in their navy-colored pools, analyzing the ridges underlining his shaft with obvious interest, pleased--perhaps even aroused--by their texture and rigidity. Her jaw hung a little as she noticed his shaft jerking hard enough to almost slap her snout, an excited growl rumbling within her throat at being met with such delectable excitement.

"I...I can't really control..."

"Neither would I want you to," Asharya said as she drew back, licking her snout in quite the salacious and provocative way. "Seeing you battle such need is both endearing and arousing."

The wyverness turned around a second time after examining his cock, aligning her hindquarters with his in an almost perfect straddling position. Tawyr's heart skipped a beat at the prospect of her leaning forward onto her wings and then lower her nethers upon him without as much as a warning. After all, her pussy hovered right above his cock, and if the heightened temperature of her tongue rolling across his neck taught him one thing about her sweltering depths felt, then Tawyr was certain he would spend his seed just as fast as before.

As if noticing his distress, Asharya maneuvered a wing talon over his chest, leaning onto her other wing while caressing him slowly as she looked down upon him.

"I wish to learn the story of where you come from one day, when your mind is less addled with lust and I less eager to descend upon you."

She already did that, but not in the way Tawyr expected. He barely had time to process her words when her snout touched his, brushing the soft side against his, careful not to intersect their nose horns together. Tawyr closed his eyes in anticipation of their cheeks meeting next, but the wyverness surprised him with a few quick licks over the tip of his snout, her tail swaying this way and that, tail tip flicking while a passionate thrum ignited in her breast.

"I want to enjoy you, Tawyr. To claim you slowly and relish the moment when your seed bursts into me without any thought or worry as to what comes next."

Tawyr's eyes cracked open halfway as he felt the warmth of her steady breaths fade away, her neck curled back to take in his erection yet again. The toes of his hind paws clenched in sudden eagerness for something to happen, wing talons nervously raking at the ground while waiting for a cue to start reciprocating her affection. The wyverness made it clear that she enjoyed being in control, so the last thing he wanted was to appear too eager, sunken too deep beneath the waves of his primeval instinct.

"What about you?" Asharya's warm, moist lips kissed the tip of his cock, the light rocking of her haunches brushing the maddening softness of her sex back and forth against him. "Do you ever give thought to what your seed can accomplish? Or does the flooding pleasure wash away such petty concerns?"

"Mreeeehhhhh!" Tawyr snapped his head back, whining through gritted teeth as his ridges plopped into her one by one, their hardness eliciting a few faint squelches from her terribly warm, awfully moist vent. His wings tensed in their sockets, coming about to try and grab and hold onto her, but Asharya's were quicker, slamming them down into the grass like she did him. Through the narrow gap of his almost scrunched eyes, Tawyr noticed the muscles in her haunch stiffen, and sure enough, the presence of her enveloping tunnel shifted. As her legs pushed against the ground, the ridges lining the underside his member dragged against the soft, wave-like texture of her nether flesh, filling his cock with seed prone to bursting far to quick.

The chilling caress of the evening gusts softened some of his fire, softening his bloated ridges enough for his throbs to die down a tad. The spade of his cock remained captive still, encased in her pulsing canal, surrounded by leaking wetness. Just as Tawyr began to blink back the haze of debilitating pleasure and recover his breath, Asharya's blissful insides sucked the male's cock back in again, ridge by ridge. She made sure to keep the motion slow, maddening to his throbbing, all too sensitive shaft. By the time their slits connected a second time, all of Tawyr's muscles stiffened with the strain of mating, with one standing far harder than the rest, all too vulnerable because of it.

In a desperate attempt to keep himself on the edge of sanity just a moment longer, Tawyr's head rolled to the side, mouth agape to gasp for nourishing breath. Atop him, with everything in reach, the wyverness had but lean her head forward to turn his muzzle back towards her, enjoying the strain plastered upon his features.

The message was clear. She was in control. She alone got to decide when his seed gushed out. To prove her point, Asharya added a fluid motion to her rocking haunches, skipping the unnecessary pause of in and almost out. What little breath Tawyr had in him whimpered its way out, dwarfed by the squelching of her pussy that splattered its excess juices over him whenever his ridges pried her open.

Brought to the very brink, with no more fight left to give against instinct and female partner both, Tawyr's final moment of lucidity lingered on a hopeless measure to keep his seed from spurting into her. But how could he shove her off him with such weak, stiff, trembling haunches? His wings pinned, tail trapped in the grass by her stronger, more devious one, Tawyr was as powerless to her as he was to the urge to ejaculate inside the most pleasant vent he'd ever feel.

Asharya sensed it too; that seizing tightness within his cock that sapped the strength of any male, rendering him completely vulnerable. No paltry worries, no nagging concerns with possible repercussions could hope to dissuade her from her chosen course, that of gaining complete dominion over Tawyr in the most pleasurable of ways. Only a faint, barely perceptible whimper stood in her way, too tiny, too unnoticeable to keep her sex from swallowing the entirety of Tawyr's member. Once their slits connected with a wet squelch, the wyverness remained steadfast against his underbelly, letting her shudders and sporadic clenches unravel the last of Tawyr's thinning defenses.

Fully hilted inside her, Tawyr's throbs acquired a panicked desperation to them. No matter what he'd try, there was no stopping the flooding seed welling at the base of his slit.

"Mrr...Mrawwwwrrrrr!" Tawyr's head jerked back to unleash his feral cry at the height of his passion, limbs attempting to spring into the air, driven by the instinctive urge to keep thrusting. Asharya quelled one's rebellion by settling a paw down on it, spurring her hindquarters into the smooth thrusting motions from before, meant to soothe the sudden pulses of his too full cock.

"Rah....rahhhhhh...." the male's cries wavered, jaws shuddering, teeth grinding together from how intense his orgasm turned out to be. The rippling motions of the female drove his member into uncontrollable frenzy, every lance of seed splattering into her so full, so thick with permeating longing to finally fulfill his gender's purpose.

Nothing but the previous mating came close to describe this crashing wave of incapacitating bliss, and even that seemed a distant memory to what the pumping motions of her haunches accomplished. Tawyr's cock felt cherished, hugged and squeezed from all sides like, caressed from every inch at the same time. How could he not surrender all that he had into her, when she demanded it so eagerly?

When his high began to wind down, what amounted to a mere moment seemed stretch into infinity to the male's infatuated mind. Sensing that he had no more to give, Asharya's paw shifted off his haunch, her underbelly grinding against his to remind him that even without seed left in his member, he still belonged inside her.

That last, tightening clamp of her nether muscles. Her weak, fulfilled, joyful trill. The brush of her snout against his, followed by the slickness of her tongue.

"I...I think I...." Tawyr paused to gulp down and slicken his dry throat, a lapse that Asharya exploited to her advantage.

"No, you don't," she brushed aside his feelings like the indifferent breeze of evening, cool and indifferent to the emotions swirling through his enamored mind. "Give it a few moments. You'll see how right I am."

Right or not, what he ended up giving her was a hug from his now freed wings, his cheek brushing against hers, the graver purr rippling in his throat flowing into her smoother, more regal one.

"I still feel the same."

"Grrh," her growl of discontent heralded the end of this unique moment. The tie between their bellies severed, Tawyr winced as his cock popped out of her, with only the gushing snakes of ivory seed splashing over his groin to remind him of the warmth they shared. The rivulets of excess fluids trailing past her vent diminished into a trickle with every step away from him, the flushed lips of her sex still puffy, still shuddering with obvious want.

Oh no...she...she didn't...

Tawyr tried to call to her, but his breath seized in his throat upon contact with her eyes, sly yet marred with resignation.

"Asharya!" He struggled to cry out, hoarse as his voice felt after yowling his heart out just a moment ago. "You don't have to....you don't always have to leave..." he added that second part to her shrinking form, the span of her agile wings always a sight to behold.

"Mrrhhh..." Tawyr's head dropped down into the grass, watching the puffy clouds soar overhead. She had a point. The mating did enflame his feelings for her, but he wasn't wrong! The chilling guilt of leaving her unfulfilled gnawing at his gut suggested as much, hardening Tawyr's resolve to confront her about these puzzling displays.

They couldn't stop. He didn't want them to stop....

***The End ***

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