CYOA: A Night Visitor: 2

Story by Endor_7th on SoFurry

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#2 of CYOA: A Night Visitor.

A raven trainer just caught a strong pokemon in the mountains, after deciding to sleep she goes to rest in her tent. That's when she notices that her new pokemon wants... closer company.

Pick you pokemon here

A. A mighty and strong Lucario

B. A mysterious and sensual Zoroark

C. An animalistic and possessive Goodra

D. A mischievous and rough Obstagoon

It was the Lucario she caught, a mighty strong canid with muscles and the look of an alpha. She moves her gaze down, but regrets as it makes her blush as she notices that he's aroused. His cock was like a mighty spear, glowing red with sexual frustration. It's gaze looked to the draped raven as it grinned, sniffing the air licking it's lips as he can tell that the tantalizing scent if the female was coming from her. He lost to her thanks to her unhonorable tactics, denying him a proper battle to test if she is worthy of him. So if he can't beat her in battle, he'll merely conquer her as and how her who belongs to who.

She watches the Lucario enter her tent with intent, his cock swaying as he closes it behind her to prevent his opponent from escaping. With every great step, she feels herself shiver with anxiousness and dread. She knew he had her, she may be quick. However she's alone against this warrior of a pokemon, not to mention his scent as he approaches. The scent of masculinity, the scent of conquest, the scent of a breeder ready to mate. It fills her senses, quietly panting at the intense scent and the imagery of his raw breeding rod. She goes over her options as the lucario finally approaches her, watching his cock ooze and drip steaming pre cum from it's intense tip.

Perhaps she can try and fight this beast, he is larger, but she probably can make use of something to defend herself and her vulnerable body. Though as she looks for an item to protect herself, she notices her bag of other balls. Thinking to the Braixen she got as her starter, surely she can save her from this mighty beast. However... she thinks maybe if she just stays still and pretends to sleep, perhaps this fierce pokemon might find her unconscious body uninteresting? I mean, who knows if he even wants to do what her mind is panicking for, surely he isn't interested in non-pokemon. However, this though is stopped as he kneels down and grabs the blanket draping her form. Revealing her barely clothed rump, feeling him peel her shirt back to reveal her small pink slit to this beast. He lets out a warm and heavy breath, ready to test whether this female can handle his thick and hot cock. She has to think quick, does she try and fight, hope her Braixen can protect her with her powers, or just play unconscious?

What should she do?

A. Grab something and fight, surely she can beat it!

B. Send her loyal Braixen to try and defend her master, hope she can manage.

C. Just play asleep, he wouldn't right?

Go here to vote: What to do...