The Milk Stand Ch. 2

Story by Mockery_Lloyd on SoFurry

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#2 of The Milk Stand

Double boutta get the succ

Double had been left to write down some ideas on what he could possibly do for the beverage drive run by Dr. Lee and Sigma in an effort to raise enough money to donate to retired Reploids. At his desk with the lamp the only source of light available in the bedroom while the curtains were carefully draped over the windows, Double had his notebook in hand and had been at it for a full hour until he had to discard the idea by tearing a page out and crumpling it up. Sighing in disbelief everytime he did so, the Jell-O man slumped back into his office chair and sighed angrily. Facepalming, he looked up at the ceiling and shook his head slowly, the Maverick already thinking about his recent decisions.

What kind of producer would he be if he didn't come up with something fresh? Was he really cut out for this? That was until he heard a faint knock on his door, alerting his attention and causing him to look over.

"Come in," he said as he sat upright and readjusted his necktie. Beginning with the doorknob jiggling slightly, the door opened fully to reveal Isoc and Lumine both appearing through the doorway in their usual menacing postures. Double turned his attention to them as they were standing in position of an incoming conversation.

"Hi, guys!" The Jell-O man exclaimed happily as he set his pencil down, emitting a soft thud in the open air. "What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing!" Isoc answered, "we were just coming up with a pretty good idea on how to get this whole drink fundraiser going, seeing as how you're the producer and everything! Lumine had been conducting some research on it and apparently Sigma pitched this one idea to us regarding it, but it sounded like it had something to do with you being the main subject of it."

Double had taken this into consideration and stopped thinking about it after two seconds, the memories of what Sigma had asked him few hours earlier. He remembered him asking if the pink fluids inside his body was edible enough for a Reploid to consume, given that they were only there to help him transform. The Jell-O man rose out of his chair and walked up to Isoc, his face stuck in a usual normal scowl.

"Is this a machine?" He asked, furrowing his non existent eyebrows. Lumine nodded from beside his housemate.

"It is a machine, of course, but with the help of my research and Isoc's chemical engineering, we've gotten some good results so far from it. We tested it out on ourselves to see if it'll work properly."

I can tell Double thought as he looked down at the skinny Reploid's twitching leg.

"We're wondering if you could maybe have a go at it too?" Isoc suggested nervously, twiddling his thumbs awkwardly in hopes for an answer. Pondering his decision carefully, Double darted his eyes to the two researcher reploids and slumped back into his chair, thoughts rushing into his head. He is their producer after all and it would be best on his part to at least help out with the drive. Suddenly Double took a deep breath and then said, "alright. I'll do it."

He turned and grabbed his notebook from the desk and walked over to Isoc and Lumine, exiting his bedroom and entering the familiar scene of the hallway. "It would be best if I record everything happening here," he told the duo as they walked off to find this machine in the laboratory.

The Milk Stand Ch. 1

_a/n: first story on the site_ * * * Inside the house of the Maverick Reploids, Double had found himself wide awake in his bedroom, becoming acutely aware of the new scenery before him as he yawned and stretched out his arms in the dead open air. The...

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