Sigma x Obrum
sigma felt his boyfriend place a hand on the back of his head, clutching his vertical stretch of black hair. "that's a good girl," obrum moaned softly, idly running his free hand down sigma's pink dress.
Wake Up Call
From disregarding his own pleasure entirely, and relying upon sigma's body, sigma's feelings, sigma's happiness alone to bring him bliss.
Wake Up Call
From disregarding his own pleasure entirely, and relying upon sigma's body, sigma's feelings, sigma's happiness alone to bring him bliss.
A Long Weekend - Part Two
Beneath the cloak of his rich, heavy fabric drapery, sigma was nude.
Temptingly Touchable
<3 this story was written for sigma.
Rough Day, Rough Night
Never had teake heard sigma talk this way during sex.
Colonel sigma would quickly walk across the halls, an indescribable rage welling up in his stomach. if he heard what he thought he heard, then that could only mean... "sigma! sigma, please hold up!"
One Roll at a Time
Since that first time where sigma had been able to resist.
Padded Needs
[sigma] what?! [sigma] you mean you...and you... [kaz] but. [sigma] i can't believe this! [sigma] what?! what now?! [kaz] there's another thing you might want to know.
Sigma's New Problem ($5 flash story)
"slip away, sigma...slip away..." the phrase repeated again, again, and each time that sigma heard it, things slid away.
A Mysterious Flashlight
There wasn't some kind of a grand shock, as sigma expected to feel.
A Single Word
Teake giggled as he kissed sigma on the forehead, watching the cheetah tense up slightly as the antelope addressed him. it had been two hours since sigma's hypnotic trigger had been activated, and it had yet to go off.