Another Year Begins

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#17 of Cycled life

OK, I think things are going well again...Hope everyone likes teh story, adn as always criticism is welcome and encouraged.

"Our first day back to," Jake said with a sigh as he pulled up to the campus. He looked over at Lucas after a moment and smiled, "I love you,"

Lucas smiled at the bear, Jake had said those words more than he could remember lately. Even though he consistently said them they never seemed any less amazing, each time with the same genuine, kind, and firm tone. He wanted to lean over and kiss the bear and was leaning over to, but stopped when he saw a few people walk by. He looked at Jake who was just smiling at him. He retuned the smile, "I love yo-" he was saying before a knock on the window made both of them jump.

"Come on you guys!" Kyle yelled from outside the window.

Lucas tried to catch his breath from the sudden scare. He looked at Jake and mouthed the words instead and saw Jake just nod his head. He got out of the car, a bit angry about how Kyle had just suddenly changed the mood. He downplayed his anger though, " trying to give me a heart attack? did you even know where we were?" Lucas asked.

"To your last question...Jake has always parked here. And to your first; that depends...where am I on your will?" the cat joked

"You can have my debts," Lucas replied.

Kyle laughed at this. Jake came out of the car, grabbing his and Lucas's bags. He got Lucas's attention and gave the wolf his bag. "How's it going Kyle?" he asked as he looked at the cat, Kyle had gotten a bit more muscular.

"Not bad...over the summer I met some fine ladies,"

Jake just nodded his head. The cat was almost never serious, but was also one of the smartest people on campus. He liked the cat; he was fun to be around, if not a bit obnoxious at times. "Well, do you remember any of their names?" Jake asked, jokingly.

" fact, I'm going steady with one,"

Lucas acted like he was choking on something. "I'm sorry...what?"

"Haha..." Kyle said and looked at the two, "Seriously...I like this one,"

"Well...that's a change," Jake said, a bit surprised at the cat's serious tone to him.

"Good job...I guess," Lucas replied. " does your schedule look?"

"Not bad...I have a few classes today, nothing hard. And I have a class in the evening," Kyle said.

Jake felt his phone vibrate and grabbed it out of his pocket. It was his alarm, reminding him class was coming up. He sighed and turned it off, "Guys...we need to run if we're going to make it,"

"OK, well, I'm this way...I'll talk to you guys later!" Kyle said as he turned around to run off.

Lucas looked at the bear, "Well, we have our first class together,"

"Yeah...want to sit together?" Jake asked.

"Only if you can focus,"

"All depends on what I'm going to be focusing on," Jake said with a grin, as he joked with the wolf.

They began to move, jogging slowly. Lucas moved a bit closer to the bear than he needed, and leaned up as close and safely as he could, "Like I was saying; I love you too," he said as they ran through the campus.

Jake smiled lightly, and felt his face turn lightly red. Kirson isn't so big that you couldn't run around it, but that was only speaking of part of it. The academics part of the campus was large, a few blocks, but it consisted of the entirety of the campus's academic facilities, from science to English. The campus was large, and then it faded away as the city began to take over, though it was a relatively small city. It tended to be like a regular town during the school year, but Jake saw that over the summer it was extremely isolated at some points. They made it to their first class as the bell rang. The only desks left were at the front. The professor, a porcupine, gave them both a glance as they sat down. "Nice of you two to join us..." he said, a bit condescendingly.

"You're welcome," Jake replied, he said it as cheerfully as he could, and heard a few people in the class snicker, and others gasp. He had a smile on his muzzle and saw he had confused the professor, the tone taking him by surprise. The porcupine didn't say anything directly to him, instead jumping into the curriculum of the class. The class passed slowly, and Jake tried to pay attention. The class was Medicinal biology, and it was going to be interesting, but the professor made it known that he wanted to weed out the students who couldn't make it. Jake thought the professor looked at him when he said this, and smiled at him in return, showing his teeth, once again taking the professor off his guard.

After class was over Jake looked over at Lucas, "What do you have next?"

"Drugs and Medicine," Lucas replied and looked at Jake, "What about you?"

"Analytical something...I think it's a math class," Jake replied.

"Are you OK?" Lucas asked, "You're acting a bit off,"

"I'm fine...just feeling a bit funny. Maybe it's because there's so many people around..."

"Whatever..." Lucas said and patted Jake on his shoulder, "Well, I have Psychology for my last class...and so do you...I guess I'll see you there,"

"Yeah...only two classes together today...this sucks," Jake said, walking next to the wolf.

"Ehh, it could be worse," Lucas replied, and then looked at Jake who was about to open his mouth, "Don't ask how...never ask how," Lucas said with a chuckle. He noticed the bear was walking close to him, very close. They two of them were brushing against each other, but it wasn't like usual. The bear's attitude seemed to be much different, in a strange way. Lucas couldn't put his mind on it though. It seemed like Jake was trying to intimidate others.

Jake closed his mouth and chuckled. After a moment he looked at Lucas again and sighed, "Well, see you later in class,"

The day passed slowly. The classes were going to be tough, but not impossible. Jake sighed, thinking of Lucas. He knew he was being paranoid, but he worried about the wolf, or it was better to say he was scared. What if Lucas betrayed him again; sure the wolf said he wouldn't, but...Jake shook his head a bit more forcefully than necessary, causing some in the class to look at him. He mouthed an apology and tried to focus on his classes, but found his attention hardly lasted. The tiny strands of fear seemed to be much stronger than before. Thoughts of Lucas betraying him again ran through his mind, and during the last part of his class he laid his head on the table.

Once class was over he was happy. He saw Lucas as he walked out of his class, the wolf walking with someone. He looked over and saw Lucas talking with an otter. He didn't know where it came from but he felt a boil of rage run through him. He shook his head as soon as he realized it though, but still walked over to the wolf. He didn't want to be angry or to jump to any conclusions; he didn't want to feel like this. Once he got close enough he heard Lucas talking with her about the class they had just come out of.

"Yeah...the teac-oh Jake...what's up?" Lucas asked, the bear's eyes focusing strongly on him.

The otter turned around, she was small, very small. She seemed afraid for a moment. Jake tried to smile at her though, and then looked back at Lucas, "Nothing, just got out...wanna head to psych?"

"Uhh...we have an hour...I was thinking we could grab a bite to eat...You want to join us Erin?" Lucas asked the otter.

The otter, Erin, looked at Lucas and smiled, "Nah...I have to get to another class, it was nice to meet you Lucas," she said and looked at Jake again. She gave a small nod and began to move off.

Lucas looked back at Jake, "You OK?" he asked. He knew the bear well enough as to know when something was up, and Jake seemed extremely on edge today.

Jake knew what was going on, it was irrational, but he couldn't stop his thoughts in him. He looked at Lucas and felt a smile on his muzzle, then a frown. "Umm...can we go for a walk?" he asked quietly.

"Sure...usual spot?" Lucas asked. He saw the bear nod and they headed off for the place in the park, Jake close to Lucas the entire time. When they got there Lucas sat on the bench and Jake sat next to him, "OK...what's're acting strange?"

"Who was the otter?" Jake found himself asking. He immediately hated himself for asking though. His eyes changed, from the cold stare to a more ashamed look.

Lucas felt his eyes widen as he realized what Jake was guessing. He felt a frown cover his muzzle. " can trust me..." he said, sorry that the bear still had doubts about him.

"Can I?" Jake asked then grimaced again, seeing the wolf's expression as he had said it. He looked away from Lucas, "Sorry, I didn't mean that...I know I can......I can...can't I Lucas?" he asked.

Lucas looked down at the ground. He hadn't really expected it from Jake, but wasn't surprised by the bear's behavior. It was only right; when he was away from Jake last time he lost the bear. "When I hurt you Jake...I was scared, but I'm not now. I'm not who I was back then...I'm sure of myself now. But Jake, if you want I could try and get into your classes...if it'd make you feel better,"

Jake looked at the wolf, a bit surprised. "No...I'm just being paranoid...right?"

Lucas smiled at Jake, "Yeah, you're paranoid, but I get it. Jake, I'll say this however many times I need to. I will not," he started, adding emphasis to it, "betray you again, and I won't let anything come between us, I love you."

Jake looked at Lucas and smiled. He knew he was just scared, but that there wasn't a reason to be. Even before school Lucas had asked him if he'd be alright and he told the wolf he would be. The thoughts had just eaten him during class and when he saw the wolf with an otter he felt the past run through him. "It was someone...and it was an-"

"Yeah...I know," Lucas said silently. Lucas chuckled lightly, "Jake, you want to know something though?"

Jake looked up at Lucas.

Lucas leaned closer to Jake, "I'd be crazy to think anyone or anything is better than what I have right here," he said.

Jake blushed, and knew the wolf was just trying to make him feel better. He looked back at the ground, "Sorry...I'm going to trust you more,"

Lucas laughed lightly, "Don't lie," he said and saw the bear's face change to one of surprise. Lucas continued, "I don't mean it like that. I mean that I don't expect you to trust me just like that...but Jake I'm going to gain it. I'm going to show you that you can trust me; that you can lean on me, that I'm going to be there for you no matter what," he finished and saw Jake had a small smile on his muzzle. He moved his paw over to the bear's and took it into his own.

Jake smiled at the wolf and squeezed the wolf's paw, "Thanks...I'm sorry...I'm acting like the pathetic jealous type again,"

"It's kind of endearing I guess," Lucas said with a laugh.

"I don't want to be like that though..."

"You aren't...I can't say I get it...but I don't blame you. It's not easy to trust someone like me...I get it,"

Jake squeezed the wolf's paw softly, "It's not that...I just feel a bit vulnerable..."

Lucas smiled lightly; he knew it wasn't easy for Jake to say that. He was glad the bear was talking with him though. "I know I've said it before...but thanks...for giving me another chance,"

Jake looked over at Lucas, "Don't say it like makes it sound depressing," he said with a laugh.

Lucas looked around quickly, and then leaned forward and kissed Jake on the lips lightly. He saw the bear's shock and chuckled, "Do you know how hard it is to not do that in public?"

Jake laughed again, his mood being lifted quickly, "Yes...I do," he replied. He sat with Lucas, holding the wolf's paw and after a minute stood up. He hesitantly let go of Lucas's paw as they began to walk back to the more crowded part of the trail. They walked to a restaurant where more students were. Jake told Lucas to grab a seat and ordered for them. He brought the food to Lucas when he got it. They ate and talked about their classes, what they thought about them and what they expected to do. They talked, their food gone and the time passing before Jake realized they were going to be late. He looked at his phone, "Crap...we may not make it," he said as they walked outside

"Can you run?" Lucas asked the bear, and poked him in the stomach.

"I'm not totally out of shape," Jake replied and began to move. The wolf quickly caught up with him and they jogged to the class. As they got closer they picked up their pace, and were soon racing each other for the last hundred meters. Lucas got to the door first and stopped. Jake realized that momentum wasn't on his side, he couldn't stop himself well. He ran into the door, it swinging open and stumbled into the classroom as he tried to stop. "Crap!" he said, tripping and landing on his face. He heard laughter and looked up and saw Lucas crouching next to him.

"You OK Big-guy?" Lucas asked and extended a paw.

Jake smiled. He took the paw and stood up and wiped himself off. He could hear more people snickering, but also heard a few people ask if he was OK. He nodded his head and brushed it off.

"Are you OK?" a voice asked, from the front of the class.

"I'm fine...just bruised my pride," Jake said as he looked up, and was greeted with the sight of Mason, who was just as shocked.

The tiger quickly gained his composure, "Well, if you and Lucas would take your seats...and as luck would have it to those who are late to class; you two are at the front row,"

"Late?" Jake said as he sat down, and looked over at Lucas. "Class doesn't start till two,"

"And it is one past two," Mason replied.

"Oh...sorry," Lucas said, taking the bear's place in the conversation.

Mason stared at them both, his usual kind demeanor not as lenient. "Don't let it happen again. From here on out, if you are late the door is locked on you, and" he continued, addressing the entire class, "that applies to everyone. Where you are sitting now is your assigned seat,"

Mason moved to the front of the class. He wore a pair of thin rimmed glasses and a suit, brown jacket and pants with a tan button up shirt. It all made him seem years older than he actually was. His fur was orange, white, and black, running in stripes on him. He looked around for a moment before beginning, " that that is said; my name is Mason Kumar, but you can call me Professor, Professor Kumar, Dr. Kumar, Mr. Kumar, Kumar, or just Mason...whatever you feel like really. I don't mind first name basis because that is how I will be addressing all of you as I will be instructing you in psychology for the next semester. We all are just regular people, more or less, who are here to have some fun, learn, and get something out of this. Now...who can tell us what psychology about one of our late arrivals?" the tiger said, looking at Jake and Lucas.

Jake saw Lucas look over at him and shrug his shoulder. Jake looked at the tiger, "Basically it's the study of behavior and the processes of the mind,"

"Good," Mason replied and then addressed the rest of the class again. "It is my goal to make sure that by the end of the semester that you have a deeper understanding and respect for the mind, and for each other as individuals. Before I continue on anything else in this class I will give my number one rule: DO NOT DIAGNOSE!" the tiger yelled at the class.

Lucas's ears went flat to his head as the voice echoed for a moment. He regained his hearing and he looked around the class. Everybody seemed taken back by the tiger's sudden noise.

Mason straightened his tie, "If anyone breaks this rule they shall not be kicked from the class. Rather, I will fail them, and make sure that for the rest of the semester that life is hell, and yes, I can say that because you are going to agree to it when I hand out these forms. If you don't wish to continue in this class then don't turn the form in and you will be moved out of the class with no punishment or penalty. This rule does not mean that you can not express yourself, rather, that is encouraged, but you are not, by any means, to diagnose. I mean this in the sense that thinking someone has a mental disorder," he said as he grabbed a stack of papers. He heard the class snicker a little and continued, "You may laugh not but I can promise you that when we get to the mental disorders part of this course someone will come to your mind, and you'll think you've figured it all me, you haven't.." he said and handed a thick stack of papers to Lucas, who grabbed one and passed it to the next person.

"With that being said; it is a pleasure to see all of you here and please don't be too scared," he said as he looked around at the shocked students, "I'm actually very nice, and this class is very fun, but do be scared...just not too scared," he said with a chuckle, "I look forward to getting to know all of you and yes I will learn all of your names...all hundred of you. If you think that is a lot then I hate to inform you that I will be requiring you to learn each other's names, and then I will be requiring you to learn every term," the tiger said and grabbed a book, "in this book! Now I bet some of you already hate me...well, that's really a shame. But don't be too deterred...this is a grand chance to learn! Life is knocking and we're are all young, take this chance to grab the world by the throat and get all you can!" the tiger said enthusiastically.

"Of course...then you must give back more," Mason continued.

Jake didn't know what to think at the moment. He wasn't sure if he was off to a good or bad start with the tiger, but knew he liked the class already. The tiger was in your face and very fun. He felt a smile on his muzzle throughout the class and looked over at Lucas, who was smiling a bit more lightly than him. After an hour the class began to wind down.

"OK! That sums up what you will be doing! I expect everyone to have the first chapter read and to be ready for a quiz-oh what fun!" he said and clapped his hands together.

The bell rang, ending the class and everyone began to file out. Jake packed his book away and stood up, waiting on Lucas. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see the tiger.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to pick on you today...and I know I asked, but you are OK aren't you?"

"'s not a big deal...and yeah I'm fine..." Jake said.

"Good. I know we've had a rough start...sort of, but I'm glad to see you in here, and you too Lucas," Mason said, looking over at Lucas.

Lucas smiled, "Yeah...this is going to be fun. I didn't think I'd have you as a teacher...funny how things work out,"

" is. I'm glad to see you two again, though I must say; it has been very unusual to see two students in such a consistent sequence of events, but then again, all random events seem unlikely until viewed from a more objective point of view..." he said and then looked at Jake and Lucas, "Sorry...I tend to speak what I'm thinking...but as I was saying; I do look forward to getting to know ya'll more," he said as he extended a paw out.

Lucas shook the paw then Jake. Lucas laughed, "This could be a fun class after all,"

"Well I hope so. If I can say so in confidence...this is only my second year teaching on this campus...but I have been teaching for five years...but this is also my second year teaching as an actually certified teacher," Mason said, obviously a bit nervous as he was speaking.

"You're doing well so far," Jake said with a chuckle.

"Thanks...I didn't expect so many to be here,"

"Well, I'm sure a lot will drop it," Lucas replied, "But it's because a lot of people like an easy class. In some cases I've seen, about half of the original class will drop, but I don't think it'll be that much,"

"Well, I plan to weed out those people quickly and I hope that neither of you are just looking for that easy grade,"

"Nah...we're pretty interested I would say," Jake replied.

They stood around and talked for a moment, none of them had any other classes for that day. Mason was telling them a story from last year; "Then this student calls his parents and after awhile I have them breathing down my back. It was just an ugly situation over all," he said with a chuckle.

Jake laughed and looked back at Lucas, who nodded. Jake looked back at the tiger, "It was nice to talk with you...but we should probably get going so we can finish the work you've already given us,'

Mason chuckled, "OK, well, I hope you enjoy it,"

"It can't be as bad as my math class," Jake said with a chuckle. He and Lucas began to exit. Jake opened the door and was greeted with the sight of someone holding a tower of books. He heard a muffled thanks as the person walked by and thought the person was familiar but didn't know how. They walked out and began to drive back to the apartment, talking about their classes so far. Lucas thought the classes weren't all that bad, but it was going to be a tough year, and Jake thought the same thing.

"So tomorrow...we have English, Genetics, and Theoretical chemistry together, we don't have the same last class though. I'll have a Microbiology class...what about you?"

"Umm...I think I have Evolutionary physiology... "

"Cool...that's one class that I'm not taking, tell me how it goes,"

"OK, I will. You have what?"

"I've got Physics...I hate physics," Lucas replied.

"Why take it?"

Lucas stopped for a moment, and thought. "...I don't know...good question," he said with a laugh.

"Well, if it's the first year course then you'll do fine," Jake replied with a chuckle. They talked more as they drove down the road and Jake noticed Lucas was fidgeting. He didn't ask though, and was a bit curious when Lucas took his paw into his own. Once they got back to the apartment Lucas followed him up behind the stairs. When they got in Jake closed the door and saw Lucas sigh and look up at the ceiling. Jake felt a knot in his stomach. "Everything OK?" he asked.

Lucas looked over at Jake, "Yeah, sorry, it's nothing. Was just thinking about us..."

Jake felt the knot in his stomach tighten more, like a quick case of déjà vu was running through him. He felt his muzzle lock up along with the rest of his body.

Lucas quickly caught onto the bear's actions and tried to soothe him, "No, no...not like that...Jake, please don't think that," Lucas said and moved over and patted Jake on his shoulder. "I was just wondering...if we're too obvious when we're with each other..."

Jake felt immediate relief run through his body at the wolf's word, but then was curious about the wolf. Jake looked at Lucas confused, "Do you think so?"

Lucas laughed a bit more loudly, "You were rubbing against my leg all the time during lunch and were staring at me during our first class,"

Jake moved forward to Lucas and brought him into an embrace, "Well, you were looking at me too, and I don't remember you pushing me away; in fact, you were rubbing me too," he said lowly, moving closer to the wolf.

Lucas smiled, " think I did that because I was too busy staring at you or something?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Exactly," Jake replied and kissed the wolf lightly on the lips, wrapping his arms around Lucas more tightly.

Lucas knew where it was going, and he didn't mind. He tugged on Jake a little and smiled, kissing the bear a bit more forcefully. He pushed his tongue against the bear's, exploring the bear's muzzle, as if he didn't know every bit of it. He felt Jake's chest vibrate with a happy growl, and then pull from the kiss. He looked at Jake and nuzzled him, "See what I mean?"

Jake chuckled, "I guess...but it's not like we're like this all the time, not that I don't feel like this whenever I'm with you. You always make me feel like there is nothing that could go wrong, always make me want to be closer to you" he said and kissed Lucas once more lightly on the lips.

Lucas smiled at the bear, he could be romantic when he wanted to be; it was actually one of the bear's big surprises. Most people would never guess he was actually as kind or sweet as he was. "You know you're not helping my point..." Lucas replied with a chuckle and kissed Jake back.

"Maybe I don't care as much as I used to about what people think," Jake replied, and then stopped, the realization of what he said hitting him. He stared at Lucas, not sure what to do now.

Lucas saw the bear had said something that he didn't actually think about. He didn't blame the bear for hiding their relationship, from Jake's family it was only natural to not want to tell others. Lucas didn't exactly want to tell everyone either, but to deny it didn't feel right. Of course, no one had asked them either. It was just the idea of the thought that made the concepts so hard. "You OK Big-guy?" he asked.

"Lucas?" Jake asked, now very serious.


"Would you deny that you love me?" Jake asked.

Lucas looked at Jake, and kissed him lightly, "No,"

"Me neither," Jake said lowly and hugged the wolf, no longer looking for a physical fulfillment. He pulled on Lucas and felt Lucas nuzzling into his chest.

After a moment Lucas pulled from Jake and looked up at him, "You wouldn't deny you love yourself?" he asked with a chuckle; playing with the bear's words.

Jake smiled and kissed Lucas again, "No, I'd tell the world I love you if I needed to,"

Lucas felt a smile on his muzzle and felt Jake pulling him tighter against him, "Well, if you just say it to me then that's enough," he said and kissed Jake again.

Jake nuzzled Lucas and placed his mouth next to the wolf's ear, "I love you," he whispered lightly.

Lucas felt a chill run down his spine, a mix of the bear's breath playing on his ear, and from the feelings that ran through him. He hugged Jake tightly against him, not wanting to let go. He felt Jake pick him up, and carrying him. He felt himself being let down onto the bed, and then Jake's arms let him go, but only for a moment. Jake was soon holding him again, kissing along the top of his head and down to his neck affectionately. After a few minutes they stopped, both lying there, enjoying the company of the other. Neither of them said anything, not wanting to break the peaceful silence that filled the room.

Lucas realized that Jake was lightly sleeping. He smiled and let the bear sleep, enjoying just being close to Jake. He felt himself growing a bit tired too.

After an hour Lucas woke up again, Jake biting his ear playfully. He laughed and pulled away. When he did the bear stopped, and instead began to kiss him along the top of his head again. "So...should we get some work done?" Lucas asked after a few more minutes.

"Aww...I don't want to work!" Jake whined playfully.

Lucas chuckled and turned over in the bear's arms. With a push he rolled Jake over, the bear's face showing surprise, and lay on top of him. "Come-on, it's not that bad. The sooner we get it over the better,"

"That's not convincing me," Jake replied, still keeping up a fake frown.

"Then how about a bit of competition...the winner gets to do something..." Lucas said and let the worlds trail off.

"What is something?" Jake asked with a grin.

"Use your imagination," Lucas replied with an equal grin.

"What if you don't live up to my imagination?"

"Well, I don't think that'd're going to lose, but I'd try my best,"

Jake kissed Lucas lightly on the lips. "Ok puppy,'ve convinced me,"

Lucas hit Jake playfully, "Are you sure that isn't your nickname for me?" he asked as he rolled off the bear. He felt his sheath filling with his cock, and was glad that they had stopped when they did, or focusing wouldn't have even been possible.

Jake chuckled, "It could seems to be sticking. You still not like it?"

"No!" Lucas said. It wasn't entirely true though. Whenever the bear called him that he felt his face flush. He tried to play if off, and thought he did so pretty well. In fact, he liked the nickname; it made him feel more playful. He thought about it, Jake only called him that when they were fooling around, and he doubted the bear would ever call him it in public. If he did he would've hated it, but guessed Jake caught onto this.

"Who are you trying to convince Puppy? Me or you?" Jake asked, playfully.

Lucas growled, "Ok...just for that I'm starting you at negative ten points,"

Jake chuckled lightly, "Aww..." he kidded and then walked into the kitchen with Lucas. They grabbed their books and sat down, "Where should we start?"

"Well, how about points...finishing first in each topic is ten, getting the right answer is one each, getting the wrong answer is minus one, correcting the other's mistake is worth two...good?"

"Sounds good..."

"Well, let's see who can finish with the classes we don't share first..." Lucas said with a small grin.

"OK...sounds good," Jake replied and pulled out his math book.

"OK, well, that's twenty points for me then," Lucas said, a bit triumphantly.

"What? No, that's not fair! Your teachers didn't give you any work?" Jake asked, looking down at his own book. He didn't have a lot, just to do a few problems.

"You already agreed to the rules Big-guy. So let's see...well you're doing math right how many points do I have?"

Jake didn't answer the wolf, instead shooting him a glare. After a moment he quickly spat the wolf's points.

"And you?" Lucas asked, jeering the bear on.

"Negative ten..." Jake mumbled. He acted like he was angry. The only thing he was angry about was the fact that Lucas didn't have much homework. He opened his book and began to do his work. He felt Lucas come up behind him and wrap his arms around him and watch him work. He finished his problems and then heard Lucas start to talk.

"You now have negative five points, and I'm about to have twenty four"

"What? I did seven problems!" Jake said; the wolf's math off.

"Yeah, but you missed two. Look, you divided by a variable, that's not right, and here...that's supposed to be a negative. So you're two answers should be 'x squared' and that's not possible,"

Jake quickly looked back at his work. He saw the mistakes and lightly muttered something under his breath, sad that he made such stupid mistakes. He felt Lucas lightly kiss the top of his head. He wouldn't say it, but he didn't mind Lucas winning, and was a bit happy the wolf had put taken away points to begin with; he wanted to see what Lucas had planned. When Lucas moved back to his seat Jake glared at him, " medicinal bio next?"

"Yeah," Lucas replied and pulled out his book. "All he wants us to do is the to read the chapter right?"

"Yeah, I think so...let me already read it?" Jake asked with a sigh.

"No, but I am half way through," Lucas said and stuck out his tongue.

Jake chuckled and began to read the book. It was slow. The first chapter was nothing more than talking about how drugs are constantly being used in society, and that their effects can be anything from healthy to fatal. It was nothing that he hadn't read before, all of it was a bit common sense, considering the major he had. He saw Lucas get up and move, going into the kitchen then leaving for a bit. Jake smiled, thinking it was his chance to get ahead of the wolf. After a few minutes Lucas came back, and hugged him from behind.

"You still reading?" he asked with a chuckle.

"I'm ahead of you," Jake replied, "and....done," he said and closed the book.

"I finished..."

"Liar," Jake said and looked back at the wolf's book, it was on the last page of the chapter. He looked up at Lucas who was grinning at him.

"Quiz me," Lucas said, chuckling.

Jake looked at the wolf and sighed, "Fine...ten more points,"

Lucas rubbed the bear's chest and kissed him on the top of the head, "Such a good sport...what does your imagination tell you now?"

"Well, let's finish," Jake replied, inwardly smiling at the wolf. He was blushing but was able to focus on the book, more or less. He found himself looking up at Lucas every few moments, losing his train of thought. Somehow he found that he finished before the wolf, but didn't say anything. He turned back the pages and reread a few things, waiting on Lucas to catch up.

"Done! Now let's see, that's what? Another I'm at forty-four and you're still at negative five," Lucas said.

Jake frowned at the wolf, "Yeah..." he said, letting the wolf have the victory. He knew even if he did claim the victory then it wouldn't matter. Jake saw Lucas grinning and chuckled at him lightly. "So...what is this something you want to do...Puppy?" he asked, knowing what it would do to Lucas.

Lucas stood up and walked over to Jake, hugging him from behind very tightly, but Jake offered no resistance, "First I'm going to put you in a muzzle," he said and began to rub Jake's chest.

Jake stood up and turned around, the wolf's embrace still rough around him. He looked at Lucas with a grin, "But then we couldn't do this," he said and planted a kiss on the wolf.

Lucas expected the kiss and kissed Jake back with enthusiasm. He let out a long moan and pulled on Jake's fur. He felt the bear returning the kiss deeply, the bear's tongue playing with his. It was nice, and rushed, but not in a bad way. They both kissed the other quickly and deeply, the pleasure of feeling the other making moans escape both of their lips. Lucas ran a paw to Jake's shirt and he broke the kiss, "Lose the shirt or I'll rip it off you,"

Jake smiled and complied. As soon as his shirt was off he felt the wolf's paws roaming over his body, and Lucas pushing against him, leading him into the bedroom. He landed with a thud onto the bed and Lucas on top of him. The paws that roamed through his fur suddenly gripped his wrists and put them above his head. Jake didn't know what the wolf was planning, but knew he was enjoying it so far. When Lucas broke the kiss again he was smiling. Jake leaned up and planted a quick kiss on the wolf's lips.

"How's your imagination serving you now Big-guy?" Lucas asked with a sly grin.

"It isn''re better than anything I could dream up. Now hurry up and show me this 'something'. You won," Jake said; the lust in his voice heavy.

Lucas smiled and let go of Jake's paws. Jake's fur felt nice, and the clothes between them were nothing more than an annoying barrier. Lucas moved off the bear and quickly took off his shirt and pants. He stopped at his boxers and returned his attention to Jake. He moved to the bear's jeans and unbuttoned them. He took his time, eyeing the bear slowly and taking in every bit of him. When he unzipped the pants he quickly removed them and left the bear in his briefs. After that he moved up to Jake's muzzle again and kissed him, the bear's tongue filling his muzzle. He felt the bear's arms wrap around him and Jake ground his groin into him. The only sound in the room was their moans, which were always growing louder.

Jake rolled over, positioning himself over Lucas. The taste and smell of the wolf below him were driving him mad with lust. The only thing he realized was that he wanted Lucas, nothing else mattered. From his position he felt like he was the one in control, but from Lucas's actions he knew it was just a façade. Lucas pulled on him aggressively, yet with a playfulness to it also. He let out a surprised grunt when the wolf's paws squeezed his ass which turned to a moan.

Lucas broke the kiss quickly, "Ok, now get off me, Big-guy" he said, obvious it wasn't a request. It wasn't an angry tone either, just assertive, and playful. He wanted Jake to know that he wasn't the one in control. When the bear didn't he let out a growl.

"I don't really feel like it," Jake said, teasing, and playing with Lucas. He knew that with Lucas's mood the wolf was playing around, a bit fiercely, but it wasn't mean or threatening. Every action held the same care, just in a different form.

Lucas growled at Jake, and pushed him off him, and knew that Jake had rolled over a little with it too.

Jake couldn't stop himself from letting out a slight moan. Something about the wolf when he was like this was always nice, everything seemed just a bit different. Jake nuzzled Lucas, and felt the wolf's growl subside and turn to a low groan. He was enjoying himself and then without warning Lucas moved off him, the next thing he felt was the wolf pulling off his underwear-leaving him exposed to the wolf.

Lucas stopped and looked over at the nightstand and opened it to grab a bottle of lube. He took off his underwear, his member hard and a bit wet with pre. He applied the lube to his cock and stroked it for a moment. Moving back to Jake he pulled on Jake's legs, lifting them up onto his shoulders. His eyes were staring at him. He rubbed his member against his hole, not pushing in yet. He slowly pushed in after a moment, taking it slowly. He didn't want to hurt the bear, and once his tip was in he stopped, "You OK?"

Jake looked up at Lucas and nodded. He let out a low groan as the wolf pushed in a bit more, relaxing as best as he could. After a minute he felt the wolf pressing against him, fully in him. He breathed slowly, trying to stay relaxed. He didn't realize just how long it had been. He didn't know how long they stayed like that, but felt Lucas, at some point, pulling out of him slowly. When only the tip was left in him he let out a bit of a whine before it turned into a moan as the wolf pushed back into him. After a few moments there was no more pain, his moans came from pure pleasure.

Lucas took the bear's moans as a sign to deviate from the boring simple thrusts. He alternated from slow deliberate thrusts to short jabs, and more. From the bear's actions below him he knew that Jake was enjoying himself. Lucas moved closer to Jake, grabbing his shoulders and leaning down onto him. Soon he was pounding into Jake's hole, his head dizzy.

Jake nuzzled against Lucas's shoulder, and whispered in his ear, the wolf's moans playing over in his mind-chorusing with his own. He felt the wolf's cock rub and hit his prostate with every thrust, making his own cock twitch, causing a puddle of pre to build up on his stomach. After a moment he wrapped his arms around the wolf, wanting to be as close as he could with Lucas.

Lucas felt the bear's arms around his back and himself being pulled down closer to Jake. The bear's moans turned to light whimpers as he began to thrust at the air. Lucas smiled and kissed Jake lightly, and moved into a steady rhythm. With each thrust he heard Jake's breathes increase. Soon he felt his cock throbbing and knew he wasn't going to last much longer. Lucas pulled away a bit and looked at Jake, slowing down significantly. He didn't want this to end yet, and guessed Jake didn't either.

Jake didn't know anything about time when he was with Lucas. He couldn't tell if it had only been a few moments, or a few hours. The wolf was staring at him, his eyes half-way closed in pleasure. Jake wanted to lean up and kiss the wolf. He stopped the urge though. He felt his cock twitching more rapidly, each time the wolf thrust into him sending an electrical pulse throughout his body. The pulses came more quickly, and soon Jake found himself trying to push himself down further onto the wolf's cock. The feeling became more intense, like a dam about to break. He felt a sudden pulse within him, like something snapping. It was fierce. He let out a chocked grunt and felt his cock begin to spasm, his balls rising up to him. "Lucas," he said with a grunt.

Lucas felt the bear's passage clenching around his member and began to buck into the bear. He let out a howl of pleasure, coating the inside of the bear with his cum. Not wanting the feeling to end he grabbed Jake's cock and began to stroke it, causing the bear to shake and tremble beneath him. He pulled out of Jake only to slam back into the bear, repeating this a few times before slouching down into the bear's chest-the after glow making his head swim. He kissed Jake deeply, his lust still in him and the bear's tongue still darting along his own. The kiss lasted for what seemed like ages, both pulling and grabbing at each other. When Lucas finally sobered up enough he realized the bear was on top of him somehow. He didn't mind though, enjoying the bear's warmth. He saw Jake's eye was off somewhere else and smiled lightly before giving a quick thrust into the bear, making Jake come back to life.

Jake looked down at Lucas who was grinning at him. He licked the wolf's lips a few times. When he finally felt Lucas's cock slip out of him he felt empty, having not felt full in so long. He rolled over to the side and caught his breath, still running his paws through Lucas's chest though. He looked over at Lucas who was staring at him. Jake leaned forward and kissed him, "I may let you win if that happens every time,"

Lucas chuckled lightly, and rolled back onto the bear, "I have a feeling this is how it would end up even if you won,"

Jake smiled at the wolf, "You're probably right," he said kissed the wolf again, letting the wolf lean into him. The kiss was like before, no real order to it, and Jake broke it occasionally to speak, even though Lucas continued to assault him. "I think," he would say before kissing Lucas again, "we should at least clean up,"

Lucas broke the kiss and nodded, the bear had a point. They moved and cleaned off a little, but the scent of the other was still strong on them. Jake put on a pair of briefs and another pair of wind pants, and Lucas chose a pair boxers. They moved through the apartment, enjoying the other's company. Whenever Lucas got up to move Jake got up to move with him, not wanting to be without the wolf. The rest of the day passed slowly, and night came.

Jake sat at the edge of the bed and rubbed his shoulder slowly.

Lucas noticed the bear's actions, "You OK?"

"Yeah, I'm just sore...not like when you bite me though,"

"That's what I mean," Lucas replied.

Jake smiled back at the wolf. "It's OK...there's no rush..." Jake said, looking at the mark on his shoulder.

Lucas sat next to the bear and nuzzled him, "I'm sorry,"

Jake returned the feeling, "Please stop saying that," he said lowly. His tone was kind, he wanted to make everything right.

"I was a horrible mate," Lucas continued.

"No..." Jake said.

"Yeah...I was," Lucas replied, a slight chuckle, yet with an obvious hate to it. He nuzzled against the bear, "I'm sorry,"

Jake moved closer and hugged Lucas, but didn't say anything to him. He didn't want to admit what the wolf was saying; he didn't want to push Lucas down. He nuzzled under the wolf's muzzle, wanting to help him feel better. "Please...stop saying that," he found himself repeating.

Lucas leaned into Jake's embrace, letting the bear hold onto him, he suddenly felt out of energy. He didn't know how though, it was like admitting it took away all the energy he had once had. He felt the bear bringing him back into the bed, the bear's arms wrapped around him. He felt himself shake lightly in the bear's arms. He didn't feel as though he had the strength to move anymore.

Jake pulled Lucas closer to him, "It's OK," he said lightly, wanting to soothe the wolf. After a moment Lucas stopped shaking and he was still. Jake pulled the wolf closer to him and nuzzled him. He felt Lucas nestle closer to him, and then heard the wolf sniffle.

Lucas felt a few tears roll down his muzzle. He didn't want the bear to know he was on the verge of crying, and was glad his back was to Jake. When he sniffled he hated himself for a moment, but was glad that Jake didn't say anything, even if he did realize what it meant. When the bear pulled him closer to him he let out a light sigh, glad that Jake was near. He didn't turn around to face the bear till he felt like his tears were dried and that his eyes weren't as watery. He turned around to face the bear, who was looking at him, his eyes staring kindly. Lucas felt his eyes water again, and wanted to turn around, but found Jake holding him tightly. "Jake..."

"Lucas, being a mate goes two ways; even if you do mess up...I am here for you always. I don't want to see you like this, please stop beating yourself up. Please, let me be a mate you can rely on," Jake said.

Lucas moved forward and buried his head in the bear's chest, trying to hide any tears that may have fallen, even though his sobs were obvious. He hated himself, that he called himself Jake's mate and had abandoned him. He knew the bear didn't want him to feel guilty, but the waves were too strong-the guilt felt like it was killing him. He felt like a fool, almost losing what really mattered. He felt Jake pull him closer and stroke the back of his head. After a few minutes he was able to stop crying, again.

Jake smiled down at the wolf, a small smile, one that just conveyed a content look. He didn't want Lucas to keep beating himself up; from acts like this one he knew that Lucas did.

Lucas looked up and saw the bear's eyes staring at him. "Thanks..." Lucas said, his tone shaking yet happy.

Jake leaned forward and kissed Lucas lightly on the lips, "That's what I'm here for," he replied.

Lucas nuzzled the bear more, and relaxed. He kept his head near the bear. With every breath he could smell Jake's scent sweeping over him, calming him. He slowly drifted off to sleep, comforted by the bear's arms around him. The position was strange, but it wasn't bad. He found himself yawning frequently. He ran his paws through the bear's fur, tracing Jake, while his eyes slowly fell.

Jake smiled down at the sleeping wolf and gently kissed the top of his head, "I love you," he said and felt Lucas nestle into his chest. He didn't sleep for awhile, instead watching over, and still stroking, Lucas. He didn't even realize when he fell asleep, but realized waking up, because Lucas was kissing on his muzzle. Jake woke up, a bit groggily, to the sight of Lucas kissing him lightly. He felt a smile come over his muzzle at the wolf's expression when he saw he was awake.

"Morning Big-guy," Lucas said.

"Hey...that was a nice 'wake-me-up'... is there a special occasion?" Jake asked.

"No," Lucas replied and nuzzled the bear.

Jake felt a smile crawl over his muzzle. He moved closer to Lucas and began to return the affection. He was glad his mate was acting better. He lazily wrapped an arm around Lucas and pulled on him, bringing Lucas on top of him. They continued to lightly nuzzle and kiss each other. When Jake finally began to wake up he realized his cock was rubbing against Lucas's through his briefs. Slowly the affection gave way to more physical needs, both pulling on each other. Jake let out a gasp when Lucas's paw moved into his briefs and began to stroke his member. The feeling was amazing and made his head swim. When the wolf's paw pulled away it was just to remove the little clothes that covered their bodies. Jake didn't wait for the wolf; instead he immediately kissed the wolf, and ground his cock against the wolf's. He heard Lucas moan, but it was drowned out by his own.


"Crap!" Jake said as he and Lucas ran down the hall. Their fun had lasted a bit longer than it needed to. They were running late, and it was only the second day of school.

"See what you do?" Lucas asked as they jogged.

Jake chuckled, "What? I can't help're much more fun than any class," he said with a grin. The taste of the wolf was still on his tongue, if not a bit faded.

"Is it bad I'm already looking forward to the weekend?" Lucas asked as they made it to the door, grinning at Jake.

Jake opened the door, "You're not the only one," he replied with an equally knowing grin, and was quiet after the door was closed. The teacher paid them no attention and they simply took their seat wherever they could find one. Jake sat next to Lucas, though there was a gap between them, they had both gotten seats at the end of a row.

It was their English class, and was taught by a fox. At one point her voice seemed extremely high pitched, quiet annoying, but she came across as a nice person. Jake enjoyed the class, for an English class that is. He did feel his thoughts drift, and would occasionally look over at Lucas. He tried to not stare directly at the wolf, thinking about what Lucas had said about him being obvious, instead looking through the wolf. Jake was a bit happier about the class when he heard that it wouldn't be about learning terms and deciphering a sentence's structure, but that they would focus on writing. Jake hoped it was all typed though, thinking about how his hand writing was a curse.

As the class ended Jake felt glad. The class was fun, yet the teacher said everything that needed to be said within the first hour. The rest of the class was relatively boring, holding nothing interesting. Jake thought that the time could've been spent doing more important things. He felt his mind wander as the teacher talked, thinking about Jim and his family more. 'Don't do's not going to end well,' his mind told him.

The next thing he realized Lucas was next to him, waiting for him to stand up and go to their next class. " there?" the wolf said as he waved his paw in the bear's face.

"Huh? Oh, yeah...sorry," Jake replied with a chuckle.

"What were you thinking about?"

" know, just stuff," Jake replied, not wanting to go into detail. He was glad that Lucas didn't ask any more questions, hoping the wolf understood.

The rest of the day passed slowly, and the classes were interesting. Each of the teachers seemed like they were nice, and that the class should be productive.

Before his last class there was an hour break. Jake looked over at the wolf, " want to do something?"

"Sure...what did you have in mind?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know...just hang out?" Jake asked

Lucas nodded, and wondered what the bear was thinking about. He had a few ideas, but didn't want to ask Jake if they were correct. He followed the bear and they walked to their usual area. The place in the park, the park itself wasn't even crowded, and since their area was more secluded it was safe. Lucas sat down on the grass and leaned against the bench, and Jake did the same. It was silent, but not awkward. He looked over at Jake and smiled. He could tell something was on Jake's mind, and knew that the bear just wanted a moment.

Jake looked over at Lucas and saw the wolf's smile. It was nice, and he felt a smile of his own coming across his muzzle. "Why are you smiling?" he asked.

"I was just thinking...its silent...but its nice...I like it,"

Jake stayed silent for a moment, listening to the silence. The wolf was right. Usually silence around others felt strange, but with Lucas-it was different, it felt OK. It always had been-it wasn't that there wasn't something to talk about, or that one or the other was angry. They didn't need to talk to be close to one another. Jake thought about it, "'s...comfortable," he replied.

Lucas chuckled, and then the silence came back. Slowly he moved over and rested his head on Jake's shoulder. The thought of someone coming by not being a fear for him, but was surprised when he felt Jake's arm go around his waist. He felt the bear pull him closer, and they slowly slid down, until they were lying on the ground. Jake was on his back with his arm around Lucas and staring up at the sky. Lucas was lying on his side and watching Jake. Lucas nestled closer to Jake, laying his head on the bear's chest. He didn't know what Jake was thinking about, but was glad the bear was letting him get close.

Jake smiled and rubbed the wolf's back affectionately, enjoying the time together. It was nice to just sit with each other without a need for words. It seemed strange. With most people if you can't keep up a conversation then it means that you aren't compatible, but with Lucas it was different. They could talk if they wanted to, but they didn't talk, instead the other's presence being the all the conversation that was needed. He was glad Lucas was with him, it helped. He sighed softly and pulled gently on Lucas, bringing the wolf a bit closer to him.

Time passed too quickly though. The sun's rays rained down on them, heating them up pleasantly as the wind cooled them. A few times people came around, but the hidden path and isolation protected them. Soon Jake felt his phone vibrate. He sighed, not wanting to get up, wondering if he could skip class.

Lucas nuzzled the bear's chest, "Well...we should get going,"

"...Yeah," Jake replied with a sigh. He sat up and brushed himself off, and then looked over at Lucas.

"Thanks," they both said at the same time. Neither one was surprised by the timing though, instead just smiling at it. For a moment they stared at each other before time reminded them that they needed to move.

Jake stood up and extended a paw to the wolf. When Lucas accepted the paw he pulled Lucas up and into his arms, wrapping the wolf into an embrace. He tightly hugged the wolf, not wanting to let go, his eyes closed tight and his head leaning on the wolf's shoulder. He didn't know why but it felt nice, but also knew the moment wouldn't last. After a moment he let go and looked at Lucas again.

Lucas smiled at Jake, "You OK?"

"Yeah...thanks for the talk," he said, not sure how else to word it.

Lucas chuckled, "We didn't even talk,"

Jake smiled still, "Don't kill the moment..." he replied with a slight laugh. He felt better, but not sure why he hadn't felt good to begin with. The thoughts in his mind were a bit rougher than usual, but he knew they would go away eventually.

Lucas smiled and felt the bear's arms drop from him. He looked up at Jake, "I'm here when you want to talk about it,"

"I know..." Jake said as they began to walk down the path, "I just don't really think it's worth talking about. I get these feelings every few months or years, and then soon enough they'll go away's nothing,"

"Your family?"

"Mostly," Jake replied. He looked over and saw the wolf still looking at him. He laughed a little, "Don't worry...I'm good," he tried to convince Lucas.

"OK, just tell me anything if you need to...or them," Lucas said, hoping the last part didn't come across to blatant.

Jake looked over at Lucas, surprised, but happy. He wasn't shocked to know that the wolf knew what he was thinking about, in fact, there was a bit of comfort in knowing the wolf knew. He smiled and nodded his head. They walked together for a bit longer before having to go in different directions. Jake looked over at Lucas, " at the car?"

"How about I meet you at your class?" Lucas suggested, "It's on the way to your car after all,"

Jake nodded again and moved forward to kiss the wolf before stopping. He looked at Lucas who smiled back at him and patted his shoulder. Jake chuckled and turned around to walk the rest of the way to class.

When he got to class he noticed it was a small class, and that almost everyone in it looked older. There were a few glances to him, but he pushed them aside, guessing the people were curious. He found a seat at the front of the class; he usually sat near the front, even when he was in high school. It made it easier to listen, and made it easier on his eyes to read the board, but now with glasses he could anyway. He still sat at the front, it was more habitual now.

The class was supposed to start, but even five minutes in no one showed up. Some of the students began to talk, wondering where the teacher was. He was surprised when he saw a few get up and leave. Jake sighed and hoped this class wasn't going to be a mistake. He grabbed a textbook and opened it, beginning work for his previous classes.

Another five minutes passed-still no teacher.

Ten minutes passed-a door opened. Jake didn't think about the door opening, guessing it was just more students leaving. When he heard someone running down the isle he looked up.

"Sorry!" A voice said as the figure made its way to the front of the class.

Jake was surprised to see Kaden running to the class. He wondered what the bear was doing here, but guessed it wasn't strange to see a professor around. It took him another minute before he realized that the bear was probably the teacher.

Kaden stood straight up, breathing heavily. He took a minute to catch his breathe before looking at the class. He wore an odd suit. It was green and brown. The jacket's color reminded Jake of the ocean, when looking out on the horizon. The tie the bear wore was also the same color. It didn't look bad, just odd.

Jake wasn't sure what to think, his first impression of the bear, as a teacher, was off to a bad start.

Kaden sighed and looked over the room, " wouldn't believe me if I told you..." he said, still catching his breath a bit. He looked like he was about to continue before he closed his mouth, waited for a moment, then continued; "My name is Kaden can all call me whatever you want, can all call me by a first name basis or any other way you wish to address me that still shows respect," he said, correcting himself.

Kaden stared at the class for a moment; they all seemed so uninterested, which sadly made them all seem uninteresting. He silently hoped that this class would liven up a bit as the year went on. He looked around and saw Jake, and continued to examine the room. He stopped and did a retake, looking back at Jake. He didn't say anything, but nodded his head at the bear. Finally having caught his breath, he straightened up, now appearing much more authoritative, "This is Evolutionary physiology, and you will be in here for the next eight months of your life. I hope you are prepared," he said and then turned around.

That was all he said about the class, before going to the board. He began to go over basic objects of the class.

"In this course we will study a broad range of topics including but not limited to life history, behavior, whole-organism performance, functional morphology, biomechanics, anatomy, biochemistry, endocrinology, classical physiology , and molecular evolution...this class is not about a lot of are here to grasp the big picture of many smaller ideas, but by the time you walk out of this class I expect you to be able to go into any science class on campus and have a relatively firm starting foundation," Kaden said, his voice no longer shaking, instead very steady and firm.

Jake listened intently to the bear's speech, and when class was over Kaden stopped him, asking him to wait. Jake smiled and shook the bear's paw, the firm grip making him remember that the bear was like him, having some natural muscle.

"Jake, how are you?" Kaden asked, his voice was different yet again. It wasn't shaking like when he first came in nor was it firm like during the lesson. It was relaxed, as if the bear wasn't worried about anything. He leaned against his desk and loosened his tie.

"I'm fine..." Jake replied.

"I was surprised to see you in this's not exactly known for its popularity,"

"What is it known for?" Jake asked.

"...its passage rate," Kaden said with a chuckle. "Yeah, last year we only had ten of the thirty to pass," Kaden siad.

"Oh..." Jake said, now realizing what the bear meant. "What makes the class hard? It sounds pretty easy,"

"It is," Kaden said, and put his hands in his pocket. "People just seem to think that when I said 'big ideas' that meant short term memory. If you don't remember everything, every detail of these 'big ideas' are going to fail,"

Jake wasn't sure if it was a warning or just a conversation now. "Cool...I think,"

Kaden chuckled, "Sorry...I don't mean to try and scare you,"

Jake laughed, "It's not that..." he said and then it was quiet for a moment. Jake looked at the bear again, "So, why were you late?"

"Oh...well," the bear began, his voice back to a more uncertain tone, "you see, there was this old lady on the street..." he began and saw Jake chuckle a little, "No, really there was! She needed some help,"

"So you're a regular saint," Jake asked with a chuckle.

"I helped you didn't I?" Kaden replied.

"Touché..." Jake said, enjoying the bear's sense of humor. "So...Mr. Marlinton-"

"Please...I say it for the students, but I much prefer first name basis,"

Jake was glad. He usually had no problem calling his teachers professor or anything, but with the bear it was weird. " how's it going?"

Kaden chuckled a little. "It's going well; I'm glad that school has started back. That means winter is this much closer," he said, using his hands to show an imaginary example. " I love the winter,"

"Me too...besides the school...coming up here was a lot because of how nice and cool it is. Even the summers are pretty cold,"

"True, and soon it'll be time for a jacket, and then it'll be time for snow. Speaking of which, during that time, I will explain some of how Kirson's ecology is, that is always a fun topic. So...if I can ask, how are things going?"

"What do you mean?" Jake asked.

"You seem distracted,"

Jake opened his mouth to respond, but found that nothing was coming out. He forced himself to respond, "Nothing..."

"Sorry, wasn't my place to intrude," Kaden replied.

Jake felt a bit awkward now. He was surprised that the bear could tell something was up, he hadn't met anyone who could ever read his actions. It was slightly unnerving but something about the bear's presence made him feel relaxed still. "It's no I said, its nothing. Just working on something at the moment,"

"Oh,'ll have to excuse me when and if I do that. I think that I've been rubbed off on...and now I tend to say things I shouldn't,"

"It's not a problem," Jake replied.

"Really?" Kaden asked, and sighed. "I find that the love of my life is always finding ways to rub off on me. But hey, like we say, 'Love is when two people know everything about each other and are still trying to become closer'...sorry...there I go again,"

Jake smiled, "No problem...that was actually a bit nice," he said, thinking about Lucas now. "But hey, you must rub off too. So how long have you been married?" Jake asked.

"Umm...I'm not married...I think I'd like to be...but it's a complicated issue,"

"Family stuff...sorry, you don't have to answer that," Jake said.

Kaden chuckled, "It's not a problem. But hey, I don't believe that marriage shows love. Love is seen when you are constantly with that person, when their happiness is the only thing that matters...but I didn't answer your question did I?" he asked and sighed for a second, "It's a little of everything I can be complicated,"

Jake smiled lightly. It was srange, to have this type of conversation with somoen who was actually his teacher. They talked a bit more, both enjoying the conversation, and learning more about each other.

Kaden laughed and looked at Jake. He had just asked the bear about why he had a habit of hitting things and falling down.

Jake chuckled. He didn't mind it all that much. He was about to continue when he heard Lucas calling. He turned around quickly and saw the wolf's head poking through the door. Jake waved and began to move towards the wolf, "Sorry caught up, I'll be right there," he said then turned around, "I'm glad you're the teacher. I'll see you next class?" Jake almost found himself asking.

"No...why would I be here...not like I'm the teacher," Kaden replied then chuckled, "Yes, I'll see you next class," he said as the bear left and then yelled a little, "And don't forget to read the chapter!" He chuckled as he watched the bear run off. Something about Jake reminded him of himself when he was younger, how he was just a few years ago.

Jake and Lucas drove home. Jake looked over at Lucas, "I love you Lucas,"

Lucas looked over at Jake, and smiled, "I love you too,"

Jake chuckled, " you mind if we stop by somewhere on the way home?"

"Not at all,"

Jake thanked the wolf and they drove into a supermarket. Lucas looked over at Jake who got out quickly. "We have nothing in the fridge," Jake explained.

Lucas followed the bear through the store, surprised at Jake's efficiency at finding things. He grabbed something that the bear said they needed before Jake took it and put it back.

"No...I don't need that kind...I'm looking for stringed beans, not beans in a can,"

"You say this as if you know how to shop," Lucas replied defensively.

"I have lived on my own for a year...and if I can say so, I'm not a terrible cook,"

"I'll believe when I see it,"

Jake smiled at Lucas, "You're about to,"

Lucas followed the bear around, both talking about their classes some more. Lucas was surprised that Jake had been talking with the bear from the diner, and was even more surprised that Jake liked the bear. Usually Jake's first impressions on people were more than skeptical, they were paranoid, but he liked this one. After a bit more time in the store then got out and headed home.

When they got inside Jake immediately went to the kitchen. Lucas sat at the counter and chuckled, "I have a nice big bear to cook for me now? What else can you do?" he asked with a smile.

Jake put one some water and set it to boil and then moved over to Lucas. He rested a paw on the wolf's thigh and leaned forward, kissing him lightly on the lips "I guess you'll see,"

Lucas returned the kiss just as lightly and chuckled. He felt the bear rubbing his leg. When they pulled apart Lucas smiled lightly, "Anything I can do to help?"

"Yeah...get out a textbook, you can quiz me," Jake replied

Lucas laughed and did as the bear said. For the next hour he studied with the bear as Jake prepared a meal. He noticed whatever the bear was making was definitely making him hungry. It smelled good, and by the time it was ready his mouth was watering. The bear had done things from sautéing onions to stir frying the string beans. He was surprised by how well the bear could work in the kitchen; cracking eggs with one paw, being able to flip the vegetables and meats in a pan, and always making it look easy. Lucas chuckled as the bear put on the finishing touches, "You're really good at this...when did you learn this?"

Jake chuckled, "I had lot of time to practice,"

Lucas frowned, just another reminder of summer.

Jake saw the wolf's frown, and a frown of his own appeared. He moved over to Lucas, "Come-on, please stop that,"

Lucas forced the frown away. He saw a smile return to Jake.

Jake kissed Lucas lightly. "Good. Now, if I see you frown from me mentioning summer one more time I'm going to have to find out some form of punishment,"

Lucas chuckled, but before he could say anything Jake continued.

"And not any type you'll like...pervert," Jake said, the wolf's mischievous grin going away now. Jake chuckled and moved back to the kitchen. He grabbed the plates that the food was on, and moved to the table. He set them down and moved back to Lucas. He waited for Lucas to get to the chair, pulling it out for him.

Lucas chuckled, "Thanks," he said and sat down.

Jake felt a smile cover his muzzle. He sat down across from Lucas. They ate and talked.

Lucas was surprised at how good the meal was. He hadn't expected the bear to actually be able to cook well. He felt the bear's leg rubbing against his and returned it, Jake staring at him. As the meal ended Lucas felt tired, like how you feel after a meal and you just want to relax. "Hey, Jake..." Lucas asked during a quiet time.


"Can we talk about the summer?" Lucas asked.

"I told you-" Jake began and stopped. The realization that maybe the problem wasn't with him, it was with Lucas. He smiled lightly, "Yeah, what's up? Are you OK?"

"Yeah...I'm fine...I guess," Lucas replied.

Jake stared at Lucas, "You have something to say...and now I'm here to listen and you aren't going to say it?" he asked with a chuckle.

Lucas chuckled. The bear was right, yet wrong. He had no idea what it was that he wanted to say. Jake said he forgave him, said that everything was alright. He looked up at Jake, "I don't know what I'm trying to say...I still feel guilty,"

Jake frowned, "I'm not sure what to say anymore Lucas...that you should feel guilty, that I have the right to be angry, that it was just a chance of bad luck...I don't really know, but it's weird. I'm the guy who wants to know why, I'm the one who usually has to have a reason...but not this time. Lucas, you mean it when you say you love me don't you?"

Lucas stared at the bear, "Of course,"

"Then that's all that matters..."

Lucas chuckled, the bear was right. "I guess it just takes time...but you really want to give me a second chance?"

Jake laughed. "I wanted to, and for me...I'd want to give you a third chance, and a fourth, and a fifth..."

Lucas smiled at the bear, "Well, the second chance is good enough,"

Jake nodded. After a moment of silence he grinned at Lucas, a thought popping up in his head.

Lucas saw the grin, "What are you thinking?"

Jake stood up and walked around to the wolf, "Well, you mentioned summer...I get to punish you now,"

Lucas frowned, and once again Jake silenced him with a tight hug. Lucas nuzzled against Jake's chest, and stood up. He turned around in the bear's arms and kissed him lightly. The vibrations from the bear's chest making it feel like his own chest was rumbling.

"And I was lying...I'm pretty sure what I have in mind is exactly what you're thinking," Jake continued, moving forward to kiss the wolf.