A Warrior's Victory

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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#97 of Commissions

Commission for trailblazersfan. 2 warrior dragons, Cyrus and Gile, return from the glory of battle. Training has kept them both busy but now they finally have time for each other.


Posted using PostyBirb

In high spirits the warriors of the mountain clan returned to their camp. It was another successful stave off of forces that wished to run them out of their own territory. But it was proving more difficult than the opposing forces were likely expecting. Early on the tribe of experienced warriors proved themselves as a worthy challenge to face.

Their latest battle had actually given them pause for a moment, faced down with the largest opposing force yet. All the same, they fought bravely for their home and many believed it was their courage that earned favor from the gods, granting them a complete victory. The enemy was left to retreat and the scouts suspected that this would be the last they would see of them, at least for some time.

Upon returning to camp they began to celebrate. Just as they had done before, the dragons were setting up tables; gathering food and drink.

Among them was Cyrus, a seasoned warrior in his own right. The black scaled dragon stood out among the ranks, not only because of his large body, sporting thick arms and legs but because of his choice of armor. Their scales gave them the advantage of not needing as much armor as mammals or avians but Cyrus took this to another level. His upper body was exposed, showing off his perfect mix of muscle with a rounded gut. Armor was instead worn on his arms, a brilliant yellow and purple. And in his grip was a sword as large as his own body, still wielded with perfect precision. Just as his upper body was exposed to a degree the valued warrior had armor to cover his legs. What made him stand out was his choice of loincloth to cover his crotch and even then the cloth itself was thin and made of mesh. Both allies and enemies were treated to the sight of his thick barbed cock and his even bigger and heavy balls bouncing and swaying during battle. Cyrus himself claimed that it was an intimidation tactic and few could argue, seeing the look of shock and confusion on those who crossed paths with him.

He fought valiantly for the sake of his home and looked after his many allies as well, especially Gile. The red scaled dragon was seen as a brother, though everyone in the clan itself considered each other brothers, there was an added closeness from them being good friends for a very long time. And that translated to the time for battle. They fought side by side. Gile had more of an athletic and toned form. While for the most part he wore the standard warrior armor, his weapon of choice had been an axe, another destructive weapon that was wielded smoothly and carefully. Eventually he took after his friend, donning a mesh loincloth of his own. And just as Cyrus' cock was thick, Gile sported quite the length on him, having albeit smaller but a heavy sack of his own. Being more aware of himself, it was an adjustment but the dragon soon took pride in displaying himself to his enemies and allies. And upon reaching the starting party, he was quick to seek out his good friend.

The very moment they found each other, the pair of dragons took it upon themselves to take some drinks for themselves and were already retelling their feats during the battle. Neither of them were hesitant on refreshing their drinks, fully indulging in the merry atmosphere. Being fresh from battle, and having fought on a rain-soaked battlefield they were all pretty dirty. Mud clung to their armor and scales but none of them seemed to care, being more focused on the celebration and having more than a few drinks to ease the stresses of warfare.

"Another clean victory!" Cyrus said, praising both himself and his best friend. A slam of his mug down onto the table was followed by a hearty laugh. Gile joined him after finishing his own fill. While the others were winding down and retreating to the comforts of the showers and tents, the pair of friends seemed to be just getting started.

"Always with you around," the red dragon added. He had a great admiration for his friend and was always pleased to get some of that in return. With the long day finally winding down, Gile was the first to finally start shedding his armor. It was done so often that even a bit of drunkenness failed to hinder his muscle memory. It started with the coverings on his upper arms, letting them fall to the ground below.

The other joined in, having much less armor to take off but doing so with just as much ease. They were already having a good time and with the others having gone to bed in the tents a good distance away, the two figured that their causal fun could be aided by finally taking off their heavy armor. After disrobing from the top, the two of them stood to take off the armor that covered their legs.

With a sigh, Gile did a bit of stretching before reaching down to undo them, following at the same time as Cyrus. While doing so, he couldn't help but watch as those thick fingers made quick work of the heavy armor, leaving them to drop to the ground. A small surprise came in the bigger dragon lending aid to his ally, leaning down to undo his armor as well, leaving the both of them standing in their loincloths. They hardly counted as clothing, being completely transparent. So at the same time, the both of them disrobed completely, leaving each other nude. It was a state they were used to, being rather familiar with each other's bodies.

Both of them were still covered in mud in various places. It clung to their scales, still wet and sticky. Neither of them had a desire to return to the barracks, wanting to take advantage of the time they had. There were few quiet and near peaceful moments, this was not to be wasted by either of them.

"You've seem to have gotten stronger," Cyrus pointed out. Gile smirked and flexed a bit, further showing off the fruits of his extended training. He hoped the other would take notice. Though speed was more of his strong point rather than brute strength, he still tried his hand at gaining more bulk. The dark dragon reached the table they were once more seated before to grip and squeeze at the solid lean muscle.

That in turn led to Gile admiring his body as well, reaching across the small table to touch Cyrus' chest, rubbing his fingers over the equally muscled yet soft gut.

"See something you like?" Cyrus teased.

"I could ask you the same thing," his long time friend countered.

"Well, I am a lot to look at."

A snicker came from the red dragon. "Yeah, you have a way of taking up a lot of eye space."

"What's that supposed to be mean?" the other playfully scoffed.

"Oh nothing...I think the added 'softness' brings just enough to make you approachable," Gile further teased.

In response another one of those hearty laughs came. "I suppose. But I'm a fan of making an impression rather than being approachable."

"Can't deny that you certainly do that," Gile pondered aloud. "But an impression is just an idea. It'll wear off soon on those who ask questions."

"Look at you," Cyrus huffed with a toothy grin. "Acting like you're some tactician, at the end of the day all we're good for is swinging around sharp weapons."

"And damn good at it too!"

"Atta boy!" Cyrus praised. The two of them shared a firm handshake that quickly turned into the two of them testing the other's strength. Flexing their muscles along their arms and chests, the two of them were soon locked into a fierce arm-wrestling match. Despite the dark dragon's advantage in pure size and bulk, Gile proved to be quite the challenge. Grunting and showing off that hidden strength of his earned the first point in a match of 3.

Perhaps it was just Cyrus being caught off guard or underestimating his friend in the first place. Either way he got on over the other dragon in the second round, using his own strength to quickly subdue his challenger. Of course he took the moment to do some flexing of his own, making the muscles of his chest ripple and his pecs bounce.

Losing that round with grace, a toothy grin was given from Gile, reaching his hand out for the final round, intending to give it his all. So they met again for the final time. The both of them were grunting and growling, putting tremendous force against their opponent. As the contest drew played out, the two dragons were looking over each other's nude bodies. In addition to being streaked with mud, their scales were also coated in their own sweat. It came from their bout on the battlefield but the effort the two of them put into their arm-wrestling was making them sweat even more. Knowing that he was being looked over, Cyrus continued to bounce his pecs while Gile flexed his other arm.

The exposure of their pits allowed more of their beastly scents to waft out, filling the open area around them. Neither took issue and instead embraced the manly smells, letting it fill their noses. It only added to the excitement they were already feeling.

"Gotta hand it to you," Cyrus grunted. "You're not making this easy."

"Thanks, I try..." Gile said in response. For as trying as this was for him, the red dragon was having even more of a time fighting off the other's advances. Nonetheless, every ounce of strength was given into pushing back and breaking the stalemate they were currently in. His palm was getting damp and every short breath he took filled his senses with the masculine odor. For a moment his focus became more on taking it in but the slipping of his grip recalled Gile's efforts. Grunting and baring his fangs, everything was put into a last-ditch effort.

Being caught completely off guard, Cyrus' own focus and strength faltered. Before it could be corrected, Gile had already taken advantage. Black smoke puffed through the thinner drake's nostrils just as he managed to slam his opponent's fist down, making him the winner.

As he celebrated, the bigger male was still sitting before the table, just now getting over his shock. "Well, I'll be..."

"Guess the progress is really showing," Gile boasted, doing some flexing of his own arms and chest, giving a display to his proud friend. Taking it in stride, the other got up to meet him and did a bit of flexing too before shaking his hand once more.

"Congratulations. Guess I'll just have to increase my weight training. That way I'll get ya next time."

With the friendly contest done, Cyrus pulled him in close. He too had indulged in the odors that wafted from their bodies. With their damp bodies pressed together the other male's arm was lifted so he could ease down and take a whiff directly at the musky area.

Gile was doing the same but taking his whiffs at the other dragon's chest. The both of them were lightly groaning and voicing their delight while indulging in each other's scents.

Going back and forth, the two of them admired each other's bodies. This consisted of them rubbing over the other's body, rubbing hands over sculpted arms and caressing each other's chests. Cyrus especially enjoyed having his nipples teased, groaning from the light pleasure it brought him. Gile was rather sensitive to having his neck being rubbed, making soft sighs when touched there. They took turns going back and forth, taking huge whiffs and welcoming the scents that met them, the strong tones of sweat and the earthy tones of mud as well. It was all embraced and indulged by the both of them.

"Damn you smell good," Cyrus grunted, taking his own turn to heavily sniff at the other drake's pit, grinding his nostrils against the damp surface. He always loved the scent of another male, but there was something special about Gile's especially when he was back from a fight. The space not only smelled heavily but it was nice and sweaty. With his mouth watering, he went along with his desires and swiped his tongue across, brushing it over the pit hair and collecting the strong taste. Making a purr-like sound of his own, he continued to worship his friend's armpit, lavishing it with slow licks and deep huffs. Even with the cleaning away of his tongue, the scent remained ripe, coaxing him to keep coming back for more.

When taking his turn once more, Gile took the chance to do the same. Cyrus lifted his arm and presented the muggy area. With nostrils flaring a line of drool running from his lips, Gile buried his head within. A flash of pride came over him. His scent was even stronger, not only because of the fighting but it had been a while since he washed, too focused on building his body. But the other clearly didn't care and muffled sounds of delight reached him as he felt the tingles of his pit being worshiped in turn.

"You're so musky..." Gile praised, pausing only a moment to speak before pushing his face back into. His actions were more fervent, his licking was faster and dug into the pit's in order to collect as much of the sweat as he could. The flavor was almost addicting and burying his face into it fed him the full force of the scent. Deep and masculine. It made his nose burn in the best of ways. His head swam a bit but he continued indulging until the entire thing was even more wet with his spit. Not yet finished, he did the same to the other pit, taking in the swapy odor and lapping up the deeply bitter taste. He could hear Cyrus panting and chuckling, clearly enjoying the treatment.

There was no shame between them. Cyrus didn't mind at all and he even felt pride upon having his chest sniffed at again. Gile could never get enough of his smell. The bigger dragon just allowed his friend to get his kicks, wearing a smirk when hearing the exaggerated huffs. Following them were some unexpected but then welcomed licks at his nipples, sending tremors of pleasure through his bulky form.

"And your taste isn't bad either," Gile chuckled before taking a moment to just suckle on the meaty nipple, slowly twirling his tongue along the flesh at the same time. The moans coming from his friend brought a sense of satisfaction in itself. When easing off of it, he teasingly drew his tongue over a row of his sharp fangs. He took a moment to admire his friend's physique but also smirked as a taunt came to mind. "I wonder if you can still keep up with me. That added weight most likely made you even heavier."

"Oh, you're asking for it now!" Cyrus flashed a toothy grin. This wasn't the first time some sensual play led into a challenge. Two strong males in the presence of another, it was their primal instincts that brought a need to show who was stronger. He wasn't about to be shown up by the smaller dragon. But rather than return the act with another act of pleasure, his body tensed and he pushed against the other. Not missing a beat, Gile met him, pushing back. Their arms raised and their hands locked as they fully pushed against each other. For a few moments neither of them budged, being at a total stalemate, which surprised him.

"Wow. You have gotten better," Cyrus praised. That made him excited, he had been looking for a challenge lately.

Gile proved to be stronger than expected despite the differences in size. With a grunt, the red scaled drake made an advance, nearly pushing the other off balance. But Cyrus met with a push of his own, bringing them back to their previous position. While they continued to struggle against each other, the black scaled male took a moment to admire the both of them, their bulging muscles and the sweat that made them glisten. It was a sight that brought him a great pride and thrill. But it became his turn to display his strength. Pushing forward, Gile did falter under the assault but did not fold, baring his fangs and exerting power against the bigger dragon.

This put Gile into a tricky spot. He wasn't strong enough to actually overpower the bigger male, not while the weight was shifted in Cyrus' favor as well. Thinking quickly, he challenged his strength into a different motion. Rather than pushing against Cyrus, he pulled the other in, using that power against him. The bigger male lost his balance and that allowed him to be tossed. With another great show of strength, Gile tossed the bigger dragon a short distance, but it was enough for Cyrus to land in the nearby pit of mud.

He resurfaced and coughed a bit. While doing so, the laughter from Gile reached him. Rather than get upset about it, another challenge was issued, taunting the other to approach and join him in the mud. To his surprise, the challenge was accepted by steps taken towards him. Rather than just easing into the rather deep puddle, a leap crashed his body into Cryus'. The bigger dragon recovered quickly, not even minding the fresh mud that now clung to his scales. His focus was on his opponent.

The two of them were laughing, hardly taking their match seriously anymore. The mud made their grips loose and easy to slip out of. True enjoyment came from the feeling of their scales rubbing together, their bodies pressed close. After days of stressful preparation and fighting for everything they held dear, the two of them just finally cut loose. Even wrestling in the pit, made heavily muddy from the earlier, was a release for all that was pent up inside of them both. Another tackle from Gile pushed them both in the mud and Cyrus followed it up holding on tight, keeping the smaller male in place.

"You're not getting away that easily," he grunted, a wide smile on his face. Despite his words, it was rather easy to slip out thanks to the mud. Trying to catch him at the last moment, a heavy hand swung but made contact with the other dragon's ass rather than his leg, making a sharp slap. There was a pause for a moment, especially on Gile's end. He blushed for a moment but made a series of quick motions that flipped the other over, giving the perfect chance to return the favor, delivering a firm smack to his friend's wider and softer ass. Once more, their roughhousing escalated from wrestling to trying to firmly smack each other's backside.

"That all you got?" Cyrus challenged. He managed to catch the faster dragon off guard and gave another slap to his friend's butt. Through the amusement of it all, there was also another layer of excitement, taking notice of how firm they felt and the mud gave an added layer of smoothness to the scales. But what really got to him was the sound that Gile made, it was short but it was akin to a moan. It was ignored at first but as more rounds of wrestling played out, his strikes were producing more of those sounds. Rather than being concerned about winning the heavier drake was panting and groaning a bit as his thick cock was plumped up, beginning to harden. Gile was already semi-hard, having received the most blows to his backside and they clearly excited him as well. For a moment the two of them just stood in the mud, taking a moment to catch their breaths and take full notice of each other's manhood.

There were some factors that kept Cyrus from becoming fully erect. His drunken state always brought a bit of hesitation, but the other factor just so happened to be his bladder. After so many drinks, it had all caught up to him, bringing the strong urge to relieve himself. Always being bold, made even more so by his buzz, Cyrus gripped his cock and grunted, letting loose a line of piss in the mud they stood in. He sighed and basked in the feeling that washed over him.

Gile watched as his friend pissed into the mud. The stream splattered close to his coated feet but he didn't move away. Not only was the sight arousing, but it made him have to pee as well. Joining in his friend's actions, the red dragon took hold of his rod. With a bit of pressure put on his bladder, he felt the comfortable feeling wash over him as the golden fluid flowed through his shaft and out of his tip.

"Damn, you sure drank a lot," Gile pointed out, watching the thick cascade of urine rush out of his friend.

"You're one to talk, it's just spraying out of you," Cyrus countered. The two of them just chuckled and enjoyed themselves, feeling the mud becoming warmer from their combined efforts. Their sighs of delight, the splashes of liquid, and grunts of the two keeping their urination strong could be heard in the quiet night atmosphere.

They admired each other and Gile took things further by placing his free hand upon the other dragon's cock. Cyrus moved his own and enjoyed the feeling of someone else holding his cock while he just let the rest drain out of him. This act done onto him was returned and he took hold of Gile's, enjoying both the feeling of another male's length and the slight pulses against his fingers. While holding the other, each dragon simply admired the cock in their hand, enjoying the different feelings; length, thickness, and the unique barbs that both were decorated with.

Both groaning a bit, they pushed out the last of their urine, letting it join the sloppiness of the mud that they were more than ankle-deep in. Neither of them cared, in fact it clearly aroused the both of them. In the other's hand, they could feel a thick and long cock finally becoming fully erect, pulsing to life and throbbing in time with a steady heartbeat.

"How long has it been?" Gile asked.

"Much too long," Cyrus simply said. "Come here!"

He all but dived onto his friend, throwing him off balance and leading the both of them to fall into the mud. Their bodies became even dirtier with the piss-spiked earth. With him on top, Cyrus pressed his muzzle into a warm mouth, purring as their tongues were already flicking at and twirling around the other. Warmth and excitement radiated through their bodies as they moaned through the corners of their muzzles, feeling their fully erect cocks grinding over the other. Easing more weight down, more purposeful thrusts followed, frotting the two rods along the other. Being wet with piss, they slid easily enough and their barbs teased one another, bringing more muffled moans out of them.

Oozing out from all the stimulation, precum made their dicks even slicker. Kissing as hard as they could, even drooling from the corner of their mouths, the dragons humped against each other, Cyrus was more or less leading, his weight drove most of the action and his short thrusts were the stronger of the two. But together they rode out the building pleasure and savored the taste of the other's mouth, picking up faint hints of alcohol as well...

The frotting came to an end when Cyrus couldn't take anymore. Upon pulling back, a thick string of spit kept their mouths connected for a moment. The bigger male eased back, grinding their scales together before drawing up. He was ready to take things a step forward. Starting out, the bigger dragon eased his fingers underneath his friend's tail. He made contact with the soft rim and felt it wink against his fingertip. Next, a slow trace of it was made, getting a shudder out of Gile and making the rim twitch even harder than before.

Lifting up a bit, he eased Gile's lower half out of the mud, giving him easier access. After drawing a fat tongue across his muzzle, the bigger male eased closer and brought it just before the rim. The moment to pause was just to indulge in the different brand of musk that wafted from it. Finally, contact was made via a slow swipe of the wet muscle. It was purposely teasing, but also brought the appealing taste. It was all Cyrus needed before fully going in, giving a few more licks that forced the other to whine and squirm with need. The next lick was followed by pressure being steadily applied, working to expand the rim until the entrance gave way.

"Ooah!" Gile cried out. It had been a bit of time since this but the feeling of the hot thing entering him overpowered any bit of discomfort. Heavy gasps came from him as the tongue explored his insides, also working to prep him for what was to come.

There was a benefit on Cyrus' end, who was reveling in the flavor that met him and the strong musk that filled his nose. At the same time, he licked and huffed as much as he could, reaching in deeper and recalling the spots that Gile really liked to be touched. The shape of his tongue allowed more control to rub against the spot directly, flicking his tongue tip and chuckling as his friend trembled in his grip.

After messing around, Cyrus put focus back into sucking on his friend's ass, getting the surface and insides as slick as he could with his own thick spit. He worked quickly, feeling his own cock throb harder and harder, as if jealous with his tongue. Pulling out brought another moan that brought a heavy pulse and thick ooze of pre from his tip.

"Ready?" he asked while easing Gile's body back down. It was said quickly and his voice was gruff and lust-riddled. And nearly as soon as the word was asked, he got a nod in response. After repositioning himself and angling his cock, no time was wasted in prodding his wet shaft to the soft hole under the other dragon's tail. Hearing the gasp from Gile only riled him up even more.

"G-go on..." As soon as he felt a touch to his rim, Gile's own lust flared up, realizing just how much he wanted this. Following was another prod, the pressure was kept there and a low hiss came from him. The hole was being slowly spread, welcoming the thick tip inside. A strong grip was on his legs, holding them up. Looking between them, he saw the look on Cyrus' face as he eased more of himself inside. With grunts and pants from the both of them, their focus was feeding inch after inch of the fat thing into the soft and wet hole, already having it squeeze and milk more ropes of precum directly against the twitching walls.

Nearly there, the bigger male basked in the feelings of being squeezed and the warmth that engulfed his cock. "And...t-there...fuck..." he panted, getting passive pleasure just from letting it sit along the pulsating borders. Gile was breathing heavily as well, enjoying the full feeling within him. He would feel it pulsing and leaking stickiness, squirming a bit as the teasing barbs stimulated him. When the length pulled back and out of him, Gile was unable to hold back a deep moan.

Gripping his friend's legs tight and holding him steady, Cyrus pulled nearly all of his cock out. He did it slowly and enjoyed a snug hold of the walls and the teasing to his sensitive barbs. Once just the tip remained inside, a hard thrust followed that roughly jammed half of it back inside.

"Fuck!" Gile grunted. He could never fully get used to the thickness that kept his hole spread, the prior licking did help but it could only go so far in this case. They were both eager and needy and that especially showed on Cyrus' end. His actions were held back so as to not hurt his friend, but it was clear that the heavier dragon was eager to just bury his dick into a hot and tight hole. Deep groans came with each push, easing it all inside steadily until a heavy pair of balls pressed to the other drake's backside.

"Still tight..." Cyrus mumbled to himself.

"Just go ahead." A deep excitement pulsed within the lying dragon, his body messy with mud and his ass stuffed full of fat cock. Even if his body hadn't fully adjusted, Gile just wanted to feel it finally being thrust inside of him.

With a grin, Cyrus eased more weight onto his old friend and began to properly move his lower body, pulling back once more but following with a firm thrust that bottomed out deep inside, pushing his balls close to the hole once more. The two of them shared low moans of delight and shuddered as the length began to pull back again.

Now the hole was beginning to adjust, and full advantage was taken. His eyes met with his friend's and he just took a moment to bask in it all. The pleasure on his cock as he idly thrust, the moans that sounded out from the both of them; coating their bodies was mud in various spots that stayed wet and sticky. It brought a unique dirtiness that they both clearly enjoyed. With their bodies so close and the heat of dragons radiating from them, the pair continued to sweat as their sex began. Musk was heavy in the air around them, and neither of them hesitated to take in full breaths of their scents, letting the odors bring an added layer of enjoyment.

"Does this mean I win?" Cyrus chuckled, realizing that he was now pinning the smaller dragon down.

"Heh. Y-you're not getting off that easily!"

Before a counter could be made, Cyrus felt a sudden clench that tightened the hold around his cock. He groaned deeply from both the stronger hold and the pressure that were put on his barbs as well. They brushed along the lubed walls and the sensations brought sounds of pleasure out of them both. There was an added feeling when his barbs were teased, making the feelings more intense on Cyrus' end and those barbs also worked as added stimulation when brushing up against the sensitive anal walls.

Panting harder, the pace between them was picked up a bit. His thick cock pounded harder, smacking his heavy balls between them. Gile was moaning louder as well, being stuffed full of it and clearly enjoying it. Even through his moments of getting lost in the pleasure, there were sporadic squeezes that caught the other off guard, suddenly bringing a burst of intensified feelings.

"Yeah, you're loving this, aren't you?" Cyrus challenged.

"Fuch yeah I do!" Gile said in response, doing his best to keep his voice steady.

"Then tell me what you like most."

"What I like most is when you shut up and fuck me!" Gile countered, ending his words with another hard clench that made the point rather clear. With a nod, the black scaled dragon gripped his friend's muddy legs tighter, puffing smoke from his nostrils as he redoubled his efforts, daring to thrust even harder and with more power to reach deeper, stretching his friend's depths.

Upon feeling this, Gile's own moans had gotten even louder. His untouched cock, was throbbing hard and leaking precum onto his mud streaked stomach. He could feel it deep inside of him, being filled completely and having the most sensitive parts of him now being stimulated and roughly bashed into. All of the spots that brought the most feeling were touched and the thrusts were steadily getting stronger.

Cyrus was starting to get lost in it too. It felt so good just grinding his cock inside. It was already a slow start but it seemed that Gile's ass was perfect for his cock. The other dragon knew just what he liked, timing every squeeze perfectly from then on. Pre freely spurt from his pent up balls, making the hole even hotter and perfectly slick. Now his thrusting was accompanied by messy smacks every time his prick pushed in and pulled back, only to do it again. Bringing their bodies even closer, he continued to take in the strong smell of sex and dragon musk. It was all so hot and his desperation to finally expel his seed was getting him close to his limit. Still thrusting hard, a low growl came as he felt his cock throbbing.

Gile could feel it as well but was not quite ready for their fun to be over. There was just a bit more that he needed. So he acted immediately, wrapping his legs close to the other dragon's body. This came as a surprise, enough to make Cyrus stop thrusting. It took quite the effort but the red scaled male used his strength to change their positions. He managed to push Cryus into the mud and on his back, with him now on top. He groaned as he felt the cock still deep inside of him, now reaching just a bit deeper thanks to him being on top.

"Gotta finish strong, right?" The two of them shared a small laugh before strong hands gripped his thighs. Giving a wink, Gile began to bounce up and down on his friend's dick, keeping up the pace they left off on. Now he was the one controlling how deep it went and how much force pounded into him. Biting his lip, he slammed his body down on the pulsing flesh, feeling more pre being loaded into him, the last of it before everything would come to a head. Going even faster and raising his voice as he ground directly against his prostate, taking his turn to milk the remaining pre that was stored within him, spurting them on Cyrus' belly. The other dragon was still holding onto his thighs and seemed to be waiting for something.

And when his stomach was streaked with the last rope of pre, he finally began to act by thrusting his own hips in time with each bounce that Gile made. These thrusts were full force, going full speed and power, making deep slurps as they plunged deep inside and pulled out. Heavy balls swung in time with them as the two got themselves and closer and closer to their limits.

"Ah, fuck..!" Cyrus grunted, clenching his teeth. The pulses of his cock were getting stronger and he could feel the seed in his balls churning, ready to be ejected at any moment. And with a few more hard pounds, his body shuddered heavily and curled in the mud as he came first. As soon as the strong throbs of his climax approached, thick spurts of cum were already being pumped into Gile's ass. The other dragon pushed his body down a final time and kept it there as he shook and shot ropes of his own release across his friend's stomach, enjoying both the high of his climax and the sticky warmth that began to flood his insides.

"Fuck yeah! Take all of my fucking load!" Cyrus snarled, giving some short humps to jerk every bit that his balls had to give, groaning deeply and panting hard as he enjoyed every moment of climatic bliss that washed over him. Gile was still cumming as well, being spurred on by the touches to his prostate and the potent seed that made his belly swell just a bit, showing just how much the bigger dragon had to give, flooding the other male's insides.

When it was all over, the two of them panted heavily and stayed where they were. Gile could feel it going soft within his ass, and with a bit of shifting it popped out with a rush of his cum following suit. He groaned as it oozed out of him, splattering onto Cyrus' cock and balls, making even more of a mess of mud and cum between them. But the two of them embraced it, letting the sticky substances cling to their scales as Gile laid on top of his best friend, nuzzling him as they began to ride out their afterglow.

"So, was it worth the wait?" he asked.

"How about you ask me that in the morning?" Cyrus chuckled, his voice carrying hints of tiredness. With the other dragon in his arms, he let the warm and soothing mud keep the comforts of blowing a huge load alive and the steady breathing of his friend further worked to coax him into a deep sleep.