Lenerian and Kim - the first love

Story by Green_Dragon on SoFurry

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This is a naughty story about two Dragons in love (M/F)

I made it as a break from my main Dragon story (just for fun).

I tried to write about emotions, not only about pure mating, so expect some "bla bla bla" before the adult part will start.

I'm still trying to make my ENG better, but it's not my main language so expect some mistakes :(

Strong *hugs* for Nieragon for corrections :)

  • "Don't cry, it's all right." - Lenerian, the red Dragon said silently, trying to cheer up his best friend. He was a young male, with body fully covered by small red scales even on his belly. He had two large horns on his head and few smaller spikes behind his jaws. They grew up last year, indicating that he reached his adult age and soon will have to find a mate.

  • "No, you don't understand..." - Kim replied, keeping her head hugged to her friend's neck. She was a young white Dragoness, living with parents in a nearby caves. She was about the same age as Lenerian, but her body was smaller and she didn't have any spikes, just two small horns and a dense brown mane on her neck.

They were standing near each other on the rock ledge in the high mountains. They were watching a sunset above the valley, hugged to each other. They had known each other for as long as they could remember. Their parents were friends living near each other, so Lenerian and Kim could meet almost every day. They were always best friends, but when Lenerian got older, he felt that it can be something more than just a friendship. He couldn't stop thinking about her in night, having that nice warm feeling in his heart. Talking with her or just hugging each other always made him forget about his problems, concentrating on the fire in his heart. This time was different, he was sad and worried about her, she was crying since they met in the evening.

  • "I was talking with my father today..." - she continued, sobbing silently - "you know, we are adult now..."

  • "Yes, I can feel it." - Lenerian replied, feeling too shy to say more about his feelings.

  • "He said that it's time for me to get a mate..." - Kim moved her head up and looked into his eyes, noticing a small blush on his cheek - "he said that we can't meet each other any longer."

  • "No... he can't..." - In one second, Lenerian lost all the fire in his chest, feeling angry and sad - "but why?"

  • "He knows someone important in the northern caves that have a son in my age and they decided that he will be my mate." - she said, looking at the rocks below them - "I don't even know his name... I just know that he is green... you know how much I hate that colour."

  • "I know Kim, I know..." - Lenerian felt tears in his eyes, he couldn't imagine his life without her - "He has no right to separate us."

  • "Us?" - she raised her head and looked into his eyes. His entire head was now more red than usual. Lenerian was fighting with his thoughts for a moment, but the view of her beautiful brown eyes quickly calmed him down.

  • "Kim..." - he whispered, feeling that the fire in his heart is burning again - "I love you... I... I always loved you... I want to live with you... as a mate."

  • "Lenerian... I... I..." - her voice was breaking up from emotions, she closed her eyes and pressed her nose to his cheek - "I love you too... with all my heart. I was dreaming about this moment... for so many years."

Lenerian tried to reply, but he was unable to speak. He felt more tears coming from his eyes, but this time they were tears of happiness. Kim nuzzled him for a moment and then hugged her head to his cheek really strong, feeling so warm and safe with him. Lenerian moved his tail and wrapped it around her tail, then he covered her body with his wing. They didn't need more words to understand each other. They just watched as the sun slowly moved closer to the horizon, covering the valley with a delicate red light. When the sun hid behind the horizon, they turned their heads and looked into each other's eyes, touching with noses.

  • "I was never so happy in my entire life." - Lenerian said, feeling a need to pounce on her and hug her strongly - "I feel love to you for so long... but I was always scared that you don't feel it and you will leave me. I was too scared that I can lose you."

  • "Now you know that I feel the same. It's just... " - she said and moved her head down - "my father..."

  • "He will not separate us..." - he moved his front paw and raised her head - "let's run away, together."

  • "Really?" - Kim looked into his eyes - "You want to leave your family for me?"

  • "I will do anything for you." - Lenerian furled his wing so he could move his front leg over her neck and hug her - "We both know how to hunt and we are adult enough to leave parents and live on our own. We can fly to the south, away from all our problems."

  • "Lenerian..." - she gave him a long lick over his cheek - "I love you so much."

  • "I love you too." - he closed his eyes, feeling as her tongue was slipping over his eyelid - "That means yes?"

  • "Yes." - she moved her head away and smiled - "Just tell me when."

  • "Now." - Lenerian smiled, walked few steps away and spread his wings.

  • "But it's getting dark..." - Kim was thinking for a moment - "maybe you're right, tomorrow can be too late."

He nodded and jumped from the ledge, she followed him. After a moment of gliding down, they both flew above the mountains and turned to the south. Lenerian was unable to move his eyes away from her, watching as she is flying at his side, slowly flapping her wings. He felt increased happiness, thinking about old times when they were learning to fly together. It was getting darker, so they decided to fly above the valley to hunt. Lenerian managed to find and kill their prey on one small grass field. After eating they walked away from the remains, searching for a good place to spend the night. Kim was walking first, keeping her tail higher that usual. Lenerian was walking right behind her, it was still bright enough to see the small vertical line under her tail, right between her rear legs. He saw her vagina many times during all those years, he even had some erotic dreams about her, but he never thought that they can be real mates. He was getting excited, feeling not only increased love to her, but also a delicate tickling under his tail.

  • "That place looks nice." - Kim stopped and looked around.

  • "Oh yes, that place looks so nice..." - Lenerian replied without thinking, still looking at the slit between her legs. Kim looked at him and giggled. He raised his head up, pretending that he is looking at the nearby area.

  • "Lenerian..." - she giggled again - "What's hanging under your tail?"

  • "What?" - he moved his head and looked under his belly, he saw that his penis was partially erected, hanging from the swollen male slit. He raised his head, feeling that he is getting more red again - "Oh that... well... I just love you so much..."

  • "No need to be shy, silly Dragon." - she chuckled and walked closer to him, touching his cheek with her nose - "I love you too... We are mates now, we can do the things that lovers do."

  • "Like mating?" - Lenerian couldn't believe that he said that word, he felt so shy that his male tool have shrunk, hiding inside his slit.

  • "Yes, like mating." - she nuzzled him for a moment - "When I had my first heat last year, I was imagining that you're mounting me and going inside my body..."

  • "Oh Kim..." - he felt much better that he can now fully open with his feelings - "I had many dreams like that... about that lovely place under your tail..."

  • "And that's not fair." - Kim chuckled and moved hear head away, looking at his tail - "You saw my female area many times, but I never saw your second tail fully erected."

  • "Second tail?" - Lenerian smiled for a moment, but for real he felt really embarrassed.

  • "Ohhh you're right..." - she moved closer again and touched his nose - "We are mates now, we don't have to avoid words like penis. Now, I want to see it before it will get dark."

  • "Do you want to... try it?" - he licked her cheek few times - "I mean... mating?"

  • "Yes... only with you..." - she hugged her head to his cheek, feeling that she is getting excited. Then she turned back and raised her tail, showing him all the details between her legs. Before he started to feel excited again, she quickly moved closer to him, making sure that his head will follow her slit. She was now standing near him in position that allowed them both too look under their tails. Lenerian moved his head closer, almost touching her. He took few deep breaths, enjoying her lovely scent.

  • "Your smell is incredible..." - he said silently, looking at the small scales around her slit - "and your place looks much bigger now, you are so nice, my love."

Kim just giggled, watching as his red tip have emerged from its hideout. She moved her head closer and smelled it, feeling a strong shiver of pleasure coming trough her body. Lenerian heard her silent moan and saw that her slit lips got more swollen again.

  • "Can I?" - he asked silently, feeling a need to touch her.

  • "Oh yes my love," - she replied with happy voice - "I'm all yours."

Lenerian gently touched her vagina with his cold nose, enjoying the feeling of her lovely scent. Her body replied with another shiver and her slit lips opened under the pressure of his nose, exposing her warm and wet love hole. Lenerian gently rubbed her slit, feeling very excited. His member was pulsing, quickly growing and getting hard, increasing the tickling feeling in his tip.

  • "You're getting so big..." - Kim was astonished by the view of his member, imagining how it will move into her body. She moved her tongue outside and licked his penis, going from the tip to the base and finishing on his slit. This time he felt a strong shiver and his tool got even more hard. He moved his nose away and run his tongue on scales surrounding her swollen slit. He made few circles around it and then slowly licked her lips, feeling that they became more hot now. In the meantime Kim was licking his already fully erected and hard member, trying to imagine how something that big can fit into her small hole. When she licked him again, he felt a shiver and hissed silently, releasing a drop of semen from his tip. Kim quickly took it on her tongue and moved it into her mouth.

  • "Ohhh my mate, you are so tasty..." - she giggled and licked him again - "and so big..."

"And you are so lovely... so sweet..." - Lenerian walked away from her, to get a better access to her hole. He was now standing behind her, and it was much easier to lick the internal part of her slit.

  • "Hey!" - Kim protested that she can't lick him any more, but then she moaned from pleasure, as she felt his tongue moving deep into her love hole. Lenerian was enjoying the sweet taste of her juices, as he was slowly moving his tongue in and out, watching every reaction of her body. Kim was already in heaven, experiencing something that she never felt before. She was pleasuring herself with tongue many times, but she was unable to push it so deep. Lenerian also never felt so excited before, his member was pulsing and dripping with semen, waiting to move into her vagina.

  • "Mount me..." - Kim moaned silently, feeling that she can't wait any longer - "please my love... mount me."

Lenerian gave her a last lick and moved his head away. He looked at her pink slit lips and a wet love hole between them. He lift the front part of his body and put it on her back, embracing her belly with his front legs. Her legs began to bend under his weight, but that gave her even more pleasure, as she waited for a moment when they will join their bodies. Lenerian moved his body forward again, correcting his position until he felt that his tip have touched her belly. Kim quickly moved her body, guiding his tip to her hot love hole. She stopped and moaned silently, feeling something hard touching her wet opening. Lenerian licked her neck few times, circling his tip around her vagina, covering her scales with few drops of his semen. Then he moved his tip over her hot lips, sliding it gently up and down her slit. Kim closed her eyes and hissed from pleasure, feeling as he was tickling her sensitive area. When Lenerian felt another shiver of pleasure and released another drop of salty fluid, he stopped his penis right in the centre of her vagina. His tip was now fully covered by her lubricants, pointing straight at her deep love hole.

  • "Ready?" - Lenerian asked and licked her neck. Kim didn't replied, just nodded and moved her body back, pressing her vagina to his tip. He moved forward, pushing his hard penis into her, but he noticed that only a part of his tip have moved inside. She was too tight to take his thick tip, but he was too aroused to stop.

  • "Harder!" - Kim shouted, feeling pleasure mixed with pain - "Push it harder."

She moved her body more down, spreading her legs so her slit lips could open even wider. Lenerian was slowly increasing the pressure, feeling delicate pain in his tip. Suddenly they both roared loudly, feeling strong shiver of ecstasy as his penis slipped deep into her love hole. Kim squeezed her slit lips on his hard shaft, feeling much stronger pleasure than during any of her tail play. Lenerian was breathing fast, feeling that he released few semen drops inside her. The feeling of her love hole surrounding his tip and part of his shaft was amazing for him, but still more than half of his penis was outside her.

He slowly moved back, until he felt that his tip is being held by her tight slit. Then he pushed his penis forward again, going a bit deeper and feeling a strong shivers coming from his shaft. He repeated that movement, pushing more of his penis inside her with every movement. Kim was moaning silently every time he moved his body forward. She was enjoying the feeling of his hard shaft sliding inside her slit and a big tip moving in her body. She could feel the veins on his member, every time she squeezed her lips on it. When he pushed almost all his length inside, he moved his right leg above her leg, gaining a better access to her underbelly.

Lenerian retracted his shaft, until he felt that his tip touched her slit from inside, then he pushed his penis fully inside. Kim hissed loudly, squeezing her vaginal lips on the thick base of his shaft as he was slowly thrusting his member inside her. Lenerian hugged her stronger with his front legs and licked her neck again.

  • "Is it good for you?" - he asked silently without interrupting his work.

  • "Ohh yes... so good..." - she moaned and paused, feeling his shaft going deep into her - "just don't stop..."

  • "I love you... my white Dragoness." - Lenerian said and increased the speed of thrusting.

  • "I love... you... too." - Kim was hissing from pleasure, feeling strong sensations in her vagina.

They were now hissing rhythmically, as Lenerian was thrusting into her, faster and faster until he found the optimal tempo. The shivers of ecstasy that they felt were now more frequent and stronger, causing their bodies to shake every time he moved deep inside her. Kim was squeezing her slit lips on his shaft with the same rhythm, while Lenerian was experiencing delicate spasms in his member.

When he felt that his penis is close to explode, he opened his jaws and gently bite her neck, increasing the speed of thrusting. Kim raised her head up and moaned loudly, feeling incredible amount of shivers under her tail. Lenerian was moving so fast, that every time he pulled his shaft out, he splashed some of her juices outside.

Lenerian felt that the tickling in his member is quickly increasing, as the wave of shivers shook his body. He pulled his shaft out, keeping his tip inside, and pushed his penis into her vagina as strong as he could. Kim roared loudly, feeling incredible wave of pleasure as the strong orgasm shook her entire body. She instinctively squeezed her slit, applying a pressure on his hard member. Lenerian was roaring with her, as his penis shoot the load of hot semen deep into her love hole. The feeling of her tight hole closing on his shaft even increased his amount of pleasure. His member was pulsing, pumping the salty liquid into her body, while Lenerian was biting her neck and experiencing a strongest and longest orgasm in his life. They were both moaning, feeling as their bodies were shaking and pulsing at the same time. Kim's vaginal lips quickly adapted to his pulsing, and were squeezing his shaft in the same tempo, helping him to pump the last drops of semen into her already full love hole. As the strongest shivers of pleasure disappeared, Lenerian released her neck and licked it few times, feeling that Kim took a deep breath and slowly released the air trough her nose.

  • "That was... I just... I love you." - Lenerian had problems with speaking, breathing really fast. He felt that his penis is slowly getting soft, so he moved back to get off her.

  • "Wait... stay..." - she said, moaning from pleasure. Kim squeezed her vagina to stop him. Lenerian quickly moved forward, pushing his member deeper again. They remained in that position, feeling many delicate shivers in their underbelly and breathing fast.

His member was getting smaller and softer, so moment later he was unable to keep it inside her. They both felt a last wave of pleasure, as his tip slipped out from her love hole, followed by a large amount of semen mixed with her juices. Lenerian slowly moved back and walked off her. He looked at her belly and saw that her slit lips were opened really wide, exposing her dark red and still pulsing love hole. Their mixed fluids were flowing from her with every pulse, dripping on the grass and making a small puddle.

Lenerian was too tired to clean her, he just lay down in the grass and rolled on his back. Kim finally managed to pull herself together and moved her tail down, looking back at her mate. It was dark already, but the moonlight allowed her to see how his member is slowly shrinking, to finally hide in his wet slit. Kim lay down near him and hugged her head to his cheek.

  • "You were amazing..." - she whispered, feeling increased warm in her body - "Thank you my love."

  • "No, I have to thank you, Kim." - he replied and closed his eyes, enjoying her touch - "Thank you for everything... for being with me all my life, for your smile, for your beautiful eyes... for your love."

  • "I will never leave you." - she moved her tail and, after a small searching, wrapped it around his tail - "I promise."

  • "I want to be with you all my life."- Lenerian whispered, feeling good like never before - "I want to be your mate, I want to be a father of our Draggies..."

  • "Ohhh Lenerian..." - Kim felt a delicate shiver of pleasure, but this time it started in her chest, not in her belly - "I so want to have egg with you... but we have to wait for the mating season."

  • "I will wait." - he turned his head and looked into her eyes - "I'm a patient male."

  • "I love you," - she touched his nose and nuzzled him - "my male Dragon."

  • "I love you too, my white Dragoness." - he closed his eyes again, feeling more and more sleepy. Kim hugged her head to him again and after a moment they both slept, dreaming about their future as two mates.