[TwistedSnakes] Blackened Storms

Story by Negadrake on SoFurry

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Story by TwistedSnakes

The soft bed was a huge relief as James the dragon flopped into the thick feather-stuffed mattress, tired from a day of hectic work. The silky bed sheets felt cool and smooth against scales, red except for his white undersides, horns, and mane which gleamed a clean white under the light of his penthouse apartment. He was wearing a banded cloak with a lavender-coloured tie that spread out under him.There was a chime on his phone and he whipped it out of the pocket of his cloak. There was a flash of purple-black that faded away into a chat notification from Negadrake. What did his dragon boyfriend want this time? The message popped open, reading "Yo! Meet you at the Crown Tower at 9?"James sighed. He had some trouble with some particularly difficult opponents while defending his position as Subway Master so he wasn't in a mood to go out, particularly after experiencing the cool embrace of his bed. The lack of consideration for his frustrations in this nonchalant invitation annoyed him to no end. He tossed the phone on his bed and got up. He'll take a shower and think about it but the answer would probably still be a no.The red dragon lugged his huge and tired figure to the bathroom. A flash of black scales passed by in the mirror behind him, out of his field of vision. He slammed the toilet door close behind him and the sound of running tap water could be heard through the sleek and white wooden door.A clean dragon emerged out of the bathroom a few minutes later wearing nothing but a towel draped around his waist as he sat on his bed. His phone screen was lit with another message waiting for him."Are you coming?" the message asked. James' blue eyes flicked to the top of the screen. Eight-thirty. Enough time to put on a shirt and some pants and reach the Crown Tower by nine. He sighed and tapped out a reply: "What for?"There was a flash of red on his phone that disappeared as fast as it came, leaving James staring into the reflection of his blue eyes on his phone's screen where the flash once was."Huh?" James gasped in surprise as he glanced around the screen to find nothing out of the ordinary."Hmm, probably nothing," he shrugged. He tapped the backspace button on his phone and deleted the message he had just entered and entered the words "Yeah, see you there." A tap of the green "Send" button delivered the message to Negadrake with a soft beep.He put on a white polo shirt and grey jeans before draping a black cloak over his shoulders as he disappeared through the door.

The Crown Tower wasn't very beautiful. Bricks were intentionally cemented in place such that they stuck out of the walls in ugly checkered patterns and overhanging ledges reached out their spindly and branch-like spikes over the edges of the building. What the architect had in mind when he designed this building, nobody knew, which may have contributed to its abandonment in its later years. The only greenery for miles around was the lichen that had started growing on the building's exterior, the only sign of flora in the vicinity of grey pavements and black roads.The glass doors in the front of the building were shuttered by iron panels, locked in place with heavy padlocks. James hung around the steps that led up to the entrance as he looked around for Negadrake. He glanced at his watch. A quarter past nine. James sighed again. What was that mischievous dragon doing at this time of the night?He whipped out his phone, ready to type a stern message to his boyfriend. While James loved his boyfriend, Negadrake could get a little quirky at times and this was one of those occasions that James would prefer that Negadrake curb his "tendencies".Without warning, the shutters creaked to life, clattering as they raised themselves up and revealed the dusty glass doors behind them. James turned around in surprise and the familiar chime of his phone sounded with the message "Come up to the roof".The dragon rolled his eyes. He had half a mind to turn back and go home. After all, why should he be sneaking into empty buildings at night? The street lamp behind him flickered and he saw something dark shifting in the lobby of the building. Was that Negadrake? He approached the glass doors and the figure followed suit, coming towards him from behind the glass.There was a shimmer around the black figure as James got closer and closer, until he was just an arm's length away, coming face to face with his own reflection of red and white scales.James blushed annoyedly in embarrassment. With a rough shove, he pushed the door open and stormed into the empty lobby of the building. Round wooden tables were circled by dusty couches and dead flowers sat in vases in the middle of them. A receptionist desk was beside a line of metal gantries that blocked the way to a corridor with six lift doors, three on each side of the corridor, probably dead without power supply to the building.The dragon approached the doors to the stairs. The lack of electricity worked in his favour here, rendering the magnetic locks to the door useless as he opened it without resistance. He entered the stairwell and let the door slam shut behind him with a dull book.The staircases went round and round the square-shaped stairwell that led up to the many levels of the tower. James sighed as he peered between the flights of stairs that seemed to reach for the heavens. There were at least twenty to thirty floors and he wasn't keen on spending the next thirty minutes climbing the stairs.A sound of sliding metal boomed through the lobby behind him, deafening in contrast to the silence of the building. A startled James spun around and his cloak swished behind him, stirring up the dust on the floor. Was someone else there? Was there still security in this building? If so, he wouldn't like to be caught. Cautiously, James crept back to the door, gingerly pushed it open, and sneakily scanned the lobby of the tower. Empty, just the way he left it.He opened the door and went back into the lobby to look for the source of the noise."Nega!" he called out. If this was one of his games... Suddenly James jumped back in surprise as he noticed the gantries. All of them were wide open in an invitation for him to enter. The middle lift of the left wall slid open silently, flooding the corridor in a soft yellow light.James stood there in a mixture of confusion and fear. Something was very, very wrong. Yet something in him stirred. An impulse. He took a step forward. He didn't know what it was exactly, but Negadrake aside, there was something that he needed to see at the top of the tower.His legs carried him to the open elevator. Its light felt like a portal of warmth and safety, strangely alien in the darkness of the lobby. James stepped into the lift and the doors closed shut behind him. Did he press the elevator button? He must have because the button to the thirty-second floor was lit and the elevator carriage had begun its swift ascent upwards to the top floor with the hum of the motor.Time seemed to stand still in the elevator. Nothing else was moving other than the red numbers that incremented with each floor the lift passed by.5.There was something up on the roof and James could feel it.10.There was a reason Negadrake had called him there and he was going to find it.15.But what was "it"? James stood silently in the elevator with a glazed look in his azure eyes.20.25.Suddenly the lights in the elevator flickered on and off. The panel display shorted out and James could have sworn that the number "644" flashed on the display, followed by an image of an eye on its red LEDs. He was just about to chalk that up to his imagination when the lights blew up in a shower of sparks and glass and the elevator shuddered with a jolt.Without warning, the elevator's support cables snapped and the carriage plummeted towards the ground as it screeched against its guide rails. James' heart lurched in his chest as he grabbed the railings for some sort of hold. With a sudden crunch, the safety mechanisms activated and the elevator jerked to a halt. The lights came back on and the doors opened as if nothing happened.James quickly stumbled out of the elevator, in shock and panting for breath, clutching his palpitating heart with one hand and reaching out for support with the other. He grabbed a handrail and knelt on the ground as he recovered. He took deep breaths and tried to clear his pounding mind.The world started to sharpen around him as he gradually came to. How long had he been here? He shakily stood up and walked out of the lift lobby. The floor was filled with work cubicles with dusty desktop computers on them. Something felt a little off though. Everything felt a little...older than it should be. Or was that just his disorientation?No matter. He stumbled for the door. Stairs. He had to take the stairs. No more elevators. The stairwell was just as he left it. This time, he could see the top of the staircase and with all the strength he could muster he stormed his way up the stairs.

The door of the roof access opened and the red dragon stepped out into the air of the cool night. Apart from the pillars of leftover debris littering the roof, there was nothing in sight."Nega?" he called out but there was no response. With steady steps he paced around the roof, looking for signs of his boyfriend. But he was searching for something else too. That something that he knew he was supposed to find. Dark clouds were forming overhead, hovering menacingly around the moon as if threatening to blot it out from the night sky.He stepped outwards to the edge of the building and peered over. A thick fog had begun to gather around the building, obscuring the ground and concealing a drop of over thirty floors. James could fly but the thought of a fall from that height still sent an involuntary shudder up his spine."James..." a faint whisper in a low-pitched growl reached his ears and the dragon turned around. He couldn't see anyone for all the piles of metal junk on the roof. He stepped forward and scanned his eyes for signs of people."Nega?" he called out again. "Where are you?"Another hissing whisper called his name and James followed the source of the voice. A dark dragon was lurking in the shadows between two tall black and grey columns of twisted steel scraps. His glowing eyes seemed to glare at James with a sort of eagerness and hunger as the red dragon approached."Who are you?" James asked the figure who only smirked in response. The dark dragon silently reached out his hand, procuring a jet-black cube that reflected the pale moonlight with its smooth surface as he offered it to James.James hesitated and backed off. "What's that?" he asked cautiously but got no reply again. A part of him wanted to turn back and go down the stairs but another part of him was telling him that the cube was what he was here for.And that he'd never get a chance at this again.He stepped forward a little, still trying to keep his distance from the dragon as he reached for the cube. As he approached, James could see a strange sheen to the dragon's scales. Almost like it was a smooth sheet of rubber than individual scales. Before he knew it the cube was in his hands and he was staring at it as a sense of curiosity and awe filled him. It was just large enough to fit his head in if it had an opening, but the box was seamless and smooth on all sides.He looked up to see that the other dragon had disappeared. "Hey! Wait! What's this thing?" he dashed around the two pillars but the black dragon was gone without a trace, leaving James alone on the roof with the black box.James slowed down to a stop. What was he to do with this box? He grunted as he turned the cube over in his hands, looking for signs of what the strange object is for. Suddenly the cube jumped out of his hands into the air and a side of it opened up. A black liquid-like mass shot out from the box towards James and he turned around, trying to avoid the projectile. It hit him on the back of his cloak with a sticky thud, throwing him off-balance and towards the ground."What the-" he exclaimed as he turned around and tried to look at the object on his cloak. It seemed like a rubbery blob of goo that was stuck to his cloak, pulsating like a beating heart. "Ugh!" James exclaimed in disgust and tried to swipe the blob off his clothes. It smeared along the fabric and half of it came off on his clawed hands, cold and slimy.The slime gave him a nauseating feeling in his guts and he tried to wipe it off on the ground. His efforts, however, were in vain as it only served to spread it up his arms. James snorted in annoyance. This was going to be annoying to clean off.With a pulse, the goo suddenly spread further up his arms as if it were alive. James could feel the slime on his back spread behind him on his cloak and he hastily tore it off him and tossed it forcefully to the ground. The goo on his arms, however, used the time to spread up to his chest."Gah!" James tried to pull the rubbery substance off he could only stretch the surface of the latex before it snapped back into place. Whatever it was that was slowly engulfing his body was tough, and the dragon didn't like it one bit. As it spread across his chest, he could feel the chilling liquid latex flow across his scales and get beneath them as if his shirt wasn't there. The dragon peered closer in surprise. The goo seemed to have dissolved his clothes as it consumed them in their watery bulk.This was not good.It spread across his torso and down towards his legs, slowing down his movement with its viscous mass. "Help!" he finally chose to yell out. "Get this thing off me! Nega? Someone? Anyone!" But no help came and the sticky rubber spread down to his feet, refusing to let go as they clung to his body relentlessly, dripping their black drops everywhere.James' body was now half-enveloped in a thick layer of latex, forming a thick and skin-tight suit. His wings spread outwards as if trying to stay out of the latex as the goo spread upwards, consuming his wings. It spread up the joints and all over his wing sails until even the tip was now covered in a layer of thick rubber.With a slurping sound, the liquid began crawling up James' neck to his head: the only part of his body left uncovered by the dripping liquid latex. He clawed at his neck, trying to pull off the stubborn rubber but it seemed unaffected by his efforts. They advanced steadily up his jaw before a huge layer of it rose up behind him and wrapped around his head in an air-tight seal.James grabbed his rubber-bound head in panic, unable to see or breathe as he knelt helplessly on the ground. The dragon could feel the latex mould around his head before holes for his head and nostrils opened up, allowing him to gasp for breath as he tried to help himself off the ground.The rubber-coated dragon stood there in his latex suit as drops of black goo dripped around him. His form was still recognizable in the dark, but that was soon about to change. The rubber shifted about in front of his chest, some of it coming together to form bumps in some areas, leaving a thin layer of rubber in others. The shape of the thick bumps slowly became sharper and more refined, solidifying themselves into armour plates around his chest, shoulders, and back. The thin areas of rubber slowly stiffened into a thick leathery skin.James felt his armoured chest in disbelief and he could feel his fingertips slide across his scales as if the black thing on his chest was part of his body. What was this rubber doing? To be precise, what was it doing to his body?There was a sharp crack as James felt his torso getting constricted under the tightening rubber. He fell kneeling to the ground, clutching his abs as they were painfully squeezed. At the same time, his arms felt like they were on fire as his muscles strained. They thickened from under the rubber, giving them a muscular form as he grunted from the pain. His legs were undergoing the same process, tightening in some places while muscles grew out in others.James struggled on the ground, whimpering from the pain that was inflicted on him. A black plate started to grow from the back of his hand, a sort of arc made out of three rectangles with a leathery fin between them. The fingers in his hands were squeezed together into three sharp spikes. He tried to shift his individual fingers but only the three spikes moved in turn like claws on his hands as if his five clawed fingers had never been there. The toes on his feet were also moulded into three sharp claws on each of his large feet."Help me," he groaned from under his rubber mask but nobody was there to listen to him as the transformation continued. The lower sails on his wings were painfully forced closed, leaving behind just the arm joint. The upper sails, on the other hand, were spread open and portions of the skin hardened into a plate much like those on his hand: three rectangular plates fused together with skin between them.There was a probing feeling from his back and James turned around. A huge cone was behind him, made out of a glassy, black material except for two raised rings that circled the cone, made out of the same material as his chest plate. Tendrils were reaching outwards from the base of the cone, swallowing up his tail. However, a particularly stiff probe was pointed towards him as if aimed for his behind. With a firm thrust, the cone pushed the probe towards his tailhole."A-ah!" he exclaimed in surprise and pain as his sphincter was forced open by the probe. He squeezed tightly as he attempted to expel the anal intruder but it remained lodged within him. Grabbing his tail, the cone pushed the plug deeper into him and he could feel the tip of the probe nudge gently against his prostate and he blushed in a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment."Ngnrr..." he groaned in pain as the transformation carried on. What was happening to him? He could feel the horns on his head being pressed together as if clamps were tightened around them with screws. His horns were fused together and moulded into a jagged crest and a blue tip emerged from the top. His snout grew thicker and rounder and a horn pushed out from the top of his snout.A sort of red lens spread over his eyes, tinting everything red with its barely-transparent surface as it rendered him almost blind. "Help..." he gasped as he stumbled around blindly. He blinked and the red seemed to turn a little transparent. He blinked again and the red began to clear up. The lenses had begun to fuse to his corneas and he was now looking at the world through his crimson eyes.James' body now took the form of the legendary Pokémon Zekrom and he stumbled around, getting a feel of his new body. "Ahh, finally," a deep and smooth voice boomed around him, too close for comfort. It felt like it was coming from the inside of his head as he looked around."Who are you?" James asked nervously."You don't know who I am?" the voice laughed condescendingly. "I've been with you this whole time and you still don't know who I am? No matter. I'll explain in a bit, but first...rise."There was a vibrating sensation at James' crotch and he felt a kneading sensation that turned him on. "Wait! Hang on, what are you doing to me?" he protested and his draconic member slowly pushed through his slit in response. His rubber-coated dick stood upright, sharp and ridged in the moonlight.Without his control, his clawed hand was lowered to his crotch and he began stroking his erect cock in swift motions. "Hey! That's not me! What are you-hngg," he was interrupted as his claws stroked and squeezed the tip of his tapered dick, sending a wave of pleasure through him and he gasped."Hush," the voice commanded him firmly and a rubbery hollow tube was forcefully shoved into his maw, keeping it open while his speech and tongue were impeded. "All will be explained. For now, just sit back and enjoy the ride." His hand was directed to stroke his cock faster and faster and James' breathing was reduced to short huffs as he tried to stay focused, trying to resist the voice. But it was getting harder to block out the unknown voice as he was distracted by his predicament. And pleasure, oh the pleasure. His hand stroked his turgid shaft faster and faster as the plug in his tailhole filled his ass up satisfyingly."Mfft!" he moaned from behind the gag. He needed release. Just a little bit more stroking. "Hmm, no," the voice in his head seemed to read his mind and denied him his release as his hands were raised off his cock, leaving his waiting member throbbing in futile anticipation."Gnrr!" he protested."Let's make a deal, you agree to stop resisting and let me in and I'll let you cum. Does that sound alright to you?" the voice in his head offered.James shook his head angrily. "No? Maybe a little more encouragement..." His glassy and conical tail lit up with a blue glow as it began to generate electricity. There was a zap and his nipples and balls were subjected to a burst of energy, weak enough not to hurt but strong enough to stimulate his erogenous zones. He whimpered in pain not from the shock but from his aching private as he yearned for release."You really don't know me?" the voice teased him. James' clawed finger was brought down to the base of his trembling cock, gently stroking his underside in a slow motion to the tip where a bead of precum had begun to leak. "I've been inside of you over the past few months. In your mind. In your thoughts."The dragon-turned-Zekrom whined quietly as the voice continued, "I've been hiding in your shadow. In your reflections you see in the mirror. In the red eyes that watch you everywhere you go." Another stroke brought him closer to cumming. So close but yet so far."But each time you brush it off. 'Part of your imagination' you say. But I've always been a part of you, and you a part of me. And finally," James could feel a smirk emanating from the voice's presence. "Finally. You're all mine.""Well," the voice paused. "Almost mine..." Another shock to his eager balls made James shiver in a mixture of pleasure and pain. He desperately wanted, no, needed to cum. "And all you have to do is to give yourself to me."James looked upwards as if he was staring at someone who was looking down at him. His face was one of desperation, his unwillingness to give in in direct conflict with his libido's desire for satiation. Struggling within himself, he reluctantly forced himself to nod. The voice smirked again and released James' hands. The dragon hurriedly brought his claws down and resumed his fervent self-pleasuring.His mind was now focused on nothing but bringing himself to fruition. Thrust after thrust, he gripped his cock like there was no tomorrow as he rubbed every inch of his flesh. He gasped in ecstasy as he was brought over the edge and he shot his load across the concrete floor of the roof which glistened white under the beam of moonlight.He panted and hung his head defeatedly, ashamed at what he had done but at the same time relieved from the tension. His inner voice laughed in a deep voice and James could feel his mind probed by dark tendrils, threatening to invade and corrupt."Now, now," the voice warned as he tried to resist. "We had a deal. Not like you had a choice, though." Without warning, James felt a dark fog washing through his mind, corrupting, no, cleansing it with its clarity. His shaft retracted back into his slit to form a smooth null bulge as he stood up proudly and spread his arms and wings, giving them a good stretch.The inner voice. It was in him all along. In fact, it had been him. "We...we are one and the same," Zekrom declared in a smooth and low-pitched voice. "Has been, is now, and will always be." Then why had he been fighting it this whole time? Was it all this wrong?Of course not. His rubber body. It felt powerful as he flexed his arms and stomped his feet. How could all this strength be wrong when it felt so right? He growled and his turbine glowed a bright blue that pierced through the sky and illuminating the roof. The roof of the tower was scattered with shattered stone pillars, their rubble littering the yellow tiles of the floor. The roof overlooked a lake of water that surrounded the tower, interrupted only by a dark bridge that connected its banks to the tower entrance. Dragonspiral Tower, the tower where it all began.Zekrom roared loudly as he spread his wings. With a heavy thrust, he took off into the cloudy night sky, looking for his next victim to corrupt.

~ End ~

The soft bed was a huge relief as James the dragon flopped into the thick feather-stuffed mattress, tired from a day of hectic work. The silky bed sheets felt cool and smooth against scales, red except for his white undersides, horns, and mane which gleamed a clean white under the light of his penthouse apartment. He was wearing a banded cloak with a lavender-coloured tie that spread out under him.

There was a chime on his phone and he whipped it out of the pocket of his cloak. There was a flash of purple-black that faded away into a chat notification from Negadrake. What did his dragon boyfriend want this time? The message popped open, reading "Yo! Meet you at the Crown Tower at 9?"

James sighed. He had some trouble with some particularly difficult opponents while defending his position as Subway Master so he wasn't in a mood to go out, particularly after experiencing the cool embrace of his bed. The lack of consideration for his frustrations in this nonchalant invitation annoyed him to no end. He tossed the phone on his bed and got up. He'll take a shower and think about it but the answer would probably still be a no.

The red dragon lugged his huge and tired figure to the bathroom. A flash of black scales passed by in the mirror behind him, out of his field of vision. He slammed the toilet door close behind him and the sound of running tap water could be heard through the sleek and white wooden door.

A clean dragon emerged out of the bathroom a few minutes later wearing nothing but a towel draped around his waist as he sat on his bed. His phone screen was lit with another message waiting for him.

"Are you coming?" the message asked. James' blue eyes flicked to the top of the screen. Eight-thirty. Enough time to put on a shirt and some pants and reach the Crown Tower by nine. He sighed and tapped out a reply: "What for?"

There was a flash of red on his phone that disappeared as fast as it came, leaving James staring into the reflection of his blue eyes on his phone's screen where the flash once was.

"Huh?" James gasped in surprise as he glanced around the screen to find nothing out of the ordinary.

"Hmm, probably nothing," he shrugged. He tapped the backspace button on his phone and deleted the message he had just entered and entered the words "Yeah, see you there." A tap of the green "Send" button delivered the message to Negadrake with a soft beep.

He put on a white polo shirt and grey jeans before draping a black cloak over his shoulders as he disappeared through the door.

The Crown Tower wasn't very beautiful. Bricks were intentionally cemented in place such that they stuck out of the walls in ugly checkered patterns and overhanging ledges reached out their spindly and branch-like spikes over the edges of the building. What the architect had in mind when he designed this building, nobody knew, which may have contributed to its abandonment in its later years. The only greenery for miles around was the lichen that had started growing on the building's exterior, the only sign of flora in the vicinity of grey pavements and black roads.

The glass doors in the front of the building were shuttered by iron panels, locked in place with heavy padlocks. James hung around the steps that led up to the entrance as he looked around for Negadrake. He glanced at his watch. A quarter past nine. James sighed again. What was that mischievous dragon doing at this time of the night?

He whipped out his phone, ready to type a stern message to his boyfriend. While James loved his boyfriend, Negadrake could get a little quirky at times and this was one of those occasions that James would prefer that Negadrake curb his "tendencies".

Without warning, the shutters creaked to life, clattering as they raised themselves up and revealed the dusty glass doors behind them. James turned around in surprise and the familiar chime of his phone sounded with the message "Come up to the roof".

The dragon rolled his eyes. He had half a mind to turn back and go home. After all, why should he be sneaking into empty buildings at night? The street lamp behind him flickered and he saw something dark shifting in the lobby of the building. Was that Negadrake? He approached the glass doors and the figure followed suit, coming towards him from behind the glass.

There was a shimmer around the black figure as James got closer and closer, until he was just an arm's length away, coming face to face with his own reflection of red and white scales.

James blushed annoyedly in embarrassment. With a rough shove, he pushed the door open and stormed into the empty lobby of the building. Round wooden tables were circled by dusty couches and dead flowers sat in vases in the middle of them. A receptionist desk was beside a line of metal gantries that blocked the way to a corridor with six lift doors, three on each side of the corridor, probably dead without power supply to the building.

The dragon approached the doors to the stairs. The lack of electricity worked in his favour here, rendering the magnetic locks to the door useless as he opened it without resistance. He entered the stairwell and let the door slam shut behind him with a dull book.

The staircases went round and round the square-shaped stairwell that led up to the many levels of the tower. James sighed as he peered between the flights of stairs that seemed to reach for the heavens. There were at least twenty to thirty floors and he wasn't keen on spending the next thirty minutes climbing the stairs.

A sound of sliding metal boomed through the lobby behind him, deafening in contrast to the silence of the building. A startled James spun around and his cloak swished behind him, stirring up the dust on the floor. Was someone else there? Was there still security in this building? If so, he wouldn't like to be caught. Cautiously, James crept back to the door, gingerly pushed it open, and sneakily scanned the lobby of the tower. Empty, just the way he left it.

He opened the door and went back into the lobby to look for the source of the noise.

"Nega!" he called out. If this was one of his games... Suddenly James jumped back in surprise as he noticed the gantries. All of them were wide open in an invitation for him to enter. The middle lift of the left wall slid open silently, flooding the corridor in a soft yellow light.

James stood there in a mixture of confusion and fear. Something was very, very wrong. Yet something in him stirred. An impulse. He took a step forward. He didn't know what it was exactly, but Negadrake aside, there was something that he needed to see at the top of the tower.

His legs carried him to the open elevator. Its light felt like a portal of warmth and safety, strangely alien in the darkness of the lobby. James stepped into the lift and the doors closed shut behind him. Did he press the elevator button? He must have because the button to the thirty-second floor was lit and the elevator carriage had begun its swift ascent upwards to the top floor with the hum of the motor.

Time seemed to stand still in the elevator. Nothing else was moving other than the red numbers that incremented with each floor the lift passed by.

There was something up on the roof and James could feel it.

There was a reason Negadrake had called him there and he was going to find it.

But what was "it"? James stood silently in the elevator with a glazed look in his azure eyes.

Suddenly the lights in the elevator flickered on and off. The panel display shorted out and James could have sworn that the number "644" flashed on the display, followed by an image of an eye on its red LEDs. He was just about to chalk that up to his imagination when the lights blew up in a shower of sparks and glass and the elevator shuddered with a jolt.

Without warning, the elevator's support cables snapped and the carriage plummeted towards the ground as it screeched against its guide rails. James' heart lurched in his chest as he grabbed the railings for some sort of hold. With a sudden crunch, the safety mechanisms activated and the elevator jerked to a halt. The lights came back on and the doors opened as if nothing happened.

James quickly stumbled out of the elevator, in shock and panting for breath, clutching his palpitating heart with one hand and reaching out for support with the other. He grabbed a handrail and knelt on the ground as he recovered. He took deep breaths and tried to clear his pounding mind.

The world started to sharpen around him as he gradually came to. How long had he been here? He shakily stood up and walked out of the lift lobby. The floor was filled with work cubicles with dusty desktop computers on them. Something felt a little off though. Everything felt a little...older than it should be. Or was that just his disorientation?

No matter. He stumbled for the door. Stairs. He had to take the stairs. No more elevators. The stairwell was just as he left it. This time, he could see the top of the staircase and with all the strength he could muster he stormed his way up the stairs.

The door of the roof access opened and the red dragon stepped out into the air of the cool night. Apart from the pillars of leftover debris littering the roof, there was nothing in sight.

"Nega?" he called out but there was no response. With steady steps he paced around the roof, looking for signs of his boyfriend. But he was searching for something else too. That something that he knew he was supposed to find. Dark clouds were forming overhead, hovering menacingly around the moon as if threatening to blot it out from the night sky.

He stepped outwards to the edge of the building and peered over. A thick fog had begun to gather around the building, obscuring the ground and concealing a drop of over thirty floors. James could fly but the thought of a fall from that height still sent an involuntary shudder up his spine.

"James..." a faint whisper in a low-pitched growl reached his ears and the dragon turned around. He couldn't see anyone for all the piles of metal junk on the roof. He stepped forward and scanned his eyes for signs of people.

"Nega?" he called out again. "Where are you?"

Another hissing whisper called his name and James followed the source of the voice. A dark dragon was lurking in the shadows between two tall black and grey columns of twisted steel scraps. His glowing eyes seemed to glare at James with a sort of eagerness and hunger as the red dragon approached.

"Who are you?" James asked the figure who only smirked in response. The dark dragon silently reached out his hand, procuring a jet-black cube that reflected the pale moonlight with its smooth surface as he offered it to James.

James hesitated and backed off. "What's that?" he asked cautiously but got no reply again. A part of him wanted to turn back and go down the stairs but another part of him was telling him that the cube was what he was here for.

And that he'd never get a chance at this again.

He stepped forward a little, still trying to keep his distance from the dragon as he reached for the cube. As he approached, James could see a strange sheen to the dragon's scales. Almost like it was a smooth sheet of rubber than individual scales. Before he knew it the cube was in his hands and he was staring at it as a sense of curiosity and awe filled him. It was just large enough to fit his head in if it had an opening, but the box was seamless and smooth on all sides.

He looked up to see that the other dragon had disappeared. "Hey! Wait! What's this thing?" he dashed around the two pillars but the black dragon was gone without a trace, leaving James alone on the roof with the black box.

James slowed down to a stop. What was he to do with this box? He grunted as he turned the cube over in his hands, looking for signs of what the strange object is for. Suddenly the cube jumped out of his hands into the air and a side of it opened up. A black liquid-like mass shot out from the box towards James and he turned around, trying to avoid the projectile. It hit him on the back of his cloak with a sticky thud, throwing him off-balance and towards the ground.

"What the-" he exclaimed as he turned around and tried to look at the object on his cloak. It seemed like a rubbery blob of goo that was stuck to his cloak, pulsating like a beating heart. "Ugh!" James exclaimed in disgust and tried to swipe the blob off his clothes. It smeared along the fabric and half of it came off on his clawed hands, cold and slimy.

The slime gave him a nauseating feeling in his guts and he tried to wipe it off on the ground. His efforts, however, were in vain as it only served to spread it up his arms. James snorted in annoyance. This was going to be annoying to clean off.

With a pulse, the goo suddenly spread further up his arms as if it were alive. James could feel the slime on his back spread behind him on his cloak and he hastily tore it off him and tossed it forcefully to the ground. The goo on his arms, however, used the time to spread up to his chest.

"Gah!" James tried to pull the rubbery substance off he could only stretch the surface of the latex before it snapped back into place. Whatever it was that was slowly engulfing his body was tough, and the dragon didn't like it one bit. As it spread across his chest, he could feel the chilling liquid latex flow across his scales and get beneath them as if his shirt wasn't there. The dragon peered closer in surprise. The goo seemed to have dissolved his clothes as it consumed them in their watery bulk.

This was not good.

It spread across his torso and down towards his legs, slowing down his movement with its viscous mass. "Help!" he finally chose to yell out. "Get this thing off me! Nega? Someone? Anyone!" But no help came and the sticky rubber spread down to his feet, refusing to let go as they clung to his body relentlessly, dripping their black drops everywhere.

James' body was now half-enveloped in a thick layer of latex, forming a thick and skin-tight suit. His wings spread outwards as if trying to stay out of the latex as the goo spread upwards, consuming his wings. It spread up the joints and all over his wing sails until even the tip was now covered in a layer of thick rubber.

With a slurping sound, the liquid began crawling up James' neck to his head: the only part of his body left uncovered by the dripping liquid latex. He clawed at his neck, trying to pull off the stubborn rubber but it seemed unaffected by his efforts. They advanced steadily up his jaw before a huge layer of it rose up behind him and wrapped around his head in an air-tight seal.

James grabbed his rubber-bound head in panic, unable to see or breathe as he knelt helplessly on the ground. The dragon could feel the latex mould around his head before holes for his head and nostrils opened up, allowing him to gasp for breath as he tried to help himself off the ground.

The rubber-coated dragon stood there in his latex suit as drops of black goo dripped around him. His form was still recognizable in the dark, but that was soon about to change. The rubber shifted about in front of his chest, some of it coming together to form bumps in some areas, leaving a thin layer of rubber in others. The shape of the thick bumps slowly became sharper and more refined, solidifying themselves into armour plates around his chest, shoulders, and back. The thin areas of rubber slowly stiffened into a thick leathery skin.

James felt his armoured chest in disbelief and he could feel his fingertips slide across his scales as if the black thing on his chest was part of his body. What was this rubber doing? To be precise, what was it doing to his body?

There was a sharp crack as James felt his torso getting constricted under the tightening rubber. He fell kneeling to the ground, clutching his abs as they were painfully squeezed. At the same time, his arms felt like they were on fire as his muscles strained. They thickened from under the rubber, giving them a muscular form as he grunted from the pain. His legs were undergoing the same process, tightening in some places while muscles grew out in others.

James struggled on the ground, whimpering from the pain that was inflicted on him. A black plate started to grow from the back of his hand, a sort of arc made out of three rectangles with a leathery fin between them. The fingers in his hands were squeezed together into three sharp spikes. He tried to shift his individual fingers but only the three spikes moved in turn like claws on his hands as if his five clawed fingers had never been there. The toes on his feet were also moulded into three sharp claws on each of his large feet.

"Help me," he groaned from under his rubber mask but nobody was there to listen to him as the transformation continued. The lower sails on his wings were painfully forced closed, leaving behind just the arm joint. The upper sails, on the other hand, were spread open and portions of the skin hardened into a plate much like those on his hand: three rectangular plates fused together with skin between them.

There was a probing feeling from his back and James turned around. A huge cone was behind him, made out of a glassy, black material except for two raised rings that circled the cone, made out of the same material as his chest plate. Tendrils were reaching outwards from the base of the cone, swallowing up his tail. However, a particularly stiff probe was pointed towards him as if aimed for his behind. With a firm thrust, the cone pushed the probe towards his tailhole.

"A-ah!" he exclaimed in surprise and pain as his sphincter was forced open by the probe. He squeezed tightly as he attempted to expel the anal intruder but it remained lodged within him. Grabbing his tail, the cone pushed the plug deeper into him and he could feel the tip of the probe nudge gently against his prostate and he blushed in a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment.

"Ngnrr..." he groaned in pain as the transformation carried on. What was happening to him? He could feel the horns on his head being pressed together as if clamps were tightened around them with screws. His horns were fused together and moulded into a jagged crest and a blue tip emerged from the top. His snout grew thicker and rounder and a horn pushed out from the top of his snout.

A sort of red lens spread over his eyes, tinting everything red with its barely-transparent surface as it rendered him almost blind. "Help..." he gasped as he stumbled around blindly. He blinked and the red seemed to turn a little transparent. He blinked again and the red began to clear up. The lenses had begun to fuse to his corneas and he was now looking at the world through his crimson eyes.

James' body now took the form of the legendary Pokémon Zekrom and he stumbled around, getting a feel of his new body. "Ahh, finally," a deep and smooth voice boomed around him, too close for comfort. It felt like it was coming from the inside of his head as he looked around.

"Who are you?" James asked nervously.

"You don't know who I am?" the voice laughed condescendingly. "I've been with you this whole time and you still don't know who I am? No matter. I'll explain in a bit, but first...rise."

There was a vibrating sensation at James' crotch and he felt a kneading sensation that turned him on. "Wait! Hang on, what are you doing to me?" he protested and his draconic member slowly pushed through his slit in response. His rubber-coated dick stood upright, sharp and ridged in the moonlight.

Without his control, his clawed hand was lowered to his crotch and he began stroking his erect cock in swift motions. "Hey! That's not me! What are you-hngg," he was interrupted as his claws stroked and squeezed the tip of his tapered dick, sending a wave of pleasure through him and he gasped.

"Hush," the voice commanded him firmly and a rubbery hollow tube was forcefully shoved into his maw, keeping it open while his speech and tongue were impeded. "All will be explained. For now, just sit back and enjoy the ride." His hand was directed to stroke his cock faster and faster and James' breathing was reduced to short huffs as he tried to stay focused, trying to resist the voice. But it was getting harder to block out the unknown voice as he was distracted by his predicament. And pleasure, oh the pleasure. His hand stroked his turgid shaft faster and faster as the plug in his tailhole filled his ass up satisfyingly.

"Mfft!" he moaned from behind the gag. He needed release. Just a little bit more stroking. "Hmm, no," the voice in his head seemed to read his mind and denied him his release as his hands were raised off his cock, leaving his waiting member throbbing in futile anticipation.

"Gnrr!" he protested.

"Let's make a deal, you agree to stop resisting and let me in and I'll let you cum. Does that sound alright to you?" the voice in his head offered.

James shook his head angrily. "No? Maybe a little more encouragement..." His glassy and conical tail lit up with a blue glow as it began to generate electricity. There was a zap and his nipples and balls were subjected to a burst of energy, weak enough not to hurt but strong enough to stimulate his erogenous zones. He whimpered in pain not from the shock but from his aching private as he yearned for release.

"You really don't know me?" the voice teased him. James' clawed finger was brought down to the base of his trembling cock, gently stroking his underside in a slow motion to the tip where a bead of precum had begun to leak. "I've been inside of you over the past few months. In your mind. In your thoughts."

The dragon-turned-Zekrom whined quietly as the voice continued, "I've been hiding in your shadow. In your reflections you see in the mirror. In the red eyes that watch you everywhere you go." Another stroke brought him closer to cumming. So close but yet so far.

"But each time you brush it off. 'Part of your imagination' you say. But I've always been a part of you, and you a part of me. And finally," James could feel a smirk emanating from the voice's presence. "Finally. You're all mine."

"Well," the voice paused. "Almost mine..." Another shock to his eager balls made James shiver in a mixture of pleasure and pain. He desperately wanted, no, needed to cum. "And all you have to do is to give yourself to me."

James looked upwards as if he was staring at someone who was looking down at him. His face was one of desperation, his unwillingness to give in in direct conflict with his libido's desire for satiation. Struggling within himself, he reluctantly forced himself to nod. The voice smirked again and released James' hands. The dragon hurriedly brought his claws down and resumed his fervent self-pleasuring.

His mind was now focused on nothing but bringing himself to fruition. Thrust after thrust, he gripped his cock like there was no tomorrow as he rubbed every inch of his flesh. He gasped in ecstasy as he was brought over the edge and he shot his load across the concrete floor of the roof which glistened white under the beam of moonlight.

He panted and hung his head defeatedly, ashamed at what he had done but at the same time relieved from the tension. His inner voice laughed in a deep voice and James could feel his mind probed by dark tendrils, threatening to invade and corrupt.

"Now, now," the voice warned as he tried to resist. "We had a deal. Not like you had a choice, though." Without warning, James felt a dark fog washing through his mind, corrupting, no, cleansing it with its clarity. His shaft retracted back into his slit to form a smooth null bulge as he stood up proudly and spread his arms and wings, giving them a good stretch.

The inner voice. It was in him all along. In fact, it had been him. "We...we are one and the same," Zekrom declared in a smooth and low-pitched voice. "Has been, is now, and will always be." Then why had he been fighting it this whole time? Was it all this wrong?

Of course not. His rubber body. It felt powerful as he flexed his arms and stomped his feet. How could all this strength be wrong when it felt so right? He growled and his turbine glowed a bright blue that pierced through the sky and illuminating the roof. The roof of the tower was scattered with shattered stone pillars, their rubble littering the yellow tiles of the floor. The roof overlooked a lake of water that surrounded the tower, interrupted only by a dark bridge that connected its banks to the tower entrance. Dragonspiral Tower, the tower where it all began.

Zekrom roared loudly as he spread his wings. With a heavy thrust, he took off into the cloudy night sky, looking for his next victim to corrupt.

~ End ~

[Tanorath] Vanishing Act

Vanishing Act I had turned up to work to find a relatively fat folder dumped on my table. I snorted as I sat down and placed my coffee off to one side. The folder bore the logos of the local police department, which was unusual. As I flipped...

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