An Infestation in the Herd 17

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#17 of An Infestation in the Herd

The Hive expands massively through Canterlot, and begins to take steps regarding the Changelings.

Commissioned by FlimFlamFun5

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An Infestation in the Herd

Part 17

For FlimFlamFun5

By Draconicon

Moonlight Thunder and Lancer, the two largest stallions in the Canterlot palace, walked together in tandem. Their hooves moved together at the same speed and cadence, neither faltering nor speeding up. Anyone that happened to watch them from outside would have suffered the feeling of something off, something strange, simply from that moment. It was stiff, though not so stiff as to imply something wrong, and too uniform, even when one of them happened to be part of the Night Guard. It was just...not quite right, not entirely real, and yet it was.

Of course, that was all due to the parasites. They were so close now, so in sync with one another, that they simply moved together. The nature of the parasites within them, the nature of the Hive, meant that they were simply able to tune into each other without thinking, without speaking, without even trying to. In fact, it took conscious effort on both their parts to de-sync when others turned to look at them.

Not that there were many that did during the late hours of the morning. The sun was soon to rise, and when it did, Luna would call Lancer to her side for one last romp before she took her sleep. Then, when she was tired from her long night, when she was drained from her time with the large stallion, Moonlight Thunder would strike. And not merely with his shaft, this time.

They did not have to look at the saddlebags that he carried over his back. They both knew what was there. The parasites had confirmed it with the drone that had packed it earlier that day, the information transferred through the parasite tails as images that they could see with ease. A memory transferred with the same ease as a simple spoken word, and yet, far clearer. They knew what was in the pack as if they had packed it themselves.

A few cordials of concentrated Hive-stallion juices.

A bottle of berry-wine.

A few snacks that were 'altered' by the bakers to be highly corruptive.

And rope. Lots and lots of rope.

After all, they were preparing to take down one of the Princesses, and that meant putting out extra effort to ensure that it all went well. They were the most powerful horses in the entire realm, able to take down greater powers than any mere parasite if they were focused. Their minds would be like fortresses if they didn't put out every effort to weaken them first.

But they could be taken down. They were sure of it. This was the beginning of the end for Equestria.

Lancer waited in the hallway just a few paces away from Luna's door, while Moonlight Thunder continued further down the hall of the palace. He walked around the corner, only to find himself staring at...himself. He nodded, and the Changeling behind the guise shimmered as it went down.

"Everything's ready?" the Changeling asked.

"Yes...all is prepared."

"Heh...I never thought that you'd be this brazen."

"It is the will of the Hive. All must be brought under our influence and guidance."

"Except the Changelings, of course."

"...Of course," the host said.

They shared a gaze for a moment, both of them knowing that it was only a matter of time before one or the other stabbed their partner in the back. It was the nature of things. The Changelings wanted to survive, needed more than they were being offered, and the Hive could not trust that they would not be backstabbed in turn. The nature of the beast, of any parasite, was that there could only be one dominant strain, one dominant species that had all the hosts that they wanted. Having to share was a temporary agreement at best, and this agreement was already fraying.

The Changeling merely smiled, however, and bowed his head, shimmering into a copy of Lancer.

"The plan will be carried out."

"Yes...see to it," the host said.

The Changeling turned around, walking back down the hall. It would serve as the best way of keeping the Night Guard from seeing what was about to happen. Having their commander waiting for them, telling them to keep away for now, would be the perfect dodge while the real Lancer - and him - worked the Princess of the Moon over. No reinforcements would come for her, and the real Lancer would never be suspected of infecting her. He would be blameless, able to continue acting if something went wrong.

Not that it should.

Moonlight Thunder walked back to the edge of the short hallway going off from the main one, standing on the other side of the intersection as Lancer. He 'hid' himself behind a curtain, though it barely worked. He had grown, and he did not take cover as easily as he used to. He barely fit behind the curtain, and even that was a stretch, as his tail and his balls pushed out slightly behind it, and his shaft - already rising at the instructions of the parasite within him - was dropping from his sheath, hanging lower and lower in anticipation of what he'd be asked to do.

They waited...and waited...and waited. Neither of them showed any sign of impatience, and nor did the parasites within them. They were not subject to the same feelings, the same concerns as their hosts; the parasites came from a state of mind that barely acknowledged time. All that mattered was that they were in place, waiting like a spider sitting in the back of its web for the right moment.

And the moment finally came. The door leading to Luna's chamber opened, and a younger pony exited the room. He pranced down the corridor, turned to Lancer, and gave a quick nod. The shared information that the Hive had from Lancer meant that the young pony was familiar: a page of the Princess, someone that she sent with idle messages, and then sent down to a bar to get drunk, to knock the memory of what he did out of his head.

Whatever he did remember, it wouldn't matter. Lancer's memories had been clear on that, and Moonlight Thunder's parasite had the same memories now. They were safe. They were in the clear.

As the young pony pranced off, Lancer made his way to the open door, and Moonlight Thunder followed. He hooked the door with a front hoof as the other stallion stepped inside, listening quietly.

"Ah, my captain. You come at your mistress's call."

"Yes...I do."

"So stiff tonight. Have you dealt with trouble?"

"Some, your highness," Lancer said, his voice clearing, becoming just a hair less professional as the parasite within adjusted itself. "But nothing that you need to be concerned about."

"Good...I knew I could trust you to handle things."

"May I approach?"

"Of course...but shut the door. We do not wish our royal voice to carry."

"Then let me ask something else, first. Your highness, may I offer further company?"

Both hosts would have been nervous in other times, but with the control of the parasites, they were merely patient. The possibility of consequences was there, of course, but they were minimal, particularly with Lancer doing the questioning and asking permission. He was trusted, and they knew from his memories that he would never bring something up with her that he wasn't completely sure of. It lent him credence to ask for something that they normally would not.

Of course, the original plan hadn't been to ask at all, but rather for Moonlight Thunder to sneak in and become part of the fun partway through, poisoning the wine and the food as he went. However, once she had demanded that the door be shut, they'd needed to go with the secondary plan of inviting him in.

And it worked.

"Let me see your...friend."

"Come in," Lancer called, and the other host stepped inside.

He posed as he stepped through the door, deliberately tensing his muscles, showing off every inch of his stallion power. There was much to show off, of course, as he was quite the farm pony, someone that had built up his body through long hours of work and intense devotion to his craft well before the parasite had taken him. Since then, he had grown stronger, more masculine, and the host's shaft hung lower than ever.

He posed particularly to show that off, turning slightly to allow the dropping, dropping, dropping shaft to be on display from the side. He did not miss the glance that she gave him, nor did the parasite misunderstand the hunger that she had in her eyes.

For all her presence of the night, Luna was still a mare, and a mare with needs.

"You have...found quite a friend," Luna said, the dark-blue mare smiling as she walked up to him. Despite her height, he still stood level with the alicorn. "You are...from far away, I can tell."

"Yes. Far off."

"And you come here..."

"I was invited."

"Ah. Then I must thank who invited you. They found...quite the treasure."

She looked him up and down. Once, the host might have been flattered at the attention, but he had been a host for so long that there was little of that left behind. What was left understood what those glances meant, and what it would offer for the parasite within. They were close, now, very close.

"You will accompany us to the bed," Luna said abruptly, turning away. Her tail flicked to the side, the princess showing off her sex and her other hole, as if her meaning could be in doubt. "Come."

"I have...refreshment," Moonlight Thunder said.

"You may bring it. But to bed."

This...was not part of Lancer's memories. The two hosts turned to one another simultaneously, the parasites briefly conferring, or attempting to without making contact. This was atypical, but it was, at the same time, an opportunity. If she wanted both of them at once, then they might be able to tire her out without using the various poisons and fluids that they had brought along.


They decided without words to go along with it. They followed, Lancer's shaft dropping just as Moonlight's already had. They had a job to do, as studs for the Princess of the Moon.

Three hours later, Moonlight Thunder dragged himself from the bed, excusing himself for a rest that he did not need. Luna rolled off him, dragging herself onto Lancer, impaling herself on his shaft and slamming her rump down on it. He groaned, as even the supernatural stamina of the parasites had limits, and Luna was rapidly pressing them to find them.

They had not expected someone to be this ravenous for sex, for them to be this hungry, desperate, and horny for it that they would keep going three hours into the night. Even the various fluids that they had expelled in her, tainted as they were, had barely slowed her down. The magic might have stopped - they had both been manhandled with ease, at the start, as she positioned them with her magic - but that was scarce comfort when she showed no signs of slowing down.

She was no simple mare. They needed the help that the rest of their gear would provide.

As Lancer groaned, the host driven to vocalize despite everything that the parasite was doing to keep things under control, Moonlight Thunder opened the pack that he had left on the ground. He pulled out the bottle of berry-wine, popping the cork with his teeth. The vials came next, each one poured right down into the bottle. Concentrated and stronger than the various fluids that they'd been expelling into her pussy and ass, he could only hope that the combination with the wine would be sufficient to actually bring her down. Nothing else seemed to be working.

Shaking the bottle up quietly, he pulled out the treats. Little baked goods, nibbles rather than proper meals, they were meant to entice the eater to be more randy, less inhibited, but at this point, he only hoped that he could get her to eat them and then slam down the bottle of wine all at once. That might be their only chance.

"Your highness," the host said.

"Nnngh...mmm...yes? We are - ah - listening?" Luna panted.

"I have...refreshments."

"Bring them here."

He waddled over, his balls feeling half-drained for the first time in months. His head spun, his body ached from the hard fuck. He could only hope that they were slowly getting close to the end, and he hoped against hope that Celestia would be easier than this. If she was as difficult as her sister, then there was no way in all of Equestria that they were bringing her down without an army.

Thankfully, Luna was hungry enough that she demolished the various treats without question, and thirsty enough that she floated the bottle of berry-wine to her lips and started chugging it, almost more like a country-pony than a royal princess. They watched, hoping, praying that it would have an effect...

And it did.

She slumped forward, losing her balance as she fell forward. Her pussy slipped right off Lancer's shaft, popping it free, and the soldier host groaned. Even as controlled by the parasite as it was, the host was still exhausted from the rough studding that he had been required to offer.

Luna was giggling, rolling her head side to side as she laid on her stomach. Her ass and tail were up, and it was their only chance.

"Get the wire," Moonlight Thunder muttered.

Wordlessly, Lancer rolled off the bed, trotting to the bag, while Moonlight Thunder moved behind the princess. He reached around behind him, behind his balls, all while Luna giggled drunkenly.

"Hee hee...oh, pretty balls...pretty're gonna do more than that...better have more for me...hee hee..."

The parasite inside him was not entirely pleased with the situation, but considering the way that the night had gone, it was better than some of the other possibilities that they could think of. Luna might have fucked them both dry without ever stopping, and they would have been discovered if she'd maintained her stamina and checked the bag without them being able to take advantage of her. They would have been found out, and it would have been very hard to keep the whole conspiracy from being uprooted at that point.

Instead, they had the princess drunk, and while that wasn't the best situation for a new parasite to join someone's body, it was better than not getting a new body at all.

His hole opened up, and the familiar passage of parasite egg to hoof began. The host would have groaned if his mouth wasn't clenched shut, and the passage of something sliding down his inner walls was as odd and interesting as it always was. The feeling of something sliding over his prostate reminded him of the other pleasures that came when he wasn't a breeder, wasn't a stud, and Moonlight Thunder's shaft twitched slightly.

Only slightly, however. Now that they were focused on the task at hand, there was no need to think with his cock. There was only the need to obey, to get the task at hand done.

The egg fell out shortly after, landing in his hoof, and he held it out, the shimmering shell just a few inches from the princess's rump. Lancer had already returned with the wire, pulling it tight around her hind legs and around her forelegs, too, ensuring that she wouldn't be able to just get up and fight if she realized what was happening.

They had to be ready. If she fought, they'd have one chance, and they'd have to move fast.

The egg hatched in seconds, the shells falling soundlessly to the sheets. As Luna kept giggling up a storm, sipping on the last of the wine bottle, the crab-pincers on the parasite's front grabbed the lips of her asshole. It was already well-stretched from getting fucked for the last three hours, so there was no difficulty in the parasite pushing forward and sliding past her rim. The way that she giggled and laughed, rolling her head from side to side as she started to sing off-key, it was almost like she didn't even notice.

The two hosts looked at each other as the parasite continued to slither forward, shaking their heads. They had never, ever had to deal with someone as powerful and focused as this, and they honestly weren't sure what was going to happen next. If this wasn't enough...

Well, they weren't sure what would be. It was only possible to have one parasite per person, and they were really pushing their luck at times with just how fast they introduced them. If this wasn't enough, they'd be faced with the possibility that there were those that had a strong enough will to hold the Hive back, and that was a terrifying thought.

They waited...

And waited...

And waited...

Finally, the parasite was fully inside of the princess. She giggled and hiccupped once more from the drink, then went quiet. For the first time all night, she was completely, totally quiet.

The hosts were concerned, almost wondering if something worse had gone wrong, as if she might have gone braindead or that her heart had stopped. The parasites just waited, keeping their hosts calm.

Rather than the stiffening and then going still that they were used to seeing from other hosts, it seemed like Luna just completely went limp. The mare's body sagged off to the side, and rather than going stiff and shivering, she flicked, twitched, and even wiggled. Everything seemed to go

And at the height of all the 'relaxation' that she was going through, she lost control of her bladder.

Both of the stallions were surprised at that, and their host, as well. That had never happened, and it made them all rather concerned, particularly as the spray continued. Bit by bit, it increased, staining the sheets. Neither host was offended by it, just slightly curious and confused at the process.

Eventually, it came to an end, and the princess raised her head. She slowly extended her forelegs, looking down at the wire wrapped around it. She lifted her head, then looked down, then looked up again.

"I am safe. You may remove this."

"You are Hive?" Lancer asked.

"I am Hive."

"You swear?" Moonlight Thunder asked.

"You doubt me?"

"You are...her. There's the possibility that she might be lying to us."

"This is...understandable. She is strong. Powerful. She...pushes."

"What do we do?"

"...Rut her."

Two hours later, the princess parasite called a halt to the fucking, saying that it had control. The relief for the two stallions was all but palpable. The exhaustion was being passed on to the parasites within them, and despite all their efforts, it was not easy to keep up with that sort of vigorous activity for hours upon hours upon hours.

But it was worth it. The wires were undone, and the host-body stood up. The alicorn spread her wings, tilted her head one way, then the other. She extended her forelegs, then the hind-legs, testing them, shifting from side to side.

"This body is...tall."

"Taller than most mares," Lancer admitted.

"It will take some getting used to."

"Yes. Does she have information?" Moonlight Charger asked.

"Yes...very much."

"Share with us."

They all turned, rump to rump, and their parasite tails dropped. The princess shifted slightly for a moment, but only for a moment, as the parasite took back control. The other two hosts were concerned, and so were the parasites within them. This was the first time that there had been so much resistance, and while it was certainly possible to quash it, it didn't bode well for what the Princess of the Sun might be able to muster against them.

Then they made contact, and the electrifying feeling of pleasure rushing through their bodies stiffened all three hosts where they stood. The two males dripped pre-cum through their drooping shafts, and the princess began to ooze where she stood, her back legs getting slick and shiny along the thighs.

Nobody spoke during the transfer of information, nobody daring, and nobody wanting to. There was no need. Just stare straight ahead, just take the pleasure of the transfer as the hosts were rewarded for giving the parasites what they needed.

It was familiar for the two males. The princess, however, occasionally twitched and even spasmed as she went through the treatment. Once, a gasp even managed to break through her lips, something that no other host had managed. She could not move, but those small signs were strange, different...

Until the moment that it broke her.

The Princess of the Moon let out a moan that was choked through her teeth, her juices flowing freely down her legs as the pleasure finally got to her. Something about the direct transfer of information and pleasure broke her, sending her over the deep end as she climaxed from it. She went slack, save for the control of the parasite, and the resistance finally seemed at an end.

A few moments later, the hosts were able to step away from each other, the tails of the parasites slithering back into their holes. They shivered slightly, slowly coming back to the moment as they turned to look at one another.

The transfer of information left the parasites in the males...rather well-informed, and in more ways than they expected. Not only was this something that was rather common for Luna, but Lancer wasn't her only partner. Not by a long shot. Nor was this the only way that Luna worked out her stress. If anything, this was the mildest way that she did it, and more often than not -

"Celestia is worse," Moonlight Thunder whispered. "She's worse."

"Far worse," Luna said. "And much more...eager."

"...I do not know if the host can take it," Lancer said.

"It will have to. We will have to."

Without Celestia, the plan to take over the kingdom was dead. She was too powerful, too dangerous to be allowed to stay without an infestation. Even if she did present dangers and difficulties to actually take down, they still had to find a way. If they didn't...

Well, they had Luna now, but that was nothing compared to the Princess of the Sun. The Hive had assumed that the sisters were at least close to one another in power. They were most definitely not.

Not even slightly.

The hosts looked down, all of them being put to use thinking, processing the problem before them. The parasites added their own thoughts and priorities, guiding their hosts to think of some sort of solution to the problem now that they all had the same information. Celestia and Luna both attended an orgy every two weeks, a way for the two Princesses that ruled the land to blow off steam and enjoy the different males and females around them for a time. It was only allowed to those of a certain rank of nobility and the guests that they chose, though that wouldn't be as difficult as it sounded. The Hive had already infiltrated much of the upper ranks, though it wouldn't hurt to find more of them, just so that they could get more of their numbers there for the next orgy.

But the idea of dealing with someone as rampant and needy as Luna, and worse...

"There...may be a way," Luna said.

"What?" Moonlight Thunder asked.

"Unlike me, she is more...fastidious. She will want to be cleaned out again and again. We may be able to make that work."

"Cleaned out?"

"She will have others eat her out, clean the mess of the previous partner out with their tongues, and sometimes with actual sprays," Luna said. "If we replace the sprays with fluid, over time..."

"It didn't work with you."

"We can feed her, too, and perhaps find other ways of introducing the corruption to her. And do it all night long. With more stallions."

It was a rough idea, but it was better than nothing. And at least with Celestia, they'd have an excuse of what they were doing, rather than just trying to pull one out of their collective asses. They'd have a reason to be stuffing her full and pretending to clean her out while only adding more of the corruptive, mind-altering slime.

But even with that possibility, there was no real optimism between the hosts of being able to take her down. Their effort to bring Luna to their side in private had been enough to show that there were those that were genuinely too strong-willed to be brought down the same as normal ponies. The fact that Moonlight Thunder, the stud himself, had been forced to rely on the other tools that they'd brought, was proof enough of that. They were going to have to take Celestia hard right from the start, and in front of witnesses. Witnesses that would be at least partially on their side, yes, but they were going to have to do it all at once.

None of them liked that. The parasites were meant to do this secretly, quietly, taking over bit by bit rather than all at once. They were powerful, and they were good at what they did, but there were limits even to their capabilities. If they pushed too far, too fast...

Well, they were going to be doomed.

But now they had Luna, and that meant that there was no turning back. Now that they had the Princess of the Moon, it would be impossible to hide her condition for long. They could have a Changeling impersonate her for a time, but...well, they were still pushing their luck. The moment that Celestia wanted a meeting with her sister, she, at least, would notice that something was off.

But they had to try. One way or another, they had to try.

"Lancer, stay." Luna nodded at her guard. "And go."

Moonlight Thunder nodded. The normal way of things. Lancer stayed overnight, and anyone that might be watching that they weren't aware of should be thinking that things were going as close to normal as possible. Best that he not stick around when he wasn't a normal companion for the princess, anyway. He stepped away from the bed, picked up the saddlebag, and left. No need to nod; that was normal behavior, and they were no longer anything like normal ponies.

He left the chambers, making his way down the corridor, and the host felt like something had shifted. There was...something different to the parasite now, something that would probably rock the rest of the Hive when they made contact again. The fact that there was a possibility for a host to resist them, even partially, meant that any further infestation would have to be approached with care and caution. Even if it was limited only to the most powerful ponies, that was still something that they needed to be aware of.

Until Celestia was caught, until Canterlot was fully subdued, they couldn't afford to be outed. They needed to take everyone...or at least, most everyone...and then...


Then they would be safe. Then the Hive would grow. Then the world would be theirs, and the freedom that the ponies had enjoyed until that point would be ended. It would be the Hive's will, and that was all that they would ever need.

And so, down the corridors of the palace he trotted, thinking of what was coming next. The orgy wasn't for...ten days, so they had ten days in which to spread their influence through the palace, ensure that they had all the different stallions and mares under the Hive's control as they could get, and move on from there.

Moonlight Thunder knew that all the planning was being done by the parasite inside him, that it was trying to convince itself that the confidence-shattering event of Luna's near impossible breaking hadn't actually happened, but the host knew the truth, even if the parasite didn't. However, he was not a disobedient host. He didn't have plans of how to use that to break free, or use that to start building a resistance.

No, he was a good host, a broken host, one that knew his place and knew that there was no point or purpose fighting against the control of the Hive. They were there, and they were going to stay. It was better to serve them and find a way to make things easier, rather than to put himself in their way.

The host was rewarded with a blast of pleasure for his thoughts, sufficient to make his tip flare from his sheath for a moment before pulling back in. It was hardly the sort of pleasure that would make someone lose their minds, but the host still appreciated it.

Luna remained in her chambers, staring at the window while Lancer rested on her bed. Or rather, as the host Lancer rested on her bed, and the parasite within him.

Luna herself was...conflicted.

She stared out at the night sky fading to morning, knowing her sister had already left the palace and had begun the process of bringing the day to the world below, but her thoughts were on the thing inside of her. The parasite, the Hive, the pleasure that they offered, and the control that they were exerting over her and those that she knew. More people than she expected upon the infestation.

She could feel the parasite's frustration, the way that it was constantly trying to exert more power over her. She wasn't trying to hold it back, not much, but there was some part of her that it still struggled to completely control. Luna looked out at the heavens, at the star-lit sky, and she slowly shook her head.

The parasite didn't make her. She just did. She knew that it would be a slow fall into being fully controlled by the parasite, by the Hive. There was no avoiding that; the pleasure that came during their theft of her memories was enough to convince her of that, considering that she'd lost all control of her body after that. The only reason she had the ability to move her head now was because the parasite was testing her, seeing what she would do if she was allowed some small bits of freedom.

Not that she was trying much. The only bit of her freedom that she took advantage of was moving her head, looking around her own room, and seeing what it felt like to have that bit free when the rest of her was not. She'd felt it from the first moment that the parasite had purged her bladder, forcing her to push out all the contaminants in her body at once. It had been...oddly forceful, and something that she didn't know how to feel about, but it was done without any concern for her feelings.

Not that she had many of those left, either.

Luna looked out at the sky again. The end of Equestria was coming, and she was just...dead to it, in many ways. She didn't hate it, but she wasn't sure that she welcomed it, either.

Another shiver of pleasure ran down her spine. Perhaps, she thought, if she received more of those, she might consider it.

The End

Summary: The Hive herd continues to corrupt others, and makes their move on Luna, only to suffer quite the surprise.

Tags: M/F, M/M/F, Corruption, Infestation, Parasite, Hive, Drone, Pony, MLP, Non-Anthro, Anal, Vaginal, Cocks, Egg, Mind Control, Series, Cum, Orgasm, Watersports, Piss,