An Infestation in the Herd 18

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#18 of An Infestation in the Herd

The Hive expands massively through Canterlot, and begins to take steps regarding the Changelings.

Commissioned by FlimFlamFun5

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An Infestation in the Herd

Part 18

For FlimFlamFun5

By Draconicon

Ten days until the next orgy turned to five in short order, though few enough in Canterlot would know about the passing of the days or what they meant. To the average pony under lockdown against the Changeling threat, one day was much the same as another. They remained in their houses until they were allowed out for the stores, to visit the palace, or to take care of whatever business that they could still conduct under the guardianship of the Princess's army. Aside from that, their lives were boring, repetitive, but at least they were safe.

As far as they knew, at least. They still had no knowledge of the Hive, nor of the parasites that had already infested their ranks. The network of the Hive had spread far and wide, and regular visitors at the train station brought more information to those that were there to receive it.

Each day, someone new came, stayed for a day in Canterlot, and departed the next day on a different train. Each day, that pony brought more information.

A pegasus arrived the day after Luna's infection, and a converted Day Guard was there to receive them. An 'interview' happened around the corner, where they went rump to rump, mere inches of parasite tail extended to give information.

Las Pegasus half-fallen, the casinos in our hands.

Canterlot converted, majority of nobles in our hands.

And then they passed, and no more was said. No more needed to be said.

With each new arrival, greater progress and greater news of infestation was passed between them. Nobody brought news of failure, only greater progress, and at the worst, slightly slower progress than had been hoped for. There was always something that could be said for the expansion of the Hive.

Five days of good news passed quickly, but five days of waiting still remained...

Luna remained in her chambers, as she had done every day since the infestation when she was not due to be flying across the sky, ruling from the Moon, and ensuring that the peace of night descended upon those that lived throughout Equestria. There had been thoughts of using her flight to seed the world with more of the eggs that the parasites created, but the height of her passage was too much to risk, and there were too many ponies out there that were still uninfested. An egg that was caught in the wrong hooves could spell greater problems for those that were still under-cover.

However, that very height meant that there was something else that they gained from her. They were able to track the Changelings in a way that they could never do before, and with knowledge of the difference agents that crisscrossed the land, and Luna's nightly flights, they were able to follow the different Changelings to where they nested.

In two days, they had the location of their central strongholds, the nests where their 'allies' made their homes, and the places that they believed utterly secret and safe from the rest of Equestria.

Luna returned to her balcony with a somber mood, or what would have appeared such to those that didn't know her internal struggle. Inside, the princess was curious as to why the parasites had made such a deal, only to have the answer instantly.

The Changelings were useful, and it was better to keep them from becoming part of the fight for Equestria until the Hive had sufficient hosts to deal with them. Or at least, that had been the plan. Now that they knew where the Changelings nested, that changed things. It changed them quite a bit, as a matter of fact.

Of course, the host was not privy to all the facts that the parasite within her had, but that didn't mean that she didn't agree. The war with the Changelings had been her focus for years, now, and they had never been closer to being able to deal a decisive strike as they were at that moment. It was in that moment, when she knew that the Changelings and the Hive were not on the same side, and that the Hive was always looking for a way to take them down and bring them under the same ruling hoof as the rest of Equestria, that Luna finally made her choice to work with them.

Not that she had much of one, but it was still a choice. The parasite within her accepted that, and they began to plan.

It was the work of three days to bring the plan to a fruition, three long days in which Luna had to avoid her sister and ensure that the kingdom kept running. She wasn't sure how she did it, how she managed it, but somehow she did. The rest of the world kept turning and nobody found out about her and the parasite within.

It helped that she was the Princess of the Moon and dealt with matters of the night. She didn't have as wild and varied a court as her sister did, nor did she have to deal with nearly as many petitioners. That said, she did have many lovers that she had to avoid for the sake of preserving her privacy, particularly as they were all quite keen to have their fun with her in groups.

She might have been able to infect them one at a time, but in groups? It wasn't going to happen.

It meant that she was rather...unstimulated, unfortunately. The parasite was able to give her something, to tease her nerves and imitate the memories of being rutted, but there was nothing quite so satisfying as the real thing down there, and she didn't have that during those three days. Luna's mind was put to work, and her body was left to stand there, robotic, frozen as her mind worked through cunning plans for the sake of the Hive. She was made into a thinking machine, something that did nothing but plan and plot, and that was something that she did very well.

Three days and countless orgasms later, the Princess of the Moon had her plan, and she opened her court. The first to enter were a mare and a stallion, very familiar, and very much not the people that they were pretending to be.

"Leave us," the Princess of the Moon called through her court, her voice booming as it always had. "We will speak to these ponies alone."

The Night Guard nodded, moving through the court to grab those that had assembled to speak with her and encourage them to the exit. They were used to her whims, and they were quick to act on her demands.

It didn't take long for the room to be clear, and she dropped the imperious expression that she had donned upon entry. Her body went half-limp, half-stiff, hard in some places and soft in others as the disguise was dropped.

"You risk a lot going around like that. The real ones are here," Luna reminded them.

The Changelings dropped the shimmering façade, blue and green eyes shimmering into being to replace the pony ones that they had been presenting. The rest of the disguise fell after, turning them back to their bug-like selves. The one that had been imitating the stallion chuckled, bowing his head.

"But it is our way of ensuring you know who we are."

"That is besides the point. The Hive needs you to maintain secrecy, just as we do."

"So long as the real ones are not in the palace, what does it matter?"


"You sent for us, your highness. What do you need?"

"...I have a task for you."

"Heh, one that requires special sneaking around, I assume."


In truth, it was more than that. The Changelings had long been on the watch for anyone that might have come back with a parasite within them, so much so that the Hive had not bothered trying to infest one of them lest it give the game away. But with the advent of Luna's capture, there was no more need for that. There were ways of laying traps that the Changelings could not ignore.

Luna's horn shimmered. The parasite had learned to use her power for its own, and it was keen to show off. It pulled a map from behind her throne, displaying it beside her.

"You will go here," she said, pointing with one hoof to a place well off the beaten path, somewhere away from many villages...and coincidentally only a few miles from one of the Changeling nests. "There is someone that we need to make contact with. Messengers that have found a tribe of older, wild ponies."

"Wild ponies? I thought that was just a myth."

"Apparently not. They need to make contact; you will do that."

"...And then?"

"Then bring the information to your own nest, wherever that happens to be. These ones will be our gift to you. A new source of...sustenance."

That was the second lie, of course. The first was that there were any herds of wild horses at all, considering that they had long since disappeared from Equestria. In truth, this was merely an excuse to get them to that area. It would take them some time to arrive - weeks, even - during which time Luna could air-drop eggs into the area. By the time that they arrived, it would be a minefield of different parasites eager for a host.

The Hive would have their first Changeling hosts, and that...that would mean the beginning of the end of the Changeling threat. They would take their hosts back to their hive, alongside a few others that had been disguised to look like wild horses, and then the Changelings would welcome them within the bounds of their nest.

From there, infestation would be slow, but ever so possible, particularly as Luna dropped more eggs from the sky to be collected and brought within. It would be fast, very fast, once the first wave of infestation was past.

And clearly, the Changelings were intrigued. A food source that no other had fed on just yet would be quite the bait for them, and that was what Luna was relying on. They would crave it, and not ask too many questions.

"When do you leave?" the parasite made her ask.

"Tomorrow," the male said, changing back to his stallion shape. "We will leave first thing in the morning."

"Do so."

" think that you're as good as our queen, Luna? We might be on the same side, but don't try and command us. You are not Chrysalis."

The pride of the host was buried, but not quite gone. It surged for a moment, and the parasite suppressed it. With her compliance in the war against the Changelings, that had become easier for the parasite. Instead of rising in rage, Luna merely nodded.

"I will remember that."

The Changelings 'bowed' before turning and leaving the throne room. They were clearly cocky, confident, and hungry for the 'reward' that they were being offered, so cocky and confident that they didn't ask the obvious question of how the Hive had found the wild ponies and the Changelings never had. Luna knew that would be how it went; she had been fighting them long enough to know the arrogance and the blind spots. When it came to food, they were always stupid.

And their leader was no different.

Despite knowing what the Hive did to those that they captured, she felt no same or grief in sentencing someone else to be infested. Perhaps she might have if it had been another pony, another normal equine that needed to have some sense of freedom in their life - though even that was doubtful, these days, what with how the parasite within was changing her with every passing hour - but the idea of putting a Changeling through the same thing, particularly Chrysalis...well, that was a very enjoyable idea, indeed.

She did not recline, as that would have been a thing that the host would have done in a petty, job-well-done gesture. The parasite kept them sitting at attention, head back and breathing evenly.

Despite the pleasure. The pleasure was always there, and Luna sighed inside as she felt it running down her legs. The juices were becoming almost constant, a blast of lust that she enjoyed and was rewarded with every time that she came up with a good idea for the Hive to use. She was getting very good at coming up with good ideas, at this point.


Five days, now. Five days until the orgy, and five days in which the palace was slowly getting turned upside-down. Lancer was busy with the various Night Guards, and the officers that they had converted in the Day Guard were doing the same, pushing to get as many different officers as they could converted to their cause. They were going to need every bit of force that they could get if things went wrong and it turned to outright fighting, and they were not going to give up without a fight.

Lancer stood over one of the Night Guards that he had just fucked, his cock slowly pulling out of that pucker that had been stretched further than any male was ever meant to be stretched. The parasite noted that he was not entirely happy about fucking males, but didn't care. He was a stud, and so, he would stud.

The flared tip of his cock popped free, and the other male's hole, dark and puffy, flexed and gaped, oozing seed and - more importantly - lubrication from their rut. The Night Guard stared straight ahead, his eyes glazed over, the drugged, corruptive seed having its normal effect. The male couldn't move, didn't want to move, was on shaking hooves as Lancer turned around.

Unlike most ponies, he didn't reach back to collect eggs as they came from his hole. Instead, he just positioned himself over his partners and cracked the egg with his rim as it came loose. He was strong enough to time it right and powerful enough to just do it without risking himself, and it was more enjoyable that way, anyway.

This was no different. The egg passed through his pucker, parting it slightly, giving him a mild stretch. Just as it was starting to feel like something more than an egg, making him think of a cock, the parasite gave him permission, and he clenched. His hole cracked the egg with pressure all around, and the top of the egg popped off. The parasite within fell out, landing on the ass of the stallion behind him, and began its work.

Lancer pushed the rest of the shell out with practiced ease, his parasite already waving his tail back and forth to clear any mess that stuck back there. No-one would know, and he stomped out the shells on the ground to ensure that nobody would ever find evidence of what he had done.

The parasite was already half-inside the dark-furred Night Guard, the stallion panting and drooling as the parasite wiggled from side to side inside of the puffy, pulsing donut. Its tail slurped in, and then -


The stallion moaned, his head tilting back as he was infested. Lancer remembered how it felt, how it was to have something grabbing onto a pleasure button that you were barely aware that you had, how it felt to have it grabbing and pulling and squeezing something inside of you and taking control.



Yes, those were the usual leg stomps, and those were the usual pulses and sprays of residual seed from inside. Nothing new there. Nothing like Luna, where the princess had been forced to void herself of all the toxins that she'd taken in with the wine and the drugs and everything else just for the body to be functional. That had been strange. Very strange, indeed.

But this Night Guard was sober. No need for that.

He put up very mild resistance, too drugged, too weak-willed to resist the power of the parasite. Lancer waited until the spasms stopped, the period of stillness beginning.

There was always a danger during this period that someone might walk up on them and see them. Converting someone inside the palace was less of a danger than it used to be, but there was still the possibility that an uninfected servant might walk around the corner and find them. That was why there always needed to be someone around that could keep an eye out, someone that served as a lookout and was able to take charge of the situation and explain it.

Lancer hadn't been required to do that yet, but some of the studs had, and it was always awkward. Never failed, but it was awkward.

The stillness period ended five minutes later, and the dark-furred stallion lifted his head. There was a smoothness to the motion, no jerkiness, though there was the uncanny way that it stopped. No longer horse-like, but almost more like a bird, no wasted movement, always stopping and starting right where it meant to.

"I am Hive."

"You are Hive," Lancer said.

"May I share?"


Four days until the orgy, and another conversion had happened. She was a servant mare for the Princess of the Sun, an older mare that had been in the job since most of the other staff members were barely more than foals, but she still enjoyed the attention of other stallions despite the way that none of them paid her more than half a mind most days. When Darkmoon Dancer himself had come to her - the legendary field hunter of the Changelings - and had offered her the chance to go somewhere private, who was she to say no?

How was she supposed to know that he was something else, these days, and that there was a danger to him that no other would have understood?

Their rut was fast, and what came after, as her pussy dripped and soaked the carpets under her, shocked her to the core. The feeling of something sliding past her untouched pucker pushed through the cloud in her mind, and she was able to stomp one hind-hoof in irritation - thinking that the young man was being cheeky - when there was a shock inside. Her eyes went wide, and her mouth went still as her body went through a full-body cramp. Everything seized up, getting tense and tight, and she couldn't move.


Her breath wheezed out through clenching teeth and jaw, but rather than pain, pleasure rippled up and down her spine. She was forced to relax, bit by bit feeling her muscles no longer tightening. The feeling of her pussy clenching down on nothing, forcing the seed inside of her to squirt out every time it spasmed, became its own odd pleasure. It didn't matter how wrong it was, it was still enjoyable. And as the easing of the tight muscles came, she could feel something else, something that was grinding, burrowing, pulsing inside of her.


Her thoughts were slowing, overwhelmed with the pulsing, shimmering feeling of lightning running up and down her spine, starting from her ass and going all the way to her head, and then going all the way back down. Her breath came in short bursts, then longer ones as something else took the effort of breathing, of standing, of thinking away from her. It was so wrong, and yet...

And yet, not that different from being a servant in the first place. A servant followed orders. A servant did what she was told.

This...this was just...


The soft groan got cut-off partway through, and she couldn't quite finish the sound. Her throat sealed, and then relaxed, but without her able to do anything. Instead, she just stared out her own eyes, breathed the scents in the room, and she realized that something else had completely taken charge of her body.

She felt like she should be afraid...but she wasn't. Fear had been taken from her, too, as had anger, and -


A slow buzz from her rump filled her with a new pleasure, one that rippled south to her pussy and then up and down her spine, somehow translating happiness into some kind of full-body bliss. She would have rolled her head down, almost falling to her knees, but the thing that had taken control of her body kept her upright, seizing her and keeping her from losing control again.

She felt her mouth moving, her words coming without her consent or permission.

"This one has knowledge," she said.

"Is it safe?"

"It is safe."

"Then share."

She felt the same sort of pressure that had started outside her going in pressing out again, something slithering from inside and pushing into the open air. It almost felt like it was embarrassingly voiding her of things, but instead of some horrible mess coming out of her, it was something...something almost phallic, if slender. She would have moaned if her mouth and voice was her own, but instead, she shivered, enjoying the feeling of that thing coming free and what it felt like as it dangled down.

There was something oddly good, something wrong and naughty about it, and she wondered just how it was going to share anything. She could not turn, could only hear Darkmoon Dancer moving, shifting positions.

And then, they touched.

If it had been lightning dancing on her spine before, lighting her up with pleasure and leaving her moaning, this was something greater still. She felt like she was being stormed with pleasure, rocked with it, and yet, she could not react. Her body was no longer her own, and it responded, yes - there were squirts to the floor below, her heart raced in her chest - but her face did not change.

Even the panting had stopped. There was no need for it, the thing inside of her seemed to feel. There was no need to pant. She was focusing on -

There were signals going down her spine this time, and she had flashes of images in her mind, things that were being sent. Celestia's schedule, Celestia's room, Celestia's possessions.

Her toys, even.

She had been a servant for the Princess of the Sun for a long time, and had become accustomed to her peculiarities. Apparently, such was not the same for the other host. There was a startled shock back, one that continued to please her, but nothing to slow it down.

Then, the flood of information came the other way. If she'd thought that the first had been intense, then the download of information coming from the more experience Hive member was something else entirely.

The parasite clamped down on her muscles, forcing the earth pony to stand stock still as she was forced to take in information blast after information blast. The pleasure rocked her from head to toe, and if she had been free to move, she didn't know if she could have stayed upright. For that matter, she didn't know if she could have stayed where she stood; the pleasure was so much that it was almost painful, as if the shocks were burning through her ability to think, or even move.

But the Hive needed her there, so she took it.

The information blasted through her spine, up to her head, and then back down again. Bits and pieces were allowed through. The knowledge of the Hive, the presence of it within the castle, a hint of the identity of some of the members. Not all of them, not nearly all of them, but many, including some that she never would have guessed.

They were here to take over, she realized...and she realized that she supported that.

There was no clear reason why, but the pleasure meant that there didn't need to be. It felt good to do what she was told, always had, and this was no different.

Three days, and the guards were nearly completely taken in. The doubling of their numbers every day meant that there was scarcely a quarter of them still free, and they would be taken in another day. Those that were free were falling behind in the discipline tests that the officers ran, no longer able to keep pace with those that were supernaturally in-sync with one another during the training operations.

It wasn't just that they were slower, but that they were no longer keeping pace with the infested soldiers and officers. Where the Hive-taken ones were able to move with ease, shifting from position to position without thinking about it, the others had to pay more attention, and they inevitably started falling behind.

The constant show of unity by those that did well meant that the ones that didn't were deemed outsiders, and they didn't question the way that they were pushed aside by those that were doing better. They just determined to be better, by any means necessary.

And if those means meant meeting with someone else for a secret 'power-up' that had to be done in private, well...desperate times called for desperate measures.

Two days before the orgy, and the guards had been taken. The nobility, unaware of the secret siege that had surrounded them, were all but brought to their knees, as well. Luna's guards had allowed some small back and forth between her and them of late, and they were quickly infested when they were brought before her.

They were willing, too. They could no longer keep up with the princess, and they took what she offered them to have a chance to stay conscious for the blissful nights, not knowing what they were getting into.

But the various nobility were also subject to it, and even those that were haughty and horrible were made to bend their knee to the Hive.

"I will have you know that it is hardly proper to talk back to one like me," Prince Blue-Blood said, berating the servant that had failed to bring him his afternoon cream puff. "You had one responsibility, and you failed."

"But - but sir -"

"You dare question me?"

He flipped his hoof out, knocking the empty tray flying. It hit the ground with a clang and clatter, drawing the eyes of a hundred other servants in the great hall. It did not matter. He was a prince, and he was allowed everything.

"I will have you kicked out of the castle for this. There is no excuse. You will -"

"But Prince Blue-Blood, I swear -"

"Again, you speak to me?"

He leaned in, grabbing the smaller stallion by his bow-tie, pulling him in. They were close enough that the servant could lean in, and did.

"A creamy dripping."

"...Dripping inside."

Their words were exchanged quietly, without a hint of the emotion that had been blowing over a moment before. They released each other, with Blue-Blood stomping off in high dudgeon, and the servant discretely stepping away.

They met up again two halls down, in a private room that nobody else would enter for the next hour, and the servant pressed a hoof to the prince's shaft, which had already begun to drop.

Neither had known for sure that the other was a member of the Hive, but the phrases that the Hive had begun to spread meant that they were starting to find ways to make contact without the Changelings as go-betweens. This meant that they were able to find ways to meet up...and more importantly, to keep their hosts happy, exchange pleasure as well as information.

Both were dripping, their hosts eager for the attention that they were about to get - and Blue-Blood particularly so, bitch that he was deep down inside - and they soon backed up, allowing their parasite tails to extent.

The blissful touch was met with the usual stillness and silence, broken only by the dripping of stallion fluid to the floor below.

One day before the orgy, and Luna was prepared. The parasite within her made it clear that there was to be no deviation from the timing, and for once, she agreed.

It wasn't just the practicality of the situation, either. The parasite had been training her with pleasure ever since her infestation, and the old ways were more and more hazy to the mare. She remembered her life before she had been a parasite host, yes, before the Hive, but it felt so stressful in comparison. She liked the new life. She liked the chance to strike down the Changelings that had stood against her and her sister for years. She enjoyed the constant pleasure and good feedback that she got for being a good, useful host.

There was no need to fight back.

There was no need to resist.

All she had to do was obey, and she would get everything that she ever needed.

The pleasure that came from between her hind legs was all that she needed as a reminder of just how good she had been, and how good she could continue to be. The orgy was less than a day away, and everything was in place.

Of course, it would depend on her to a good extent, and the host knew that. Luna had been preparing, mentally, for the fact that she would likely have to be the one to put an egg in her sister, to get her infected with the parasite and ensure that her ass was completely filled. It was her power, and her power alone, that would be able to stand against anything that Celestia did to resist.

But once that was done...

Once that was done, they were all but unbeatable. Once Celestia was part of the Hive, there was no more need to hold back. They could open up their infestation, they could go public. They could be as open as they liked, bringing ponies in and making them bend over to take it, to become one of them, part of the Hive.

The very idea was enough to have her dripping, oozing down her hind legs. It was a sign of just how far she had given in, and how far the Hive had accepted her.

Yet, even for all her arousal, she didn't succumb to the temptation to tease herself. After all, the Hive demanded more action.

She had talked with the captains of the guards, ensured that Lancer would be around to take care of anything extreme. The Night Guard would be there all night, making sure that any of the residual Day Guards didn't step in and cause any problems. For that matter, the last bit of infesting Celestia's guards might be done before orgy, though they weren't entirely sure of that. Best to have something ready in case.

Her mind was allowed to run rampant. It was an asset to the Hive, something that they could profit off, and they were more than willing to allow it as it worked for them. Luna had been broken, brought into the fold fully and totally in a way that she had never been brought into anything before.

The Hive pleasured her.

The Hive valued her.

The Hive needed her.

And that was something that she would continue to fight for until her last breath. Even as her body submitted fully to the control of her parasite, she continued to scheme and offer more and more to the parasite within, almost desperate for its approval. Every time that she offered something, her body was blitzed with pleasure, pleasure that it would never show to the outside world but mattered beyond words to her inside. She squirmed, she panted, she moaned from it, and that...

That was what brought her. Not the pleasure, but the rewards, the acknowledgement, the reminder that she was part of the Hive, and that she was wanted, and needed.

The Hive had broken the Princess of the Moon. Soon, it would do the same to the Princess of the Sun.

The End

Summary: The Hive expands massively through Canterlot, and begins to take steps regarding the Changelings.

Tags: M/F, M/M, MLP, My Little Pony, Horses, Non-Anthro, Series, Parasite, Eggs, Body Control, Mind Control, Orgasm, Vaginal, Cum, Creampie, Wet, Rewards,