Vicky the vixen part I the first date

Story by Vinnichi Marcimus on SoFurry

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This is my first series I wish to write here in yifstar. I have others, but I think I needed to start with this one. Its an old story of mine I wrote it a while back but then forgot about it. This is part 1 of a 5 part story so it will get better as the story gets on. Oh yes the obvious warnings about sexual content is here and now. I hope you enjoy this story I will post part II as soon as I can.

Christopher Rodriguez was an average guy but he had a not so average job. His job was head of a law firm, called Rodriguez and son. Obviously Christopher only being 24 years old made him the son. Christopher was the son of a legendary Lawyer named Carlos Rodriguez who represented many people through his luxurious career but he retired and left Christopher in charge, but his father was still in charge from the outside. Meaning that he wasn't really in charge, "Oh come on dad I studied to be a lawyer just like you, there needs to be no reason for me getting a secretary you never had one." Christopher told his father over the phone.

"It's because I had a good memory of things I don't think you have the same sort of thing going." His father said.

"Oh come on dad, I don't need a secretary." Christopher said.

"Yes you do." His father said.

And so Christopher reluctantly began interviewing secretary after secretary turning down extremely attractive ones that talked like strange young moronic girls. Christopher then went out to interview the next girl "Vicky Villanova," Christopher said reading the next name on the list and then looked out and saw this beautiful fox woman. Christopher's jaw dropped he had seen these odd furry humanoid creatures before, actually he had seen a lot of these creatures since the extraterrestrials landed a few years back. This beautiful Vixen was a lot like a woman from the waist up she had breast and arms and hands but she had fur covering her body, and she had a full head of human hair on her head. She however was wearing a nice shirt covering herself. From the waist down she was a lot like a vixen she had the body of a vixen with a tail in her back and visible teats on her. Christopher was out right attracted to this beautiful female.

"You're Vicky?" Christopher asked she nodded. "Right this way," Christopher closed the door behind them and she was waiting for him and handed him her resume. Christopher was impressed she had a good resume and even noted she went to the same school he did. "Hey you went to the same school I did?!"

"Oh you went to Peterman University too?" Vicky said.

"Yeah I just graduated earlier this year oh no wonder I never saw you there you have a major in business administrations." Christopher said reading her resume and he kept looking at her impressed by her poise and beauty and intellect all and all. "Oh you have a minor in Criminal Justice so you should fit right in here," Christopher said. "Well Ms. Vicky I must say that you are the most talent of all the people who have applied now let me ask you some things, if I may that is."

"You may," Vicky said.

"Says here in your resume that you require, to have mating season off," Christopher said. "Pardon my ignorance but I thought you guys would have evolved out of that sort of thing."

"Most of my people that take hormone replace therapy can work all through the year I however wanted to remain natural, its better to find a suitable mate." Vicky said she didn't seem to sound uncomfortable talking about her mating season and hearing that she was looking for a mate made Christopher's cock move a bit in his pants. Uneasy Christopher continued the interview and looked at other things she had in her resume.

"Wow nice G.P.A I am surprised our Valedictorian beat you," Christopher said he himself had a G.P.A of 4.75 Vicky had a 4.96 which was probably third or fourth whilst Christopher was ranked 5th in his class. "Let me ask you something else it says here you love Philosophy and this is really off the track, what do you think of the work of that revolutionary named John Osiris." John Osiris was a revolutionary thinker of his time he was recently trying to run for president under a campaign that said that he was going to unite the countries under one senatorial rule/

"Well Osiris can be quite an awe inspiring man or mane as he calls himself, I find it that he is thinking too superior of himself sometimes but most of the time he seems to be down to Earth. So I believe he can win the coming election and really unite this planet under that Senatorial Rule he was talking about in his early works." Vicky said everything she said was exactly what Christopher himself felt about that revolutionary. Christopher continued the interview although the more he and Vicky talked the more personal the questions became.

"So what about you?" Vicky suddenly asked this threw Christopher somewhat off guard.

"What do you mean what about me?" Christopher asked.

"Well for the last half hour we have been talking nothing but me so I was wondering what about you?" Vicky said.

"Well depends on what you want to know," Christopher said.

"Well how about, whether you have a girlfriend or not." Vicky said

"No, I don't but I sure would like one." Christopher said his intentions though subtle Vicky picked it up and was glad she didn't blush threw her fur. Christopher was attractive and he was a conversational person Vicky wouldn't mind dating him. "Now, if you don't have something to do later tonight we can go get maybe dinner. If you do you still have the job you are too well experienced to pass up."

"Really," Vicky said

"Yeah really it has nothing to do with how attractive I think you are, if it were that way I would have hired that bimbo that came here before you." Christopher said this made Vicky laugh. "You saw her right, blond big boobs no brain man, then she kept yaking away I had to ask her three times to leave."

"But is a boss allowed to date his secretary?" Vicky asked looking at Christopher cunningly.

"What oh I am the boss's son, Vicky, it says Rodriguez and Son and I am the son and also the face of the company but I am not the boss but I do say you are hired." Christopher said Vicky smiled.

"So what time shall I expect you?" Vicky asked.

"Well give me your number and address I will swing by around 8 its closing time here, you can start Monday seeing since it might be awkward in case we have a lousy date." Christopher said. Vicky laughed as Christopher opened the door for her and looked at the other people. "You gals can leave she has the job." Christopher told the people waiting they looked at Vicky angrily before they left.

"Do you really think our date is going to be bad?" Vicky said after the people had left.

"I have so many bad dates its not even funny, if it's not me on fire it's the girl I am dating." Christopher said this made Vicky burst out laughing. "No I'm serious, I will tell you more later. Oh right give me your number and your address yeah."

"If you don't mind can I stay here till you close up then we can head off to our date?" Vicky said Christopher looked at her she was clearly serious and he thought of it.

"Fine with me but aren't you going to change into something more date like." Christopher said.

"Oh, right tell you what I'll meet you back here then we can walk to that restaurant that is a couple blocks down the street." Vicky said.

"Sure but eventually if I were to walk you home I will need to know where you live." Christopher said.

"Well let's hope your lousy dating streak continues then." Vicky said.

"Oh come now that was below the belt," Christopher said as Vicky laughed and walked out of the door. Christopher felt his penis bulge in his pants he had no idea what he just did he never talked to a girl the way he talked to Vicky. Christopher somehow knew that his bad date streak was about to end. Christopher was relentless over the next several hours looking forward to his date with Vicky. Christopher fixed himself as best he could before heading out and met Vicky on his journey to his car. Christopher dropped his keys when she saw her she looked even more beautiful in the beautiful sparkling shirt she was wearing. "Wow," Christopher said. Christopher knew he was screwed now he had picked the most beautiful female to ask out on a date. "I'm officially screwed now I guess."

"What does that supposed to mean?" Vicky asked as Christopher picked up his keys and put his arms in Vicky's arms.

"I'll explain everything right now," Christopher said. Christopher and Vicky walked down the street towards the restaurant Christopher of course called ahead for reservations and when he got there he was surprised to see so many people and furies there. It wasn't uncommon to see humans with furies on a date now a day, especially after it became legal for interspecies marriage. Christopher and Vicky made there way through to a private booth Christopher had reserved for them. Christopher got a chair that was especially made for furies and pulled it out for Vicky she sat down and Christopher soon sat across from her.

"Why did you said, you were screwed?" Vicky asked.

"Because I have a feeling that our date will be the first good one I ever had in my life.' Christopher said.

"There is more to it than just that what is it?" Vicky said.

"Well to be honest with you if all goes well, at the end of this date I will ask you to be my girlfriend." Christopher said truthfully.

"Really?" Vicky said coughing she had just sipped some water and was surprised by what Christopher said. "So what are you anti fury human coupling or something?"

"What no, If I was would I be on a date with you?" Christopher said.

"No I guess not," Vicky said. "So what's wrong then?"

"My mom, I don't think she would be too fond of me having a furry as a girlfriend." Christopher said

"You just know me for a day and already you are talking about me being your girlfriend, you don't even know if I want to be your girlfriend." Vicky said.

"True but if you weren't interested in me you would have left already like so many human girls have. They usually find a furry they are interested in and go off with them when they see each other." Christopher said.

"You said that the dates you had dates where you were on fire or your date was on fire how was that?" Vicky asked.

"Oh that its actually pretty funny, well for you it will be funny. My tie caught on fire on my last date," Christopher said this made Vicky giggle. "No that's not the funny thing the funny thing is that once I was on fire I ran around and tried pour wine of all things to put it out and then my date got on fire. I still have the second degree burns on my chest from that." Vicky giggled a bit but she quickly cleared her throat and wondered what other crazy things happened to Christopher. "But that wasn't rock bottom when it came to dating for me."

"Oh?" Vicky said. "What was then?"

"Well my last date with this really beautiful girl that has nothing on you mind you." Christopher added and if her fur wasn't already red she would have looked like she had blushed. "Well to make a long story short she brought her children when we went on our date."

"She bought her children?" Vicky said sounding very shocked at what Christopher said. Christopher nodded and he told the waiter he wanted some champagne, the best tasting one he told them. "So what did you do?"

"What did you expect me to do the kids ran around crazy and well I had to leave because the kids were really crazy," Christopher said. "Then one of the kids looked at me before I decided to leave and said 'Mommy is this daddy number 6?'" Vicky's mouth gaped.

"You kidding right?" Vicky asked.

"I wish, that is what really happened and then I stopped dating for a while then of course I met you." Christopher said.

"Why did you ask me out anyways?" Vicky asked.

"Have you seen yourself lately?" Christopher said surprised at the question that Vicky asked. "You are absolutely the most gorgeous woman I ever met then when you said you were available that solidified it and so I needed to ask you out. First fury I asked out although I have liked a lot of furies when I was in college."

"Was that one of your moves?" Vicky asked and Christopher nodded truthfully. "Not bad. So how is your life?"

"Well it's been alright but could be better" Christopher said.

"How so," Vicky asked.

"Well my mom could have given me a bit more support through my life, especially when I went through that depression. My dad has been always open minded about everything that is why he fought for legalization of marriage between you guys and us humans." Christopher said.

"So your relationship with your mom, has it always been edgy?" Vicky said

"Pretty much yeah, I mean she doesn't accept things I do and thinks I am retarded some how and when I was ranked all high about it she asked how I could let that guy who beat us beat us and I told her that there has to be some people smarter than me and she said that it was stupid of me to think that." Christopher said then he said. "Hey was that one of your moves?"

"Yeah, simple but clever isn't it?" Vicky said she got up and said. "Now if you excuse me I have to go to the bathroom." Christopher watched her walk away and Vicky said. "And now you are watching me walk away."

"Again simple but clever," Christopher said the waiter came when he was waiting for Vicky to return. "Oh my date when to the bathroom please come back in about 5 minutes yeah?" Christopher told the waiter and he left soon after Vicky came back from the bathroom and sat down across the table. "So what are you going to have?"

"I like shrimp," Vicky said looking at the menu.

"Ah what a coincidence I too am considering the cheapest thing on the menu." Christopher said.

"You have enough for dinner and desert?" Vicky asked.

"For me yeah oh do you want something?' Christopher joked.

"Very funny I'm serious I would really like to try that chocolate moose," Vicky said Christopher took out his wallet and looked in there.

"Don't worry I got enough for both of us to try that chocolate moose." Christopher said he put his wallet back in his pocket and waited for the waiter to return. The rest of the date went without a hitch to Christopher's great delight he knew Vicky for just a day and yet he felt so close to her just from this one date and her open flirty attitude told him that she too was quite fond of him just from this one date.

/"I don't know what it is about you Christopher but I really liked this date," Vicky said as they finished the chocolate moose. "Well I am not sure how to well," Vicky stuttered a bit but she kept her composure and said "I don't know how much of furies you know but we are really open about wanting sex, even though I never asked for it before frankly I don't know how to ask for it." Christopher started to cough when she finished the sentence he couldn't believe what she was saying.

"I feel like we need to talk about this outside," Christopher said after he finished coughing. Christopher lead Vicky out of the restaurant and then he asked. "Did what you just say,"

"I told you I wasn't good at this you probably misunderstood me." Vicky said.

"No, I understood you but I wasn't expecting it so fast." Christopher said.

"Well then you have an umbrella so we can have fun?' Vicky said seductively.

"You guys are really sexually open?" Christopher said.

"Yeah but normally I am not well actually all the time I am not. But you, you're different and you felt it too we have this click all through our date. I couldn't think of a better person to loose my virginity to." Vicky said. "So do you have umbrellas?"

"Never leave my house without them but, are you sure I mean we just met." Christopher said.

"Oh Christopher, of course I am sure I mean I have gone through 10 mating years and 10 years on the dating scene to find a guy like you who is worthy enough to loose my virginity to." Vicky said. "I want to feel you ride me I want you to put your cock in me I want..."

"Okay I am getting horny just thinking of it," Christopher said. "Hey why do I need umbrellas I thought you guys don't get pregnant unless you are in heat?"

"Better safe than sorry," Vicky said.

"Wait before we do it, I want to know if you want to be my girlfriend." Christopher said.

"I want to have sex with you silly, of course I will be your girlfriend." Vicky said. They suddenly kissed and it was the best Kiss Christopher ever had in his entire life. It was even better than his first kiss a couple years back. Vicky even though she had a snout like a vixen had the lips like a human and its furriness made her kiss better than anything else in the world. Christopher and Vicky would have probably done it then and there if it wasn't for Christopher's cell phone suddenly ring.

"Hold up a second," Christopher said pulling off of Vicky and answered his phone. "Hello, oh hey dad, Yeah I locked up, what am I doing I am on a date I told you I had a date. What oh, yeah she's pretty, I don't know when you're going to meet her we just had our first date. Oh come on Dad, yeah I never leave home without them. Oh come one it's our first date its not like it will happen. Oh come on I need to walk her home now, I am hanging up." Christopher hung up and laughed. "My dad wants to meet you already."

"What," Vicky said she was somewhat surprised.

"Don't worry he's quite a joker," Christopher said. "So you still want us to have some fun or did my dad's call turn you off?"

"Looks like you aren't turned off," Vicky said looking at Christopher's crotch that was bulging a bit in his pants. Christopher blushed but he was calmed down by Vicky kissing him slowly. "Don't worry, it's alright I still want that in me."

"One question though my house or yours?" Christopher asked.

"Well umm, yours if you want." Vicky said.

After a ten minute drive to Christopher's house Christopher and Vicky were kissing each other on Christopher's bed. Christopher couldn't believe such a beautiful creature wanted to make love to him and let alone so fast. But these creature were known to have like 5 mates and make love with them on a daily bases and sometimes up to 3 times a day. They had a lot of stamina which made Christopher nervous. Christopher was hoping he had enough stamina to last till Vicky had an orgasm. But then again Vicky said she was a virgin maybe those who had a lot of stamina already had like three mates. Whatever it was Christopher didnt really know what to expect. He never had sex before in his life and to have a furry take his virginity was certainly an odd thing. Christopher went through those things in his head as he continued kissing Vicky on his bed.

Christopher took of his shirt as they continued and helped Vicky take off hers. Vicky's breast appeared and they wer glorious they were plump full C cup size breast, Christopher was somewhat surprised but he wasnt disgruntled. Christopher started massaging Vicky's furry breast that felt strange he never felt breast before in his life but he thought he knew what he could expect but Vicky's were soft plump and gorgeous theyt were whit just like the furt on her abdomen. Christopher massaged Vicky's breast as she began a soft moan. Vicky was lustful she had spent too many years using her hand or a dildo in her pussy she needed some one's cock and that some one was soon going to be Christopher. But how was a bipedel man like Christopher going to mate with her she thought. She didnt think he would want to mate with her how it came natural but as Christopher explored her taur part of her body she knew if she asked him he would mount her.

Christopher couldnt believe what he was doing he was kissing the bbody of Vicky that was a vixen but he didnt care what he liked was her and she was clearly a civilized being that wanted to mate with him. Then he suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong," Vicky asked.

"Well I dont know how to mate you," Christopher said uncomfortably.

"Which one do you think I would most like?" Vicky said as Christopher kissed and fondeled her breast.

"Well I would assume doggystyle but I may be wrong you guys may have evolved out of that." Christopher said.

"I would love for you to mount me," Vicky said and Christopher's cock began to bulge in his pants. Vicky didnt understand why she was so sexually charged today, maybe it was because she had waited for the right guy for so long or maybe it was because never before in her life had she needed to be mounted like she did right now. Christopher took his pants off and then his boxers, Vicky smelled Christopher's man lust and it drove her wild she had never smelled a male's member before and smelling Christopher's was driving her crazy.

"Oh Christopher mount me now," Vicky turned around and positioned herself so he could mount her Christopher didnt think about the umbrellas that he said he never left home without instead he just grabbe Vicky's rump and slowly made his way into Vicky's waiting pussy. Christopher didnt know what to expect he had never had sex before so when he felt Vicky's pussy lips wrap around his cock he gave a shiver. Vicky gave the same shiver and slowly Christopher pushed more of his memeber into her. Christopher wanted to be gentle with Vicky, she was a virgin and so he slowly made more of his cock go into her and slowly he tore through her virginity which made Vicky gave a restrained moan.

"Are you okay?" Christopher asked as he stopped.

"I am fine Christopher," Vicky said turning to her lover and then seductively said. "Ride me Christopher make me yours." Christopher didnt expect to hear that from Vicky but he nodded and he started moving his cock deeper into her pussy. Christopher felt his shaft get engulfed by her juices and he let a grunt because Vicky's pussy was tighter than he thought it was. Vicky started to pant as Christopher started to move his cock in her back and forth. Slowly but surely he picked up the pace, and Vicky started to quite enjoy feeling Christopher's throbbing member in her. Christopher continued slowly but then he picked up the pace a bit making Vicky yelp.


"No dont stop..." Vicky said who was starting to pant. Christopher continued his some what so pace but suddenly Vicky started to thrust back to meet his strokes. Christopher couldnt belive it, they were sloppy at first but eventually they found there rythm and started mating together at the same pace. Christopher moved his throbbing member in and out of Vicky's pussy causing her to quench her teeth making her mad in lust and she started to pant louder and harder as they suddenly picked up the pace of their mating and Christopher held on to Vicky's vixen like rump loving the feeling of the tail that was next to his thigh brushing on him as he thrusted his member deeper in to her. Christopher's cock head found the entrance to her womb it was a tight fit all the way through her but eventually he fit his entire cock head into her and his balls were hitting the back of her pussy. Christopher was drove wild his cock trobbing Vicky panting in a wild frenzy and soon Christopher felt his balls drain and go into his cock and he released his seed deep inside Vicky's womb. The feeling of his hot seed pump into her made Vicky have an orgasm but she didnt let him withdraw when his orgasm came instead her vagina grabbed hold of Christopher's cock as if she wanted to to drain him of his entire sperm. Christopher let off three maybe four squirts of his seed into her that made Vicky have two smaller orgasms before her vagina finally let Christopher's cock go and it squirted its final load before it retracted and Christopher fell to his bed not believing what he had just done.

"Do you still think you are screwed?" Vicky said sort of out of breath and lying next to him. Vicky's body was longer than he was was tall just barely though. Christopher was about 6 foot 5 and Vicky was bout 6 feet 7 inches long. Vicky laid her head on her human lover panting hard.

"Oh I am screwed." Christopher said panting as Vicky nuzzled closer to him.

"Why do you say that?" Vicky said.

"Because, now I have to do a lot of explaining to my mom." Christopher said kissing Vicky on her head. Her Beautiful hair was on his arm she had her beautiful fox like paws wrapped around him and had her left hand on his chest.

"What do you mean by that?" Vicky said not really caring what the answer was.

"Well, I just had sex with a vixen taur," Christopher said.

"So," Vicky said. "Is she an anti species coupling?"

"Yes she is," Christopher said rather uncomfortably. Vicky stood up she didnt know how them having sex had anything to do with what his mom felt. "Dont you see Vicky, you are my first everything and being my first everything, you are going to have to eventually meet my mom."

"But why..." Vicky asked Christopher got up and kissed her deeply.

"Because you are going to have to meet your future mother in law eventually wouldnt you?" Christopher asked this caught Vicky off guard she wasnt expecting to hear something of this calibur so soon. But it was clear that what she was feeling for Christopher, he too was feeling it for her. Vicky giggled, she couldnt believe she finally found the mate she was looking for and it was a male human. Vicky kissed Christopher and together they fell asleep in each others arms.

To be continued.