World of Warcraft: Return to Gilneas - pt2

Story by Mlinzi Lioness on SoFurry

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#2 of World of Warcraft Book 1: Return to Gilneas

It didn't take long for the Druid to find his hunger to breed and soon finds himself indulging in the heat of a tigress before finding the hunter Huttser unconscious and ready for some fun.

Having spent his time looking through the window of the Lion's Pride Inn, on the Worgen Hunter, the druid took off in flight form still suffering a raging hard-on. He was going to have to do something about it and he knew just the place he could take care of it at. He knew Northern Stranglethorn Vale was a good two hours away, but he would still be needing a good release when he got there, despite losing his hard-on mid-flight. He could pop in do what he needed to do and then fly back and try and catch up with the Hunter in hopes of following him. He was hoping to eventually have a little fun with the Worgen though he wasn't entirely sure which form he would want to do it in. He knew exactly what he wanted right now though.

Stranglethorn Vale was a dense jungle filled with all kinds of different animals. Most nights when he wasn't stalking some random Worgen he would spend them keeping an eye on King Bangalash's mate waiting for her to go into heat. Since her heat cycle just started it made her more than receptive to any feline that could get near her.

The druid landed and changed into his normal form. A Wolvar in nature but not your typical primitive species from Northrend. No, he was a newer breed more eloquent and intelligent. He stood taller and more upright than his primate cousins but that's what he liked. He was one of only a handful born into this world. They were all raised by different teachers each in a class they enjoyed. Suel, as he had come to be called, enjoyed playing around in the many forms of the druid going where he pleased and having fun his way with the local wildlife. It had been too long since he'd had any fun.

Suel pulled a piece of meat from his shoulder bag and laced it with a sleeping draft before throwing it to where King Bangalash usually kept a watchful eye on his domain. He waited while rubbing against the rain-soaked leaves causing his brown fur to glisten in the beams of moonlight that would penetrate the canopy. He waited breathlessly as he watched the proud king devour the meat. He didn't have to wait long for the big white striped jungle cat to stagger then fall over asleep. The Wolvar grinned and slid silently through the underbrush to the den where the lady in waiting was ready for anyone to enter. Though to make things a little more interesting Suel raised his hand and closed his eyes chanting. Beneath the tigress vines crept out of the ground wrapping themselves around her paws. She struggled and growled trying to get free, but it was useless the vines grew too fast for her and soon she was ensnared and unable to move.

"Now your mine, my precious," Suel called from the night.

'Who's there?' The tigress called out and soon found her answer. A dark brown saber-toothed feline stepped out of the night with eyes glowing an eerie blue. He had a pendant on as well as wrist wraps on all four paws, two of which looked like they had been dipped in chocolate, making it seem like had on some sort of bondage cuffs which only excited him at times. He swished his white and brown striped tail, snickering to himself.

"Well well, look what the druid dragged in." Suel took a long breath and sighed. "Yes, it seems I've come at the right time, your highness." Slowly he circled her watching as she struggled to move.

'When My mate gets his paws on you...'

"I'm afraid your mate is a little predisposed now. There's only me and I'm going to make sure it's my cubs you have." It was supposed to be an empty promise since Suel thought druids couldn't mate and have cubs with wildlife.

"I do believe you'll quite enjoy this night." He chortled then stopped at her hind side sniffing once again to take in the heavy scent of feline in heat. "I must have a taste"'

The white tigress struggled more but was unable to get free of the vines and stopped only to shiver in pleasure as the stranger began to lick at her wetness.

'Please, don't.' She cried out trying to control how she was feeling at that very moment. It was starting to become more than she could bear. Suel grinned as he finished lapping up the sweet taste of her wetness.

"My, how refreshing. Now, princess, it's time for you to bear my cubs."

'NO! YOU CAN'T!' She cried struggling again. 'I WILL KILL YOU!' Suel didn't stop as he pushed himself up onto her back trying to find where he needed to slide himself. At last, he found himself pressing his hard cock against her tight wet hole. Her wet slit was going to make this too easy for him especially now that she couldn't move a muscle. Not even holding himself back he shoved right in causing the tigress to cry out but not in pain. Had it not been for her fur you would be able to see her cheeks blushing. Finally, she stopped fighting and relaxed wanting the stranger more and more.

'Take me!' She cried out not wanting him to stop. Suel obliged her by thrusting deep within. His barbed shaft grinding at her soft pink insides as he easily slid in and out from how wet she was. The druid growled as he thrust in and out finding the perfect rhythm, so he wouldn't cum too soon. He wanted to push it to the point of torture for her. There was only so long a feline of such grace and beauty could go before it became too much to bear. That time wasn't going to be too far off. Already she was begging for him to fill her. She was ready for his ill-begotten cubs. Suel saw a spot where vines weren't holding her down around the back of her neck and bit down growling as he thrust harder but maintaining a pleasantly torturous pace. The tigress growled and tried to move but between the vines and the biting she was immobilized. It was starting to become more than she bargained for.

'Please, stop. I can't take it anymore.' She gasped. 'Give me your cubs already.' Suel kept it up a little while longer while smiling at how much she was struggling with him now. He released her scruff and licked his lips.

"As you wish." He said speeding up his thrusts getting close as she cried out again. He growled louder and louder as he pushed himself to the breaking point. At last, he let out a roar and filled her tight space with his thick white semen. The tigress shivered again panting glad it was now over, but fear started to set in cause now her scent had changed and she knew King Bangalash would no longer have her. Even worse, she was going to have a stranger's cubs. A stranger who had come in the night to spread his seed and bring unbalance to such a beauty as herself.

'What will you do with me now that I have been defiled?' She asked hanging her head in shame for enjoying the mating.

"That is not my problem. I got what I wanted. Now I release you." The vines snaked away leaving the tigress alone in the clearing. The druid had disappeared leaving the Tigress alone in the moonlight. The elegant feline half laid half sat and placed her paw on her belly.

'I know your scent now. If I'm to have your cubs, then I will chase you to the ends of Azeroth to make sure you help take care of them.'

Suel felt a lot better after his playtime but time was growing short and the sun was beginning to rise. Which meant the Hunter was already on the move and with any luck he was still at the Inn. The flight took longer than it felt the first time to finally get there. When he landed in the tree and peered into the room he wasn't surprised to find that it was no longer occupied. At least not by the Hunter and his hot little feline companion. The thought made Suel shiver. He would give anything to be sandwiched between the Hunter and his lion pet.

Time was really against him now since it wasn't all that far to the Redridge border which meant if he wanted to introduce himself then he would have to hurry. He had been there for the fall of Death Wing and even helped a bit making sure to stay in any of his feral forms so as not to frighten the other party members. No one knew about the Wolvars and it was going to stay that way just a little longer. Once he was able to gain the trust of the Hunter he had come to lust after then he could show his true form.

* * *

Huttser and Sambas were enjoying their venture through Elwynn Forest. The trees were starting to grow sparse as the terrain changed to crags and boulders. They didn't bother to stop at the Alliance outpost which housed the sentries trying to keep watch over all the travelers on the road. They were unaware of the Horde that was camped out by the wayside just around the bend leading to Lakeshire which was still half a day's journey away. Huttser stopped after a couple of hours and wiped the sweat from his brow then pulled out a small canteen to take a swig of warm water. Sambas growled in warning at something unseen to the Hunter. Huttser didn't hesitate to drop his canteen and produce his skull and bone bow. Quickly he had an arrow nocked and ready to fly.

"Who's there?" He demanded of the empty road. There were plenty of places people could hide. The place was filled with boulders after all. A slight laugh pierced the air.

"Look at dis Hunta. He tinks he can take alla us on."

"Show yourself, Troll." The Worgen growled.

"Wid pleasure." The green-skinned troll stepped out from behind the nearest boulder. It looked like he had been in a scuffle recently since one of his tusks has been sheared off. He held two daggers. One in each hand and looked like he was very skillful with them.

"Tell me Hunta. Why you out here so alone?"

"That's my business. What brings you to Alliance territory?"

"Ah, dats a good question. I find Alliance are fun to toy with. I say forget da war. I just want pleasure and I do enjoy getting it while you all struggle."

"Who's with you then?" The troll Whistled and from behind two more boulders came a Tauren and a Blood Elf. The Tauren looked a little out of place carrying a giant mace clothed in thick plate armor. There was no way he was going to beat a Paladin. The Blood Elf, on the other hand, would be easy to take out under different circumstances as he was a cloth wearer and a caster to boot. Was he a healer or did he dabble in the shadow arts? He didn't want to find out.

"What shall we do wid him now?" The Troll asked as he scratched his chin with one of his blades.

"I have a wonderful idea." The priest said stepping forward. "I've wanted a nice little puppy to have some fun with."

"Then allow me to do the honors." The Paladin said gruffly as he stepped forward with his giant mace. He stepped in from behind and slammed the mace down on top of the Worgen's head knocking him out cold.

* * *

Suel watched from afar wondering what the horde was up to. He saw them leave the road with two things in tow. He made sure to just circle and keep his distance till he lost them. Still, he circled the area till he found them again and a terrible sight. The Worgen was strung up between two trees spread eagle with a blindfold on and a crudely made ball gag stuck in his muzzle. The Druid landed on a tree just to watch for a moment as the predicament the Worgen was in really turned him on. Perhaps he should save the pup and get a nice reward.

Just as the Blood Elf began to take off his clothes the Druid flew from his perch and transformed in mid-air into a giant bear landing with heavy force on the Tauren breaking his neck and killing him instantly. The rogue heard the noise and turned instantly to face the creature before him. Instead of a bear being there though it was the saber-toothed cat ready to pounce. The Troll ran towards him but was taken by surprise as the feline leaped up over him doing a summersault and landed gracefully behind him. He kept his momentum up enough to pounce the Troll from behind and rip into him with his claws until he was dead. The Blood Elf backed up completely naked then turned and ran away leaving the Druid to his own devices.

"Well now. Those two will be dead for a while. Glad the Horde didn't put a graveyard near here or else they would be back a little too soon." He looked over at the Hunter and shifted into his normal form. "Perhaps while you're knocked out I could take advantage of you."

Suel placed his paw on the naked Worgen's chest and strolled around to behind him sliding his hand the whole way. He looked the big boy over and noticed that although he wasn't aware he had on a nice boner.

"Oh, my. We'll just have to help you take care of that." Again, he moved around the Worgen, back to the front, and rubbed his hand over the thick hard cock. "Better not let this go to waste"

Since he never wore any clothes it made things much easier. He leaned back against the sleeping giant and snuggled into his soft fur before lifting himself a little to get into a nice position to take the knotted shaft up under his tail.

"I really wanted to have you when you were conscious, but I think I'll take you now then wait till later to introduce myself." The Wolvar slid himself down on the shaft murring with delight at the thickness. He pressed as far onto it as he could, only to stop just short of the knot. A shame he wouldn't be able to shove the already full knot deep in him. That would have to wait until another time. Perhaps after he introduced himself and asked nicely enough.

Suel had to stand more on the points of his paw pads just so he could slide up and down the thick shaft. The sleeping beast moaned through the ball gag as saliva dripped down the Wolvar's back. It didn't bother him at all, just made him even more excited. With his free hand, he began to stroke himself off hoping to cum at the same moment the unconscious and unsuspecting creature let off his load.

"My what a big shaft you have. Oh god, it feels too good to be true." Huttser took deep breaths and leaned his head back moaning with the tight Wolvar on him. Suel was worried that the puppy was going to wake up soon, so he pushed himself up and down faster making the Worgen cry out and gasp for breath as he released his hot load deep in the Wolvar.

"Oh god, that feels so good." Quickly Suel pulled himself off the spent Hunter and cut him loose. "A shame I won't be able to get off just yet. I'll have to find something to help me take care of this. Perhaps a Redridge fox. Those are fun." Quickly he transformed into his bird form and flew off leaving the Hunter alone dazed and confused.

* * *

Huttser struggled awake pulling the blindfold off first then pulled out the ball gag coughing. He looked around trying to readjust to the daylight. He noticed he was dripping with cum and sighed.

"I don't know where you've been, but it seems you've had some fun." He joked to himself. He tried to find his trusty companion which he found tied up nearby half-conscious. He almost missed the bodies of the Horde nearby and thought to himself it was best to get dressed and get back on the road before they resurrected from the graveyard. Sambas was freed before he put his armor back on then they both set off. The light was beginning to fade but not before they made it to the Inn of Lakeshire. Unknown to them a big bird watched them from a distance. Little did the bird know that behind him was lurking the white tigress.