An Egg in the Hand

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A guy finds a strange egg along a mountain trail and learns first hand that glowing objects should probably be left where they lie. This was a fun patreon exclusive story that was voted on when the theme was Slypher!

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Jacob let out a huff as he reached the last few miles of the hiking trail that he had been on, feeling relief as he moved from the open plain where the sun had been beating down on him and into the forest. Once he had reached the shade of the trees overhead he took a break in order to drink from his water bottle and catch his breath. At this point it was all downhill and with the sun starting to set it was starting to grow cooler, though one thing that he had to make sure of was that he got down the rather steep hillside before the sun completely set. The last thing he wanted to do was break his leg in the final stretch and have to drag himself home since the reception in the mountainous area was garbage.

With the canopy and the slowly darkening sky it made the entire forest glow; it was one of the reasons that he liked to time out his hikes so that he came down just as the sun was setting. Everything was serene and with the night starting to fall it made things quiet as well as he made his way down the hiking trail. As he got down towards the back path just before going around however he saw something that caused him to pause. While most of the forest was illuminated in soft yellows and oranges from the sun there was one bush in particular that was swathed in a bright blue luminescence.

When the young man's curiosity got the better of him Jacob left the path and made his way over towards where he saw the light. It was surprisingly deep in a thicket and it took a while for him to get through to it, and when he did it looked like he had gotten into some sort of nest. When he pierced the undergrowth he found the source of the growth and he gasped slightly at what it was. The object looked like an egg; it's black shell had a blue iridescence that was creating the glow he had seen before.

Even though it was unlike anything he had ever seen before Jacob found himself drawn towards it, like it was something he needed to have. In the back of his mind he wondered if perhaps he should leave it there and maybe call some sort of biologist or something but even as he thought of the implications of what he was doing his hand was already reaching out towards it. He felt his fingers touch up against the shell and it was very warm, to the point where it caused him to shudder slightly from the sensations. That only made him want it more and after he braced himself against a rather large roof he managed to wrap both hands around it and pull it back.

He felt more of that strange radiant heat from the egg as he clutched it to his chest, eventually pulling himself out from the foliage as sticks and leaves scraped against him. The prize in his hand it was too big to stash in his pockets but since it was nearly night by the time he got back to the parking lot it was completely empty. There was no car for him since he lived somewhat close nearby and as he kept the egg close to his stomach he could feel the warmth suffuse deep into his body and with the chill in the night air it actually felt rather pleasant. When he got home he almost didn't to let go of it but he was starting to feel strange by the time he got back to his room he put the egg on his desk. As he looked at it he noticed the bright blue glow it had seemed to have dimmed significantly... but perhaps that was just from the lack of light as he went to bed and passed out.

The next morning Jacob woke up to see that he wasn't alone in his room, looking up to see that his roommate Trent was standing in there looking at his desk. "What the hell are you doing?" Jacob said at the other man. "Get out of my room man!"

"Hey, you are the one that left your door open," Trent replied with a smirk as he looked at the egg, which had regained his luster over the night. "What is this thing? It's really... shiny..."

"Get the hell out of here!" Jacob said as he got up and pushed the other man out.

"Geez, alright man!" Trent stated as he made his way towards the door, looking him over before he left. "You putting on a little weight or something?" Jacob didn't answer and just slammed the door, though as he looked down at himself he saw that his stomach did seem to be rounder than usual. It was like he had eaten a particularly large meal and as he rubbed the flesh he could feel the skin was quite hot to the touch like he had been lying on a heating pad.

With the distraction gone Jacob's eyes once more transfixed to the egg that sat on the desk. He wasn't sure why he had been so protective about it but for some reason he wanted it, and seeing someone else with it caused his blood to boil. As he was about to go up towards it once more however he found his alarm starting to ring to tell him that he needed to get to work. Even though he wanted to bring the egg with him there was no way he could take it to his job at the gym with other people around him. He continued to hold onto the egg even as he got ready for work, having trouble putting on his uniform over his stomach, and once he was done he locked his bedroom door and walked outside with his mind still thinking on the glowing egg as he rubbed his stomach.

About a few hours later Dyson, the third roommate in the apartment, awoke to a loud banging noise that was outside of his room. He grumbled as he rubbed his face and started to get out of his bed, ready to yell at whoever was making a racket as there was another large crash. His frustration turned to worry as the banging around sounded loud even for his roommates. He grabbed a pair of pajama pants and pulled them up, bumping against his morning wood before tucking it in as best as he could. As the waistband went up underneath his stomach he felt like it was slightly bloated, though he really wasn't considered to be thin it was enough for him to notice as he went out into the main room.

By the time Dyson had gotten out the noise had stopped, which prompted him to look around to see where the origin of it could have been. It didn't take him long to see that the door to Jacob's room was open and that the frame looked like it had been damaged. Since he knew that the other man was normally out to work by this point he went over to see what was going on and was surprised to see their third roommate sitting naked on the bed with his legs sprawled out and was pushing something up into his butt with one hand while stroking his cock with the other. He was about to shout at Trent to get out of Jacob's bedroom and stop messing around with his things when he saw that the spherical object that he was pleasuring himself with was glowing with an alluring light even as it disappeared inside of him.

It took more than a few seconds after the shiny black shell disappeared from Dyson's vision to realize he was starting at the exposed ass of his roommate, though Trent didn't seem to care as he continued to pump his throbbing shaft. "Dude, Jacob is going to kill you," Dyson said as he tried to fixate his attention anywhere other than where his friend was jerking himself off, though as his gaze drifted upwards he found himself even more transfixed as the man's stomach started to gurgle and swell like it filling with something while Trent moaned. "Wha... what's happening to you? What did you do?"

"The egg... it called to me..." Trent called out breathlessly, pausing to let out a gasp as his cock swelled and lengthened while the flesh started to morph. "Kept it safe... inside of me..." Dyson found himself taking a step back as the other man looked up at him, his eyes glowing a faint blue just like the egg inside of him as his pupils started to stretch while his lips curled up to a grin that exposed sharpening teeth. "Inside of you..."

Before Dyson could process what his roommate was saying he suddenly saw his roommate get up with purpose and start to walk towards him on elongating feet. Whatever he had done to himself had started to turn him into some sort of monster, Dyson heard the voice in his head say, his body frozen in shock as he watched the cock of the creature sway between his legs like a pendulum. With Trent no longer stroking it he could see that it had lengthened to be nearly a foot long and was as thick as a beer can, though the most disturbing thing about it besides the fleshy ridges that had formed on the pink flesh was that it started to lift up into the air like a snake. As the head of the throbbing member pointed towards him Trent saw that bright blue scales had started to spread from the other man's groin and he could see that his feet had mutated into heavy, clawed feet.

Even though everything in Dyson's mind screamed at him to run away he continued to stand there and stare at the increasingly gravid belly, the tan skin starting to turn the same blue as the scales framed around the feet and rear of the transforming human as Trent approached him. He had caught a glimpse of that egg just before it had disappeared and as the stomach of the other man pressed up against his own he saw that it glowed slightly. When he looked down at his own belly he saw that it was also even more swollen than before and somewhere in his mind a small voice told him that he had been influenced by the aura of this egg. It had been preparing Dyson to be an egg bearer just like Trent, and while there had only been one to split between the two of them the transforming human was rapidly making more inside of him to increase their clutch... and as he pulled down the pants of his roommate he found the proper storage vessel for them.

Dyson suddenly found himself naked as he looked at Trent, which he had to tilt his head up in order to maintain being eye to eye even though he had previously been taller, and he heard a low growl before grabbing him by the wrist and pulling him towards the bed. By this point Trent's humanity had been rapidly deteriorating as this point as the corruption of the egg, or eggs in this case as his clawed hands went to his swollen stomach, and as his hair started to fall from his head and his face distorted from the flesh thickening he felt his identity melting away too. All that mattered were his eggs and as he bent the human over the bed he had found which he no longer recognized as his roommate as he pushed the tip of his new ovipositor into the hole of the one beneath him. Dyson let out a loud moan and squirmed in the grasp of the bigger man behind him as he could feel something bump and push out the gravid stomach that was practically pressing against his thighs, feeling them shift as Trent's body began to shudder.

By this point Trent looked more monster than human with blue scales still forming over his body while black ones formed on his belly. Horns had also started to grow from his bare skull and his swollen face stretched out even more, but as Dyson felt the prehensile ovipositor push in between his cheeks his eyes widened from something that was pushing up from Trent's throat. The draconic creature thrashed his head around several times and as the base of his new cock swelled the same happened to his neck. The mutating tongue of the creature lengthened and stretched as blue slime dripped from it while the ovular object continued to move up, but before Dyson could shout or scream the dripping appendage between the lips of the other man arched up and pushed its way into his open mouth.

With Trent's entire body growing even more it not only trapped the human beneath it but also served to push the ovipositor deeper into the man's body. The human lying on his back continued to squirm as his legs pressed against the scaled sides of the draconic body between them. With the tongue lodged in his mouth there was nothing he could say as the muscular creature plunged his mutant cock deep, pushing out his stomach slightly as he felt the swollen bit of the ovipositor start to press against his hole. The magic that had turned his roommate into this egg-laden dragon had also stared to seep into him already, his mouth and butt both tingling strongly and feeding him with pure pleasure while the already stretched ring of muscle was suddenly spread open even wider.

Dyson's back arched as the egg finally started to push into his own body through the cock lodged deep within him, his eyes bugging out as the other tentacle took advantage of his shock to slide down into his throat. As his feet quivered in the air the arches already started to stretch outwards as his toenails thickened and darkened while his fingers did the same. The magic of the egg flowed into him from the muscular draconic creature and started to mutate his insides, which in turned allowed the thick, pulsating member to push even deeper into his body as the one in his mouth did the same. As he began to feel the scaled groin of the still-growing man start to pump up against his thickening cheeks he felt something even bigger start to press against his rear, one of the eggs that had shifted from the swollen stomach of the dragon man had started to push down through the ovipositor that was lodged deeply into him.

As Dyson's face began to swell, which only enveloped more of the tentacle that was sliding around in his maw, his lust-glazed eyes happened to see that there was a similar sphere within the huge tongue that was pushing towards him. As the encased orb slid down towards his lips his eyes squeezed shut as the magic that was present within it started to overwhelm him not only physically but mentally as well. While his thoughts had already been corrupted it was taken to the next level as his pleasure-addled brain could soon focus on nothing more than the eggs that were being deposited in him, one of his hands going to his cock-stretched stomach as the mutated tongue pushed further into him and swelled out the space between his growing pectorals. The fact that hulking draconic bodybuilder of a man was deeply fucking him and it felt like the thick cock was rearranging his insides with every thrust was nothing compared to the intense desire of getting those eggs that stretched out his holes inside of him.

At the same time Trent's body was finishing up his metamorphosis, any semblance of his humanity gone as his ovipositor and tentacle tongue continued to stretch and grow just like his new muscles. At this point he was getting close to nearly eight feet tall as more tentacles spilled out from his draconic maw, slithering around his scaly muzzle as his stomach started to deflate. This creature in front of him will make for a wonderful guardian of the clutch, the dragon thought as he saw scales spreading over the skin of the increasingly less human man beneath him, and as the black sclera an glowing blue irises glanced over his own body he knew that he would be too. Though one egg would do the trick he wanted to give his newest egg-brother a head start, grabbing onto the horns that were growing from the muscular creature beneath him as a surge of pleasure came from his groin...

With his tongue becoming a smooth, slimy tentacle like the one that stretched out his face Dyson hardly noticed that something else was transforming on the dragon man behind him. It wasn't until he felt more prodding against his backside and something wrap around the base of the growing tail stretching from his spine that he realized that the dragon no longer had just one ovipositor in order to seed him with. As his body pushed upwards from his feet swelling and bursting out into thickly-scaled, heavy paws his corrupted mind welcomed them, wanting nothing more than to get his already swollen stomach filled more. His augmented physiology allowed for the second and third ovipositor to push into his hole, his body squirming with pure joy as several more joined the one in his maw as well while feeling the multiple objects get deposited into him.

With Trent still producing eggs it caused Dyson's midsection to swell up like a balloon, the muscle that he other dragon was growing unable to keep up with his being filled as his back was arched. His growing pectorals bulged out with more eggs as a set of smaller tendrils spilled out from the nipples he had managed to keep, and as his own ovipositor grew to over a foot in length his sides grew bigger and his back started to bloat out as lumps appeared in his scaly skin. Even with the intense desire for him to keep everything inside as several more cocks emerged from the slit in his groin they began to show signs of swelling, Dyson thrashing in pure bliss as he began to lay the first of the eggs that had given to him as well as his own that were being produced.

Eventually Trent pulled away as his own stomach became completely flat, his ovipositor sliding out of the thick rear of the other dragon he had created. As soon as he did he noticed something starting to push out of Dyson's tailhole, his fanged maw curling up into a grin as he saw a jet black egg pushing out and causing the heavily bloated creature to quiver from the pleasure. This one would take some time before he could bear enough to start moving again, the hunter thought to himself as the tentacles retracted from his maw, even as the tentacle tongue of the other dragon swelled with several eggs that came down from a line. As Trent watched the thick tail of the other male curl around before the tip opened up and also started to push out several eggs he felt a rumble in his stomach, his clawed hand pressing against his abdomen and feeling it started to push out as though to remind him that he needed to create more nests... as well as transform more guardians and hunters as the dragon moved out of the room to go into the main apartment complex...

Meanwhile at the nearby gym Jacob found himself sweating slightly as he sat behind the desk, his hands going to his stomach and rubbing it. For some reason it felt like the heat in the room had been turned up to eleven, but when he asked others while checking them if they noticed a difference most of them just shrugged their shoulders or shook their heads. While it didn't make him uncomfortable enough to say anything about the rise in temperature he found that his thoughts were actually distracted by something else, his mind filled with the vision of that egg. At first he was almost possessed with the need to know if the one in his apartment was alright but as the day wore on that feeling evaporated from his mind, but the obsession with the object itself was still in his mind.

"Hey Jacob," a voice called out, snapping him out of his daydream of being surrounded by eggs and looked over to see his supervisor standing there. His name was Ethan and anyone that looked at him could tell that he probably used the gym more than worked at it, though as Jacob looked the muscular man over he found a strange sense of arousal for his body that hadn't been there before. "Whoa, didn't mean to startle you there, you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Jacob quickly replied as he tried not to look at the other man. "What do you need?"

"It's time to do the count," Ethan replied, which meant that they would be making sure that the number of people in the gym matched with the number of members logged into the system. "Make sure to check the lockers and showers too, I'll have Lina look into the other side and talk to you once you're done."

Wanting to get out of the situation as fast as possible Jacob nodded and picked up the clipboard before going off into the gym. He heard Ethan comment something about his clothing and his stomach poking out of it but he just said that didn't hear him and would talk to him after the count. Once he was away from the other man however Jacob breathed a small sigh of relief to be out of the confrontation and that he had only noticed that he was getting bigger around his midsection and not looked any lower. As he started to walk around the gym in order to take the count though he found that his lusts were only getting worse as he looked at the muscular men working out.

When he finally got to the locker room Jacob found that his cock was nearly poking out of the top of his gym shorts and his belly had extended even further. It wasn't like the sagging gut he had seen in some people that came to the gym either, as he rubbed his hands against the smooth dome of flesh it almost felt like he was pregnant except for the occasional bumps that he felt along his skin. He had also started to sweat even harder to the point where he might have to take a shower himself as he moved through the locker room. There were a few guys in the locker room and Jacob felt a blush rise to his cheeks as they could see them look at his stomach, which prompted him to move quickly into the shower room that was off to the side.

The showers themselves were mostly just large tiled stalls with a curtain that made up the fourth wall, which made it easy for Jacob to tell that there were eight men using the showers. As he attempted to write down the number on his clipboard however he found that his hands were practically shaking. It caused him to drop his pencil and when he reached down to pick it up he heard a loud rip that caused his eyes to widen, especially when he felt his shirt fall off of his back. What caught his attention even more though was that looking up from that angle allowed him to see some of the men in the showers, particularly one that had not closed his curtain all the way that exposed his muscular rump as Jacob began to pant heavily.

With so many potential hosts around the eggs that had been seeded into Jacob when he brought that artifact home surged with new growth, the human's face contorted into a look of shock before his lips were pushed out by several tentacles that emerged. Jacob's eyes rolled back into his head as the alien thoughts that had been floating around in there all day suddenly fully engulfed his psyche, his last conscious act was to slide to the end of the shower stall where he landed on his back. With his shirt gone it allowed his upper body to warp and bulge as his muscles grew rapidly, the dragon within growing so fast the scales formed underneath his skin instead of assimilating it. As his gym shorts stretched and several ovipositors emerged another ripping sound could be heard, but this time it was Jacob's skin as a pair of horns pushed out from his hair and a draconic muzzle followed the tentacles in emerging from his human mouth that became nothing more than a fleshy mask that ripped at the corners.

Though the noise of the running showers drowned out most of the sounds coming from the transforming man there was one that heard the loud gurgling sounds and stuck their heads out. They had just enough time for their eyes to widen in shock before the tip of one of Jacob's mouth tentacles stretched open and enveloped his face. The draconic creature let out a snarl of pleasure as he shifted onto his gravid stomach as he felt his neck and throat stretch with the first of many eggs that would be deposited into the naked human he had ensnared. Though he didn't have the egg artifact the time he had spent with it heavily corrupted his body without knowing, which came to light as his shoulder muscles bulged before several more tentacles pushed their way out from his scaly back. As he watched the trapped human try to claw at the tentacle suctioned on his face he heard the muffled groans become more high pitched before something began to slide down his throat, reflexively swallowing it as the dragon slid his body closer to the middle of the shower.

Within a matter of minutes all those that were showering had a tentacle either latched onto their butts or their heads, some with both as they were filled from both ends with the eggs that Jacob was rapidly producing. Those that had a tentacle buried in their backside had their shocked looks turned to ones of pure bliss as their spines pushed out into tails and scales started to form on their growing stomachs and thighs. With their bodies already being pretty muscular they were prime for conversion as the dragon monster felt those whose heads were enveloped grow muzzles while more eggs were pushed down their throats and into their stomachs. It wasn't long until the eight men that were captured were writhing on the wet tile floor as their corrupted, egg-filled bodies sprouted tentacles of their own; either from their exposed, stretching maws as tongues lengthened and bulged or from their transformed ovipositor cocks and the tentacles that emerged from their tailholes.

As the first clutch was being laid the sound of the door could be heard and as Jacob looked up with glowing blue eyes he saw Ethan turn the corner before stopping dead in his tracks. He was there to no doubt see what was causing the hold up with the count, which saved the still bloated tentacle dragon in the middle from having to hunt him down. When the human got over his shock at seeing nine scaled, egg-laying creatures quivering on his shower floor he turned to run, only to have something wrap around his waist and chest before pulling him back. As he was flipped around he saw that Jacob had raised his thickly muscled arms and several tentacles had emerged from his palms that not only restrained the other man but disrobed him as well.

By this point any semblance of reasoning on Jacob's part had dissolved away from the mind-melting pleasure of creating eight guardian's for his new nest, but he did have enough primal sense to know that this one in particular would be a good hunter for the new dragon broodlord. Even with pumping eggs into either other men his stomach was still distended from the clutch inside of him and though he only had one ovipositor it was almost as thick as the man he held captive as he lined up the tip with the squirming male's hole. Ethan attempted to escape but the tentacles that held him could feel his muscles freeze as the fleshy tip of that ridged length began to prod between his butt cheeks. Since his human form wouldn't have been able to take in the two-foot length of slithering ovipositor tentacle the draconic creature quickly made that change, causing the man to groan loudly as his glutes grew even bigger while the magic from the tainted fluids seeped into his hole.

All Jacob wanted was to push the tip past the tight ring of muscle, and as soon as he did he could feel the eggs still inside him immediately begin to shift. While this creature was going to be one of his hunters to create more like them the intense need to fill this man up with eggs was too much. Ethan's eyes practically bugged out of his head as the lust from his increasingly corrupted body grew stronger when he felt something else press up against his pucker besides the huge throbbing tool. These eggs weren't waiting to pop in one at a time and as his hips swelled with more muscle the ovipositor that continued to push inside of him started to deposit the objects in the other man rapidly with some stretching him open two at a time.

Even with the power that was coming from the corrupted dragon the human's body didn't have enough time to transform his body. The magical energies fortunately did make Ethan able to stretch and contort as not only was his stomach rapidly inflating with eggs but they were pushing up his chest too, causing his body to barrel out as he shifted about in pure ecstasy. His groans suddenly became muffled as his still somewhat human neck bulged out, his head tilting back as several eggs didn't wait for tentacles to form as they pushed out of his cock, nipples, and his mouth. As the glowing egg emerged from his maw it caused his face to stretch, making it more draconic by the second as a similar lengthening happened to his length that was stuffed full of eggs pushing their way out and driving the transforming human to ecstasy.

Though Jacob had his ovipositor buried deep within the heavily muscled, completely mutated, egg stuffed man in front of him he continued to push his way forward. He could sense eggless hosts in the locker room and needed to continue to expand the nest, his tentacles slithering forward and out of the other guardian dragons with already gravid egg-filled bellies to allow them to fully lay. Soon the entire gym would be filled with them, not only dragons to guard and create but also thousands of eggs that they would spread to all the humans until not a single being didn't have one to call their own...

Meanwhile in the darkness of the forest there was a blue shimmer that suddenly appeared in the woods before a phoenix creature walked out of the portal, Slypher looking around before scratching the blue-tipped black feathers of their head in slight confusion. "I could have sworn that I left that egg artifact around here somewhere." Slypher mused as they caused the blue flames of their body to glow more brilliantly before letting it die down, the phoenix shrugging their shoulders. "Ah well, already found those two others in the bush, one egg probably won't be that big of a deal..."