Down the Rabbit Hole: Chapter 5

Story by Graymouse on SoFurry

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#5 of Down the Rabbit Hole

Anonymous commission. Judy gets involved in a love affair with a shady wolf, who has big plans for her and Zootopia

It had been a long time since Nick had worn these clothes. The old Hawaiian shirt, the loose tie, the baggy khakis; he hadn't worn these much since that fateful day he met Judy.

Judy... It was hard to shake her from his thoughts. He had been close with her ever since the Night Howler Incident, but more and more lately, she had seemed distant. She would go missing some nights without explanation, fail to answer her radio while on patrol during the day, and some days he saw her walking funny through the precinct. She always gave an excuse, like getting a charlie horse chasing down some criminal, but Nick was a fox, and one from the streets at that. He knew what the limp of a female who was getting a good knotting looked like.

Still, it wasn't any of his business. He and Judy weren't even official partners, at work or otherwise. She could screw whatever predators she wanted. But it was still hard not to wonder. Was it one of their canine coworkers? A one-night stand at a bar? Or did she go to some kind of special place designed to satisfy those with interspecies fantasies?

Nick wanted to say something to her about it. Ask her why she was keeping secrets from him. Ask her what was really going on. Tell her that if she wanted a knot, there was a perfectly good one right between his legs she could use whenever she wanted. But Nick was never the courageous type. He had spent weeks sitting on his feelings, thinking about how best to voice them, waiting for the right opportunity to come along.

And then the riots happened. The force was in shambles. Zootopia had all but gone to hell. And worst of all, he showed up to work the next morning to the news that Judy had resigned. Just like that. She didn't even say goodbye. Even if Nick put his personal feelings aside, he knew that didn't add up. Judy had wanted to be a cop all her life. Someone had gotten to her. Nick needed to get to the bottom of it.

He tendered his resignation the day after she did and got digging. He still had a lot of his old sources. Finnick had told him about a warehouse where a lot of the dregs of Zootopian society were gathering. Most of the other cops just thought it was some harmless skater punks, but Finnick was sure there was more going on there. Even after the riots, it was still functioning, untouched. Thriving, even. Nick managed to get ahold of one of some junkies he thought were connected, and sure enough, they told him that there was a rabbit cop living there. And that they could hear her orgasmic cries all throughout the warehouse at night.

Nick didn't need to know that, but he wouldn't let himself be deterred. He wanted answers, and this was the start. But he wouldn't be satisfied until he got the full story from Judy's mouth.

The warehouse was about what Nick was expecting. Just one of many unassuming facilities in the heart of central Zootopia's industrial sector. If Nick didn't know where to go, he would have passed right by it. It was early morning, so Nick figured that this would be a time of low activity at the warehouse. Best case scenario, he could sneak in and find Judy without any of the other carnivores even realizing he was there.

But as he approached, he could see a big wolf male, dressed in loose, baggy clothes, idly browsing his phone in the morning light, resting his arms on the railing outside the front door. Nick couldn't start sneaking around now, but he didn't need to. He blended in just fine in his street clothes, and he had decades of life experience in these types of situations. He was a man just like this wolf long, long before he ever wore a badge. Slipping back into character was as comfortable as his own fur coat.

The wolf turned to look at Nick. Nick normally would have wanted to lay on the charm, but it was hard to deny how confused he was. All he could think about was if this was the guy or not. And with that handsome smile, his gut told him it was.

"Can I help you?" he asked Nick politely.

Nick headed up the ramp, looking up at the taller, stronger male. It was instinct to be intimidated, but the little fox found his voice despite himself. "Yeah, uhm, I was told I could find Judy around here? Somewhere?"

The wolf raised an eyebrow upon hearing him ask for Judy. He definitely knew her, Nick was sure of it. "Maybe so. Who may I say is asking?" he replied, shifty.

Nick's instinct was to give a fake name, but if he really was going to tell Judy, he'd have to give his real name. How much had Judy told him? Nick didn't know and answering this simple question was making him sweat. In two sentences this guy had trapped Nick into giving his real name. Not only was he big and strong, but he seemed clever too. "My name is, uh, Nick", said the sheepish fox.

The wolf responded friendly enough, almost disarmingly. "Well, Nick, nice to meet ya. Judy's still asleep unfortunately, but if you want you can stick around until she gets up or leave your number or something and I'll make sure she calls you."

Nick paused for a minute, eyeing this wolf and then the warehouse behind him. So she was in there. Sleeping. This wolf all but confirmed they were sharing a bed. Nick knew what the situation was, but only now did the true realization of it hit him. It was a moment before he could speak.

"Ah...I see," Nick said more collected this time, picking himself up after the blow to his morale. "If you don't mind, I think I will stick around for while... I really need to talk to her, you see..."

The wolf just smiled back at him, unfazed. "Sure thing."

As he went back to admiring the sky, Nick looked around for a bit. Shifting his feet a bit and awkwardly. Waiting sucked. He already hated stakeouts, but usually he'd have Judy there to chat and pass the time. The extra layer of tension here only made it worse. This wolf hadn't asked why he was here to see Judy, which was odd. But some people out on the streets just knew better than to ask questions about someone else's business like that. By now, Nick was all but certain that he was their leader, the one they called Coal. Nick wondered how much he knew. And if they were just going to be standing here together, he might as well get some more info for his trouble. Gaining courage again, he spoke up.

"Say, you're Coal, right?" Nick asked innocently.

The wolf turned to him again, "Yup," he confirmed nonchalantly, "What's up?"

Nick stares down at the ground. It was harder than usual to meet his gaze, even if Nick worked with larger men than Coal at the station, and even scarier guys on the streets before that. "Well... it's just... I've heard you're the guy to see to score some nice, uh, 'get down', if you know what I mean..." At least, that's what the police file on this guy said, but they didn't have any proof. Some stuff the junkies said only aroused Nick's suspicions even more. Nick knew probing like this was risky, but he wanted to know what situation Judy was really in. He just had to keep his cool. He knew he was off his game though; thoughts about Judy were an extra weight on his shoulders. If drugs were involved, she might be in the middle of something a lot worse than just being this guy's cum dump.

Coal looked at Nick before smiling again at him, "Yeah man, of course. I've got what you need! Good stuff too."

Nick perked up. That easy? He didn't expect a confession from the clever wolf after one question, but there it was. Maybe he thought the ZPD couldn't possibly be back on the beat yet after the riots. "Oh, well great! How, uh... how much would it..." Nick started asking.

Coal interrupted Nick's stalling, "Well, you see Nick, that's the thing...", Coal said, still warmly smiling at the fox. Nick's ears started to lay down. He didn't like this. "See, I don't usually take payment in a... traditional method," Coal walked closer to the fox, "Especially when the person asking... is a cop."

Nick's pupils shrank to pinpricks. Fuck.

Coal stepped closer and closer to the fox until he was practically right on top of him, his muzzle pointing at Coal's belly. Nick was shaking just at the size difference alone. This was a bad, bad position to be in, but his silver tongue had gotten him out of worse before. He just had to find his words.

"Yeah uhh... see funny story about that... I'm not a cop... any... anymore.", Nick stammered out, Still looking up at Coal's friendly, but imposing size. Sure, it was the actual truth. It just also happened to be exactly what a cop in Nick's position would say. But they both knew that Judy had quit the force recently. Would it be so hard to believe Nick would too in her wake?

But Coal just laughed a bit and smiled wider. "Well that's good to hear Nick! Awful business being a police officer." Nick got the feeling he wasn't buying it. He was ready to sell it, but one final step toward the fox silenced him, the wolf now mere inches away from him, towering above him. "But, like I said", Coal continued in a lower voice, "I take payment...a different way."

Everything happened in the flick of a button. With one smooth motion, Coal's pants fell to the ground, revealing his massive, erect canine boner.

"Wh-Holy fuck!" Nick blurted out, his eyes widening as the big black cock, pointed across directly from his mouth, glistened against the morning sun. He gulped and started sweating. His eyes shifting from the penis in front of him to the face above him. Nick, more than ever, understood the expression 'caught between a rock and a hard place.' That wolf cock was a very hard, very, very big place...

Coal, in a sensual and smooth voice, continued. "Slobbering my cock and drinking my cum, the ZPD discount..." Coal licked his lips and eyed the fox hungrily.

Nick just nodded. He didn't have a choice. His cover was blown and he was far, far away from backup. But more than that, as one male to another, Nick knew there was no way he could resist the orders of a wolf like Coal. The other male was just too big, too imposing, too dominant. On some level, Nick knew it was his place, the law of the animal still deep inside them, that compelled him to submit and serve a larger, more virile male like this. Trembling from the sheer aura of the dominant male, Nick found himself getting closer to Coal's manhood and opening his warm, moist maw.

He closed his eyes and pressed forward, feeling the tapered tip of Coal's cock passing by his lips and making contact with his tongue. The hot, hard, slightly salty flesh began to fill Nick's maw as he accepted it further inside, toward his throat. When his lips were at the top of the knot, he closed his lips around the shaft, starting to suck Coal's dick.

"That's it..." Coal said softly, grinning at the show he was getting from above. "Don't be shy now. I know you can do a lot more than that."

Nick's ears twitched with annoyance, but he knew he had to put up with this if he wanted to see Judy. He just hoped she wouldn't find out about this, somehow...

But Coal was right, Nick did know how to give a better blowjob than just sticking it in his mouth and waiting for it to be over. He hated the thought of submitting himself to a guy like Coal, so smug and dangerous, but it couldn't be helped. Coal had him right where he wanted him.

Nick opened his eyes and looked up, making contact with Coal's. Then he took his paw and wrapped it around the base of Coal's knot before slowly withdrawing his muzzle from the shaft. He inhaled through his nose, preparing himself as he shut his eyes once more. Then, all that was left was for Nick to plunge forward.

The fox bobbed his head fast on the big wolf dick, twisting and sucking hard as he worked every inch of the shaft. Nick's throat gave slight grunts and moans as he put in the effort of pleasing Coal. He didn't hold back, letting the popping, suckling noises ring out from his lips, letting the slight gagging sounds vibrate as his throat teased the tip of Coal's cock, his paw stroking and squeezing Coal's knot as best he could.

He could feel Coal's shaft throbbing on his tongue as he worked it. Nick knew it looked big, but now that he was stuffing it into his throat, it felt even bigger than it looked! It was no wonder Judy had fallen for this guy. He had to admit, it was a lot of effort to blow the wolf, but doing it was relieving that anxious feeling that had riddled his mind just a minute ago. Submitting to this male, pleasuring him... It was relaxing, almost.

Coal certainly seemed to think so. He put his hand on Nick's head, even rubbing affectionately between his ears as Nick fervently bobbed on his cock, wetting his shaft completely, even a little drool starting to dribble down the fox's chin. "Mmm, much better..." he groaned. He even smirked, and teased, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're enjoying yourself."

Nick pulled off of Coal's cock with a gasp, licking his snout as he met Coal's eyes again. "I'm just following orders, chief," Nick quipped back. But despite the snarky reply, he was all too willing to dip his head lower and slip his lips around Coal's balls, loudly suckling and slurping on them, tugging them gently as he swirled the orbs around in his mouth.

Coal couldn't help but exhale a sigh of pleasure, squeezing Nick's head as he watched every moment of Nick lapping at and slurping on his plump, full orbs. "I think I'd have to agree with you on that," Coal said. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of watching a cop suck my balls." Then with a smirk he added, "Sorry. Ex-cop, right?"

Nick wanted to make a show of defiance, to snarl or make some insult, but he didn't dare. Not when he could feel on his tongue just how big of a pair of nuts Coal had on him. So he swallowed his pride before leaving the wetted balls to dangle between the wolf's thighs and moved back up to his cock, once again marveling at the size of the shaft before opening his maw and accepting it into his throat with a hum of pleasure. He might not be able to put up any resistance, but Nick was starting to realize that he was enjoying this, and he could only hope that Coal wasn't catching on...

If Coal couldn't tell, he was about to find out. As Nick slipped his dick back between his lips and resumed his eager sucking, the wolf decided to take charge. One paw already rested on Nick's head, and the other reached down to grip his cheek. Nick could only hold still as Coal took over, pumping his hips forward, sinking his cock down as far as he could into Nick's mouth. His sighs of pleasure grew louder and more aggressive, slight grunts and growls as Nick was helpless to stop him. "That's right..." he growled from above. "You just hold still. Good boy..."

Nick's eyelids fluttered as he focused all of his attention on working his lips and tongue to accept that thick shaft, curling his tongue around the meat as it invaded his throat deeper and deeper. But his eyes shot open with surprise when he felt the force against his muzzle getting stronger, the grip on his skull tighter, and the impact of that knot on his lips started to loosen his jaw. He had no choice but to stretch his jaw open as wide as he could, and then, all at once, Coal's knot popped into his mouth.

The throbbing bulb of flesh was hot and firm inside of his mouth, Coal's big, thick cock stuffing down his throat as the dominant wolf thrust with abandon. Nick could hardly breathe, so he focused all his efforts on pleasing Coal, on slurping on that shaft and suckling his lips against that knot as best he could, until he eventually closed his entire lips around it, his nose directly against Coal's crotch, the massive wolfcock encased complely in his maw.

Nick moaned, loud and needy in his mouth. There was no denying it. He loved sucking the big, fat, cock of an alpha male like Coal.

"Very good..." Coal grunted in pleasure, a smirk on his face as he grinded his hips against Nick's muzzle. "I'd say you earned this..."

Nick was starting to run out of air, his paws pushing uselessly against Coal's hips as he whimpered, feeling that cock throb in his neck. But he still suckled his lips against that knot as it swelled wider and wider, and he could feel the taste of Coal's warm, salty, creamy cum spurting down the back of his tongue, filling his belly as the wolf emptied his balls into him from above.

Just when Nick thought he might pass out, Coal pried his lips open with a paw and yanked his cock free, causing the fox to fall back, spluttering and coughing up a glob of cum across his face and muzzle as he swallowed the rest down. Coal just stepped above him, his cock still half-hard, his knot swollen and throbbing as his shaft twitched above Nick's nose.

"I'd say that's payment enough to make a deal," Coal said. He jerked his head back toward the warehouse and said, "Come on in, and I'll get you hooked up."

Still fighting for his breath, Nick looked up at Coal with a raised brow. "W-wait, you're just going to give me illegal drugs? You believe me?" he asked, confused.

Coal just shrugged as he opened the door, looking over his shoulder. "You said you wanted drugs, and you wanted to see Judy. Besides, I don't think even you could turn down a free hit of night, could you?"

Nick froze in his tracks. Did Coal just name-drop night at random, or did he know that Nick had a long history with the drug way before he ever met Judy? Night was actually developed from the same plant as night howler, and the street drug was actually Bellweather's inspiration for a modified, enhanced version that would drive predators insane instead of simply putting the user into a dream-like state of consciousness.

There was once a time when Nick could hardly go a day without stumbling around on night. He had been clean for years. He knew he should say no. He knew what would happen if he relapsed. "I-I'm just here to see Judy," he insisted. "Call the blowjob a trade for that."

Coal just shrugged. "Suit yourself," he said, his grin remaining as he stepped inside. Nick could only follow in his wake.

The inside of the warehouse wasn't quite what Nick had expected. Yes, it was big and spacious, but there wasn't any cargo or goods being stored here. Instead there was...

"A skate park?" Nick asked.

It was a skate park. Constructed out of found materials and scrap, there were plenty of dips and bends, rails, half pipes, ramps, and more. Being so early in the morning, there wasn't anyone using it right now, but Nick could tell it was a lot nicer than even the official ones set up elsewhere in the city.

Coal hardly reacted. "What, did you think it was all just a bunch of junkies hanging out here, shooting up and screwing?" he asked. "The city's a mess, and the kids need someplace to go where they'll be safe, too."

"And you keep them safe?" Nick asked.

"Better than the foster system, that's for damn sure," Coal replied. Nick didn't have much else to say to that.

Coal didn't lead Nick through the skate park though, or any of the other areas in the warehouse floor. Instead, he led him up a set of metal stairs to what was once the overseer's office, overlooking the warehouse floor, now converted into Coal and Judy's private living area. Nick supposed that, as the warehouse boss now, it was only fitting that Coal inhabit the area.

They had converted the reception area into a comfortable living space with a secondhand couch and TV and everything, although they retained the fluorescent lighting overhead. Coal simply walked through this area though, toward the back office. Quietly, he opened the door, and Nick followed behind him.

Nick froze when he saw her there. Tucked into the back corner of the small office, against a window where the morning light filtered through, was a simple metal bed. And underneath the sheets on that bed was Judy. The sound of the two entering and Coal approaching stirred her from her sleep. She rolled over, and upon seeing Coal and before seeing Nick, she sat up and smiled sleepily at him. Nick flushed hot when he saw that she was naked. He had rarely seen Judy out of her uniform, but had always imagined it. Now he could see her lithe form and her pert little breasts, but she wasn't smiling for him. She was staring up at Coal, clearly happy to see him as she woke up.

But it was only moments later before she noticed Nick hiding in the doorway. She suddenly yanked the sheets up to cover her chest and said, "What are you doing here?"

Before Nick could answer, Coal did. "Relax, Judy. He just wanted to see if you were okay. And he paid up good for the privilege, too."

Judy smirked at that, and Nick felt an embarrassed heat run through him. "Oh, he did, did he?" Judy asked.

Nick wasn't about to take the teasing idly. "Judy... What are you doing here?" he asked.

Coal could sense that the answer would be complicated. "I'll be right back with your morning pick-me-up," the wolf said. He leaned down to Judy, giving her a deep kiss that she eagerly reciprocated, and openly reaching beneath the blanket to grope her boob as well, before leaving her and Nick alone to talk.

Judy could only look at Nick with no intent of denying what was in front of him. "Surprised?" she asked dryly.

"A little," he admitted. "When I heard you resigned, well... we all were," he said. "I left right after you, to come find you."

She just nodded. "I had a feeling you might. You never were the cop type."

"But you were," he answered. He moved closer to her, but he didn't dare get within arm's reach of her. With her naked like that, and obviously Coal's squeeze, it felt like he was forbidden. "You told me you wanted to be a cop ever since you were nine. And then you did it, and became this superstar cop, and... You just gave it all up?" he asked.

Judy averted her lavender gaze. "Turns out... being a cop isn't all it's cracked up to be."

Nick couldn't argue with that, but he knew full well how dirty a job police work was. Judy had always struck him as the idealist, though. "I thought I'd see you on the streets or running for office or something," he told her. "But... this?"

Judy, lying on her side, placed a defiant hand on her hip. "And what about 'this?'"

"I mean, Carrots..." Nick tried to reason with her. "This Coal guy... he's a drug runner. And a sex fiend, and-"

"And he's not a bad guy," Judy interrupted. "You don't know him. He's not a drug dealer. Really. He's... "she motioned broadly to the warehouse. "This. It's like he runs a shelter for everyone left behind by the system."

Nick crossed his arms. "And you're naked in his bed because you're so charmed by his community activism," he deadpanned.

Judy returned his critical tone. "I'm a rabbit, Nick," she said. "And I know it's a stereotype, but you know what? There's truth in it: rabbits like sex. I like sex. A lot. And I've been holding back and denying that for so long, trying to prove to everyone that I wasn't _that_kind of rabbit, but..." Now she looked Nick in the eye. "Maybe I like being that kind of rabbit. Maybe what I really wanted, what I really needed, all this time, was for a big, strong, alpha-male type to show me where I really belonged. Nick..." she sighed a bit, fighting a smile. "...I've never been happier."

Nick could tell she was telling the truth, but that only hurt more. "I mean, Judy... If you wanted a predator to fuck your brains out..." he started. But even he couldn't finish the sentence.

Judy capitalized on that weakness. "Nick... I hate to be blunt, but... If you had the balls to do to me what Coal does, I think we both know you would have done it a long time ago," she said. "For a while, I was waiting for you to ask, but when you never did... I just figured you weren't into the interspecies thing."

Nick nodded. He hated to admit it to himself, but she had a point. If she wanted the confident type, then clearly that wasn't him. If he didn't have the guts to make a move before the riots started, then maybe it never would have worked to begin with.

"Is this... really what you want, though?" Nick asked her.

She offered him a half-smile. "It is, Nick. Every day, I get to help Coal make the streets a bit of a better place to be. Things out here are fair, too. Predators and prey, all together... It's not at all like the station," she said. "And he's got such big plans, Nick. I really think he can fix everything that's wrong with Zootopia. He can show predators and prey how to live peacefully together, at last. And I'm a part of that."

Nick raised an eyebrow. "And the wild sex is a part of that, too?" he asked sarcastically.

"Yes!" Judy replied earnestly. "I know it sounds crazy, but when people see a predator like him with a prey species like me, when they hear us making love... It shows them that we really can get along. That there's no reason for us to be separated, for all of this taboo." She gave a single, soft chuckle to herself. "Believe it or not, the sex was a core part of his plan all along. Not just for himself. It centers his movement on love. Letting him fuck my brains out is one of the most useful things I can do to help change people's minds," she explained.

Nick wanted to argue, but even he was starting to wonder if Coal had a point. He and Judy somehow seemed... right together.

But before Nick could answer, Coal returned behind him. "You're damn right about that, Judy," the wolf said with a smirk, and Nick jumped in surprise. "So I think it's time for you to get to work," he told her, and the blue wolf was already taking off his shirt and undoing his pants.

Nick stumbled back in shock. "Wait, wait, right now?" he stammered, heading toward the door.

"Leaving so soon?" Coal asked as he stepped out of his pants, his firm, naked ass facing Nick. He held up a small baggie of deep indigo powder. "Didn't you want your hit of night at least?"

Nick's eyes opened in embarrassed shock. He looked at Judy, but she just smiled at him. If she was surprised, she at least wasn't judging him for apparently accepting drugs while he'd been here. He also realized that Coal wasn't kicking him out; he was inviting him to stay. Inviting him to watch. And Judy didn't seem to mind the idea at all.

Coal just tossed the baggie his way. "Take a seat, in the corner there," he instructed. "Relax. Enjoy the show."

Nick could already feel his erection growing firm in his pants. He knew this would hurt. But he wanted it to hurt. He wanted to see what Judy really wanted; what he was incapable of giving her.

He took a seat in a plain office chair in the corner and opened up his baggie of night, starting to arrange it in a line on a small bookcase beside him. Meanwhile, Coal produced another baggie of pink powder, bunnyheat, for Judy, and a bottle of some kind of carrot-scented oil for himself. Nick watched as he massaged it into his sheath, his cock emerging black as night, massive, hard, and throbbing, the knot swollen to a ridiculous degree. His own cock throbbed in his khakis, even as he watched Judy snort up her line of bunnyheat.

It wasn't long before the drug was pumping through the rabbit's system. "Oh, fuck yeah, Coal..." she moaned. She threw off the covers, still lying on her side as Coal mounted the bed. Right before Nick's eyes, she spread her thick bunny thighs, revealing her tight, engorged bunny pussy, dripping profusely with the drugs and at the sight of that massive wolf cock. "Give it to me, baby..." she begged him.

Nick felt like he was frozen, like he was watching a movie rather than a scene playing out right in the same room. Coal gripped Judy by the ankle with such a calm dominance, like he'd done it a hundred times before, likely because he had. And Nick watched helplessly as that great canine erection split her folds wide and sank deep into her.

"Ohhhh, fuck!" Judy's cry was loud, a gasp sounding from her as her body shuddered in pleasure from being filled. "God, your dick is so big, Coal!" she couldn't help but shout.

Nick's ears fell down. It was what he knew, but what he didn't want to hear Judy confirm out loud. And yet, hearing the words only made his own erection throb harder.

Coal just hissed in delight as he eased into a steady rhythm of pumping his cock inside the tiny rabbit spread beneath him. "Yeah, that's it..." he groaned softly. The bed started to squeak gently with the rhythm of his thrusting, and Judy could only gasp, her eyes rolling listlessly as the drug amplified the insane pleasure of Coal's cock to unnatural heights. But Coal took it all in stride. He turned to Nick, his hips not slowing for a moment and said, "Aren't you gonna take it?"

Nick looked over at the line of night he'd arranged. The scene was hot, but there was still a nervous, embarrassed edge on him. He knew this would probably be a lot better of a show if he was high. So with just a nod, he closed his eyes, leaned down, and snorted up the drug into his system.

It was a matter of moments before he felt the effects. A calm washed over him, like he was falling into a peaceful sleep, but he was still awake. Everything seemed to move more slowly, like he was underwater. He turned his head and saw Coal humping Judy into the bed, her little paws gripping onto the mattress for all she could. She cried and howled with delight, but her voice wasn't too loud. It just blended in with Coal's masculine grunts, and the squeaking of the mattress into a natural melody. He heard Judy wail louder, cursing and extolling Coal, while she was gripped by a powerful, squirting orgasm, spraying Coal's crotch down with copious, hot juices straight from her pussy. It was an impossibly hot scene, a fantasy that could only occur in Nick's dreams. But it was perfect. A calm smile spread across his face.

Once Judy's orgasm completed, Coal simply flipped her over, gripping her ankles in his paws and spreading her thighs around his torso wheelbarrow-style, thrusting roughly into her all the while. The big wolf turned his head toward Nick again. "Better?" he asked simply.

Nick nodded slowly, peacefully. "Oh, yeah..." he answered. He spread out in the seat a little more, groping his throbbing crotch, watching the colors bleed together in the scene, a blue hue seeping into the room and mixing with the golden sunlight, Coal's dark dominance with Judy's bright and eager submission. Nick couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Your dick really is so fucking big," he laughed.

Coal smirked, and a stream of similar praises gushed from Judy's frantic lips as she was crammed full of that meaty canine cock, her tight ass shuddering as he forced another orgasm from her. "Oh yeah?" Coal replied simply.

Nick nodded. "It's at least twice as big as mine," he admitted.

"Show me," Coal said.

Nick simply undid his pants and let them drop. Out came his more average-sized fox cock, still red and knotted like Coal's much indeed at least half as long, and much more slender. It throbbed in the open air above his white fuzzy coinpurse of a ballsack, and Nick winced with pleasure to reveal it. "There's the little guy," he said with a slight laugh.

Coal paused momentarily to yank his cock out, only to stuff it into Judy's asshole, earning another screaming, squirting, cross-eyed orgasm from her as he started to split her butt in two and slap her pussy with his heavy balls, adding to the symphony of sexy noises blending together. "You like that I have a bigger dick than you," Coal said to Nick.

Nick nodded. "Yeah, it's pretty hot. When I first saw it, I didn't want to like it, but I couldn't stop myself," he admitted. "I always knew I wasn't going to be impressing any girls. I tried to tell myself that size didn't matter, and that girls didn't buy into any of that alpha-male stuff... And maybe it's still mostly bullshit," he said. But then he smiled, staring down at his twitching cock. "But it's hot to think that there's a grain of truth to it. That if I was hung like you, I'd be the one screwing Judy over there. But I'm not, and that means I just have to watch while the big dick wolf gets to fuck her asshole."

"And every other hole," Coal boasted. He grunted, straining a bit, and Nick watched in slow, gorgeous detail as that thick black knot forced its way into that tight bunny butthole. Judy wailed again, her whole body thrashing with an orgasm that looked like it could stop her heart, and Coal was certainly cumming inside of her the whole time.

Nick nodded. "I'm gonna jack off to this," he said simply. And he sighed as his paw wrapped around his meager foxhood and began to stroke. He wasn't in any rush; the pleasure began to slowly inch through his veins like melting ice, and he shivered as well. "Yeah... I'm gonna jack off to the girl of my dreams getting plowed by a guy I could only dream of being..." he admitted.

Coal grinned. "That's the spirit." He yanked his knot out of Judy's ass, and she writhed again with a breathless climax, sweat pouring down her body as cum oozed from her butt, before Coal simply scooped her up and sat her in his lap, her back to Coal while he spread her legs wide. Nick got quite the show, watching Coal slowly sink his cock back into her pussy before thrusting fast into her, his heavy balls swinging with every motion.

Nick couldn't help but lean forward. The pleasure moving through his loins only added to the chorus of color and sound playing out before him, and he felt like the white-hot delight in his dick was just like the shining, flashing flesh of Coal's cock plowing into Judy's pink, spurting pussy. Judy was gasping, breathless, but still full of burning need herself, her head lolling in listless bliss as Coal almost seemed to literally fuck her brains out. The fox's paw pumped harder at his cock. "Fuck... Are you going to knock her up with that thing?" he asked.

Coal just smirked. Through gritted teeth, a paw firmly groping Judy's nipple, he replied, "And what if I do?"

Nick leaned forward even more, nodding eagerly, his paw picking up the pace, his cock throbbing firmly in his paw. "Yeah... I always wanted to screw her rotten like that," Nick admitted. "To knot her like she was a bitch. But now she's your bitch..." Nick couldn't help but chuckle. "Fuck, I'm your bitch too, aren't I?"

"Now you've got it," Coal answered. And just as coolly as the conversation he was having with Nick, Coal bucked his hips upward and planted his knot inside Judy's pussy with a loud pop that accented the stream of sound winding through Nick's brain.

Judy's shriek of mind-blowing orgasm was like an aria at the drug-induced opera playing out before Nick, and her violent thrashing as she lost all control of her body to the hellish pleasure of her explosive climax was like the ballet. And then of course, the profuse squirting that lightly managed to spritz Nick's face and cock, even from across the room, was like the encore.

Best of all, Nick could see the base of that inflated knot inside Judy's perfect, tight little bunny pussy. He could see the black flush throbbing against her pink, parted petals. He could see Coal's balls drawing upward just like they did against his chin before. He recalled the robust flavor of the wolf's cum on his tongue not too long ago, how delicious it had been, and knowing full well that virile load was stuffing Judy's needy womb full right that very moment as he watched the violently rapturous sex play out between the two creatures before him.

"Oh, god, fuck yeah..." Nick groaned. "I'm fucking cumming...." He had forgotten how good it felt to jack off while high on night. The pleasure seemed to last forever, his vision exploding with bursts of color as his cock throbbed and erupted with his ejaculation, the tingling ecstasy throbbing throughout every limb in his body like the fireworks going off in his brain. Soon, his paw couldn't keep stroking his dick anymore, falling limp as his cock began to fire his ropes of spent seed all over himself, his eyes shifting listlessly as the colors overtook him, his body going slack, consumed by the pleasure that would keep him enthralled until the night started to wear off.

Coal knot fucked Judy into a stupor for a while longer until they started to come down from their high almost an hour after taking it. Judy regained her wits, but she knew she would be squirming and craving wolf cock well into the afternoon. Coal's cock popped out of her, happy and satisfied, but not yet ready to retreat into its sheath.

The sweaty couple kissed eagerly before turning to look at the silent Nick, who sat practically catatonic in his seat, wall-eyed, tongue lolling out, cock weakly groping his half-hard erection while his face, shirt, and crotch were splattered with his own cum. Judy smirked at the ridiculous look of her normally put-together ex-partner. "Is he gonna be okay?" she asked.

"Orgasming on night will do that to a predator if he's not used to it," Coal explained simply. "He'll come back around in a little while." Coal simply clambered off the bed and headed to a door beside the window, leading to a small balcony outside. "Let's get some air," he said.

Judy agreed. She didn't even bother dressing, and neither did Coal. It was still firmly morning, and while some people would likely start to come by the warehouse to skate, drink, or plot, it wouldn't get busy for a while. And Coal and Judy certainly weren't shy about their naked bodies. The brisk morning air felt good against their sweat-soaked fur.

The rabbit simply cuddled against Coal's thighs, while the wolf rested his arms on the railing, looking out over the alleys and other warehouses. "I'm sorry about Nick following me like that," Judy started.

"Don't be," Coal replied calmly. "He could be useful. He's got experience on the streets; more than most do." Then, the wolf gave an amused chuckle. "And he's at least as good a blow as you are."

Judy's ear twitched at that, but she couldn't deny she liked the idea of Nick sucking Coal's dick. Her paw reached down to idly finger her clit, but she was still mostly enjoying Coal's company. "I'm glad you're okay with it though," Judy said. "I think I would have missed him if he didn't come. At least a little," she admitted.

Coal raised an eyebrow, looking down at her with a smirk. "You don't have feelings for him, do you?"

Judy just shook her head plainly. "No... I'm a rabbit," she said. "I need someone with a lot more power and stamina than that to keep me happy. I know that now." She reached out to stroke Coal's rump a bit, feeling his naked body up freely.

Coal began to paw at his own sheath again, still feeling the lingering tingle from Bonnie's carrot oil. "I know," he replied. "Although it's good you're not the jealous type."

His cock began to emerge, the black shaft slipping out again into the morning air. He simply turned his hips slightly, and Judy didn't hesitate in the slightest. As easily as she would give Coal a kiss, she took his shaft into her paws and began to suckle on it, slowly, gratefully, lovingly.

Coal sighed at the pleasure oozing through his cock once more. "Just imagine how much fun you and I are going to have once I pawn off the rest of that police equipment, sell the data... and then buy the nicest little burrow Bunnyburrow has to offer."

Judy nodded around Coal's cock, giving an affirmative, "Mmmf..." as she swallowed it down deeper. As if it was a language the two fluently spoke, her cocksucking told Coal that she couldn't wait either.

The wolf rested a paw on her head, grunting as he encouraged her slobbering on his shaft. But with a smirk, he added, "Still, might be hard to give you all my attention, with all those horny little bunnies hungry for my big wolf cock..." he teased her.

"Mmmmhhhh..." Judy gave a lusty moan of agreement, deepthroating his cock all the way to the knot, looking up at him to show him how badly she wanted that for him too. But then her ears perked up, the spark of an idea, and she slowly unsheathed the cock from her throat in a wet slurp to voice it. "You know," she stared, dipping down to slobber and suckle on his balls between words. "Once those bunnies figure out just how hung you are, you could have a line out the door," she said.

Coal could see she was going somewhere with this. Pressing her firmly to his plump nuts, feeling her tongue lather them thickly, he prompted, "And...?"

Judy's lips popped off his orbs to answer, "And you could probably charge them for the privilege of experiencing such an incredibly hung wolf in the bedroom too."

Coal couldn't help but bark out a laugh, angling his hips to push his cock back into Judy's waiting lips. But the thought did excite him, feeding her a glob of precum as his cock throbbed and his knot swelled. "You want me to become a male prostitute?"

Judy quickly and eagerly bobbed his head on his dick before popping off quickly to answer, "If you think the money from casing the station was good, just think of what you could rake in with a wolf cock this big," she pointed out before diving back down on his meat, slamming it into her throat with an eyelid-fluttering, "Mmmmmm...."

A slow grin spread across Coal's face. "Yeah... Maybe you have a point," he said, starting to pump his hips into Judy's mouth, slowly facefucking her. "After all, screwing horny little bunnies is clearly what I do best..."

Judy had to pull herself free to make her next point though, running eagerly with the momentum. "And once you make a name for yourself in Bunnyburrow, just think!" she said. "Rabbits are the hardest group of women to satisfy. If you can make it there, if word gets back out to Zootopia..."

Coal was starting to see her plan come together. "Back in the city where the real money is..."

Judy's eyes shined as bright as Coal's as she looked up at him, his cock laying thick across her face. "We'll just have to get the word out. Do a few ads, talk to a few people, but then... "

Judy opened her mouth and eagerly swallowed every last inch of Coal's cock, bobbing, sucking, and slurping on it with everything she had. Coal bit his lip, hissing with ecstasy. "Then this big wolf dick will be the most-demanded item in all Zootopia..." he moaned. His knot started to swell, and Judy was starting to moan back, knowing what was coming as she facefucked herself on his throbbing shaft invading her throat. "I'd say you earned this, little bunny."

"Mmmmmmmmff!" Judy cried out a clear 'thank you,' to Coal. With a long groan of pleasure, out in the bright morning air in Zootopia's warehouse district, Coal started to cum thick, hot ropes of creamy wolf semen fresh from his balls, right into Judy's gullet.

Judy's eyelids fluttered, accepting her reward with pure gratitude.