Rotor's BInding Secrets (by LilJames)

Story by Xabin the Otter on SoFurry

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By LilJames, a somewhat side story to an old story I never really got off the ground. Rotor finds out about a secret from Mammoth Mogul, during a maintenance run (taking place in a SatAM AU), and he's bribed with one of his secret fantasies to keep the secret to himself...

Working in finance always required some ruthlessness. Someone who was capable ot hard cuts and severing the wheat from the chaff without so much as a teary eye. Mammoth Mogul was a perfect type for it, cold and shameless, a certain level of psychopathy that kept one sane in such imperial business.

This the elephant knew well, over the course of centuries he had been part of many practices, some worse than most, but all pertaining to that great eternal pursuit of strength. In this modern age, he had learned that wars weren't always fought on the battlefield, but through commerce and the digital world of illusory numbers.

Not that he had never debated with the great polymaths of his time, such as Rik'moh who first devised integers, or Maa'tia who was the founder of Mobian geometry, as well as a contributing factor to the concept of algebra. Languages always changed, but numbers never did. Numbers obeyed him, numbers always knew their place whether it was counting heads, or forming trajectories.

So he came to be a CEO of Tuskwares Inc., a vast shipping empire that ran resources throughout the length and breadth of the Greenleaf area. A high-rise building oversaw the docks where the faint call of foghorns lulled him to the sea. But something worse was beckoning him, as he looked to the clock like an executioner awaiting duty.

The phone rang on his desk, a half-hexagon of cedar in his studious office with only books of Mobian financial theory. He never picked up on the first ring, always the fifth which he learned was when clients started to panic, and that first inch of panic gave him fuller control of the conversation.

"This is Mr. Mogul, Tuskwares Incorporated, where the earth and sea are never far from reach, how may I assist you."

"Aaaah, Mr. Mammoth Mogul!"

The elephant clenched his tusks. This was not a conversation he would win, his large grey hand pulling at his eyes and all down his trunk with a sudden fatigue. Even when he expected Dr. Robotnik to call, that rasping sinister voice like a serpent coiling inside his ear, it never ceased to bring a bitter taste to his throat, as he rapped his fingers studded with rings on his desk.

"How can I assist you on this day, doctor?"

"What's this? No verbose felicitations, no conversing about the wife and kids?"

"I know what you desire, I am a busy Mobian so let us discuss our agreements forthwith-"

"I decide when we DISCUSS things, Mr. Mogul. Let us not forget what I know about your eminent elephant self."

Mammoth rubbed his suited chest, a tingling burn that always remained deep inside him. Never once had he gone to a doctor in his life, for if anyone had discovered the chaos shard lodged within his ribs, there would be great repercussions. And the only one who did know about this shard, was the man on the other end of this call.

"Has your business been going well, Mr. Mogul?"

"Veritably," the elephant opened his charterbook, "profits in this past month have exponentially increased by forty-seven percent, largely in thanks to the proliferation of conflict shifting from the Great Forest."

"Conflict you say?" snickered Robotnik."Hardly that, more of a little spat."

"Spats do not take months, doctor."

"And elephants do not forget what _ I _know about you. So watch your tongue of what you so generously call a conflict, to a pack of savages."

"Very well." Mogul sighed taking a pen in his trunk. "The altercation at the Great Forest's periphery, has helped open up trading routes for my organisation. Is there anything else you wish to discuss, doctor?"

"Why yeeees, actually," the villain chuckled, "I wish to put in my order, the usual shipment of raw materials but doubled from last period."

"Double?" The CEO scribbled away. "That will cost you regardless."

"It will cost me the same price it has always done, with my silence and none of my mobs coming to quote-unquote, 'appropriate' any of your finances, are we clear?"

"Perfectly. Double the raw materials, I shall have that processed within the week forthwith."

"Excellent. Have a pleasant...time, of your life, Mr. Mogul."

The call ended as the elephant almost slammed the phone down, the barest restraint to not shatter the whole thing as he kept writing his accounts. Beside him, opposite the phone, was a computer with its blue monitor gleaming on his face, downloading an update that had taken the entire morning to finish. His problems would not end when the screen suddenly flickered, bugging out with a violent haze before going black.

"Oh, what in Ixis is it now?" He smacked the machine. "Did you not amend your functions properly?! To think this day and age I have to babysit a damn machine, a soulless inferior abacus."

Pulling out a phonebook, he glanced down the names of computer technicians with a huff of frustration. Mammoth missed the days of simplistic tools and calculators, blocks to differ between 1 and 5 and 10, it encouraged a greater practice of mental fortitude unlike the modern day.

The number of times he had watched the slouching brain of a barista counting his change, was nothing short of demeaning. As he muttered vague threats to the computer's fate, one name struck out to him, a cheerful logo of a perky walrus with two wrenches like a skull and crossbones.

"Rotor's Rooter Services...huh...I think I recall that name somewhere but I cannot...think. Well, seems highly recommended by reviews."

Rotor had not expected to be called to such a fanciful place. Even though it was down in the docks of Greenleaf, the headquarters of Tuskwares Inc. was unmistakeable. Tall and peerless above the warehouses, not even the other office blocks could hope to match its stature. With ginormous golden tusks on the front columns of its peak, it stood out for miles in its port city to always catch the sun no matter what time of day.

In his cap and bandolier, with gloves and sneakers to boot, the purple walrus did not cut the professional look. But his toolbox and belt all kitted out told a different story, scratching his sheath as he rode up the elevator. The CEO's office smelt of money, but what struck him most was the fact there were no photographs anywhere in the room.

"Ahhhh, Mr. Rotor, yes?"

"Yep, that's me sir!" he saluted. "How can I help?!"

"My personal computer," Mogul pointed to it, "it was updating itself when it suddenly had an aneurysm and visually discombobulated."

"Uhhh, huh. After an update you say?"


The elephant pushed back his seat to let the mechanic in, Rotor staring across the unusual books that was one of the most impressive collections of financial history in Mobius. Volumes that universities would kill for remained oblivious to him, offering strange obscure titles that flickered at the edge of his mind. Having lived most of his life in bare togs, as was the way of Freedom Fighters, the mammoth in his full pants and tailored sleeves was almost alien to him.

The fact the elephant was also two feet taller, a shadow of bone-crushing strength looming over him, was also not lost on Rotor. Every tap of the pachyderm's foot shook the floor, a strange brutal aura emanating from the company president. But the walrus put on his professional smile, only more thankful that no one had recognised him off the battlefield, so he could keep working his legal job.

"Alriiiight let's see what we got," Rotor booted the PC in safe mode, "thinkin' the new update musta messed up your OS."

"How could an update do that?" snarled Mogul. "Are improvements not to better machines instead of weaken them?"

"Well, yeah, but sometimes a bit o' coding just clashes wrong with the setup."

"Unbelievable. This is what happens when you entrust your higher mental functions to a glorified one-way mirror."

"Heh, you not a fan o' computers, sir?" the walrus smiled tapping away. "I getcha, they can be temperamental sometimes. Weird this un's giving you trouble, the YM84's usually pretty sturdy!"

"How long will this take?" the elephant crossed his arms.

"Well, I got safe mode on so I don't think it'll take more than an hour."

"Hmm. In that case, I will take my accounts to another room and work from there. Lunch is also approaching, I shall return in the hour."

Mogul walked to the door, taking his account book as he trailed his bewejelled hand against the frame.

"Do NOT touch anything, other than the computer."

"Understood," Rotor saluted, "you have my word, Mr. Mogul."

As the elephant took his leave, the walrus set to work with a few of the usual tricks. Tapping various commands to disk-check the PC's health, he ran a cursory scan to see what in the update had caused such a commotion. It was an oddly sticky problem that took a half-hour of deep diving, and once he did manage to get back to regular mode, it slogged down horribly.

Through careful severing of unnecessary processes, he managed to slowly work his way to the registries and found the problem. Someone had indeed made a bit of coding clash with the setup, and he scribbled down a note to himself on the update number, as well as what problem it was.

"Can't always be perfect I guess, hope it were just a hiccup an' nuthin' else. Wait, whut the..."

In his cursory deep search, he had found a folder hidden in Mogul's files, with the tantalising name of "Lingerie". Curiosity overcame his professionalism, largely because Rotor had of late been hearing more about them in his life.

"Antoine's sis wuz talkin' about these just last week...huh! Ain't that a coincidence."

Taking a deep breath, he looked inside the folder, and his eyes widened in shock. Everyone knew Mammoth Mogul as this ruthless investor, this callous CEO who ran business like a war room, and whose suits cost more than Rotor would make in an entire year.

And there he was, fully naked in the finest of silk corsets and long lingerie leggings. Dozens of pictures of himself, this studly muscular elephant whose muscles flexed against these luscious effeminate textures, a skintight purple set of strings that hugged against his huge chest, with leggings that wove a webbed pattern down to his feet. It left nothing to the imagination, especially not the size of the mammoth's huge cock, balled up against his sac.

"Hohhhhh...jeeeez," Rotor gulped, "that...h-hot damn he looks real good! Didn't ever think such a fancy guy would wanna get even fancier...heh...hmmm."

Along with the shock of seeing such a powerful figure in such sordid clothes, the walrus felt slightly saddened looking down at himself. Comments from Antoine's sister, along with this, made him try to visualise himself in a corset and failing to overcome that hump of body negativity.

"Aww, who'm I kidding? This gut ain't gonna fit in that, more chance of squeezing a T-bolt through the eye of a needle."

" Is that so?"


Falling against the desk, Rotor's heart jumped out his chest as he fell back on the desk, when he turned round to face the Mogul. Standing before him with hands behind his back, and tusks shining off the window, the mammoth looked to his desktop with a sneering eye.

"I see my personal computer is functional again."

"UHH, y-YEAH!" Rotor nodded shakily. "J-just uh, popped up like that, wuz a registry problem, s'all fixed now!"

"And in half an hour too. I notice you discovered my secret files, how perceptive of you."

"OH, n-no, that wuzn't...awww beans." The walrus clapped his cheeks. "Mr. Mogul, I'm deeply sorry, it wuz totally inappropriate of me to look at yer stuff, I-i got no excuse. I promise I won't say nuthin', I mean, n-not like anybody's gonna believe me!"

"Correct. They won't." The pachyderm pulled Rotor off his desk. "You did not seem...disturbed by my habitual choice of fabrics."

"Whuh...why would I be, Mr. Mogul? Folks wanna wear whutever they want, they ain't hurtin' nobody."

"Hm. How enlightened of you. Are you yourself a member of the frock?"

" Well, i-it's not really my business to-"

"I paid for your presence, you are on the clock." The elephant pulled out a pocket watch from his suit. "I have you for the next twenty-eight minutes and thirty-three seconds, so...tell me your interests concerning lingerie and why my fabrics caught your eye."

"Uhhhh...well," the fixer rubbed his neck, "I mean, if'n yer paying for the hour, wouldn't hurt to tell ya. I been kinda interested in getting into that myself, friend o' mine wuz suggestin'. But I don't really know where to start, and also I got...this."

Rotor spread his arms down towards his portly figure.

"Not exactly the most flatterin' body I got to fit in a corset."

"And that is an obstacle to you?" the elephant rolled his eyes. "Did you think I cared about my stature when I personally ordered some lingerie to befit my grand physique?"

"Oh, n-no, I'm sure you got them special, but I don't really get that luxury myself, Mr. Mogul. If'n they don't make 'em in my size, I got no hope!"

"Hmph. Did clothes become more expensive or are you being paid less, you're self-employed, why not save up?"

"Can't always get whut we want," the walrus shrugged apologetic, "sum things're more important than feelin' nice."

"I vehemently disagree." The elephant smirked wide. "Pride in one's body is tantamount to pleasure, it has served you well all these years why not make it feel good?"

"Hahah, ahhh, that's a healthy outlook, Mr. Mogul."

Mammoth did not know if he was being sincere, but the pitiful look that Rotor gave to the pictures on his desktop, brought a fascination to the CEO as he stroked his trunk.

"Hypothetically speaking, if you were to obtain yourself some vestments at no cost, what would you have?"

"Me?" the walrus sputtered. "A-aww jeez, I mean...guess I...hmm-"

"Speak up, boy! You're acting on behalf of your body, take some damn pride in it!"

"UH, y-yessir!" he stiffened up at the command. "I-i guess I would pick sumthin' green, goes nice with my fur, one o' them corsets to feel rubbin' on my chest, an' sum stocky emerald leggings, not thuh stringy ones but those that're all one fabric."

"Hmmmm...yes." Mammoth rubbed his chin. "What if I told you, that I was willing to have a playmate of your persuasion?"

"A...a-a playmate, sir?"

"A convivial companion, an amorous ally who would yearn to venture with me into an odyssey of lingerie."

"Y-you to dress up with ya? Wow, I-i uh, never thought I'd get invited to sum kinda fancy shindig for that-"

"It is not a party. It will be just us, alone, I do not consort with others who flaunt their silk like harlots, it is a noble thing, a dignified quietude...something that you possess, despite your lack of self-respect."

"Uhh...thank you?" the walrus cringed. "I mean, I won't say no, if'n it'll get me a nice li'l corset."

"Good." The elephant scribbled a note quick. "Come to this location, nine o'clock, on this date. Do not share with anyone, or there WILL be repercussions, and if you cannot make it, then you are poorer for it."

Taking the note, Rotor felt strangely giddy with a lump in his throat, not sure how or what to think of this immense CEO offering to be a partner for lurid lingerie fun. If he was ever asked why, Rotor would answer he did it out of politeness to a customer. But in truth, it was yearning to his desire.

In a private apartment block, somewhere in downtown, Mogul had bought a small room for his own private needs, a place he had removed all markers to denote where in the world it was. Under the name "Saugun Vale", he waited on his bed with pocket watch in hand, taking off his suit and setting up a video camera for later. Beside the bed where taped windows trickled a thin light, a suitcase awaited with special goods. 8:50 soon hit, and a knock at the door came.

"Uhhh, h-hey!" Rotor waved from the crack.

"Good of you to come," Mogul let him in, "I was not certain which shade of verdant you liked."

"Oh, you mean you-"


Closing the door shut and locking tight, the pachyderm opened his suitcase to reveal two pairs of delectable outfits. One was the purple corset and leggings he saw Mammoth wear in the pics, whilst the other was a gorgeous ensemble in shimmering jade.

"These will fit, I assure you."

"H-hoh...damn they look...oh they're beautiful!"

"Hmm, glad I chose this over turquoise. Try them."

Taking off his gloves, belt and bandolier, Rotor slipped on the corset first to feel it fit. This was exactly how his hands felt trying on the perfect glove, a gorgeously sleek number that wrapped his fur tight in a leathery singlet. It was also shockingly comfortable, the inside a different layer to not sweat on the hairs, a small velvet pouch over the crotch in case one needed to release.

The leggings were even better, somehow aerated enough to not feel suffocating as Rotor pulled them up to his thighs, covering his fur completely and ending on a spat that left his feet free. As he dressed himself, Mogul did the same, stripping off his suit making the walrus blush with increasing excitement. His grand muscular physique was overwhelming, his height all the more dominating in his full unrivalled flesh.

He wasn't incredibly fit, Rotor had seen many warriors and could tell by now who had fought and what. But Mammoth never needed to fight, for his arms were so thick by nature, one punch was all it ever took. Giant grey legs looked like pillars before they were wrapped in slick indigo svelte, a latticed crosswork showing his sturdy knees.

But his torso was the peak. An odd black scar rippled between his pecs, before it was covered in his thick corset that he laced up with practiced hands, tightening hard as he could until the muscles were pushing out from his waist. To the walrus it was like draping a satin cloak over a statue, a hidden beauty that made his sheath turn plump. Especially when his eyes roved down to the second trunk swinging between his legs.

"Are you impressed?" a small grin came from Mogul's tusks. "Very few in polite society have ever witnessed my entire splendour."

"D-DANG!" the walrus rubbed his cheek. "You got a real firehose down there huh?! How'd you even get good lingerie to fit that?!"

"I have an exceptional tailor. They made you look exceptional, did they not?"

"Yeah...heh, they did." Rotor blushed turning his leg to feel the creaking fabric. "This feels a lot...nicer than I thought it'd feel."

"The right textures are important," said Mammoth rubbing Rotor's leg, "warm yet comforting, sleek but makes all the difference out there, or in here."

"Y-yeah? You think so, Mr. Mogul."

"Indeed, Mr. Rotor."

The pachyderm pulled him close, making the walrus squeak when their corsets rubbed hard with a deeper creak. With the firmness of leather but the smoothness of silk, the lingerie was intoxicating from its snug tightness, how it clung to his fur like a velvet glove every time Mammoth grinded his body against.

A static shudder came rippling through the walrus, moans of excitement when the pachyderm grabbed both his cheeks and frotted harder. Rotor felt his sheath turn plump, the cloth cage starting to strain against a swelling groaning length that made him tighten his tusks. Mogul kneaded his buttocks, his fingers sliding along the taint to pull and flex the lingerie panties. Once they were too tight, Mogul unplucked the threads to let his partner's cock swing free.

Rotor, for all his bodily worries, was packing a thick tool in his own box much to Mogul's intrigue. While only a third the length of the elephant's shaft, the walrus had a fat, thick spear that resembled a pottery vase sculpted too high, with four rippled folds and a swollen head.

"Fascinating," he murmured, "are you by chance a virgin?"

"N-no sir," Rotor gasped, "least around women...I never been with a guy, but a lady friend o' mine pegged me!"

"Good. Then this will be much easier."

The elephant wrapped his trunk round the walrus' neck, pressing his face between this thick powerful abs and the corset they were bound within. The body heat made the texture almost sweat, Rotor panting as he kissed over the fabric and dragged his lips down the corset.

His tusks would pluck and squeak on the material, grinding deep as he felt Mogul take his hands and wrap it round his thighs. Too large he was for the worker for grab his rear, his sumptuous strong legs tested the limits of lingerie as Rotor plucked at the latex webbing. Like a damp lute, his fingers stroked over the taut mesh pattern, fingering between to feel the taut powerful skin of the CEO mammoth.

Eventually they would frot proper, their hard shafts scraping each other with pulsing veins and a burbling of pre trickling down Mogul's thick lance. Rotor had never seen so much pre in one spurt, a porous river that smeared all over him and slathered across his belly corset with an extra sheen. Rotor started spurting along with him, embarrassed at first but with Mogul's motivation he was helplessly drooling down both their luxurious leggings.

Mammoth jerked him off slowly, encouraging Rotor to do the same as they stroked each other off, panting murmurs rising from their throats with more and more dribbling down their legs, or staining their fronts in drips of white. Their hands would stroke along the tainted lingerie to feel how much more slippery and warm it became.

"Does this feel good?" murmured Mogul.

"Y-yeah," moaned Rotor, "ohhhh yeah, d-damn this is a whole different kinda-MMMPH, AAAH!"

"Do you not feel ravishing? A statuesque pinnacle of beauty, the perfect magnification between feminine and masculine, the very nexus between."

"N-NNNGH, OHHH! M-mogul, sir, I'm about to-"

"Not yet." Mammoth clenched on Rotor's dick. "You are a mechanic yes? Perhaps you should oil my parts and help lubricate my form."

"L-lube? Uhh, I didn't bring any."

"This will do fine."

The pachyderm pulled up his hand, showing webs of clear trickle between his fingers that he pressed to Rotor's face. The walrus licked them clean, sucking along the fingers and swirling his tongue around the fat strong digits with a sweet gasp. The worker was pulsing from his cock to the point it splattered on Mogul's knees, a wry smirk from the elephant who took Rotor's own pre-stained fingers.

Holding the walrus' hand with his trunk, he pulled it into his mouth and slobbered with a deep suck, warm and wet as the trunk gently rubbed up and down Rotor's arm in an oddly soothing fashion. The powerful mouth made the mechanic think his whole limb would get sucked in, before Mammoth was done as he walked to the bed.

"I offer you an opportunity," he bent over the sheets, "your first male, and you could not ask for a more exceptional fit."

"Hoh...d-damn, sir," the walrus twitched through his shaft, "y-you want me ya?"

"I lubricated your fingers, to make it easier. And do be thorough, I did pay for your services previously."

"Mmmph...y-yes sir, Mr. Mogul."

Stepping up towards the great grey cheeks, the walrus gripped one side and pulled it open to expose the thick pink pucker. A bare silky tail swished above as Rotor pushed his fingers in, feeling the muscular twitch of his sturdy anal walls that almost pulled him deeper in. The walrus was shocked by the force of Mogul's ass, a powerful clench that trapped his fingers with a squeak.

The mammoth grunted with a gasp of pleasure, trying not to clench too hard when he heard Rotor panic briefly. His thighs trembled with anticipation, a gentle breath as his lingerie squeaked against the foot of the bed. Deeper the digits went, the walrus curling his fingers to grind deep into the tighest muscles.

Rotor, as a good mobian should, always reciprocated oral sex when with a lady. And when his tusks got in the way, he would help out with his magic fingers that had pleasured many a girl with his exceptional dexterity. But he was shocked at how different an anus felt in comparison, more stiff and inflexible, powerful spasms that pushed against his invading fingers.

But even more surprising was how supple the ring was, the monstrous mammoth hole pulling more of his fingers in as Rotor boldly pushed his hand inside. Mogul said nothing, gasping with a shiver at how those devious little fingers plucked and fondled every rippling fold in his rear.

"Dang this...deeper than I thought," chuckled Rotor, "never gone this deep in a lady!"

"MMMPH...y-yes, haaah, m-more, until I cum!"

"Well if'n you say so sir, heheh!"

Stuffing far as he could until he felt a wall of resistance, a quarter of his arm disappeared inside the CEO's rear. Pumping with fervour, the walrus grabbed Mogul's cheek and fucked his ass harder, fisting to the depths and punching at the prostate to make Mammoth squirt on the carpet with thick globs of white. He managed to hold himself from cumming there and then, but it was a struggle for sure.

A constant dripping formed a puddle at Rotor's feet, the pachyderm pushing back with each thrust until his prostate was grinding against Rotor's knuckles. It was a wondrous sensation, causing his grand elephantine legs to shudder against the bed as his cock bulged with a strong single vein. His massive balls clenched, hanging low and swinging with every thud until he stifled a brazen roar.

With a hungering climax he shot a tremendous blast of seed, painting Rotor's legs in luscious hot jizz that smothered his lingerie thick. The outside latex shell of his leggings helped the cum drip off easily, but the hot sensation of the smearing almost had Rotor cumming with him, the sight of this raw masculine beast trembling in his corset and leggings from a fist deep in his ass, making him want to just ram his cock in.

"MORE!" barked Mogul. "SODOMISE ME, I DEMAND YOU!"

Too frightened to respond, the walrus pulled out his arm and pushed apart the pachyderm's cheeks. The now gaping hole welcomed him, as Rotor slammed himself to the hilt with balls slapping away merrily. Mogul gasped with a whorish sound, savouring the feel of that spearing harpoon that, while not as big as an arm, was flexing in all the right parts with its fluted head dragging against the folds.

"AUUGH! NNNNGH, h-hah, damn sir, your ass is real good! Hah, f-first guy I ever done an' you're no joke!"

"NNNGH, wh-what did I tell you?" gasped Mammoth. "The most finest of arses you cannot find anywhere, else, HMMPH!"

"Y-yeah, you weren't kidding...mmmph, haaah!"

Already halfway to his own climax, the walrus dug his fingers into the musclar hindquarters and whapped harder against the CEO. There was a small glint in his eye, a morbid delight that he was literally fucking over the rich, trying not to think too hard if this shipping magnate was involved in anything underhanded. But as a Freedom Fighter, this was more than wonderful, feeling the CEO suck his cock deeper inside with wondrous rippling sensations.

The mammoth however was savouring the freedom, not needing to put on too much a face but just wanting to get railed by some common worker who had a similar aesthetic, a pleasure for the lingerie, a desire to be embraced in its bindings. Every thrust that Rotor made, their leggings scraped harder, a warm shimmering burn that scraped their thighs and tightened on their knees with a suffocating embrace.

Like corsets for the legs, they squeezed their muscles with a possessive grip, every flex and curve of their limbs pressing on each other, their excitement growing all the more as Rotor spurted pre across the elephant's walls. The flat fat head dragging along the floor of his anal tunnel, sent waves of pleasure through both of them as the walrus pounded harder.

The longer he fucked the hotter his lingerie became, a sweltering comfort gripping the back of his thighs with the corset becoming strangely tighter with each breath he took. Lost in his lustre, he didn't even feel weird wearing this outfit anymore, it just felt so right, so snug in all the right places. He almost wondered if he could wear this under a coat, some thick workpants, no one would question it much.

Thinking of walking around his whole day with this sultry delicious pair of leggings made him spurt even faster, all eyes on him but nobody knowing how sensual he felt, how sexy he was. Then he came at last, a gasping moan as his balls tightened up, pressing against Mogul's fattening sacs that also would empty themselves for a second time to smother the carpet.



Hot walrus jizz splashed across the elephant's walls, slathering his prostate in a hot pool of semen that ignited a thick flush of white to drench Rotor's feet even further. By the time they stopped cumming, Mammoth's hole was slightly dripping to add to the mix, the walrus panting in relief as he kept pumping away, feeling the hot squish of wet latex that groaned on each other's legs.

Panting together in bliss, Rotor tried his hardest not to flop on top of the elephant CEO, but Mogul was adrift in a sea of lust. He forced himself upright as Rotor pulled out, marvelling at the lush gooey pucker he had just stuffed.

"Marvellous," said the pachyderm, "that was...a delightful experience, I hope for you as well."

"Hohh yeah," gulped the walrus, "that...that wuz damn good, for my first guy."

"Hmhm, you shan't have another as fine as me."

The elephant stretched his arms as the corset creaked showing his powerful body.

"The lingerie is yours to keep. I shall perhaps call on you another time, for more routine maintenance."

"Really?" Rotor gasped clutching his cheeks. "Oh, damn Mr. Mogul that's real kind of ya, thanks!"

"On ONE condition." The mammoth raised a finger. "Tell no one of this, not that anyone would believe you, consider this a test of your dignity."

"My lips're sealed," the walrus pinched and zipped, "don't you worry, thank you so much again I jus-oh BOY I'm all excited to try these out!"

"The bathroom is over there, I have some excellent detergents on dealing with fluids."

The pachyderm showed him how to clean his lingerie, using none of the popular brands but rather a chemical combination so that no common purchases could be traced to him. Rotor took down notes, after undressing and cleaning them proper, then took them in a secure bag he had brought.

With a bow he left, as the Tuskwares CEO and the Freedom Fighter separated back to their worlds, not only opposite of the class barrier, but on opposite sides of the war trembling in the background. But Mammoth didn't care about that, only his personal pleasure, a modest moment of quietude far from hidden eyes. But this time was different. He felt more sated, peaceful even with a corset companion.

In turn Rotor was just happy, like a whole new layer of him had been unearthed that just clicked together, a jelly-and-peanut-butter sandwich of kinks as he skipped off with a giddy vibe into the night. Never would he imagine having any good thing in common with one of the wealthy elite.

A Break from Maintenance

A Break from Maintenance by Xabin Doyarchu (A fanfic inspired by an animation by Hunter-Husky) Rotor wiped his brow with the back of his forearm as he paused to assess his progress. A few hours ago, Rouge had come to...

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Swat Kats: Pump it UP!

Jake Clawson had a problem with his body. It wasn't uncommon to feel that way, but it was a part of his body that was hard to even explain, or talk of in a way that didn't feel petty or overcompensating. Staring at himself in the mirror, his eyes...

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Rotor grumbled under his breath as he put away his latest failed experiment, a Bride of Frankenstein-esque robotic feline he had affectionately named "Ro-Becca". A sickly rattling within the robot's chest compartment as he wedged her into his storage...

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