My Brethren - Midnight Secret

Story by Fiad Dinenanu on SoFurry

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It was the witching hour, nothing so crude as midnight of course. Anyone can be a witch at midnight under a full moon. It was past 3 am and he had been awoken by a hand on his shoulder, shaking him urgently. His eyes opened to an unfamiliar ceiling and the usual questions of "Who am I?" "Where am I?" "Am I wearing clothes?" filled his head and were promptly banished. A finger pressed against his lips and words were whispered into his ear barely above the threshold of hearing, the voice one of a distant memory his sleep addled brain could not yet recollect.

"I want to tell you a secret."

Hearing that voice made his groggy eyes shoot open and all the confusion of sleep left his brain. He was in his room and his name was Steve. He slept in the nude, normally good, at this moment not so much. Luckily a blanket hid his nudity. Sitting up his head quickly turned every which way looking for the source of the voice. Eventually his eyes landed on the silhouette of someone standing at the head of his bed looking down on him. Dragging his blanket with him, he darted to the foot of the bed. His arm flailing wildly looking for the switch to turn on the lamp situated there.

A dim light flooded the room and Steve's eyes took a moment to adjust. Leaning on the headboard was a boy, well he assumed it was a boy at least. It was hard to tell from the elongated nose and mouth, not to mention the fur. "W- What are you?" Steve asked shakily, more then a bit terrified.

"So it is true, you don't remember a thing." Said the figure with a frown and a tone of disappointment in its voice.

"I think you have the wrong guy, I don't think I would be able to forget something like you," Steve said in a hurry, then continued, "please don't kill me, I promise not to tell anyone that you were here!" It laughed slightly and walked around to sit on the bed. Now that it wasn't obscured behind the headboard, Steve could study it closer. He could now tell that it was indeed a boy from his voice, and the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt. In the low level of light he could make out just basic features of his fur. It was mostly gray as far as he could tell, with black in places. If he didn't know any better he would say it looked like a raccoon. It had the little mask and black covering its hands. The only clothes it had on were some pants that looked like they had been sewn together from scraps and a pair of coverings that were worn over his feet. Steve looked back up and into its face. It was just calmly looking back.

"You don't need to worry, I won't kill you. But I can tell you, I do have the right person. I can assure you of that."

"Why me? What is so special about me?" Steve questioned the raccoon, who proceeded to stand and respond to his question only by opening the window, climbing out so he was sitting on it, and motioning for Steve to follow before jumping out. Forgetting the fact that he was in the nude, Steve ran to the window and looked out for the strange boy. He was walking slowly across his yard. He reached the sidewalk and looked back up at the window. Even from here, Steve could see the smirk on his face in the light of a streetlamp. Looking down he saw he was naked and a blush spread across his face. Dashing away from the window he flung open his dresser, quickly pulling on whatever clothes he happened to grab. Which just so happened to be a pair of blue jeans, a black T-shirt with the Ghostbusters logo on it, and socks. Looking in the mirror above his dresser he stared back at himself. An eighteen year old human boy, medium length black hair, average weight, possibly a bit on the skinny side, a bit short as well. Nothing odd, just average, someone that wouldn't catch a passing glance. His one feature that would catch an eye, were his eyes. Light blue eyes that everyone said were stunning to look at, like they were looking into a serene ocean that was filled with nothing but peace. He just thought whatever, they were just his eyes. Looking down he spotted a pocket knife that he normally carried with him out of paranoia that someone was going to try and get him. He had never actually needed it, but he decided if he ever needed it, now would be the time. He picked it up and placed it in his pocket. Turning off the light, he slowly opened his door peeking his head out looking both ways to see if anyone had woken during the events. Noticing it was all clear he opened the door the rest of the way and sneaked his way down the stairs. Skillfully dodging the spots that creaked, he had learned all those years before when sneaking out was he coolest thing he could ever do. Making it to the front door with no problems, Steve pulled on his shoes and grabbed a jacket off the coat rack. Reaching for the knob he looked to the side of the door where a photo hung. A family portrait, his mom, dad, brother, sister and himself all standing there smiling. He suddenly thought to himself, "What the hell am I doing? I am following something into the night and I have no idea what is going on. But, I am going to go insane wondering what could have happened if I don't." He gathered his nerves and turned the knob going out into the chilly night. He was still waiting there under the streetlight. The raccoon signaled for him to follow and continued down the street. Jogging to catch up, Steve got to his side. "I never actually got your name. Who are you? And better yet, what are you?"

"My name is Tus. As for what I am, why you are here, as well as any other questions you have. Those shall be answered shortly. Just be patient." Tus said to him rather cryptically. They continued to walk in silence until suddenly Tus put out a hand and stopped him. Bending down he pulled open a sewer cover.

"Please don't tell me we are actually going down there?" Steve whined as he looked into the dark hole.

"I have very good night vision, you can trust me. This is the only way to get where we are headed." Tus assured him before jumping down. "There is ladder you can use to get down." He lightly shouted back up. Sighing loudly, Steve took a deep breath and lowered himself feet first into the hole. Carefully making his way down the slick ladder he finally reached the bottom and exhaled his breath. It was pitch black except for the circle of light being let down from the open manhole. Though shortly, even that light was extinguished as Tus climbed up and closed it off. "Just stick close to me and you will be fine." Tus reassured him with a smile that was lost to Steve in the dark.

"I just know I am going to regret this." Steve sighed as he put a hand on Tus's shoulder and followed after him. "How long are we going to be down here?"

"Not long." That was all Tus had said in what seemed like the few hours they had been down there, but for all he knew could have been fifteen minutes. His blue eyes slowly adjusted to the light and he could make out the outlines of objects, mostly just the walls and Tus marching onward in front of him.

Finally, after Steve had all but given up hope of ever getting out of this darkness, Tus stopped him in much the same way he had before. "We are here, through this door are all the answers you want." Steve look at the wall he had indicated and saw nothing. At least until Tus went over and knocked some sort of code on a section of the brick. Causing the wall to shift and open up revealing a staircase going down. Following Tus down the stairs, which were lit by small strips of light in the walls, we shortly reached another door. Throwing it open, Tus said enthusiastically "Welcome to Haven."

Steve stared in awe at the sight before him. There was a town underneath his city. Where they stood was about halfway up the wall that surrounded the town on all sides. He was speechless. "What.. How.." Was all he managed to get out before he blacked out.

Steve woke up on a mat, some sort of Japanese style bed if he had to guess. Looking around the room, he saw Tus asleep on a chair watching over him. Other than that, the room appeared fairly normal. Mirror, dresser, desk, a few shelves with random stuff on them, everything a normal room would have. Steve stood up and careful not to wake Tus went to the door. Opening it and stepping out he ran almost face first into another raccoon. Startled, Steve let out a small shout, waking up Tus in the room behind him. Tus half shouted out of the room. "I see you found my half-sister, she is Tifen." As Tus said her name she gave a slight bow.

"He is the one we have been looking for correct?" She asked as if he wasn't here.

"I'm Positive it is him, just look at his eyes." With that Tifen leaned close to Steve and stared at him. He only had time to look at her face and notice her eyes were strikingly similar to his own. Once he noticed that she swept him into a hug and squealed in joy.

"It really is him, we have waited so long!"

Surprised and way more than confused all Steve could do was stand there as he was embraced by the attractive girl. When she let go he almost yelled the first thing that came to mind. "What the hell is going on here?"

Tus was the first one to respond. "Remember when I said I had a secret to tell you?"

"I vaguely remember, what was being said isn't my first priority when there is someone in my room." He replied

"Well, to make it blunt, you aren't human. You are one of us."

Steve had heard all that he could. He stumbled through the house until he reached what seemed to be a dining room. Sitting down he put his head in his hands and sighed. It was a few minutes before the two coons came down. Tifen sat down next to him, while Tus sat opposite him.

"You going to be alright?" Tifen asked him quietly as she put a hand on his back.

"I just don't know. So much has happened, I have so many questions, and almost no answers. I mean, I was woken up in the middle of the night to something that all logic says doesn't exitst, no offense meant. I am told that you have been looking for me, then for some reason I still don't understand, I decided to follow Tus to this place. I pass out, wake up and get hugged by you after a very confusing chat between siblings. Then I am told everything I know is a lie." Steve let out a heavy sigh when he finished his rant.

"Well, if it will help. Just ask any questions you have and we will answer as best we can." Tus told him.

"Ok, first question. Where am I?" Steve asked.

"You are in Haven, it is located about a quarter mile under your city." Tifen piped up.

"What are you?"

"We are the Coracon, we have been around just as long as humans, perhaps longer, though we stay hidden. We used to be everywhere, small communities hidden where we could. Mountains, forests, caves. And here, underground in our capital city. The last of the Coracon. This is all we have left." Tus gave a quick history lesson explaining the basics.

"So many more questions, but the only one I care about at the moment. Why me?" As Steve said this he looked directly as Tus.

"Your mother was one of us, but your father was a human. One of the few to know about us and the first one recorded to have a child with one of us. Your mother died when she gave birth to you. It is unknown what happened to your father, everyone assumed he went mad with grief and just left. When you were born, as you can guess., you appeared as a human, taking after your father. Rather then have you be an outcast down here, our elders decided it would be better for you to live with the humans above. So they put you in an orphanage. Where you were adopted by those who you know as your family." Tus explained with a solemn look on his face.

"That settles some things, but why am I here now? Why didn't you just let me live up there?"

Tifen turned his head so he was looking at her. "Ever since the day you left, people have been trying to figure out a way to make you one of us. And they finally figured it out. You can come home, where you actually belong." Steve just looked at her with a bewildered look. He slumped onto the table, his mind full of confusion and turmoil.

Tus out of nowhere said, "It is only 5:30, let's all go get some sleep and we can continue in the morning. Steve, once you wake up we will take you to the Doc. He can better explain everything."

"Fine, might as well. I don't think anything could make this any stranger." Tus and Tifen looked at each other with a smirk.

Tifen stood up pulling Steve with her. "Come on, you are in the room you woke up in." He was led back to the room and laid down. He thought he would never sleep, but almost immediately after his head hit the pillow he was out. The last thing he saw was Tifen's face above him as he laid down and Tus's form leaning on the doorway.

The morning eventually came, and he was laying on the mat, not wanting to open his eyes. He was just hoping that all this was a dream. Slowly lifting his eyelids, Steve saw the same room he saw last night. Whispering to himself, "So it wasn't a dream." He tried rolling onto his side but something held him in place. Slightly panicked he threw the blanket off of himself, only to find that both Tus and Tifen had at some point in the night come into the room and into bed with him. The worst part of it, they were both nude snuggled up with him. One on each side. Tifen had her head on Steve's chest like a pillow, the rest of her body pulled close, her tail hug down by her legs. He was amazed at how soft her fur was pressed against him. She really was beautiful. Tus on his other side has his back to Steve, but was nonetheless very close. His fur was more coarse than Tifen's, though still surprisingly soft. He had to say that, though unexpected, he was not displeased with his current situation. Steve was just content to lay there. Running his hand over Tifen's back, leaving furrows in her fur where his fingers were. Hearing her murr a bit as he did so. Tus's tail swung up and landed on his chest, taking his other hand he ran it down the length of the tail. Causing him to shudder in what Steve assumed was pleasure. Smiling a bit he did it again, this time it caused Tus to raise his head and yawn. "Hopefully I didn't wake you. Care to explain why you are in bed with me?"

Tus looked around then said nonchalantly, "Hmm, I am in bed with you. No particular reason why. Though it looks like you enjoyed it." As Tus pointed at Steve's pants, he looked down and blushed.

"Can't say it was entirely unpleasant." Steve responded as he covered himself.

The talking had caused Tifen to wake up as well, she just continued to lay her head on his chest. "I don't think I have slept that well in a long time. You make a great teddy bear." Steve blushed even more at the comment from her.

"So what was the thing about a Doctor?" He said quickly trying to change the subject.

"Oh ya! We will go to see him as soon as we get ready. He can explain the process of changing you into one of us," Tus exclaimed happily, "then you can decide what you want-" A growl from Steve's stomach interrupted loudly. Tus chuckled, "Though, maybe we should get you something to eat first." Steve hadn't even noticed beforehand, but he was starved.

"Sounds like a plan." He agreed. Standing up he tried to smooth out the wrinkles in his clothes. "Probably shouldn't have slept in these. They look terrible now."

"Don't worry about it, go wait downstairs, be down in a minute." Tus said as he walked out the door, going into a room across the hall. Steve shrugged and went down the staircase, sitting at the table he was at last night. After a minute or so, he turned as he heard footsteps on the stairs. Down came Tifen, still fully nude.

"Not going to put any clothes on?" Steve asked averting his eyes.

"Nope, clothing here isn't required. Everyone is fine with nudity. Guess it is a good thing to warn you of that before we leave." At this time Tus came down the stairs wearing some red pants, they looked much the same as his other pair did, sewn together.

"Ok, food. Lets see what we have here." He went to a cabinet and started browsing through it, pulling something out every couple of seconds. Making his way to a stove, he lit a fire in it, filled a pot with water, and dumped some of the things he had gathered into it. With the rest he started preparing them with his back turned. While he worked it was mostly silent, Steve trying not to stare at Tifen, and Tifen making no attempt to not stare at Steve. Twenty awkward minutes later, Tus carried over a tray with three bowls and a plate full of some sort of biscuit. The bowls turned out to be full of some sort of very sweet paste, and when mixed with the biscuits was delicious. Breakfast was mostly spent questioning Steve about his life. Finishing up the food, Tus burped loudly. "Well, now that we don't need to worry about you passing out from hunger. We can go see the Doc."

At they left, Tus leading the way in only his pants, Tifen still fully nude and practically hanging off of Steve's arm, Steve asked, "What is this guy like anyway?" The sibling both looked at him, grinned, and replied unanimously,

"You'll see."

A few minutes of walking later, most of which Steve didn't see as he was looking at the ground to avoid looking at the many nude of half nude forms around him. "How many of you are down here?"

"I believe it is somewhere around five hundred." Tus responded after a quick moment of thinking about it. A stone building large then all the ones around it was at the end of the street. "And there is the Doc's place." A few seconds later a fire shot from one of the upper windows, followed by a lot of black smoke. Two windows down the shutters were throw open and a man leaned out coughing, he seemed to notice the three of them walking towards his abode and shouted out to them.

"Young Tus! I see you have succeeded in your mission to receive the lost one! Do come in quickly. I was just finishing up an experiment that you can help with." With that he ducked back inside.

"I am having second thoughts about this now..." Steve quietly said as Tus and Tifen pushed him the remaining distance. Going in the front door it seemed like any other normal small house. Several rooms, a kitchen, a bedroom, a dining room. A shout was heard from upstairs.

"Come on up! Don't worry I got the fire contained!" Making their way up the stairs they entered a lab of sorts of which half was covered with soot from the recent explosion. "I have been trying to create a fire that will never extinguish. It would make everything so much easier. No more need to venture for coal or wood." Steve was about to speak when the Doc noticed him. "It is you!" Dashing over to him, he circled around him studying everything he could about Steve. "Even though you are quite a bit larger then the last time I saw you, I am positive you are in fact the missing boy. You have your mother's eyes. Can't find eyes like that anywhere else. You look like your father as well. Though I guess that isn't saying much as if you looked more like your mom we wouldn't be having this conversation!" He continued to ramble as he looked at him. Steve took this moment to study the Doc himself.

He had the traditional markings that they all had, except his tail had blue rings on it instead of black. He was wearing a white lab coat, some sort of steam-punk looking goggles with magnifying glasses that folded down over them, a pair of nice black pants. One of the oddest things was he wore no shirt, but he was wearing a tie. A bright pink one to be exact. He picked up one of Steve's arms bending it at the joint appearing very interested in it as he did. Looking at Tus and Tifen, who were leaning on a table a few feet away, he pleaded for help using his face. The two just shrugged, making a sort of wait it out gesture. The examination lasted for a bit longer. The last thing he did was pluck a hair from Steve's head and light it on fire. Watching as it burned. "Are you done?" Steve asked nervously.

"Oh yes, sorry my boy. I tend to get a bit carried away at times. I am Juzves, but most people just call me Doc out of simplicities sake. You must be very confused about everything, would you like some tea?" Without waiting for an answer he went off and grabbed a kettle from a table. Placing it on a fire for about three seconds, before pouring it into some beakers, secretly adding some powder into one of them. He ran around passing out the makeshift cups. Steve sipped at the tea as the Doc continued, "Now, about the process of changing you into a Coracon." He listened intently as he took a gulp of the tea. "The process starts by drinking what you are drinking right now. So no worries about that, as it seems to have no side effects. Well at least serious ones like imploding heads or combustion, those are never pretty. The next part of the proc-" Steve stood up quickly, dropping the beaker full of tea.

"You already started the process? Not even going to ask me if this is what I actually wanted?" Steve exclaimed loudly.

The Doc just brushed it off, "You are here, you knew what you were getting into. Now sit and be quiet. Now where was I? Oh yes, the next part of the process, while under the effects of the drink you must feel extreme pleasure for the change to take effect. Something about a chemical the brain releases. Can't recreate that, every time I try I end up waking up in an alley wearing a skirt. If the drink doesn't get this chemical nothing will happen. So stop complaining. The effects of the drink will last twenty-four hours. So you have the next day to decide if you want to go through with this. If you do, Tus and Tifen over there will help finish the process." Steve looked over his shoulder at the two, Tus nodded his head and Tifen smiled reassuringly. "The actual change will happen when you sleep. The drink will assure that, when it kicks in it will knock you out. A bit of a fail safe, as I am sure it won't feel good. Now, off you go. I have work to do, I believe the key to the fire is to make it restore the fuel as it uses it." He finished explaining and muttered the ending to himself.

Leaving the building, they made their way back to their home. Steve in deep thought the entire time. When they got there he said nothing and went to the room he had been staying in, shutting the door behind himself. The two siblings sat down at the table. Tus said out loud to nobody in particular, "Nothing left to do now but wait." Tifen just sighed and laid her head on the table.

Several hours had passed and the "sun" was going down, essentially just the lights outside being dimmed. There had been no noise from upstairs since Steve had locked himself in. Tifen had fallen asleep, using her arm as a pillow. Tus stood up and stretched. "Might as well get some sleep. Hopefully he will have made up his mind by the morning." He moved over to Tifen and gently picked her up, carrying her upstairs to her room, before making his way to his room across from where Steve was. There was a light under the door and he could see a shadow pacing back and forth. He whispered, knowing that Steve could not hear him, "Good luck my friend, in whatever path you choose." Going into his room he fell into a restless sleep.

Morning once again came, Tus was the first to wake. Coming out of his room he saw no light from under Steve's. He thought to himself, "Guess he went to sleep, at least that is good." Slowly walking to the kitchen he made some coffee, he sat at the table, not really drinking it, just staring at it. Waiting. Tifen came down next and sat at the table, acknowledging Tus by placing a hand on his. She was wearing a blue robe today. Time passed in relative silence, until at around midday their ears perked up at the sound of a door opening. Footsteps could be heard on the stairs before they saw him. He made his way to the table, stopping at the edge of it. "I've made up my mind. I want to go through with it." Both of the raccoons ran up to him embracing him in a hug. "So what is the plan?"

"You heard the Doc, you have to feel extreme pleasure for the change to take effect." Tifen said as she ran her hand over his chest.

"Y- you mean?" He said swallowing mid sentence. Tifen put a finger over his mouth, then leaned in and kissed him.

"Come on you." She said seductively as she turned around walking away. Dropping her robe in the process. Her tail held high, he could clearly see her ass.

Tus put his arm around his shoulder. "Let's go buddy. Don't want to keep her waiting." He didn't need much more encouragement. Steve chased after Tifen, who was already halfway up the stairs. Tus close on his heels. As he reached the top of the stairs, he caught a glimpse of her tail going into the room he had been staying in. Going after her, he flung himself around the door frame, his jaw practically hitting the floor at the sight in front of him. Tifen was laying on the mat, her back to him, looking over her shoulder. A very inviting look on her face. He didn't even move as Tus pulled his shirt over his head. Soon followed by pulling his pants down. Steve, now standing there just as nude as Tifen, walked over and laid down next to her. Leaning over he kissed her deeply, their tongues intertwining. After what seemed like an eternity she broke off the kiss to take a breath.

Tus decided to join in on the fun, quickly removing his own pants, he grabbed a small bottle from the dresser, finally Tus went and laid down behind Steve. Steve, oblivious to what was happening behind him, was still making out with Tifen. Working his hands over her body. He lowered his head down to her breasts taking one in his mouth. She moaned as his tongue circled her nipple, before he started sucking on it. It was at this time that Tus, his finger covered in ample liquid from the bottle, surprised Steve by slowly pushing it into his ass. Moaning into the flesh in his mouth, he quickly adjusted to the digit in him. Tifen pulled him from her breast, kissed him again, turned herself around, and pulled Steve on top of her into a sixty-nine position. He felt a second finger enter him at the same time as a soft tongue licked the tip of his rock hard shaft. He lowered his head between her legs, a pleasant smell entering his nose. Placing a tentative lick on her outer fold, he was greeted with a muffled moan, due to his flesh in her mouth. Starting slowly he progressively got more and more into it. Bringing his head away he brought up his hand, gently fingering her, he blew softly on her clit, rewarded with another sexy moan from around him. Steve felt the fingers exit him, followed by a new pressure on his entrance. Tus was leaning over him, steadily driving his member forward into him. Distracted by the new presence, he had to stop eating out Tifen. She however, was more then eager to continue. Steve was getting close. Going back to the pussy in front of him, he continued his previous agenda with renewed gusto. He licked long and slow over her entire slit, she quivered under him. She was getting close as well. Bringing his hand back up he slipped several digits inside her, curling them to hit her sweet spot. Moving his head slightly to suck on her clit as well. The combined action quickly caused a flood of juices to flow into his mouth, as well as causing her to practically attack his penis. He couldn't last much longer. Meanwhile Tus was thrusting as fast as he could in and out. Reaching under Steve he fondled his balls. One last hard thrust in and he started filling him up, a bit spilling around the edges of his ass, prolonging his orgasm with small thrusts. That was the final straw for Steve, feeling the hot cum inside him, and Tus hitting deep again and again. Thrusting into Tifen's mouth to his base, he unleashed the contents of his balls. She greedily gulped it down, pulling off she let the last few spurts hit her in the face. She gave a last loving lick to his tip.

Tus pulled out, a bit of cum following his penis. Steve now rolled off of Tifen since he wasn't being held in place. The drink was taking effect, he could feel himself becoming drowsy. He managed one last thing before he passed out. He feebly said the words, "I love you."

Steve woke up, he had no idea how long he had been out. He didn't really feel any different, but he could see a long muzzle at the bottom of his vision. Standing up, he quickly proceeded to fall over. Right across two furry bodies. Rudely awakened the two sat up trying to figure out what had happened. Looking down they screamed in happiness. There, laying across their legs, was a raccoon, with the bluest eyes they had ever seen. They responded to the last thing he had said. "We love you as well."