Sugar- A Gray Muzzle story

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Sugar- A Gray Muzzle story

It was the witching hour, nothing so crude as midnight of course. Anyone can be a witch at midnight under a full moon. It was past 3am and he had been awoken by a hand on his shoulder, shaking him urgently. His eyes opened to an unfamiliar ceiling and the usual questions of "Who am I?" "Where am I?" "Am I wearing clothes?" filled his head and were properly banished. A finger pressed against his lips and words were whispered into his ear barely above the threshold of hearing , the voice one of a distant memory his sleep addled brain could not yet recollect.

"I want to tell you a secret"

On second thought, perhaps I should begin at the beginning.

I'm a Bloodhound hybrid. Been one all my life. Grew up in the suburbs of Akron, where my father worked at a tire plant, just like everyone else's father did back then. An unremarkable dog, in an unremarkable place. So, maybe it's not so surprising that I've spent my life selling wallboard. A necessary, if uninspiring commodity. A few years ago, during the building boom, there was a run on wallboard. I was running the country, away for weeks at a time, when it happened.

When you do what I do, free time on the road hangs heavy. I had just spent a fourteen hour day on the road. I was tired, dog tired, but I was too wired for sleep. So, I go down to the lobby, where there's this little bar. Small place, really. A few locals, a TV, a pool table. Not much more. So, I stop in for a nightcap. Sat at the bar, with my Scotch and soda, watching the TV, when I could sense that I wasn't alone anymore. I look over, and there she was A white Poodle hybrid. She wore a tank top so tight you could see her nipples pressed hard against the distressed fabric. And that skirt. It was a short little spandex thing. She kept tugging at it, but no matter how she did, it still didn't nearly cover what it need to. Staring back at me from down below was the pinkest, wettest, most inviting pussy I'd ever seen. I smiled.

"Sugar" she offered her hand.

I took it.

"Rudy" I replied "That's an interesting name"

"My mama said she named me that 'cause I was just the sweetest lil thing she'd ever seen....." she responded, beaming.

She was drinking some awful pink thing in a Martini glass. One of those drinks you have to be a girl to enjoy. I just kept those drinks coming. She talked about this and that. I say 'she', 'cause I was strictly a listener. No, that's not entirely true. She talked, and I dreamed of that sweet pink piece of Heaven, wondering what it must be like to visit it, even briefly.

After a time, I guess those drinks took hold, 'cause she hopped down and excused herself. I stayed at the bar, awaiting her return. It had been a while that she was away, when I heard a commotion in the room . There, bent over the pool table was Sugar, with the biggest, ugliest Mastiff I'd ever seen, standing over her, pinning her to the table. She fought, but her blows seemed to amuse the big dog more than bother him.

Gathering all the liquid courage that the Scotch offered, I walked over, and put my hand on his giant bicept.

"Let her go!" I ordered, doing my best authority voice.

He laughed and shook me off. What happened next surprised me as much as it did him. Something inside me raged at this big brute imposing himself on sweet little Sugar. I picked up a chair. It must have been Ash, because it was heavy as Hell, and it felt like a baseball bat. Without further thought, I took it by the legs and swung. My drunken aim was perfect, and I connected with the big guy, the edge of the seat connecting squarely with the base of his skull. The chair was strong, but his head was stronger, shattering the chair explosively on impact. For a long moment., he just hung there in the air, before he crashed to the ground, face first, with nothing there to cushion the impact. I just stared.


It was Sugar, tugging desperately at my wrist. It was then that I saw the friends of the big guy, jumping to their feet....and coming, straight for ME! I followed Sugar, bolting for the parking lot. She pulled me to a huge Dodge Ram truck, maybe a few years old.

"Get IN!" she ordered, from the driver's door. Not waiting for another invite, I flew into the bed, as she fishtailed from the lot. I held on for dear life, as she flew through the night. It seemed like forever, but it was less than a half hour when she pulled over.

"Common, Babe, you drive. I'm a little....drunk." she ordered, pouring herself into the passenger seat. I took the wheel, and headed out, no idea where I was headed.

Truth is, I didn't care. Sugar lay sleepily on my shoulder, nuzzling me sleepily, a lovely little smile on her muzzle. Every now and then she's run her paws up and down my thigh, pausing dangerously at my crotch. In time, she seemed to catch a second wind

"Mmmmmm. Nice.....Babe? I'm outta smokes. Would you stop at a gas station? And back in. I'm not sure how far I can walk."

So I did. A couple miles down a dark road, there was this 'Stop 'n Go', off in the middle of no where. I pulled in, backing to the curb, just as I was instructed, and she hopped out. I waited, dreamily, wondering how the night might end. My reverie ended suddenly.

"DRIVE!!!!" she screamed, exploding through the door.

The memory of the bar scene fresh in my mind, I gunned it. That's when I heard the explosion. The back window exploded, showering glass everywhere. Adrenaline kicked in. I drove like a man possessed . I drifted through the dark switchbacks, barely touching the brakes. It was about a half hour before I dared to speak.

"What in HELL was that" I asked, looking in Sugar's direction. She had the look of a naughty girl.

"I.....didn't have any money...." She paused. "So.....I held them up."

"YOU WHAT?!" I bellowed

"Held them up." She responded, as if were the most logical thing in the world.

"With WHAT?" I asked, trying to make some sense of the situation.

"With this" She pulled a chrome .25 Automatic from her purse.

I took the gun and hurled it as far as I could from the open truck window.

"Now why'd you go and do THAT?" she asked, seeming genuinely hurt by my action.

"I don't think it would be such a great idea to have it here, in case....or more likely WHEN we get pulled over....."

"What if we need it?" she asked sincerely.

It struck me for the first time that this was actually a pretty good question. What if we DID need it again. To late now. We drove into the night.

After a time, we came to a small city. I needed time to think, plan, figure what to do next. Finding a motel, we dumped the truck in a nearby shopping center. Getting out, I surveyed the damage. There, punctuating the tailgate were a spray of holes piercing the metal.

"They SHOT at us!" I yelled, incredulously"

"Shhhhh! Folks are sleeping" Sugar scolded, like getting out of a shot up truck in the middle of no where was the most natural thing in the world.

We checked into the Hotel. Figuring that names and IDs might be a bad thing, I gathered everything I had, and paid cash. We got a room on the ground floor, in the back. I used the key to let us in, collapsing against the door, trempling, cold sweat [pouring from my brow. To my surprise, Sugar starts to kiss me.

Now, as much as I'd been turned on before, I was scared to death now. Whatever charms Sugar possessed were lost on me at that particular moment.

"Sugar, hon, lets get some rest, OK?" I flopped flat on the bed.

Suger, however, was not to be denied Climbing atop my motionless body, she straddled my legs, and got in my face.

"Uh uh, Honey, not tonight. Sugar's too hot to let you do that. Now, be a good boy, and you might just enjoy this....."

With that, she tore savagely at the buttons on my shirt. She ripped at my pants, yanking them brutally to my knees.

Now, the truth is, at this exact point, sex was the furthest thing from my mind. But my body betrayed me. Hovering the magical sex over my sheath, the old hound dog cock sprung to attention. I could feel her juiced drip on my exposed balls, burning them as it hit. Without so much as a 'please', she took my whole sex inside her. Laying atop me, she began to have sex with me. I say 'have sex' cause there was nothing remotely like love going on. She fucked me savagely, bruising me with her animal thrusts. She grunted as she pounded me furiously. As we fucked She began to claw my chest, drawing blood from the long, red claw marks she left.

"Do you like it? Like it Rough and NASTY? I like it that way. When I'm naughty, I get so.....incredibly.....HOT. And when I'm HOT, I can be so very bad......."

Her words seemed to feed her sexual frenzy. The more she talked, the harder, the more brutal the sex became, until I became really, really scared. But something even stranger happened. I actually got into her weird freaky fetish. I had never been so completely totally screwed in my entire life. It was if I was 16 again, discovering sex for the first time. The end came too soon. I came violently, shooting my load deep within her womb. It was then that I realized that there was nothing, no protection, no evidence that she took any protections whatsoever. As I contemplated this, Sugar went through this strange transformation. That violent sexual predator became a frightened pup. Shivering, Sugar snuggled into the fold of my arm. Instinctively, I put my arms protectively around her.

I must have fallen into a deep, dreamless sleep. I just lost consciousness. I was deep in some other world when I felt it. It was the witching hour, nothing so crude as midnight of course. Anyone can be a witch at midnight under a full moon. It was past 3am, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Shaking me urgently. My eyes opened to an unfamiliar ceiling, and the usual questions "Who am I?" "Where am I?" "Am I wearing clothes?" filled my head, and were promptly banished. A finger pressed against my lips and words were whispered into my ear barely above the threshold of hearing, the voice a distant memory my sleep addled brain could not yet recollect.

"I want to tell you a secret"

It was then that I realized that it was Sugar crouched over me, naked. And we weren't alone. I could now hear what had awakened me.


The door shook violently. Fists? Kicks? I wasn't sure. Sugar began to speak.

"Hon, I want to have your baby....."

Normally, that alone would have had my attention, but at this moment, there was something infinitely more...urgent to consider.

"Who the FUCK is THAT?" I stammered

"Oh, HIM? " she looked toward the door "That's my husband. I'm married. Bubba's ALWAYS doin' that...." She acted like it was another fact of life.

We were sitting naked on the bed when the whole room shook. I realized that there was the head of a large axe sticking through the room's door. It was then that the bullets began. The crazy S.O.B. was trying to shoot the lock off the door. I felt my bladder empty involuntarily as I watched bullets entire my personal space for the second time in a few hours. I grabbed at a pile of clothing as I bolted for the bathroom, bounding through the small window there like a circus performer. I hit the ground running, and didn't stop for over a mile. Pausing in a small wooded area, I dressed. I found I had grabbed my pants, and her tank top. Swallowing my pride, I donned my odd outfit, and put my nose to the ground.

So, you're wondering how this one ends. Well, pardner, so am I. I wake up sweating in the middle of the night, scared white with fear. Not knowing when there'll be a knock on my door. Or a bullet. Police. Bubba. The guy in the bar. Or Sugar. I'm not sure which scares me more. But, you wanna hear something strange? I think of that night a lot. For twelve hours, I felt completely, totally alive. And that's not a bad thing. Sugar? You KNOW I think of that.

Like I said, it was the most incredible pussy I'd ever seen. And it was mine for a night.