Choice Part 5

Story by DJ Wolf 92 on SoFurry

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#5 of Choice

Here is the fifth and final part (at least so far). I'm still working on my edits of Cloak and Dagger, so I hope to post it soon. As always, comments and critics are much appreciated. Enjoy, cheers!

_It wasn't more than a day until Mom started asking questions about us. They were small things first: how was Alex doing? How were we doing? When is the next time Alex is coming over? How was our date? Things like that. I thought this is great. Mom isn't as shy about Alex and me; she does get a little uncomfortable whenever we hold paws in front of her, but she keeps it to ourselves. There were times where I wanted to kiss him in front of my parents but didn't. Still, it felt nice that I could be cozy up next to him, without worrying. _

_ Then she started asking some more . . . risker questions: Have Alex and I had . . . sex together. I instantly replied no. I'm sure she already knew, but still . . . it made me a little uncomfortable being asked. It's not like it was her business what we did in bed. All she said was to make sure we were being careful together. I assured her that we weren't doing anything inappropriate, but there were times on the way home I could still smell the scent of sex on me. So much for the heavy-duty de-scent soap, we bought--if I kept my tail down. The last thing I would need is to walk in front of my parents and smell like Alex and sex._

_ Dad took a little warming up too. I suppose he would though. Like Mom, he asked how Alex was doing, but as far as that he didn't ask about our relationship. I was fine with that. It was just nice to know that Dad still loved me._

_ After the hurdle with my parents, there was still one more person I felt I had to tell . . ._

Alex and I sat at the small sandwich shop at the corner in town. It was between morning and noon, so they were still serving breakfast. Alex was drowning a small stake of pancakes and scrambled eggs with syrup while I munched on my chicken wrap, licking ranch and mayo from my lips.

I kept checking the clock, waiting for Jaxon to get here. It was funny that I still felt nervous about telling my best friend--though not as nervous when I told my parents. And I felt bad about not hanging out with him as much as I used to, so this was sort of a reprieve, treating him to lunch.

Alex squeezed my paw under the table and stared at me. "You know, you don't have to do this," he said.

I nodded and stole one of his sausages. "I know," I said. "But he's my best friend. He deserves to know." I just don't know how he'd react. Jaxon and I have been best friends since, like, the fourth grade, and best friends tell each other everything, right? It's just that the lion is very . . . manly--which isn't exactly the correct word I want to use, but nothing else came to mind. There was this one time, years ago, Jaxon beat up a kid for spreading a rumor that he and I were gay for each other.

Not that he'd beat up Alex, not on my badger. He's met Alex before, many times, and he likes him. It's just that I don't know, how he'd feel about us together.

I quickly brushed the thought away and tried to instill the confidence my _boyfriend_had in me. Boyfriend . . . even after how long we've been going out, it still felt new and surreal to call him that. Like no matter how many times I say it, I get this jolt inside. A boyfriend. I _have_a boyfriend. Me, the guy who wanted to get married to a nice girl and have a cub or two. But now . . . that old fantasy washed away with time. The concept of getting married to a guy felt strange to me, and I don't think I'd be ready for that for a while.

As for cubs, well, that's sort of tied to the whole marriage thing. Not a conversation Alex and I a ready for a long time.

A pair of horses walked bay, holding trays, and I noticed this is a hot spot for prey to come to--and the occasional vegan. They got ok veggie wraps here, but I like a little meat in mine. Come to think of it, I don't think I have a lot of prey friends, mostly predators.

I checked my phone about every 5 seconds to check the time. Alex and I have been here for at least 10 minutes and Jaxon still hasn't shown up, and I was starting to get worried.

No more than two minutes later, the bulky lion walked in. I waved him over, and he took the seat across from us.

"Aw men, you guys started without me," he said.

I gave him an even look. "Well, if you'd been here on time, you would've eaten with us."

He shrugged and started to get up until I said he could have what was left of my wrap and soda. He took them graciously and started scarfing down the chicken wrap. "Man, that was good, but still a little hungry."

We started with small talk: how's he been, what are he and his girlfriend been up to, how's the family? He said things were going good, that he and his girlfriend (a lion-like himself) were rounding to their three-year anniversary. I asked him what they were planning to do. He said he wanted to take her out someplace nice, get dressed up for it.

That made me think about what we did for our second month anniversary. We went to a nice place--not Glass Corner--but still a decent place; somewhere I could afford something more than a salad. But I'm digressing right now. Need to stay focused, I told myself.

I was about the tell Jaxon about the two of us before I thought it would be better to come clean over dessert.

I asked Alex if he wanted dessert, but said he was too full and asked Jaxon if he wanted anything. He said he wanted one of those mini pies they head here.

Once Jaxon finished his pie, I said, "So, we need to talk."

The lion's ears perked forward. He leaned forward, a cocky grin on his short gold muzzle. He thinks he knows.

I took a breath. "I know you've been bugging me about who I've been dating,"

"She a different species, isn't she!" he said. "I knew it! What is she? Canine? Feline? She prey, like a horse or something?" He indicates to the two stallions three tables down.

I glared at him, growling. "No!"

Jaxon scuffed. He extended his claws and scratched his muzzle. "Whatever. Come on man, I'm your best friend. I have the right to know who you're dating. You're my bro."

Part of me wants to slap him, but the other part of me knows he's right . . . to a degree. "First of all, it's a he," I said. Fuck it! Might as well come out with it all at once. I quickly glanced around to make sure no ears were perked our way. "Secondly, he's a predator just like you and me, and thirdly, he's sitting next to me."

Jaxon remade indifferent, staring me straight in the eye. Cocky Bastard. "So that means . . ."

"Yes," I said loudly. "I'm gay, and Alex is my boyfriend."

Jaxon stared at me with a bemused look. "Come on, your joshing me?"

I didn't know what to say to that. "Jaxon, I'm serious," I said, sighing.

The loin continued to look at me like I grew an extra head or something. "Dude, stop fucking with me, you're not gay. Remember when we were younger and we watched straight porn? You were totally into it, so was I of course. I mean--what about your ex? If you're gay then I'm a lioness."

I sighed. I felt like was getting nowhere, and I muttered under my breath, "I'll turn you into a lioness if you don't cut the crap."

Jaxon's ears flicked and the sides of his muzzle lifted slightly. He was thinking about something, and I wasn't too sure I wanted to know. t lion tended to have a dirty mind.

I brushed my whiskers back and ran my finger pads against the side of my short muzzle. "I'm serious Jax!" I quietly shouted. "I'm gay--very gay--I love Alex's cock! Do you want me to kiss him in front of you to prove it?" I hope he'd say no, but I didn't feel like kissing my boyfriend in front of all these other people.

"No shit," Jaxon said snarky, and he had this overtly annoying shit-eating-grin. Well . . . that . . . was easy, I guess. I thought I'd really have to do some convincing for him.

Both Alex and I stared at him dumbfounded. "How the fuck could you possibly know?" I asked.

"Please. You don't think I didn't see the way you ogled each other when went to that stupid action movie a couple of weeks ago. I've hung out with both of you to put two and two together. I'm a jock, not an idiot."

Shit. I thought we were being careful. Stupid, stupid badger. How could I have possibly known the lion was paying attention to us that night. I honestly thought he was too busy staring down his girlfriend's blouse. Kinda makes me think if it was apparent to anyone else who was near us.

"So . . ." I said.

"So, what?"

"How do you feel about it? Does it change your view of me?"

He shrugs his broad shoulders. "You know, it's whatever man. What do I can who you fuck. Just don't think about asking me to be in a threesome with you two. Nothing's going up my ass."

I rolled my eyes, and I think I heard Alex giggle next to me.

Jaxon leaned in close, cupping a paw around his muzzle, and whispered, "So which one of you is the . . . you know, the girl--whatever it's called, the bottom, I think."

My eyes went wide, my heart beating fast. Both my face and ears could not feel any hotter. Did I just hear that correctly?

Still, no ears swiveled our way. That was a good thing; I didn't need or want anyone else to hear the things that were being asked of me.

Jaxon looked between the two of us before his eyes laid on me, and a shit-eating grin plastered on his muzzle again.

Outside my peripheral vision, I saw an ear flick my way. I gave Alex a deadly look . . . how could he betray me so? The bastard was trying to be sneakily telling the truth.

"So, what's it like taking--" Jaxon started to say until I quickly cut him off.

"We're not having this discussion!" I growled under my breath.

The stupid lion just laughed. "Whatever man kinda pegged you for being on the receiving end anyway."

The fuck? "What do you mean by that?!"

Jaxon waved a paw. "You know."

Was he implying I was girly? Two can play this game. "At least I'm bigger than you," I retorted.

At that Alex busted out laughing. "Did some comparing when we were younger, did we?"

"Like you're one to talk."

"You know it."

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I can't believe we're talking about our sex life. "Can we please some talking about his. I beg you." If my ears could get any hotter, they'd be on fire, Jesus.

"You're telling me," Jaxon said. "I never thought I'd be talking about having _sex_with other guys, not with my best friend."

"Yeah well . . . neither did I."

Jaxon shrugged. "It's whatever."

"So, this doesn't bother you?"

"Well . . . it does kinda make me feel uncomfortable. I mean we're talking about you two having gay sex," Jaxon said, scratching one of his ears nervously.

I grinned. "Now you know how I feel having to listen to your conquest."

"That's because I'm a lion in the bed."

"Short fuse," I coughed. I was having fun here, but now it's time for me serious. "Thank you though. After I came out to my parent I--"

"Dude, you told your parents?"

I nodded.

"How'd they take it?"

"Eh . . . it was a bit of a rocky start with them, but they're cool with it now . . . sort of."

"That's awesome. Anyway, you're my boy, so I'm cool with it too."

That put a smile on my muzzle, and an assuring squeeze from Alex's paw. It was nice having him close by, the feel of his paw on mine helped strengthen my resolve about telling my friend.

The lions are pretty laid back, so I'm not sure why I was so worried. I mean, we've been best friends forever. He was the one guy (besides Alex now) that I could come and confide in when I was having problems, species be damned.

We spend the next ten minutes or so talking about us and our relationship, how and when we first met, shit like that. It was nice to sit here and talk about all this together. Like all the worries I had needn't be swept under the rug, about keeping our relationship secret. Still . . . you don't really know how people are going to react about something like this.

Jaxon asked how we met, and I was tempted to give the abbreviated version but figured fuck it. We've already, sort of, talked about us in the bedroom. I told him I met Alex at the Gay-Straight Alliance at school, and he asked which one was I before I entered.

"Fuck you," I said.

"Please, you wish you could," he said with bravado.

My brows shoot up before a sly grin lifted my lips. "With a tiny kitten dick like yours? Probably wouldn't even feel anything." Jaxon's face was so comical, I couldn't help but laugh.

All joking aside, it was a nice conversation we had about gay relationships and us, not that I was much expert in that, but it was still nice. And long after we finished dessert, Alex had to go to work. We promised to get together sometime soon for a double date, before saying goodbye, and I dropped off Alex.

Three weeks later, the four of us got together at some tiki restraint called the Bonfire in the next town over. The scent of fruity drinks and Caribbean food filled the place, and other than the slight hint of exotic flowers could be smelled. The restraint was dimly lit with breezy tropical music: flutes, marimbas, and congas. It was a nice place for a date.

_ Carla (Jaxon's girlfriend) was surprised to see us here. Turns out she thought Jaxon was lying about Alex and me dating, and when we told her it was true, she looked uncomfortable. But that only lasted a second or two before she instantly grew interested. It was nice to be able to share this side of me with my friend._

_ After that we went on two more double dates with them because they were fun, but . . . while the felines could be intimate to each other, Alex and I could not--besides holding paws under the table. I wanted to touch my boyfriend, to kiss him. And we couldn't, and that hurt . . . even Alex was a little uncomfortable with being physical with me in public._

_ It wasn't fair to us. People were more excepting nowadays, but you just didn't know. I didn't want some asshole to barite Alex for being gay._

_ The next two weeks, with Alex being busy with work, it felt like I was going stir crazy not seeing him. So, with our limited availably, we looked for any chance to get together._

The gym was pretty much empty except for Alex, Jaxon, and I, panting hard from our workout. The gym was owned by Jaxon's uncle, who let us use it from time to time when it's closed. Jaxon and I benched-pressed, while Alex jogged on one of the treadmills. It was near impossible to keep my eyes off him--watch his sexy body move the machine. His arms pumped with each step, his chest heaving as he breathed, and his hips bouncing with each step . . .

Stop staring! I yelled at myself. I had caught myself drooling a little bit, and my sheath tightening up. I was turning myself on, and with the lion next to me, I didn't want him to catch that in my scent. Get ahold of yourself.

Jaxon put his weights down and sat up. "Ok, I'm done for the day."

I nodded myself. "Same." I looked at Alex. "You ready?"

"Give me ten more minutes?" he asked.

"Ok," I panted, and just sat there, resting my muzzle on my paw and watched him jog.

"Well," Jaxon said after taking a couple of gulps from his water bottle. "I'm heading out, Chase would you mind locking the place up before you go?" He got up and stretched before he grabbed his workout bag.

"Sure thing," I said.

Jaxon waved before heading for the back entrance. It was nice that he trusted Alex and me to be able to lock up the gym by ourselves. I've known Jaxon since we were cubs, so he has a lot of trust in me. I've met his uncle a few times, too--nice guy. I'll have to thank his uncle for letting us use his place by ourselves.

I sat where I was for a minute to catch my breath. I told Alex I was going to take a shower and stepped into the large shower room. I stank, and need it--also a cold shower too. . . . There were individual showers in here. I headed for the biggest one, because why not enjoy the larger space. I turned on the showerhead, quickly stripped down, and stepped inside.

The water felt great on my sore muscles. Water trickled down my body as I stood under the faucet, letting my fur soak through. I was in no hurry to get out, so I decided I'd take my time. Five minutes passed by before I heard soft footsteps on the tiled floor. Alex must have just gotten in after his jog. He rustled around for something in his bag, muttering to himself. I heard him open a bottle before closing it again. It smelled oddly familiar . . .

"Chase," Alex called out behind the curtain.

"Yes, Alex?" I asked. I kept my ears perked for a response while lathering my stomach fur.

He didn't reply, only pulled the curtain by and stepped inside.

"Alex!" I hissed, surprised. "What are you doing in here?"

Alex was holding something behind his back. He looked up at me, and I could see a glint in his eyes. He was also half erect.

The scent of badger musk filled my nose, causing my sheath to tingle and a small shudder to shoot down the spine.

"We haven't had a chance to make love in a while, so I wanted to surprise you. And also . . ." he started to say until his gaze slowly slid down my body with obvious hunger until they settled on my crotch. "I've been missing this." His paw reached out and gripped my sheath.

I tried to suppress a moan, but it was impossible. Whenever his body touched mine, it felt static was coursing through me, and I wanted more of his touch. "We-we c-can't," I tried to say. "Someone might come i-in,"

Alex just grinned. "Chase it's just you and me."

"But Jaxon--" I huffed.

"--already left with his car," he interpreted.

The more he worked me out of my sheath, the harder it was to think straight. This was stuck with indecision. I mean this was so wrong; we couldn't do that here . . . but that the same time, I really wanted it. It wasn't until Alex let go of me, pressing our sheaths together, and reached behind me to press a finger under my tail that hornines won out.

"Fuck it," he said honestly. "Give me that cock."

Alex pressed his back against the tiled wall and dangled the small bottle of lube in front of my eyes.

I raised my brow at him. "You had this all planned out, didn't you?" I asked accusingly. Not that I minded.

My badger's ears tipped back slightly, blushing. "No . . . just came prepared in case the opportunity presented itself."

"Still don't like this . . ." I admitted. "But . . . can't argue with that logic." I grabbed the lube and placed it to the side for later. Then I got down onto my knees, and took Alex's hard member in my paws, giving it a few jerks before wrapping my lips around it.

"Mmm . . ." Alex moaned. He rested his paw on top of my head and affectionally rubbed one of my ears.

I bobbed my head up and down his length, taking from his tip down to the base of his sheath--that took some practice to do. Slowly I worked up a nice rhythm, working him in and out of my maw. I place my paws on his hips to give myself a better grip since it was slippery in here.

Alex was really getting into it because he gave out a few high moans, thrusting his hips forward.

This made me grin. It was turning me on so much so that I could feel my tip dribbling pre.

"Mmm, Chase," he said. Thrust a few more times, his legs quivering under him before he fell with a yelp. Unfortunately, his paws were still holding me, so when he went down, he pulled me down with him, and caused his cock to go deep in my throat.

"Warn me before you do that!" I coughed.

"It wasn't intently," he said, rubbing his ass. "Ow . . . at least we know you can take me deep in your muzzle."

I gave him a sour look. "Not funny . . ."

Alex smiled a little. "It was a little funny."

Whatever. "Are you ok?" I asked a bit annoyed.

Alex nodded.

"Good," I said. I spread his legs and went back to sucking his cock, though in it wasn't easy . . . or comfortable. The stall we were in was big, but not by much. With Alex sitting on the ground, and me hunched over, it was cramped in here.

I dipped my muzzle down and gave his shaft long wet licks before taking him back inside. I switched between sucking him off to lapping at his tip.

He seemed to like that because he told me to keep going.

Sure, I thought. You're not the one who's gonna have a sore back tomorrow. But at this point, I was determined to finish what I started. I bobbed my head fast, sucking him hard until Alex was really panting hard and moaning louder. He was getting close. Just a little--

Without warning, the curtain pulled back, and there stood my friend staring at us with a mix of shock, and mild intrigue.

I remand froze, with Alex still buried deep in my muzzle. I had to think of something quick to say until a thought crossed my mind. "Hi Jaxon, just um . . . getting my protein in for the night," I said.

The loin's lips curled back in disgust. "Dude, no . . ." He adverted his eyes. "Just . . . clean up afterward. I'm going to go home to pour bleach into my eyes and try and forget about this." He quickly closed the shower curtain and walked away.

Alex and I looked at each other before bursting out laughing. Oh, this was going to be an interesting next couple of days. I really hope my friend can forgive me for what he just watched.

Alex sighed. "Should we finish or . . .?"

I gave him a look. "Oh, we're finishing this. And this," I indicated to his cock, "is going inside me." I grabbed the lube and helped Alex back onto his feet paws. I turned around the raised my tail for him.

Licking his lips, Alex uncapped the bottle and squirted a small amount on his fingers before rubbing against my tailhole. "God, you have a great ass."

I giggled. "I could say the same to you, stud--" I was cut off when Alex slowly pressed his fingers inside. "Nhhnnnnn," I moaned.

He worked his fingers inside a little at the time until he buried them in at the knuckle. He knew just where to press, and he kept messaging that area inside me. He worked them in me some more before simply resting his finger inside, pressed against me.

"Shit . . ." I squirmed as my prostate was massaged. I was absolutely in heaven, but I knew this wasn't enough. My body craved_for something more, something _bigger than those two fingers. "Please," I begged. "Stop teasing me."

My badger scuffed playfully. "Sure, that the fun out of it." He grabbed the lube again and squirted a generous amount onto his paw before lathing his cock with it. H rested his clean paw on my hips and used his slick one to press under my tail. "You ready?"

I growled and pushed my hips back. "Give it to me." I sighed happily when he was fully hilted inside my tailhole. I missed this so much. I miss the closeness of us making love like this. And if I was honest, I was getting a little impatient with his resting inside me, that I pulled my hips forward before thrusting them backward. Since I was a little taller than Alex, I had to crouch slightly so he could get all the way in.

"Fuck," I whined when he sank back into me. I needed this . . . . his cock tip kept pressing against my prostate, and I had to have more of that contact. My cock throbbed at it.

Together we picked up a steady rhythm until we couldn't hold it back anymore and Alex was ramming himself inside me. With each thrust, a shockwave of pleasure filled me. It caused my tail to flag higher and my ass to tighten around me. I pushed back in time with his thrust, and my claws scratched down the tiled wall. It felt like my mind was going blank because I was getting--

"Fuck me harder!" I yelled. And he did, with such force that I almost saw stars in my vision. His shaft kept fucking my prostate, and I was quickly getting close to cumming. I wrapped my paw around my cock and started stroking it.

"No!" Alex said and took my paw away. "Work for it." Alex had started taking a more dominant role in the bedroom, and it was ungodly hot. But right now, I didn't care! I was close, and I wanted to cum. It has been a couple of weeks since we made love, and I needed to cum!

"But Daddy . . .!" Slipped up. Oh, shit. Did I really just say that?

Alex stopped mid-thrust. "Did you just call me 'Daddy"? he asked. I could hear the smugness in his voice.

"N-no!" I denied. "Keep fucking me."

Alex sank deep inside me. He turned my head so I could look at him. "I believe you did. I like that."

"Shut up!"

"Now, that's no way to talk to Daddy. Anyway, if you want to cum, you'll have to work for it."

I growled at him. This is not funny! "Fine!"

I gave him all I got, drive him inside me until I couldn't contain my moans anymore, and completely let go. I shoot my load at the wall, my whole body shaking with pleasure.

Alex wasn't that far behind when he came inside my tailhole. He rested against me, panting alongside me.

"Do you really want me to start calling you Daddy in bed?" I asked.

Alex laughed. "Oh God, please don't. It was hot for sure, but not my thing. I just got caught up in the act."

I sighed. "Thank you," I said. "It just kind of slipped out."

Alex laughed again before pressing his muzzle against my cheek and nuzzled it. Together we enjoyed the afterglow of sex before finishing up our shower and got dressed. We still had to clean up my um . . . mess. So, for the next five minutes, we spent trying to scrub my scent from the wall.

Can't for the next time we have sporadic, crazy sex.