The Brother's Swiftbreath - Chapter 4

Story by naturescall on SoFurry

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#4 of The Brothers Swiftbreath

The brother's adventure's continue into even more dangerous waters

A glimmer of sun seemed to worm its way through the broken bits of ceiling and rafters overhead, almost as if poking Karion from her slumber. She stirred slowly, looking around and suddenly remembering the events of the night before. Even now the paddock was drenched in the scent of their activities. Glancing over herself, she realized that there were now several spots in her fur matted from their breeding. Apparently, Resam did not have perfect aim.

Groaning a bit, the feline struggled to her feet, stretching out all her limbs from paw to tail. She yawned loudly and blinked a few times to get her bearings. The strange structure even with the glimmer of sunlight, was still dark and musty, in no shape to be housing any creatures. Taking a moment to lick at her face, the druidess slowly looked about for any evidence of food or water.

Finding that a pale had been left on the fence, she rolled her eyes and approached slowly going to look inside. The bucket contained what might best be described as 'kitty kibble'. An audible sigh escaped the druidess as she shook her head grabbing the pale in her jaws and dragging it somewhere further back in the paddock. With little effort, she knocked the small bucket over sending the kibble sprawling across the dirt. A feeling of indignancy seemed to flow through her whole form as her jaws closed around the bits of kibble.

There was still no sign that Resam had woken from his own slumbering, "Just like him, to sleep in late" the druidess thought. Wiggling those long elven feline ears, she attempted to listen for any sign of Alynna or that goblin fellow, what had his name been? Oh, that's right, Gilfa. Regardless, there were no songbirds nor quiet whispers of the forest in this place. Instead, all that drifted upon those winds was the quiet whine of various metal components swinging back and forth.

The high brought about by her heat the night before had long since died down, now replaced by the strangeness of smelling of her brother's seed and marking. At this point she wasn't even sure if it was worth it to complicate things further by mentioning their relationship. Perhaps she could just find her way from this strange little hole in the wall, get this all undone, and the next time she saw Resam they would simply be playing their game of chess in Stormwind park once more.

Right, this was all just some horrible misunderstanding, they would escape this, and somehow this will have never happened right? That was the line she kept telling herself as she paced in the paddock. The feline's head was hung low, and her thoughts were a mixture of things. There was the anger of being captured, the strangeness of having had an intimate relationship with her own kin, the uncertainty about what the future might hold. It wasn't unlike a storm brewing in her chest, threatening to strangle her every thought.

It was perhaps good then that Resam chose that moment to stroll in from his spot in the shadows, shaking the sleep from his eyes and yawning loudly as he looked down at the kibble in front of them both "So... breakfast?" he asked with a bit of a laugh.

Karion simply nodded, using her paw to nudge the pale of breakfast kibble closer to the other cat. There was something about the stuff that simply wasn't settling well in her stomach anyway. Try as she might to eat something to keep up her strength, it was hard to do so knowing that her breakfast was somehow more humiliating then then capture itself.

The two seemed to stare at each other for a long moment, though not into the other's eyes. The haze of shame and doubt was far too much to let such a thing occur. Instead, their eyes lingered on the floor near each other, neither quite willing to speak up. The silence was eerie as the spilled contents of the bucket lay strewn across the hay between the two of them.

Resam finally seemed to muster the courage to utter a few words, "So... about last night," he began.

"It was the work of whatever was in that salve" Karion responded firmly and quickly, cutting the other druid off as her own cheeks blushed under that white fur coat. "It is simply the work of that miserable satyr who has trapped us both, they put something on me that made you and I lose our minds, that is all".

"Right," Resam said in barely a whisper, biting his lip and getting up to walk back into his corner. The usual confidence that Karion's brother exuded was curiously absent in that moment. The bravado and whit replaced with melancholy and shame. He took a deep breath and then gave an even deeper sigh, going to lay his head down in the straw.

The sight of her usually confident sibling in such a state left a fair bit of distress on Karion as well who slowly stepped forward, walking next to the other. "Do you want to talk about it?" the druidess asked in a hushed sort of tone, her eyes seeking out random rafters in the ceiling rather then looking upon the sullen druid next to her.

"What's their to talk about?" Resam responded, going to bat a piece of hay between his paws. "We fucked, then I got captured, then we fucked some more, and now we are here. Seems like an open and shut case to me". The felines nose gave a wiggle as he bats the hay about some more, a wiggle that Karion had long since learned was his brothers tell when lying.

"Right," Karion responded softly, going to finally look down at the white fur of the other druid, edging a paw forward slowly before resting it on Resam's back, gently petting at the spot. She swore that for a moment she heard the other feline purring, but it came to an abrupt stop as the other tried to regain his senses.

"You uh... you still smell like me, and.. well" a longer pause as he only stared forward "Like a strong heat," he finally managed to cough out "I imagine even if we were somehow er..." a swift breath followed "Somehow able to make what that satyr was wanting to happen it will take several days before the eggs implant and keep you from shifting". The druid rushed through the back half of that sentence like he was on a sprint.

"Yeah," Karion whispered softly looking around and then shifting back to that elven form. She found herself just as naked as she had last been when occupying the form of an elf. Though now admittedly she was a fair bit dirtier. Her hair stank and there were more then a few claw marks across her soft skin where Resam had gotten a little carried away the night before. "Might as well make the best of that time that we can". Gulping softly, she used those more elven fingers to start gently petting at the other cat.

Looking down she had known her brother long enough to know he was upset "You know, I'm not.... I don't blame you for this," Karion whispered softly. Those fingers scrunched up a bit of the scruff of Resam's neck, tugging the other a bit closer. "You didn't do this, and..." the druidess bit her lip nervously sucking in air "It's not like you... hurt me, you know, well at least not on purpose" a laugh drawn from her as she went to rub at a particularly sore claw mark.

"That's not the point," Resam snapped back sharply, perhaps even surprising himself with the remark. Grumbling a bit, he moved some and finally shifted back as well. Looking over at the other's silvery eyes his own head hung low for a moment. A sharp breath followed along with a bit of a whimper "I'm sorry,".

In that moment, there was perhaps a strangeness in Karion's heart. On one hand this was her brother, her sibling for countless years. But in all that time, Resam had always been so strong, so capable. She had never in her life seen him break even in the smallest manner. She saddled a little closer to the other elf and took his hand, taking it in her own and giving a warm smile "It's not your fault" going to lean her head against the man's shoulder.

Resam laughed, shaking his head and going to squeeze at the other elf's hand "I don't even know your name and you are trying to comfort me for a tragedy that has been visited unto you". The man let those elven ears flicker for a moment as he met the other's eyes. He swallowed hard for a bit before simply leaning in to give the other a hug.

Holding each other for a long moment the two night elves took comfort and warmth in each other's presence. Heart rates slowed, breathing grew deeper and thoughts of the horrors that surrounded them were dulled by the knowledge that at the very least they would be facing those things together. Naked as the day they were born though one perhaps a bit altered, there was a soft and appreciated closeness that seemed to last for minutes.

Sucking in a breath, Karion finally seemed to break the embrace, brushing some hair from her eyes, and then going to fidget with her ear. She looked down at that elven body, realizing in that moment of peace just how different the perspective had become. Then her eyes drifted to her brother's masculine form, causing her to blush a bit as she found herself staring at the flaccid member between his legs.

Karion had never shied away from liking men or women, and so in that previous life only days ago, she would likely have had an at least similar reaction were it not her brother. Still though, there was something different running through her mind. Perhaps it was the remnants of whatever salve that satyr had smeared across her underside. Still her heart hammered against her chest before she whispered.

"Would it be ok if I kissed you?" her voice practically sneaking out of her throat.

Resam stared for a moment, a bit confused and caught off guard. Still the woman before him was as gorgeous as one might imagine. A shapely toned form with a certain sort of wild energy about her. Only a day or so prior she had been a stripper upon a stage with a delicate flower to pluck, now she was falling for him. In Resam's book, that usually meant trouble was soon to follow, but he put that aside for now feeling it somehow wrong to deny the request. With a simple nod he leaned in and planted his lips against her own, going to hold the woman's head very gently.

As their lips met, the flush across Karion's face only grew. She had asked for this; she had wanted this. Was she losing her mind? The haze that seemed to make this whole situation possible, surely it was simply muddying her vision of things. Perhaps she could simply blame hormones or the stress of the situation.

Whatever might be compelling these thoughts, these actions, it didn't seem to matter in that moment. Each kiss was met with another. Hands started moving towards ears and then running down sides. Before either party realized they were once again in the throes of passion letting hands fondle body and face alike with reckless abandon. There was no sign of this leading anywhere but another moment of rather primal love making, but Resam suddenly pulled back.

"We shouldn't... we shouldn't do this," he whispered softly looking the other over "It's not going to lead anywhere good and when we get out of this the two of us are going to have our own lives to lead. Letting emotions complicate an already complicated situation will lead to tragedy for both of us."

Karion frowned, looking down and giving a bit of a sigh "I suppose you are right, I... I'm the one who should apologize, I... I think the Satyr must have done something to me. My judgement is just clouded that is all". Nodding sagely and giving a bit of a sigh, the druidess went to twirl one of the already short strands of hair hanging from her head, occupying herself.

Moving away from each other, Karion soon found herself in a corner, arms wrapped around her legs staring down at the hay that coated the floor. The arousal that had come from their brief dance of lips was hard to ignore, but harder still was trying to rationalize it. A troubled expression sat upon the druidess face before the sound of a paddock door opening could be heard.

"Come here my little queen, the boss would like to examine what he is buying more closely," the shrill voice of Alynna rang out. A strong wave of magic seemed to wash over the druidess as she felt herself once again compelled to shift to her feline form. Being dragged forward by her own body feeling entirely out of control she looked pleadingly at Resam.

For his part, Resam seemed to only be glaring at the Satyr. He kept his mouth closed but his eyes were like daggers. Watching the other feline being dragged off a whole host of worry and concern washed across his face before managing to utter "Don't worry they've got plans for us, they can't hurt us yet".

Alynna simply rolled her eyes before attaching a leash and collar to the feline companion that she soon had in tow. "Was he a good sire?" she asked slowly walking away from the paddock. "I heard you two last night, I'm glad to see that shaman's good were the real deal. For a moment there I was afraid he might not actually breed you".

Karion once again felt sick to her stomach as the satyr's magics seemed to control every single step, every sway of her own tail. She felt like a passenger along for the ride.

"Well, worry not, if he can't accomplish the job then I have a plethora of waiting studs that would just love to fill every hole you have~" The Satyr seemed to muse bemusedly, "A few hours with them and your belly will be so swollen from seed that you'll think you're pregnant already. They'll leave those kitty cunt lips just dripping with love and affection". There was almost a hiss to the Satyr's words, and soon the veracity of the threats was made manifest.

Passing by cage after cage of various felines of all shapes and sizes, each pacing and gnawing at the simple structures that separated them from their prize. "You see that, they can smell you. They know that if I just let them out, they can claim you for themselves. So, you and your brother keep that in mind when deciding just how long you want to hold that elven shape for. If I don't get results, I'll make them happen".

The words caused the druidess to shudder in disgust at the thought, her nose keenly aware of the heavy musk these males were giving off. She gave an indignant huff at the whole affair, trying to turn up her head to the matter.

"Oh, don't go doing that dearest," Alynna snickered, "Don't pretend you didn't enjoy yourself. I saw you and that brother of yours. That was a lot more then just my salve at work". Wiggling her fingers, she tugged at the leash bringing the feline forward more. "You haven't even told him just who he's sticking his dick in. You know, some might consider that to be rude."

Karion growled in response to that, provoking a snort and roll of Alynna's eyes "Worry not, I shall avoid telling him that he's spent the last two days dumping more cum into his own kin then an entire pride of lions~".

The pair moved forward, passing more and more cages with all manner of strange or otherwise rare feline. Snow Leapords, Tigers, Lions, Panthers, and everything in between was pacing about in the various cages, leering at the druidess slender form. Paws would try to swipe at the air just in front of the cage threatening to grab at the woman's slender form, dragging her to a fate somehow worse than one she was already experiencing.

After what seemed like hundreds of cages, Alynna and Karion finally came before a small office. There was a single window behind which a goblin could be seen seated at a desk going over various pieces of paperwork. As the two approached, the Goblin's eyes were drawn up from the task at hand, taking an almost laser like focus on the feline. He gave a simple gesture with his hand urging the two inside.

"Gilfa, you asked to see the goods?" Alynna responded plainly as the two stepped inside.

"Yes, you may leave her with me, and if she gets out of line, well then I suppose you'll just have to find a new druidess won't you Alynna?"

The Satyr gave a bit of a growl "I told you, getting these two has already been quite a strain on our resources, do not simply dispose of this one without a second thought."

The goblin seemed to roll his eyes before giving a shooing motion towards the Satyr, causing that Sin'dorei form to go strolling out the door leaving Karion alone with the green and somewhat sickly-looking creature. The look upon the Goblin's eyes was completely different then that of the Satyr before. Where Alynna seemed to have an almost mischief about her, in the eyes of this goblin there was only hunger. It was like a predator zeroing in on its prey.

Hopping down from the chair, the small green creature wormed his way towards the druidess. Every one of Karion's instincts was telling her to run, to escape as fast as she could. Yet the Satyr's taming magic's held her in place. With each attempt to move a paw or even so much as an ear, that powerful magic would assert itself, binding the druidess like a thousand small chains tied to azeroth itself.

Gilfa licked his lips as he approached, going to gently place a hand upon the feline's head, "Yes well, sadly Alynna is correct, you will be very difficult to replace. I fear we are going to have to make sure we get some cubs from you before we go about... disposing of you". The heinous eyes settled upon the feline's flanks, as a grubby green hand went to gently stroke at the other's chin.

"Of course, we would not want out prize to expire before the goods can be harvested, so I assure you, despite my desires, you will leave this room unharmed today." The goblin leaned in close, placing that green nose deep into the snow-white fur of the cat, taking in a deep breath "Fear, fear and arousal, what an interesting combination". A laugh escaped the small creature as he pulled back "But I did not bring you here simply to look over what I have captured."

He snapped his fingers and the office that had only moments before been surrounding them quickly vanished, now replaced with a massive underground cave. And where moments before a Goblin had stood, now an adult green dragon, scarred across a single eye leered down at the druidess.

Karion would have gasped had her body been willing to cooperate, a green dragon doing something such as this. How could it be? Was it the corruption of the dream at work? Her paws now fought her mind with even greater ferocity, holding her in place when she wanted only to run.

"Oh, how I do love it when the truth settles in on them, when they realize the world was not as black and white as it once was. Do you feel that druid, your heart racing? Do you feel the blood pumping through your veins? The magic that courses through your very body, a gift squandered by your people without remorse. My flight has protected the dream and you weak, sniveling creatures for years. What has it earned us but death?"

Karion could not muster a response had she even had one to begin with. Instead, those silvery eyes remained fixated upon the green beast that stood in her path. She could feel her body shaking, even those feral instincts keenly aware that in a world of predator and prey, she was very much the latter. She could feel a trickle of urine running down her hind leg as fear choked mind and body alike. It seemed to prompt a bemused laugh from the great scaled beast.

"Oh, don't worry little druid, were it my intention to end your life here and now your body would already be but a delicious, succulent meal in my teeth. No, I wish to see you bow down to me, to show subservience not through pathetic satyr magic, but knowing that at any moment you could be scooped up and turned into little more then fat on my bones."

With a motion so swift, it was as if the wind itself guided the movements, a singular green paw reached out and two massive claws pinched the scruff of the druidess neck between them. Without protest, the druidess was lifted into the air brought eye to eye with the dragon's maw. "One way or another, I will taste you, be it today, or in the future. I will enjoy every bit of your essence as you become little more than fuel for me~"

The dragon parted that maw, letting those rows of razor-sharp teeth, dripping with saliva be put on full display. "You see this druid, get to know this sight well for eventually it will be your last". The dragon laughed heartily before that lizard like tongue snaked forward, equally soaked in that draconic saliva it slowly went to lick along Karion's stomach and lower neck. The tongue was massive enough that just the tip was more then broad enough to soak Karion's entire fur coat.

The druidess gave a horrible shiver, trying to turn her head away, only to find that be it dragon's claws or satyr's magic, her body was little more then a puppet on a string in that moment. It was made all the worse as the dragon licked again, this time that tongue pressing a bit lower, closer to her furry belly, causing even her feral body to twitch.

"Oh my, what an absolutely divine taste you have," The dragon snickered, tongue going lower still, now mere inches from that feral spade. "And so dirty you are, covered in the love making of feral beast, allow me to clean that up for you". Without a further word that massive tip plunged forward diving into that feline slit, causing those silken walls to expand in an instant and without mercy. Karion was unsure if she wanted to scream more in violation or sheer discomfort.

The tongue soon retracted, but the assault did not end, instead it continued to roughly explore and taste at every part of the feral druidess form, leaving her soaked in saliva. Giving a panting breath, she soon found herself being moved by those claws once more.

"Of course, if a meal does not suit your fancy, I can find other uses for you," the dragon brough the druidess mere inches from a rather prominently displayed obsidian shaft lewdly hanging from between its hind legs, "I could just slip you down, and before you know it your very essence could be as white as your fur coat is now~" laughing some before bringing the druidess maw only inches from the tip.

"Go ahead, lick it, you don't need the Satyr's command to do so, you need only know your place in the order of things here. Know that hopes of escape are futile, and that your life from this time forward will be to service me and mine." A growl from the dragon soon prompted Karion to act on the command, fearing the dragon's patience or good will.

That feline tongue shot forward, tasting at the very tip of the massive obsidian shaft. It easily had to be the size of if not larger then her own feral form. Closing her eyes she dare not stop until told, the dragon giving a bit of a please growl at the new development. "If you keep that up I might just find an excuse not to sell your pelt to the highest bidder once your cubs are born".

Karion only continued, trying to manage as much of her maw as she could muster around the tip, closing her eyes and bobbing her head on what little surface area she could take in. Struggling not to choke on only the tip of the obsidian member, she found herself gagging as the dragon shoved her forward mere inches. Whimpering softly, she tried her best to simply hold her breath before finding herself pried away and placed on the ground, covered in drool and pre.

"Dance Kaldorei, and not in this fur coat, I seek entertainment."

Karion was going to protest, but the dragon was quick to respond "I know all to well of Alynna's deal and what that Satyr is to deliver. Don't worry your pretty little head for one moment, if you lose a few cubs because you have to shift, we have more then enough felines to make sure we can try again... and again"

The druidess only nodded, soon shifting and finding herself naked before the great green beast. That single Silvery eye seemed to zero in on her, looking her over from top to bottom "Yes, this will do quite nicely, now please, if you would".

Karion's feet were wobbly, her hands shaking, but she tried her best to dance for the dragon. Attempting to remember even a rudimentary display, she took in a deep breath as the dragon's snout loomed ever closer, that drooling maw and tongue once again invading her personal space. Slipping forward she felt it once more, now upon her naked flesh, the tip pressed between her legs and up against her thighs and mons.

The druidess could only manage a bit of a shiver as the dragon slowly and deliberately went to shove that tongue in and out of the space between her legs. Any focus she had on dancing was lost in that moment, instead focusing on simply not tripping or falling. Gulping a bit the sensation between her legs mixed with the fear of the whole situation was sending all sorts of the wrong signals to the wrong places.

"Here... let me help you" the dragon laughed as a vine seemed to dangle down from the ceiling, soon wrapping itself around both of her hands and dragging them above her head. Soon the druidess was dangling with the vines acting like a chain to hold her there in the air. She kicked her feet for only a moment before the great lizard's tongue went back to work, plunging between her legs, the slick organ rubbing against that sensitive set of netherlips.

"You delightful morsel, such a wonderful taste. Though, I feel like I should get my fun with you before the other cats have their way hmm? After all, you are my property, so I shall use you as I see fit hmm?" The dragon's snout slowly pulling away from Karion's legs and chest, the hot breath that had been upon her vanishing if only for a moment.

The vines began to drop the druidess to the ground, leaving her on the floor. She would have collapsed were it not for another set of vines curling themselves in a new fashion. This time they wrapped around her waist, hoisting it upwards, twirling her as if she was on a string until her rear end was exposed. All the while additional vines shot up from the ground, wrapping around her wrist and knees dragging them to the ground. It forced the woman into a position with her ass in the air and face planted against the cave ground.

The great shadow of the Dragon seemed to vanish for a moment, causing Karion to attempt to look between her legs behind her, attempting to see if the Goblin had returned. Instead, she was greeted by the sight of a great green feline, tiger stripes across it's flank and a luxurious mane wrapped around the head. It was easily bigger than her, even in her own feline form and it approached slowly.

"The only true shame is that it was not I who popped your little cherry, though I suppose we can't have everything we want can we? Alynna told me you did such a wonderful job luring that other druid back to you. There was something almost mesmerizing about your little dance. I must admit had I the chance I would have claimed you there on that stage. But why linger on the past?"

Karion felt a weight upon her back, in her elven form the fur brushing against her skin was a strange sensation. The warmth of it combined with the cold nature of the act creating a rift in her mind. Those powerful paws soon wrapped themselves around her waist while the equally powerful jaws bit down upon her left shoulder and arm giving the feline mounting her some balance. With her head down she could only see the green furred sheath and set of furry balls which now were mere inches from her slit.

Karion shivered as the great Wyrm took pleasure in letting his tongue once again hang out, leaving drool and slobber all over Karion's arm and shoulder. "Don't be so nervous my dear, your wonderful little cunt is about to be claimed by one of the most powerful beasts in the land. Some would consider it an honor to be in the position that you are right now!" The dragon accenting it's point by suddenly thrusting forward, a rock-hard feline shaft piercing those elven netherlips sending Karion lurching forward. The vines and jaws compensated for the sudden force, but it did little for the bristled member that was now lodged in her depths.

"Oh, that's right you've been with a feline, haven't you? Know all about those little... spines" the dragon taunted rather suddenly pulling that shaft back, letting those barbs rake against the sensitive flesh of those elven innermost walls. "Well then, why don't we shake things up a bit him?". The pace of the thrust began to pick up, those barbs raking in and out, though now something new had joined the mix. It was like a pressure against her sex, silvery eyes searching frantically to make out what it was.

A knot was growing at the base of the feline's cock, threatening to lodge itself within Karion's depths at any moment. Each powerful thrust the feline made pushed those netherlips further and further apart before a triumphant roar came from the beast throat as that bulbous knot slipped in. Karion winced in a mixture of confused pain and pleasure, fear and arousal. That pulsing, hot shaft worked to fill every inch of the druidess elven depths.

Soon, the warmth was joined by something more as the dragon began to freely spill his seed, cumming with no regard for the victim below him. A happy pant was all that Karion could hear, the warm breath washing over the back of her ear and head. The feline's jaws released and a audible 'plop' sound could be heard as that member was pulled free, letting a torrent of seed now go dribbling down her legs and onto the floor.

Shifting back into a more Goblin like shape, the cave once again disappeared, the office once more surrounding them both. "Shift back, and remember, I own you now, so you best behave?" the goblin laughed mercilessly. With a sharp whistle he called out with a yell "Alynna come pick up your slut cat before it ruins the floor of my office".

Karion shifted back hastily in fear, finding a fur coat now covered in saliva, sweat, and seed. The white feline was shivering and fearful, not wanting to move even if the vines seemed to have vanished along with the rest of the cave. Alynna's return however made such a choice impossible. That powerful satyr's magic dragged the cat to her feet and compelled her to walk along side.

The Satyr was surprisingly quiet as they walked back towards the paddock where Resam was still being held, simply leading the druidess via leash back to her makeshift home.

"Well, you look like shit," Resam commented almost laughing as he saw the two returning, Alynna leaving Karion at the entrance near the paddock gate before locking it once more. Though it did not take long for the seasoned druid to realize that something was amiss. Karion was shaking, her eyes seemed devoid of any sort of moment, just staring into space. Her scent was awash with fear and her fur coat seemed practically drenched.

Resam stopped his laughing immediately and ran over shifting back to his elven form and going to check the other druid over. His hands shot to her neck, feeling for a pulse, and giving an audible sigh of relief upon finding one. He then scooped the large feline up in his arms and dragged her off to a quiet corner of the paddock, holding her soaking wet form close against his own naked body.

"Hey.... Hey," he whispered, "It's alright, it's ok, I've got you, everything's going to be ok" he gently cooed, rocking the traumatized cat in his arms. Taking a deep breath, he gently let his fingers comb through her fur coat, beginning to hum a song that Karion recognized.

It was something Resam had sung to him after Teldrassil had burned, when the two had a quiet moment together all those many nights ago now. A family song passed down amongst the Swiftbreath, meant to ask the Goddess for protection and grace, a plea to watch over those who might be injured or in pain. Karion knew this song well, and upon hearing even the hum of it, gently pushed that feline snout under her brother's chin. Her tail went to curl around Resam's waist as tears ran down her furry cheeks.

"What happened to you in there," Resam whispered softly, hands still combing over the other's frame, taking great care to tend as best he could, given the circumstances.

"Dragon," Karion whispered back softly, her voice robbed of any sort of strength. Her mind was still swimming in fear and worry over what the beast had said, what this "Gilfa" had threatened, what he had done. Her whole body shivered in fear at the very thought of what had just transpired.

Resam took a deep breath, and then gave a simple nod at that. A satyr was one thing, they were arrogant, and eventually they all slipped up, but a Dragon? A dragon was a great beast, cunning and powerful and often more than capable of handling a dozen men if not more. Even a small drake would prove more than a match for the two druids with their limited options and tools.

For the moment he could only nod at the information that had been relayed to him, returning to humming the family song from earlier.

Karion, getting lost in the comfort of the words, quietly began to sing the words.