Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Final Episode

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#22 of B&C 2

My dear reader, I won't lie to you... this episode leaves me feeling a bit melancholy because, with it, we say goodbye to this series. It's surreal for me to finish something I've spent nearly two years of my life updating regularly.

Blood & Carrots has clocked in at nearly half a million words and barring a few hiccups, was something I wrote on nearly every day, even as I juggled writing my novel and novella which you should look for later this year. I wrote this through some of the most challenging times I've ever faced personally, even taking comfort in escaping to create in my world and forget about the tribulations of life.

Ah well, I'm getting long in my words here, you came here to read, not listen to my rambling. For the final time, let us look in on our vixen, and maybe even a certain rabbit whom we all know well. Once again, and for the last time, let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

If this is your first visit to Silverpaw, I strongly recommend starting fromepisode one to get the best experience.

If you are new to Blood & Carrots as a series, you need to start withthe first serial if you want to fully enjoy it.

Take your time, I'll wait for you to catch up. :3

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

My dear reader, I won't lie to you... this episode leaves me feeling a bit melancholy because, with it, we say goodbye to this series. It's surreal for me to finish something I've spent nearly two years of my life updating regularly.

Blood & Carrots has clocked in at nearly half a million words and barring a few hiccups, was something I wrote on nearly every day, even as I juggled writing my novel and novella which you should look for later this year. I wrote this through some of the most challenging times I've ever faced personally, even taking comfort in escaping to create in my world and forget about the tribulations of life.

Ah well, I'm getting long in my words here, you came here to read, not listen to my rambling. For the final time, let us look in on our vixen, and maybe even a certain rabbit whom we all know well. Once again, and for the last time, let's jump right in!

Final Episode:


Stepping into the foyer I put a hand on my hip, my other resting on the grip of my saber. I had changed into rugged jeans with a ballistic's jacket over my t-shirt, my revolver at my side. Alice looked like she had the same idea, wearing a similar jacket but with a set of cargo pants.

She tugged at her fingerless gloves, her eyes already red as she looked upon me with a grin, her rolled-up whip at one side, her two guns at her back. "You also expecting to go in hot, love?"

I gave her a small smile and looked around, seeing no one but her. "Where is everyone?"

"Kaz already moved them and the angels. He's taking a minute to catch his breath, moving so many bodies through gates in short succession can be taxing, even for someone like him."

Folding my arms I frowned at her. "I don't like you putting yourself in-"

"Can you knock that off right there?" Alice snarled back in response, thrusting a finger at me. "I'm just as capable and you know it. If things go south I'll not sit on my tail while you all deal with the fallout."

I clicked my tongue and looked away, folding my arms but saying nothing, my tail snapping back and forth in obvious annoyance. The voice in my mind chimed in, 'She has every right to feel this way.'

'How about you shut up?'

'How about you trust our lovers more? I get we're invested and protective, but she's a chimera. Also, like Katrina, she may surprise us.'

'Frankly, I'd rather avoid any surprises and just know she's safe, but I get it.'

Alice peered up at me, tapping my nose with her finger and bringing me out of my internal debate with a huff of breath. "Arguing with yourself, babe?" She showed me a crooked grin before stepping back.

"Something like that," I growled the words as reality seemed to shift away before us, as if a curtain parting as Kazemde stepped forth from a gate.

"I apologize for the delay, all this ferrying is taxing upon me. I should have enlisted a few members from the circle to aid in the logistics." The mage gave a winded huff as he hissed the words, then offered us both a bow.

"Thanks for working so hard on this, Kazemde." I gave him a nod and looked past the gate, seeing most of the group on the other side. All of the archangels were present, as well as Lorelai, Elias, and the rest of our family.

"I should have words with my husband for not waiting for me." I huffed and stuck my nose up in the air, my tone irritable.

"He wanted to be the first to go, to make sure everything was safe, Sarnai." Kazemde gave me a knowing smile as he explained.

"Then Alex and Katrina started arguing with him about it, and the next thing you know, all of them were going at once. I said I'd wait behind to collect you." Alice showed me a grin, then gripped my hand in her own, giving me a dutiful stare.

I clenched her hand, showing my sharp teeth as I took a step forward. "Then let's get this show on the road, I'll properly thank you for your chivalry later, my rabbit."

"Oh, I simply can't wait." She hummed eagerly as we stepped forward, both our tails flicking about while we held hands.

I felt the energy and recognized it for what it was, this local was the Faemarch, though it felt different from before. As to where I felt the summer spirit's energy entirely, here it felt muted as if competing with the other three's. Perhaps this was a conflux where their realms all met and none had an advantage.

I'll admit that when I stepped forward, I expected to feel solid ground under my feet, as the rest seemed to be standing on packed earth. I saw my husband's smile fade as his eyes widened and saw Lorelai's mouth gap as if she were going to say something.

I gave a surprised bark as I simply fell right past the scene, Alice giving a shocked yell of my name as our grip broke and I found myself in a freefall. My teeth clenched as I looked up, seeing the rabbit reaching for me as the gate I had fallen through was already closing.

Snarling to myself, I quickly took stock of my situation, wondering if I needed to accommodate for a massive fall, but I could already see vibrant lush fields of rolling green grass. The descent was only about a dozen stories so I was able to land gracefully enough to not topple to the earth, though I did feel it shift beneath my weight from the impact.

I remained there in a kneeling position, having caught myself with a bent knee, both hands resting on the ground. A light breeze caught my raven hair as it settled along my back and I rose to my feet, giving a bored look over the field while my tail flicked a few times. The grass was dotted with a variety of brightly chromatic flowers, showcasing every shape, size, and color but blending seamlessly with grass to not be overwhelming on the eyes.

"You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" I barked out into the open air loudly, keeping a relaxed stance despite feeling the overwhelming power of spring all around me.

The ninetails was simply before me, no signs of having ever been there until I perceived her. She sat cross-legged in the field, the ornate green robe now sporting some plates of armor at her shoulder and hips. Her one paw rested on a large curved sword that looked not unlike a katana, but was clearly sharp on both sides.

"Sarnai Blackpaw, I'll admit I've not bothered to remember any of your kind's name other than that deplorable sheep," Triallia snarled as she slowly climbed to her footpaws which were still bare.

"You watch how you address my lover." I gave my own growl, my stance still unchanged as I lifted my head, poking my nose into the air.

"One of many no doubt. You stink of sex, fox. That wolf, the angel, both the ones that came into the fray in our last conflict... You certainly get around, don't you?" The ninetails gave me a challenging grin, showing the rows of sharp teeth as she poked her own muzzle up in a haughty display.

I gave my own smug grin, flicking my tail as I ran my fingers through my hair in a flamboyant display, and huffed. "Well, what can I say? At least I've a sex life, how many cobwebs are you sporting down there?"

Triallia narrowed her eyes at my jab and gripped the hilt of her curved blade tightly. "The tedium and fascination of sex is useless to one as old as me, I've long since quit that hobby."

"Ha! I'd imagine the spirit of spring would be all about breeding and reproduction, are you sure you're not the winter spirit, after all?" I barked out the words mockingly, then showed her a fierce grin as she glared in fury at me.

"You will not mock me!" She brought the blade forth with a snarl and I drew my own saber in response, as well as my revolver.

"What did you think I'd do, blubber, and beg for mercy over this little stunt?" I hissed out and narrowed my eyes, seeing her bend slightly at her knees.

"I know of your little parlay with my siblings. You may have outmaneuvered me, but before the dust settles on that, you and I will have our resolution, Sarnai Blackpaw. I'll not leave this unsettled."

"You know what? I'm fine with this, I would have recommended we duel for satisfaction once it was over with anyway." I showed her a fierce grin, then frowned when I saw the look of surprise in her eyes.

"Truly? You would have sought to do battle with me, even with the peace you had sought, won?" The ninetails tilted her head curiously, her myriad of tails rolling behind her.

I relaxed my stance slightly and nodded. "I would have, yes. I would have requested a non-lethal one, since we were no longer enemies, but here we are all the same."

"Why?" She asked me point-blank.

"Because I'm a warrior and I know how it feels to dwell on that which is lost, be it honor or..." I clenched my teeth and looked away, holstering my revolver before waving a hand. "Look, I don't regret saving my lovers that day, but for what it's worth, I don't take any pleasure in knowing I maimed you."

Triallia cocked a furred brow, seeming to mull on my words for several moments before speaking out once more, "You are trying to lower my guard, you wish to stall or plea bargain for your life, don't you vampire?"

I showed her a genuine smile before barking out a loud laugh. "Oh my gods... you think that's what I'm doing?" I gave an amused snort before pointing at her with my saber. "Don't mistake my empathy for weakness, puppy, that's a good way to get your other arm taken off."

She gave me a snarl and set her own stance once more. "Excellent choice, I'd have lost respect for you had you been seeking to worm from th-"

I sprang upon her as she threw her sword up, my maroon steel slamming into the blade, little sparks of blue energy coursing up my saber. "I don't need your respect, Triallia!" I spat the words into her face as she showed her teeth, pushing against my blow as I leaped back several yards from her forceful parry.

Her ears lowered and I watched her grip the curved sword tightly in her handpaw before she blurred forward. My eyes widened as I realized I could see her coming, impossibly fast and it still took every fiber of my reflexes to bring my blade to bear as she brought her sword down, but I was able to parry it.

Her curved sword slammed into my saber with a brutal force that sent me to a knee, earth displacing under us from the impact as energy washed out from her form. The blood steel held steady through the blow and I tucked into a roll to break away from the impact.

"Damn..." I huffed out, rolling my shoulder as I set my saber, gripping it in both hands. I'd had Harold bring a greatsword down on me with less power than that, and he was over twice her size I'd imagine.

"No excuses, no interruptions. You face the full power of spring and I'll confess, I'm impressed you survived that blow." The ninetails huffed the words as she bent at the knees and blurred forward again.

My teeth clenched as she brought the sword forward in a wide lash. I couldn't just sit there and trade blows with her, she brought too much power, not to mention the size difference of our blades. I caught the strike on my saber but grazed it, letting the larger blade slide down the length of mine, sending it off course as I hopped from my feet, sending a booted kick right into the other fox's jaw.

Trillia barked out and stumbled back from the blow, then clenched her teeth in a furious snarl. "Always so wiry!"

"You wanting me to just stand still so you can chop me up?" I barked out as she leaped on me right as I finished the statement.

"Yes! Hold, still!" She cried out as the large curved sword swished at my throat. I gave another glancing parry, sidestepping another blow, then ducking a third. The fox was howling out furiously when I finally got another shot in, driving a knee up under her jaw.

Staggering back, she wiped the blood from her jaw with the back of her paw that held the sword, then glared at me. "How are you keeping up with me?"

I showed her an amused grin and shrugged. "I guess it's all the sex."

Her growl grew deeper as she eased her stance and lowered her blade. "You mock me again?"

"No, I'm serious." I showed her a grin then rolled my shoulder. "Still... you bring some amazing power with just one arm. I could only imagine you using both."

"You lament my injury once again? You are a strange vampire, Sarnai." The ninetails shouldered the sword, laying the flat of the blade across her armored plate at her shoulder.

With a shrug, I shouldered my own blade. "As I said, it's not like it fills me with glee to have taken your arm off."

Triallia rolled her eyes at my words. "It will grow back. I simply need a cycle to properly heal."

"Oh? Well, that's good to hear." I cocked my head to the side and frowned. "Why are you so level-headed? You were fighting like a rampaging monster before."

The ninetails offered me a deep frown before she responded pointedly. "Because my heart is calm, I have already lost, so I fight knowing my inevitable death awaits. You could say I have made peace in my heart."

I gaped my jaw for a moment then shook my head to try to process the words properly. "Wait- Inevitable death? Look, I know my situation here. I'm fighting you on your home turf, I already know you could just keep pulling a nearly infinite pool of power. I'm the one that was accepting things."

"Not from you!" She snarled and tapped the sword on her shoulder, looking away as the green flames in her eyes calmed back to their original color. "My siblings will use this to band together, I'll be forced to bargain and by sparing the mundane realm, I simply agree to a prolonged death. The destruction of their world influences my realm, and with it my power."

"Or, hear me out here, you let us handle things." I gave a shrug and thrust my thumb into my own chest. "You underestimate the economic pull the Bloodstone council has in things. Not to mention we have the celestials united with us. Why, the celestials have been guiding the direction of the mundane for millennia, they could do so with this issue as well."

Triallia focused squarely upon me, narrowing her eyes. "You practice deceit, you've no reason to help me, I've tried to kill you and those you love."

"That's its own issue we will work on, but I'm just saying we can try to help with this problem too. If you're not around, spring won't show up, right?" I folded my arms, my saber hanging loosely in my grip.

"True, and though the powers that be would choose another if I fell, it could take a dozen cycles or more to see it happen. The mundane world would be sent into chaos."

"So we add that to the table when we bargain with the others. Look Triallia, I just want you off our asses at the end of the night. You leave me and mine alone, we'll work with you on this."

The ninetails set me with a hard look and made a gesture like she would fold her own arms as if forgetting she had one missing. She scowled then tilted her head towards me. "You would accept what I've done so readily?"

"Had I lost Alex or Gloria that night? I wouldn't have let my husband negotiate with you, I'd have pulled the trigger, sight be damned." I snarled the words and shook my head. "You've not taken anything from me but a little pride, but I've grown stronger and more humble from it, so I consider that a boon." I gave an amused bark as I rubbed the back of my head, "Not to mention I've got a werewolf boyfriend and archangel girlfriend out of it, so maybe I owe you, eh?"

The ninetails showed me a small grin on her muzzle, then looked away. "I've no choice in the matter. I'll take you at your word, but what do you want out of this agreement?"

"Throw down your sword, and lose the armor." I growled as I tossed my saber to the grass then followed with my gun.

She gave me an appraising look before throwing the curved sword to the ground, then tugging at some binding cords awkwardly with one paw, she removed the plates. I removed my ballistic jacket as I moved to her and gave a nod.

Triallia gave her own nod as we stepped back, both set in our stance before she gave a sharp bark and lunged forward. Her clenched fist drove towards my face as I grabbed the blow in my left hand, the force of which sent my shoulder jerking back as if I had tried to stop a sledgehammer.

I pivoted while gripping her fist, bringing my own free hand up in a blow that she narrowly jerked her muzzle out of the way from. Her footpaw swept under me lighting fast and sent me to the ground, my eyes growing wide as she howled out and drove her fist right at my chest.

The very earth shattered under her blow as I rolled away, springing to my feet as she met my eyes with an angry snarl. I returned the growl, pushing forth my flames as I sprang upon her, sending my own fist right into her jaw. The ninetails barked out sharply as I sent a flurry of punches into her jaws, ending with a haymaker under her chin.

The greater spirit slammed to the ground on her back, huffing out in shock, her tails fanned out behind her before her bloody teeth snapped and she climbed to her paws, giving me another howl before galloping at me like a mad dog with only three legs.

I barked out as she dove upon me with such speed I couldn't comprehend the movement, her forehead slamming into my own as I saw stars, then she began slamming her fist into my face again and again.

My vision went white, filled with bursts of light with each elbow and fist I took. Triallia then slammed her bare footpaw into my side, kicking me several yards as I rolled and bounced in the grass.

'Having fun, sister?'

'Are you not?'

'No no, by all means, let's continue.'

I gave a weak bark of a laugh as I found my hands, climbing from the earth, feeling my broken bones starting to stitch themself, having to set my jaw to let it heal.

"Are you satisfied?" The ninetails growled the words, her fist clenched, green flames rolling from it.

I worked my jaw a little, making sure it was set before rolling my neck and shoulder. "You think I'd have the lovers I do, being a quickie kind of fox?" Growling the words I showed the other fox a grin through my bloody teeth.


'You know it.'

Triallia showed me her own amused grin, then I felt the power pour into me as my other self opened the tap. The spirit gave a shocked bark as I closed the distance in a blink, not realizing I atop her until my knee was being thrust up under her jaw.

The blow took her off her footpaws and backward as I dove forward mid-fall, driving my elbow straight into her chest. She slammed into the earth with a small impact crater as I dove upon her, slamming my fists into her own face again and again, flames rolling off my body as she barked out from each blow.

I imagined the ninetails was seeing her own stars as I returned the favor, but she finally managed to thrust her paw out and slam a blow into my chest, the impact making me stagger back as she climbed to her knees, huffing and growling. I watched the burns and bruises, along with her fur start to heal. Even her hair quickly restored itself as the powers of the Faemarch healed her body.

"How... do you have such power?" Triallia panted the words out, wiping her jaw as she stood to full once more.

"Being batshit crazy for a few centuries has its perks." I showed her a wide crazed grin as I spread both my hands, flames pouring off them before I clenched my fists and dove at her once more.

She sidestepped and dodged, sending her own strikes back at me. We juked and dodged, locked in a dance of flaming limbs. Every blow I gave I seemed to get, even with one arm she kept up with me the whole while, both of our powers blazing at full tilt. The dance continued for a while, neither seeming to relent but both of us slowing a little more as we went on.

I sent a labor-heavy punch into her jaw, almost stumbling from my own exertion as I panted out, watching her stumble back. "Will you, stay down, already!" I huffed out with obvious fatigue in my voice. We'd been going at it for several minutes now and she had just picked herself back up.

Triallia staggered from the blow before snarling and sending a punch back into my own face. I barked out from the impact, back-peddling before clenching my bloody teeth. "I could, say the same, to you," She puffed out with a pant.

With a furious bark I lunged forward, driving a fist towards her jaw, then gave a shuddering yip as I felt her duck the blow and drive her own knee into my midsection. I probably should have hit that flask of blood in my pocket, my vision was growing dark and the world was spinning.

"Stay, down!" The ninetails spat the words at me her teeth in a scowl and I felt her slam her fist right in the same spot her knee had landed. I yipped again, blood erupting from my mouth as the darkness took me, the last thing I remembered was collapsing against her chest as my body gave out.

Back with Alice right after the gate incident.

"Kazemde! Get this fucking thing open!" I screamed the words at the mage, charcoal flames rolling off me as I held the gate open, both hands keeping it from closing as I focused my will on holding the small gap in place.

"I'm trying, I have to find the right magical layline." The cobra hissed the words, the sigils and runes glowing on his body as he kept one hand on my shoulder, feeding a constant stream of magical energy into me as I held the gate.

"What is this treachery, sprits!" Ichiro snarled out towards the two ninetails present, one snow-white fur, the other of a deep rustic brown color, each wearing robes that harmonized with their fur patterns.

"We have no control over our sister, nor can we tear open a pathway to her realm, doubly so in our weakened states." The autumn spirit frowned as she folded her handpaws over her stomach.

"My sister speaks the truth, we've no power to control what Triallia does, especially now that she is at the height of her power. Maybe had you not forced her hand with this show of force-"

"Shut up, or I'll show you a forced hand!" Alex snarled the words, black flames rolling off his fist.

"You think you can take me, wolf? Even weakend I'm more than a match for you." The winter spirit hissed out his own challenge, cool blue flames showing at his handpaws and tails.

"Enough." Lorelai spat the word out, a wave of will pushing forth with it, making everyone in the area still their tongue.

The sheep looked around then nodded to the two spirits. "Where is your brother?"

"He's not arrived yet, obviously. We don't really keep each other abreast on our comings and goings, I'm sure he'll be here soon. However, he can do little more than we could in this matter." The autumn spirit gave a nod to the sheep respectfully.

By now Katrina and Elias were next to me. Elias had a furious look on his face like he would tear through the gate as he had done previously, but this wasn't a barrier, I was simply holding the thing open with what little I had managed to grab. Simply put, you can't tear open something that isn't there, he would just be punching and clawing at the dirt.

Magical gates by their nature, cannot close when organic matter is in the way. I was no mage but I knew that much and so even when I had missed my chance to dive in after Sarnai, I had kept my hands holding what little of the gate remained.

"Kazemde, can you even get this thing open?" Katrina frowned as she looked up at the mage while kneeling in front of me.

"I'm working on it, my student. Just give me..." He sighed and lowered his head, a motion I'd seen before when he was deep in a meditative trance.

We all settled into a tense silence, every second feeling like an hour as I snarled and pushed my will forward as if doing so might somehow open the damn thing. Finally, after a few minutes, the cobra gave a nod and opened his eyes. "I've found the leyline, but I've only got enough power to-"

"Open the damn thing!" I shouted out with an angry scowl on my face.

Kazemde fixed me with a level look and shook his head. "I'm only able to tune it to let the one interfering with it in. I can make a more stable connection with time but-"

"Shut up and open the fucking gate, Kaz! My fox needs me!" I screamed at my friend, my flames rolling off me as everyone looked shocked at my words. Kazemde hissed out and pushed his will forth while clenching my shoulder.

I felt the magical energy course through my body, my grip finally able to gain some traction as I seemed to be able to force the gate open. I showed Elias and Katrina a cocky grin as I threw the gate open. "I'll go on ahead, sorry Master, sorry love."

"You wade into certain death, rabbit." The winter spirit called out to me with a frown.

"Then another day at the office I guess!" I called the words back and jumped in as soon as I had the room. Elias growled and grabbed at the entrance but his hands seemed to slam into an invisible field as if only I was allowed to go through.

'She did a number on us, huh?'

'I didn't expect to beat her, she's more or less hooked up to an infinite battery of power.'

'Think we could have won had it not been in the Faemarch?'

'Maybe, but I'm satisfied to get it out of the system.'

'Oh, that really tastes good!'

'Hey, you're right, that's nice...'

My eyes blinked open as I regained consciousness, my mouth was closed around the ninetails wrist and I had been drinking from her.

"Ah, so you have joined me once again, have you?" Triallia growled the words as she peered down at me while I blinked my red eyes up at her, then snarled as I focused on her wrist, tearing my teeth deeper in and drinking more purposefully.

"Even in this, you are a violent brutish type, eh?" She huffed the words out and looked relatively calm as I fed on her. Then again, I didn't expect the euphoria of being fed upon to affect something like her.

I took several gulps down, shuddering as the blood invigorated my aching form, then pulled away, lapping the blood from the flesh and fur before me, watching it heal. Blinking up at her, I realized I was on my back, my head in her lap.

"Not how I expected to come to, if you let me come to at all." I closed my eyes, feeling my body healing as I sighed out.

"It was settled and we met in an honorable way, I would certainly not strike you down after everything we spoke of," She huffed out and withdrew her paw.

"Are we good then?" I spoke out to her as my eyes opened once again, seeing the underside of her muzzle as she gave a nod.

"I can do little but trust we can work something out with your people, but yes, you and I will put things to rest here. You were surprisingly resilient, I am impressed with you, Sarnai Blackpaw."

I grunted as I reached up to rub at my head. "Same to you. Let's square off at my place sometime, I'd like to tangle with you outside of the Faemarch."

Triallia gave me a grin and nodded. "It's a date then."

I heard a thump somewhere on the ground near us, then hardly had time to react before I saw Alice right over me, both revolvers drawn and pointed at the fox whose lap I was in. I blinked wide-eyed at the rabbit as she looked between me and Triallia, cocking a brow.

"You, you're the messiah of this lot, aren't you? I can feel your power." Triallia lifted her chin towards the rabbit.

"And you're going to have a few extra holes to breathe out of if Sarnai isn't okay," she grumbled back, her flopped ears folding down as she drew the hammers back on her guns.

"It's fine, love. We've squared away the issues." I grunted as I sat up, wincing and rubbing my head.

"You certainly looked comfortable." Alice eased her stance, taking a step back as she hesitantly put her guns away.

"Well her fur is pretty soft." I gave the rabbit a playful look as I slowly found my feet, feeling my knees reinforce, the blood from the spirit rapidly rejuvenating me.

I watched Alice give the ninetails an appraising look as she clicked her tongue. "You're actually cuter than I imagined."

Triallia gave a smug bark at the commentary, "I am the spirit of rebirth, of course I would be fetching to the eyes." She pushed off her one paw, slowly climbing to her feet and I noted how winded she still looked. Apparently, I had taken more out of her than I gave myself credit for.

"I'm so glad you're safe, I was really scared." Alice shifted her full attention to me, grasping my hands with her own as she quickly lifted up on her toes, giving me a quick kiss.

I returned it and pushed my forehead to her own, a grin showing as I felt her comforting waves of energy filling me while we shifted to hug one another. In truth, I didn't know if I'd ever feel her embrace again when I fell.

Trillia gave us a contemplative look before speaking out in a huff, "Give me a moment, and I shall draw forth a new path to return you." The spirit-fox gestured her paw and closed her eyes as we saw reality start to meld before us.

It looked similar to the gates the magi would use, like a curtain parting, but it never fully opened. None of us were expecting the lance of golden fire that slammed right into the spirit's back, sending her tumbling to the ground with a shrill bark.

My teeth clenched in a snarl as I saw the ninetails from before land gingerly on his footpaws, bright green fur with gold at the tips of his ears and tails. His robes also adorned with similar armor plates that Triallia had been wearing.

"Oh my dear sister, did you not think we had contingency plans in place?" The other fox growled the words as Triallia gave him a furious snarl and blurred out of sight, moving for her discarded blade.

She scooped up the curved sword as the summer fox drew a similar and there was a clash of metal before they began a flurry of blows. It only lasted a moment before he deftly sidestepped a slash and sent a knee straight into her jaw. Triallia barked out as she stumbled then widened her eyes as the other fox launched a spear of flames straight into her chest.

She crashed to the ground, fur burned away along her collar. "I knew you wouldn't let it go! I was happy to wait and let you weaken yourself, after all, what is one shard of my power when all of your domain is up for grabs!"

"Cowardly bastard!" Triallia snarled as she found her paw and started to climb from the ground. The summer spirit wasn't going to give her the chance though as he bound forward thrusting his blade straight to her chest.

My saber slammed into his curved sword, sending it off course as I showed my teeth, a snarl on my own face as I slammed my forehead into the stunned foxes snout, then poured my will forth as I sent a huge eruption of hellfire straight into his chest, sending him tumbling back.

"That, was for my fucking ship!" I set my stance, standing between him and the down spring spirit.

He climbed to his footpaws and wiped blood from his nose before snarling out in response to my attack. "Stand down, vampire. This is an internal family business and I'll give my word you and yours will be none the worse for it!"

"I spit on your word! Your sister and I have made our own agreement already." My fires poured off me as I felt Alice move to my side, her own flames rolling, her whip drawn. Showing my teeth in a grin I reinforced my knees as I huffed out in a haughty tone, "Tuck your fucking tails and turn away before I start to lop them off!"

"Sarnai, why?" Triallia huffed out with her now flaming green eyes wide, pushing off her handpaw to stand.

"My lover detests cowardly acts, as do I." Alice moved her free hand to grip my open hand, my gun still resting in the grass, as I didn't have time to gather up both weapons.

The summer spirit folded his arms, giving me an annoyed look, then my eyes widened as I felt the presence of more, seeing two more ninetails join him, one of snow-white fur, similar battle armor, the other looking to be slightly smaller than the males, her fur more of brown like you'd expect from the floor of a forest in autumn.

"As my brother said, a family affair. Best you salvage your dignity while you can and leave us to it." The white fox snarled out, already having drawn his own sword.

"Your nonsense cost all of us part of our power, sister, but why trade for it back, when we can just divide yours amongst us and come out all the better for it." The auburn fox cooed the words, shouldering her own sword, her tails rolling behind her.

"They speak the truth, I brought this upon myself over my own overzealousness. You have shown your honor, now leave me to my fate." Triallia whispered the words behind me, setting her own stance, her sword still several yards away in the grass.

"Yeah, how about no?" Alice hummed and I gave her a nod. I then cocked my brow as I saw the rabbit release her whip, grabbing the ninetails handpaw, she then gave me an expectant look as she thrust her other hand towards me.

"You will stand down now, or we will strike you down with her." The summer spirit roared out the words in challenge, thrusting his paw forward as I quickly moved my hand to grab Alice's, the world washing away before me.

Triallia didn't seem surprised as we all appeared in an ornate unfamiliar chamber, no doubt the spirit's private room. The whole room screamed opulence, with silk tapestries, a massive bed, and even a full furniture set.

"Nice digs." Alice hummed as she trotted around, taking stock of the environment.

"You've simply delayed the inevitable, why do this?" Triallia folded her arms, having both of them in this dream world.

"Delayed? No." The rabbit showed a cocky grin and looked back to me, quirking a brow as she realized there were two of me. "Oh, are you getting in on this?"

"Of course I am, long time no see by the way." My double showed a haughty grin as she raised a hand towards Alice.

Triallia showed a frown on her muzzle and rolled her tails. "I don't... wait, I thought I sensed something inside you. You really are two souls in one, that's why you have so much power!" She barked the words in realization.

"More like having to contend with a stowaway." I huffed out the words playfully to my 'sister' before nodding to Alice. "What's the plan?"

"We're going to give this cute fox here a bit of a top-up, that way she can fight with us." The rabbit huffed the words as if this was all going according to plan.

The spirit shook her head with a frown. "Even if I were at full strength, I'd not withstand a full assault of all three of them. You two, er- Three, should use your energy to withdraw, as I have already suggested."

"We'll figure it out when we get back to it, shut up and listen to my girlfriend." I snarled the words and walked over to Triallia, moving to grab her paw with my hand, then joining hands with my twin.

"This feels kind of silly, holding hands like this." My double growled the words as she gripped Alice's hand, then the rabbit grabbed Triallia's other paw.

"In truth we don't have to hold like this, I'm just a sucker for melodramatic's and I'm the dream master here, so my rules." Alice hummed the words playfully as we all focused.

Triallia barked out in protest as she started to feel our power well up in her. "T-This is childish and a waste of time, you would-"

"Then once we get out of this, remember it and respond to us in kind." I nodded my head as I spoke.

"That's right, let's just all get through this, then we can be friends." My double spoke out in a sing-song voice while wagging her tail.

"I knew I liked you, we should have a dream date sometime, I'll tie Sarnai up and make her watch us having sex, my sweet fox." Alice cooed and I snarled at her words.

"Ha! You're all mad... it's not love that powers you all, it's your unfiltered insanity!" Triallia barked out the words in laughter and then the dream faded, only seconds having passed.

Flames rolled over Triallia's shoulder as soon as we returned from the dream and I watched the fox reform her severed arm, a wide grin showing on her muzzle as she clenched her paw into a fist. "Truly wondrous... I question if I've ever felt such unfiltered power in me."

"What? No!" The summer spirit barked out and shot a glare to the other two foxes, all of them leaving their footpaws to blur towards us.

Alice slashed her whip out lashing toward the white fox, wrapping it around the blade of his sword before throwing a lance of her own radiant white fire into his chest, launching him back several yards as the curved blade fell to the grass.

I was all too eager to take on the summer spirit once again, our blades clashing as I watched Triallia blur out of sight, before the autumn spirit simply launched out of the fray, tumbling across the grass.

"You make an enemy of the entire Faemarch with this alliance!" The summer fox snarled the words in my face as I gave him a wide grin.

"Then maybe you shouldn't destroy other's ships!" I barked out and rolled my saber to pull his blade away, slamming my flaming left fist into his jaw. He staggered back with a yowl as my sword came up while his body pivoted from the blow.

He regained his balance and our blades clashed again as he barked out into my face, "This is greater than your damnable watercraft!"

"To hell with what you think! That was more than a ship!" I screamed out as my sword smashed into his own again and again as I drove him back. "I made love to Katrina for the first time on that ship, taught her to sail on it!"

My saber deflected his curved sword and I drove my free fist right into his jaw, hitting him with such force his whole body spun away from me with the blow.

I saw my opening as his backside came into view and drove my saber down as he had turned, neatly taking one of his tails right off. The fox screamed in fury and agony as I planted a boot into his back, sending him several yards through the dirt and grass. "That is for my ship and the memories she carried to the bottom of the bay with her!"

"Brother!" The white fox called out as he picked himself up, having seen what I did, his teeth clenching in his muzzle as he summoned a white flame to fire towards me.

My twin in my soul turned the juice up and I simply thrust my free hand out, my flaming fist sending the white fire off to the side as I batted it off course, snarling as I started stomping towards the trio of foxes, my lover and the other spirit at my side.

"Damn you!" The summer spirit spat the words out, his golden eyes shaking in their sockets, a look of madness I recognized from when Triallia was on her rampage. "I'll not let you-"

I lifted my hand, sending another burst of fire straight into his face, sending him to the ground once more. "Save your melodramatic speeches for someone who cares!" I barked out the words, clenching my teeth as I saw the other two spirits helping him up.

"Siblings, your gambit has failed, but I commend you for your cunning. I have had my fair share of humbling situations lately, so I offer you the choice I know you would have not given me. Leave my realm now, and I will not exact gruesome retribution upon the lot of you." Triallia stuck her nose up in the air, flames rolling off both her handpaws.

The trio of spirits nodded at one another before the winter one called out, "Do not think this was some haphazard attempt!"

"Yes, we also came prepared with contingence in place." The autumn fox glare upon us as she hissed the words out.

The summer spirit stood, snarling furiously as he looked behind himself, seeing the missing tail, then simply thrust his paw out as a large rift opened above him. "Behold, we have summoned the champions of our respective realms to aid us!"

Three massive rifts opened and my mouth gaped as each produced a full-scale dragon the size of a small office building. It would have been a truly impressive show of reinforcements if each of them hadn't immediately collapsed to the flowery field, obviously dead.

"No, w-what?" The winter spirit stammered as he looked upon the white dragon in a heap, then his ears lifted as a figure fell from the rift, landing on the collapsed creature's body.

"Oh, this? It got in my way along with the rest of the riff-raff in there, so..." The sheep gave a lazy grin as she folded her arms, my husband dropping down next to her.

"Lorelai, Elias!" I barked out, relieved to see them, Alice offering similar sentiments.

"Do not humor yourselves to think we didn't see through your petty ruse." My mother descended from the rift the massive black dragon had fallen from, Gloria and the other angels joining her various other fallen beasts strewn about that came with the dragon.

Kazemde appeared from the one the summer spirit had thrust open, his feet never actually touching the red dragon beneath him as Katrina and Alex hopped into view as well. "Our circle specializes at gathering intelligence, that includes the going on's of the Faemarch. You played an interesting hand, but never realized who the dealer was all along."

Alice gave a snort of a laugh at the words. "Geeze Kaz, I think that's the corniest thing I've ever heard you say!" The rabbit huffed out in relief and put her hands to her hips.

"T-This isn't over!" The summer spirit spat out and hopped back, however, he yipped as he slammed into a field of power, wincing as if he had been struck with a heavy blow.

"I assure you, it is." Triallia snarled the words, holding a paw up, a circle of green flames appearing around the trio of spirits. "You had your chance, I gave you ample opportunity, yet you chose to attempt another blade in my back for my mercy!"

"Sister! You must understand, he made us join in on this scheme!" The autumn spirit barked out quickly, her tails thrashing as she looked pleadingly upon Triallia.

"You coward, it was obvious from the start you were all in on this," Elias growled as he clenched his fists. "I've half a mind to deal with all of you myself, just for dragging my family into this internal squabble of yours."

"Triallia, the Faemarch will not be able to survive the loss of three greater spirits at once, to say nothing of our own realm," Kazemde spoke the words pointedly as he folded his arms, holding the ivory staff loosely in his gloved hand.

"Rest assured archmage, they'll not be dying, though when I'm through with them, they'll very well be wishing for it." The fox showed her teeth in a hungry mad grin as she clenched her flaming paw.

"Damn... you're pretty scary." I hummed the words at her from behind, then cleared my throat. "Are we still good, or do you plan to go crazy with your power? Because I will put you down if I have to."

The ninetails snorted out through her nose and looked back at me. "Rest assured, you've won an ally this day, Sarnai Blackpaw. The Faemarch and the mundane realm will continue to enjoy a peaceful relationship, though your springs may grow slightly longer in the coming cycles."

"You can't let her do this!" The summer spirit barked out furiously at me.

"As long as we have her word, I'll not object, also, fuck you for my ship." I poked my nose up in the air.

"How did you pull this off?" Alice called out curiously.

"We had several members of the circle in place monitoring the gateways coming and going from the Faemarch. When the winter and autumn spirit gated away suddenly, we were already tracking them. Also, it's hard to move a dragon and several other creatures without it being easy to track." Kazemde nodded as he looked upon the rifts.

"He gave us the quick and dirty explanation after you went after Sarnai. There was a lot more than dragons to deal with in those rifts." Alex clenched his own fist, showing a proud grin.

"Ha... I almost wish I could have joined in on the carnage with you all," I hummed the words and then lifted my ears as Lorelai came to me, extending her hands as I clasped them.

"Sarnai... my love, if you ever put me through this sort of ordeal again, you'll have carnage to worry about, but it won't be the kind you want. Do I make myself clear?" The sheep glared upon me, her eyes looking wet as she clenched at my hands gently.

"I apologize, my lady," I growled the words lovingly, seeing her eye twitch at the title.

"That goes double for you, Alice!" The sheep scowled out, then looked around at all of us. "Everyone! There will be hell to pay if I have to endure worry over you lot again, even you ridiculous angels and mages!"

"What a splendid thing all of you have going on, I wish me and my siblings could have shared such camaraderie, instead of being at one another's throats." Triallia folded her arms, her flames having calmed. The trio of spirits were still talking but their words were no longer reaching us, as if the circle of flames were blocking them.

"I'd love to get to know you better, Triallia. I've never seen something quite like you, but I'm eager to explore that body of yours." Alice cooed the words as she sauntered up to the ninetails, her eyes already smoldering red.

"Alice, are you seriously trying to make it with an ancient nature spirit that isn't even mundane?" Elias showed her an amused grin as he shook his head.

"Swing at every pitch, that's my motto." The rabbit showed her own grin, flicking her little fluff of a tail.

"How interesting... I've not experienced such a thing in so long. I will certainly consider your offer." Triallia showed the rabbit a surprisingly hungry smile, putting a paw to her own hip.

We broke down into casual talking and also spoke of the future of our realms, getting an official detailed explanation of our alliance, Kazemde not wanting to take chances with a fae.

The rifts were closed and the trio of other spirits had been dragged off to who knows where. In truth, I was a little concerned about what Triallia had planned for them, but again, my damn ship, so...

"I'd like to speak with Lady Blackpaw alone before we part, you've my word she'll be safely brought to you when we are done," Triallia spoke out to the group as we had gathered at the gate leading back to the circle.

Everyone looked at me and I gave a nod. "It's fine, I trust her to shoot straight with it."

I found myself alone with her and folded my arms, quirking a brow. "What's up?"

"Did you truly only save me from that lethal blow, over your boat?" She asked point-blank.

"A ship, not a boat, there is a huge difference," I growled and wagged my finger at her.

She rolled her eyes before barking out pointedly, "Your ship."

"No. I would have stepped in regardless."

"Why? I tried to kill you, I nearly killed your lovers. What did I do to warrant your protection and alliance when they turned their blades to me?"

I shrugged at the question. "Look, you thought you were fighting for survival, I get that. Those angels were the same way before, they had their path set out and we had ours. Sometimes you've got to trade a few blows before you understand each other."

"I suppose that is one way to look upon it. You must understand I still have my concerns over the mundane world and what it is doing to my realm."

"I get that, and we'll do what we can, you have my word on that." I gave her a reassuring nod and clapped a hand over her shoulder, giving her a grin.

The fox showed me her own grin, her sharp teeth showing along her muzzle before she clapped a paw back over my own shoulder. "You have my gratitude, and know I do not mince my words of peace."

"Likewise. It was a rough start, but we'll do fine going forward." I gave her a nod and we stepped back from one another.

There was a long silence as we stared at one another, then I finally broke it with a question. "Are you actually considering Alice's offer?"

"The rabbit? Why not? I've not mated in centuries and it sounds exhilarating. Should I abstain from it upon your request?" The fox folded her arms, tilting her head.

I gave a shrug. "Alice can sleep with who she wants, just don't hurt her. I love her, like all of them, and there would be hell to pay if you did."

"Rest assured I had no ill intentions, it was her offer after all. The idea of mating aside, I am eager to see you and your kind again, you are welcome in the Faemarch anytime, just give me warning of your visit."

"That sounds great, and you are welcome at house Blackpaw as well." I gave her a grin and thrust my hand out, her paw grasping it as we gave a firm shake.

We shook a few times and I offered the ninetails a frown."We all make stupid calls, I'm not saying to forgive and forget, but don't brutalize them too much, Trillia. It could have very easily been you in that position."

"I shall take your words to heart, Sarnai Blackpaw. Thank you for showing empathy towards my siblings, even in light of your losses." Trillia gave me a toothy smile as our grips parted.

"Yeah, but feel free to rough that asshole up that trashed my ship, fuck that guy." I barked out playfully as I turned and gave a wave of my hand as I sauntered through the gate back to my home.

"And so it is..." I huffed out as I leaned back in my seat, looking upon the fire, both my hands resting in my lap.

Alice grinned as she sat next to me on the sofa across from you. "You make it sound so dramatic, love."

"Wasn't it?" I quirked a brow, giving her a small smile.

"It's been pretty wild, I'll admit. Boy did you pick an interesting time to join us, my pet," She cooed the words at you, flicking her tail playfully at the old pet name.

I smiled and nodded, listening to the fire crackle as I closed my eyes. "Life is funny sometimes. It's been such a long one for me, yet it all felt very quick when I felt it might be over, or I might lose what mattered most to me."

"How introspective." Alice gripped my hand, squeezing it as I met her eyes, seeing her smile, her sharp teeth showing slightly.

I squeezed back and gave myself a nod. "Yes, far too short, we must always remember to live it to the fullest, no matter how old we get." I stood as I spoke the words, feeling my lover rise to her feet with me.

"I agree! Don't you, my pet?" She cooed the words to you as you shared the sentiment.

I made my mind up as I glanced over to you, clicking my tongue before I pulled my rabbit into motion and started to walk from the room with her. "Yes, I believe that sometimes, life is about taking chances."

Alice gave you a smile and I showed my own teeth in a grin as my ears folded and I flicked my tail. "Elias is away today on business."

"Yes, and Katrina is at the circle studying," Alice hummed out, flicking her own tail as she pushed into my arms, both of us settling gazes upon you.

"My child."

"My pet."

We both showed you our sharp teeth, having made the decision together after returning. I called out to you in a playful tone, "we're heading to bed for the day, ah but it is a rather large bed, and won't feel the same with just two of us in it."

"It's true, and I've been very patient, I sure hope we find someone to occupy it with us, love." Alice pecked my lips with a kiss, then we both gave you a smile before turning and walking from the study.


And so it is. I do hope you enjoyed how things wrapped up, maybe I surprised you, maybe you saw things coming a mile away. Regardless, if you've stuck through this series to the end, I'm truly thankful you spent so much time in my little world I've made here, and I hope it was time you feel was worth it in the end.

I'd like to take a moment to thank all those that support me in some way or another. Regardless if you vote, comment, follow, or one of my patrons that helps me financially. I'm thankful to all of you for letting me know you enjoyed my work and I hope you'll look forward to my future writings as well.

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