Family Tree

Story by HermitCrabe on SoFurry

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Another attempt at writing. Any feedback is welcome.

Luther slowly tromped down the stairs, rubbing the final vestiges of sleep from his eyes, before turning towards the kitchen with a yawn. He could hear someone rummaging through what sounded like a bunch of plastic and metal, and upon turning another corner was greeted with the sight of a female cougar bent over an open drawer. Scooting past her with a, "'morning," he reached into an open cabinet for some cereal and opened an adjacent cabinet to pick out a bowl.

"Morning honey," his mother said, just audible over the clatter of shifting cookware. "Have you seen the half-cup measure... Ah! There you are." She straightened, a plastic measuring cup clutched in one paw, before returning to her assembly line of ingredients. Luther sat down at the table adjacent to the kitchen with his cereal and an unmarked jug of milk, and assembled his significantly less complicated breakfast. He watched as his mother prepared what looked like a dozen individual meals, still blinking away the bleariness in his eyes as he chewed on his cereal.

Luther stared ahead at his mother while he gradually tried to get his brain to wake up. He absentmindedly took in the older feline's large hindquarters, supported by thick, muscular legs, and watched her toned back shift as her arms moved along the counter top. Her routine of meal planning and prepping, along with a serious enthusiasm for the gym, had resulted in her strong form, but she always said she just wanted to be "functional and healthy" more than anything. The biceps that Luther couldn't have wrapped both hands around might disagree, though.

"Oh yeah," the younger cougar said, swallowing a bite of cereal, "how are you liking the new apron?" Luther had bought his mother the apron as a gift a few days ago - she hadn't owned one before, and had sometimes complained about getting food in her fur while she cooked. It had been surprisingly difficult to find the right one, most aprons didn't look like they'd cover enough of her to really help.

She turned towards him, wiping her wide paws on the apron, and her tail flicked in apparent satisfaction with being able to do so. "This thing is great," she said with a grin, "but how did you even find one that would fit?" She emphasized her words by tugging on the ultra-wide top of the apron. It still barely covered her breasts, and he could see her prominent nipples creating three rows of peaks down the front of the fabric, but it was definitely an improvement over the more traditionally-shaped aprons that would simply have gotten lost in her chest. It was certainly better than what she'd been wearing most mornings before - namely, nothing, besides some underwear like the dull gray panties she was currently clad in.

Luther chuckled around another mouthful of cereal before answering. "It took some searching, but when someone on Etsy lets you pick the dimensions, it makes it easy," he said, taking a moment to admire how the apron hugged every available curve on the older cougar. It was something he saw every day, but he never got tired of it. His mother, Melissa - just "mom" to him, though - stood at least six inches taller than his own above-average height, and it seemed like she needed every bit of that height to fit the three pairs of breasts stacked on her torso. Each breast was larger than her head, and the pairs only got larger the higher up her chest they were. She might have struggled to clasp her hands together around the top pair, as massive as they were. The nipples indenting the fabric at regular intervals down the apron looked more like stacks of giant coins than nubs of flesh, and he was surprised they weren't dampening the surrounding cloth. Well, not too surprised, he thought to himself as he spooned more cereal into his mouth - the milk jug had been mostly full this morning.

"Hmmm...," his mother hummed, turning back to the half-assembled dishes. "Maybe we should get something custom for you too then. Speaking of which, why've you been getting all dressed up in the morning lately?" she asked, glancing at his outfit.

"I'm finding it helps me wake up in the mornings... I could certainly use the help," Luther grimaced. Working from home had wreaked havoc on his sleep schedule, and he was still trying to get it entirely back in check. He'd only put on a long-sleeved t-shirt and some jeans, but the inherit discomfort of clothes did help him from being tempted to hop back into bed for an extra hour of sleep.

His mother let out a giggle. "Well, it looks like not all of you needs help waking up," she said with a sidelong grin, pointing a long wooden spoon towards his chest.

Luther glanced down towards his chest, and was interrupted when his chin bumped into something quite pleasant-feeling. He'd forgotten that the t-shirt forced his morning wood to stay pressed against his torso - he was still used to it hanging out of the way in the mornings. Using one finger to push his member to the side, he was able to bring his chin down and examine the target of his mother's quip.

The younger cougar's member was sticking almost straight up, the shaft emerging from cramped jeans before ducking back under his shirt, with the blunt head finally peeking out from the shirt collar at his neck. The arm-thick shaft had drawn up the hem of his shirt enough to expose several inches of smooth black flesh, including a thick medial ring, and the equally thick base had taken up much of the precious room in his jeans that two fist-sized orbs currently contended over.

"Har har," he droned, releasing his member with a smile. "Actually, do you know how much equine we have in our family tree?" he asked, one hand absently fingering the exposed medial ring while the other scooped up more cereal.

"Oh, you know I have no idea," his mother scoffed, hands steadily working to dice a pair of tomatoes. "I'm sure there's some in there somewhere, but with all the adventures I was getting into when you started to show up, who knows." She paused to give him another sidelong grin. "What I do know is that I get you all to myself, Little Luthy," she purred, the childhood nickname causing Luther to groan in mock shame. His mother laughed and continued to chop before saying, "You can always check your DNA records though, some people who're curious about their dads do that."

Luther let out a "meh," standing up with his empty cereal bowl and stepping towards the kitchen. He'd never been particularly interested in his paternal ancestry, it was more of a mild curiosity at the marked discrepancy between his equine member and the rest of his feline self. Placing the bowl and spoon in the dishwasher, he went to scoot past the older cougar again when she thrust her hips backwards into him. For a light bump, it had some force to it - his mother's wide hips supported a generous amount of padding, the smooth curves resulting in quite a bit of mass, adding to the firmer muscles hiding underneath.

Luther stumbled away with a giggled yelp, and looked back to see his mother's pantie-clad rear jutting towards him, hips cocked and tail swaying above them, head turned to grin at him over her shoulder. "Go get 'em, tiger!" she exclaimed with a wink. Laughter bubbled from Luther, and he turned to continue upstairs.

The muted clicking of a computer keyboard sounded in Luther's ears as he typed out one of the last programs he had to create for this job. His work as a freelance computer programmer suited him nicely; working from home and having an entirely flexible schedule were perks that were hard to give up. At the moment, he wanted to try and wrap up the last bits of this project so he could take the rest of the day off, and was making steady progress. Unless a growing distraction had anything to say about it.

His cock head finally bumped into his chin, signaling its demand for attention. The onyx shaft had burrowed up beneath his shirt again, and it didn't feel like it was planning on going anywhere soon. Luther let out a soft huff. He didn't want to stop working when he was almost done, but the intermittent throbs coming from his stiff member were hard to ignore. He settled on a tried-and-true method of delaying the inevitable by stretching his shirt collar to allow some freedom for the shaft, then slipping the tip into his mouth.

It only took a slight angling of his neck to fit the wide, flat head between his lips, but he did have to stretch his jaws a bit to nestle the cock head deeper in his mouth. The throbbing in his member slowed to be replaced with a warm feeling that smoldered in his crotch, the mild stimulation working to relax his body. Luther knew it wouldn't work forever though, and focused his attention towards his computer screen again.

The cougar's furred fingers tapped away as he absentmindedly worked over the cock head in his maw. His tongue made slow, lazy swipes along the thick rim running around the tip, drawing a steady stream of pre-cum from the large tube running the length of his member. His lips were wrapped tight around the shaft - he had no intention of leaking on his computer again - and his throat worked occasionally to swallow the slightly salty-tasting pre accumulating around his tongue.

Luther continued his ministrations on the cock head while he worked, several minutes passing as he came closer to finishing his project. His member had begun to grow impatient, throbbing more frequently again, when his ears flicked at the sound of his mother's voice.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get some groceries, want me to pick you up anything?" The older cougar finished her question as she leaned around the open doorway to Luther's room. She paused upon seeing his cock embedded firmly in his mouth, and tilted her head with a sly smile. "Sorry, cat got your tongue?" she grinned, looking very pleased with her pun.

Luther swiveled his chair towards her and rolled his eyes, releasing the cock head from his mouth with a wet pop. "Booo, get better material," he joked, a smile forming on his damp lips, before shaking his head. "Thanks, I'm okay though."

"Well," his mother said, eyeing his exposed member, "at least let me help you with that before I head out." She stepped into the doorway and began sauntering over to the younger feline as she spoke, hips swaying in a slightly exaggerated motion, fluffy tail trailing the motions of her waist, with three rows of breasts on full display. Her breasts wobbled and jostled against each other as she walked, each massive orb competing for space on her torso. All six of them were capped by a large dark nipple nearly as big as his palm, with a dark areola twice again as wide surrounding them. Luther could see she'd removed her panties along with the apron from that morning - large, slightly puffy lips peeked out from between her thick, muscular thighs, shaded by the overhanging breasts that encroached on her waist.

Luther's mother came to a stop a few feet from his chair, before slowly leaning over to bring her eyes level with his. Her breasts hung down from her chest in front of the younger cougar, and he was reminded that he was always amazed at how little the globes of flesh sagged, given their immense size. His attention still fixed on the deep valley of breast flesh before him, he blinked when he felt a finger press against his wet cock head. "I wouldn't want my little Luthy to be distracted at work by this," she cooed, and immediately ruined it by failing to suppress a toothy grin.

Luther's eyes flicked over to his computer and the almost-finished project. "Eehhh," he replied, pretending to think over the proposition. "I guess I can finish work later." The words were barely out of his mouth before his mother stepped forward and sat herself on his lap, straddling his legs and pressing her oversized chest into his own. Her top pair of breasts sat almost at his head level, and jutted out far enough to fill his vision with her short, tan fur. He could feel the dull vibrations of her purring through the malleable orbs pressed into his torso, the sensation sending shivers along his spine as his cock was sandwiched against three sets of breasts.

The larger cougar began shifting her weight from side to side, rocking her wide hips on Luther's lap while dragging her breasts across his torso, bringing his shaft along with them. He could feel her nipples poking into his abdomen and rubbing along his chest, the stiff, shallow cylinders in sharp contrast against the soft press of the surrounding breasts. His member, shifting against his chest with her gyrating motions, had started to get caught in his shirt collar, and he brought his arms up to fumble at the sleeves.

"Here, let me," his mother breathed, her sultry voice sounding deeper than it had a few moments ago. She leaned back and gently tugged at his t-shirt, pulling it up and over his head. Free from its prison, the younger feline's engorged shaft fell forwards to nestle itself between his mother's breasts, the deep black flesh leaking a small river of pre-cum into the narrow space between her top pair of breasts. Wasting no time, she tossed away his shirt and brought her arms to her breasts, using her large hands to press her top pair of breasts inwards on either side of his shaft, while doing the same to her middle set of breasts with her elbows.

The sudden sensation of his cock being smothered by the soft orbs caused Luther to gasp, and he instinctively reached out to grasp at his mother's lower pair of breasts, pressing them around the base of his shaft. With Luther's cock entirely encased in breast flesh, his mother began grinding herself against his member, massive breasts squeezing around his shaft as she dragged them up and down. Luther could see his cock head peek out from the top of his mother's breasts on each down-stroke before disappearing again on the up-stroke, each time looking more and more wet with pre-cum. The feeling of her breasts sliding along his cock felt increasingly slick, and now that they'd really gotten started, he decided to abandon his more passive participation.

Luther's fingers, still pressed against the lower pair of breasts, moved towards the thick nipples capping each orb. He slid his thumbs along the ridges surrounding the stiff protrusions, the rest of his digits massaging at the huge breasts, using his palms to keep them pressed against the cock buried underneath. As his thumbs crept inwards to rub at the wide head of each nipple, he heard his mother inhale sharply, and the vibrations sending tingles through his shaft intensified. Her purring grew louder, sounding more like a small engine than a happy feline, and with his cock pressed up against her torso, the constant tremors drew several small spurts of pre-cum from the tip of his shaft. They left glistening trails along the top of his mother's breasts as she continued to slide the huge masses up and down his member, torso still vibrating, and Luther had to grit his teeth against the combined assault on his shaft.

The younger cougar made a desperate grab at his mother's lower pair of nipples, fingers pressing in around them, and was pleased to force a gasp from her this time. He pawed at the oversized nipples, feeling liquid beginning to leak from them, and the flow grew stronger as he kept up his groping and squeezing of the surrounding area. Within moments, thick rivulets of milk made trails down the pair of breasts, interrupted by the occasional spurt against his hands when he pressed at a particularly sensitive spot. The tremors running along his cock were becoming jumbled and inconsistent as his mother began panting softly, unable to keep purring constantly while she took in deeper lungfuls of air.

His mother's fingers weren't idle anymore, either. The paws that pressed into either side of her larger top pair of breasts had moved to clutch at the similarly larger nipples, and she'd already succeeded in coaxing out a stream of milk from each. Her strong digits rubbed at the wide discs, grasping the nipples between her fingers, drawing out more liquid to flow down her massive breasts. A small spray of milk sprinkled Luther's chest after a particularly strong squeeze from his mother, and the younger feline leaned forward to clamp his lips around the offending nipple, mouthing at the wet flesh. The older cougar pressed her chest into him, wrapping her now free hand behind his head, as he sucked at the wide protrusion, tongue dragging across the slightly bumpy flesh. Luther was soon forced to swallow to keep up with the steady stream of sweet milk, and he could feel his fur dampening in spots as more milk leaked from the breasts the two felines were still groping at.

The pair continued to grind and grope at each other, Luther switching to suck at the other nipple in the pair while his mother dragged her breasts around his cock, both now slick with pre-cum and milk. A growing strain in Luther's groin forced him to pull his lips from the older cougar's nipple, swallowing the last vestiges of milk on his tongue before panting, "Mom, hah, I'm really close, hah." He could almost feel his balls churning, aching for release, still stuffed in their denim prison.

His mother didn't say anything in response, but her eyes lit up and her lips curled into an eager grin. Her large paws reached under her top pair of breasts to grasp as his cock, still nestled firmly between all six breasts, and she began to stroke it with both hands. Her muscled arms lifted the top pair of breasts higher as she slid her squeezing digits up his shaft, before pressing into the soft flesh of her middle pair when she dragged them back down. After only a few strokes, the older cougar hunched her shoulders and brought her head down towards Luther's cock head, drawing it into her muzzle with a loud moan. She began to slowly bob her head in time with her hands, the younger cougar's cock disappearing deep into her maw with each stroke. Luther couldn't help but thrust into her with each jolt of pleasure than ran down his cock - he could feel her wide tongue circling his thickness, sliding across the head before pressing into the shaft, as the tip teased the back of her throat with each soft buck of his hips. Her hands squeezed and stroked his shaft, slick with both of their fluids, fingers digging into the firm flesh as she pumped them up and down. His own hands still pressed into her lower set of breasts, fingers teasing at the nipples that were now drenched in milk, and he let out a groan between clenched teeth.

His mother knew what that meant. Luther felt the older feline speed up her hands, sliding them along his shaft faster, and his tip pressed up against the back of her throat while her tongue worked furiously along every inch of cock it could reach. The younger cougar let out another louder groan as it felt like lightning raced down his cock and into his groin, shaft twitching in his mother's firm grasp, when his balls tightened against him. He felt the cum racing up his long shaft before it sprayed into his mother's throat, her lips making a tight seal around his cock, throat working to swallow the deluge. Her strong hands still stroked his member, making Luther see spots as his churning balls continued to pump waves of cum down his mother's throat. It felt like the two of them were locked there forever, pulse after pulse of thick fluid shooting up his cock and sending shivers down his spine, but eventually the orgasmic shockwaves died down.

Luther slumped in his chair, panting in an attempt to catch his breath, as his mother pulled her mouth off his cock with a familiar-sounding pop. The older cougar slumped against him, breasts squishing up between them, and she rested her head against one of her own soft mounds with a satisfied-sounding sigh. Luther could feel her hands still wrapped loosely around his shaft, slicked fingertips lightly tracing paths along the smooth surface - as much as she could at least, with it sandwiched between them. She had started to purr again, and Luther found that he was purring as well.

After catching their breath, Luther's mother tilted her head back up to look down at the younger cougar, a sultry smile spreading across her lips. "Well, that was nice," she said, before her face split into another grin. "Maybe I don't even have to go get groceries anymore, that was a meal all by itself," she laughed, before planting a kiss on his lips to cut off Luther's mock groan. Pulling back for a moment, she quipped, "Oh please, you love my jokes," then dove back in as the younger cougar rolled his eyes with a smile. The two pressed their muzzles together, tongues slipping between teeth to taste at each other. The heady taste of milk, cum, and his mother's saliva made Luther's head start spinning again as their tongues danced between them.

His mother's expert tongue pressed into his maw, tracing lines across his teeth before pushing forward to caress his tongue, her large, slick organ filling a decent portion of his mouth. Just when Luther thought his maw couldn't hold any more of that thick appendage, the older cougar dragged his tongue into her own mouth, sucking softly at it while she swirled her tongue around his. Their tongues continued to dance back and forth, lips sliding against each other, their breathing and purring growing louder as Luther's arms rose to wrap around his mother's muscular neck and pull them closer together. He could feel more milk leaking from her nipples and soaking the fur on his chest, and he pressed his lips tighter against the older feline's, doing his best to paint the inside of her mouth while her larger tongue ran circles around his own.

The pressure against Luther's lips lessened as his mother slowly pulled her head back, almost reluctantly, leaving the younger cougar panting. His breath hitched when he felt her fingers press around his shaft, and he shifted his eyes down to see the tip of his member peeking out from the top of her breasts.

"Mmm, looks like he's not quite done yet, is he?" the older feline asked, eyeing his cock head with a grin back on her face, breathing hard herself. She was right - Luther could feel his shaft regaining what little hardness it had lost. Not that this was a surprise to anyone; the two of them rarely stopped after one round. Luther knew his mother wanted to have some fun of her own, and he was eager to return the favor. "Maybe we should take this to the bed," she said, echoing his thoughts.

"Twist my arm, why don't you," the younger cougar prodded with a wry smile, eliciting a laugh from his mother. She leaned back, still holding his member with both hands, and pulled his shaft from between her breasts. It glistened with a coating of their fluids, the clear saliva and pre-cum tinged white with milk, and the older feline slowly slid her paws across it.

"I'd rather twist this," his mother said with a smirk, emphasizing her words by twisting her hands around the shaft and sending a small shudder through Luther. He was still sensitive from the recent orgasm, and his reaction got a giggle out of the older feline. "But we can do that later. Right now, I want my little Luthy in me," she purred, her deep, sensual voice alone sending a new set of sparks through the younger cougar's brain. His mother stood up from his lap, exposing the wide damp spot on the chair beneath her - Luther would have to clean that at some point - along with her very wet set of lower lips, and gently pulled his member towards the bed across the room.

The younger cougar staggered up after his mother, legs half asleep from supporting her weight, and let himself be led the few steps towards his wide bed. He shuffled out of his pants and boxers to kick them away as they moved, almost tripping during the process, tail jerking wildly behind him as he caught his balance. Luther eyed the pants ruefully as his mother let out a laugh, the movement setting her chest shaking and drawing his eyes to the wobbling orbs.

His mother released his cock upon reaching the mattress, and she turned to sit on the bed before laying back, toned arms snaking above her head to stretch her torso and set all six of her huge breasts swaying. She subtly twisted her body back and forth to keep the massive orbs moving, large dark nipples highlighted by milky fluids tracing hypnotic patterns in the air, as they pressed against each other with each gyration of her body. More milk was still slowly leaking from them, and Luther saw that even her middle pair had its own trails of fluid, in spite of the lack of direct attention from any of their hands. Hints of a well-muscled abdomen peeked out between her breasts, flexing with her motions, and her strong, thick thighs slowly rubbed against each other. Her engorged pussy lips were sandwiched between them, dampening the fur on her legs as her mound slowly leaked evidence of her arousal.

"Well? What's the hold up?" Luther blinked and realized he hadn't moved since the older cougar had released his member. In response to her question, he stepped forward and used one hand to push his shaft down towards his mother's prone form, the other hand reaching out to rest on her thigh.

"Sorry, you just... Look amazing," he breathed, before cracking a smile and adding, "as always." He heard his mother start purring again at the compliment, and the muscles in her legs flexed as she spread her thighs apart at a soft press from his hand.

"I'm so glad I raised such a gentleman," she said with a grin, as the younger cougar angled his cock head towards her glistening cleft and shuffled forward.

Luther didn't have far to go to reach his mother with his shaft, and when his cock head reached her puffy lips, he dragged the blunt head in small circles around the entrance, pulling her lips apart and teasing the pink flesh underneath. His mother inhaled deeply, breasts lifting as her chest expanded, before letting out a soft cooing noise as his tip slid across the prominent nub of flesh nestled in her swollen mons. As much fun as this was, Luther knew that if he didn't start soon, his mother would end up dragging him in, so the younger cougar lined up his tingling cock head and pressed forward.

Given how large he was, there was a some resistance as he pressed the gently-flared tip against her tunnel, but the pair of them were already slick with fluids, and the pressure passed when his head popped into her entrance. The resistance returned almost immediately though, the soft walls surrounding his cock head tightening as his mother clenched against him in pleasure. The warm feeling of his mother's velvety embrace contrasted with the cool air on the rest of his shaft, motivating him to push further in. The younger feline grasped at his mother's hips and pulled, slowly closing the distance between them. The feeling of his member spreading the older cougar around him was always incredible, and this time was no different - her strong muscles worked rhythmically, pleasant sensations rippling through his shaft as it felt like she sucked him deeper.

Tearing his eyes away from the sight of his cock disappearing into the warm tunnel, Luther could see the results of his steady movement. A large bulge pressed outwards from his mother's abdomen, already pushing apart her lower pair of breasts as it crept upwards towards the middle set. He could almost make out the ridge surrounding his flared tip as it pressed up under the next pair of breasts, slowly driving a wedge between them while he slid his cock deeper into his mother. His breathing was coming heavier again, and he could see a similar reaction from his mother as he ran his eyes up her squirming form.

The older cougar was clutching at the sheets above her head, eyes shut tight, shifting her body in response to Luther's constant pressure from below. Her muzzle hung open, letting out soft coos and moans between breaths as the younger feline's shaft slid over particularly sensitive spots, and she inhaled sharply when Luther's thick medial ring pressed against her mound. With a grunt, Luther pushed a little harder against his mother, her wet lips stretching around his shaft, and his ring slid past the tight seal to be fully encased in the older cougar's warm flesh.

Luther could feel his cock throbbing, begging to be as deep in his mother as possible, and he wasn't about to deny it. He continued his press forwards, watching his cock head form a gap between the older cougar's largest pair of breasts, pushing them outwards slightly until his hips finally met hers. The bulge running up his mother's body extended all the way up to between her top set of breasts, and he could see his flare gain a bit more definition for a moment when a throb in his shaft caused it to flex slightly. His vision was jolted slightly as he felt a muscled pair of legs wrap themselves around his rear, grinding his crotch into his mother's and drawing a soft gasp from his lips. The muscles wrapping his member flexed with the motion, squeezing and pressing into his shaft from all sides, the older cougar pulling him close.

His mother ground her hips against his, and Luther's gaze was drawn to her half-lidded eyes and grinning muzzle, the older cougar panting softly. Hands still gripping her hips, the younger feline pushed himself back, watching the bulge in his mother's torso slowly recede. He felt the slick walls surrounding his shaft tighten, dragging at his sensitive skin, sending sparks shooting down his member to fizzle in his brain. The older cougar clearly didn't want to let him go, and after some distance she pressed her legs against his rear, signaling him to delve back in. Luther pulled his hips forward again, half getting pushed from behind, and slid his shaft deep into his mother. She had relaxed her grip on his shaft, showing off her muscle control, and the younger cougar's mind was filled with the sensation of his cock sliding through her slick tunnel. His eyes drank in the sight of his shaft nudging her breasts apart as the bulge ran back up her torso.

The pair of them quickly got into a rhythm - pushing and pulling against each other, Luther's huge cock sliding through his mother's body, massive breasts wobbling and bouncing with each thrust. The older feline's muscled walls flexed and relaxed, gripping at Luther's shaft, while her legs dragged him in to crash their hips together over and over. The younger cougar's heavy balls slapped against his mother's padded rear, growing wet from her leaking fluids, while he fought to saw his cock in and out of the muscled tunnel that clutched and squeezed at his shaft.

The older cougar's panting grew louder, and her hands released their grip on the sheets to wrap around her middle pair of breasts, pressing them in against the outline of the huge cock running up her torso. She kneaded the soft flesh and grasped at her hardened nipples, drawing streams of milk from the pair, while her moaning slowly intensified. Small spurts of fluid occasionally sprayed into the air from her wide nipples, and she continued to clutch at them as she ground her hips into Luther's. The added pressure from the malleable flesh squeezing into a section of his shaft made the younger feline's breath catch, and he let out a moan of his own as her paws kneaded the massive breasts against his member. Luther could feel the soft mounds sliding along his shaft through his mother's skin, and his thrusting grew faster in response, the pair of felines slamming their bodies against each other.

Without warning, the older cougar's legs flexed and drew Luther in, pressing his crotch flush with hers. She gyrated against him, mouth agape in a loud moan, strong fingers mauling the soft breasts in their grasp. Luther could feel the muscled walls around his shaft spasming, and he grit his teeth against the shifting pressures that rippled along his member. An additional slickness coated his shaft, leaking from the tight seal around the base of his cock and dripping down to coat his balls, as his mother came to shuddering orgasm. His hands stayed clasped to her hips, and he let out another groan while he rode out the quakes and gyrations of her body. He almost blew his own load as the muscles around his cock pulsed and quivered, feeling like they were trying to draw his member deeper, and he squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to block out the sensations.

The squeezing around his shaft and the quivers running through his mother's body soon died down, and Luther let out a sigh of relief, relaxing his grip on her hips before opening his eyes. A grin spread across his face when he looked down at his mother, her arms splayed on the bed to either side, panting with a similar grin on her face as she looked back up at him. Her six breasts heaved as she took deep breaths, the motions transferring to Luther's cock and sending pleasant tingles along his skin, and he saw several new trails of wet fur leading from her middle pair of nipples. It looked like the other four breasts had released more milk in sympathy with the middle pair - that usually happened when she came - and he could still see milk leaking from all of them as an aftershock made his mother's body twitch around his shaft.

The older cougar's voice drew Luther's attention back to her face. "That was awesome," she panted, still catching her breath. "Mind if I'm on top next?"

Luther laughed at her eagerness to continue, nodding his head. "Oh good," he joked, "my legs were getting tired." His mother unlatched her legs from behind him, and he slowly pulled his shaft backwards, enjoying both the expressions on the older feline's face and the feeling of her sensitive walls twitching at the smooth shaft sliding along them. Pulling the flared head of his cock out with a gentle tug, he stepped towards the bed, crawling up beside his mother before flopping onto his back. His member swayed above him, drawing a giggle from the older feline when it bobbed back and forth a few times.

Shifting her weight, his mother drew her knees underneath herself and crawled atop him to straddle his hips, using one large paw to guide his shaft between their chests. She slowly relaxed her weight onto the younger cougar, squeezing her breasts between them and sandwiching his cock in a very familiar position. Luther let out a wheeze at the pressure on his lungs - it was only a half-joking wheeze too, those massive orbs weighed a ton, not to mention the rest of his mother's muscled body currently pressing down on his chest.

The older feline laughed and pushed herself up onto her hands and knees, before craning her neck down for a quick peck on Luther's lips. She shifted backwards, dragging her damp breasts along the younger cougar's torso, her short fur sliding along his smooth shaft, before sitting back against her heels and letting the long member bob up in front of her. The younger cougar half expected his mother to get distracted by the blunt tip bobbing against her top pair of breasts and start grasping at it, but instead she eased herself to her feet, tail swaying behind her as she balanced on the soft mattress beneath them. His eyes were drawn to her breasts, the masses wobbling slightly while she stood, and a few small specks of milk dripped from the nipples as they rose above him.

Luther's mother wasted no time, reaching down with one hand to grab the cock head that rested between her thighs before quickly lowered her already-parted lips towards it. As the older cougar angled his tip to line up with her slick opening, Luther could feel the heat radiating off of her mound, and he sighed happily when she pressed down against him. With a slight push, his head was enveloped in her warm flesh, the walls already pressing around his firm tip. He grabbed at the sheets by his sides when his mother braced her hands on her knees and smoothly lowered herself down, the younger cougar's eyes glued to the large bulge that traveled up her torso, wedging between her massive breasts. Her muscled tunnel wrapped his shaft in a soft, pulsing pressure as she slid downwards, and she let out a breathy moan when she came to rest her padded rear on his hips.

The younger feline's cock, now fully encased in warm flesh up to between his mother's top row of breasts, visibly throbbed while she shifted her legs to rest on her knees. She planted her large hands on his chest and leaned forwards, pulling her hips away from his, before swinging herself back down to crash into his hips. Luther felt her slick walls tightening and sucking greedily at his shaft as she leaned forward again, before the muscles loosened to a smooth resistance and she sat back onto him. Her breasts bounced heavily against each other as she rocked herself forwards and backwards, the younger cougar's member pushing between them as it bulged against her skin with each slap of their increasingly damp hips, and Luther felt drops of milk fall onto his face and chest from the massive orbs swinging pendulously above him.

Releasing his grip on the sheets, Luther reached out to his mother's rear, fingers sinking into the malleable flesh and eliciting an appreciative moan from the feline above him. While not as quite as generous as her chest, the older cougar's haunches felt just as amazing under his digits, the soft flesh firming with tension on each impact of their hips. The younger feline groped and mashed his paws against the wide masses, pulling and spreading her cheeks while she rose before pressing his palms into the flesh as she fell. His squeezing fingers echoed the muscled tunnel clutching at his shaft, his mother's clenches causing his arms to tense briefly, and the older cougar drove her hips into his faster and faster. Her swaying breasts knocked into each other with each slam of her haunches against his crotch, and their breathing grew louder between groans and moans.

Luther could hear his mother panting over the sound of his own heavy breathing, and he was thankful to feel the large hands pressing against his chest slide off to rest on either side of him. He didn't have much time to breathe easier though - a massive pair of breasts quickly obscured his vision, smushing into his head and neck as his mother lowered herself over him. The younger cougar was smothered in soft, furry flesh, his head almost entirely surrounded, and he could feel several hard nipples dragging furrows through the short fur on his chest while the older feline continued to drive her hips against his. Luther moaned, feeling his cock throb inside his mother at the sensation of her breasts squishing into him, and his hips bucked with a mind of their own. The heavy orbs around his head bounced against his face and shoulders, and he panted between them, slick fur sliding around his muzzle and filling his nose with the smell of milk and pre-cum.

The younger cougar thrust up against his mother over and over, clutching and squeezing at her pillowy rear, while she dragged her flesh against his and crashed her hips down again and again. Luther's cock felt like it was melting, the slick flesh surrounding it pulsing and gripping along his massive length as it throbbed and leaked pre-cum deep into the older feline. He gasped at the sudden clenching around his shaft when his mother sat up abruptly, pulling her massive breasts away from his head, and she rocked back onto her thick haunches to tower over him.

The older cougar began lifting herself up, hands moving to paw at her top pair of breasts, then drove herself back down to meet Luther's rising hips with a wet slap of damp fur. Her breasts bounced and shook with her motions, milk leaking from all six nipples as they jerked downwards each time their hips joined. Luther's cock slid up and down his mother's body, bulging obscenely from between her breasts, while her strong muscles squeezed and clenched his shaft. The younger feline moaned as the cougar above him milked his shaft, her slick, hot flesh dragging at his throbbing member, drawing out copious amounts of pre-cum to further lubricate their movements.

Luther's mother rode him like a bucking bronco, their hips rising and falling, slamming into each other with wet smacks that echoed around the room. The younger cougar grit his teeth, a low growl escaping his lips, and he struggled not to explode into her. His throbbing member was bombarded with sensations - the older feline's velvety tunnel squeezed at his shaft, waves of tightness running up his flesh as her strong muscles milked his cock, the smooth friction of their slick flesh interrupted by her constantly clenching and pulsing walls.

The younger feline tensed when a spasm ran through his body, his hands clutching at his mother's rear, sinking into the soft masses of flesh, and started to moan out a warning between pants. "Mom... hah..." His train of thought was violently derailed when his mother slid her paws under her top pair of breasts to clamp around the bulging outline of his shaft. His cock lurched inside her as she pressed and stroked the shaft through her skin, smoothly jerking him off, the independent rising and falling of her hands and hips forming a discordant rhythm. The intense sensations flooding his brain made him gasp, and his hips jerked against his mother with a mind of their own. The older cougar's massive breasts shook with the combined movements of her hips and arms, thick nipples flinging droplets of milk over Luther as his mother masturbated him through her flesh.

Letting out a groan between clenched teeth, Luther felt his heavy balls tighten against his groin, his whole body straining as the explosive release began. Thick cum shot through his shaft, easily fighting gravity to spray inside his mother while she bounced atop him. She gasped as his seed began to fill her, and the younger cougar felt her slick walls tighten around him briefly, before they began to violently pulse and squeeze at his cock. Her muscles quivered as she lowered her wide hips to rest on his, her spasming walls sliding along Luther's shaft and causing it to twitch in response, while his balls churned out more seed to shoot deep inside her. The older feline's hands never stopped moving, stroking along his shaft, coaxing more and more cum from his oversized member while she shook in the throes of her own orgasm.

Luther's fingers dug into her haunches, his orgasm feeling like it would never end, and ground his hips into his mother's. Pulse after pulse shot from his tip, and he saw the outline of his shaft losing definition against the older feline's fur as warm cum filled her. He felt the sticky fluid leaking and dripping down over his crotch, but the puffy lips gripping the base of his shaft held back the majority of the flood. His vision swam and he growled between his teeth while his mother's spasming tunnel made its best effort to milk him completely, her abdominal muscles gripping his shaft almost as hard as her hands.

Their orgasms slowly wound down, the spurts from his shaft growing weaker and her walls beginning to loosen their grip, until finally the pair of them were still, the sound of heavy panting the only thing audible in the room. Luther drew his eyes across his mother's form, watching her milk-slicked chest rise and fall with each lungful of air, his tingling member twitching once at the sight of his shaft bulging from her torso. The older cougar's paws still rested on the protrusion, and the cum trapped inside her had smoothed the prominent outlines of his cock, making it look like a giant sausage was stuffed inside her instead of his shaft. The mental image made Luther chuckle.

The older feline eyed him over the curves of her breasts. "Are you laughing at me, young man?" she asked with a smirk, still breathing hard, and gave his shaft a squeeze with her hands. It drew a soft gasp from both of them - apparently she was just as sensitive as Luther felt. Tracing her fingertips along the bulge in her torso, his mother hummed. "Hmmm, maybe I should just go get groceries tomorrow..." She grinned down at the younger cougar, an eager gleam in her eyes. "Whaddya say, tiger?"

Luther grinned right back at her, fingers squeezing into her rear in response. He was gonna have to finish that work project a little later than planned.