Mystic Pleasure 3

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#7 of Investigating the Oasis

Nick chases after Judy and gets something that he wanted at the cost of what he needed.

Commissioned by HeruAnubisSolares

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Mystic Pleasure

Part 3

For HeruAnubisSolares

By Draconicon

When Judy didn't come back to work, Nick knew something was wrong. Judy might have been one of the most light-hearted, gentle, compassionate cops in the city, but she was still a cop, and she had a better work ethic than anyone else in the department. Even Bogo was a slacker compared to her. If she wasn't at the station two mornings running, then something was wrong.

The fox decided to cash in some of his days off, clearing it with the chief before hopping in his car and heading down to the Mystic Springs. Everything had started there, and everything was going to be explained there. Or at least, so he hoped. Judy had gotten weirder and weirder of late.

Nick pulled in just outside the Oasis, looking at the front door. It looked the same as it always had, but the fox couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed. He'd visited the spa a number of times while he was still a criminal, and each time he had enjoyed the pleasures of the naked people inside, but this was something different. This...this didn't feel like the easy, happy place that he remembered. Not anymore. It had taken something from him, and...

And he wanted it back.

Looking down at his phone, he scoured the last few messages between him and Hopps. As much as he wished to find some sort of clue there as to what had happened, there was nothing. He didn't even have an answer for what had happened when she left the Oasis naked a few nights ago. Even blowing her phone up with texts hadn't gotten a response, no matter how desperate he'd sounded. She wouldn't leave him to worry like this, not without a damn good reason.

Shaking his head, he pocketed his phone, setting the ringer to silent before stepping out of his car. He took a deep breath, forcing all the air out before breathing in again. It was a simple little ritual, something that all con artists knew how to do. Just keep the worry, the fear, the anxiety, the little things that would get in the way deep down inside. There was no need for them to be seen. No need for that to ruin the con. Just keep it down, don't feel it, and let it out later.

In less than a second, he looked completely normal. Smiling. Happy. Relaxed. Just what a fox was supposed to look like.

Crossing the street, he walked through the front door. Yax was there, and he waved with his usual cheeky salute. The taller male smiled and returned it as Nick walked by, heading to the lockers. He had credit here, still, and that might actually prove useful, all things considered.

He stripped quickly, tossing his shirt, pants, and underwear into the locker and closing it tight. The lock that the Oasis provided? Useless. He took it out and put on one of his own, spinning it so that it was set as randomly as possible. No point in letting someone else get at his stuff, particularly with his phone and all his contacts still in there. If something funny was going on, he wanted some control, some leverage.

Naked as could be, the fox stepped out into the main part of the Oasis. The fountain shimmered in the afternoon sun, and he sighed as he took in the sweet breeze of air through flowers, the gentle warmth of exposed bodies - and all the goodies that brought - and the smell of fresh falling water. It was as comforting as ever, and Nick had a moment where he felt...good.

It faded quickly, of course, as he spotted Judy across the way. Past the line of animals that were playing volleyball in the nude - and doing a great deal to tease those that were playing with them - he saw the rabbit standing on one foot, her arms over her head, her back arched, and -

...Is she...wet?

Nick was honestly surprised with that. Carrots had always been more than a little prudish about that kind of thing, and he had expected her to continue with that while she was taking naked yoga. The idea of her opening up and getting turned on while she was doing this sort of thing -

No, no, bad idea. Don't start thinking naughty things. Don't start getting turned on.

Nick stopped the horny thoughts before his cock could do more than twitch. Of all the things that he had to deal with, a hard-on wasn't one of the things that he wanted on his mind while walking through the Mystic Springs. It was technically against the rules to get all hot and bothered, and while he had seen most people deal with that and not raise a fuss, he didn't want to give anyone an excuse to throw him out. Best to keep it quiet. He could jerk off to the memory of those bunny buns later.

He walked up behind the smaller rabbit and cleared his throat. She didn't so much as stiffen at the sound, but rather, slowly turned her head and looked up at him. Her eyes were hazy, a little blank as she looked him up and down. For a moment, it almost looked smokily flirtatious.

Then they cleared, and she blinked.


"Heh, in the flesh, Carrots."

"What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you. You're late for work."

"Oh. Am I?"

"The Chief said that you never checked in."

He was watching for anything out of place, and he saw...something. He didn't know what it was, maybe some kind of drugged stupidity or something else more sinister, but he saw a flicker of confusion, a half-second of something being remembered or forgotten, something that told him that Judy wasn't entirely there. Anyone else would have missed it, but not him. Not with her.

She smiled.

"Oh, I must have forgotten to call in this morning. I'm just continuing the investigation."

"You mean the one that Bogo killed?"

"...Yeah. That one."

"The one that you told me not to talk about here?"

Carrots was being slow. Very slow. She wasn't this stupid, usually, and it had his fur on end as he tried to imagine what could have gotten to her. The missing animal case being canned still pissed him off to no small end, but this wasn't someone going missing. This was someone being stupid, someone that was usually very, very smart. The implications did not sit well with him.

"Judy," he muttered, kneeling down so that they were face to face, and feeling serious enough that his eyes didn't even have the temptation to drop down to the rest of her body. "You don't just 'forget' this stuff. Is someone...threatening you?" he whispered, keeping his voice as low as he dared.

"It was just a mistake, Nick. That's all."

"You don't just make mistakes. You're not stupid."

"Heh, I can be, though." She smiled. "You said it yourself. Sometimes, I'm just a dumb bunny."

He bit off the response that he wanted to make, particularly as his shaft twitched again as she stood just perfectly to tease him. Slightly sideways, showing off the hint of curve to her chest, and the bigger curves of her hips. The way that she had her legs slightly spread, showing off her pussy just enough to keep him staring, her juices - oh, they were there alright, shimmering and slick. She was definitely turned on, and she was getting off on showing off to him.

This isn't Judy, he thought.

But that didn't stop her from being a little bit hotter than the rabbit cop that he'd come to find. Whatever else was wrong with her, she was still hot.

Trying to ignore his body's responses was getting harder, too, and his cock started rising. Slowly, yes, and definitely not so visibly yet, but it was starting to rise up. Judy chuckled to herself.

"Mmm, is the sly fox getting interested?"

"I think we're breaking the rules right now," he said, though not without a smile.

"Maybe I should show you one of the private places here."

"Private places?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow. "Since when do you look for those?"

"It's called investigating, honey."

She was flirting. Oh, she was flirting, and she was doing it better than he expected. At the same time, Nick fully expected this to be a trap. It was not the sort of thing that Carrots would have sprung on him. She wasn't that sort of girl. She liked to take it slow, to have fun in increments, not just leap to the finish line. Whatever they'd done to her, they had changed more than just her base inhibitions. This was a very, very different Judy Hopps...and he hated to admit it, but he liked it.

No, no, you're here to find her. Save her. You can think about your fantasies later.

And besides, this probably wasn't even Judy. Just a lookalike. There was no way that whoever was running this operation was stupid enough to leave someone as smart as Judy out in the open where she could make contact with someone that could help her. This was a trap. That was all. And he was going to walk right into it and then walk out the other side with information.

Nick kept smiling and nodded.

"Alright. Show me this...private spot."

"Mmm, come on, you sly fox."

She took him by the hand, and he went with it. The other members of the yoga class watched them go. Nick half-expected some sort of knowing look, or perhaps something more disapproving, considering the way that they seemed to know what they were doing, but there was nothing of the sort in either case. It was almost like they were too busy with what they were doing to think of anything that might interfere., no, that wasn't quite it, either. It was almost like they were encouraged not to look at what they were doing, taking orders from something else.

But what? Or who?

That was the question that needed answering, and he doubted that he was going to get it answered now. Judy had already pulled him back and around the fountain, towards the sides of the main Oasis plaza. Soon, they were under cover again, walking along a shaded stone path. She led the way in front of him, and he walked behind, staring down at her little bunny butt, and against his will, his cock soon started rising up, getting stiffer and stiffer the more that he stared at her.

Knotting her would feel so good...and she'd probably let me, now...

Nick stifled that thought before it could go further. Their size difference - hell, so many other issues, too, but the size difference in particular - would have meant that knotting her would break her. There was only so much that any little female could stretch, and they were completely different species. His knot could take it further than she was able to stretch, and with her compromised like this, he doubted that there was any common sense that would keep her from taking it further. She'd just ride him until he made her stop, and that didn't mean that it would be good for either of them, just that she'd keep going...and going...and going. She wouldn't stop.

That shouldn't sound good, but it did.

The fox followed her around the corner, turning into the back buildings of the Oasis, and he was surprised to find a stairway leading down. He cocked his head at Judy.

"These weren't in the floor plans."

"You know, Friedkin said the same thing," she said.

"Friedkin was here?"

"Uh-huh. Yesterday."


"She said she wanted a challenge, and I brought her down this way to show her how much harder some of this stuff is than she thought. It was pretty funny, really," Judy said with a chuckle.

"I can imagine a polar bear doing some pretty silly things."

"Not this kind of thing," Judy promised.

Nick was getting more and more concerned about what waited for them. This had to be a trap. Judy didn't talk like this. She didn't drag others into her own private business, and she sure as hell didn't push people with challenges to this extent. This was someone else. This had to be some other bunny impersonating Carrots, not his partner. Not the rabbit that he'd gotten so close to.

But if there was a trap, then he had to spring it. That was the only way to expose them if they'd taken Judy down, and the only way to get Bogo to open the investigation again. As soon as the damn bull came back from whatever vacation he was going on. What a time for the ZPD.

So, he followed Judy down the stairs, his cock slowly rising further and further from his sheath. The tip was already starting to drip a bit, even though he kept his hands behind his back and his tail as still as possible. He wasn't trying to give anything away, but there were only so many secrets that a fox could keep when he was this turned on. The sight of the little bunny in front of him only made it harder, and he groaned as various suppressed fantasies kept dancing through his head. All those thoughts that he'd had in bed at home were coming back to haunt him now.

Judy on her back, legs spread wide as he humped away and dumped a load in her.

Him on his back, Judy on his lap, riding him until she was exhausted, putting those strong rabbit legs to work.

Him pulling her down, popping his knot in and out until she was broken and fox-addicted, unable to get off without him or someone like him in bed with her.

Her on her stomach, him on her back, his cock pounding in and out of her holes, his teeth around her neck as he put her through her paces, feeling her submit as prey as well as partner...

It was too much. Soon, his cock was as hard as it could get, and stiffening yet further, pushing up and bobbing up and down at the edge of his sheath. By the time that he hit the bottom step, he was as hard as he had ever been, and groaning under his breath as he kept his hands at the small of his back, ensuring that he couldn't reach around and stroke himself at the sexy, swaying sight before him.

Judy stopped, turning to look back at him. She smiled, and -

And spread her cheeks.

His eyes all but bugged out of their sockets as she slowly leaned forward, going from grabbing her ass cheeks to grabbing her legs, ending with a pose that had her holding her ankles and showing off both her asshole and her pussy. His jaw dropped at the flagrant bribe of her body, and he stuttered and stammered as he tried to find the words to turn her down gracefully, or at all.

"Hopps, what the - what are you doing?"

"I'm just showing you what you want, Nick. Don't you want a taste?"

"You - what the hell is going on, Judy?"

"Nothing that you don't want. Come on...give it a little taste."

It was more than just his predatory side that wanted that. Everything in Nick wanted to give her that little taste, that little lick. It was more than the pheromones. He'd cared for her for so long that he wanted to take it further, to see what it would be like together, but at the same time, he knew that this was a trap. He could be sucked in deeper than ever before, left with no escape.


Yet he couldn't help himself. He was so hard, so horny. He knelt down behind her, and she wiggled back. Anyone could find them like this, could discover them in the middle of having their fun together, and somehow, that turned him on even more. Nick smiled, looking past her fluffy tail at her smiling face.

"You want a fox in your bed that badly?"

"Mmm, I wouldn't say no. Nangi says we should try everything."

"I thought that was Gazelle."

"Gazelle got it from Nangi. Come on. Try everything. Try this little bunny. Huff the flower."

Huff the flower.

There was something to that phrase that tickled a memory at the back of his mind, but it didn't go any further than that. He leaned in, kissing her folds, and tasted something...different. Something intense and familiar at the same time, something that didn't feel right for being in Judy, or anyone else. Something that...something that grabbed him, almost like a hand behind his knot, and made him growl with wanton need. He pressed his lips tighter against her and licked -


And almost immediately fell back, gasping, his hips twitching, his arms and legs spasming in sharp shocks. He couldn't move, save to thrust, thrust, thrust, his cock dragging along his belly.

Judy stood up slowly, her face going from the happy, gentle bunny that she had always been to something far less emotional. She looked down at him as if she was dead inside, her pussy dripping like some sex doll's slit, but the rest of her body showed no reaction.

"N-Night...Nighthowler," Nick managed to get out, huffing and puffing. The one lick hadn't been enough of a dose to knock him out, to leave him feral, but it had been enough to act as a paralytic, pinning him to the ground, leaving him unable to do anything more than hump and talk. " the hell...are you still...standing?"

Judy didn't answer...but someone else did.

Rising out of the shadows of the dim corridor was the familiar, massive shape of Nangi the elephant. She thumped up to stand behind Judy, her tattoos shimmering brighter than usual, and the tangy scent of arousal and sweat oozed off her. She rested a massive hand on the blank-eyed rabbit's head, smiling as she did. Slow rubs, more like those for a treasured possession than even a pet, gently pushed Judy's head forward and left her kneeling at the elephant's feet.

"My little concoction is very powerful, but it doesn't do what the other Howler did. It merely makes them see the truth, allowing them to become what they were meant to be."

" the hell...did you manage this?" Nick panted, his cock twitching, oozing, all but bursting with life. He wanted to hump, wanted to fuck, wanted to rut.

"Nobody suspects someone that does not speak. You believed I was stupid. My way has always been the way of wisdom, of wise silence, allowing others to become what they need to be. All I do is give them the tools to accomplish that, to become something that is useful to me as well as themselves."

Nick groaned, only to gasp as Judy reached out and gripped him by the balls. At first, he thought that it would be punishment for interfering, but no. He should be so lucky to get that.

After all, that might have cleared his head...and they couldn't have that.

Instead, she rubbed him, encouraging his cock to stay good and hard as other, unseen individuals piled in. They lifted him up, carrying him as he gasped and humped and thrusted against the air. They took him to another room, tying him to a yoga mat. His arms were spread, and so were his legs, and his cock pointed straight up.

And then, Judy straddled him.

She had the dumbest of dumb smiles on her face, and it was impossible for him to see her as the same cop that had worked at his side, that had dragged him out of the gutter by sheer will, or as the partner that he'd bonded with over the course of his time on the right side of the law. There was nothing left of that woman, just a shell that looked like her, and a smile that promised him all the pleasure that he had ever wanted so long as he stayed where he was. He was ashamed at just how tempted he was to go along with it, even if he hadn't been tied up.

As Judy wiggled her hips back and forth, Nangi gested. Nick saw the silhouettes of the other females pulling different things out. A series of vials. A gas mask. A sort of machine. He could see that they were putting together all kinds of things to break him, and he hated to admit it, but they were probably going to succeed. If just a hit of the Nighthowler in Judy's pussy had been enough to paralyze him, then the process that they had in mind would probably take it the rest of the way easily. He groaned under his breath, huffing as Judy slid across his knot again and again.


His little gasp for mercy didn't mean anything to her. She just kept sliding, thrusting her hips, riding his cock as if it was just a toy. Nangi smiled.

"She's nothing but a dumb bunny. A vessel for me. She will do what I say. And I say...ride."

Nick wasn't ready for the sudden pressure of Judy's pussy against his cock tip, or the feeling of her sliding past it and pulling him inside her. The tightness nearly pulled him over the edge right then and there, the wet friction of her tight little slit driving him mad. He gasped, his eyes rolling back in their sockets as he felt the tight grip getting tighter the further down she went.

Of course, due to their size difference, there was a bulge in her stomach, and he could see it as she leaned back, rubbing her hands down her body. She moaned as she took him right to the top of his knot, holding herself there, grinding down on that sensitive bulge. Nick's ability to speak left him, and he could only babble as he moaned for more, his toes curling and his hands clenching into fists as she rode him at the elephant's orders. Nangi smiled, rubbing Judy's head all the while.

"Smile, girl."

And Judy smiled, moaning even more as she put those powerful bunny muscles to work, bouncing up and down on his cock, riding him hard and fast without the slightest worry about what was happening to her. All that mattered to that bunny was the pleasure of following orders, he could see that, and it stung and teased him all the more. He panted for breath, his mouth hanging open, his balls already churning like mad as they felt the need to blow their load in her.


He could do no more than that, no more than moan as she bounced. Up and down, up and down, slamming her pussy against his knot, so close to taking him into her, so close to taking them both over the edge. He screamed, trying to thrust and failing.

"And you, Mr. Wilde. You will be like her, soon enough."

He barely heard Nangi. Even with just a mild dose of the Nighthowler, he could already feel all of his concentration circling, spiraling, condensing into his own cock. It was all that he could think about, all that he could focus on as his pleasure lifted higher and higher. He just wanted her on his knot, that was all. He wanted her impaled on him, filled to the brim with what he had to offer. Just a little more. He groaned, trying to thrust, but she just kept riding, her legs bouncing her up and down, up and down, each impact on his knot making her squish with wet, hot pussy juice.


She kept riding, pushing him, making his knot go mad with the need to be inside of her. His cock actually hurt from how hard it was, and he had never felt something like that before. He needed this.

Needed her.

Needed to breed her.

In, out, in, out, in, out -


And just like that, Judy slammed down, all but breaking her pussy in as she slammed herself knot-deep on his cock. Nick arched his back, and Nangi whispered 'now'.

As he came, as he sucked air, they shoved the gas-mask down on his face. The rubber pressed to all sides of his muzzle, forcing it closed, and it sealed against his cheeks, around the top of his head, keeping him from pulling it free or getting any hint of outside air. It was all coming through the filter and the gasses that they had already attached. One breath, and he smelled it again.


"Breathe the flower, be a Howler," the elephant's voice cut through his head, and he moaned as he came. "Breathe the flower, be a Howler."

Judy had said that, too, but it was too late for him to put two and two together. For that matter, it was almost too late for him to put one and one together. He spasmed, shaking, breathing in the sweet scent of the Nighthowler as all his thoughts went straight to his cock. The feral urge to rut and breed and fuck and seed anything that was in sight had taken control, and his cock felt so good that it outright hurt as it was trapped inside of the bunny on top of him. He thrust away, pulling his knot out of her with a wet pop, only to thrust it back in and fill her up once more.

In, out.

In, out.

He couldn't think.

He didn't want to think.

The Nick that had been so careful with Judy, the one that never would have given in to that temptation, shied away. The fox was happy for the Nighthowler, because it meant that this wasn't his fault. And the more that he gave in, the less his fault it was. The drug made him do it. The drug kept him from thinking. That was all that he needed to know. He was allowed to indulge, now, if only because this wasn't him. And that? That made him huff up the Nighthowler desperately.

"Breathe the flower."


"Be a Howler..."

And the repeated mantra was easy to follow, easy to obey. He could just keep breathing. That was all that he had to do. Breathe and follow orders. Breathe and follow orders.

Eventually, he felt Judy slide off him, but that didn't mean anything. No sooner had the silhouette of his partner slipped off his cock than someone else had taken her place. There was something else there, something wet and hot, something just as tight. Another rabbit, perhaps? The predator inside went wild at that, thrusting hard, and the bunny pushed back, grinding down on him, already trying to take his knot into her pussy, trying to take the pleasure of being some bunny slut deeper than she should. The humping, the thumping, only made him fall deeper into the whole thing, submitting to the hunger, to the lust, to the feral instincts that the drug woke and made him want, made him crave, made him need in a way that nothing else ever had.

He needed to be a stud.

Needed to fuck.

Needed to rut.

Needed to be controlled.

"Breathe the flower, be a Howler," Judy whispered in one ear.


"Be one of Nangi's followers..."


"Be like me..."

The pleasure, the utter bliss that came from humping and fucking while completely drugged out, was dragging him further and further down into that place of no return. He didn't know if he even wanted to come back. All he knew was that he was given heaven...

And all he had to do...

Was obey.


"Let them ride...Breathe the a Howler..."


He slowly relaxed, and as he did, the rabbits - if that's what they were - rode him harder. They bounced, they rolled their hips, and others moved forward. They pressed their heads between his legs, licking his balls, sucking on them, licking his cock as the one riding him kept fucking herself on him. It was all that he could have asked for, all that he could have wanted.

And as Judy kept whispering to him what he needed to be, he listened. He listened well.


Nangi left the room, knowing that the bunny and her siblings would be very good at breaking down the police officer. She could feel the stirrings of the fumes inside of her, the various cocktails of Nighthowler pulsing through her womb and slowly wafting out through her pussy. It would need a refill soon, but she had enough that she could use it on one of the other clients in the Mystic Springs, one that had come here out of curiosity and a need for inspiration. Others would have bragged about her coming before she had arrived. Nangi had other plans for this celebrity.

The elephant walked back up the stairs, eventually reaching her class. Today, the Oasis was closed to all but her little cult of followers. Only two had been allowed to enter besides the ones who had promised her their explicit loyalty, drugged and dosed and conditioned properly. One of them was the fox, down in the basement. The other -

"Hmmm, hmmm, try everything...Heh. It never gets old."

The other was the famous singer. Gazelle smiled as she strutted right up through the group, more confident than half the customers that Nangi had ever had, and less belligerent than the other half by far. She seemed completely confident with her nudity, but not turned on by it.

Not yet, anyway.

The young woman bowed her head in respect, giving Nangi a hint of what she was due, but it was a half-hearted thing in the elephant's mind. She deserved so much more than a simple, friendly bow. She deserved utter obeisance. She deserved the sort of devotion that the world could only marvel at. Soon enough, Gazelle would be giving her that, just like the rest of her followers did.

But until then, she would keep up the act. She had all day. After all, Gazelle was here for 'inspiration', and what was more inspiring than the body and the way that it could feel? She smiled.

"Have you ever meditated before, Gazelle?" she asked.

"Not naked."

"It is a very different, enlightening experience. But first, we will relax. Just breathe in..."

The elephant did the same, feeling the fumes inside her, knowing that they were getting stronger, that they would ooze through her pores and out of her like sweat, but most of it would still remain inside her, growing stronger and stronger for the eventual conversion. The purple gasses were strong, stronger than the natural stuff would have been, and even the weak stuff 'sweating' from her would be enough to affect her new student. Gazelle closed her eyes, folding her hands just her chest, breathing in with the rest of the cult.

"And out..."

Gazelle breathed out, and so did all the others. The Howler fumes left her silently, and nobody noticed them just yet. They would be weak, out in the open, but they would still have the beginning effects. It wouldn't take long for Gazelle to start showing the signs of being completely dependent on it. By the end of the day, the celebrity singer would be singing a very different tune.

"And in..."

She smiled as Gazelle followed orders, wobbling slightly and going slightly red in the face as her pussy started to drip. The first breath was always one of the best, and the body was always eager for that first blast of pleasure. She knew that it wouldn't take long before each breath became a trip down the road of bliss, becoming an endless addiction that the singer would be dependent on for her regular release. And when that happened, Nangi would be there, ready to deliver.

"And out."

It would be a long day of conditioning, but oh, it would be worth it. Oh, oh so worth it.

One more to join her cult, and like Friedkin, one that would open up her influence to the city, and perhaps even to the world at large. All she had to do was follow through with this one.

"And in...and out..."

The End

Summary: Nick chases after Judy and gets something that he wanted at the cost of what he needed.

Tags: M/F, F/solo, Nick Wilde, Judy Hopps, Nangi, Gazelle, Arousal, Drugs, Nighthowler, Rule 34, Corruption, Mind Control, Broken Judy, Series, Vaginal, Oral, Bondage, Gas Mask, Broken, Knotting, Cumming, Orgasm, Cum, Nudity, Zootopia,