Lab Rat 3 - The Island of Dr. Mills

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#3 of Lab Rat Series

Lab Rat 3 - The Island of Dr. Mills

By: DarkSerpent

The plane hummed around me as I sat in the back of a military cargo plane. Large boxes in front of me marked live animals. "Calm children we'll be there soon enough," I responded to the growling and grunts coming from the crates. I stood up and reached my arm into a bow feeling the slick fur. "Are you ok Eric?" I asked and he squeaked in response. "Sir! We need you to sit down the plane is about to land," A large Russian superman yelled back to me.

I nodded and sat back down at my seat. I buckled up and suddenly the entire plane jolted as we made contact with the ground. The plane slowly stopped and we turned. The large men walked past me and opened the back of the cargo hold. I unbuckled and walked out stepping into the humid jungle like environment. It was a gorges island. Large lagoons stretching into the island with thick forests. Water falls and chirping birds. The small runway surrounded by fences and guards.

I turned see the men pulling out my crates shaking them badly. "Stop you idiots!" I ordered and they stopped. I pushed them away and looked in the hole. Hisses erupted from the crate making the men back up and pull their guns. "You alright Diamond? I know they aren't to careful baby, shh shh your ok," I whispered and they all looked at me oddly. "What's in these boxes?" A solider asked me with a thick Russian accent. "Nothing you need concern yourself with, is my home ready?" I asked and he nodded. "You and your guards are no longer required," I grabbed a crowbar from the plane.

"Sir we've been ordered to keep you safe; Our government has set up a perfect self sustaining island for you, livestock, crops, and a daily shipping regiment to bring animals from all over the world to this island; we've invested to much into you to let you die," He grumbled out and I dove the crowbar into the side of the crate. "I'll be perfectly safe; As for you don't move, don't talk, and open that gate," I ordered and they did as I they we're ordered.

I pulled the crate open and the side clanged against the floor. "What you are about to see does not leave your lips," I told them and they all nodded as the thick shards of paper inside started to move. They all stepped back and Diamond slithered out of the crate. She shook off letting out a hiss her rattle sounding. They each gulped and I snapped making the other four crates shattered open from the inside. Each of my pets groaned and stretched.

"What...How?" I solider stammered out. "No questions," I pulled open Eric's crate and he jumped out hugging me. He nuzzled into my chest and I patted his head. "Good boy," I spoke and turned to walk away. He quickly turned and jumped into the crate crawling back out with a bag of his treats in his mouth. "Rio! Kahn! Grab the boxes," I ordered and the two behemoths grabbed the large boxes of tablets. The tiger let out a growl looking at the soldiers. Rio grunted and nudged his arm with his horn making him stopped.

"Now is my first new test subject here," I asked and the solider staring at Sobek who stood behind me. "Um...I think so," He gulped and I started to walk towards the gate. The creatures fallowed me and the soldiers quickly moved back into the plane. I entered the forest up the wooden steps to a very nice large mansion like house. An old concrete building updated with new windows. I opened the large metal front doors and entered the very finely decorated inside.

Not a bad house; very modern with electricity and satellite cable. The animals moved around the house and I moved upstairs. As I specified a small hole in the wall made to look like a mouse hole. A comfortable cushion inside. "Yay! I got a big home now," He yelled and he ran into the hole curling up. "Yes Eric that's just for you," I smiled and walked up to a large window.

The window looked out over the entire island. Endless forests with a large group of mountains to the north. I could see the farm resting in a small glen near the mountains. This was what every man worked for; his own little slice paradise. I moved downstairs to see a elevator. I pressed the button and waited as the elevator rose to the level. With a loud ding the door opened to a freight elevator.

"Rio, Kahn bring me the boxes," I ordered and the two of them sat the boxes on the elevator. I stepped in and stopped the door from closing. "And none of you better destroy this house before I come back up," I yelled and let the door go. Just before it shut Eric jumped in. I hit the only other button on the elevator and it started to drop. The lab stopped suddenly and the doors opened to a near state of the art laboratory. Cages lining the walls and equipment covering all the free table space. I picked up the heavy boxes laying them across the table space and looked at a large steel door. A note hung form a piece of tap just above it.

Comrade Mils

We are please to inform you that within this room every morning you will be brought a new specimen. Please know that we have no interest in war at the present time but your experimentation is intriguing. We have given access to deliver the rarest of species to your very interesting choice of real-estate. We have purposely given you two fairly common species to begin with just to not overwhelm you.

Happy testing comrade

Dmitry Medvedev

I read to myself and smirked. "He spelled my name wrong," I tossed the note away and Eric sniffed the door. I pushed them open and stepped inside. To my left is what resembles a large pool stretching down to at least four hundred feet. On my left was an acre long pit; a twenty foot drop to a completely flat bottom with real grass. I stepped up to the side of the pool seeing a fin run across the surface. "A great white, yes very common animal," I sarcastically mumbled and moved to the pit. Inside was a simple red fox sniffing around looking for food.

"Eric get away from that," I ordered as he stuck his nose into the salt water. The beast within made a quick pass almost taking his nose but missing at the last minute. He hid in front of me looking at the water. "Relax; He'll be obedient soon enough; I hope," I gulped and I went back into my lad retrieving two tablets. Luckily the tank had a filtering system making sure it wouldn't leak into the river.

"I haven't tested on a fish before this should be interesting, and I'm curious to see what you become as well," I looked at both pins. I flicked a tablet down in front of the fox who sniffed it. With one quick lick the tablet vanished. It let out a yelp and fell onto it's belly starting to glow.

I turned and flicked another tablet into the water the shark instantly taking it. I waited as the ominous glows started to fade. Eric cautiously moved up to the pits edge and peaked down. "Wow she's pretty," He smiled and I looked down as well.

At the bottom of the pit laid a gorges fox. Long perfect legs leading up to nice wide hips. A slim waist exploding to a large chest. "She's retained her multiple mammary glands," I peered down at the four nipples under her breasts barely hidden by fur. Her brilliant colors making her blue eyes and muzzle stick out form her muzzle. "I'll call you Vixen," I smiled and the floor of the pit started to rise slowly. I moved my attention to the tank.

I looked down into the dark not seeing anything. "Maybe the oils in fish deactivate to chemicals," I stood at the very edge. "Uh huh," Eric agreed not knowing what he's agreeing with. Bubbles started to rise to the surface of the tank and with a loud splash something slammed down behind me. I turned seeing a massive grey behemoth standing behind me. I whip like shark tail swishing back and forth. It's arms stretching to the ground with small fins along the side. A large fin on it's back with two powerful legs stretching down. It's head leaned forward like a gorillas still resembling a sharks.

It turned and ran towards me to attack. I flinched and Eric jumped up biting it's leg hard his teeth sinking striat into it's large dorsal fin. It let out and roar and I grabbed it's nose. "Calm yourself beast!" I gripped harder and it stopped smelling my scent. It's Ampullae of Lorenzini reacting to my electronic pulses. It calmed and Eric released him and crawls between us and hugs my leg. I released my hand and he sat down as well.

The fox strolled over to me as well smelling my hand. She licked it gently and I sighed. I walked towards the end of the room seeing a tunnel leading out to the jungle. The three fallowed me as we walked down the hall. We exited at the base of a cliff right on the beach. "I'll call you Bruce," I looked at the shark and he nodded. "You will be my first wild experiment; You may live in the sea around the island but you cannot go out into the deep water more than five acres out; comprehend?" I asked and he nodded again.

I stepped aside and he walked out into the rocks before jumping into the sea. His fin was visible as he swam in circles. I smiled and looked at the fox. "I Haven't had such a pretty female be created before," I spoke and Eric sniffed her. She snapped at his nose and the two started to play together. An interesting outcome. Fish seem to have smaller realms of comprehension. Also the animals are acting more like a pack. It seems upon creation and recognizing the scent of another of my creations the gain a neat instant connection. But if they were a pack then who was the alpha? This question puzzled me as I walked up a natural ramp to the forest above. The two fallowed as I entered the jungle.

Bruce was swimming in the lagoon. Next to me was a water fall as I stood on the edge of the cliff. The river ran back through the island behind me. As I turned I noticed Sobek laying on the bank taking in the sun. Rio not twenty feet away grazing. Kahn laid in a tree as Diamond dug a burrow near the wall of the house. Boa laid on an opposite branch of Kahn's tree her tail wrapping around the trunk to the ground.

"Intriguing; pack instincts as well as enjoying a natural surrounding," I told myself. I made a quick trip back to the lab and grabbed a notebook quickly returning to see Eric and Vixen laying next to each other in a nap. I opened the notebook and sat against a tree writing.

Dr. Mills

Observational Journal


We have arrived at our new home. I'm writing this journal in case I ever loose control of my creations and end up as a meal. This island is full of life; enough to satisfy myself and hundreds of creations. I think my work has taken me to a god like position amongst these abominations.

Observation: The animals are interacting normally in a natural environment. They seem to work in a truly utopian society with little conflict. I've also come to find that there are two different styles these beasts come in.

Behemoth - Large, Very muscular, Highly aggressive towards humans.

Abomination - Smaller, Light muscles, Kind towards humans.

Using these two states of creation I will surely begin categorizing my new species. My work will end once I am able to transfer these creatures into a tribal state and give them the capability to breed on there own. Two new creations to add to my list of pets.

Eric - Rattus norvegicus - Male - Abomination

Sobek - Crocodylus niloticus - Male - Behemoth

Kahn - Panthera tigris tigris - Male - Behemoth

Rio - Diceros bicornis - Male - Behemoth

Boa - Python reticulated - Female - Abomination

Diamond - Crotalus atrox - Female - Abomination

Bruce - Carcharodon carcharias - Male - Behemoth

Vixen - Vulpes vulpes - Female - Abomination

Hopefully I will be adding more and more to my list of creations. I'm looking forward to getting some rare insects to test with. But for now I will enjoy the company of the small family I have now.

Dr. Mills

I closed the book and looked up seeing them all staring at me. I noticed a large scorpion on my shoulder and I didn't move. My first thought was that this was the end of it. With a quick movement I knocked the arachnid into the water. I will admit it gave me ideas. Why worry about ants, bees, and beetles when I could create things with more venom. Scorpions, Spiders, and Centipedes would be the subject of my insect research.

I grumbled and let out a sigh feeling the tension of the day build up. Suddenly a stripped tail landed on my shoulder. I looked up seeing Kahn looking down at me. He jumped down in front of me and turned around. I reached out scratching his back making him purr softly. He pushed back into my hand like a normal cat. I always had a fondness for felines. So mysterious, so odd, so powerful. Maybe once I teach them to speak he can explain a few things for me.

He pushed back harder until he was nearly on my lap. I bit my lip knowing I've already committed one act of bestiality with Eric. One more act couldn't hurt. He pushed forward onto all fours stretching as I stood and scratched his back. I ran my hand scratching his tight ass making his tail lift up. His claws dig into the dirt as he growls.

"You must be in tune with my thoughts," I wet my fingers and pressed against his kitty entrance. He purred and let out a soft groan as I forced in my fingers. He gripped the dirt to the intruder and his tail wrapped around my arm. I grabbed the scruff of his neck pulling up his face. He hissed a little and I kissed his fuzzy cheek. With a single bite this beast could take off my face but he knew better. I released his scruff and he pushed up against me grinding back against my fingers.

I slid out my fingers and pressed them against his muzzle. His sandpaper tongue stretched out licking them clean of my spit. "What do you want kitty?" I asked and he moved forward. He pushed his butt up presenting himself. I slid my pants down and pushed up against his ass. With a small moan he loosened up letting me in.

He purred clamping tightly around the intruder. His long tail stretching up and around my neck. I grabbed his strong hips and pulled him back flat against me. I scratched his furry back making him relax a little enough for me to pull out. "Good Kitty," I whispered and he roared as I slammed back in. I quickly started to fuck the stripped cat.

Our rhythm quickening until he was hard himself. I reached between his legs grabbing his pointed cock. It covered in small bards making it hard to rub him. But I managed to bring him a little pleasure as I used his ass. He humped my hand making my pace quickly as I felt him purr.

He clamped down on me making it tighter. I could no longer hold it and I exploded into his ass. I couldn't pull out just yet. He was holding me in place. My hand quickened around him. He clenched his eyes shut as did I. My hand throbbed from his bards. Suddenly he let out a roar and released onto the ground. I released his member and pulled out of him. My hand had a few scratches but nothing bad. The tiger stepped forward and dropped cleaning himself. I pulled up my pants and dipped my hand in the water.

That night I was up most of the night writing down all of my documented facts. My animals spent the night in their natural environment. Except Eric of course who slept in his little hiding hole. I was curious as to how my experiment would end. Would my animals see me as a god or a demon. Only time would tell exactly what my island would evolve into.