Suddenly Becoming an Omega: an Omegaverse Story Part One

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Jason thought he was a normal black cat and his best friend/lover was a normal tiger. However on the last day of school everything starts to change. New things come to light and new changes start to happen as this pair of lovers go from being two 17 year old teenagers to something more. And get quite the surprise on top of that.

WARNING: This story is only for those of legal age to view it. It contains adult content such as male pregnancy and smut.

Part One

One fine afternoon as a young male is coming home from school. It was the last day and he was excited for a summer of spending time with his friends before senior year starts in the fall. His short chocolate brown hair blows gently in the breeze as he hums along to a song on his phone. His Bluetooth ear buds are in his ears blocking out the sounds of the town.

This young male is Jason and he is a black cat. His eyes are a bright emerald green as they take in the familiar sights of his town. Jason however has a worried mindset as he has a feeling like a change is about to happen. He hopes he is wrong as he hurries home to get rid of this feeling.

Once Jason makes it home, a voice calls out to him. It is his mother. She says, "Jason, welcome home. How was school, hun?"

Jason blinks and then grins when he sees his mom coming out of the art room that she has. He nods as he says, "Hi mom. School was great. I am glad to be out for the summer. So how is your new art project going? You have been busy the past few days on it right?"

His mother, Annie, nods as she smiles warmly at her son. She is proud of her son and knows he is a good kid. She nods as she says, "Yes, it will be done in a few days. I am hoping that you will help me this summer sometimes. Your art is really good and I think you could make a career of it like I have if you wish to."

Jason has considered it since he has been painting and learning how to make amazing art since he could walk. But he is still unsure if he wants that as a career even though he is good at it. His eyes show his emotions as his mother suddenly says, "I won't pressure you. I just want you to be happy and follow what you want."

Jason gives her a hug even though his clothes are now going to be covered in paint. He says to his mother, "Thanks mom. I know I have to think about it. So I will keep your words in mind. For now, I want to relax a little. Maybe play a game on my computer for a change now that studying is done with."

Annie gently runs her hand along Jason's back as she accepts her son's hug. She laughs when she notices the paint on his clothing. She nods but adds, "First go change and get those in the wash. I will be making dinner in a couple of hours. Your father is going to be late tonight. His boss needs him to work overtime again this week."

Jason sighs as he says, "That is the fourth week in a row now. He works way too hard and looks so stressed lately. Maybe we can get time this summer to take a vacation so he can relax too for once."

Anne just smiles and ruffles her son's hair a little with her only clean hand and sends him off to his room so he can relax. It warms her heart that her son is so good and kind to those around him.

Once her son is in his room, she heads back to her art room unaware of what is going to happen to her son. Jason enters his room on the second floor to see his familiar sage green walls and emerald green bedding on his bed. The floors are all dark oak and his furniture is the same wood type as his grandfather made all the furniture in his bedroom. It was a gift when he was ten to give him a more grown up bedroom that would last him for years.

Jason looks at his bed and laughs as he remembers how huge that bed seemed to him when he was ten years old. He was so little and couldn't understand the need for a bed big enough for five of him. But now he appreciates it a little more. The thoughts of childhood change to one of his more recent memories when he finally lost his virginity with a guy that he really likes. They are not dating yet, but they have gone on a couple of dates so far. He is hoping it will become something serious soon.

Jason is blushing at the thoughts and decides to go on his computer to play some games to get his mind off of his growing hard on from the memories now in his head. The feline turns his computer on and starts up one of his games that are meant to kill some time. But his body is slowly starting to feel strange as the time passes. Jason doesn't understand what he is feeling or why. It is uncomfortable as his body aches around the lower part of his abdomen.

It doesn't feel like anything he has felt before but the ache is fairly dull at the moment. The cat wonders if he just is feeling the stress from studying too much the past couple of weeks. Finals have been a stressful time and he hopes that this feeling will pass soon.

Jason saves his game progress before exiting out of it and heading to his bed for a short nap. He figures maybe a nap will help with the strange feeling. The young feline naps for about an hour or so when suddenly the call from downstairs startles him awake. Jason sits up on his bed and rubs his eyes still feeling that ache in his abdomen. It is a little stronger now than it was earlier but still it is dull enough to ignore for now.

Jason notices that his dick is hard as a rock in his pants but he doesn't remember dreaming during his short nap. He sighs as he hears the shout from downstairs again. Annie shouts up, "Hon, dinner is almost ready. I need you to set the table. Are you okay up there?"

Jason hears the footsteps on the stairs and he blushes. He can't let his mother see him like this. He is a healthy young male of seventeen. He doesn't need his mother to see him pitching a tent in his pants or him dealing with it since that will be the only way to be able to head downstairs to do what she wants.

Jason hears her just outside his door and covers his groin with his hands. Even that little bit of contact through his pants makes him bite back a moan. He manages to say, "Mom, I will be down in a minute. I was taking a nap and just woke up. I am not decent yet."

Annie chuckles as she says, "I changed your diapers young man. But I understand that you are a young man now. So I won't come in. You really do remind me so much of your father at times. Hurry down soon, I need you to set the table for dinner."

Jason is relieved that his mother is respecting his privacy. He quickly promises, "I promise to be down to help. Just give me a minute, please." Once he is sure the footsteps are gone, the cat lies back down and opens his pants. Jason knows he has to deal with this so he can go do what his mother has asked of him. The soft pads of his hand carefully wrap around his six and half inches as he lowers his pants and boxers with the other hand.

Jason moans very softly as he pictures the guy he likes. He closes his eyes and imagines that it is Luke, a tiger, stroking his cock instead. In his imagination Luke says, "That's it, you wanted my hand working your dick didn't you? Admit it and I may even fuck you again."

Jason's other hand now works its way down to his ass as he whimpers, "Oh Luke..." In his mind it may be Luke touching him but in reality it is still just his hands working his dick and now ass as he remembers how good the other feline's touch is. Jason's fantasy is clouding his mind so he doesn't notice yet that as he touches his hole, there is a slight level of slickness to it already.

The feeling shocks him enough as he doesn't remember grabbing or applying any lube to his ass. His fantasy breaks as he moves his hand that was working his ass back into view. There is a strange fluid on his fingers that doesn't seem to have much of a scent. It is not lube and he can feel it flowing from his ass onto his bedding under him.

Jason's cock is still rock hard as if the shock is not enough to make him lose any of his arousal. This is getting strange as he quickly slides his boxers and pants up enough to just get off of the bed. Then he strips down from them and hurries into the bathroom attached to his room.

The house itself is one that has been in his family for the past century or so. So he is lucky to have his own bathroom attached to his bedroom without having to share with anyone. Jason is even more grateful as he darts into the bathroom naked to hope into the shower. He turns it on cold and hopes that will kill any arousal he has right now and remove any of the strange slick substance that seems to be coming from his ass.

Jason wonders if he is sick but somewhere this reminds him of a story Luke was telling him. There used to be this place where certain people were rumored to have a second gender. Jason plans to look more into this as it was supposed to be a myth that anyone would have a second gender such as omega, alpha, or beta. However, if it isn't, it sends fear through him as he remembers Luke mentioning that in the stories, omegas would go into heat and could produce their own lubrication for mating.

Jason shivers in the cold water and it isn't just from how cold his shower is. This is partly due to the fear of finding out what is going on with him. He needs to see a doctor. It is probably just some illness that he needs medicine for. Jason plans to just talk to his mom and taking him to a doctor.

Thankfully the cold and fear are enough to make his arousal finally shrink down. Once he is in the clear, he gets out and dries off before putting on a pair of loose shorts and a tank top. He is not risking wearing anything that may show him pitching a tent in case it happens again. Jason heads downstairs and starts to set the table. His hair is still damp from his shower and his mother notices.

Annie comments as she brings out a bowl of salad, "You really should dry your hair better. Thank you for setting the table for me." Jason nods as he says, "Um mom, can I talk to you a second once the table is fully set?"

Annie can see this is something serious bothering her son so she nods as she says, "Let me go check on the oven and then we can talk." With that, his mother leaves the dining room and can be heard dealing with the oven for a couple of minutes. Jason is nervous wondering what will happen and if his mom knows anything about this.

Finally after a few minutes of shifting from foot to foot after he finished setting the table, Jason just goes to sit in the living room. He prays nothing leaks out of him as that strange ache grows stronger. Annie notices a strange scent in the air and recognizes what it is. She realizes that her son is changing into his second gender. It is a not common to happen anymore but there are still some that with the right DNA that can transition.

Annie comes into the living room and sits down. Since it is set so that anyone that is family will not be affected, it will be safe for her son here at home. Annie asks, "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

Jason sighs and starts by saying, "I have been feeling weird all afternoon. It started as a dull ache in my abdomen but now it is getting stronger like it wants something to happen. And um...other things are happening too."

Annie can see the blush forming on her son's face. "I am taking a guess here, but by other things you mean with your manhood and body?" The words make her son blush even harder as he only nods. This is not something he wanted to really bring up but his dad isn't here and his mom has always been helpful enough without embarrassing him too badly over the years when it came to sensitive topics.

Annie says, "There is a new scent around you and I am guessing that you are going into heat. And I mean the type of heat felines normally go into only on a new level. Jason, have you ever heard of omegas?"

Jason's eyes widen as he is smart enough to realize his mother is implying that he is going into heat like an omega would instead of a normal male feline. He says, "Luke told me a story about how there used to be omegas, betas, and alphas. But what does that mean? It is just a story isn't it?"

Annie can see the panic in her son's eyes and she says, "Shh, it is okay. It is not just a story. It is just not as common as it used to be for anyone to have a second gender. I noticed that Luke is an alpha. His mother and I are good friends so she told me about the talk she had to have with him. She warned me that since you and he are so close that it could mean I needed to have the same talk with you."

Jason is surprised but it suddenly makes sense why a few weeks ago it seemed like Luke and he could not stop making love in his bedroom when alone. They were almost caught by Annie that day. Thankfully at the time, Jason's transition had not started yet but he is a few weeks younger than Luke.

Annie gently hugs her son as she says, "You are an omega and about to enter your first heat. It will be okay, but you have to be careful not to let any male near you during this time other than family. Blood relations are immune, why I am not fully sure. But this means you are able to get pregnant and safely have children."

Jason shakes his head as he says, "No, this can't be true mom. I...I am male and males can't have kids with other males. If that were true then I would already be pregnant because I have been with Luke already..."

That confession makes the panicked feline blush even darker than before. Annie already suspected the two like each other and she guessed at their activities together. This is why she is warning her son now of what can happen from this point on.

His mother says, "I suspected as much. But your 17thbirthday was only a few days ago. His 17th birthday was a few weeks ago. The changes don't start to happen until around the 17thbirthday. In the old days, this happening meant you were of age to be mated off to someone. I was friends with someone who was like you. He was scared back then, but you know what? He is doing just fine now and even mated to someone he loves dearly. He has some kids around your age now."

His mother's words help him calm a little but he is still scared. Annie knows this and is gently hugging her son still as she tries to comfort him. Jason whispers, "What does this mean? I can't miss school when these heats happen. Are you sure I am an omega? It doesn't seem possible..."

Annie nods, "I am sure. Your scent is of an omega about to go into heat. You will be fine, it will be uncomfortable for a few days but once it passes you will be okay and this is normal. I know because I was there helping my friend every step of the way during our high school years for finding out about what it meant for him."

Jason is scared and suddenly just really wants Luke right now. His mother's words of comfort are only easing some of his fear. His body is demanding his mate as the strange ache is growing even stronger than before. Annie can tell her son needs time to process this so she says, "Let's have dinner and then you can take some time to talk to Luke on the phone. I don't recommend you two seeing each other in person until your heat passes."

Jason just nods silently as his mind is feeling overwhelmed with the idea that this is real. His body is telling him it is real but his mind is not really there yet. The idea of talking to Luke about this and maybe finding out if this is true or not about him being an alpha for second gender.

From the story Luke told, omegas and alphas are meant to pair up because they can have kids together. Jason still doesn't think it is possible for him to have a child. He is male after all. Dinner is overall normal as he tries to keep his mind off of the weird discussion he has had with his mother. Yet it fits in with what Luke was telling him. His mother would not pull a joke like this on him so does that mean there is truth to it? Jason pushes the thoughts about it aside for now as he eats his dinner of salmon with mashed potatoes and corn.

After dinner his mother just lets him go up to his room without asking for help to clean up. Jason is glad for that as the ache is not going away as he heads to his room. He opens his door only to find that Luke has snuck into his room. They have always had a strong bond since they were kids.

Luke is a tall tiger with a height of 6 feet. His blonde hair stands out against his orange fur and black stripes. His normally happy and warm golden brown eyes are now looking at Jason with worry. Luke says, "I felt something that was telling me you were distressed and bothered by something. So I rushed over after telling my mom I needed to see you. She almost didn't let me. Wait, you smell different..."

Suddenly Becoming an Omega: an Omegaverse Story Part Two

Warning: This story is for those of legal age to read it. Part Two Jason's emerald green eyes land on those worried golden brown eyes of Luke and he runs right to the tiger. He hugs him even as he hears what the tiger is saying to him. Jason...

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Surprise Guest and Unexpected Present

**Warning: Not for anyone under legal age. ** **Surprise Visit and Unexpected Present** **By: Vampwolf21** It is the first month since Zack has made the move into his own apartment. His twenty-third birthday had just past a few days ago. So...

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