Forbidden Lust

Story by Cronicdragon on SoFurry

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The sun sat low in the sky over the small huddle of caves. It was dragon country. Here resided a clan of many ferals that lived and hunted as a pack, despite their strength and capabilities there was always more safety in numbers. The small mountain cavern was set in a distinct pink hue of the setting sun, as the last few whisp of dew soaked sunlight wavered over the mountain side. As the small white dragon named Cronic walked he stared up into the sky. Mixtures of blues yellows and pinks scattered the horizon 'It'll be a nice day tomorrow' he thought as he idly walked.

He was young, that much was obvious, and the few other dragons that were out seemed to dwarf the younger dragon. Most of the dragons around his age had left the nest and gone off into the world but for now he was content where he was, he had his own cave and friends of his age. The food was steady and there was always something to be done so there was no reason for him to go, plus he could never bring himself to leave the people who he had met and grew up with over the years.

There was, of course, another reason why he didn't wish to leave. That was where he was headed right now. Being small was always tough on him, when he was young he was picked on for it, as he grew up he was refused entry for places because he was deemed too young judged on his size. However it did have its upsides. One being that it very much often kept him out of trouble as other dragons were less up to hitting a dragon half their size as he wasn't thought of as a threat. But even better than that was the apparent cuteness factor that he found with the females, all he had to do was throw on a cute face, talk very little and they would call him cute and that often led to much more.

He turned into a small side valley with very few caves. Near the end of the crevice he could see that one cave was covered in a shawl, not being a large cave it was easy enough to do. Knowing that this was the cave he desired he nervously pulled back the animal skin, revealing a fire burning in the middle of the cave, a small hole opened in the roof for the smoke, and out the other side of the cave was another opening with a rocky overhang and then a large drop.

Seeing no one around but knowing that he was in the right place, he walked in. He walked past the fire and headed to the rocky outcrop, leaning forward and moving his head out he saw that the drop was a nasty one. A couple of hundred feet off of a sheer cliff face and some jagged rocks at the bottom. He hoped he wouldn't end up down there. He realised that the cliff was the one that was directly behind his own cave but like all of the other caves except this one he had no back entrance leading out to it.

The distinct sound of the shawl being pulled back caused Cronic to turn. There at the doorway was a beautiful dragoness, her blue scales shone in the firelight and her stunning purple eyes stunned him into silence. He stared onwards as the curvy dragoness made her way over to him. She was only slightly larger than Cronic and slightly older too. Most of her features were similar to his except that she had no mane and was quite clearly the most comfortable and confident one in the room.

"So you are the one that I have been writing to" It wasn't quite as much a question as a statement, but still Cronic nodded his head slightly knowing how he had been writing to this dragoness. He had not had the courage to ask her if the rumours were true but he wanted desperately to know if it was. So his solution had been to write to her, soon he had realised that she was very intelligent and seemed legitimate, so he had requested to meet her. She had no cause to deny him.

"You're certainly better looking than I expected, and smaller too. Though I'm sure that won't be a problem if your letters are true about your other size." She smiled as she spoke to him, knowing he was uneasy, she always loved teasing them. He blushed and nodded, again remembering the conversations that they had.

"So are you ready?" Her strong feminine voice rang through his ears again, feeling nailed to the floor but desperate to begin, he nodded once more.

She giggled to herself and turned, walking slowly off towards a small side room. As she did she lifted her tail to brush against the underside of his chin, pulling him gently after her. He whimpered softly to himself as he watched her curvaceous hips sway as she moved to the entrance of the room before turning again and smiling to him. "You coming?" After that she entered leaving him to stand flabbergasted before hurrying after her.

The room was full of candles, giving the room a romantic and yet eerie sort of glow. Shadows flickered on the wall and as Cronic entered the large room he noticed a mattress that had most likely been stolen from humans or found. He heard more movement up ahead and rummaging, before a final shuffling noise was heard and through the darkness the dragoness came. Her blue scales still shone in the low light and so did her smile, a slightly sinister smile as she held up a device in her hand. Straight away Cronic knew what it was; they had talked about it in their letters.

"I think you're going to look gorgeous in this, little dragon. Just like the little sub you should." She grinned again and advanced towards him, unclipping the various clips on the device. She beckoned him forward onto her mattress and watched him as he climbed onto it nervously, keeping his appendixes close to him.

She leaned closer and slid the muzzle gently over his maw to stop him from talking and secured it tightly. The cold leather felt rough against him and he flexed his jaw, trying to test it. He found that it was incredibly strong and that he couldn't break free from it if he tried. He also noticed that there was a hole in the front of the muzzle, just big enough for his tongue to squeeze through. Next she came towards him with what looked like leather boxing gloves, she slid one over each of his paws, tightened them and used two poles to connect them before he realised that he now couldn't get out if he wanted to. His paws were rendered useless as she trapped them in tight conditions and held them firmly in place with the poles. He was almost unable to move.

He whimpered again and she petted him softly whispering sweet reassurances into his ear. She then slid something over his tail and pulled a rope connected to it, raising his tail up high over his back and then tied the other end of the rope to his muzzle to hold the tail in place. Whimpering again, the young dragon felt exposed, unable to move he was starting to reconsider the whole idea but he knew there was no turning back. She took one final bit of rope and connected the bottom of his muzzle to the front pole between his legs, restricting the movement of his neck and head.

The dragoness simply giggled to herself as she looked at the dragon struggle to move in her bondage gear, knowing that now he was hers to play with and that now she could begin to have her fun.

"I knew you'd look good in that gear little dragon. You look like a proper submissive, like a true little slut should." She smiled and walked closer, reaching under him and beginning to stroke his sheath playfully, smiling evilly as she heard his moans and whimpers. "Such a good boy, now you're going to listen to me, and do what I say or I'll have to punish you."

She continued to play with his sheath until his ebony shaft began to slide from it. She chuckled and looked up at her dragon toy, watching him blush a deep red, clearly visible even in the dark room. She chuckled more, stroking her paw down his flank and reaching behind her to his exposed tailhole. Her finger began to swirl around the sensitive flesh and prod softly at the hole. Whimpering again, he squirmed at the feeling, unused to being touched like this. Another grin passed the lips of the dragoness; she loved it when they squirmed.

She pushed harder, sliding her finger into his tailhole, making him moan loudly, half in pain and half in pleasure. His body was shaking as she slid more of her finger inside of his virgin tailhole, feeling her knuckle touch the rim of his tailhole. She smiled and patted his rump before quickly yanking her finger out causing him to yelp loudly.

"Good slut," she said walking back in front of him and grinning at him, "you just love being dominated by females don't you." She laughed softly as she saw him blush deep red again and look down. She turned and lifted her tail, backing her pussy towards him. The hot scent of her sex made him groan softly, staring straight ahead at the dripping hole as it gradually made its way closer to him. She smiled and looked back over her shoulder at him.

"You know what to do slut." He whimpered as he was again degraded by her, knowing that what she said was true sparked an arousal in him he hadn't felt before. He slipped his tongue from between his lips and out of the leather hole, snaking slowly towards his prize. His tongue made contact with the dripping wet folds of the dragoness' pussy; her strong taste reminded him slightly of fish and left a desirable after taste in his mouth. He continued to lick slowly from the base of her pussy up to the top over and over, hearing the encouragements of his mistress in front of him.

"Good boy, now get inside it like a good little slut." He moaned at her words and pushed his tongue against her opening, feeling the walls give way and his tongue seep inside the gap. His tongue delved deeper and deeper into her cunny, feeling the walls contract and tighten around his long dextrous tongue and her juices stick to his taste buds. The dragoness moaned loudly, having her rarely fulfilled fantasy come true as her younger dragon submitted easily to her every command. She gasped as his tongue rubbed against her G-spot feeling her orgasm rise. She was glad she was multi-orgasmic otherwise she'd never last long.

He rubbed his tongue back and forth against the walls of her pussy, making sure to switch and change what he did so as not to bore her, in reality she was in bliss at his ample tongue and lusting its every touch. He flicked his tongue around inside the fishy canal and began to pump his tongue in and out of the hole, fucking her softly with his tongue and driving her mad. Her moans became a constant back noise in the cave as he ate her out.

"Keep going slut. That's it. Eat your mistress out. Such a good eager slut." She cried out feeling his tongue switch and move around inside her like she hadn't felt in a long time. Pushing back hard against his face as he tongue fucked her, she roared out loudly, her pussy contracting tight around his tongue and a river of her juices began dripping out of her onto his tongue. He pulled his tongue out and lapped at the fold making sure to get every drop he could into his mouth, loving the taste of her pussy.

She pulled away from him panting and turned around to face him, smelling her scent on his face and petting him softly on the head.

"You did well my little slut but now, I will test your length and stamina and see if I can pleasure myself on your shaft." She placed her paw on his side gently before suddenly pushing him over and rolling him onto his back. She quickly straddled him to stop him from trying to roll back over, and reached her paw down to roughly grab his cock. She felt the 10" of dragon meat pulse in her hand and she felt the pre drip onto her paw. 'Eager. I like that.' She thought before giving his shaft a tight squeeze, watching the flow of pre increase and hearing her little dragon moan loudly.

Without another word she pointed the cock upwards towards her pussy before slowly beginning to sit back against it. She gasped and hissed through her teeth as the thick cock head began to spread her pussy wide, feeling it enveloped by her opening and start to slip into her. She could feel him hump upwards into her, but she stood up a bit and spanked him hard against the rump causing him to yelp loudly and leaving a red mark in the print of her paw.

"Bad boy, I control how fast we go. Now learn to control yourself." He whimpered again softly and she took this as a hint to continue. Again she began to slip herself over his cock, feeling less pain this time around. She could tell that he was struggling to not hump into her but she didn't care, as long as he didn't then she would let him have his fun. She finally reached a comfortable point, with most of the shaft inside her she flexed and tightened her walls to see the reaction it had. It caused Cronic to moan and gasp loudly inside the muzzle.

She smiled at him and stared him in the eyes, he looked back at her helpless and desperately urging her to let him release. She would not disappoint; a slut like this she wanted to keep. She petted his side and began to pull herself up slowly on the rock hard cock, feeling her pussy close again after the cock left her depths. She growled lustfully and instantly wanted it back inside of her, knowing that her slut would be desperate to feel her tight folds again. With just the head inside her, she lowered herself again onto the cock, taking slightly more than the last time.

Each bounce that she did on his member she grew gradually closer to the hilt, feeling the cock reach new depths inside of her she began to pass into pure bliss along with her slut. Each of them caught up in their own rhythms. She could feel her dragon slut pumping back into her but she was too horny to care, feeling the hard thrusts of the two dragons as they pounded towards each other. The only sound that could be heard over their moans and groans was the telltale squelch every time Cronic pumped up into her sopping wet pussy.

She cried out as she felt his balls slap against her with each drop down, she realised that she had now taken his entire shaft in, feeling it deep inside her like few had been before. She started to move slightly making his cock go in to her pussy at different angles, stimulating a different part of her canal each time it dived into her. Their pace had now increased too, the time between each hump was getting shorter and each time she took the cock out, she wanted it in faster.

Soon their pace was ferocious and they were hilting on every thrust. Neither of them had the stamina to go on much longer, and they were both near their peak points, moaning and gasping at the stimulation she received, the dragoness bounced on his cock hard her claws dragged down his chest in an attempt to release some of her pent up sexual energy. Cronic yelped loudly as the claws dug three straight cuts into his chest, but the pain didn't last long as he felt himself right on the edge.

He moaned as loudly as his muzzle would allow and began to shoot long strands of hot white cum into his dragoness' pussy. Feeling her dragon cum inside her sent her over the edge too for the second time. She gasped and roared out as he pussy tightened around his cock and milked him for every last shot of seed that she could. Panting, she felt the last few spurts of cum enter her before stopping, she rested on top of him for a short while before pulling out, causing a puddle of his seed and her juices to trickle out of her onto his belly and chest as she stood.

"Now you were good there little slut. I don't know if I can call you little anymore, but slut is definitely true." She smiled and removed his muzzle. Before he could speak she gave him a kiss on the lips and then smiled. "Now one thing you should know slut, before I let you go, is that I had security camera's fitted a while ago, so I now have a video of the entire thing," She watched his eyes bulge and she put her paw over his mouth to stop him talking, "So, if you don't want all the males to know that you submit to even females then I'd suggest you come back next week and we have some more fun. Don't worry, I'll get some new toys to play with and maybe I'll even invite some other females round to play too."

She undid the rest of his gear and then sent him on his way. He knew that he would be made fun of if his clan knew that he was submissive to females. In his clans it was out of the ordinary to submit to males but not frowned upon, however females were supposed to be dominated according to his clan, so he was now forced to be the slut to this dragoness, though despite this he couldn't help walking home under the stars with a massive grin on his face, clutching the scratches on his chest.