Prayer and Demon 9.5 - Sarahi's Mind-break

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#11 of Prayer and Demon

The "weird" thing that happened to Sarahi, in which she loses her virginity and gains a new awareness of herself in exchange.


Trying to separate out the sex from the main story where possible, for anyone who just wants to follow the plot...and so I can better gauge how much people are interested in the plot apart from the sex. ^_~ I seem to have a hard time with not including character development in these scenes, though...

It's also just occurred to me I have no idea how to properly classify couplings with a hermaphrodite. Obviously this encounter is bisexual, but is that automatic regardless of the number of partners, or derived from the partner, or from the herm's preference? Food for thought...

Sarahi's Mind-Break

They left the lamp with Kylan and the others. Instead, Nayeli whispered a quiet blessing over the healing charm Sarahi now wore around her neck, causing the little string of jade beads to glow with a gentle light just bright enough to safely walk by.

They found Oro sitting on a little ledge of rock in the far wall of the cavern. "She told you what I mean to do, didn't she?" the Rabbit arched a brow at Nayeli as the pair approached.

The priestess nodded, and began quietly disrobing without being asked. "I have to admit I'm surprised to be included in this, though. What prompted you to thus indulge me for once?"

"I need a buffer," their husband grumbled as he pulled his shirt over his head, and Sarahi hesitantly began to follow suit, "By the time I'm done with you, I'll be fighting sleep as much as my own temper. That'll make things go more smoothly for her. Probably. The whole point of this is to get her over her nightmares, after all," he noted without quite being able to keep the sneer off his lips.

Nayeli tilted her head, honestly and pleasantly surprised by the consideration he was giving this, even if it was still in his own violent, near-rapacious way. She gave a similarly appraising look at Sarahi, stoic and dutiful as always, despite clearly having to work to keep the reluctance off her face. "Won't we need Tuli here, at least to get started?" the Sha'khari asked gently, "The two of us alone have not been enough to--"

"A man can get it up easily enough when he wants to," the Rabbit snorted, "Sometimes even when he doesn't. It's keeping it down that's the struggle. Like marching up a hill as opposed to rolling down one."

The priestess stepped forward to interrupt his instinctive aggression, and rested her hands lightly on either side of his neck, looking directly into his fiery eyes. "My dear husband, I appreciate the effort you're making, but you genuinely have no interest in this act, much less a desire to make it pleasant. To you it is a necessary chore you only want to be done with," she sighed, hoping just a little that he would argue the point, but he only waited for her to continue. "With that in mind...if I take the lead here, will you follow?"

He met her gaze for a long moment, as if waging a silent argument in his head, or doubting whether she could be trusted. But doubts like that were absurd, even to him, and he recognized them as such. "Fine. Just don't drag it out too long. I can already tell I have eyelids."

She nodded, and bent down to kiss his cheek, then pushed him back toward the ledge. "Give us some space, then, and wait quietly. We won't keep you long." So saying, she turned her attention to Sarahi, ignoring the dubious look their husband was giving to her back even as he sat back down on the ledge. The priestess did not hesitate in sliding her arms around the taller Sha'khari's waist, hands resting on the rise of the bestial shoulders behind it, and pressing herself close to the other woman. "He's agreed. Now what about you? Will you play along as I ask, even though I must include him at some point, and give him his way?"

A surprising blush rose in Sarahi's cheeks as she looked down at the other Ferruda. Nayeli had always struck her as beautiful, from the moment she'd first revealed her face. Something about this sudden, unexpected closeness only enhanced that, and sent a confusing warmth through the former princess. "I would 'play along' with you nearly any day. Honestly, if it had been only you, marriage or no...I would have come to a meeting such as this gladly."

That made Nayeli smile, and lay her cheek against the other woman's breast warmly. "I'm glad to hear that. I have a suspicion I would like to confirm, so I'm going to ask you some...possibly embarrassing questions. Stop me if it's too much, or when it becomes obvious I've missed the mark." Sarahi looked down at her with questions aplenty in her own eyes...but laid her arms around Nayeli's back and nodded her agreement, giving the priestess permission to continue. "You told us before that you were raised as a female, correct?"

"Yes," the Sha'khari nodded, "It's hard to look at these and not recognize that." She gestured with one hand to the pleasingly ample curves that Nayeli's cheek rested above. The priestess caught that hand and laid it shamelessly atop one of her own, inviting the taller woman to gratify herself while Nayeli's hand returned to her back.

"Your voice, too, I imagine," the Ferruda nodded, "It is decidedly the light, silvery tone of a lady. And I imagine the servants assigned to you were always female, and many of your friends as well, if you were permitted such as a princess...?"

Now Sarahi arched a brow, unsure of where the priestess was leading. Sliding her hand underneath the offered breast, she indulged the smaller woman's (apparent) desire for touch, and did not deny the warmth and softness were pleasing and oddly comforting. "I was, though I didn't have many. And yes...nearly everyone around me regularly was female, for obvious reasons and barring obvious exceptions such as father. Is that surprising?"

"Hardly," Nayeli shook her head, taking a step back to look up into Sarahi's face. "So you were raised. So you were called. And so it became so deeply engrained in you that, maybe, you came to see some part of yourself as superfluous. They're the 'extra bits'. They don't belong. An oddity attached to you, though not really part of who you are. And that, I think, is a mistake."

"What...are you suggesting?" the Sha'khari asked plainly, now thoroughly lost except for the realization that Nayeli was referring to the part of her anatomy hanging between her hindmost legs, usually hidden beneath skirt or blanket.

"You have been surrounded in the scent of our kind continually throughout your life," Nayeli continued, "You even possess it yourself, in great measure. If you are not immune, you are at least so inured to the effects as to make them unrecognizable. And yet...," the Ferruda took another measured step back and sat down, methodically and suggestively, on the cool stone floor of the cave, to cast an appraising glance beneath the surprised Sha'khari. "From the first day you joined us, each and every time I have seen it, you are always peeking. You are never fully sheathed, as Oro usually is. Kylan suffers in the same way, I notice, though he recognizes why more clearly."

Sarahi swallowed hard. Her mouth suddenly felt dry, and her ribs tight and confining around her heart. In the span of a few breaths, the Ferruda in front of her had somehow changed into something...almost otherworldly. Her words clicked and scrapped like a key fumbling inside the lock, not quite sure which way to turn to align the pins, though it was certainly made for them. "You tastes reflect the masculine?"

Nayeli shrugged. "I think your tastes are unique to you. I only suspect it is wrong to think that is not also a part of you, or always to be ignored," she gestured underneath Sarahi's belly, "More than any of us, even those of us who have been used by men before, you are thoroughly repulsed by Oro." The Ferruda slowly rolled to one side, laying her elbows down on the floor with her head pillowed on them, her tail lifted high above her spread knees. "But what of me? Imagine for just a moment that you are not female, and what you would then do with me..." A glance over her shoulder was enough to confirm she was at least partly on the mark, as Sarahi's excitement was more plainly exposed than it had ever been since they met. Nayeli smiled at that, nodded encouragement, and swung her hips once invitingly. "Come on, then. I will call you my second husband, and receive from you what I have so long craved from him."

The key clicked into place. The lock sprang free. The contents behind them were unleashed. "Oh merciful gods," Sarahi whispered at the surge of warmth that washed through her, seeming to originate in her balls and radiate through the rest of her from there. She took a hesitant step toward Nayeli...

"We call them 'Saints' in The Order," the priestess chided, presenting herself patiently with her best come-hither smile. The Sha'khari's hesitance was melting quickly, as Sarahi carefully padded over her, watching the shapely Ferruda slowly disappear beneath her lower chest. Her fully-formed erection nudged against the back of Nayeli's leg while her head was still just visible between Sarahi's front paws. She hesitated again, hardly knowing who she was at the moment, much less what she was doing.

Bracing one hand on the back of Sarahi's front leg, Nayeli reached under and behind herself with the other, finding the low-hanging head of the shaft that sought her, and guided it to the lips of her entrance. "Gently, darling," the Ferruda begged softly as she braced both hands now against the strong, leonine legs beside her shoulders, "You are far and away the largest man I have ever seen, much less taken."

Sarahi took a deep breath, curled his hands up between his own breasts for lack of anything clearer to do with them, and eased his hips forward as slowly and carefully as he could manage. He closed his eyes as he felt her lips spread around the head, welcoming it with some effort, and the heat of her body joined his in spreading up his length inch by slow inch. Between his strong legs, Nayeli cooed encouragements, her breathing strained but her body relaxed, letting him set the pace and depth of the penetration. He paused when he felt her weight rock forward against his own legs and her walls resist the head inside her, unable to accept any more of him. "Oh...fuck," Sarahi whispered, this time to no one in particular.

"Yes," chuckled Nayeli softly, breathily, "As much as you like. Only gently, please." She rocked her own hips back and forth a time or two, encouraging Sarahi to take up the rhythm, then braced herself and dedicated all her energy to holding still and breathing as the Sha'khari took control with gradually more vigor.

"I have never in my entire life disliked my strange body," Sarahi confessed as his hands began kneading the undersides of his own breasts, eyes closed and nose turned toward the ceiling as if to praise the invisible sky, "But now I dearly wish I could hold you as we do this. I would die for a kiss."

"Shh," cooed the priestess beneath him, "Be careful of your words, and remember that I am a cruel wife, still committed first and foremost to another. Oro, dear," she called softly from underneath the rocking Sha'khari, "It's time to join us."

Sarahi had almost forgotten he was there with them. He kept his eyes closed, not wishing to see the Rabbit right now, and expressed his heartache with one stern thrust that drew a soft gasp from Nayeli. He swallowed hard as he felt hands on his posterior, but did not retreat or break the gentle rhythm of his thrusting.

"First husband," Nayeli called again from below, "Sarahi is being very kind and gentle. He should be rewarded with the same. And you," she tilted her head back to a very uncomfortable angle in order to plant a kiss against the feral chest above her, "I am sorry. You are also my husband now, but we are both still his wives. Endure it."

"Ha...gladly," Sarahi lied, though only a little. The sudden change of reference from "she" to "he", "wife" to "husband" was doing strange things to his head. It made him feel heavy...solid... strong. It made him feel he could, indeed, endure anything, whether welcome or not.

He gasped as the slit behind his sac was invaded, firmly and without warning. His own wet walls, not so dissimilar from Nayeli's, tightened and strained as they spread to accommodate his husband. There was a second of sharp pain, like a pinch, as something broke inside. The healing charm around his neck flared softly, and then only the strange tingle of novel pleasures remained. It was confusing, but greatly welcome over what he had expected. And the new sensations, being filled as well as swallowed, seemed to be pumping a bizarre pressure into his belly.

"Nayeli," he groaned, squeezing his breasts against the strain, "I I'm...gonna burst!"

"Let it out whenever you please," the Ferruda answered reassuringly, "I am ready."

The Rabbit behind him seemed to be growing larger by the second, to say nothing of stronger, and soon Sarahi's hips were not rocking under their own power...which was actually good, because he was finding it difficult to feel his legs well enough to keep the rhythm. With a groan that came out more like a light roar, he felt something release within his shaft, then the warm gush of his seed spilling out into his dear wife's depths. She tensed around him, her walls squeezing with each pulse, drawing him gently into herself amid soft coos and praises.

As the flow began to ebb, and the tension in his legs relax, Nayeli pushed out against one of his paws and lifted a shoulder against his chest. Taking the hint, the Sha'khari rocked slowly to one side, giving Oro a chance to catch the shift and compensate, then flopped onto the ground, pulling all three of them onto their sides. His front paws immediately wrapped across Nayeli, trapping the priestess with a paw cupped warmly over each soft breast. "Dear, sweet, merciful...Saints," the Sha'khari panted.

Nayeli seemed amused, patting the paws over her breasts gently. "First time?" she asked, lifting one of those paws to kiss the toes as he nodded a breathless confirmation. "You were great, darling. Oro, dear...did you finish?"

"No," the Rabbit grunted curtly, though he didn't exactly sound disappointed.

Nayeli just nodded. "Good. If you're not about to nod off, then you're probably about ready to pop instead. That will make this next part easier."

"Next part?" Sarahi asked, surprised though not disappointed, "What next part?"

"The part meant to get you over your nightmares," the Ferruda in his paws reminded him gently, shifting her weight and scooting her hips forward until his slowly softening shaft pulled free of her tunnel. She kept it lifted in one hand, not letting it touch the ground, as she trailed the head down the path formed by her vulva and back between her thighs to the cleft of the cheeks below her tail. "You're still so firm," the priestess praised him, adjusting her grip as she nested him against another entrance...

"R-really?!" Sarahi asked in more genuine surprise, his shaft firming up even more both from the praise and the realization of what Nayeli was preparing to do.

The priestess giggled. "Did you forget women can take it like this too? Mmm...I can't say how pleasant it will be, but if you'll have me, we'll endure our first experience together. Will that be comfort enough?"

"Wait...first?" the Sha'khari asked, and tried to draw back from her for a moment, " should be with..."

Oro, still snug against his own rump, prevented any retreat. "Too much talk," the Rabbit growled, swatting the haunches under his hand firmly to encourage them to get on with it while he could still do his part. He was already working with his eyes closed...

Nayeli nodded, pulling her posterior against the Sha'khari's shaft again. "Yes...I'm a little disappointed Oro will not be my first in any regard, but honestly he has never even hinted at this method until he threatened you. I wasn't aware he knew of it. So that was a disappointment overcome long ago. Nice and easy now," she sighed, exhaling long and slow on the last word, as she gently coaxed Sarahi forward and pushed her own hips back at the same time.

It was even warmer, and much, much tighter. Nayeli chewed her lip as Sarahi eased into her, taking extra care to keep his strength controlled this time. The priestess had no healing charm about her, and Sarahi wasn't sure how well the one he wore would work for two.

"Mmm...I'll be honest: it's not the most comfortable sensation I've felt," Nayeli whispered as she reached her depth and laid her head down on Sarahi's feline shoulder, "But not wholly unpleasant. Okay, first husband: last time. Keep your promise. Satisfy yourself."

Sarahi squeezed her gently as he felt the Rabbit withdraw and shift further back. Closing his eyes again, he relaxed as much as he possibly could, and felt Oro once again invade him. It was slower this time. More cautious, surprisingly, as if the Rabbit were actually making an effort not to be an abusive monster for one time in his life.

Nayeli lifted her upper leg and laid it back across the thighs of her husbands behind her as Oro's push drove Sarahi a little further into her. "You alright?" the priestess asked in genuine concern as the Rabbit set up a slow but firm rhythm, driving all three of them.

"It's...mmph...weird," Sarahi nodded, hugging Nayeli tighter with his front paws and rubbing his hands up and down his own tummy, "But not wholly unpleasant." Certainly not as bad as he had feared, and nothing like his terrible dreams. If it were anyone else...Kylan, for example...he might even have been willing to satisfy his curiosity, had he asked to try this.

The Rabbit hooked an arm under his hind leg, lifting it and spreading him wider with a growing urgency. Sarahi grunted and grit his teeth, moving his own hips against the thrust encouragingly now. Nayeli was clinging to his front paws, her lip between her teeth, breathing slow and hard as the pair hammered into her from behind.

Sarahi surprised himself by being the first to break again. With another rumbly cry, his shaft stiffened and twitched and released into Nayeli...who likewise seemed much more surprised this time, but also apparently relieved. She turned her head to kiss his shoulder as he poured into her, and smiled up at him, peeking at her through one eye with the other squinted shut. She was about to say something when Oro groaned and tensed up...

The Sha'khari was not at all a fan of that sensation. He endured it quietly, more relieved than anything, and reached down to hold the hand that Nayeli reached up to encourage him. Fortunately, Oro's climax didn't last long. And it was just possible he was already asleep before it was over, though it was certain he was asleep by the time his rod began to soften and Sarahi pulled free.

Nayeli followed suit, immediately crawling up to be face-to-face with the exhausted Sha'khari, and laid on her side in front of him to share a deep, tongue-rolling kiss. " do you feel now?" the Ferruda asked softly when they had satisfied themselves.

Sarahi closed her eyes and thought hard on that. "Strange," she answered at last, somehow feeling that powerful sense of masculinity fading into slumber again. "For the first time in my life, I'm not entirely sure who I am. I guess I never seriously thought about that before. But," she added firmly, before Nayeli could interject, "I will not fear this again. I will even submit to him if he demands it. I have not forgotten my place in this family," she assured the first wife among them. Kissing Nayeli's nose gently, she also added, "I hope you will have me again sometimes, though. He might not appreciate it, but it's very nice being your husband."

The priestess giggled, and kissed the Sha'khari's nose in return. "Then I will continue to call you such, if you desire. And not just when we're having sex."

Sarahi shook her head. "No. It will be confusing, and might cause conflict with the others. I'm not sure I really feel it yet, either. I'll be content if you let me play the part in bed."

"As you wish," Nayeli nodded with a sympathetic smile. "Now I think we should get back to the others. He'll develop quite the crick in his neck there," she mused, looking at the sleeping Rabbit behind Sarahi, still mostly curled and clutching the air in the position of their last activity.

"That would serve him right," Sarahi chuckled, but rolled her feet under her and hefted their unconscious husband across her back. Nayeli collected their clothes, and the pair walked leisurely back to where the others had made camp.

Prayer and Demon 10 - Approach to the Treasury

# Approach to the Treasury Morning seemed to come early, especially in this place where the darkness never retreated unless driven back by torch or lamp. But Oro insisted it was _almost_ daylight outside, and no one held any illusions about how...

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# Into the Caves It proved to be an uneasy night, though true to the priestess' word, Sarahi awoke after the sunrise from a sleep free of all dreams, and as well rested as she could reasonably expect to be. Even so...a chill ran down her spine...

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