Commission - A Growing Problem

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#48 of Commissions and Rewards

5701 Words

While visiting a friend, Dingy gets more than he bargained for by agreeing to an unexpected visitor's experiment.

A fun commission with some topics I don't do quite so much. Hope you all enjoy!

Contains: Macro/micro, shrinking, size play, body worship, and living insertion. Enjoy!

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Dingy walked his way slowly down the street, contemplating quite a number of fun possibilities for tonight's hangout with Meesha. The tan dingo with the brown paws and grey hair liked hanging out with his friend, whether it was a movie night, a bit of drinking and talking, or maybe something flirtier, the brown fluffy sabertooth with the beautiful orange natural eyeshadow and the wild smile was a ton of fun to hang out with. Spending some quality, one on one time with her would be a highlight for sure! And who knew what might come afterwards?

When he went to knock on her door, however, he paused, his ear twitching as he heard not one, but two voices in there. They were talking softly, interspersed with laughing and playful purrs. His heart sank slightly, figuring some of the more interesting ideas would be stricken from the list of possibilities, but maybe he could still have fun with a movie night or something. Or maybe the guest would leave. Either way he knocked on the door, adjusting his glasses as he waited.

Meesha's light feet skipped over to the door, opening it wide and looking at her guest. She winked at him, sticking out her tongue playfully. "Ah! Dingy! You made it!" She bounced forward, wrapping him in a hug while her huge neck fluff practically smothered him, before whisking him inside. "Calysta! This is Dingy, he's the one I was talking about!."

Sitting on the couch within the apartment was quite the matronly figure. Silver hair fell over her shoulders in rivulets, while her full lips pulled into a smile. Her ears had large gold hoops in them, while the mama bear's brown fur complimented the lighter pink fur on her chest and muzzle. Her eyes also seemed naturally shadowed with a soft, seductive red, one that matched her brightly painted nails. She purred a little, her large chest impossible to ignore, even as she crossed her thick thighs, the slinky dress she wore nearly revealing something between them. "Well, isn't this a fun little guy? A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Dingy."

The dingo couldn't help but stare for a few moments while he recovered from being swept into the room. Calysta practically sparkled with her own radiance, making it a little hard to tear his eyes away, even with Meesha playfully rubbing against his neck. "H-hi! Yeah, nice to meet you too. Are you two friends?"

Meesha nodded, making her way behind the couch and giving Calysta a hug over it. "Yup! We go way back. She's one of my best friends, and a bit of a whiz with gadgets." She smiled into the soft hug Calysta gave back, the bear's hand lingering on the sabertooth's cheek for just a moment, a purr resonating between them. Meesha then giggled. "You probably wouldn't think it, looking at her, but I promise you, anything she makes is the best in town."

Dingy blushed a little at the interaction he'd just witnessed, but he nodded slowly. "Yeah, well, it's not like brains and beauty don't go together. This room is more than enough proof of that."

Calysta chuckled, her seductive eyes running over his body for a moment while her dark eyebrow peaked, interested in what she was seeing. "Oh, you are a charmer, aren't you? But, you know, you could do wonders for a little experiment I have in mind." She brought out this small device from her handbag, looking a little like a plastic gun with a large focusing prism on the front, not too dissimilar from a light gun at an arcade. "I think you'd be perfect for it, just the final phases. I promise it's perfectly safe." Her legs uncrossed, and he caught a glimpse of the lacy red panties under her dress, her plump pussy practically swallowing them before she crossed her other leg over, her smile not wavering for a moment. "Interested?"

Dingy swallowed down a knot in his throat, nodding perhaps a little too eagerly and making Calysta giggle warmly. "Wonderful! Well then, I will say that for best results, you should probably take off any clothes you don't want getting ruined. I know this may seem like a rush, but I promise you, it will be worth it."

A lot of things rushed through the dingo's head all at once, but he nodded again, taking off his glasses and placing them on the table. As Meesha made sure the door was closed and locked, so nobody outside could intrude on the moment, Dingy carefully took off his shirt, then slid down his shorts, blushing a little at exposing himself quite so quickly, particularly with the boner he was already sporting. But hey, one experiment and maybe he'd get to have fun with not one, but two ladies. Now THAT would be a dream.

As he'd stopped taking off clothes at this point, Calysta just shrugged, pointing the device at him and pulling the trigger. The sound was faint, just a slight energetic buzz, and Dingy could feel his fur standing on end, the tingle running through his body making him shudder a little at the odd sensation. He didn't notice much going on, but saw Meesha gasp, then giggle, watching him intently, her own eyes seductive as well. The attention had him growing down below, an odd sensation as his underwear didn't seem to be tightening like it normally would, though he didn't pay it much mind.

A couple seconds later Calysta stopped, twirling the little device around one of her fingers just beneath the ruby red nails. "So, how do you feel? Any ill effects?"

Meesha giggled, looking at Dingy like she was about to pounce. "I don't know... Looks like it worked to me."

The dingo wasn't quite sure why he was the center of attention, but he nodded. "I feel fine. A little tingly. Was something supposed to happen?"

The knowing look that passed between the women frightened him, though he wasn't sure why, before Calysta got up from the couch and walked over to him. The matronly bear was taller than he expected, her large breasts at head height for him, and each about the size of his head as she wrapped him in a hug, smooshing his muzzle between them. "Oh, you're adorable, aren't you? It's working perfectly! Though we may need a few more tests through the evening, if you don't mind staying a little undressed." She released the grip, looking into his eyes and growling in a way that sent shivers down his spine and made his dick bounce within the fabric hiding it. "I'll definitely make it worth your while."

With that she turned, heading towards the kitchen. "Meesha, you did make food, didn't you? We should make sure to eat up. Wouldn't want to get distracted and run out of energy before the night's even begun!"

"Oh, right! I almost forgot about it! I'll get it out of the oven, while you two go set the table." She was practically skipping, her small puff of a lynx tail wagging away happily as she headed towards the kitchen and finished preparing whatever she'd been cooking.

Dingy blinked a few times, feeling like something was off in the room, but he couldn't tell what. His underwear still fit loosely, but he stayed in it, as he went to the table, helping Calysta with setting out plates and silverware. He mostly spent the time staring at her full ass, with hips so wide he could hardly imagine getting his hands all the way around them. But she'd been flirting with him all evening... would it be wrong to say he wanted to get crushed by those thighs? That would be too much, right?

As food was set out and he sat down to eat, though, everything felt off. Not wrong, exactly, but not right either, and he looked down at the chair as his feet were able to almost swing above the floor. "Did you get new chairs, Meesha? This seems higher than last time." The fork also felt awkward in his hand, like it was a little too big. Maybe there were side effects from that ray.

Meesha shook her head, giggling all the while. "Nope. Nothing's different about the table or the chairs. I don't think it should be a growing concern. If anything, let that worry shrink right out of you." Dingy tilted his head at the wording of that, but enjoyed dinner anyway, feeling rather full by the time it was done. The plate hadn't seemed that big when he'd started, but it was incredibly filling by the end.

As he went to get up from the chair, though, he knew something was wrong. He'd been able to land on the ground, and everything looked strange. Like it was from the wrong angle. He started back towards his clothes, looking for his glasses, and found his underwear slipping off of him, so he had to hold it up... something VERY weird with the meal he just ate. After a couple steps, he was stopped by Calysta, who pulled him into a side hug, her breasts sitting on top of his head as she squeezed him tight. "Something the matter, Dingy? You seem a little off. Surely you're not going to let something get in the way of a fun evening, are you?"

He could practically feel the thoughts melting away as he pressed into that soft breast fluff through the dress, but he shook his head, gently squirming his way free. "I just need to get my glasses. Things seem a little odd and I want to make sure I'm seeing them right."

"Well, why didn't you say so?" She seemed even stronger than she'd been before as she pulled him back into the hug, once more smothering him in her chest, the dress the only saving grace between him and a bountiful, soft dream of a death. "Meesha, go get the glasses, will you? I'm worried about him doing it if he can't see."

"Right away! Anything else I should get?"

"Oh, not yet. But if there's anything you think should be handy, keep it nearby." She continued to hold him against her chest, purring lightly as she did. "You know, I've been told I'm a bit of a mama bear, but despite this figure, I don't have a cub quite yet... I've always wanted one. Think you could oblige?"

Dingy couldn't respond to how forward that was, his muzzle muffled by her chest, but as he pulled free and grabbed his glasses, he looked at Meesha, wondering if she'd put on heels or something when she was away. He slipped on his glasses, getting one good look through them and hooking them over his ears like he normally would, only for them to immediately slip off his head and bounce on the floor, much too big for him. About the same time his underwear gave up the ghost, falling off of him, and as he went to catch it, he realized, bending down, that he was much lower than he thought he would be.

That was when it clicked, and he looked in horror at Calysta and Meesha as they loomed over him, a mischievous glint in their eyes. "What did you do to me?!" he called out, placing his hands over his crotch as his arousal tried to make itself known.

Calysta just smiled, twirling the device around her finger. "Oh, you know... What fun is an evening with friends with no toy to play with? And you seem like the perfect little boy toy. If you're good, I might even put this _little_experiment in reverse!"

Meesha then hugged him, picking up the relatively smaller Dingy as she squeezed him in her neck fluff, looking into his eyes with a hungry, playful grin. "Oh, it won't be too much, Dingy. And nothing you haven't wanted to do forever. Just maybe not at the size you thought." She then licked her lips. "You're so cute... get much smaller and I might just eat you all up."

His heart sank, but he couldn't help but notice his arousal wasn't going down, pressed as it was against her shirt. "Y-you wouldn't! You'll turn me back, right? You won't shrink me forever! Or... eat me?"

"That depends, little cub," Calysta said with a smile, "on what you do for us." She grinned, then slowly took off her dress, letting the straps fall to the side and to the ground. Underneath she had on a lacy bra and panties, neither of which did much, if anything, to hide her prominent nipples and plump, juicy pussy. "First off, like I said, I've never had a cub. Think you could play the part?"

Dingy blushed, both from the beautiful figure in front of him and what she was asking him to do. "I'm not a cub! I'm a man! I'll help you make a cub, but-" he was silenced as Meesha hugged him from behind, her fluff surrounding his head, along with two soft mounds he knew to be her breasts. Perky, pert, and pleasant, they were nothing compared to Calysta's massive mounds, but they were wonderful nonetheless.

Meesha hugged him tight, tutting in his ear. "Aww, look at the little guy wanting to be grown up. But it's alright. We could play some grownup games once you stop being so cranky." Dingy pulled himself away, backing up from Meesha, who was at this point without any clothing, her beautiful body on full display. He gawked a little, taking in her look that he'd thought of so many times, and ended up backing into Calysta's newly freed breasts, quickly finding himself smothered between them.

"You're right, Meesha. He just needs a good meal. And he'd know where to find it. How about it, little guy? You hungry? Want mama to feed you?" She let go of him, letting him center himself and get a look at the voluptuous, attention-grabbing healthy red of her nipples while she bared her breasts for him. His mouth hung open, confusion and surprise at this whole overwhelming situation overloading his brain, but that was the opening she was waiting for. He even started to nod his head in agreement, but before any words could form, she had pressed him to the front of her breast, practically filling his shrinking mouth with her warm mammary.

Despite everything, his first instinct when his mouth was filled with nipple was to suck, his tongue pulling along her smooth areola and swirling around the nipple itself. This got a content purr from Calysta, whose strong arms began to lift him up, cradling him against her breast. He hadn't felt that small, but maybe she was that big, considering he could now wrap his arms around her breast and barely have them meet. He continued to suckle and pull softly, while she groaned with pleasure, looking at Meesha. "I knew he'd calm down a little if we have him something to snack on."

"You say that, but just look at this little guy, standing at attention! Maybe it wants some food as well." Dingy couldn't see with his face full of breast, but he yiped as he felt his cock being surrounded by soft fur and yielding flesh. When he went to pull away, though, Calysta held him closer, petting his hair in a very calming, motherly fashion.

"Now now, let your mommy Meesha take care of you while mama Calysta feeds you right." She then pulled him away form her breast for just long enough to let him get a good glimpse of Meesha winking at him her teeth framing his cock being massaged by her breasts, before he found his vision filled with pink fur and a nipple hard enough to cut diamonds. He latched on, hearing Calysta moan with pleasure, while he did the same, purring into her soft chest as his cock was lapped at and played with.

He squirmed a little in the matronly bear's grip, trying to buck his hips into the warmth promised by Meesha's breath on his cock. But try as he might, he couldn't get there, only getting soft licks along his tip before it would be enveloped by the fluff of silky soft fur around her neck. The sensation was incredible, her breasts feeling amazing as they teased along his cock, tickling his sensitive skin and squeezing him delightfully. It felt like all of his sensations were heightened, and he was soon panting, barely putting any lipwork into the faux breastfeeding he was doing. "What, don't you want any milk?" Calysta asked, looking at him with a curious, condescending gaze.

Maybe it was this situation. Maybe it was how eager he'd been when he got to the house. Or maybe being smaller had concentrated his nerve endings and made his cock super sensitive... He hoped it was the last one, but no matter the cause, as he looked into Calysta's crystal blue eyes he came, his cock spurting up in Meesha's chest fluff and painting a line of white across her nose. Meesha looked rather surprised at that, watching the orgasm continue to rush through him and his cock release between her breasts as she giggled. "No, seems he wanted to give me _his_milk. Though look at the poor guy, couldn't hardly hold back at all."

Calysta chuckled as well, cradling him in her arms as he writhed through his orgasm. "Well, can you blame him? Look at how small he is. And he wanted to be a big man... At this rate, he might not earn being big again."

His ears pressed back against his head at that, his voice shaky as his cock still throbbed and spurted, but he looked at the bear. "N-no! I'll do better. It just felt so good, and Meesha's so cute I just-"

Calysta held him up in her hands, and now he realized he was getting smaller, barely toddler sized, making her huge by comparison. "Shush, now, it's okay little cub. Don't apologize to me. Apologize to her. How are you going to make it up to her with all that mess in her fur?" She spun him around, showing him the cum sticking to Meesha's brown fur and dripping over the lighter diamond around her breasts. "You know, I think like any pet, the best way to make sure you learn is to rub your nose in it." His eyes went wide as he was suddenly thrust face first between Meesha's breasts, even her more meager mounds larger than his head in his shrunken state.

Meesha giggled as he was placed there, her arms quickly wrapping around him and squeezing him tight as she held him in place, his own cum beginning to smear against his face. "Ah, it's true. You left quite a mess, it's only fair you show me how much you loved by chest by licking it clean. You've wanted to run your tongue over me for so long, haven't you? Well, now's your chance!" Dingy managed to get a hand up to his face, starting to wipe away the mess, when he heard a tut from Meesha, looking up to see those sharp teeth and that maw above him, her eyes stern, but with a hint of play glinting within them. "No, Dingy, you don't get to clean up until I'm mess free. And you better tell me how much you love my body while you do. It's not like you haven't stared at it enough." She smiled warmly, still holding him tight to let him get to work.

He stuck out his tongue, tentatively licking at the mess he'd left through her fur. Like most men, he'd tried his cum once or twice, and he'd never been too much a fan of the taste. The salty musk of it was bitter on his tongue, but he powered through, licking along where drops had rolled down her breasts, catching the escaping pearls and lapping them up. He lavished her nipples with attention, their coloration much more subtle, but their excitement plain to see, before he looked up at her with sincere eyes. "You have some of the most perfect breasts I've ever seen, Meesha. Perfect to play with, firm and bouncy, and as lively as you are."

She blushed a little as he said that, helping him get to the stickier parts of her fur and clean her up, while Calysta watched with a detached smile. "Don't say anything you might regret, little man. I'm the one with the ray, after all." He winced a little at that, but finished up his task to clean Meesha up, realizing by the time he was done that he was now about the same size as his cock had been when it had made the mess.

Meesha held him between her breasts, giggling as she squished them around him, massaging him with those orbs on her chest he'd just complimented, before Calysta picked him up, holding him in one hand at this point. "You said such nice things about her, but what about me? Are you telling me these beauties aren't worth anything to you?" She then dropped him between her breasts, completely surrounding him in a sea of fur and flesh as she squeezed them right around him.

He was lost in the turmoil of her massaging, his entire body being molded to by her mammaries and encasing him in motherly mounds. He wriggled within them, pushing his way up to the top and cresting in her cleavage with a gasp, finally finding air. He looked up at her and had to be honest. "I didn't even know boobs could get this big naturally. You are a goddess of fertility, and had I not just met you today, I'd probably have dreamed about these for days on end after only a glimpse."

She smiled down at him, picking him up between her fingers. "Good save." In her other hand she held the ray, blasting him with it, the full body tingle hitting immediately. He closed his eyes from the brightness of the energy, not sure what to expect when he opened them. However, when he did, he was disappointed: he was about two inches tall, maybe a little bigger than the bear's thumb.

"I thought you were going to grow me back to big!" He said, looking at her from where he dangled from the scruff of his neck between her painted crimson nails.

She huffed, looking at Meesha, whose saber teeth he was now smaller than. "Can you believe this? So ungrateful. I should've let him shrink away to nothing instead of stopping it." She then dropped him, his heart flying into his chest as he rushed past her body and plummet towards the floor.

However, at this size, it wasn't that rough a landing, as he hadn't gone that far at all and landed on a cushion, sinking into it a little as he gazed up at the nude ladies towering over him. It was a worm's eye view, but a beautiful one, every detail of their glistening maidenheads in full display, with their eyes watching from above their bountiful breasts. He saw Calysta raise a paw, her pussy on full display, the soft pink flesh within it visible for a moment... and then the paw pads centered over him, her pink-tipped foot descending rapidly.

He tried to scramble off of his back and out of the way, but was winded from the landing, and ended up pressed into the pillow beneath her puffy paw pads, her toes spread just enough to let his head be free as he looked up her body at her. "If you want to make up for being so ungrateful, you'll have to start from the bottom. Kiss the foot, treat me like a queen, and perhaps I'll show my grace upon you."

Trapped between a foot and a soft place, there was but one thing for Dingy to do, and he did so with aplomb. He lavished the soft paw pads with attention, hugging Calysta's toes and kissing and licking along the furless pads. They were a dark black like her nose, though they slowly began to glisten as he kissed and lavished them with attention. As tiny as he was, he couldn't imagine getting closer to these paws, and gripped like a toe ring to her as he did his work.

Calysta purred dominantly, swapping feet nonchalantly as she spoke with Meesha. "Your friend certainly does know his place. Most I know would at least pay lip service to a complaint at being stepped on like this."

Meesha grinned, sticking out her tongue playfully as her dark furred feet slid over Dingy, revealing her pink paw pads to him to work his magic on. "Oh, he can be hopeless, but he's earnest and a lot of fun. Really, I thought about playing with him a few times, but at this size... Well, I can't imagine a better toy."

Calysta stepped forward, her matronly form looming slightly over Meesha, her eyes half-lidded and oh so close. "A toy you say? Did you have something in mind?"

Meesha grinned, her hand caressing Calysta's cheek before pulling her dear friend into a passionate kiss, pressing down on Dingy and squeezing his microscopic cock between her toes. While her tongue danced with the bear's, the dingo was rubbed, stepped on, and given a footjob unlike anything he could imagine, bringing him to full attention and need even as he struggled to keep himself safe down there. Finally the kiss broke, a string of saliva connecting the lovely ladies for a moment before Meesha growled lustily. "I do, in fact. Come to my bed?" Meesha's toes grabbed Dingy around his waist, and with a flick like one picking up underwear off the floor, he was sent flying up to hand height and caught deftly in Meesha's hand.

Calysta simply offered her own hand, letting herself be led to the bedroom, the large bed well made, with low lamp light setting a romantic mood. The sabertooth lay down on her bed, taking the mini man in her hand and gently pressing him against her maidenhead before giving him a gentle stroke along his back. "Do what you please, little guy. I believe you know how to worship a goddess when you see it, right?"

Dingy was swamped by the scent he was pressed against, her arousal clinging to his fur and the heat between her legs incredibly inviting. She was opening like a flower, her petals spreading to reveal the delicate pink within, with a pleasure button pressing forward begging to be played with. He was about as tall as her slit, seeing it more intimately than any man could have expected, and he began caressing her outer lips, slowly diving inward while moving up to kiss her clit. He heard her moan softly, panting with excitement, and prided himself for what he'd given her with just a few gentle touches.

At least, he did until the shadow passed over him. Nuzzling her clit, it took him a few seconds to realize it was dark, and by the time he turned to see why, it was already bearing down upon him. The delicate pink fur that ran from Calysta's neck fluff to beneath her tail met with the light beige of Meesha's undercarriage, their delicate flowers pressing together in a rapturous moment of feminine unity. Both their sets of lower lips almost immediately were glistening in the arousal of the other, sensitive skin rubbing together and soft petals meshing in bliss. And between them, swamped and squished and flooded with musk and arousal, Dingy found himself pressed between the beautiful ladies, his muzzle pressed between both their clits as his limbs flailed and struggled for purchase.

The women were passionate kissers at their other end as well, their lower lips locking just as lovingly as their upper pair had out in the other room. And with the pools of arousal lubricating everything, Dingy couldn't keep his footing, finding himself slipping into one set of lips or being pulled at by the other. The women's moans rang through the room, the rippling of their bodies as they impacted together creating a beautiful tableau of feminine love. But Dingy didn't get to see this, or hardly hear it, between the wet sounds of their pussies pressed together and sliding against each other and the muffling that occurred as he slid into one or the other.

The world tilted around him as Meesha got into a more dominant position, locking her legs and grinding down towards Calysta, but all Dingy could tell was that he was being bounced on, his head disappearing into the warm depths of the sabertooth before she pulled back, giving him some room to breathe and fill his lungs with her pure arousal. His cock throbbed between his legs, and as he tried to steady himself, lubricated as he was, he slipped, his lower half practically being consumed by Calysta's moist cavern.

With his lower half being clutched around by a moaning matron and his upper half being used as a Dingy dildo, he realized he only had two options. Keep fighting, or enjoy the ride. Both had chances of him getting crushed, or dying in a way every man dreamed, crushed between two delectable peaches, but at least with one of them, he'd get off too. He braced himself as he could, trying to guide himself to glide into their tunnels and tease their most sensitive spots as their clits clashed, the music of their moans crescendoing around him. He lapped at Meesha's walls as she enveloped him, licking whatever looked the most sensitive at the moment, while his legs squirmed within Calysta, his hips thrusting and his cock grinding against her clit every chance he got, or sinking into one of the natural ridges within her. As Meesha sped up, he could hardly catch his breath, holding on for dear life as he was scrubbed by her tight tunnel, trying to match his thrusts with hers.

Finally he was fully covered, trapped between the two of them and flooded from both sides as they came in unison, Meesha's lust splashing down over his top while Calysta's bubbled up under him and gushed upward. Their combined taste was heavenly, the heat overwhelming, and he let out a moan lost in the mounds as he came as well, his shrunken output immediately lost in the deluge. His lungs burned, his body aching for air, but squirm as he might, he couldn't break the seal between the beauties, drowning in their afterglow.

Just as he thought this might be how he met his maker, though, Meesha pulled herself upwards, releasing the seal around him as her lube splashed over Calysta's pussy and thighs, rolling onto the bed. Dingy gasped for air, his panicked panting joining the girls as they tried to recover from their orgasms. As he pulled himself free of Calysta's cunny, she purred and moaned, her hands coming to play with him gently. "Ah, I think he's earned being something a little bigger. That was..." She trailed off, still lost in the sensations.

Meesha grinned, kissing her on the cheek, before looking down between her legs at the tiny dingo standing shakily on her mound. "Well, that may be true, but not when he's so messy... It'll be much worse to clean up when he's bigger." Her hand went around him, bringing him up to her mouth, where her massive teeth outdid his size, before it opened, a yawning maw and squirming tongue opening before him. He closed his eyes, hoping it would be gentle, or at least swift, as she popped him in her mouth and began to give him a tongue bath.

She sucked and swirled around his body, the powerful muscles of her tongue and cheeks pulling him every which way and getting all of the lube clinging to his fur off of him. He was at her mercy, breathing her breath and feeling her powerful tongue twirling around him, before her mouth opened. He expected to be let free, but instead found himself once more falling into another warm maw, the smaller teeth no more comforting to be around as lips locked and the ladies let their tongues do the talking, teasing him with every motion. Swapped between the two a few times, he heard their moans between the visceral sloshing of saliva mixing and the tapping of teeth in the passionate embrace. But, when all was said and done, he was neither chewed up nor swallowed, simply presented into Calysta's hand on a silver tongue.

Calysta's heavy chest was heaving with excitement, and she looked down at him with a purr and a chuckle. "I'm sure you're done being so small, right? Even if it was a lot of fun."

Dingy nodded, smiling a little raggedly after how he'd been treated. "Y-yeah. As interesting as that experiment was, I need a little bit of a rest at my own size."

She sighed, then reached for the bedside table, getting the ray gun and pointing it at him. "Well, we'll give you a nice soft place to rest and relax as you reset. And you get big again, who knows? Maybe we can have some more... traditional fun, hmm?" She winked, then hit him with the ray, just a momentary blast of bright light and a now familiar tingle running through him. He didn't feel any different, at first, but it didn't take long to notice he was getting ever so slightly taller by the second.

Calysta held him to her breast, then motioned for a hug that Meesha gladly gave, all three of them falling into a post-coital nap as the process did its thing. And Dingy, in the softest and most intimate pillow, surrounded by their breasts, found himself dreaming of possibly doing this all again... after some more normal fun, of course.

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