Scouting New Territories: Part 1

Story by GetNuki on SoFurry

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#1 of Scouting New Territories

After the Digital World endured numerous disasters caused by evil digimons and humans alike, the inhabitants started to finally enjoy peace and prosperity. The digimons who once fought evil for so many years now help peacekeeping.

This is the story of Gabumon, without Matt, he now carry on with life scouting territories, opening and marking trails between villages so digimons can travel in safety. But things get more interesting when Veemon joins him on his first scout. New emotions flourish as they trek on new territories, and unearthed secrets.

It had been a long time since the last commotion in the Digital World. Digimon villages, once destroyed, now vibrate with colors and joy. Since Daisuke, Yoli, Iori, TK, Kari and Ken left through the digital gate for the last time, inspired digimons carried on their example and kept rebuilding and spreading love.

Even with all this sense of security, squads composed of battle-experienced digimons never ceased to patrol their lands to ensure that such disaster never happen again, or at least, catch any invaders by surprise.

Gabumon is a regular on such patrols, and he is busy packing his provisions, cooking gear and a tent in a hiker backpack, gift from Yamato. He is super excited for this day and had been looking forward to it for a long time: the scouting mission around the green forest is one of the longest missions amongst all possible missions in his area, but has an astonishing scenery. The whole mission would last around a week, but the scenery and the camping wasn't the only thing that Gabumon is looking forward to.

Veemon is running behind schedule and, as he jumble provisions into his own backpack, Gabumon would arrive at his doorstep anytime soon to take him for the first time to the green forest mission. Although experienced in battles, Veemon still has a young nature, full of curiosity, very stubborn and sometimes lacked common sense, like forgetting to pack a can opener, even when bringing only canned food.

Someone knocks the door.

"Gabumon! Come on in! Don't mind the mess!" said Veemon

"Hey Vee," replied Gabumon, giggling at the whole mess that was Veemon burrow. "Go easy on packing; we are not going out of the digital world or something like that."

"I was just trying to reach the map on this shelf," said Veemon while balancing on a tiny stool trying to reach a rolled piece of paper.

Gabumon was always quiet, but appreciates good company, like all his friends that fought on his side during the crisis. But Veemon managed to stand out amongst them. Gabumon never understood why, but he knew that Veemon was something more than a friend. Perhaps all the joviality and energy coming from this blue buddy is the reason.

"All set! Ready to go!" shout Veemon, almost exploding in anticipation!

Both then took the path leading outside their village; it is a busy day and lots of digimons are running around minding their business, selling goods or just hanging out. Later, they reach the peak of the valley that marks the boundary of the village, now they just need to go east for the next eight days, possibly not seeing another digimon for the entire time.

One of their goals, aside from scouting for security reasons, is to mark checkpoints along the path to make it a safe route between their village and the nearest town. In front of them, an ocean of green treetops are stirring in the breeze. They set course and disappeared into the maze of trees in this gorgeous conifer forest.

* * *

The sun is almost down and both of them agreed to speed up the pace to reach their first checkpoint quicker, so they can take their time to observe the landscape the next day.

"Look, there is a clearing ahead right next to that ravine; we can set our camp there for tonight," said Gabumon.

"Awesome! The view in the next morning will be amazing!"

"Sure it will, but for now, the only thing that matters is if you brought that delicious canned premium sausages--I'm starving!"

In no time, a campfire is lit and thick sausages are grilling, thanks to Gabumon's can opener. It's 10PM when they finished their meal, then they proceed to set up their tents.

"Okay Vee, you can set up yours next to that pine tree, since the ground is flat. I don't mind sleeping in this spot, but the roots might make your night a little bumpy."

"Oh thanks Gabu," said Veemon while unrolling his tent gears but then coming to a complete freeze "Errr... Gabumon..."

"What is that?"

"I forgot to pack my tent rods," said Veemon, full of shame. "I'm such an idiot! Holy crap!"

Gabumon burst in laughter: "Relax Vee, we can both fit in my tent; there is room for both of us here. C'mon! Help me drag your stuff inside."

Gabumon is secretly happy to share his tent. He miss the times when he could sleep next to Yamato, it's been a long time since the last time, and he felt lonely since then. Sharing this tent with Veemon kind of made this whole mission worthwhile already.

With two pairs of paws, they set up the tent in no time, and with the wind blowing from the north, it starts bringing the temperature down quickly. One hour later, the weather is now very chilly. It is the perfect time to hop inside their tent and settle in for a good night of sleep.

Gabumon then throw dirt over the fire while Veemon headed in. Inside, the tent was warm they don't need to sleep inside their sleeping bags.

Time has passed and both are still awake staring the tent ceiling. The light wind outside is making the leaves to shake gently. Veemon turned on his side towards Gabumon: "Gabumon... I don't have a better way to say this, but I'm very happy to stay with you in this mission."

"Oh Vee, you know that I picked you specially because you were craving to come here."

"Yes! And I'm thankful," said Veemon with enthusiasm, "but I also wanted to spend some time alone with you; I always admired you...and you've always been really nice to me. I-I really like you."

Gabumon blushed: "Whoa, thanks I... I have to admit you've always been special to me too; I like having you around."

"I hope it's not just to keep me out of trouble!" Veemon giggled.

"Of course not! Well, not only that," Gabumon winked, and they both laughed.

Gabumon couldn't stop admiring that little blue dragon, but he don't know for sure why he liked him so much. Something on the back of his mind is telling him things he don't understand entirely, like having butterflies in his stomach. Maybe it was his friendship? Or more than that? Like a little brother? No... it's not like a brother, it has the same intensity, but different.

"Sorry Gabu, I didn't mean to make things weird I just wanted to say that you are my best friend, and I trust you with my life."

"Oh my Vee," Gabumon blushed, "I didn't know you liked me that much... We could have done more things together."

"Well, I hope we can do more stuff together from now on! Camping here with you, it's like a dream that come to reality. You are intelligent and always helped me. I hope I can repay you for how good you make me feel."

Gabumon was very confused. He wasn't expecting this situation and is unsure on where this conversation is going. Since he always fought and scouted, he never stop to think about the simple things of the life, like have a best friend, even much about being a friend, which make things even funnier.

"Wow, temperature is really dropping here," said Veemon while rubbing his hands over his arms. "Do you think it's going to get colder through the night?"

"Oh... I... yes, I think so, especially when we fall asleep," Gabumon thought a little bit "If you are feeling cold, you can pull your sleeping bag closer and we can sleep together. I have my coat, which makes me the official heater here."

Gabumon have a blanket, inside his backpack, but for some reason he decided to omit that. Veemon blushed a little as he pushed his sleeping bag close to Gabumon, then he lied down and turned his back to Gabumon, who pulled him closer and hugged him. Veemon could feel the warmth of his friend as they spooned.

Gabumon could feel his blue buddy shiver and, in order to warm up him faster, he also put one of his legs over Veemon's legs, embracing him even more. Veemon's skin is very smooth, a little like rubber, but with a heat and tenderness all its own. It is blue, smooth and beautiful.

* * *

Veemon is feeling butterflies in his stomach. He know he is naive, young and inexperienced, but he knows for sure that he likes Gabumon. More then a friend, Veemon wants to be everything to him, to give himself entirely to him. Veemon always saw Gabumon as a humble and lonely digimon; Veemon had never seen him in a relationship and wanted to show him just how much fun having a boyfriend could be. Veemon is determined that tonight he would please Gabumon, give pleasure at the same level Veemon admired him.

Still wrapped and cuddled in Gabumon arms, Veemon slowly moved his paw over the Gabumon's strong and thick thigh. Shyly, Veemon start fondle his thigh and paying close attention to any Gabumon reaction, being very careful to avoid crossing the line, at least not too quickly.

Gabumon did not retreat or show any negative reaction to this move. He is silent. Was Gabumon waiting for my next move? thought Veemon.

Veemon decided to dare just a little bit and moved his paws upper his friend's thigh. Centimeter by centimeter, Veemon was approaching Gabumon's crotch. The closer he get, the warmer it gets, the more Veemon felt the crazy urge to go faster and grab everything, but he had to keep it slow to avoid a rejection. After a little while, Veemon slowly dragged his paw towards Gabumon's crotch, but..

"Veemon..." said Gabumon, embarrassed but very assertive. "I'm not sure you realize what you're about to do."

Veemon felt like his chest went freezing-cold, his heart was pounding. He closed his eyes shut to look for an answer. It isn't a rejection, but it also not a question, that is clear. Veemon calmly seat up beside his friend and said: "I've wanted to do that for a long, long time. And you are the only digimon I would want to do it with."

Gabumon kept staring at Veemon for a few seconds in silence, which for Veemon felt like years. Gabumon finally said: "Veemon, come closer..."

Carefully, Veemon lied back and nuzzled his blue head next to Gabumon's, which then turned and whispered in his ears: "I'm glad that my first time will be with you."

At this moment, Veemon couldn't understand the level of excitement he was experiencing. His mind is exploding, his body is being flooded with heat waves, his heart rushes. Veemon is going to discover his ultimate curiosity and it was going to be with the digimon he most admired! Veemon automatically moved his head to kiss Gabumon, but he felt Gabumon's hand in the back of his head pulling against him, next thing he could notice, he is bound to Gabumon, in a long, wet and lovely french kiss that lasted forever!

"Gabumon, stand still," said Veemon breaking the kiss "I want to give you the biggest pleasure you ever felt in your life!"

Without hesitation, Veemon start kissing and licking Gabumon's neck, slowly moving down to his nipples, chest, belly. Gabumon look like a chubby digimon, but he is actually strong and stocky, his arms are well defined, his belly smooth and soft in contrast with his incredibly strong legs.

Veemon could not understand all the feelings rushing through his body. He is lost in Gabumon's gorgeously built body until he accidentally bumps his elbow on something very stiff.

Veemon kneel between Gabumon's legs, shy about staring at it until the last moment, but he finally could take a perfect look on what he was craving, and he was shocked. Gabumon's cock, proudly measuring 7 or 8 inches and the same yellowish color as his skin, with a soft foreskin covering most of the head. It looked a little looser than Vee's, silently tempting him to roll it back. Gabumon's dick was slightly thicker and longer than his own, but not by much. His balls hung a little lower too, that same lovely yellow color.

Veemon couldn't resist any longer and grabbed that gorgeous cock. His hand could not close around the thickness of Gabumon's member, and, wasting no time, pulled the skin down very gently. Gabumon's cock head is red, rounded, beautiful and shining a lot as it was totally wet with precum. The smell was very pleasant, a delicate masculine musk; Gabumon certainly knows how to take a good care of his member.

Grinning with ecstasy, Veemon wraps his dragon month around Gabumon's member, drawing soft moans from him. Veemon's month soon got flooded with a lightly salty precum, it tasted delicious, Veemon start swallowing deeper and deeper his friend's cock.

Gabumon was arching once in a while, instinctively humping upwards to make his cock penetrate deeper inside Veemon's mouth. Gabumon was moaning at every lick and suck, very focus on his friend's efforts. Judging by the slight grit of his teeth, Gabumon don't want to cum, not yet. Veemon pulls his friend's member from his muzzle, drooling a little afterwards, then lying down over Gabumon's body. Face to face, cock to spit-slick cock, he said in a shameless voice: "Gabumon, I want you to fuck me."

Gabumon was looking deep into his eyes, Veemon saw he was looking at him differently, not like a friend, but more like prey. He knows that Gabumon wants him, want to mount him, want to do everything to him. As if in response, Gabumon smirks and grab Veemon firmly on his shoulders, rolling over him. Veemon is now trapped below Gabumon, between his firm, muscular legs.

"I asked you before if you realize what you're about to do,...and what you're doing to me," said Gabumon with dominant voice, "because I'm going to fuck you hard all night now!"

With a cocky smile that turned Veemon on even more, Gabumon stood up and moved his hips toward Veemon's head, brushing his huge cock along the side of Veemon's muzzle.

"Starting with this cute muzzle... Say 'ah'."

Hypnotized, Veemon obeyed his command and immediately feeling that huge slick Gabumon cock sliding down into his mouth again. With his mouth completely full, Veemon moved his paws around Gabumon's hips and rump, he wants to feel every muscle of this delicious digimon moving to fuck his muzzle, and he wasn't disappointed: Gabumon soon start to moving up and down. Veemon pressed his fingers firmly on Gabumon's rump, helping pulling him down.

Gabumon is now fucking his muzzle faster, and his heavy rounded balls are slapping his chin as he reach deep into Veemon's throat. It felt like seconds, but several minutes have past while Gabumon pleased himself with that young blue dragon muzzle, until he finally pulled it out.

Veemon choked a little bit but he love it. He can see again, covered in his fresh saliva, how big, red and gorgeous Gabumon member was--a true dominant, his alpha male.

Without a word, Gabumon stood up, leaving Veemon lying down, then he grab firmly Veemon's heels and spreading his legs apart. The view was very intimidating, and Veemon was loving every second, with his mind ablaze with anticipation. Gabumon then pulls Veemon upwards, making his body stay upside down, except for his neck and head, still lying down comfortably in the pillow. Gabumon opened his powerful jaws and stick his big and wet tongue inside Veemon's butthole. That was totally unexpected for Veemon, who moaned very loudly. Veemon would never have imagined such feeling, swept up in the pleasure and at the same time completely submissive to Gabumon.

Gabumon worked Veemon's hole for a while, sticking his thick finger together to spread his tight virgin ass a little more, Gabumon knew that without working his hole first, his member would hurt Veemon.

Veemon in the other hand is completely lost in lust, his cock stiff and hot against his stomach. He couldn't stand how good Gabumon's rimjob felt and finally screamed: "Gabumon! Fuck me now!"

"Mmmm, if you insist," teased Gabumon with a smirk, wiping his lips.

Gabumon stayed standing, but bent his knees a little bit to position his member right in front of Veemon's tailhole. Veemon can feel precum dripping all over his tail as he felt a big, hot and slick presence touching his virgin ass. Gabumon isn't paying attention to Veemon anymore; he was totally focused on putting his huge cock inside a such little dragon. Veemon have a clear view of his ass lifted in the air, and Gabumon's hard cock in position.

"You have no idea how much I want to fuck this tight little hole," said Gabumon softly without breaking eye contact with his ass, already pressing lightly against his entrance.

Biting his lower lip, Veemon tried to relax. Though his heart raced at the idea of being fucked for the first time, he knew he had to loosen up a little if Gabumon was going to sink that thick member into him.

Gabumon start giving light humps against his tailhole to slowly make Veemon's body used to this invasion. Warm saliva and the slick precum drooling from Gabumon's cock was helping a lot, and as a bonus, making a wet noises with every movement. Slowly, Gabumon continued to hump further and further, making the head of his cock penetrate without pain, but Gabumon kept removing it to stick it again on every hump.

Veemon is enjoying every little feeling, even if he is a bit scared, but he trusted Gabumon that, although he was clearly in control, Gabumon would be very gentle to not hurt him. Lost in his thoughts, Veemon start feeling an unfamiliar sensation: Gabumon finally stop humping as he managed to put the head of his cock inside Veemon entirely. With the whole length of Gabumon's cock smeared in precum, Veemon knew that this is the line, and Gabumon was about to cross, and bury his cock deep inside Veemon.

The shape of Gabumon's cock makes it hard to thrust the first time, the thickest part is right below the head, but it get slightly thinner as it gets to the base. Gabumon waited a little to let Veemon get used to his cock head, then slowly continue pressing his cock against him, burying the thickest part through Veemon's super-tight hole.

Veemon felt he was being ripped apart, the sharp pain of Gabumon's cock is almost unbearable for him. But he was determined to endure it for the sake of Gabumon's pleasure: it was his gift, Veemon wanted to please him without interruptions. Slowly, the thickest part of Gabumon's cock found its way inside the warm and tight Veemon's body. Veemon can feel Gabumon filling him more and more as Gabumon drives his cock inside him. Finally, the thickest part made it through, and Veemon felt a relief in his pain, but at the same time, fell almost half of Gabumon remaining cock quickly sliding inside him with ease.

The next thing Veemon can fell is Gabumon's body pressing against his rump; the sense of accomplishment flood Veemon as he knows that Gabumon was at last fully inside him. Gabumon left a long and pleased moan.

Gabumon start slowly humping his ass, drawing moans from Veemon. Gabumon grunted with pleasure at every deep hump, as he kept increasing his pace more and more.

Gabumon tightened his grip and kneeled down to help his thrusts and start pounding Veemon's ass vigorously. Gabumon is finally fucking Veemon really hard, tearing loud moans from him. Every thrust shook Veemon while Gabumon's huge balls hanging below slapped the smaller digimon's ass. Gabumon was a sex machine, he is loving it, he is also moaning with his eyes shut and his tongue hanging out of his mouth. He continued pounding Veemon for long, lovely minutes, without stopping, shoving his wet cock down Veemon's tailhole without mercy.

Veemon could not resist such a wonderful mix of pleasures: Gabumon's member filling him and watching the pleasure that Gabumon was having. He is the happiest digimon in the world. Veemon fell a chill going up his spine and a feeling like he never felt, the world went silent and he ejaculated huge spurts of cum, grunting aloud while showering himself with his own cum.

* * *

Gabumon hadn't finish yet, he is still pounding his friend's ass hard, nothing else matters, only bury his cock deep inside Veemon. Gabumon start feeling something tingling inside him, he feels growing chills all over his body, he start moaning even louder, he felt that his cock has even harder and bigger as Veemon was moaning and shouting out of control, lost in pleasure. An incredible sensation flooded Gabumon's body, it was a slow but growing sensation that seemed to soar without limits. The feeling is just making Gabumon pound even harder using all the strength of his hips. He knew he was getting there, but different than jerking off: this was a million times bigger. When Gabumon finally start feeling it was the time to blow, he grabs Veemon and lift him and drew him into a tight bear hug and bury his cock as deep as possible inside Veemon. With a loud growl Gabumon blow his load deep inside Veemon, squeezing him in a firm hug while pumping loads and loads of cum inside him.

Gabumon kept Veemon in this position for a while, pumping his continuous flow thick and hot cum in him. Then, Gabumon stops to catch his breath, he is all sweat, as well as Veemon.

Gently, Gabumon kisses Veemon with a lot empathy while carefully pulling his half-hard cock out Veemon, a small flow of cum escaped through his tailhole as Gabumon's cock popped out. They both feel on the ground, completely tired but satisfied.

"Whew! That was intense," said Veemon still catching his breath.

"You're telling me; that was incredible!"

"Gabumon... do you think this could be the beginning of something?"

"I don't know, Vee. We'll just have to see. Perhaps the destiny holds something beautiful ahead for us."

"I'm excited to find out!" said Veemon happily.

Both then clean their bodies with wet towels, and, afterward, they lie down again spooning. They stayed quiet for a while, when Gabumon broke the silence:

"Hey Veemon? Did you really forget your tent rods?"

"No," answered Veemon with an impressive causality.

Sneaky little devil! thought Gabumon; smiling, both sleep together for the rest of the night.

* * *

Outside the tent, in the shadows, BanchoLeomon observed as the tent finally went silent. He straightened the twig he like to keep in his mouth while muttering something inaudible, walking away back to the shadows of the forest.