A Short Break (Zeta and Selban)

Story by Prince Zariel on SoFurry

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This is my first time writing something like this so hopefully y'all enjoy it ^w^

The character of Zeta belongs to my friend Rijeka while Selban is mine.

Zeta should have never brought alcohol into the house. The process of procuring the illicit drink was tedious enough and the week spent dealing with shady middlemen gave him quite the migraine. Selban, on the other hand, seemed all for it. The wayward prince reveled in his role as the young seductor, luring in those touch-starved men and women with promises of fulfilling their lascivious desires. Who wouldn't leap at the opportunity to ravage a prince? Unfortunately, that lust of theirs only sealed their fate of becoming Selban's impressionable drones. As the dragon told Zeta several times, his abilities were just too good not to use.

Now the prince spent his nights stumbling around their quaint abode with a devious smirk on his face. While Zeta worked, he felt those lecherous eyes boring into his back. They made his fur stand on end. Every so often, a bubbly giggle could be heard from the other side of the room, breaking the bird's concentration. No doubt Selban was living out a multitude of lewd scenarios in his head. He probably got off on the fact that he had The Spectator all to himself. Arrogant bastard.

He also liked to "sneak" up on his falcon friend, but the drunkenness made his footwork sloppy. Zeta could hear him coming from a mile away but, even with this knowledge, still allowed the slender dragon to get the jump on him. Feeling victorious in his efforts, Selban would wrap his arms around this new prize, letting his head rest against the falcon's shoulder as his thick tail swung behind him.

"Zeta~" he would coo, adding a playful tinge to his deep voice, "You deserve a break." The prince would trace a finger along the bird's collarbone, his hot breath rubbing against Zeta's cheek. "Why don't you come to bed with me instead?"

For some reason, this forced a smile out of the reclusive falcon but Zeta would sooner die than let Selban see that. The perverted prince would probably see it as a good enough reason to sweep him off of his feet and carry him to their bed right then and there. Once he noticed his smile growing inadvertently at this thought, Zeta would shake his head feverishly and tell the dragon that his breath reeked. This only resulted in more giggling fits and the added bonus of wet kisses planted along the bird's neck.

Unfortunately, this is where the fun had to end. Zeta was a busy man and couldn't spend his time... fornicating with the prince of Kirid. (Despite how enticing that sounded). Inevitably, he'd have to push the dragon away. And, to Selban's credit, he'd take the hint and wander off to someplace else in the house. When Zeta fantasized about what his prince could be doing during these times, that familiar tightening in his pants returned. But for now, all he could do was sigh and return to the documents spread across his desk. Thus was their usual routine.

Until Zeta gave in.

The night began like normal. Zeta was at his workstation downstairs, pouring over some particular spicy files on the Kiridian royal family as Selban watched him from a distance, drunkenly giggling to himself. The prince placed the bottle down and made his way over to the falcon, enveloping him in a hug,

"You should really take a break," Selban started, "you've been working for a few hours straight, cutie~" The dragon nuzzled his head against Zeta's soft feathers, which caused the bird to tense up. Though, through Selban's purrs, he allowed himself to relax and melt into the embrace. The prince's warmth was contagious. Zeta could feel it emanating off his scales like a protective aura. He had spent his life hiding and playing the role of an unbiased observer but somehow, it was in this dragon's arms that he felt completely safe. Whenever Selban touched him, his heart fluttered. The Spectator nuzzled back, which caught the prince off guard.

"A small break couldn't hurt I guess," Zeta said with a smile. Selban hardly let him finish his sentence. As quick as a flash, the two were off to the falcon's bed. Making quick work of the ladders needed to reach the kitchen and bedroom, both were giddy at the thought of how this night was going to change for the better.

The carpeted floors provided the perfect runway to their destination: a queen-sized bed fitted with only the most comfortable sheets the duo could find. Fluffy pillows were plentiful, as they nearly cascaded off the sides of the bed in their exuberance. The roof acted as a skylight, open to the deep and mesmerizing galaxy of stars protecting them from above. The tree's strong branches filtered the silver moonlight to create a kaleidoscope of brilliance. It was perfect.

Selban pushed Zeta onto the bed and climbed on top of him. His tail swooshed behind him, but it was slower now, calculating. As if he were a hunter stalking his prey. The falcon's small frame only stoked these fantasies. Selban bent down and kissed Zeta, forcing his tongue into the bird's mouth. And after a little bit of wrestling, he pulled away, leaving a trail of saliva connecting the two of them.

"You're tense," Selban noted, looking over the bijou falcon's body. "You should let me take care of you." He could hardly get the words out before going in for another kiss. This time, he let himself revel in this feeling. Zeta's mouth tasted... minty? Had he been preparing for this? The thought didn't last long in his mind as it was buried between the mountain of fantasies flying through his brain. What was he going to do with this bird now that he captured him? When he pulled away, Zeta's heavy breathing was music to his ears.

"You mean?" the falcon questioned, a little hesitant about his partner's assertion. He, more than anyone, knew that Selban had a hard time taking no for an answer. Despite his reservations about not being in complete control of his body, Zeta couldn't deny the possibilities Selban's abilities would bring. When the dragon nodded, a curt sigh escaped his lips.

"Okay, but no forcing me to do things. Just... enhance it." Selban's grin widened.

"Deal. Look here then."

Zeta obliged and turned his gaze towards the dragon. Staring back at him were those warm blue eyes he had grown to love. But, at first, nothing happened. The silence between them was unbearable. Zeta wanted Selban to do anything to break it. Even if that included making love to him... especially if it included making love to him.

However, he wouldn't have to wait long because the prince's eyes began to glow. Zeta could feel Selban's presence inside of him, poking around to figure out the best way to do his task. The falcon thought that he could see sparks flying out of the dragon's eyes. They felt warm and cozy like the comforting fireplace he enjoyed sleeping next to as a kid. Looking into them put him at ease; he could feel his muscles relaxing as all the pain and stress from his job washed over him. This is when he became keenly aware of the tent forming inside his pants. His entire body felt like one itch that needed to be scratched. It was an inextinguishable lust that needed to be quenched. And Selban was the only one qualified for the job. The prince giggled at the bird's lusty expression.

"How do you feel?" he asked, basking in his handiwork. Zeta responded by bringing the dragon in for another kiss. This one was more forceful than the others, which Selban enjoyed. He liked it when Zeta got rough.

"Fuck me now," the needy bird demanded.

"Heh, what's the rush, my love." Selban chuckled and slowly rubbed his hand against Zeta's neck. The bird's body quivered and a small moan could be heard coming from him. This sudden overdose of pleasure was too much for him. It felt like his entire being was about to explode if Selban didn't please him. Simply stroking his neck feathers pushed him towards the edge, which was made clear by how hard his cock was pressing against his pants. The poor thing was begging to be freed. The least Selban could do was grant that wish, but before he did, he had one last message for the falcon.

"You made me wait for so long, you know? Now we're going to go at my pace."

The sly smile on the dragon's face was growing by the second and the sight of it only pissed Zeta off more. The bird was turning red with embarrassment as his entire body oozed longing. To him, this slow pace was not going to cut it.

"I despise you," he spat out in anger. Selban didn't pay this much mind, laughing in response instead.

"It's probably not a great idea to insult the only person who can sate that desire of yours. So needy~ You're such a slut, you know that?"

"I am not- Ah!"

The prince began to massage the tip of Zeta's cock through his pants. As another burst of pleasure shot through him, he found it difficult to talk. All he could muster were choppy breaths tinged with lust and moans he couldn't control. When Selban pulled his finger back, a trail of pre stuck to it.

"Didn't you just beg me to fuck you? Want to try that again?" the dragon asked, staring directly into Zeta's eyes. Zeta stared back, expecting to feel Selban's presence inside him again but there was nothing. Selban didn't need to influence him anymore. The bird was such a bumbling mess that those oppressive eyes were enough. He felt like Selban was pushing him up against a hard brick wall. The dragon's grip was so tight that there was no point in fighting. The only option left was to submit.

"Because I'm in such a gracious mood today, I'll give you another chance. Tell me that you need me. That I'm the only one who is able to please you."

A meek nod came from the bird.

"Selban I-"

The dragon began to stroke Zeta's cock again. But this time he added a little more speed and technique to the equation, using his thumb to rub the bird's tip every time his hand came up. Even though it was over his pants, Zeta had an even harder time getting the words out. Now he had to fight through the pleasure to respond.

"Hmm?" Selban questioned.

"I... mpfh... I need you." His words were rough and as choppy as his breaths. Selban looked away for a second, giggling to himself. When he looked back, the intense stare returned.

"And why?"

"Because you're the only one who can..." Zeta whole being was pleading to Selban. The prince could see how bad he wanted it in his eyes. The bird's back was starting to arch as he was overrun by pleasure. Selban had never seen such a beautiful sight before.

"satisfy me..."

Once he heard those words, Selban stopped jacking Zeta off. His fingers were sticky with pre and a genuine smile replaced the sly look on his face from earlier. He reached up to ruffle the falcon's hair, which resulted in another one of those sweet moans he couldn't get enough of.

"Good boy~ Ready for your treat?"

After a hasty nod and a whimper, Selban got to work undoing the bird's pants and sliding off his underwear. Now the dragon could see the beautiful thing he was playing with this entire time. Zeta's avian penis was ready to burst. The turgid mass was completely slicked down by pre (more than what the pair were used to). Selban could have been nice and let Zeta finish, but that would be too easy, wouldn't it? Instead, he turned his sights to what was below.

The dragon laid on his stomach and shoved his face into the bird's balls. Everything smelled like sex and Selban was loving it. Then, he went even further down, finally arriving at the destination he was looking forward to. This tight hole of his definitely needed some loosening~ The prince let his long tongue lull, so Zeta could see it, before licking at the bird's hole. The moans from above only pushed him further. Soon, the tip of his tongue was inside, then a good chunk of it. He massaged Zeta's insides, making sure to cover every inch of the bird with his tongue. Zeta was essentially whining at this point, too overcome by pleasure to do anything else but moan.

But soon even Selban had enough. He pulled his tongue out and hastily undid his pants, The underwear he was wearing already had a growing wet spot from the pre he was secreting. Once those were off, all Zeta could do was stare at the cock in front of him. A string of drool started to drip down his chin. The bird was in awe.

Selban's proud, dark blue member was standing at attention and bobbing with excitement as each pang of lust fueled his libido. His thick ridges were typical of a dragon, but Zeta knew how heavenly they would feel scraping against his inside walls. That was his favorite part. But who could forget the prince's knot that would tie them together at the end of their consecration? Last time the two were stuck together for an hour cuddling on the comfy bed. Zeta craved the feeling, how it kept him full long after Selban had emptied his royal seed inside of him.

The falcon licked his lips as the dragon steadied his cock outside Zeta's tight hole, randomly pushing against it to give the bird the rush he wanted. But, foreplay and teasing were not going to cut it for the pair. So, before long, Selban let his tongue lull again and drops of saliva fall onto his dick.

"Spit is the best lubricant, isn't it?" Selban asked before pushing himself inside Zeta. The falcon was half expecting a second to answer and squawked out in surprise. He grabbed onto the dragon above him and Selban leaned further down, their chests brushing against each other. Zeta could feel his warm booze-ridden, breath tickling him. Usually, he hated the smell, but at this moment, he felt like he could get drunk off it. His dick twitched in anticipation.

As Selban pushed further and further inside the bird, Zeta was aware of how each ridge dragged itself against him. He could feel how each gave him little bursts of pleasure, culminating in the nirvana that was the fullness he was experiencing. Selban was just... so big. When the dragon pulled out, his hole ached. It was empty without him inside of it. Zeta whimpered and pleaded with his partner to continue. And when Selban rammed his cock back inside, the bird arched his back again in ecstasy, letting out the most primal moan he could offer. He needed his prince.

Soon enough, the dragon settled into a steady rhythm. The sounds of his thighs slamming against Zeta's ass filled the air, only punctured by their mutual moans and squeaking of the bed their tails were rapping against. Selban rested his head over his falcon's shoulder, completely connecting their bodies together. The prince also reached a hand around to help Zeta finish, jacking off his pre-drench cock rapidly.

"Together~" Selban whispered into the trembling bird's ear. Then, the steady pace quickly devolved into a rapid one. At this point, there was no more consideration of keeping this dance going any longer. All the pair could think about was how good it would feel when Selban tied them together for good. And, as soon as he felt like exploding, Selban jammed his knot inside of Zeta. A shot of cum burst out of the bird's cock and landed on the dragon while he unloaded spasm after spasm of royal seed inside his lover.

Selban collapsed onto Zeta, his breathing heavier than usual. The two were so tired that they might have been able to fall asleep right then and there. Instead, Selban peppered his bird with smooches as Zeta lovingly caressed the big dragon's head.

"That was... incredible," Zeta remarked breathlessly.

"Still thinking about going back to work?" Selban joked with a laugh. Zeta shook his head.

"I think the break requires us to sleep together."

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