Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 2

Story by Moonlight Darkwolf on SoFurry

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#8 of series3

An otter named Mylechua roamed Mossflower woods his entire life, only once strolling by Salamadastron. He was dark grey with a lighter grey chest. He wore only a black cloak and a leather belt to hold his sword and knife. Underneath the cloak were a longbow and a quiver of arrows.

This morning, he was camped near a known vermin territory. A lone fox had the misfortune to stray too close to the otter's camp.


The fox's paw got caught in a trap.

Mylechua came out of the shadows. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Ah, a vixen. Good I could use some fun. What's your name?"

"S-Shirana. Let me go p-please, if you do I p-promise I will never go b-back to Redwall. I'll even return the s-silverware." The vixen pleaded hanging upside down by her footpaw. She was a red fox wearing the usual vermin vixen clothing.

"Redwall? What makes you think I'm from Redwall?"

"Y-you're an otter. I-I see your kind there all the t-time."

"Hm. I hate to break it to you like this, but I fight for no one. The Redwall bunch is as much a pain in my ass as you vermin are. So guess what, you now belong to me, and I need some... entertainment." Mylechua said with a wicked smile.

"What are you going to do?"

He said nothing as he bound her paws and cut her down. She struggled as soon as she heard the rope separate.

Mylechua easily over powered her and brought the vixen into his tent where he laid her on a custom table to strap her in. She whimpered when the otter spread her legs apart to be tied. He smiled again; she realized what was in store for her.

"You guessed right. But here's the good part, this is only temporary. What I need you for is to give me an heir. Whether it's forced or given willingly, I will get one from you. Then you can go, never to see or hear from me again. And here's the bad news; you will stay with me until I get that heir. So the quicker you cooperate, the sooner you can go. Oh, and the fun won't start till later today so, hang out until then."

"Melenko will look for me."

"Melenko can look all he wants, that so-called magician ferret will never find you, that is until I let you go."

Mylechua put a gag over the vixen's muzzle so she couldn't scream. The only thought going through her head was of complete horror as Mylechua left the tent.

Meanwhile preparations for a feast were being made at Redwall Abby.

Abbess Feyla and an ottermaid from the infirmary were discussing décor.

"What do you think about roses all around the tables, to mark the 150th year anaversary of the completion of the Abby? Aurora? Aurora, are you paying attention?"

"Hm? Yes I am, sorry Abbes Feyla. Roses would look great."

"Thank you. But I've told you a thousand times, we are best friends, you don't have to call me Abbess."

"Sorry Abb- Feyla."

"Where do you go when you zone out like that?"

"Oh, I don't know. I'm just imagining some handsome stranger out there somewhere waiting for me."

"Are you in heat again?"

"Started yesterday."

Mylechua returned to his tent by midday.

"Now that I've had my lunch, it's time to go to work. You do know why I need this heir, right? You see, I decided this a while ago. And I was just going to resurrect Brockhall, but since you have alerted my attentions to Redwall, I think that will be my future kingdom. Where the heir comes in at is this, I will need someone to pass my legacy down to when I'm old and grey. Thank you so much for...volunteering to make this all true. Oh and by the way, I hate foreplay."

He held her against the table as he pressed himself against her body; his erection pressing against her vixenhood. She gasped as his cock pressed into her, moaned as he went in and shuddered and cried lightly as he penetrated her completely. She couldn't believe this was really happening. Her body was juicing around his cock more and more while her mind cried for it to stop. Mylechua was thrusting so hard that his cock slipped out. He entered her once more as he worked himself in and out. He worked himself as deep into her as possible as she began to orgasm more. "Get ready, I have to cum," he said as he felt himself pulse close to climaxing.

Shirana pleaded in her whimpers for that not to happen. But the cries fell on deaf ears as the otter shot ropes and ropes of thick, hot otter seed into the vixen's fertile womb.

"That was fun. Same time tomorrow, and every day until I'm sure that my child is growing in you."

Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 3

_This chapter is set 48 days after the vixen's conception and then ten seasons after the birth of the otterfox._ Shirana the vixen woke Mylechua Darkblade one morning with the painful screams of her labor. "Perfect. Soon you can go vixen."...

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Redwall: The Darkblade

_The story of Redwall belongs to Brian Jacques. The names and some of the characters are my own._ Morning broke through the halls of Redwall Abby. An old badger mum by the name of Crea sat in an older arm chair reading through long...

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