The Family Fantasy - Prologue (A Draconicon story, posted with permission)

Story by FerretFyre on SoFurry

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#79 of Smut I Commissioned

Alex the dragon has written a whole bunch of his erotic fantasies in his journal, never expecting them to come true... until they finally do. Suffice to say, it's going to be a learning curve. Written by Draconicon, and shared here with his permission.

  • While most of my commissions are written by the absolutely fantastic Jeeves, I'm sometimes blessed to find other authors willing to entertain my crazy ideas. One of them is Draconicon, a veteran of furry smut, who was kind enough to take my commission ideas. In this particular one, which I've managed to make an on-going series by just commissioning new chapters whenever he opens a slot, we follow Alex, a normal dragon with a lot horny, depraved fantasies about his family... and the world. It sure would be crazy if those fantasies came true... As I mentioned, this story was written by Draconicon, who was kind enough to allow me to share it here, please, support him by following him on SoFurry and FurAffinity, and maybe donate to his Patreon, which allows you priority access to his commission slots. He does amazing work.

The Family Fantasy - Prologue

Alex paused his diary writing as the sound of footsteps down the hall caught his attention. He paused, waited for the next disturbance to determine if it was coming his way, and heard the next one that little bit closer. In a practiced motion, he slid the diary behind his pillow, tucking it between the memory foam and the mattress, and slid his pen in with it. Just in time, too, as his mother opened the door.

"Don't need anything before bed, do you?" Bethany asked, the dark blue dragoness smiling. "I'm making some hot chocolate for myself and your sisters."

"Nah, I'm good, thanks."

"You sure? We've got the good stuff tonight. And it feels like a special night."

"I'm sure, mom, thanks." He smiled. "Just have an extra cup for me."

"Oh, don't tell me that. You don't need me to get any bigger."

Quite honestly, the red dragon would have begged to differ. His mother's figure was great, heavy in all the right places and light in all the others, with heavy breasts that even now threatened to spill out of her nightgown. If it wasn't for the fact that she was holding it closed with one hand out of modesty, he was quite sure that he'd have an eye-full that no porno would entirely be able to match.

Nonetheless, he smiled and shook his head.

"I'm good, but seriously. You have fun. And two cups of hot chocolate!"

"Okay, okay, fine. I'll indulge. But you get some sleep then, okay? I don't want you staying up and ruining your eyes."

"Fine, fine. Don't worry about me, mom."

His mother gave him one last look, then shut the door. Alex shook his head in return, pushing his glasses up his snout before pulling his diary back into his lap. He flicked through the pages, getting back to where he'd left off.

...Heh...If only she let that nightgown come open...

The diary was less of a day-tracker and more of a fantasy tracker. He would spend each night writing down the things that he wished would happen, and then come back to it for wank material when the time came to enjoy himself. It was pretty harmless stuff, mostly, but he knew for a fact that his family would think he was nuts if they got a look at it. Particularly at the incest stuff that he'd started writing of late.

He left his pen pointed at the latest sentence. It was a fantasy of being essentially the last male on earth in a society that had forgotten all the phobias and taboos that it had about sex in the current day. The thought was rather hot, particularly as it would mean that he would be the only male that his mom and sisters could get. Just thinking of Hanna and Wanda under him was enough to get his dick throbbing in his sweats, with the idea of Wanda offering him her breasts - something that she had definitely inherited from their mom - for a bit of sucking, and Hanna...

Well, with his other sister, it touched on other fantasies. He'd always had a thing for those that had 'both sets' down there, and sharing his mom and Wanda with Hanna would be rather fun. For a while, at least, until he had to put her in her place and remind her that he was the one true male.

Alex chuckled at the thought. It was all fantasy, of course, and rather silly fantasy at that. He would never get the chance to do that, but it was fun to think about. Tapping the page as he considered adding one or two more sentences to it, he eventually decided against it and pushed it under the pillow again.

One last jerk-off session, then sleep, he decided, pulling his pants down just enough to free his dick and taking it in hand.


The night passed quickly, and the morning arrived with a throbbing, pulsing feeling between his legs. Alex groaned under his breath, feeling almost like he had just reached the end of a wet dream, though he had no memory of what it might have been.

Great...sticky pants to start the day...

Except...he didn't feel like he was trapped in a pair of pants. And -


Alex sat up in a rush as he felt something actually licking him, and while he was hyper-sensitive, at that. The red dragon shoved at his crotch, bumping something surprisingly solid, only for that licking to stop and pull back. Cold air hit his hyper-sensitive hard-on, and he rolled to the side, cupping his crotch and hissing.


"That's a hell of a hello," a familiar voice muttered. "See if I give you a blowjob tomorrow morning, dick."

"Mmph...what the heck...Hanna?"

"Yeah, dingus. Who else would wake you up like that?"

"I dunno...not you..."

This had to be a dream still. Was he - no, no way was he going to be dreaming something this close to his fantasies. But then, the alternative was that it wasn't a fantasy, but reality, instead, and that seemed almost as impossible. Or, well, more, actually.

Grunting, he got his hands under him and pushed himself upright. Rolling over, he found himself looking over the foot of the bed at his sister. His older sister, Hanna, had the same sort of dark red scales that he did, and while she was a bit blurry due to his lack of glasses, he saw two big things that completely threw him.

One, she was naked. Very naked. Blindingly naked, as a matter of fact, with her tits up and resting on the foot of his bed. It was something that he hadn't seen since they used to all go to the pool together, and that was when he didn't know what boobs were like and what they would do to him to look at them. Seeing them now, what with the upper body hourglass figure that they went with, sent a whole new life down to his throbbing, complaining erection.

Two, she had a cock. And not a small one, either, as she stood up to expose it. It wasn't quite as long as his own, but it was there, and he decided that he had to be dreaming.

At least, right up until the point where Hanna grabbed him by the horns and pulled his head up to her face level. Nope, nope, didn't feel stuff like that in a dream.

Despite the situation, she looked at him with some concern, almost like she was worried for him. Once he had his balance, she let him go, patting his shoulder.

"You okay?"

"Uh...I think so..."

"Good, good. Wouldn't want my little brother knocked silly."

"You - okay, what's going on?"

"What do you mean, what's going on? I lost a bet with you last night, and my part of it was giving you a blowjob to wake you up."

"...I think I'd remember that."

"You'd think. Apparently, my blowjobs just suck for the ultimate stud."

Ultimate stud. He blinked, stopping himself before he could turn to the journal tucked under his pillow. That had been one of the phrases that he'd used for the latest family, of being the last male on earth and -

Holy shit...holy shit...holy shit...

"Hey, are you sure you're okay?" Hanna asked.

"Y-yeah, I'm...fine." He shook his head. "Are mom and Wanda awake?"

"Yeah, they're just waiting for you. You're supposed to sauce the eggs, remember?"

"...And is that a euphemism, or -"

"Come on, you can't be that tired? I know I'm not as good as Wanda with the blowjobs, but I'm not that bad at sucking."

"That's - oh god, oh god..."

"...Oooookay, I'm going to go down and check on mom and the others. You alright if I leave you here for a minute?"

He nodded, and Hanna left, though not before giving him a great view of her ass, a bit of back-sac, and a hint of her pussy. So, that was still there, and - oh, the smell that lingered. She was wet from doing what she did, and she probably didn't want him to know about it.

His mind was racing as he ran for the journal, flipping it open and going back to the last fantasy that he'd written out. He read through it once, twice, three times just to make sure that it all fit...and it did.

In that fantasy, he was the 'ultimate stud,' the last male on earth, and every remaining person in the world adored him. Things were consensual, yes, and he'd probably get an apology later for the blowjob that he'd gotten without warning - though that was a bit iffy with Hanna, honestly - but the sheer casualness was still part of the setting, still part of the fantasy. If he was reading this right, he would be going downstairs in a moment to find his entire family naked, waiting and horny, eager to go along with most anything.

Most anything, anyway. He didn't know how far the casual stuff would go, and he had made it clear in the fantasy that they could say no. He'd always treated the journal as something of a wish-fulfillment thing as well as a means of keeping good fantasies around. Now, it seemed like it might have made something magical happen.

Alex sat down with a thump, trying to puzzle out what had happened, how, and why. He quickly determined that there was no determining any real cause of this. It was magic, no ifs, ands, or buts, and there was no way to figure out how that had happened. No other fantasy that he'd written down had come to life, and he was probably no different than some other isekai character that had been kicked from one world to another.

"Alex! Come on, we're hungry," Wanda called up in her usual playful, half-whiny voice. "I want my eggs sauced!"

"Coming," he called out the open door. "Coming...and probably cumming a lot..."

He laughed nervously, not sure what he was going to find in the kitchen, but knowing that he couldn't keep avoiding it for long. He needed to find out what the full rules were...and...and...

Well, he wasn't going to say no if more sex was in the offing. He'd fantasized about them enough to know that he was good for that. With a deep breath, the dark red dragon pushed himself up from the bed, made himself forget his sweats, and walked out of his bedroom naked for the stairs.

By Draconicon