To Follow My Heart Ch7.

Story by wolfdude on SoFurry

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#7 of To Follow My Heart

Ok...sorry it took so long but work got in the way, this chapter is kind of short but I hope you all like it.

Ch7. This Can't Be Happening

The wolf flew out of his seat and turned, staring out the window. He focused his vision on the outside, after a while Icewaver looked back down to the human. "Pup are you sure that you saw her?"

Kyo looked up at his wolf, "I swear she was just standing over there by the house on the other side."

Icewaver looked over to Tags. "Follow me."

Tags didn't ask questions as he followed the young wolf lord outside, they made their way across the street to the house. Both of them got onto their paws as they start to examine the ground. Sure enough Tags pointed out a pair of paw prints imbedded into the dirt. Icewaver picked some of it up with his paw and gave the ground a small sniff. The wolf's ears perked up as images of his sister came flying through his head with the help of her scent.

"Damn it." The wolf cursed.

Tags gave a small glare at Icewaver. "I thought your sister was exiled?"

Icewaver clenched his fist while he stood back up. "She was, but lately we've been getting leads that she might have come back." The wolf turned and made his way back to his human that was waiting patiently for him in the door way of the inn. "Now there is no doubt that she has returned."

Icewaver wrapped his arm around Kyo's shoulder and the two started to head back to the palace. "I'll catch up with you later Tags. I need to go inform my father about this."

Tags waved to the two as they made they headed back home. As wolf turned to see the waitress standing with a smile plastered across her muzzle. "The bill sir." She giggled. Tags muzzle just dropped as he realized that the two just left him to pay for the whole meal.


When the two finally made it back to the palace, Icewaver gave Kyo a small kiss onto the forehead. "I'm going to talk to my father ok?"

The human wrapped his arms tightly around the wolf's torso. "Ok, I'll be up in your room."

The wolf just smiled when he let the human go and watched him run up the stairs, Icewaver turned and made his way through the halls and room till he found the alpha in a room designed for sparring. He leaned up against the wall as he saw the alpha stand in the middle of the room, four other wolves was standing at each corner waiting patiently. In a split second two of the wolves dashed at Galle in a full sprint. Galle quickly turned around and kicked one of the wolves in the chest, putting the canine onto the floor without mercy. When the other wolf thought he was going to get the advantage and get closer to the alpha simple, The alpha simple reached out and gripped the second attacker by the throat and lifted the pup off the ground.

The first wolf got up onto his paws as quickly as he could, before he fell back down when Galle took the second wolf and choke slammed the second wolf on top of him. Begin occupied by the two attacking wolves the other two took the advantage and quickly made their way to the alpha.

Galle turned just in time to have a fist make contact with his right cheek. The alpha groaned and reached up to grab the wolf's arm but when he did the last wolf came up and kicked Galle in the gut, making him fall onto one knee. The third went to kick the alpha as well but when he did Galle caught the wolf by his chin.

"He's open Frak." The wolf yelled while Galle had his leg.

Galle looked behind him to see his first attacker rise up and went to come down on him with his elbow, Unfortunately the alpha moved to quickly and at the last second move his third attacker's leg in the path of Frak's attack, making full contact.

The wolf's howled in pain as he fell onto the floor and gripped his leg. Frak just stood in shock as he realized what he had just done. "Pay attention!" the wolf heard and turned just in time to get a punch into his gut by the much bigger wolf. Frak wrapped his arms around himself while he fell onto the floor.

Galle slowly got to his feet when a paw foot came into his view, the alpha put both arms up and blocked the wolf's kick. When the wolf put his paw back onto the floor he tried to throw a punch but that didn't work as Galle pushed it out of the way with his arm. Galle moved quickly and swiped his leg out at an attempt to kick the wolf's feet from under him but the wolf simply did a back hand spring and dodged it.

Icewaver simply just watched as the two last wolves through punches and kicks at each other but none of the two could make contact, the wolf glanced around at the other wolves, one limping off the floor from his leg being injured, the other simple laid still from being slammed so hard onto the other wolf while the last one laid on the floor as well but was still gripping his stomach. He quickly glanced up when he heard a yelping sound fill the room, Icewaver witnessed the last wolf being tossed up into the air by Galle, the alpha had his paw on the wolf's chest and pushed the attacker into the floor with a loud thud. Icewaver winced when he saw the impact the wolf made when he finally landed on his back, Galle stood up and laid his ears flat when he seen the wolf didn't move.

He looked up and saw his son giggling at his father. "I think I over did it?"

Icewaver let out a load laugh. "You think." Icewaver reopened the door. "He did it again." The wolf yelled, soon some of the guards came in and helped the injured wolves to a different place where they can get the proper medical care.

Icewaver made his way up to his father and looked around when he saw everyone was occupied he got closer so no one else could hear him. "Angelis was spotted today."

Galle gritted his teeth, "When?"

"Not too long ago, Pup seen her when we were at the Inn. I checked out the spot and her scent was all over the ground."

"Damn it." Galle said, "Send out the guards and see if you can find her."

Icewaver nodded, "Will do."

Galle thought about the situation for a sec, "I just wish I knew what she was up too."

Icewaver sighed as he stared at the floor also in deep thought. "Wish I knew, oh..." he said as he looked up and his ears perked up. "Where did mother go?"

Galle stretched out his arm and rolled his shoulder. "She went out to the river but she should be back soon."

Icewaver's jaw dropped, "You let her go by herself?"

Galle glared and smacked his son upside the head. "I might be old but I'm not dense. I had some of your guards accompany her."

Icewaver let out a heavy sigh "Ok that's good," he said while he started to make his way out but stopped just shy of the door before turning around. "Oh, just a heads up. You might want to take a trip into town later, you might find something there that Pup would love to have for hunting." Galle looked confused while he tilted his head to the side. Icewaver just smiled and walked off.

Icewaver slowly made his way back to his room, when he got there Icewaver didn't see anyone in the room besides his pup staring out the window. The wolf smiled as he walked quietly up behind the human and placed his arms tightly around Kyo's torso. Kyo started to giggle as Icewaver bent down and started to lick the human on the neck, Kyo reached up and placed his hand gently behind the wolf's head and started to pet him. Icewaver let out a small murr from the human's touch, the wolf bent down and picked Kyo up and started to walk to the bed room, closing the door with his foot as he passed.

Icewaver gently laid Kyo onto the bed and crawled over the human, pressing his body close. His muzzle moved slowly to Kyo's lips till they touched, Kyo placed his hand into the side of the wolf's cheek as they both fell into the kiss. Soon the wolf started to move his tongue across Kyo's mouth, feeling the wolf's tongue Kyo parted his lips and moaned when Icewaver's tongue touched his. The human's hands slowly drifted down the wolf's body, feeling his soft fur and hard muscle. The two's kiss ended when Kyo's hands reached Icewaver's waist line, slowly slipping his hands under the waist band of the wolf's paints. Icewaver smiled down at his human as he moved his hips off of Kyo so that clothing was easier to slip off.

Kyo chuckled when he saw his wolf was fully erected. "Been a while, huh."

"Too long." Icewaver whispered as he bent down and started to lick at his pup's face.

Kyo closed his eyes as his face was being washed by the wolf's tongue, Icewaver slowly slid his paw down the human's body to feel the newly formed muscle that Kyo had gained while away from his wolf. The wolf heard a gasp when he reached his paw under the waist band of The human's shorts and softly grasped his member.

Kyo couldn't help but smile while his wolf slowly slid his pants off, he watched as the wolf moved down his body and his muzzle was mere inches away from his member. Icewaver moved down slowly and stuck his tongue out and gave his humans cock a long lick, Kyo couldn't help but moan and thrust his hips upwards at the wolf. Chuckling, Icewaver grasped his pup's cock and slowly started to take it into his maw, the human once more let out a loan moan while he closed his eyes. The human gently placed his hand onto of the wolf's head and scratched him behind the ear, feeling the touch that his pup was giving him, Icewaver started to bob his head at a slow pace while taking in more of his pet.

The wolf moved one of his paws up the human's thigh towards his stomach where Kyo grabbed it into his hand and gave the paw a squeeze. Icewaver knew his pup was close when the human started to breath heavily, so the wolf moved his other paw up and grasped Kyo's nuts. Kyo lost it when the wolf gave his ball's a tug, cumming into the waiting muzzle. Icewaver didn't waist a drop as he licked up all of the cum that his pup had produced, moving up his pups body as he lay beside his human and licked him on the cheek.

Kyo smiled up at the wolf and moved his hand down his mates body, "Master what about you?"

"I can wait till we have more time tonight." Icewaver said nuzzling his pup.

Kyo wrapped his arms around his wolf tightly and buried his face into Icewaver's strong chest, slowly closing his eyes and fell asleep. Icewaver watched his love's eyes close while he bent down and gave him one last lick before placing his head above the humans to fall asleep as well.


Galle walked outside and headed down the path behind palace. He came up to the fence and was approached by some of the guards.

"My lord..." one said while he bowed in respect. "Going for a small walk?"

Galle smiled as he looked up at the clear sky. "I thought since it's a nice day out I'd go down by the river to see how Heavshal is doing."

"Will you need me to accompany you my lord?" The guard asked while standing at attention.

Galle pondered on the thought but eventually nodded, they both walked in silence and enjoyed the warmth of the sun beating down on their furs. They both eventually came up to the river, the sound of running water was peaceful, Galle looked around but didn't see any sign of his mate.

"They should be here right my lord?" the guard asked.

Galle gave the guard a worried look. "Go that way." He ordered as he pointed down river, the alpha took off up river, leaving the path while the other wolf did the same in the opposite direction. Galle couldn't pick up any tracks of a wolf being in the area where he was at so he figured that they must have gone down the other way. Cursing at himself the wolf turned around and started to walk back to where he started off. He was almost back to the path when he heard a load howl come from nearby. The wolf's ears perked up as he took off threw the woods running as fast as he could.

He didn't see anyone around till the guard stood up from behind some brush. Galle slowly started to walk over when he got the smell of blood, he didn't want to think of what he was about to see when he slowly came into the small clearing. He walked up beside the wolf to see all of the guards sprawled about the ground, none of them was moving.

"Looks like they were ambushed." The guard said.

Galle didn't really hear him for he was looking around the bodies to find Heavshal, but she wasn't here. The alpha walked around till he noticed one of the guard's bodies was facing the opposite then the others and was lying farther away from the attack scene. The wolf looked up and saw that some of the branches on a nearby tree were broken, Galle's ears perked up as he took off into a mad dash threw the woods. He could vaguely hear the Guard call for him and tried to keep up. He didn't care that he also could be ambushed, all that was going threw his mind was that he had to get to his mate.

Galle stopped instantly when a gust of wind came at him with the smell of strong iron mixed with his mates scent. The wolf's eyes started to water as he started to take smaller steps, following the beaten path that had to be from a chase. He spotted a log that clearly had something lying on the other side of it. Galle started to whimper while he moved around that fallen piece of wood and fell onto his knees as he saw the body of his loved one.

He couldn't speak, all he could do at this moment was gaze at her body, he red stained fur that had a wound on her chest. The alpha slowly tried to make his way to her, his eyes was flowing with tears, reaching out and slowly caressing her muzzle. Galle slowly bent down and nuzzled the side of her face as his crying became worse. He finally sat straight up and let out a load and powerful yell, one filled with sadness and pain, he looked back down at her.

He felt a paw fall onto his shoulder, he knew it was the guard. "Go back and gather the others to get the rest of the dead." The alpha ordered with a quivering voice.

The guard nodded as he watched the alpha pick up the wolf's body and held her closely as he made his way back to the palace. The wolf looked into Galle's eyes and seen the life filled wolf's eyes dim in remorse.


A load bang came onto Icewaver's door, the wolf sat up and quickly got out of the bed. He opened up the door slowly to see Shine standing on the other side of the door, Icewaver knew something was off when he saw the human's cheeks soked with tears.

"What's going on." The wolf asked.

The human just sniffuled. "s..sir's" he started.

Kyo sat up and came up behind his wolf, "What's wrong Shine." The human said firmly .

"It's lady Heavshal." He blurted out before he fell onto his knees and in tears.

Icewaver's eyes widened with horror, he quickly ran back to the bed and slipped on his pants before rushing out of the room. Kyo was right behind him as he too had to get changed. They were running down the halls, the looks on the wolves and slaves told them that it was not good. They found the room were the family was gathered in, Galle was knelling still holding onto his wife's neck, hugging her tightly. Froshen and his bothers were being calmed down by their mother but it wasn't helping. Kyo looked over to see Icewaver's older brother standing in the corner as tears was falling down his face.

Icewaver clenched his fist as he tried to hold back his tears but was not succeeding, he slowly walked over to the table and knelt beside his father. Galle looked up to watch his son bend down and licked the side her muzzle, before reaching up and hugging his father tightly. Kyo watched the two embraced, the look in his wolf's eyes was filled with pain but also anger and hate. Icewaver slowly let go of his father and stood up, moving back to where his pup was standing. Kyo placed his hand onto the wolf's arm, Icewaver looked down before scooping him up into a tight hug, the human could feel his skin dampen as tears from the wolf made contact with him.

They all didn't stay there long as the family left the room to their father and his love, Froshen and his bothers was taken to the dining room to get them something to eat while Icewaver was talking in the hall with his older brother.

"It had to be her." Icewaver growled.

The older brother shook his head. "We dint know that for sure."

"Bull shit." He growled. "You know damn well Angelis did this."

The brother still didn't seem convinced. "I doubt she took out our mother plus eight guards."

"She had help." Icewaver said sternly.

"I still don't think so." The wolf said before looking back into the door way at his father. "but what we need to concentrate on right now is our alpha."

Icewaver's ears flatten as he looked into the room, He watched as his pup slowly walked up to the big wolf and wrapped his arms around his neck. Icewaver at this moment knew his brother was right, their father wouldn't be the same after this. Kyo came outside to join the wolves, after telling them that their Galle was going to be fine they made their way to join the pup in the dining room where super was eaten in silence.

Icewaver orderd a slave to take a plate to his father, the wolf finished his meal and kissed Kyo on the forehead before leaving the room. He went outside from some fresh air, when he saw his guards walking by the wolf moved towards them. Once close they bowed in respect to the wolf.

"I need you to send out troops around the outside of town, I need to know if there is anyone camping that we don't know about." The wolves looked confused at Icewaver but did as they were told and left in a hurry.

Once the order was given, Icewaver went back inside. He walked back up to his room to see that Kyo was sitting on the couch looking down at the floor. The wolf moved over and sat beside the human, leaning his head onto his shoulder.

"I going to miss her a lot." Kyo said in a whisper.

Icewaver moved closer to his pup, "I think everyone will, she wasn't just our mother. She was everyone's mother. She cared for everyone in this town as if she was the one that gave birth to them." He wrapped his arms around the human while Kyo clung to the wolf, his eyes finally gave way as tears started to flow down his checks.

Icewaver rubbed his paw up and down the human's back. "It's going to be ok Pup."

Kyo shook his head, "No it's not, why am I losing the ones that's close to me...what is I lose you next."

The wolf understood what the human was talking about. He first lost his parents, then his village, and now the wolf that was like his new mother. "Pup I'm not going to go anywhere, I promise." He licked the human on the cheek before standing up. "Come, let's go to bed."

Kyo stood up be didn't move for a while. "Master, you go ahead and go to bed. I'll be right back."

Icewaver looked at Kyo curiously but nodded. He watched as the human walked out of the room and out of sight. Icewaver moved to his bed and stripped out of his clothes, once he moved the covers out of the way he crawled and waited for his pup to return. Icewaver turned his attention to the door when he heard it slowly open, a small smile came across his muzzle when he seen the human walk in pulling Galle by his paw. The older wolf looked horrible as his cheeks were matted down with tears, his snowy white fur had a red tint to it from the blood. The wolf's ears was drooped down flat agents his head as they made their way into the room.

Kyo told the alpha to go get washed up, the wolf didn't argue and made his way into the bathroom while Kyo stripped of his clothing and moved into the bed. Moments later the alpha came out looking somewhat better, he moved to the other side of Kyo and slid underneath the covers. The human moved over and wrapped his arms around the big wolf, Galle moved in closer to Kyo and rested his head on the human's shoulder. Sniffles could be heard from the big wolf as he lay down, Kyo was rubbing his back and was trying to calm the wolf down.

"I want her back." Galle whispered.

"I know, I know." Kyo responded as he held the wolf close, the human felt something behind him. He looked back to see that Icewaver was also leaning on him falling asleep, Kyo looked back at Galle to see the wolf was also about to fall asleep. Kyo turned around and gave his wolf one kiss good night before resting his head on Galle's. Sleep came slowly for the three as they sought for each other's comfort but from the day's events sleep was more than welcome as they drifted off.

To be continued...