To Follow My Heart Ch.10

Ch. 10 It Ends Now!!! The only thing he thought about was Pup. He moved as fast as his legs would go, he moved up the stairs and down the hall. Pushing past wolves and slaves, his breathing was heavy as fatigue was getting low but he...

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To Follow My Heart Ch9.

Ch.9 The Encounter. Kyo woke up early and could sense that his wolf was sleeping better than what he probably had the previous night. The human smiled to himself while he shifted closer and was rewarded by Icewaver shifting in his...

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To Follow My Heart Ch8.

Ch8. Goodbye Icewaver's arms tightened on the human a little just before he woke up and opened his eyes. He looked down with a smile as he nuzzled the back of his human's head, but that smile didn't last long when he looked over the boy's...

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To Follow My Heart Ch5.

Ch.5 Not such good news and dinner. The wolf let out a sigh as he leaned forward, resting his elbows onto the table while running his paws over his face. "Revenge huh." The captain nodded. "That's what she said before that wrench stabbed our king. I...

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To Follow My Heart Ch4.

Ch4. Welcome home Icewaver couldn't help but hold his pup close to him while he watched the human sleep in his arms, Kyo constantly shifted and moved as if he was in a bad dream. It wasn't moments later that Kyo started to wake. Icewaver smiled when...

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To Follow My Heart Ch3.

Hey everyone, i'm going to make this quick. Their is death in this story. I'm not good on fight scenes but I tryed, hope you all enjoy. Ch. 3 A Big Mistake. They moved quickly, the army of the wolf clan was moving quickly to set up...

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To Follow My Heart Ch7.

Ok...sorry it took so long but work got in the way, this chapter is kind of short but I hope you all like it. Ch7. This Can't Be Happening The wolf flew out of his seat and turned, staring out the window. He...

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To Follow My Heart Ch2.

Ch 2. The Message. The door slowly opened up to Icewaver's room, the wolf was still sound asleep as the intruder came in. In an instant Bright light came through the window as the wolf standing in front of it moved the curtains out of the way....

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To Follow My Heart Ch1.

Warning: This story will in the future this storry will have M/M, a lot of bloody scens, and language so if your not into all that sorry. Chapter 1 : Not Such a Good Beginning The light shined brightly on the wolf...

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A New Life Ch.7

Ch.7 Pit Stop Kyo woke up startled from someone screaming. He sat up and saw Icewaver standing at the window. "Master what's going on?" Icewaver looked over at his slave and lowered his ears. "Its Talons...

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A New Life Ch. 1

Ch.1 The Encounter "It has always been the same for centuries in this world. Creatures that have a body like a human but a head and tail like a canine or a cat, they can move swiftly and are built stronger than even 3 of our best hunters. These...

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Ch7. It's a Beast. It was five in the morning and the sunlight was barely coming over the horizon and already anthros were getting up and ready for the day's work. Phillip was still sleeping peacefully as he rolled over, his arm landing on...

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