A warm place in a sea of snow

Story by Siranor on SoFurry

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An elk hunter and his cheetah partner reinforce their affection for each other through lustful sex before they prepare to rid their forest from a band of human poachers.

***This is a collab I've done with Dradgien!!***

Description: An elk hunter and his cheetah partner reinforce their affection for each other through lustful sex before they prepare to rid their forest from a band of human poachers.

Story written by me , avatar?user=322896&character=0&clevel=2 Siranor

Artwork done by https://www.furaffinity.net/user/dradmon/

***A warm place in a sea of snow***

Gavin watched the steam trickle out of the pot he idly stirred with a shaved stick that replaced a more proper ladle. Out here in the wilds, comfort was all but a luxury. Something better saved for warmer, better times. At the end of a serene day here in the lower frostlands, in the clearing he chose to make his camp in, peace seemed to abound.

But that was a lie. Even with the warm golden rays of the sun trickling through the snow-leaden branches of the proud fir trees that surrounded his little shelter, the threat of falling under attack was still very real. So Gavin watched, and stirred, and thought. How best to catch his prey by surprise once the sun would go down?

In spite of the species he belonged to, tonight, he would be anything but their prey.

"Seems almost done." He mumbled to himself once he had a small sip from his winterbrew stew, a mash of rabbit, pine needles for aroma, and whatever vegetables still survived their journey here into the lower frostlands. He didn't have much in the way of variety apart from meat easily provided by his companion. Aryn, his partner, should have been here by now. His absence unnerved Gavin. True. He was a skilled fighter. But he alone could not stand against a dozen armed men if he were to attack the hunters alone...

Not even with the advantage of surprise.

As his gaze slowly moved towards the crack between the mountains where The Veiled Path opened up a secret way into the heart of their secluded camp, Gavin could not help himself from filling a tinge of excitement creep along his rising fur. One surrounded in a sphere of apprehension, should his partner delay any further, for he had to attack before the human stench had any chance to grow in this pristine land. It had to be today, when the brunt of their party caught up with the forward scouts, their weary bones aching with the weight of their long journey through the snow and their roiling guts hungry for another cask of hard drink. Humans. Such a stupid, predictable prey. Hardly fitting to even count as proper kills.

He will come. He was never late before. Gavin returned to his stirring, shifting away troubled thoughts of warfare in favor of more pressing concerns. Aryn, the sentient, rightful inhabitant of these cold lands, proved his mettle by ambushing one of the auxiliary scouting parties of the hunters Gavin tracked all the way here. All by himself Aryn disposed of three armed men, so quickly Gavin had but watch and congratulate the blood-soaked cheetah with a pat over his fluffy head after their short lived introduction. Aryn seemed to be smart enough to know the value of an ally, even a stranger...

And Gavin needed a guide to follow in these unknown lands. Only...merely walking in the steps of his new ally was not all he had in mind. Staring at the fuzzy orbs peeking back at him in between the gentle shifting of his tail worked up his appetite to a level where the stew boiling in his pot could hardly count as nourishment for his deeper hungers. The need to snuggle something warm as he curled up to sleep in his modest lean-to. The urge to kiss through his fur until he met his ear so he could whisper words of admiration fit for a true hunter of the wilds. The drive to do what any male yearned to after weeks of abstinence...he wanted that far more than any meager meal.

Only...this was a highly sentient creature he was thinking about. Not one of his pets.

The elk shook his head of such lascivious thoughts. No. He would first slay the weak, drink-addled humans, then ponder upon matters of the heart in the embrace of his feline companion, preferably with the blood of their common enemy still fresh upon their fur.

"If that doesn't stir him, I shudder to think what will."

As he grunted his satisfaction towards that assured outcome of their upcoming hunt, the wind brought scents into his nostrils and noise inside his ears. He turned them towards the approaching disturbance, expecting an unseen threat...only to smile once he realized not even the most skilled the human scouts had to offer could thread upon such soft, silent feet.

"Took you long enough to lay your mark on these trees." Gavin bowed his neck. He received the cheetah's head bump with pride against his antlered forehead. "Eager for a bowl of fresh stew?" he turned his steamy, juice ridden steak in the cheetah's direction. "I'm just adding the finishing..."

The elk's words were lost upon his tongue once the cheetah slinked past him, raised tail brushing its tip along his chin. "touches..." he sighed as sharp, feline, fresh masculine musk graced his nostrils. Oh, he marked alright. Quite eagerly too! Aryn walked past his pot. Past even the meager remainders of their meat supplies. He pointed his head towards their lean-to, and once he returned to nudge the elk back towards their modest but comfortable home of wood and pelts and used rugs, it became all too clear that just like the elk, he too was interested in another type of nourishment.

"Alright, alright, I'll come. Just give me a moment to-"


Tossing snow to smother his fire was all Gavin managed to do before the cheetah's jaws latched around his antlers. Then, with strong, mighty shoves, he started to pull the elk's stuttering, scrambling form out from the cold and into the relative warmth of their shelter.

"Gah! What got into you?" Gavin asked once he managed to find his way back on his legs.

"Mrrrr," the white feline growled as softly as he purred, rubbing insistently along his legs, shuddering tail tickling his bare abs all too often. Gavin knew the cat was up to something. He felt it in the altered pitch of his purr as clearly as he felt it within the raised fur that scratched along under the tips of his fingers.

"What got you so worked up, hmm?" he knelt so he could better grab Aryn's purring head between his hands. He blinked and looked at him with such big, needy eyes. "Are you trying to get under my fur, hmm?" Sneaking in a quick kiss on his muzzle before the cheetah could free himself, Gavin chuckled at how right he was. "You smelled a female in heat and now you wish me to bless your union, you little rascal? Or perhaps you want me there, between you and your fluffy sweetheart?"

Aryn continued to stare at him with his mesmerizing amethyst eyes for just two heartbeats before his paw found its way on the rim of his kilt, insistently clawing and grabbing at the pesky rope that held it tied around the elk's waist. "Hrrrowwrrr...mraaarr."

"Alright, I think I know where this is going," Gavin chuckled. "I can tell you a few tales of the female felines I had, particularly one of leonine descent. A beauty going by the name of jauraaaaaaaah-" Gavin's gritted teeth could hardly block the discomfort he felt down there once he clutched the tender testicles that just fell prey to the cheetah's insistence a moment too late. "My boys! My boys! We'll talk about my boys instead!"

He undressed hastily under the satisfied gaze of his quadruped friend, letting his half flaccid member hang down to Aryn's eye level. "Like what you see? This was as hard and straight as the trees you peed on before you smacked my nards."

While he seemed interested to finally see what hid behind the veil of leathers and cloth, Aryn only sniffed briefly, more interested in teasing his prey rather than take it within the steamy embrace of his beautiful jaws. He rubbed himself along the elk's bare legs just like before, his purr rising in the same manner as the elk's cock. Once Gavin achieved full mast, Aryn presented his pink, eager butt to him...

But what came out was not exactly an invitation inside, as one would expect. A spray of urine as hot as the promise of tight, puckered flesh hit the elk in a dazzling display of musky particles that clung to his lower regions like fleas.

"Gah! You bastard!" Much as he tried, Gavin could do little to free himself from his new coat of scent. "What did you do that for???"

The cheetah's smut look offered only one answer. Satisfaction.

"I'll get you for that!"

The two wrestled like two beasts of the wilds, naked down to their fur, with no restrictions apart from the ones they set for themselves. For Aryn, that meant striking at the elk's privates with his cushy, warm pads.

But for Gavin, the cheetah's rowdiness just begged for the stern discipline he often used on his own beasts.

"There." He grunted right in his smug face once he immobilized him under his grip, belly up like a defeated adversary. "What say you now, you piss shooting prowler?"

He licked...

HE LICKED! Right there, on the nose.

"No, no, you're not escaping justice that easily," with a hand planted on the cheetah's throat, Gavin's righteous satisfaction only grew. "you will get one tickle over the pads for each strike you landed on my cock, alright? One, because it's not nice to lead on an elk that hasn't released in weeks...but mostly because you deserve to-"

The bastard's tongue somehow found its way on his nose again.

"You deserve to..." Gavin moved his head out of the cheetah's reach. What did he deserve, exactly? He was compliant, cute...such a beauty of a predator splaying before his eyes, KISSING HIM!

"Gaaah," Gavin crashed his forehead with a sigh on the cheetah's released neck. "I can't even bring myself to discipline you..." their silence said more than any word could. Their moment was followed by a few licks, mostly on Aryn's part. "You have such an infectuous way of sneaking under my fur...by all the old gods and the new, known or unknown, are you a beauty to behold." He then grabbed the cheetah's head, held his still, then kissed him right on his muzzle, savoring the ticklish feeling of his whiskers as much as his wild, rising purr. He returned the affection with a few tongue strokes of his own, of course. They kept at it for a short while, tangling their tongues with joy before they parted. Aryn's went back into his panting maw...while Gavin trailed his way down along his body, planting kiss after kiss into the cheetah's thick fur. Once he sneaked past the in-between of his lower legs, the sourer smells of his recent excretions tested the resilience of his nostrils...but instead of swerving away from the cheetah's protruding pink, Gavin did the opposite, taking his warm, hardening flesh within, cleansing it of its scents...scents that told him so much about the cheetah's health and whereabouts, as well as his lusts.

"Gaahhh," strings of saliva parted between his maw and the rapidly throbbing cock he abandoned to the coldness of their shelter. "You did smell something that put you into this ornery mood, but it wasn't a female, but a male. A-a wolf."

A young one without a pack. One whose desire wet the bark of the trees with the same mixture felines did whenever they wished to attract a mate. Urine. Urine mixed with the smallest, yet noticeable traces of their most precious of essence. Their seed.

While he stared back at his spiny cock, imagining how hard he'll cum to the suckling tightness of his lips, Gavin decided on a better, longer course of action. Such a resplendent creature was worthy not just of mere pleasure...but of reverence. He ignored the allure of his cock to instead turn upon his spheres, shapely, round, so fuzzy and nice. Gavin buried his nose in them after a moment of admiration, offering them as many kisses as he did words...before moving down even further, to a warm, dry place he stared at, but never touched...A place of unexplored mysteries that eagerly beckoned his nostrils to feast on its scents. One of engulfing warmth that convinced even his tongue to sneak out for a quick touch.

A shelter as tight and crammed as the insides of his lean-to...but far, far more arousing. One lick turned into three. Three turned into a dozens. Soon, he was not even licking with the intent of sampling the cheetah's scents anymore, but thrusting his tongue as deep as he could like a lustful beast, lips smacking messily with that pink, twitching rim as he kissed the cheetah's nether regions with the same passion he did his muzzle not too long ago. He loved how thinner his growls became in the heat of such passions, how he shuddered, how he clenched! Legs spread, toes flaring out in the cascading waves of unexpected, growl-inducing bliss, Aryn spurted squirt after squirt of increasingly cloudier essence, all but ready to surrender his precious seed when Gavin finally understood the meaning of his kicks.

He backed off just when the cheetah squirted the largest of streams over his matted fur, cleaning out his own dripping drool from his tired, clattering jaws.

"That...I can't believe I did that...to a male feline nonetheless. But a'ight," the elk dragged his voice to mask the weakness that weighted down his own rational mind. "We should take a pause from whatever this was and recover our wits before you waste yourself all over your pristine fur."

He settled on his butt after a bit of walking off the haze from his head, cross legged, with the purring cheetah right on top of him, bumping heads, sharing grunts and purrs and growls...and something more. Something that could not easily be seen, but felt in the hearty throbs that tickled their fur with tingles of lust. Gavin's tip was trapped right under the testicles he kissed earlier, so close to the moistened embrace of the cheetah's wet hole, while Aryn's smaller but wetter member throbbed a bit above Gavin's, resting on the smooth surface of the elk's black cock.

"This feels so much like that time I shared wolf I met on my travels." Gavin whispered as he idly scratched along the feline's head with one hand. He was propped on his shoulder, breath ruffling the back of his head, with another hand keeping him secured against the elk's chest. "He was a hunter, like you, traveling in the company of a young boy who knew little of the world around him...until I taught him how to conquer it!"

"We spent much time together. Far longer than I anticipated. I walk alone. My needs are usually my own. But something about that boy made me stay at his side just like the wolf that accompanied him. Something that...is hard to put into words." Gavin sighed. "Maybe it's just me seeing my young reflection in him, thinking what I would've become if I had a mentor to show me the path...But there is only one moment you need to know about." He pulled back to kiss the cheetah once more, this time on his neck. "A night where our bond was truly tested. He came to me, you see, testing my wits and my strength in the way of his kin. Tests I easily passed...until I found myself under him, staring right at his sheath, swollen with the formed shape of his knot. I kissed him, Aryn. I kissed him where he wanted it most, right there, on his hot, oozing tip...a tip I came to taste not just with my mouth."

Aryn started to shift in his embrace.

"Shhh. Keep still," Gavin grabbed him tight with both hands. "I'll show you in but a moment. if you wish to experience what I felt that night, kiss me sweetly...grab onto my neck like he did when he had me...for such tales have to be felt in order to grasp their true value."

Gavin received more than just an eager nip along his neck as the cheetah propped himself up on his fours, back arched into an all too familiar mating position. Only this time, he wasn't jabbing his member at Gavin with the intention to fulfill the role of a male. No. He sought to kiss his tip with the wet, clenching, needy rim of his ass!

"Hang on a moment. I know exactly what you want, my dear, purring friend." Gavin crossed the cheetah's forepaws around his neck as he lifted him up with his own sturdy hands so that his anus kissed the tip of his eager dick. "Are you ready?"

Once he vocalized his eager reception, Gavin let him go. Little by little, he sunk into the cheetah's halls, his entrapping muscles swallowing his erection bit by bit until the white of his fur blended with the darkness of his thighs.

"Nnnghhhhh...tight...so very tight..." The elk groaned, his features contorted not with just the blissful strain of finding himself trapped all the way down to his balls within tight, squeezing muscles...but also pain. He felt the cheetah's claws dig their tips into his fur hard enough to graze his flesh...but in the heat of the moment, such sting amplified his desire to merge his being with the beautiful feline that embraced him so needily...in more than one way.

"I know it aches, dear fluff, but it will get better. I promise. You but have to endure this sting for only a moment, my brave, beautiful cheetah." He kissed his way along his snarly lips, tenderizing them with his love. "We'll wait, my dear, we'll wait however long you need. Gods...you're squeezing me so hard..."

Once the cheetah's wrinkled snout started to flatten, Gavin began working himself along his passage gently a few times to spread the lubrication oozed by his cock and spat by his tongue more evenly, his heart skipping a beat once a yowl left Aryn's throat, not strident or harsh, but mellow and long, filled with the same pleasure that enraptured the elk's senses.

"Good boy...you're such a beautiful, beautiful cat..." Kisses and strokes accompanied each of his thrusts. "You're the only one...I ever had...apart from my Jaura, but not even she grabs me with such fervor. You're different, Aryn. The only male...I'll ever love with such passion..."

He loved the purr ringing in his ears. His whines as gentle as the fur cascading along his tough, steel-like abs with every thrust. His tongue, lapping away at his soft, twitching ears. He loved him more than any words he could say, so instead of speaking, he kept on thrusting, each journey along the cheetah's grasping tightness pushing them closer towards the completion of their bond. He knew he was close once his motions quickened to suck him in deeper, so he clenched his jaws and closed his eyes, matching the feline's rising purr, determined to endure the lashing punishment of every blissful thrust long enough to feel his cheetah's seed splatter over his dark, ragged fur.

"Nrrrffff...I... you're squeezing me so tight...I...don't think I can hold it back for more than a couple of...aaaaahhhhh!"

Gavin shuddered hard once the tips of the claws he knew all too well by now once again dug their tips into his shoulders. He felt the feline's jaws wrap around his throat at the same time as his anus tightened harder than it ever did before, the harsh sting of his fangs lasting only a moment before sharp, blissful, shuddering heat exploded in a sharp, thin line along his crotch.

Seed. Aryn's seed, milked by the same muscles that so eagerly tried to suckle the very same essence out of the cock trapped within. Gavin scrunched his face, sucked in a deep breath laden with the smell of Aryn's seed, and waited for one more heartbeat.

One more throb.

One more spurt.

One more lash of the cheetah's grateful tongue across his tense features to know for certain he wasn't only using Aryn as a vessel to fulfill his own self centered pleasures. That he was wanted. That he was...loved. A loner often had such thoughts. But in the heat of this moment, with the cheetah's seed seeping into his crotch, the achievement of making this gorgeous creature surrender the very essence of life at the tip of his ploughing cock, the intense, needy grip of his anal muscles were all that Gavin needed to let his own impending orgasm burst forth.

"Ngrraaaaaaaahhhh!" he squeezed the feline harder than ever before, mashing him against his muscular body with one hand while the other quickly sought to grip his leaky cock in the same rhythmic embrace with which Aryn milked his cock. Only by feeling the cheetah's wet pulses could he eagerly cum through soft, gentle thrusts that stimulated his cheetah's prostate with every passing of his twitching glans, each spasming throb launching a new wave of semen deep to feet the incessant hunger of those dripping muscles.

"Love you, my kitty...love you so much..." Gavin croaked, eyes tearing up in the throes of his delirious pleasure. He felt like crying from how happy he was...and to remind himself that all of this was not just a figment of his imagination, he brought his seed-coated hand over to his nose and sniffed. He sniffed deep from that bounty of cheetah cum right before he started suckling his fingers with the same eagerness Aryn sucked him, down there, with his clammy, squelching messy butt.

Once they soared together over the height of their climax, Gavin collapsed on his back, with the cheetah on top, both spent, but utterly satisfied.

"Next time...you'll do the hard work..."

But as the cheetah disengaged from his spent cock and turned around out to present his leaky butt and balls to him, the elk could not help but roll his eyes at what an opportunist his new friend was. "Or in my mouth, just like that sodden wolf did before he humped the fluff outta my tail side..."

Aryn was not as picky. This time, he just wanted a tongue to clean his drippy mess of a hole, but as he got to work Gavin could not help but chuckle at how fate led his tongue in the very same place that took them down this path, his upcoming words lost to the feline's satisfied purr.

***The End***

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