The Vixen that changed my Life 2

Story by DiamondWolf on SoFurry

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This is my Second, written with greater care, and taken longer to do so I don't make as much mistakes. =)

The Vixen that changed my life: Chapter 2:


I sat up, cracking my neck and back, stretching with a yawn. I looked round to the vixen. Before we fell asleep arm in arm, I asked her name. Looking into her deep red eyes, I asked her name. She said that she was just given a number when she was born, so, I decided to call her, Ruby....

When I woke I had a funny feeling, not funny ha ha, but a weird feeling within my skin. I dragged my feet across the floor to the bathroom. Before I left the room I looked at my new lover. She lay hand over head, the sunlight coming through the window sparkling her red fur to suit her new name Ruby. It matched her eyes, her heart, her soul... And yet I could only feel sorrow for her, for her life, her parents. I could only feel sorrow... And an Itch! God it was annoying. I couldn't see properly because of my swollen eye, I had thought it would have gone down in the night. I continued into the bathroom and drank a glass of water, it didn't taste right, so I spat it out and drank another one. its then I saw my reflection in the mirror. I had grown hair. Lots of hair, like I had put on hair growth that actually worked!

I looked down to a brush on the floor, a red brush....... a.... red..... brush.....

When did I have one of those? Did mum get one? Was it Ruby? Looking round I saw I was still alone. looking back at it, I saw it had moved. "Hmmmmm" I grunted to no one in particular. I picked it up to find that I could feel as if it was.. a... tail...

The last thought that I can remember going through my head as I fainted was a simple.


I woke up to see a very pretty Ruby staring down at me with an amused grin.

"What happened?" I grumbled.

"You fainted." She said.

"Seriously? I fainted?" I asked.

"Yep" She said with an even bigger grin. "I thought men were the strong ones."

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"Short or long story?"


"Your turning, well mostly have turned into, well something similar to me." She said, suddenly serious.

"What I asked?!"

I can safely say that at that moment,I was scared. I realised that while I was looking at her, I could see, on me! A mussel.

Worriedly I asked, "How much like you?"

She giggled, "Your still a male, if thats what your asking."

Relieved, my hands explored my newly formed face. Wondering why I couldn't feel fur, I looked at my hands, realising they too were covered in fur.

Ruby followed my gaze "And thats what happens if you masterbate."

We both shared a laugh at that.

"Come on get up ya pansie, and go make breakfast." She said with a humorous grin.

"If your hungry you make something!" I snapped back instantly regreting it. She seemed to take it in good heart though.

"Ask me to make a bomb, brew a poison or shoot a mouse at one mile away with a bazooka and I will say ok." Her grin grew bigger. "But my training does not include how to make a Fry up or toast some toast."

"Oh ha ha" "Whats next?" "You'll need help using the TV remote?"

"Whats a TV?" Was her reply.

"Wow American government's really dont mess around with training assassins."

Ruby hawked at the mention of her old captors.

"Well O.K hold on." I got up enjoying the new strength that my new body had given me. Looking into my full-body mirror, I saw that I had changed to a huge extent. My 5 foot 7 body had been replaced by an 6 foot 5 Barrel chested White furred wolf.

Ruby whispered into my ears; "I especially love the eyes." Looking in to my reflection's eyes, I saw to pupils of icey blue.

She whispered once more "What is there to eat?"

"Sorry" "Hold on." I got up and walked into the kitchen and got some bread out of the bread box and started to make breakfast.

Ruby came in and took an apple out of the fruit bowl

"Sooooo..... What next? she asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Welllll we're both anthromorphic animals, the government is trying to kill me, and probably you as well."

"So thats all?" I asked. "Thats not that bad."

"For me, not so much because I can hide anywhere and kill pretty much anyone on a whim."

"Remind me not to get on your bad side.." I mumured

"Anywayyy" she carried on before I could Interupt again. "You however are a 6 foot something muscular wolf anthro that has no military training and no survival skills for anything."

"Your point issss?" I asked annoyed.

"That we are officialy screwed."

"Thats an inspiring thought." I murmered sipping my tea.

Part 2

"Come on move your fat ass!" Ruby yelled.

"You have no problems with it in bed!" I yelled back.

Hell, after our "talk" we agreed to help each other with our problems, I would teach her how to act, well, normal. And she would train me to an acceptable standard of fittness and military knowledge.

She aimed her pellet gun at me and shot at me.

"Fuck!" I shouted as a metal ball bearing hit me in the arm.

"I HEARD THAT!!" She shouted back.

"You were suppost too!" I shouted back. Frankely, I think her training to be normal was a lot easier, probably because there were no five mile hikes and no metal ball bearings.

A few days after our night of passion, I recieved a phone call saying that my mother was on the hunt for someone that had worked for her company. So we had the house for however long until she was caught.

When I got to the top of the hill I found Ruby sitting down with a stopwatch.

"You took four minutes too long." She said.

"What?" I exclaimed

"Each pellet I shot at you was worth a 30 second penalty." She said reloading the air rifle.

"Damn, how many times did you shoot me?"

"three" she replied.

"But I heard 5 shots." I said in confusion.

"Yeah, I had a show in with a pair of doves." Ruby said with a sadistic grin.

I just looked at her with a frown. But, of course she was wearing a tight top with denim shorts.

"God your sexy." I exclaimed

She simply giggled rolling her eyes "Fine come on then, take a shower."

Hand in hand we went down the hill and into our house. We undressed. I was first. I was halfway through my shower when Ruby came in. "Hel-lo!" I said eyes lit up in excitment. Her Wine red fur shining brightly in the light.

"I could'nt wait for my turn" she said.

"Thats a very nice thought." I said my eyes looking into hers.

"Yes, yes it is." She replied. We shared a kiss, a thin spittle of saliva joined between our mouths.

We kissed again, the shower droplets amplifying her beauty. My hand cupped her breast while the other stroked her hair.

"Ah, yeah, touch me, take me, yes" She gasped a moan of delight.

My shaft now its full ten inches, I waited for a moment before slowly letting her impale herself onto me.

"AHhhhhhhhh, wow oh wow" she gasped some air "God thats big."

Gasping for air myself, I pumped, doing this created another wimper of pain and pleasure.

*pump* *breathe**pump* *breathe**pump* *breathe*

Was all that was going through my mind.

A constant joy of pleasure repeating again and agian, helping myself, I pawed (no pun intended) her breasts like dough and put another hand on her asscheek. Having an idea, I probed her anal hole with my idex finger.


I chuckled to myslef, she felt that.

Sometime after, still semi hard after our encouter in the shower, I sat on the bed drying my fur, with a brush trying to keep the knots out of it, when Ruby came in and sat down in front of me. She looked at my semi hard shaft and licked her mussel.

"Noooooo...." I said gently, looking into those Ruby red eyes of her's showed me what she was thinking. And I suppose I know what your thinking too. "Why would he refuse oral?" Truth is, she has sharp teeth. OUCH!

She lept onto me and wraped those jaws of death around my member.

"Fuck!" I said, she had bit.

She giggled still closed around my member giving a small but delightful feel.

She was just about to have another go when there was a loud crash.

"GOGOGOGO!" Looking outside the window, a group of men with guns headed towards the front door. An instant later, a masked soldier came inside and hit me with the butt of his gun. I blocked it and bunched him in the face. He, came off ok, I got a broken knuckle. "Fucking metal mask" I mumbeled. Ruby ws down and handcuffed. When what seemed like the leader came into the room he said hello big bad wolfy.



My head exploded into a white light, pain erupted from my brain.

I hit the floor like a dead fish...

The Vixen that changed my life: 3

The Vixen that changed my life: 3 "Uhhhhh" My mind was a blurr. "What happened?" I asked no one in particular. I heard a mumbled: "Fuckin' freak." Suddenly remembering what had happened; my, no our capture, the grunts, RUBY! I bolted...

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The Vixen that changed my life.

This is my first, so tell me how i do. =) (Yiff at the end but its better to read through) The Vixen that changed my life. The story starts here, in England. The countryside is untouched by the corruption of big Industry and so the...

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