Fun in College

Story by BlakeRedFox on SoFurry

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#1 of Fun in College (DIscontinued)

YAY!!!!!!!!!! This story is for <3:Talianaicon::suicidedragonicon:<3 Yes my Boy Friend. This was SOOOOOOOOOOO much fun to write and a HUGE THANKS TO :Ferriswheelonfireicon: Ferriswheelonfire for editing this story. I am going to post another one soon that he going to resend to me soon. Enjoy all the yiffyness!

Fun in College

School was coming to an, end and it was about time too. My senior year was finally over with; not that it wasn't fun, but I was glad to finally start my adventures as a college student. I was finally able to start my music training and become a composer. When I got home from my last day of school, I was so hyper and happy that I was graduating at last.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home!"

"Come here Drake, we need to talk to you," I heard my dad's voice from the bedroom.

I walked over to the bedroom to see both of my parents sitting on the bed. They motioned for me to sit down on the bed with them.

"Sit down Drake, we need to talk."

"What's wrong?"

"Well, you are about to go to college and we are going to miss you, but before you go we wanted to give you this," my dad pulled out a box from under the bed.

"What is it?"

"Open it."

I unwrap the box and saw a large package of condoms and I started to blush like crazy.

"There more under there, just look."

I slowly push my hand through and felt a large bottle, and I assumed it was lube.

"Let me guess - lube as well."

"Yeah, and this," my dad handed me my approved scholarship documents to the University of Idaho that I had applied for and had been anxiously waiting to come in the mail. I jumped in pleasant surprise when he handed me the documents. I was even more excited because one of my friends was going there as well and I really wanted to meet him. We had talked a lot over the phone but we had never seen each other in person, though I knew that he was an artic fox.

He was coming from Alaska and I knew that he hated it there. Can't say I blame him, but at lease he was moving to Idaho, and so was I.

"We know how much you wanted to go there, and you made it, congratulations!"

I immediately hugged the both of them and squeezed them tightly. "Thank you so much, you don't know how thankful I am right now."

They hugged back and my mom rubbed my back and my dad chuckled. "Come on Drake, your eighteen now, you don't need to hug us all the time now."

"Sorry," I let go of my parents and then I saw my mom hit my dad, and I started to laugh.

"Hey, he can hug us as much as he wants!"

"Sorry, honey."

~A Few Days Later~

I already had all my clothes that I wanted to take and my clarinet packed up. My mom and dad knocked on my door and ask if I was ready to leave. They helped me pack my two bags into the back of the car and I grabbed my laptop with my case and carried it with me. I was scared to go on the plane because of my fear of heights.

I wouldn't let it stop me from getting on the airplane, but I still had that fear, and I don't really know why. I guess it had to do with the fact that I almost committed suicide by nearly jumping off of a building on my eighteenth birthday. I still haven't gotten over it yet and Carlos, my friend, still won't let me live it down. He keeps reminding me so I won't ever try anything like that again.

When I finally had everything packed in the truck, I sat in the back anxiously as my parents drove me to the airport. I was nervous because the only time I been on airplane was for the National Concert Band Festival in Indianapolis my junior year. It went well though, but I think my ears still remember the pain, I hate the air pressure difference.

We arrived at the airport in no time, and I got in line to turn in my bags and get my boarding pass. Once I had my pass, I made my way to the secuirty checkpoint. I gave my mom and dad one last hug before I had to leave. I was actually sad because I didn't think this was going to be the last time I was going to see them.

I got through airport security with ease, checking the time to see that my flight was boarding in an hour, and would be doing so at gate twenty. I was happy; I didn't want to be at the airport longer than I had to.

~University of Idaho Campus, Five Hours Later~

I was finally on campus at the University of Idaho, and I was walking around looking for the dorm I was going to be staying at. My bags weren't heavy, but I had no idea where I was going, so I quickly became tired. I asked some randoms furs milling around the campus, but they all just looked at me like I had a third eye and muttered something unintelligible. I think it was because of my broken horns. I gave up on them and kept walking around, and soon I came across the first dorm.

I looked at the map that was on the door and saw that my room was all the way across campus, at which point I let out a big sigh. "No one said college would be easy," I grumbled to myself, beginning my trek towards the other side of campus. It took me about twenty minutes - it's a big campus - before I finally arrived at the dorm, where I walked inside and nearly dropped dead with exhaustion.

I took a big gulp and let out an even bigger sigh, hanging my head low. The dormitory building was huge, and I had a feeling that I was going to have a hard time looking for my room. I began to wander around, looking for my room 23-B, but all I could see was a seemingly random number and then the letter A. When I reached the end of the hall, I was confused, I was tired, I was frustrated, and I was starting to hate college. Everything was so confusing compared to high school.

I just set my stuff down and sat down on my legs. I was tired, and I didn't know where my room was. I just rested my head on my arms for a second before I heard someone walking up to me. I looked up to see a brown furred fox, with a beautiful face and an athletic build. He was shirtless, and he extended his paw towards me to help me up.

"I'm guessing you need help finding your room."

"Yeah, I have an of idea where it is. I checked this whole hall but I can't find a single 'B' room."

He started to laugh before looking at me and patting me on the back. "That because all the B-rooms are on the second floor. Follow me so I can show you to the stairs."

I nearly drop dead again, "How big is this dorm?"

"It's only 3 stories."

I quickly grabbed my bags and then rushed after him. He took me to the door labeled "closet" and I was lost.

"I thought you said you were going to take me to the stairs?"

He opened the door and I saw stairs going up, "Okay, someone needs to fix that sign."

"We're working on that - but here, let me help you," he grabbed one of my bags and rushed up with ease. I grabbed the other bag and tried my best to match his speed but I couldn't. I wasn't as strong as he was. When I did get up stairs I saw he waiting for me by my room, or at lease I think it was my room. I couldn't tell from where I was standing.

When I arrived at the door, I noticed that it was indeed my room, and I was thankful. I was tired and I needed sleep badly. "Here's you room, if you need anymore help, I'm right here at the end of the hall. I am the dorm counselor and I'll try my best to help you with any problems you have."

"Thank you for helping me, but may I have your name?"

"Cory. I'll be in room 35-B if you need me Drake."

"Wait, how do you know my name?"

"I know everyone in who lives in these dorm name. It's part of my job."

"Okay, do you know my roommate then?"

"I'm not sure if I remember correctly but I think it was an artic fox name Taliana."

"Thank you."

"Any time, Drake."

I grabbed the key that I kept in my pocket and walked inside. As soon as I entered the room, I quickly jump on the bed excitedly. Taliana was my friend from Alaska. After getting back off my bed, I looked around and I didn't see him anywhere. "I guess he's still on his way here," I walked over to my bags and claimed my half of the room. I started to unpack all my clothes and my clarinet, carefully organizing them in the closet and chest of drawers.

By the time I was it was eleven o'clock and the stars were out. I grabbed my phone and called my mom, hoping she was still awake. I heard the number dial and then my mom answer the phone.

"Hey Drake, how's college?"

"So far ,confusing. It took me two hours just to find my room."

"So, you're in your room now?"

"Yeah, it's nice."

"How is your roommate?"

"He's not here yet. He's coming from Alaska."

"How do you know that?"

"The counselor told me."

"Oh, alright. Well I need to go to bed Drake. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Mom. Tell dad that I said goodnight as well."

"I will."

My mom hung up and I laid myself down on the bed. I took off all of my clothes and pulled the soft, clean sheets over my aching body. I yawned loudly and then closed my eyes, falling asleep in minutes.

~Next Day~

I woke up in my bed at about eight in the morning. I had band rehearsal in two days, but until then I was free to do what ever I wanted to do. I looked over to my right and I saw that Taliana still wasn't here. I hoped that he would hurry up and show up soon. I got out of bed, dressed and went into town. I had been there just a day and had no what there was in this town.

As I started to walk off campus, I looked around for a map of the town so I could find my way back. I couldn't find any so I tried my best to memorize where I was and which ways I went. I walked off campus and started to look for a good place to eat.

I walked around and then found a place called "Steak n' Shake." I thought that place was only in Indianapolis. I knew exactly where I was going for dinner but I needed breakfast so I keep looking around.

I looked around and then found a place called "Yosemite Falls," which I remember when I was in California. I walked inside and everything looked the same as I remember it. The painting of Yosemite national park and the waterfalls. I swear I felt like I was back in California, in Yosemite.

After eating, I walked back to my room to check and see if Taliana had arrived yet. I got to the dorms fast walking in to find a very confused artic fox. I wasn't sure if it was Taliana or not so I walked up to them as ask if they needed help.

"Hey there, need help?"

The white fur artic fox turned around and looked at me quizzically, and, upon seeing my broken horns, looked away sadly. "Yeah, I can't find my room. Do you know where I can 23-B?"

"Why does that sound familiar...? Anyway, yeah need help with your bags?"

"Um, yeah please."

I grabbed the bag he wasn't carrying and took them up stairs and just like me, he was confused about the sign as well. I continue upstairs and he followed close behind, and then turned towards the rooms. I looked for room 23-B. I walked around and then stopped and froze when I arrived at the door. I looked over and saw him walking over to me. I ran towards him and picked him up and squeezed him tightly.

"Oh my gosh, it's you Taliana!"

Taliana let out a huge gasp and wondered who in the world I was, but realized about a minute later. "Drake, can you put me down?"

"Sorry Taliana, I can get impulsive sometimes."

"It's okay, I can too. You don't look like I thought you would."

"I was about to say the same."

We walked inside the room and I helped him unpack his clothing and personal effects. We talked extensively, and as I was unpacking his bag, I notice a trumpet case. I smiled and realized that we would have at lease one organized activity together.

"Hey Taliana how long have you played trumpet?"

"About eight years, and I see you have a clarinet case. I didn't know you were in band."

"Yeah, I've been playing for seven. I am also going to be in the marching band."

"So am I! I hope we will be by each other so we can see each other more often."

"Me too, so are you totally exhausted or do you want to go see what in this town?"

"I'm not really tired, I slept on the plane the whole time."

"Alright, are you hungry?"

"No, I ate at the airport while I waited for the cab to pick me up."

"Alright, do you want to rest a bit or do you want to go explore this crazy town with me?"

"I'm gonna rest a bit, I'm kinda tired from walking all around campus just trying to find my room."

"Alright, just call me when you want to go explore. I'll be on campus looking around for my classes."

"Okay, bye Drake."

I walked over to my bed and grabbed my schedule for the year. I had English, Calculus, Advanced Physics, Band, Music Theory, and I would be in the marching band. All I knew was that physics was going to kill me since I never really paid attention my science classes back in grade school. Then again, my teacher was teaching us college material, not basic science.

Before I left my room, Taliana asked to see my class schedule and I walked over and handed him the schedule. He scanned it and smiled when he saw that we had Music Theory, Band, and marching band together.

"You know what, I'll go with you. I may be tired but I'm not too tired. Besides this way we can see what three classes we have together. Also Maybe we can find my other classes."

"You have your schedule memorized?"

"Yeah, I'm surprised you don't."

"My parents just told me I got accepted here yesterday."

"Oh, I had mine for about a month so I knew that I got accepted and what my classes were."

"Lucky," I extended my paw and help him up off the ground. He took my paw and stood up into a tight hug. I broke the hug and started to blush slightly, and looked away from him. He moved his paw, placing it on my face and turning me so I could see him.

"Why are you embarrassed? It was just a hug, not a kiss."

That caused me to blush even more, and I knew he saw that I was blushing too. I have red scales so it's hard to tell but if you pay attention you can see that my scales get a little brighter. He started to laugh and then walked towards the door. "Well, are you coming or not?" I walked and joined him as we walked around campus looking for our classes.

"Hey Drake, doesn't the campus look beautiful?"

"It does. I love it, especially since it's fall. Best time of the year in my opinion."

"I agree, I love the temperature and the smells and sounds of the changing trees."

"I agree, fall is just the perfect time to go outside and relax."

He started to hum and I joined him, both of us were humming the song we talked about on the phone. It was a band piece but we both loved it. It was called, "Imagine, If You Will..." and he had it best because he played all the exciting parts. I only played some good parts, mostly in the middle of the song.

We kept walking around campus as I began to grow hungry. "Hey Taliana, are you hungry too?"

"Yeah, have any idea where you want to eat?"

"Yeah, I found a really good place earlier when I was walking around town."

"What's it called?"

"Steak N' Shake. It looks really good."


We walked over to Steak N' Shake, Tali wondering where exactly we were heading. Once we arrived, Taliana walked inside and was amazed at how everything look like an old school dine in. We sat down at the nearest table. To my surprise, our waiter was Cory, our dorm manager, and he looked at us and smiled.

"So I'm guessing you two are dating?"

I nearly fell out of my seat as did Taliana. "No we are just walking around town. We've been friends for about two years."

"Oh, sorry about that. So what do you want to drink?"

"I'll take a chocolate shake, what about you Taliana?"

"What's good here?"

"All the shakes. Try one, they're very tasty."

"Alright, then I'll have a chocolate as well."

"Sure thing, I'll be back soon."

Taliana and I looked over the menu; I knew what I wanted, but he couldn't make up his mind. When Cory came back with our shakes, he took our order. I ordered some chicken strips and fries, while he ordered a burger. We didn't wait long before we got our food to arrive and we began to eat. He was amazed at how good everything tasted and he really loved the shake.

I grabbed the hot sauce that was on the table and poured a little on my claw and tasted it, nearly screaming out loud when I tasted it, pushing my tongue into my shake.

He laughed at me and asked if it was really that hot. He didn't need an answer, reading the label of the hot sauce bottle. "We make our hot sauce from rare hot peppers grown in South America. Prove that you are a man - start with one drop and work you way up from there. If you take more then one drop, you are just showing off."

Once my tongue stopped burning, I moved it out of my shake and went back to my food. "I am never trying that again! It burns!" Taliana laughed and went back to eating his burger, while I went back to eating my chicken. I couldn't taste it that much because my mouth was numb from the chile.

I gave up on trying to eat the rest of my food, having only one chicken strip left and about two mouth fulls of fries. My tongue was killing me and eating food wasn't helping me. I ask Cory for a box so I can take it home later. I only finish my shake since it didn't hurt my tongue like my food did.

When Cory came back with our bill, I saw that it cost about ten dollars. I looked up at him and before I asked he told me that it was an employee discount. I grabbed my wallet and gave Cory ten and five, to pay the bill and the tip. Taliana and I left back to our room and as we were walking away, Cory smiled at us.

"They are going to be such a cute couple."

When we got back to our room, I crashed on my bed and let out a huge sigh. Taliana giggled and jumped on me. My eyes opened wide in shock and I gently pushed him off me.

"Why did you jump on me?"

"Because you looked so easy to jump on."

"Okay, but that hurt a little."

"Sorry, didn't mean to hurt you."

"It okay." I got up and hugged him, as he looked close to tears. "It's okay, Taliana. Don't be sad, please."

He hugged me and buried his head in my chest. I blushed as he did too because I did have a crush on him but I didn't know if he felt the same way. He was a very cute artic fox, and we been friends for about a year. We had a lot in common and we were both very passionate about music.

Taliana just hugged me tightly and closed his eyes tightly. "Taliana, It's okay. Nothing you can do will change how I feel about you."

He looked back up at me and then looked away. "Drake, I love you."

I gasped and hugged him even tighter than before, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I love you too, Taliana. That's why I took you out around town. That's why I hugged you when I realized that it was you when I first meet you. I love you, Taliana. I really do."

Taliana looked back into my eyes and got on his toes to kiss me. I opened my mouth and let him inside my mouth. I gasps as I felt his tongue slide across mine for the first time. He then moved his tongue and slipped it under my tongue. I did the same and he tasted amazing! I moved his tongue deeper into my mouth and I sucked on his tongue. He giggled and blushed deeply, which made me blush too because he looked even cuter when he blushed.

Taliana closed his eyes as our tongues danced and slid across each other. I held him close and push my tongue down his throat. He jumped at first but then relaxed. I looked down and saw a tent in his pants, giggling through the kiss. I pulled my tongue back and pointed down at his pants. "Someone's excited."

He looked down and then blushed even deeper than before; his fur turning a bright pink. "Sorry, I don't want to seem pushy but can we...." He stop right there and blushed and looked away.

"I don't mind at all. As long as you take me."

"I'm a sub too."

"Oh, well, how about I take you first, then you can take me next."

He blushed as much as I did and he agreed. He quickly tore off his clothing and I blushed even deeper. He didn't hesitate to get started while I stood there nervously. I was a virgin and I had never seen someone naked before. Taliana giggled and moved closer to me, undoing my shirt.

I undid my pants and took off my boxers. He smiled as he saw me naked; I was already a little hard from all the attention he was giving me. He turned around and laid on the bed, lifting his tail and exposing his boycunt. "Come here big boy. Come make me your foxie bitch!" I almost passed out when I heard him say that. When I saw his little pink tailhole I felt blood pulsing to my boyhood. My nine inch member was completely erect; I leaned down, reaching under the bed and pulling out the box my father had given me.

I grabbed a condom and slid it over my hot, throbbing prick, surprised that it fit perfectly. I had to wonder: how in the world did my dad know how big I was? I grabbed the bottle of lube as well, walking over to Taliana, my fat dick swaying back and forth as I walked.

"Are you a virgin?" I asked. He nodded and I opened the lube and started to rub his tailhole. He gasped and shivered at how cold the lube was. He moaned loudly as I rubbed it in, pushing my digits in and sliding it around his insides. He gasped and moaned again, closing his eyes and relaxing his head on the bed.

Once I was sure that he was lubed up, I poured some on my length just to make sure it would be easy on him. I placed my dick at his tailhole and ask if he was ready. He smiled and nodded confidently. "Alright, here I come," I slowly pushed myself into him, marveling at how tight he was. I placed both hands on his hips and pushed myself even deeper into him. He grunted and then cried out in pain softly as I got the first five inches inside him.

I stopped and looked at him, to make sure he was okay. He had a look of pain on his face and he was breathing heavily. I pulled myself out a bit to help him relax, and gently stroked his cheek. "If at anytime you want to stop just ask. I don't want to hurt you."

"No, it feels good!"

"I know, just relax. I love you Taliana, and I'd rather be nice and gentle for both of us rather than hard and painful for you."

"Okay, I'm ready." He looked much better than he had earlier and I slowly pushed back in and stopped at five inches. I could hear him moan softly once I was back inside him and I slowly pushed the rest in. I heard him gasp, he gripped the sheets tightly. He let out a loud satisfy moan; looking back at me I saw that had a pleading look in his eyes. I could tell he wanted me to take him and pound him.

I smiled, slowly pulling out and thrusting back in. He moaned and complained because I was going so slow, but I wanted him to get fully adjusted before I started pounding into him.

"Why are you teasing me!?"

I giggled and continued at the same pace just until I felt him relax enough so that my fat prick wouldn't hurt him too much. I payed close attention to his face and waited for him to relax. He was biting his bottom lip softly every time I was fully inside him. I rubbed his back and I heard him moaned softly as I massaged the knots out. He stopped biting his lips and I picked up the pace a bit; he whined even louder. I pounded into him and he cried out in pleasure. He stop gripping the bed and each time our hips collided, he yelped and spurted pre. I guess I was hitting his prostate.

I felt myself getting ready to spurt and I leaned on his back and warned him, so he wasn't surprised when he felt my seed rush through the rubber. I felt myself about to release; I found myself nibbling on his left ear. I felt my orgasm hit me and I closed my eyes, lost in pleasure. He was really tight and warm and it felt so good taking him.

Once I finished creaming his ass, I pulled myself out and crashed on the bed right next to him. I was panting heavily and so was he. I opened my eyes and looked over at him. He looked so cute when he was tired. I used my tail and tapped him on the back; he looked over at me.


"You didn't....think that did you? You still take me."

He groaned because he was tired but he nodded and stood up and went to the box on the ground. "Do you want me to use one of the condoms you have?" I nodded and he grabbed a condom and the bottle of lube before walking over to me. He placed the lube on the ground and then opened up the bag and place it on his eight inch member. He frowned when he realized that it was slipping off. "Drake, it's not going to fit. Do you want me to just fuck you without a condom?"

I blushed madly and nodded slightly still embarrassed that he had asked that and that he was about to screw me. He grabbed the bottle of lube and poured a generous amount on his length before applying some to my tight little tailbud. I gasped loudly as I felt the coldness of the lube at my hole. I whined when I felt him rub in it and then push his finger inside me. I went down and slipped my condom off, squeezing it and sloshing the warm splooge around in it before tying it off. I looked up at Taliana. He looked right at me and positioned his fuck muscle at my pink rosebud.

"Are you ready Drake?"

I leaned up and kissed him deeply, slipping my slimy dragon tongue into his mouth. I felt him push himself into me and I gasp loudly as I felt my virgin asshole being stretched beyond what I thought was possible. It hurt like hell at first, and as I felt him going deeper I felt the burning pain in my little butthole increase more and more. When he finally got six inches in, I could'nt take much more; I broke the kiss and cried out in both pleasure and pain. I started panting heavily and I tried to relax my butt. Everything got very blurry and I couldn't see clearly, the pain was so intense. I looked up at him the best I could and gripped his hands. He looked down at me worriedly and tried his best to get me to relax. I felt him rubbing my chest and then I heard him speak to me. I couldn't understand a word he was saying, it all sounded like mumbles to me.

I then felt him shake me and then pull out of me a bit. "Drake! Drake, are you okay?" This time I heard him clearly and gave a weak nod. I was really tired and weak already from taking him and having him take me was extremely exhausting. He pulled back and slowly pushed himself back in and, in an amazing display of foxy flexibility, bent down and gave me a big lick on my hot, hard, draconian dick. I moaned loudly; I wanted him to suck me off so badly right now. I wanted to yank his dick right out of my tailend, shove his hot muzzle right down on my boyhood, and hump till the cows came home - but I was good enough with him just fucking me good, hard, and deep.

I felt his hips slap against mine, my tongue lolling out of my mouth, and I was breathing deeply. He looked down and grinned as he saw me panting. He pulled me in for a kiss and jerked his dick out of my backside before slamming back into me a bit too hard. I cried out softly during the kiss but he didn't seem to care too much. He was lost in the pleasure, how tight, warm and moist my asshole was. I felt his knot beginning to form at the base of his pulsing penis. He knot was slapping against me and it was causing me a lot of pain at first, but I soon relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of that big bulb of flesh slamming against my hole and stretching it slightly each time.

He broke the kiss and pulled back one last time before he drove it home and pushed his big, veiny knot inside me. I felt his jizz splurt into my guts and fill my bowels quickly. He howled loudly, as did I, while he bred me and planted his hot, potent seed in me. My upper body jumped off the bed for a couple of seconds as I howled and roared, before I crashed back down. I closed my eyes in exhaustion and felt Taliana collapsing on top of me. I heard him whisper something, but I couldn't quite hear him and he repeated it.

"I love you Drake."

"I love you too Taliana."

I wrapped my arms around him and we fell asleep in each other arms. We didn't need any covers to keep us warm because our body heat combined was more than enough.

~The Next Day. Noon.~

Taliana was supporting my weight and helping me walk over to the football field. We had marching band rehearsal and I felt like I had been fucked with a tree trunk. It hurt to move my hips and today we were learning a dance sequence. We were divided into groups of five, each had two trumpets, two clarinets, and a tenor sax. I happened to be in Taliana's group, and thank goodness too. As we started to learn the dance sequence, I felt pain soar throughout my loins, and the rest of my body, and I tried my best not to cry out in pain.

Taliana came over and whispered to me. "Drake just try to ignore the pain. My ass hurts too but I'm fighting through it."

"Hey. You didn't have a big fucking knot shoved up there."

"True that. Just try to fight through it and I promise I'll make it up to you later tonight."

I blushed madly at that and he shook his head. "Try not to be too conspicuous, we need to make it seem like we aren't mates or else they won't let us be roommates."


"Now come on. Let's get this dance down!"

So Much Hugging. So Much Fun.

Story edited and written for :Scatterpawsicon: Sorry It been so long since I posted anything but marching band is really taking up alot of my time. **ALSO THIS IS NOT THE STORY FOR MY BOYFRIEND!!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE COMMENTS SAYING, "AWW, YOU...

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