Lost in your Eyes - Chapter 3

Story by Ambelsyn on SoFurry

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#9 of Lost in your Eyes

The next morning Mike was waiting outside his house for the bus to come get him. His mom always left a few minutes for work after he left for school, and his dad...well, he never had a dad and isn't really concerned with who he is. The fact is that his mom doesn't know who the dad is either. It raised questions in Mike's mind about what kind of things she participated in in her youth, but he would shudder every time he pondered the acts.

Mike wore a green hoody that covered him nicely, but wore nothing underneath. He didn't plan on taking the warmth off during school in the middle of winter. He had what looked like a clone of the blue jeans he wore yesterday, and he wore no shoes. Nobody wore shoes. A few seconds before the bus arrived, a red corvette sped down his street. It passed the bus and slammed his breaks in front of Mike's house, forcing the bus to almost swerve to avoid the vehicle. Mike looked shocked at what was nearly a collision. The passenger window rolled down to reveal the inverted red fox wearing a pair of thin shades, blasting rap music with the bass turned up to 'tremor'.

"Yo, Mike. I'll take ya up!" The fox grinned, reaching over to push the passenger side open. Mike half-smiled, a little shocked at the recklessness of his new friend, but happy to be together with him already. The wolf through his backpack into the backseat before he jumped in, shutting the door before they blazed off.

The inside of the car was a horror he wasn't ready to deal with. It smelled of cigarette smoke beyond repair, and Mike fought to keep himself from vommiting. Three beer cans crushed beneath Mike's feet as he entered, thankfully they were empty. The rap music was inaudible, as all he heard was BMMMM BMMMMMM BMM BMMMMMMM.

Mike reached over to turn the music off, quickly yelling at Max, "What the fuck? Are you trying to become deaf?" Max glared over at Mike, shaking his head before taking a long drag from his lit cigarette. Mike felt sickened when he saw the fox smoke, feeling as if Darty had taken his first drag. "So...did you think about what I said last night, Mike?" Mike sighed, ready to tell him the truth. "Yeah...I thought about it, and..."

Mike looked to his left to tell him the rest, only to see that the shades had been lifted from his eyes. Mike choked on his words, speechless until the fox looked over at the wolf. "Yes?" Max inquired, impatiently waiting for an answer.

"Yes...I want to date you." Mike was screaming on the inside. He had just lied! Not only that, but he was feeling good about it! Those eyes...Darty's eyes...they had such strong control over him. He'd do anything to see Darty again...and when he saw Darty's eyes in a creature that could have been his clone...

"Great!" The fox slammed the breaks, signaling his turn signal as he began to turn right. "Um...school is that way." Mike said quickly as he pointed to the left where the building was. "Mike, we need to get to know each other better right now if you want to date me. We're going to have a lot of fun today, and what's one day of skipping going to do, huh?" Max glanced over at Mike, winking and smiling. Mike shrugged and rolled down his window, desperately wanting some non-smoking room. "I suppose...but please roll down the windows. This smoke is killing me." Max immediately rolled down all the windows and put out his cigarette. "Sorry. I don't normally smoke, but I had a rough morning with my folks and needed relief. But now that you're here, I can get relief through other means." The fox chortled quietly. Mike picked up on the amorous message, and blushed brightly. Was he ready to do something with the fox just yet? Had enough time passed by?

"So...what happened?" asked Mike. Max sighed as he pulled into an abandonned parking lot, exiting the vehicle along with Mike as they walked to the run-down K-Mart like building. "Dad and mom have been fighting ever since the operation, usually about money. Sometimes the fighting just gets on my nerves too much." Max held open the door to the abandonned building for Mike. "It's nothing big. I plan on stopping this smoking habbit soon anyway. I noticed it getting out of hand myself."

Mike looked around at the rusty factory-like building. It looked deserted except for the two furs inside. "Mmm, Max, are you sure nobody is here?" Max shrugged, "I have no clue. I honestly just picked a building I thought nobody would be in. Guess we're in luck!" Mike glared at Max, shocked at his impulsiveness. "What!? We could be trespassing on private property, or in the hideout of a gang! Why couldn't we just be in school right now where we know it's safe? We don't have to do anything today..." The wolf began walking out, feeling unsafe in the dirty building. Mike felt a paw on his shoulder just as he made it to the exit. It pushed Mike up against the metal, making a loud bang as the front of his body slammed against the door. Max sandwiched Mike between himself and the door, grinding his hips into his new boyfriend. "Oh, you'll love it...it'll all be worth it."

Mike turned red with frustration, fear, and lust. He desired the fox, but not here...not in this horrible place. "Please...not here, Max..." Mike tried to turn his head to give Max a pleading stare, but Max slammed Mike's head against the door with a strength unfitting for Max's small body composition. "Just let me take your troubles away, babe." Max whispered into Mike's ear. MIke wasn't wanting him at all right now. He wanted to run from the fox...but he had such strength that he couldn't move without breaking his neck. He felt a paw hastily unzipping his pants, thumb sliding under his underwear as his lower garments fell to his ankles. Mike whimpered some, scared to be caught by someone...he wasn't ready.

He heard another zipper, this time knowing it was Max's. He tried to squirm away from Max, uncomfortable as his face began to bleed from a sharp steel nail that was digging into his cheek. Mike felt his cheeks being spread open wide before Max's unlubed member began pressing into him. Mike whimpered loudly, unable to scream in pain as the fox's paw clamped down on his muzzle. Tears streamed down his cheeks as the fox thrusted into him violently. Mike was a virgin...He and Darty never had the chance to do anything. This wasn't the best welcoming to the world of sex. Mike was in severe pain from the thick member pumping into his friction-bearing hole. "Mmmf....fuck you feel good, babe." Max planted a kiss on the back of Mike's neck. He felt like he would throw up soon. He couldn't take much more of this agony. He then felt a sharp pain inside of him, and the burning sensation of the thrusting ended. The thrusting was a bit more pleasurable now aside from the slight stings from where his insides broke open. "yeah...now it feels good, doesn't it." Max was right. Mike was really enjoying the stimulation...but he wouldn't become hard in this building. He still didn't want to do this here. At least the pain was gone.

Moments later the fox gave a loud grunt as he shoved his knot inside the tight hole, the wolf howling into Max's paw. The knot was so big...and it hurt like hell as it stretched open his cuts. The fox bucked his hips violently, spewing his seed into Mike. There wasn't that much, but it felt a bit soothing to his burning insides. Max popped himself out, panting heavily before he pulled his pants up and stood to Mike's side. "That felt fantastic..." Mike glared at Max with an evil stare. "I'll walk home..." He made sure to look at Max's neck...he couldn't risk anything more today. The eyes would make him do anything. "Suit yourself, babe. We'll go to school tomorrow, I promise. Grades mean a lot to me too after all." Max didn't even try to make Mike reconsider taking him home. Max was already out the door. Mike heard the engine rev before the humming sound and teh blasting bass faded into the distance.

Mike fell onto the dirty floor covered in blood from his hole, crying his heart out in despair. He was just raped...by his boyfriend? Who would listen to him and believe that. Maybe he was overreacting...maybe Max thought Mike was just playing the victim. He could just tell him how he felt later and Max will apologize...he was sure of it. But right now he was in an unfamiliar and haunting place. Every patch of rust on the walls reminding him of a Silent Hill scene. He wanted to leave, but as he tried to get up his anus swelled with pain. He tried to reach the the doorhandle from the ground, but it was too high for him to reach without standing up or kneeling. He cried...waiting for his pain to dull enough to leave and go home.

He felt a buzzing at his ankles, reaching down to pull his pants back on with a hiss as he touched his butt with the garments. He reached into his pocket, wiping tears from his eyes as he read his text. It was from Spencer.

"WHR R U!?"

"old k-mart down street from school QQing"

"dude, u missed the whole day!"

"I was out for that long?"

"Stay there, \I'm comming to get u. We need to talk"

Mike felt like he was in trouble, but he didn't care. Spencer was his best friend, and he had such great advice. He knew how relationships worked from studying the stories of others. If only he were gay...Mike would have probably wanted Spencer more than Max from the beginning.

He couldn't leave Max yet though. It was a bad first date, but everybody makes mistakes, right? He didn't care...he wanted to see Max's eyes again...no...Darty's eyes.