My Tiger Twins: Just Like Old Times

Story by LasciviousLeonine on SoFurry

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#2 of My Tiger Twins

Part 2! We pick up right where we left off, but we go plenty further! Thanks so much for all the positive feedback on part 1, it means a lot! To get right to the smut, control f for 'blush'. I have a few ideas for a part 3, but im not totally sure if I think any of them are good enough to run with. If I don't do a part 3 here, I will definitely write something else!

It was obvious that this was not the response they expected, as they both exchanged glances while attempting to formulate their thoughts.

"I uh... I think we should wait a bit."

"Jack's right little man. Let's take some time for all of us to get our heads on straight before we make any big decisions."

I can't say I blamed them for that. It did hurt a bit to hear, but come to think of it, I guess I kinda always knew that I liked my brothers a little more than normal. Even if it was just subconsciously, I had these feelings ever since puberty. From their perspective, their little brother that they didn't even know was gay until an hour ago just sucked them off. That would sure take me a minute to process, even if I did really enjoy it. I nodded, said goodnight, and headed upstairs. I know I should have been feeling horrible for a million different reasons, but I didn't. It felt good to finally tell my brothers something I wasn't sure I was ever going to tell anyone, and even with their hesitant reactions I could tell it was more about worrying over me than anything else. Before long I drifted off - unsure of what the next day would bring, but hopeful that it would be good.

I had turned my alarm off the first night here to make sure I got all the extra rest I could before college started up. Yet for some reason I was awakened rather unnaturally by a pounding on my door. Thankfully, I never fully undressed from last night - so I didn't have to throw anything on before slumping out of bed and opening the door.

"Hey little man! Grab a bag and throw in whatever you need for a day out."

From down the hall I heard Jack shout, "Make sure you bring swimming trunks!"

"What are we doing?"

"We are going to take a day to make up for all the time we missed after me and Jack left for college. All the fun stuff we used to do!"

"Oh! Ok, gimme five minutes to get ready, I just need to grab some -"

"You uh, may want to take a shower before we leave."

Right. Forgot about that. Apparently still too early for my sense of smell to be working, but now that it was brought up, I could definitely feel most of the fur on my face matted with you-know-what. I ran through the shower as fast as I could and came downstairs to see Jack and Andy waiting for me at the table.

"You ready?"

"Hell yeah! Where are we starting?"

"Right here!" said Jack as he revealed a massive container of ice cream that he had hidden under the table. Ever since we were all little, our tradition every Saturday was to have ice cream for breakfast. It stopped happening after they went off to college; It just wasn't the same with just me and Mom, but I would always see ice cream in the freezer and get a bit sad for something I assumed would never happen again. Four bowls later I couldn't eat another bite.

"Alright, lets hit the road!"

"Where are we going?"

"Ah ah ah! No way we're gonna ruin the surprise!"

Feeling like an eager victim of kidnapping, I jumped in the backseat and bucked up for what was sure to be a fantastic day. After a short drive we arrived at a mini-golf course. We hadn't gone to one of these since my eleventh birthday party. I used to love them, but Jack and Andy mostly lost interest after their growth spurt. I always just figured that mini golf wasn't fun anymore when you could be making touchdowns or shooting threes, but they certainly seemed really excited now so I wasn't going to complain. We played through all three courses they had in a couple hours; I'm not sure who won any of the games, but I do know that It really did feel just like old times. Seeing as it was now lunchtime, we decided to go out for all-you-can-eat sushi. Thank God, otherwise I'm sure my brothers would have managed to scarf down a few hundred bucks of anything that had shrimp or salmon in it. Don't get me wrong, I ate my fill too - it's just that my fill would have been an appetizer for my brothers. After lunch it was time for the water park. I had driven by it a few times and always wanted to go, but never got the chance to thanks to the long drive from Mom's house. We made sure to go on everything at least once, and most things at least a few times. All the rides and slides were great fun, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't - distracted - by my brothers trapesing around in swim trunks. I think we all know that when you climb out of the pool your trunks tend to highlight certain areas, and I was by no means disappointed at the highlighted features. I was even thanking God that I had gone with a sheath style chastity cage, as opposed to one of the larger tube style ones or nothing at all. Otherwise, I would have been highlighting my own areas that I did not want to be highlighting in public. Jack and Andy seemed to be fine with the amount of showing off they were doing, and I was certainly not going to ask them to stop.

"Alright little man, we had better head out if we want to make the movie."

"Oh, sick! What are we seeing?"

"Andy and I figured we would let you pick for once."

They did tend to pick the movies we saw when we were kids. It never mattered too much to me, as we had pretty similar tastes, but I was nonetheless happy to get to pick myself. There was a new comedy I had been dying to see for a few weeks that was still playing, so we loaded up with popcorn and Icees and booked the best seats in the house (middle of the fourth row from the front, I will fight about this). I had forgotten how much I missed hearing the roaring laughter my brothers produced when they thought something was really funny. Mom's restrained giggle just wasn't the same. I hadn't heard Jack or Andy laugh like this in years, and I couldn't help but crack up myself, even if it wasn't really the movie I was enjoying. Before long the credits rolled and we were on our way back home. We picked up some fast food on the way, as I was getting a bit tired of all the running around, no matter how much I had enjoyed it. I ate my fill and excused myself to take a shower and rinse all the chlorine out of my fur. I could deal with the smell and feel when I had other things to distract me, but now that things were winding down, it was getting annoying. I undressed and did another spin in front of the mirror to check on my cage. It hadn't moved at all, probably due to the custom design, and was still snuggly in possession of my sheath. Actually, really snuggly. In my first real minute of downtime since my rude-but-welcome awakening this morning, I was suddenly keenly aware of something: I was so horny. I hadn't done anything for a few days before graduation just because of how busy everything was, and I didn't have the presence of mind to rub one out before locking the cage on a few days ago. I don't think I've gone a week without jerking it since that family road trip when Jack and Andy graduated High School. I guess with everything going on in the past week I just had enough on my mind to ignore it. It took me much longer than usual get myself clean: every drop of water landing on my balls instantly drawing my attention away from the task at hand.

"Knock knock little man."

"What's up, Andy?"

"Jack and me are done showering, and I think we're ready to talk. Just come downstairs when you're done, alright?

"Will do."

Another distraction meant I couldn't remember if I got my back already or not. I decided to just wash it again to be safe, despite the fact that it was getting no easier to concentrate. Especially now that I had a million thoughts swimming around my head about what my brothers were going to say to me. I blocked out all the negative ones as best I could and decided that, if today was all about doing the things I wanted to do, then today wasn't over just yet. I fumbled in the box I had placed in the cabinet while moving in and eventually found my old nasal rinse squeeze bottle. I had to use it for my allergies all the time when I was little, but I had thankfully grown out of needing it anymore. Well, not for that purpose anyway. Turns out something built to push water up your nostril works pretty well for pushing water up other places too. Sure was a lot less suspicious to have this sitting on the counter at Mom's house than to try to get any actual kind of enema in there. I cleaned myself out and dried myself off, making sure to brush my fur to look as attractive as possible. Not that I usually had any problem with that, but it was one more thing to do, giving me time to build up the courage I was going to need to survive whatever this talk was going to bring. With my fur looking as good as it ever had and my butt shiny as ever, I knew I couldn't stall any longer. I put on my clothes and made my way downstairs, finding Jack and Andy once again on the couch.

"So... What did you guys want to talk about?"

"Well actually, we mostly just wanted some time to talk with each other and figure out what we wanted to do."

"Right. We talked for a few hours after you went to bed last night. Just needed some processing time - this whole thing with you happened so much faster than it did with Jack and me."

"So we decided to take a day for just the three of us to have some fun, just like we used to. To show you that, no matter what you want to do now, we can roll with it. If you want to keep going, or even if you want to pretend this never happened."

"Whatever I want..."

I knew what I wanted. What I wanted for years ever since I saw that fox moaning like a girl as that lion forced a dribble of cum out the tip of his chastity cage with every powerful thrust. I went through years of berating myself - just as bad, if not worse than anyone at school - for my taste in men happening to be a bit too similar to my brothers. Years of wanting to talk to anybody who could scratch that particular itch for me. Years of never being able to work up the courage to do so. At the time, I always thought it was just nerves or anxiety. Now I think I finally get it. I could have thrown myself at any hunk I wanted and probably have gone home with him. I could have put him on the couch, just like I did with Jack and Andy, and worked my way through the layers of fabric until I got to what I thought I craved. I could have touched my nose to his crotch and gotten drunk off his smell. I could have let him cum down my throat, or all over my face - whatever he wanted. I could have done all these things for any number of men if that was what I really wanted, but I don't think it was. Sure, I did want all those things. I really wanted all those things. But the thing is, I would have given all of them up in a heartbeat just to be with someone who liked me for more than just my soft fur and cute butt. Someone who treated me like... well like Jack and Andy treat me. I knew what I wanted, and I wasn't going to give up on anything."

"You said you guys have done handjobs and blowjobs, right? Well... what about anal?"

"We uh, thought about it a few times, but neither of us really wanted to play receiver, so we just never did."

"And we wouldn't expect you to either, little man."

"And anyway, last night you didn't want to get naked in front of us. So I'm not quite sure how we could anyway..."

"I didn't want to last night because there was still something I hadn't told you guys about..."

"What's that, little man?"

I tried to start talking about thirty different times, but the words were just refusing to come out no matter how I tried to arrange them. One of my darting glances while trying to find the words landed at the kitchen sink - and consequently the paper I had left taped underneath it. I gestured for Jack and Andy to wait while I made my way under the sink and pulled out the folded brown paper. I walked back over and sat it the paper between my brothers. Andy reached for it first.

"What's this, little man?"

Thankfully, Jack chimed in quickly. "Open it!"

Andy slowly unfolded the paper, revealing the promise I had made to myself that first night here.

Once I lock this cage on, I will not unlock it until I can cum just from being fucked.

Nate Miles

"So... that's why you didn't want me taking your shorts off last night..."

"Why did you want to show us this, Nate?"

With the worst part over, the ability to form words was slowly coming back to me.

"I wanted to show you... because I... also figured something out today. I've wanted what's on that paper for years, but I never really went out and tried to get it. I... I think it was because what I wanted even more was someone who loved me. I just never realized that what I wanted was something I already had."

"We're so glad to hear you say that, little man. It's no secret that we really enjoyed last night too, and we were just terrified that we may have accidentally pressured you into something you didn't really want."

"So now... what does that mean for your promise here?"

"I just said I wanted you both more, not that I didn't want that too. Do you think I could... convince you guys to... indulge me?"

Jack and Andy exchanged looks for a moment before nodding at each other and turning to me.

"Little man, today was all about indulging you."

"And it isn't over yet. Just... promise us one more time: If you decide you want to stop, just say the word and we will."

"Jack's right little man. Looks like him and me are gonna be doing more than sitting on the couch this time, so you need tell us if we go too far."

"I promise."

"Promise what, Nate?"

"I promise I will tell you if you go to far. But I know you won't."

"Good, little man. Now why don't you walk over here so we can get you undressed."

That made me blush so bad I'm sure I could have popped. The three steps to position myself between my brothers felt like the first ones I had ever really taken. They stood up, Jack in front of me and Andy behind, grabbing my shirt and slowly pulling it over my head. As soon at the fabric was over my head, Jack reached down and began to pull down my shorts. A moment of fear was instantly washed away as Andy hugged me from behind, making me feel as safe as I ever had before. He continued caressing me, kissing the back of my neck and playfully nibbling my ears as Jack pulled my shorts all the way off. A voice I recognized only from last night whispered into my ear:

"Ready, little man?"

I nodded my agreement and Jack proceeded with his task of undressing me. With Andy still giving me all the attention I could ask for, I almost didn't notice my underwear slide down to my ankles.

After a few moments pause, Jack asked "Wow... does that like... hurt?"

"It's a little... uncomfortable at times. But it doesn't ever really hurt. It usually just feels... tight? Oh and I uh... prepped earlier, so you can just go for it."

"Well, I'll give you points for commitment anyway."

With all my clothes officially off, Andy walked around to my front - tracing a claw along my jawline to point my gaze right at him. He started to undress, and Jack took the cue and matched him. They both crossed their arms over their stomachs, grabbing the bottom of their shirts and seductively pulling them off over their heads. Every inch they raised their arms revealed a new muscle I was all too happy to ogle. The pants came off next, revealing that neither of my brothers had managed to keep their excitement in check either. My caged cock throbbed as theirs were finally brought into view again, looking just as tantalizing as the first time. Well, the second time anyway. A little too much shock for me to have enjoyed walking in on my brothers 69ing that first time. Andy pats Jack on the shoulder and turns towards the staircase.

"I'm just going to grab some lube, little man. Don't have too much fun without me!"

Jack turned towards me with a smirk that said he intended on having plenty of fun without Andy. In an instant he hoisted me into the air and turned me upside down before laying the both of us down on the couch. My nose was pressed up against Jack's sheath, and in a moment, I was drunk off his musk all over again. I didn't have much time to focus on the incredible smell, as my attention was drawn to Jack's tongue as he lapped at my ass. It was rough, as I knew it would be, but he was gentle enough that I couldn't deny the pleasure I was being given. I arched my back in response, but was quickly met with a hand on the back of my head forcing me back down. I knew what that meant, so I wasted no time using my own tongue to caress his sheath. Soon my brother's dick started emerging from its hiding place, allowing me to shift my attention away from his sheath and onto it. As I started suckling Jack's tip he started moaning into my backside. A perfect chain reaction was started in that moment. Every moan sent me over the moon, causing me to both mew in sheer bliss, and double my efforts on the task at hand. This in turn, made Jack do the same as we lost ourselves in pleasure.

"And what did I just tell you two?"

Jack and I looked up to see Andy standing there with a bottle of lube; I don't think either of us had even noticed him come back down the stairs.

"I'm gone for two minutes, and you skip straight to the good stuff? Just for that, I get first go at your cute little butt, little man."

"Fine by me. If he's this into blowing me just cause I'm eating him out, then I can't wait to see how into it he gets once you get inside him."

"Any objections, little man?"

I had none. I moved off of Jack and got on my hands and knees in front of the couch. Jack sat up, placing his crotch right next to my face and rubbing the back of my neck. If tigers could purr, I'm sure I would have been as Jack scratched just where I wanted it. A cold drizzle on my butt popped my eyes open and brought me out of my daze.

"You sure you're ready for this, little man? You know how big we are."

"Don't uh... don't worry about me. I've had practice."

"I'll start slow, just let me know if it's too much."

With that out of the way, Andy wasted no time smearing the lube all over my anxious butt. Jack's hand moved under my chin, tipping my head up to stare right at his junk. I suppose he had enough of the down time, and I was certainly not going to pretend I didn't want his dick back in my mouth. Only moments later and I could feel Andy adding pressure behind a finger until it slid into me. Thanks to the retractable claws, Andy was able to prod around without causing me any discomfort. On the contrary, him slipping another finger in proved that Jack's earlier thoughts were quite on the nose. I needed my brother's cock in my mouth almost as much as I needed oxygen, and Andy adding yet another finger multiplied this feeling until it blocked out any others I could be having. Soon, the fingers were removed and I felt Andy prodding at my entrance with something I had been craving for years. I had been working on Jack for long enough that he had worked up quite the aroma. I was so intoxicated by it that, if there was any pain at all from the head of Andy's dick slipping into me, I didn't feel it. The same way I didn't feel how tight my cage was getting as the first few drops of pre leaked out of the tip. What I did feel, was Andy applying pressure and his dick slipping in, inch by inch. It pushed right past my prostate, forcing me to moan with my jaw still locked over Jack's dick, which he certainly seemed to like.

"God damn, Andy. Whatever you just did, you better keep doing. You're making him crazy!"

Andy continued his mission to hilt me, applying just enough pressure to continue his slow decent. The deeper he got, the thicker he was. The moment I thought I couldn't take any more, I felt his hips grind into me as he finally had his dick all the way in. I may have had some practice, but the real thing was something to behold. I felt so full, and yet, I craved so much more. The grinding again forced me to moan onto Jack's dick, which must have signaled to Andy that I was ready for more. I certainly was. Andy pulled out no more quickly than he went in, pulled out until just the tip was left, and then slid back in just a touch faster than the first time. He continued, each thrust raking a dozen of his barbs past my prostate. His pace wasn't fast yet, but I was certainly having plenty of fun and leaking plenty of pre. Every time I felt his hips on mine, they were immediately drawn back. Every time I was sure his head was about to pop out, it was pushed all the way back in. With Jack's dick finding its way down my throat, his musk being the only thing I could really smell, and Andy slowly but surely picking up the pace, I couldn't really focus on anything. A second of reprieve was granted when Andy pulled out not just to the tip, but all the way - dragging a small stream of lube and pre out of my twitching tailhole along with him.

"Alright little man, why don't you lay on you back on the couch and put your head over the armrest for me."

I pulled myself off of Jack and drug myself onto the couch, putting myself into the requested position. Jack moved around to my head again and Andy placed himself above me, grabbing my ankles and forcing them over my head. Feline flexibility made sure that this position was still quite comfortable, though I was unable to worry about it for long as Jack lined up with my throat and Andy lined up with my butt. I opened my maw and allowed Jack to take control of the pace for the first time. Clearly, he had wanted to go faster than I had worked up to at that point. He started at the pace I had left off at, but he was definitely holding something back. These thoughts too were quickly pushed out of my head as Andy's dick was pushed into my hole. This angle allowed him more control over his positioning, and he made sure to take advantage. He made sure that every thrust raked every inch of his dick over my prostate with enough pressure to force a moan out. Within a few minutes a small pool of pre had leaked out of my chastity cage and collected on my stomach. It seemed like every thrust made more and more leak out as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me.

"Loving the view here, little man. If that wet spot by your cage is anything to go by, you must really be enjoying this. You want us to go harder?"

Jack took the cue and pulled his dick out of my throat with a slurry of saliva and pre.

"...Fuck yes..."

"Alright then, can do!"

With that, my brothers both pushed their cocks back into my mouth and ass. When they said 'harder,' they meant it. It felt like I was being jackhammered from both ends. Not that I was complaining of course; I could feel nothing but building pleasure as Jack and Andy had their way with me, each and every thrust making my caged cock twitch and jump with excitement. Jack was the first to reach his climax. He pulled out and started stroking himself. I knew what he wanted, so I kept my maw agape and waited for the fruit of my labor. Andy must have noticed, as he generously picked up the pace - something I wasn't sure he could do, considering how fast he was already going. I guess all those muscles weren't just for show after all. In and out and in and out, every thrust the full length of his cock. Every thrust pushing me closer and closer to the caged orgasm I craved so much. Jack began to unload, spurting rope after rope of cum onto my face and into my maw. I couldn't stop some of it from running down my throat, but there was still plenty elsewhere to put me into absolute bliss. Andy pounded with a vengeance, and between Jack's load soaking into my fur and spurting into my mouth and Andy's ever-increasing cycle of thrusts, I felt myself reach the point of no return - and pass it. The involuntary moan caused by the first drop of cum seeping out of my locked tip forced me to swallow some of Jack's load, which only ensured that I was going to continue dumping my seed straight through the cage.

"Jesus little man, you just got crazy tight. Hope you don't mind me filling you up!"

I didn't. Not that I could really think in that moment, with every increasingly fast thrust from Andy forcing another glob of cum to seep out of me and another wave of pleasure unlike any I had experienced before to wash over me. He thrusted a few more times before slamming home and locking himself in as deep as he could get, smothering me with his hulking form. My cage, still twitching and leaking the last bits of my orgasm, was pressed between us as I felt an increase in pressure from my brother unloading into me. After a few moments, both our dicks had stopped twitching as our orgasms faded. Andy pushed himself off of me and slowly pulled out his dick, leaving my hole open for several seconds before it managed to shut itself - keeping all but a bit of my brother's cum inside. Andy and Jack sat on the couch with me, one to either side. I was still struggling to form thoughts, let alone words, as Jack reached for the paper on the coffee table.

"Well Nate, looks like you completed your promise."

Jack removed the tape from the paper, releasing the key into his hand. He started moving towards my cage, but I stopped him.

"Wait... give me a minute..."

"Whatever you need, little man."

"I just... I made that promise because I wanted to know what it felt like. Now that I do... I don't think I want to cum any other way. At least for now..."

"If that's what you want, then sure. I can't imagine we won't be doing this again. I want a turn at your cute little butt sometime, " Jack said, winking at me and standing up. "I think I'm going to go take another shower."

"I think I just want to go to bed."

I tried to stand up, but my legs wobbled so much that I don't know if I could have made it to the stairs, much less up them. As I fell back into the couch, Andy caught me in his arms."

"Having trouble there?" he said with a smirk.

"Only cause you had to be so rough!"

"You loved it and you know it. But if it really is all my fault, then the least I can do is carry you to bed."

I did love it. Andy carried me to the stairs and up to my room, placing me on the bed and grabbing a towel to wipe away the worst of the mess.

"Did you enjoy yourself, little man?"

"Oh, you have _no_idea."

"I'm glad to hear you say that. Today was all about indulging you, but... maybe someday you could indulge me?"

I wiped the cum from my face and stomach before lying back onto my bed. I really had everything I wanted in combination with what I really needed. I don't know what else I could have asked for.

"How does every day sound?"