Lost in your Eyes - Chapter 10

Story by Ambelsyn on SoFurry

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#2 of Lost in your Eyes

Mike stirred awake from his sleep, hunger eating away at him. He whimpered quietly, feeling weak from malnutrition. He looked up to see Max hovering over him. The fox had a mischevious grin. "How are you feelin', babe."

Mike slowly blinked his eyes, showing off his weariness. Max laughed a bit. Mike wanted to tell Max he was hungry. He wanted to go home. He wanted to go back to school. He was just too weak. Max really sucked as a caretaker. "Max..." whispered Mike, in a pathetic voice.

"Actually...my name is Alkai. It has been for fifty years." Max turned his face to gaze into Mike's eyes, but Mike's weakened heart took another turn as he realized the eyes he saw were no longer Darty's. The fox smoothly changed in shape, fur becomming scales, webs building between each digit on his paws, his nose shortening and his head getting a little bigger. His fluffy tail became long and scaley. He was a chameleon with blue auras for eyes, about 6 feet tall.

Alkai knelt down in front of the scrawny, sick wolf, scritching his chin. "The poor thing...the depression is eating away at him. The loss of his greatest love...oh how devastating it was to see those lifeless brown eyes gazing back at you." Alkai was squirming a bit as if he was getting himself excited. Mike felt his heart begin to die, his soul just barely hanging on. He realized he was betrayed again...the tone in this chameleons voice was all he needed to know to realize he had been played with from the very beginning.

"Mmm...and that Spencer...so easy for a chameleon to sneak inside and play with the mechanics. I didn't much care for the bill of supplying ice to keep you fooled. But mmmf...so worth it....uhn" The chameleon started stroking himself, making sure Mike watched him take pleasure in what he was saying. He looked up lustfully, speaking more. "And gods! The way I spooked that mom of yours down the stairs...I just wanted to paw off right there. Those crushed bones...that turned head." He breathed heavily standing up and patting himself down, regaining his composure. "Now I shall get what I wanted from you, dearie. That is...if you choose. Tell me something." He bent over to help Mike get upright, whispering into his ear. "This can all end, babe...all you have to do is die. Doesn't that sound wonderful?" The chameleon laid Mike back down, walking away and knocking over a toolbox full of nails and a hammer.

Mike was done. The fourth and final major catastrophe had happened, and he was broken. He was excited to hear the hammer fall, and all those nails...his escape. This world was rotten now, and nobody cared for him now. He was alone...but he could join Darty again. Mike crawled over to the hammer, panting to pull himself to the instrument of death.

He stopped when a bright light flooded the warehouse, Mike squinting to see what the light was. It was like in the dream...his hero had arrived, but it wasn't Darty. The silhouette of a mighty horse stood in the doorway, rushing over to the sick wolf. "Mike! Oh my god, Mike!"

Spencer was crying in fear and relief. The wolf looked terrible, and needed medical attention for the sores, the bumps, the starvation...everything. He opened the package of lunchmeat he brought from the store as well as unscrewing the cap to a water bottle. Spencer held the bottle to Mike's lips. The feeling was incredible. The dehydrated wolf's body was flooded with ecstasy as such a huge amount of water just arrived. It went right to work on putting that much needed water to good use. Spencer started feeding Mike large amounts of bologna which Mike chowed down on ferociously. It was amazing...it felt like Thanksgiving. Mike was still very weak from atrophy and malnutrition over the past 2 and a half weeks, but he felt like he was regaining some strength in will.

Spencer ran out of food, "Don't worry, there's tons more in the truck. I just thought I'd bring an appetizer." Spencer leaned down to kiss Mike on the lips. Mike had never been more happy to see his best friend...his hero. After the way he treated him last time, Spencer was still willing to save him.

The great reunion came to an abrupt end after Alkai appeared behind Spencer and kicked the horse with enormous strength to the side. Mike watched in horror as Spencer was slammed up against a metal beam, fearing the worst.

"I'm not letting another one slip away..." Alkai walked quickly over to Spencer to make sure he was dead, but as soon as he got close enough Spencer sprang his knife out, throwing it with great force directly at his neck. He hit his target, the knife impaling into the chameleon's scale at half the length. Spencer grinned at his marksmanship. "It'll take a lot more than a simple kick to take me down, Max." The chameleon reached for the knife in his neck, shaking as he yanked it out and let the blood spill from his wound. "The name's Alkai...and you're going to regret that, horsey." Mike wanted to cheer Spencer on. He felt safe after seeing Spencer take such a huge hit only to still be standing and looking strong. "You can beat him, Spence...I know you can" he thought.

Alkai threw the knife right at Spencer's heart, but the horse knew where the knife was meant to strike. He held a hoof in front of his vital, letting the knife pierce through the tough hide. It stung, but it would heal fast, and it would hardly bleed. Now that he had his knife back, he'd stick to close quarter combat.

Alkai kept up the pressure after throwing the knife, sending a barrage of jabs and kicks at any of the major organs that were exposed to him, but Spencer used his strong arms and the knife to guard himself, letting the reptile slowly cut himself apart each time the teeth of his knife grazed along the scaley hide. Spencer looked like he was outsmarting his opponent, and Mike knew it. Alkai was throwing every punch, and Spencer was letting the rage of reptile cause his own demise. Blood was splatering, leaving a trail behind Alkai as his arms started to drain more and more.

Alkai began to notice what Spencer was up to, and changed things up a bit. He lunged his long tongue out, licking at his lips to distract Spencer. It worked as the horse brought the hoof with the knife up to his lips to wipe the slobber off. Alkai took his opportunity to bash at Spencer's lower side and stomach. Spencer let out a loud painful groan which slowly quieted after he was silenced with a perfect blow to the gut. Mike watched in horror as the battle turned in Alkai's favor. Spencer was getting beat horribly, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Spencer felt on his back after one final punch to the head, sending him sliding backwards a bit. Alkai pushed his against Spencer's chest, about to crush his sternum and finish him for good. "Did you really think you could stop me?" Spencer coughed, but then smiled. "Did you really think I'd come alone?"

Alkai was launched into the base of the scaffolding with such speed. The chameleon let out a groan of pain while he fell to the ground. Blake had arrived, holding a claw down to help Spencer up. Mike was amazed at how strong the dragon looked. There was no way Alkai would live to see another day with that kind of firepower...and those big guns...wow. Spencer had a little trouble standing up, but he wasn't out of it yet. Blake patted him on the back. "Let me handle the Morpher. You get your buddy out of here on the double. I'll check in with you later." Spencer nodded in agreement, rushing over to Mike to scoop him up in his arms. He watched Blake and Alkai fight for a second, the fight looking one-sided in Blake's favor. He snickered and then rush out the front door, quickling getting into his truck with mike sitting upright in the front seat.

Spencer sped off, sighing with relief as he looked over to Mike. "Well Mike, I don't think that weight loss program was worth it. Here, have a meal." Spencer reached in the back and laid an assortment of chips, lunch meats, veggies, candies, sodas, and water in Mike's lap. Mike had tears in his eyes again, tears of joy. He looked back into Spencer's gaze with a smile worth a thousand pictures. "Thank you..." Mike wanted to reach over and bear hug Spencer, but he instead started gobbling down food and drink like a wild animal. Spencer laughed heartily as he began to tear up himself. His friend was out of danger now, and his cousin would deal with the threat without a hitch.