Heart of Winter: DnD Game Lore

Story by WozWerth on SoFurry

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Eh no content like usual. Decided to make public some story and campaign ideas I have and/or am working on to some degree or another. Stuff is pretty much completely PG, just the baseline lore for a world that has been or is being constructed by yours truly.

This one specifically is a DnD campaign I fashioned to switch up the mold a bit with an isolated and strange world sitting outside conventional lore. Based in a world where players will take to a lot of sailing, not on water but an expanding sea of sand slowly consuming the land.

Limited the gods to follow and the materials this world will have in abundance or scarcity. Alongside some unique materials that can only be aquired thanks to the exotic properties of the sand itself.

Information is broad due to this being an introductory for the players. I have a crapton more I've crammed into the actual module.

I dunno. Maybe it's something folks will be interested in. Input never hurts.

This world was deliberately separated from the other realms by a collaboration of gods. What for? No one is entirely certain. But 4 deities either created or charged now hold the duty of custodians and anchors to maintain stability within this isolated realm. Ishi, Valorous, Sohma, and Bhurr. After leaving chosen mortal races, the other gods fled. And so long as the balance was maintained, the exotic force repelling outside influences from this realm would remain nearly impenetrable.

Each of the four guardians over time became representatives of the natural cycle. One for each of the seasons. Taking responsibility for the cycle of life they represent.

These divine were bound by contract, forbidden from directly and intentionally interfering with mortal affairs. They could offer guidance but were powerless to exercise their wroth (Though nothing halts mortals from doing so in their name). The world was idylic. Prospering for a few millenia. In that time specific races who were exposed directly to those gods for so long essentially evolved or mutated into new unique species with a glimmer of the specific gods features or virtues.

The specifics are long forgotten. But eventually a conflict erupted in centuries past which came to be known as the "Liberation War". In the waning days of this titanic struggle the people of winter, known as remarkable diplomats and generals, were completely annihilated. The god of winter became so distraught that he tore his heart from his body and hurled it from his mountainous throne. Falling into a deep slumber within the highest peaks of his realm. Without his influence to disperse it, water was drawn aggressively to the mountain peaks in a ceaseless flurry. Falling as neverending snow. The world, it's life, and its water cycles slowly fell into decay without the season of respite to calm and regulate the growth and consumption of nature.

The modern age takes place thousands of years later. The world has become a massive desert called the SandSea. Civilization only thrives in mountains and valleys where snow and rain continue to fall before drying up in the expanding dunes. Faith in the guardians has faltered, most tales now reduced to myth and legend of how the world once was.

Without the balance of the 4 guardians, the barrier protecting the world has wavered and some magics have grown deeply unstable. From this split in the veil 4 powerful beings called "The Dark Patrons" have made their way through with motivations unknown. If things continue the world may be doomed.

=The Four Descendants=

The Vera-Dune of Spring:

Once the "Vera-Vahn". They are a flying humanoid insect people that can vary in human appearance from almost-identical to bug-in-sandals. Once the most magically adept, compassionate, and wise of all the altered races. Their ancient civilization known as "Vahn" could not hold back the growing sands and was eventually consumed alongside their noble history, culture, and magical technology. Most now live as bandits and brigands on the edges of civilization.

The Culbra of Summer:

an ambitious 4-armed serpent species that lead the world in technology and industry. Few have the patience for tedious magical study and discovery but make up for it with their peerless charisma and intelligence.

The Mohl of Autumn:

Metallic subterranean mole people. Calm, rugged and wholesome to a fault as they meticulously build, dig and congregate for hours of debate and philosophy.

The Silus of Winter:

A solitary apelike people known for their long and complex customs, a love of music, impeccable intuition and decisive minds, and imposing size. Regrettably, the children of winter are long dead or at least believed such. Their villages and history buried deep under the endless falling snow of their former mountain homes.

=The Four Guardians=

Ishi, The Spring :(Chaotic Good)

-The birth. The awakening, flourishing and rebirth of life and a new generation

A Dragonfly the size of a man. Her carapace composed of gently shifting hues of earthen gems and wings like stained glass, as though she flows as one with the landscape and sky. Beating her thrumming wings in a gentle harmony to blow the winds, scents and warmth of spring over the world to invigorate and awaken its sleeping beauty.

Valorous, The Summer: (Lawful Good)

-The journey. Growth, maturation, and adventure.

A towering golden 4-winged serpent. The guardian of pride, courage and ambition. A deity who's impatience is matched by his compassion and ambition. Always the first to action and first to place himself in harms way. He loathes that he is unable to directly act on the behalf of others.

Sohma, The Autumn: (Neutral Good)

-The reflection. Sowing the seeds of the next generation and celebrating what has been. A gargantuan golem of pure wrought iron. Fearsome in appearance yet as patient and ponderous as a mountain. She is the most level-headed and wise of the four. Often worshipped by seers and those in need of advice or foresight.

Bhurr, The Winter: (Lawful Neutral)

-The respite. The time of rest, recovery, and peace.

His form is unknown. Ancient depictions are rare and incomplete, but he is believed to take the form of an obscured shadow or short hooded figure of featureless expression and soft glowing blue eyes like glimmering sapphire. Shrouded in a silken cloak of woven spruce nettle, all that is ever seen of him is the long and brushlike white tail that flicks and wags as he walks. His presence bringing stillness and peace, leaving not a single sound as he travels. He is often the figure associated with death, sleep, mercy and acceptance. Few know of it. But those who ask his siblings would learn he was the most emotional and loving of the four.

Perhaps that is why he eventually took the actions he did, unable to bear the pain of his own silence any longer.

=The Dark Patrons=

Laos. The Darklight: (True Neutral)

Also know as the Demon of Light and the Guardian of Balance. Laos is a mysterious but altogether accepted worship in most cities. A being focused on cosmic equilibrium and harmony. Be it the shadow that blankets a world wreathed in too much light. Or the salvation of a land swathed in darkness. They are considered the strongest yet most enigmatic of the patrons. Often appearing to others in the form of horrific demons constructed from light and shadow. One as their core the other as an ornate shell. Twisted bodies that mimic the state of the world as they perceive it. Many of their followers claim it is only thanks to the Darklight that the world has not fallen into complete ruin.

Wyrd. The Dealmaker: (Lawful Evil)

A spinner of words and contracts in a tangled and expansive web that may one-day envelop the world. While in truth a gargantuan spiderlike Fey monstrosity. Wyrd often approaches his subjects and prospective victims in the guise of an average and well-dressed everyman. Combed hair and well groomed with a blue polyester tuxedo, black tie and luxury shoes. He accumulates his strength and influence through the "Word of the Deal". Many giving unintentional contracts and control to him and his followers through their charisma and misleading use of language. Things as simple as a careless 'thanks, I owe you one' could indebt you to him. Something to be called upon until it is paid however he so chooses. By stringing others into his contracts his followers can pay off their own growing debt from borrowing his power. His people are often the first people to help in a dire situation if only to capitalize on it. If you find yourself called to assist someone out of the blue, be aware that a simple slip of the tongue has tangled you in his web.

And woe to those who say too much or fail to pay.

Propos. The Dreamer: (Neutral Evil)

Little is known of Propos. In most cities he is merely a bedtime story to frighten children. The malevolent dream of a curious flower. Said to plan, plot and conceive many of the worlds ills for an unknown purpose. In legends it is said to be able to make the imagined manifest and parse the line between fact and fiction. One who breaches the veil of dreams to craft the worlds nightmares.

Said to simply be a legend, few pay him any mind. But a recent surge in cults following this mythical being may indicate there is more than just fairytales.

Calypso. The Dessicated: (Chaotic Evil)

The most feared and loathed of the patrons. A voluptuous beauty with skin as silken and tan as the endless sands. Blessed with amber hair that flows like water down to her waist. Her touch is as silk, and every word carries a harmony that blows through you like a cool wind to ease the withering heat. Below the waist though, she is a monster. As beautiful and deceiving as she is dangerous.

Said to be the daughter of the Sandsea itself. None speak the name of Calypso, lest it bring ruin and death to your voyage. Those few that follow and survive in her worship learn many of the most twisted and withering of arts. Set to survive in this corpse of a world by feeding on others unfortunate enough to cross their path. Her only goal, as it may seem, is to suck the life from the world and bury it beneath the sands.


There's only one species of Dragon left in this world. Sand Dragons. Highly intelligent and long-lived. Divided into twin tribes, one of great towering beasts and the other as elongated and majestic guardians. These great beings of amber-coloured scale spread out in great clans among the various larger and smaller civilizations. Though it is said they have a mutual nesting ground or great acropolis constructed deep in the sands where only they may travel.

Said to be directly descended from Valorus, but the similarities are rather minimal and open to speculation. Regardless, thanks to their size they are one of the very few species that can easily traverse the vast Sandsea and it's dangers without trouble. They are a bit infamous for having a natural affinity for humanoid creatures. Most offspring are still full-blooded sand dragons even with a non-dragon parent. Any dragonborn or hybrids are typically sand dragon archetype, but if you want to have a different archetype it's not as if the genetics of others have vanished totally.

To traverse the Sandsea you'll need a crew, supplies and a skimmer. Even Vera-Dune with their resistance to the harshness of the desert and the ability of flight will rarely risk travel into the sands without preparation.

While most of the Sandsea is barren wasteland, the sparse life that remains is strange or extremely dangerous. A dangerous carnivore called "Skulkers" or "Dune Stalkers" that prefer to burrow under the sand and ambush travelers. A towering cacti called "Gargactuars" large as office buildings to collect water from the upper altitudes and dig roots as deep as they can to find any remaining aquifers. And the titanic insects, "Wardentails" and "StoneBeetles", that make these plants their hives.

Titans are ancient and immensely powerful beasts that live beneath the sands. Few exist, believed to be no more than five. Their origins are unknown, but many seem to foster entire vibrant and verdant ecosystems within or upon them. Islands of life among the scorched death. Some primitive civilizations worship them as gods. One theory is they were the creations of the Vera-Dune before their empire fell, an attempt to save what they could. As it is now, the only Titan met regularly by civilization is "Alexander". A massive burrowing beast with a city upon it's back. It defends this great trading hub viciously against threats where it drifts.

One must be exceedingly careful not to stray too deep into the Sandsea. If you wander too far from civilization you may reach a point referred to as "The Deep Dunes" where the sand flows like water. A mockery of the mighty oceans, it is abundant in unnatural and immensely dangerous lifeforms.

The cause of this is unknown. But the deep dunes form anywhere the sand and desert have grown deeper than oceans. Often near the origin points of much of what is now the expansive desert. Sectioning the world off from itself or forcing traders to take painfully long detours.

It's the dream of many adventurers to make their endless fortune by finding a means to cross the deep dunes safely. And only in legend did one succeed. A great king that conquered the sands named "Chulain".


There's still 2 major civilizations and a collection of smaller ones that are similar to vassal states or totally independent.

The summer kingdom is more mechanized and industrial while the autumn kingdom remains more spiritual and magic-focused. There is no animosity and war is basically unheard of. The difficulty in maneuvering forces and supplies in such an unforgiving world has simply made large-scale battle impossible.

Small regimens function as both guards and soldiers in times of need. But it is more often than not just to repel invading Vera-Dune brigands.

Metal is relatively scarce. Warforged, animate armors and sentinels are rarely used by any but the most elite or important to a city or civilization. Smaller golems forged from a unique clay found at the edges of where rivers dissipate into the Desert, and glass forged from the sand of the deep dunes are far more common as an alternative. Armor is often made from complex weaving techniques and wood or glass mingled with magic.

The Mohl and the fortress city of Silva are the only peoples with regular access to raw ores. Of which the Mohl often consume ceremonially.


Finally. The players will be presented with a task early within the game. Offered a relic called "The Heart of Winter" by a great and influential Sand Dragon known as Reynard. Tasked with gathering allies and clues to waking the sleeping god. This world's hope lies with you. And forces both benign and malicious will realize this all too soon.

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