Whispering Meadow Academy

Story by Papabear0069 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Kennels

Disclaimer: I am not going to use age or flavor/style disclaimers on any of my stories. I will only say, all characters and locations are copy write ME, papabear0069 and the demented mind behind the name.

As to suggested listening music, I always listen to techno when writing. I would suggest using your own favourite style of music.

The Kennel

Chapter 1

Whispering Meadow Academy

His death came at the apex of a wave of sensations. First, he felt a building up of tension in his muscles. Then, he felt a sweet pain spreading through his gut as he fought to regain control of his body. His hands began to shake as he tried to fight on; attempting to ignore what his body was trying to tell him. Everything finally built up to a screaming crescendo, as a wave of sensations crashed through his body. His muscles involuntarily twitched a few times, before his whole body went limp. Then he died.

He tossed the controller over onto the couch beside him and stared at the screen. He had gotten too wrapped up in his incredible orgasm and, not paying enough attention to the screen, had been killed. Now he would have to go back to his last save point. Oh, well. He probably shouldn't accept blowjobs while playing a video game, anyway.

The Great Dane looked down his chest and belly to the feline who was still tenderly working his shaft in his muzzle. He shuddered as the cat deep-throated hum to run his tongue around his knot. Kami, the feline in question, was the latest addition to what Horitzu thought of as his Kennel.

Horitzu's Kennel was actually called Whispering Meadow. It was a tri-level, colonial manor; a mansion, really. Horitzu had picked it up some fifteen years earlier and had renovated the entire second level into something similar to dorm rooms. Then he had begun taking in strays.

The strays were mostly 18 to 20-something gay Furres. A few he had come across personally, but most he had met online. The only requirements for coming to the Kennel were that you had to be clean, willing to improve yourself, and... not be completely opposed to yiffing other guys. The strays that came got their own room, food, company, and their tuition paid for at the local university.

So far, the arrangement had been working quite well. The dean of the university, who was a regular guest of Horitzu, gave him a steep discount for the kids he was putting through school. He had even set up a GED tutor for some of the kids. Strays who did well in a subject tutored those who did poorly, and Horitzu was enjoying a nice success rate. In ten years, over thirty Furres had received degrees while passing through his house.

Horitzu got two things out of his generosity. First, he received a great deal of satisfaction knowing he was helping a new generation of successful gay Furres. And second, he got lots and lots of sex. He knew what to look for in the Furres he invited to stay with him. And he wasn't taking advantage of any of them. He made it perfectly clear that anyone could say no to anyone, at any time. But he also created an atmosphere where a lot of Furres were asking each other for some yiffing on a regular basis. You could turn down three out of four requests, and still yiff someone twice a day. Once a new stray got settled in and became comfortable with an environment where yiffing was actually okay, they tended to spend their first few weeks showing Horitzu just how grateful they were. In very graphic terms.

Kami, the current stray in question, looked up at the older canine with a hesitant look on his face, as if searching for praise. Horitzu pulled him up into his lap, told him what a wonderful job he had done, and gave him a deep kiss. After seeing the feline's eyes light up from the praise, Horitzu stood him up, slapped him on the rump, and sent him on his way. It was time to check on dinner.

After dinner and some conversation, Horitzu went looking for Kirori. Kirori was a 19 year old fox, and was one of the premier Furres that kept up the relaxed air toward yiffing. He always seemed to be bursting with energy and sat still for only one thing. Getting his tailhole stuffed. He walked around nude, never closed his bedroom door, and blatantly advertised that his tailhole was available for whoever wanted it, at any time, whether he was awake or not.

As he approached the open door, Horitzu heard Kirori's voice coming from inside, giving pointers. As he cautiously peeked in, he saw Boriku, a Doberman, mounting Kirori. Boriku was interesting, in that he was the least aggressive large-breed canine Horitzu had ever met. It wasn't that he was passive or shy. He was just unassertive. So Kirori was helping out, in his own special way.

"Come on, damn it! Subdue me!"

Kirori may have been a bottom, but he was by no means submissive. The fox was kneeling on all fours, with the Doberman knelt up behind him. He calmed slightly and tried a different tactic.

"I want you to try something I don't normally allow," said Kirori. "Clamp your teeth down on my neck. You've got to be assertive. You've got to control me!"

The canine did as he was told. He leaned forward and planted his hands on the floor to either side of the vulpine's, and clamped his muzzle in the ruff of Kirori's neck. The dominant position seemed to do something for the Doberman, because his hips soon picked up a quick, strong rhythm. Kirori began making a supplicating, whining sound, which drove the canine on even further. Soon, Horitzu was treated to a spectacular view as he watched the fox's rear get slammed by lightning-fast punches as the Doberman's cock slid in and out at a furious pace. Kirori's whines increased in volume and pitch into a broken yipping, which capped off each time Boriku's cock bottomed out deep inside him.

"Yip! Yip! Yip!" Over and over, the sound rolled out of the room. People were actually sticking their heads out into the hallway to see who was having so much fun.

It was obvious that Kirori's supplicating sounds were having quite an effect on Boriku. The Doberman's knot was now fully formed, and was slamming hard against the fox's tailhole. Kirori let out an extra loud "Yip!" as the knot imbedded itself inside, and Boriku released his neck to concentrate on pounding his hips as fast into Kirori's tail as he could. He let out a series of grunts and half-barks as he finally climaxed.

He rocked his hips slowly for a few more seconds before he was finally spent. Still tied, they both rolled over onto their sides, panting. It was then that Kirori finally realized they had a visitor.

"HI, Daddy", he called out to the Great Dane. About half the strays called Horitzu "Daddy".

"That was quite a piece of work", Horitzu commented. "You seem to really be making progress, Boriku."

Boriku blushed. It only showed in his ears, because of his dark fur, but it also managed to show in his posture. Horitzu could tell he would have slunk away, except he was tied to the fox for at least the next six to ten minutes.

"Hey", said Horitzu. "I'm proud of the progress you are making. Soon, you will be able to take some of this assertiveness out of the bedroom."

The vulpine grinned over his shoulder at Boriku. "One step at a time. For now, let's keep it in the bedroom. I like my new toy." He patted the Doberman on the hip. "You were great."

Boriku grinned a bit at that.

After a few more minutes of small talk, Boriku began tugging his hips to see if his knot had shrunk enough to slip out. The look on Kirori's face said that he really enjoyed that. Eventually, the Doberman said that he should be able to pull out, but Kirori made him stay in for an extra couple of minutes. When he finally pulled out, Boriku's knot had almost completely deflated. Kirori had a look of slight concentration on his face, almost a pained look, as his tailhole was emptied. They all said goodnight as Boriku padded off to his room.

"Are you alright?" Horitzu asked Kirori. "That almost looked like it hurt."

Kirori looked up in question, and then a grin broke out across his face as he realized what the Great Dane meant.

"Naw. Nothing like that. I wanted to make sure nothing spilled out." He smiled lavisously. "A double shot of canine just sounded too perfect to pass up."

"Well", Horitzu said, stepping out of his slacks, "then a double shot you shall have."

The canine rolled the vulpine over onto his back, and then knelt down between his spread legs. Both furres had a hungry, needy look in their eyes. Horitzu felt the head of his shaft slip its' sheath as he stared down at the fox. The fox had long ago slipped his sheath and had leaked a good bit of pre.

It was like the two were a perfect match for each other. Kirori was an aggressive bottom; Horitzu was at least as aggressive as a top. They both stared each other down, daring the other to make the first move, letting the passion build. Their eyes remained locked; the Dane knelt between the vulpine's spread legs, in anticipation as both their cocks grew to maximum stiffness. They remained like that for nearly a full minute, before Kirori finally spoke.

"Boriku is still a canine. That's a lot to hold in with my knees spread like this, you know."

As if that was the cue he was waiting for, Horitzu dropped his hips, the head of his cock already lined up with the waiting tailhole. Kirori let out a cry as the canine sunk at least half him length into the vulpine's clenched tailhole. The fox felt a wave of hot, musky canine liquid wash over his tail as he was forced to compensate for the sudden penetration. He could feel, however, that regardless of what might have spilled, there was still plenty left for his "Daddy" to force deeper inside his bowels.

While Horitzu may have been past forty, activities such as this tended to show the younger Furres that he still had the stamina to keep up. Age had also given him the benefits of technique and staying power. He took his time, using nearly two full minutes to work his full shaft into the fox's tailhole. After fifteen minutes of slow, deep pounding, each thrust loosening the small fox a bit more, Kirori needed a change in position to rest his thighs. Horitzu carefully pulled out, allowing Kirori to get up.

The fox climbed up onto his bed. He had modified the frame within his first week so that the headboard was actually mounted to the wall. This was done as a courtesy to the other Furres whose rooms were near his. He had also quickly requested, and received, a sturdier mattress with less "bounce". He started to get up on his hands and knees, but Horitzu placed a hand in the small of his back and pressed him flat to the bed.

"Just ride it out, boy", the Dane said, patting the smaller canid on his pert rear.

He climbed onto the bed, straddling the fox's lithe body and, supporting his weight with his upper body, lowered his hips. He actually used his shaft to push aside the tail, before lowering his weight the remainder of the way, reentering the Kirori. He began to rock his hips, not straight up, but back toward the foot of the bed. His thrusts became horizontal, riding his cock, not just into the fox, but pressing hard against his prostate with each slow thrust.

Kirori had bottomed for five partners since coming home from classes, and hadn't climaxed yet. The rough pressure just flat did it for him. He worked hard to hold himself still as Horitzu rode him, trying hard not to let his aching cock rub against the sheets. After only a few minutes, however, even that did no good. His breath caught as he began to climax. Just in time, he was able to roll the blanket so that it caught behind his own knot, and their combined weight caused it have enough pressure to simulate a tie. The Great Dane noticed that Kirori had begun his climax, and kept up the pressure. He made sure each thrust bottomed out as far as possible, scraping the prostate each time, aiding his stray in prolonging his climax.

Kirori felt his watery cum wetting the bedding beneath him, not worried due to the plastic liner he had put on the mattress. He rode his climax, occasionally tugging on his knot by allowing Horitzu to rock him forward and back a few times, for a full four minutes of bliss.

Horitzu rode him hard for another fifteen minutes, working the fox nearly breathless, before his knot began pounding against the vulpine's tailhole. Horitzu finally slowed enough to ask, "You don't really want me to tie you, do you?"

They had only tied once, and while the Great Dane's shaft wasn't much bigger than Boriku, his knot definitely was. He hadn't found a tailhole yet that had let him deflate in less than 40 minutes. His average was at least an hour. Kirori thought about it for a moment anyway.

"No. Believe it or not, I do have homework to do."

"How do you want to do this, then?"

Kirori pushed up against Horitzu, who lifted himself up and allowed the fox to climb out from under him. He flipped over on his back, pulling his knees up under his chin. Once the Dane mounted him again, Kirori reached down and wrapped his hands around the canine's knot, holding it against his tailhole and squeezing. This drove Horitzu wild, and within minutes, he was thrusting his hips forward. Kirori squeezed the Dane's knot forcefully, while also squeezing his opening shut, so that the knot wouldn't accidentally force its way inside from the canine's pounding.

It didn't take much more before Horitzu sped up his thrusting, on the verge of his climax. As his orgasm hit, he let out a howl. He tried to suppress it, which turned it into a long whining grunt. Kirori milked Horitzu's knot with one hand, while pawing his own shaft re-hardened shaft with the other. Finally, with an exhausted grin, Horitzu allowed himself to fall to the side.

Kirori let go of the Dane's knot, and clenched his tailhole tight as the canine member slid out with a sloppy, sucking feeling. He immediately resumed pawing himself as he rolled over onto his knees, his ass high in the air and his tail swishing. Horitzu, guessing what the vulpine wanted, reached up and began running his fingers in the fox's crack, rubbing his well-worn tailhole. In no time, Kirori Fired off his second orgasm. As his own cock wet his belly and chest with his second load, he finally relaxed his tailhole, allowing two canines-worth of liquidy cum to soak the fur from his rear, lower back and thighs to his knees.

As his cock gave its last spasms, Kirori slid down to lay on his stomach in the soaked bedding, fully relaxing for the first time in nearly two hours.

"Well", he said, looking up at Horitzu, "Looks like I will need new sheets before I can do that homework."