Paws of Fire: Unwritten Story - Chapter 2

Story by Ambelsyn on SoFurry

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#19 of Paws of Fire: Unwritten Book

There will be more furriness in the future! Just deal with a bit of fleshiness first :3

Chapter 2: A Hetero's Influence

Daniel tried to sleep, feeling tired after spending so much time in the unfamiliar world. It seemed like hours of laying with the animals had passed before the tiger pounced him. He looked over at his radio clock, setting the alarm for seven in the morning for his first day of non-stop classes. He went wide-eyed when he saw that only five minutes had passed since he entered that unfamiliar place and a little more time after he tried to sleep. How was this possible? Daniel had never felt time lie to him as much as it did right now.

"God damnit...guess I'll go for a walk." Daniel got out of bed again, looking back at the bin with the book in it before heading out the door. He zipped up his junk under the zentai suit, not really worried that there was a noticeable bulge now. He was proud to be a furry, and was going to show it off.

Perhaps he needed some fresh air to clear his mind of hallucinations. The stress of leaving his family behind for school must have finally shown itself in the strangest fashion possible. Daniel's family was very caring of him. He was almost spoiled. What kept him from being the brat he should have been was bullying. Some kids picked on him for who he was, and it wasn't just for being gay...but when he was a brat, his peers didn't take kindly to it. They really taught him the meaning of selflessness.

Daniel trekked down a dirt path that led through the dense forest surrounding the apartments. The animals seemed less afraid of him now. The squirrels and the birds were watching the boy curiously as he kept walking down the dirt road. Daniel felt so excited to get to just gaze into the eyes of the woodland creatures, waving to them with his striped hands. Daniel figured that his suit was confusing the animals. Humans didn't have tails, so they must have been just as curious as the animals in his hallucination were. He looked up into the sky and chuckled a bit as he thought about what happened earlier. "Must have been my first hallucination." He felt much more peaceful now. So what if he had a hallucination? He knew damn well it was one, and that was enough to keep him from being insane. If he told anybody about what he saw, but mentioned that he knew it wasn't real, they'd still respect him. Perhaps they'd help him stop seeing things he doesn't really see.

Daniel's eyes opened and he let out a loud cough as he collided with another person. He looked down to see the other male fallen on the ground. Daniel quickly reached down to help him up. "Oh wow, I'm sorry I should have paid atten..." Daniel choked on his words before he could finish. The other was just as tall as him...just as slender...but with brown, short hair. He was surprised to see that the other's outfit practically matched Daniel's regular school attire, except for the slightly lighter shade on the other's. The man snickered at Daniel, holding out his other hand that wasn't in use to get back up. "Hey there. The name's Nick. Don't worry about me, bud. I'm a tank" Nick beat his chest three times with loud thuds, displaying his strength, or something like that. Daniel chuckled some, trying to hide his blush as he looked down at the ground. "Hey...I'm Daniel." Daniel scratched the back of his head before noticing the offered hand. He quickly snatched it, not wanting to leave a bad first impression.

They both laughed at Daniel's frantic attack at the hand. Nick looked down and up Daniel's body. "'re a furry? That's cool." Daniel smiled, glad that someone was appreciative of his interests. Daniel would make sure to do likewise for this man. Nick then looked at their hands still holding together. "Are both hands necessary?" Daniel quickly retracted both of his hands, not wanting to scare what could be his first friend on campus. Nick held his fist up to his mouth, laughing more. "Oh man, I can tell we're going to get along great." Daniel couldn't hide the redness in his cheeks anymore. Not even the zentai suit could hide his interests in the new male. Nick was just rammed into, but was already making Daniel laugh. He was charming, funny, and he looked so good. Daniel was already getting his first crush on campus.

Nick noticed the blush, patting Daniel's back as he made sure to set things straight right away. "Um...I'm guessing you're gay, right?" Daniel looked up at Nick, nodding quickly. He was waiting to be scolded, and lose his chance at a new friend. "Well, I'm not gay, but I'm just letting you know so you don't start getting a crush on me. That doesn't mean we can't be friends! You're no different from me other than you like getting your fudge packed!" Daniel started to laugh. The way Nick showed his acceptance of him was funny for him. So he had made a friend already, and he was okay with homosexuality. This is a good start! He still felt a little disappointed in being told Nick was straight. The crush had already started, and it wouldn't go away. Daniel has made straight men gay before, and maybe he could do it again. Then again...was it worth changing a guy who could be his best friend in this new place?

On one hand, Daniel could turn Nick into a fruit like him and they could be lovers. On the other hand, lovers get into fights and could break up and never want to see each other again. Daniel would stay as just friends with Nick for now and make sure everything was perfect before showing his own charm to entice Nick's interests to the other spectrum of sexuality.

"Well, Nick, it sure was a pleasure. Hey, I've got nothing going on today, so if you'd like you can come over to my dorm and play something. I only have Super Smash Brothers Brawl I'm afraid, or..." Nick lit up, looking excited already. "I love that game! Who do you like to play as?" Daniel began walking back to the dorm, talking with his new friend about the game the whole way back. The hallucination was behind him for now, and he could concentrate on how to own his new friend with his favorite character of choice...Jigglypuff!

They made it to the door to Daniel's dorm, Nick laughing about Daniel's choice of characters while he tries to defend himself by mentioning Jigglypuff's strengths. They were having fun debating, but then a familiar face jarred in between the two of them. Hector had returned, but without his two buddies. "Wow, fag, first day here and you're trying to get laid? What, you lucky enough to find another one?" Hector looked back at Nick, scoffing at him. Nick grinned up at Hector, putting on an amorous face. "Mmm...I like big rough Asians...can we invite him in too, Danny?" Daniel's jaw dropped, wishing Nick didn't just sign his death sentence. Hector turned around to face Nick, bringing his arm back to plant his fist right into Nick's face.

Nick practically teleported just to the side of the punch, his hands quickly taking firm hold of Hector's wrist and shoulder as he used the momentum of the punch to help flip him over with a little help by a nudge of his hips into Hector's groin. The bully flipped over and fell flat on his back, the defeated man groaning in pain as he felt almost every inch of impact compress his tailbone. Nick put a foot on top of Hector's chest, grinning down at him with a peaceful stare. "Now then...How about you leave this guy alone? I doubt he's brought you harm yet, so perhaps you can show some respect. Thanks, appreciate it." Nick pushed himself off of Hector's chest, giving the bully a chance to recover. "That fag is trying to make my friends into one of his kind! Fucking slut is kissing and humping us like a goat!" Hector looked like he wanted revenge, but he ran off.

Nick shrugged, not seeming to care that the bullies were being tormented by Daniel. "Sounds like you have a thing for big guys. Good thing I'm scrawny as hell!" He chuckled some before turning around to face Daniel.

"Nick...that was amazing." Daniel was star struck with envy. He wanted to be able to fight like that. It was so quick and vicious, and the grace in Nick's movements was enticing. Daniel wanted to be exotic like that, and dangerous too. It would make his advances and his defenses so much stronger. "Did you learn kung-fu or something?" Nick shook his head, reaching under his overcoat and pulling out a blue book, only showing the hinge to Daniel. "I learned everything I know from here. The secrets it contains are for me only...believe me." Daniel shrugged. Some people had their secrets, and he will always respect those secrets. Perhaps in time when they learned to trust each other, he can find out more.

They entered Daniel's compact room, Daniel quickly unpacking his Wii from his suitcase in the corner to hook up to his laptop. "Make yourself at home, Nick. Feel free to stay here if you want. You deserve it for saving my ass." Nick chuckled. "That sounds like fun, actually, but I don't want to intrude on my first night." Nick looked over at Daniel, flashing him a cheesy grin that brought the blush back into Daniel's cheeks.

"So, got any other fur suits around here?" Daniel nodded and pointed to his wardrobe, Nick not waiting to be asked to open the closet. He went through the fur suits, grinning at how each one of them had a crotch zipper. "Goodness, you're even into the yiff!" Nick pulled out the other zentai tiger suit, the one with yellow stripes instead of black stripes. "This one looks cool! Can I try it on?" Daniel's heart was fluttering. Was Nick seriously a furry too? Was he just curious? Then the best thing in the world happened.

Nick was so outgoing that he didn't bother to go into the bathroom to change. He dropped his shirt and pants to the floor without a second to waste. He kicked his shoes and clothes away and stood there in the buff as he tried to get the suit off the hanger. Daniel was lost in every curve of slim muscle that covered Nick's body. He was such a hottie, and his male meat wasn't too shabby either. He was completely shaved except for the hair on his head, arms, and legs. Daniel was almost drooling at the sight, praying the Nick comes over and just shoves his meat down his throat. Nick lifted up his leg to put it inside the suit, showing off his hot round ass and his large nutsack to hungry eyes. Nick didn't take long to get inside the suit, zipping up and twirling around for Daniel. "How do I look?" Daniel's dreamy grin told Nick he looked damn sexy, so he decided to keep it on.

"So...I guess you were kidding with Hector about being into strong Asian men?" Nick burst out laughing. "Of course...I wanted to see his face! Man, he's really scared of being fucked, I can tell you that!" Nick calmed down some, wiping his eyes. "So his name's Hector, huh? Well, hector's my new gay lover until he learns to leave you alone." Nick held a thumb up to Daniel.

This guy was straight...but he was teasing Daniel so much. It was an entire new way to abuse a homosexual. Daniel had to work hard to hide his growing bulge in his suit, not wanting to scare off his new friend. Daniel's heart was fluttering wildly. He had just met Nick and already he was being dazzled by everything he did. The charisma was possibly his greatest feature, which teased him greatly. Why did Nick have to be straight...?

" about that Jigglypuff destruction you owe me, hm?" Daniel laughed, feeling excited to show Nick just how powerful the little ball of fluff can be when used by the right player.

They sat there on the floor, playing on the internet against others in the world as a team. Nick was impressed with Daniel's professionalism with Jigglypuff. He was the MVP in almost every match. Nick played as Shiek, and he made sure that anybody who said he played as 'Zelda' was corrected. He believed Zelda wasn't a character, but rather the handicap meant to make the mighty Shiek a little weaker for balance purposes.

It was getting late now, and Daniel was finally getting tired of playing. "Hey, want to come back over at 5 tomorrow? I'll be here around then, I think." Nick nodded, gently punching his fist against Daniel's in a friendly way before he beat his chest and held up the peace sign. "See ya, Jigglypuff." As Nick left the room, Daniel clutched his heart in a dramatic fashion. He was absolutely gaga for the handsome man. He knew he could never have him, but he wanted him so much.

Daniel looked at the radio-clock. It said it was 10:30 at night, so he was just about ready to sleep for real. He stripped himself of all his clothing, imagining Nick naked with him, holding him from behind as they swayed back and forth in the middle of the room. After five minutes of fantasy, he jumped into his bed. He caught a glimpse of that book he threw out. Maybe something different will happen this time, he thought. Daniel reached for "Paws of Fire" and put his hand on the cover. Nothing happened.

He sighed and took off his fur suit, starting to feel a little too warm under the material. He then realized that Nick had stolen his other tiger suit...but it didn't bother him one bit. He wanted the stud to share clothes with him. He threw the suit in the hamper to wash later as he laid back in bed butt naked.

Daniel began to laugh some, shifting his hand around on the paw again as he showed himself he was just hallucinating after all...until the light came again. "Oh shit..." Daniel wasn't thrown this time through the white portal, but instead was gently laid down onto something comfortable before the white surroundings faded into what looked like a dungeon. There were several femme foxes standing over him, giggling as they talked amongst one another. "It's so tiny!" "His skin's so smooth." "I want him as a pet!" The vixens were feeling all over his body. The sensation of those gentle pads rubbing against his legs, arms, head, chest...he couldn't help but have a goofy grin. He adored it, and didn't want it to stop. The vixens gasped as they all looked down at his manhood, which was erect now. One of them reached down to pull on it curiously. The sensation he felt was all too real. There's no way this was a wet dream.

"Let's make him happy!" One of the vixens said as she stroked his stiff length. Her paw felt so warm, and the strokes were so professionally done. The fingers knew where to press, where to release, where to slide...this girl was the real deal. He kept his eyes shut, pretending that Nick was stroking him off. He was thankful that the vixens were silent as the one worked on his arousal.

She started stroking faster, the other vixens massaging his feet, legs, arms, and head. This was all so overwhelmingly blissful, his body wanted to just melt away to their care. He was hypnotized with desire. He was getting close to his climax, but it was interrupted...

"Ladies, stop playing with the creature. He's awake now and I must ask him questions." Daniel remembers that voice. He slowly sat up on the soft bed hanging from the wall, looking at the large tiger he remembers from before approach him. He looked a little angry at first once the vixens were leaving the cell, but he had to fight his frustration. But jeez...he was so close. He'll never forget the ecstasy he just felt in this room.

The tiger had armor on with purple gems lining the frame, giving it a nice glow. The armor itself was pure gold, and looked really heavy. The tiger must have been super buff underneath that armor. "Hello again. You passed out in the pasture earlier, and I brought you here. Nobody knows what you are or how you got here, but I'm hoping you'll tell me."

The vixens were outside the cell, looking in on the naked human and giggling at his erection. The tiger noticed the vixen's oggling and rolled his eyes, grabbing a towel and throwing it over Daniel's hips all crumpled up. The tiger grasped the boy's rod and firmly beat it off with quick speed, sending a rush of adrenaline through Daniel as he felt his climax coming again. He looked at the tiger that was pleasuring him, not sure why the cat looked so serious still. Perhaps this was their greeting method?

Daniel let out a loud groan as he shot his load into the towel, his nuts shriveling into raisins as the tiger made sure to drain every ounce of lust from him. " can we move on?" The tiger sounded aggravated more than excited, standing back to let Daniel get up. "I have some questions for you."

Daniel was bright red, turning slowly to the mighty looking tiger and crossing his legs. Maybe this was a had to be. He figured he might as well play along. He looked up at the tiger, smiling at him as he cleared his throat. "Go ahead and ask me whatever you want, and I'll answer to the best of my ability." The tiger smiled at Daniel as he prepared to ask his first question.