Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Eight

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#9 of Gaining Lost Time

Chapter Eight

"Shocking Developments"


Furry Sith Lord

"You've been quiet all evening." Oziah said as he and Lou were walking back to Lou's dorm. They had dropped off Eastwood and Oziah wanted some time alone with his son. His son had been unusually quiet this evening and considering how much he had been arguing with Eastwood as of late, this caused him to wonder if something was up.

"I've had a lot on my mind." Lou replied. He felt a shiver as the wind blew and the temperature had dropped. He cursed himself for not remembering to bring a warm coat.

"Such as."

"Why did you suddenly release Eastwood? I've seen enough to know that he is not well liked. Several students think he's... dangerous." Lou explained.

"Let's just say there's more to him than you realize. Suppose he is important because he knows things that could benefit our company? Suppose his parents are missing and this allows me to find out what he knows and how I can use it to my advantage," Oziah replied. Lou's eyes widened as he heard the explanation then he seemed to understand.

"So basically I have to play nice until you get what you need from him?" Lou asked.

"Essentially, yes."

"His fur color makes him a hindrance. If it becomes known that we are associating with Rare White furs, I fear our reputation will be ruined." Lou said.

"Is that so bad? As I recall you never seemed to have a problem with him until you returned to school. Is this change in you due to social behaviors from other students here?"

"If there were, I'd take care of it. We are not a family of wimps, after all." Lou retorted with his voice carrying an edge of bitterness.

"Good, glad to hear that you are not being pressured into hating Eastwood because of other small minded species. I'm also hearing that you are friends with a wolf here?" Oziah asked, hoping he could learn something about the wolf his son would one day marry.

"Uhhhh him," Lou groaned. "Why do species keep bringing him up? He is soooo annoying."

"Is he now? Are you developing a crush on him?" Oziah asked, smirking slightly.

"What?!" Lou exclaimed as he lowered his ears.

"It's not like it's a bad thing. Some boys like girls and some boys like other boys. I'm not expecting you to remain single for the rest of your life. I hope to see you get married and raise a family one day. The most important thing is that you are happy.

I'm only concerned because most boys your age are already dating. I never see you with anyone and you never mentioned being interested in anyone. I'm just curious to see if you found someone special yet?" Oziah asked calmly.

"I never really thought about it. I always figured there would be an arranged marriage to make our family stronger." Lou replied.

"Only weak families do something as pitiful as that. My son is strong enough to decide his own fate." Oziah startled Lou as he grabbed him and pulled him close then kissed his forehead. "Your antlers are getting big. They'll be fully grown soon. I get the feeling you are going to become quite a young buck."

"Thank you, father." Lou replied as his cheeks felt hot.

"I know I've been tough on you but you need to be strong and grow into the man you will become. I just hope my teachings will stay with you and that you will be great." Oziah mused. He had been thinking a lot about what Eastwood had told him. For the first time in his life the news of his death made him realize there are a lot of things he's going to miss out on.

He would never meet his grandkids and he did not know if he would attend his son's wedding. Who knows how much time he had left? Days, years, or who knows? It just made him realize he had to make sure everything was ready for when that happened. The only thing he knew for certain was that the machine was going to be built and until that happened he still had time.

"I understand father but wish you would realize there is more to me than you think. I am not the helpless little fawn you once knew. I've grown and I've been diligent in all your teachings. I'm ready!

Yet, Now I catch you worrying about some strange white fur. What is so important that you keep mentioning him and his family. You say that you are using him but it seems to me that it is the other way around. WHAT HOLD DOES HE HAVE ON YOU?" Lou said, shouting the last bit. Oziah reached out his hoof and pulled his son close and had him press his body against his chest.

"Remember when I told you that I was involved with the military and certain jobs and missions are to be kept hush hush? That's what is going on here. I'm involved with something special I cannot disclose much because secrecy is of the highest order. I just need you to be patient."

"Yes sir," Lou replied softly as he lowered his ears.

"One day you will become a father and I want you to realize there will be times that you need to be extra careful. You must never put yourself at risk because your family depends on you. Do you understand me? I don't ever want to hear that you took a stupid risk and got killed leaving your family to fend for themselves." Oziah explained and Lou forced himself to smile as he tried to figure out why his father was telling him all this.

"Father, why have you never told me about grandfather?" Lou asked softly.

"Because I never knew him. He was a soldier and when he left the service he brokered a deal to make them better weapons. The armed forces loved it because with his help they became a step ahead versus smaller rebel fractions. He spent most of his time designing and building weapons that I never really knew him.

I saw him a few times but we never spoke like father to son, like what I do with you. I may have never been a good father because in truth I never really had one of my own. I just hope you can pass on my teachings and that your own son will be better for it. That you will transcend my limitations and do a better job than I could." Oziah explained.

"You have taught me a lot, business wise." Lou remarked.

"Just business wise," Oziah said, repeating what his son had said.

"You can't honestly say that you've been a father. A supervisor, yes, but not a father.... If I am to be perfectly honest." Lou countered.

"Interesting assessment." Oziah said as they had finally arrived at the dorm for deers, elk, and reindeers. Oziah released his son and Lou entered without looking back or saying anything. Oziah was busy thinking about what Lou had said to really notice.

Tyger met with Justin after classes the next day. He had placed a note in the garter snake's locker and hoped he'd read it. He asked him to meet up after class in the library.

"There is something different about you." Justin said.

"My master freed me. I'm a free cub now." Tyger replied. He couldn't help but smile as he saw the snake's expression.

"Freed?! Oh My Scales that is sooo coool!" Justin said and he adjusted his glasses. Justin was searching his neck for the collar and smiled as he saw it was missing.


"So what are you gonna do now?" Justin asked.

"I got a job. I gotta do research for my former master and he's gonna pay me." Tyger lied.

"What kind of research?"

"Well... it's about energy conversion. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, right? But it can be converted! So I'm curious about how to convert objects into energy and back into objects."

"What?! It's not as simple as that. Most energy can be converted by simple principles of motion. Moving an object creates energy.... Well not really creates it but causes it to accumulate. If you understand what I'm trying to tell you.

For an object to be converted into pure energy you would need to completely break it down to the subatomic level but not sure if it could be turned back unless you could find a way to reverse the conversion. It's been tried but nothing has ever been accomplished." Justin rambled.

"What happens when lightning strikes an object?"

"Depends on the object. Typically, if the item is metal it will conduct the electricity. Now if we are talking about a species there is a short burst of electricity from them then the energy is grounded. The trouble is that one, electricity is hotter than the surface of the sun so species have been known to get 1st or 2nd degree burns. Depending on the size of the bolt, it has been known to stop a fur's heart as if the electric paddles were used on them. This leads me to two, Lightning that flashes in the sky is actually about the size of a football field. If a lightning bolt ever truly struck down it would vaporize everything within the radius of the blast.

Think of it like this, when you see lightning flash in the sky it looks very small. Now think of the actual size of an airplane. When a plane flies in the sky it looks small too. Imagine the size of a plane flying next to thje size of a lightning bolt. You can imagine how much bigger the bolt is compared to the airplane. Now think of the sizes of them if there were both up close of the ground." Justin said as his tongue slithered out of his mouth for a moment as a shocked expression crossed Tyger's face.

"Fuck," Tyger said. .

"Yeah if one actually hit, the whole area would be instantly vaporized. What usually happens is that a smaller charge, more like a static discharge, has been what actually strikes a fur. A static discharge is a lot weaker than an actual bolt of lightning so that's why species are able to survive." Justin explained proudly.

"I never realized that."

"Most don't they just say they were struck by a bolt of lightning but if they had really then there would be nothing left of them." Justin replied.

"Hypothetically, suppose you could compress the energy of a b bolt of lightning but compress it down to the size of one of those static discharges. What would happen to a species if it was struck by it? Again hypothetically." Tyger asked.

"Hmmm," Justin said as he thought about it. "The fur would become vaporized and the body would send out a small shockwave as the energy is released."

"Would that vaporize the fur down to the subatomic level?"

"I think so," Justin said hesitantly.

"If the fur is now reduced to pure energy, could it be directed and somehow reassembled back into its original form?" Tyger asked as he was getting excited. He felt he was so close to the solution that it was like he was ready to declare checkmate.

"Hypothetically, I'm not sure that is possible. You would somehow need to somehow undo the bolt of lightning striking the fur. It would be akin to reversing time." Justin said, confused.

"Yes of course! Reversing time!!!" Tyger exclaimed and Justin just stared at him.

"What's all this about?" Justin asked skeptically.

"I've been working on a story about a fur that was struck by lightning and somehow traveled back in time. I've been trying to learn science to make it seem plausible and my former master likes the idea and was thinking of having me write a book about it.

He wants to get it published and who knows maybe it could become a movie someday. Could you imagine? Me as a movie writer?" Tyger said and he saw a sad look across Justin's face. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just hoped you'd like science like me." Justin said as his head hung.

"Hey, I like science. That's why I want to make sure what I know is correct. I know I'll never be as brilliant as you. This is why I come to you! I need the smartest species in the world to teach me how not to be wrong about science." Tyger said and Justin smiled slightly.

"I was just hoping to find someone that loved science as much as me. I don't have any real friends here."

"Then we're both the same because no one likes me either. I'm not as smart as you but you have two things I'll never have, a mind as smart as yours and your biological family kept you. Mine sold me as a slave because of my fur color." Tyger explained and a look of surprise crossed Justin's face.

"I'm sorry,"

"It's OK. I've found a family that loves me and they're more real to me than the ones that used to be my biological parents. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb."

"What's that mean?" Justin asked.

"When I was adopted it was by a covenant of blood when my parents transferred their blood inside of me. They became my true family but the ones that gave birth to me are nothing. All I got from them was being covered in water after they pushed me out of her belly and threw me away after that." Tyger explained.

"Huh, that makes sense. So your family are not the ones that give birth to you but the ones that actually love you." Justin said.

"You got it!"

I was walking back to my dorm when I overheard some arguing and once I saw who it was I hoped they did not see me and that I could sneak away without being dragged into it. Larri and Reeta were arguing, or rather Reeta was arguing with her boyfriend and he was trying to calm her.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" Reeta screamed at him.

"Calm down," Larri said after he sighed. I saw her look over in my direction and heard her footsteps as she approached me.

"What do you want?" she said to me and I forced a smile and turned to look at Larri as he shrugged.

"Excuse me," I replied forcefully but politely as I started to walk away.

"That's right, go pull on your yang." She screamed after me. This immediately stopped me in my tracks as I had no idea what she was talking about. I again looked at her then at him.

"What?!" I said as I looked at her confused.

"Isn't that all you guys do? Wander off and pull on your yangs!" She said indignantly.

"Pull on what?" I asked and I saw Larri pointing to his groin then I finally realized she was talking about masterbating. My cheeks felt warm as I blushed and was hating that I was dragged into this.

"See!!! That proves it!" She screamed again.

"Proves what? What are you talking about? Did you catch him?.... You know, doing it?" I asked as my ears lowered. I looked at Larri and he shook his head indicating that the answer was a 'no.'

In our society we have evolved as species that things like not wearing clothes when walking around and masterbating is nothing to be bothered about. Clothing was a social standing in our society the better dressed someone is the better they are socially. Slaves wear very little because they have little to no standing at all. However, slaves are considered better off than a homeless fur, which has no standing at all.

In this time period, my father hasn't yet revealed that the cub's book, which says all rare white furs are monsters, was a forgery! So in this time period any rare white fur species are at the bottom of the list and the despised homeless furs have better standing than rare white furs like myself.

Masterbation, sex, and nudity are not abhorred in our society but they are considered a private matter that is usually not discussed openly. If seen or discovered then usually it is ignored as the observer discreetly leaves the species alone. The only time it ever becomes an issue is if the fur or furs are causing a problem with it.

If a cub was disrupting class by masterbating then it would be a problem or addressed by the teacher and parents. Of course almost all cubs are taught well enough to not do that opening. If they need to relieve themselves they are told to find a private area when they and others will not be disturbed.

"I want to go to the movies this weekend but he says he's busy. You know what that means don't you?!" Reeta said.

"That he can't go?"

"NO that he's too busy pulling his yang to spend any time with me." she replied. I rolled my eyes and started walking away.

"I can see why, if this is how you behave. Acting like a spoiled little rich cub. Excuse me, I have other things to do than watch you embarrass yourself." I said and I started walking away then I turned around to add one more thing before I left. "And I don't care what you think I have to do, you can think I'm pulling yangs or whatever. Considering how you're acting I doubt anyone else will care either." I concluded and walked off ignoring her rant as she and Larri went back into their discussion.

"What a weirdo, "I said under my breath. "Glad she's not my mother, or girlfriend, or whatever she is."

"How obscene," I heard the voice of Roni say as he stepped out from some trees.

"Huh?" I replied and I squinted looking at him. "Sorry, are you speaking to me?"

"Of course. You must realize how disgusting it is you are trying to force species to join a pawing off club." Roni said.

"A what? Sorry, are you new here?" I mocked, keeping a straight maw and looking like I've never seen him before. I knew that would get under his fur because of his narcissist personality.

"I doubt a lowly creature like yourself would understand the greatness of my class. My family is extremely wealthy and we don't associate with... creatures like you." Roni said.

"And yet here you are.... Bothering me for some reason. Guess your family name isn't that great after all." I retorted and I could see the look in his eyes that my snide comments were getting to him.

I was hoping it would turn into a fist fight because I really hated him. I don't know if he would be the adult of my brother, Lyon, but if he was then he was owed a punch in the snout for hurting him. Maybe this lion was not the one that hurt him but punching him on Lyon's behalf would definitely make me feel better. Even if I get punished later, it would be worth it.

"I had to intervene after hearing you harass that poor tiger couple." he said but I immediately interrupted.

"You mean those tigers that dragged me into their business as I was trying to get back to my dorm? The ones harassing me, you mean? That tiger couple!"

"That's not what I heard."

"Then you have very poor hearing for a rich cub. Even if asked I doubt they would side with the likes Being all high and mighty as a spoiled rich cub." I replied. He tried to hide his annoyance but I could see the rage building. "Well if you'll excuse me I have better species to see." I added and attempted to walk past him when he extended his arm to block me.

"And here I was hoping we might be friends." he said as he smiled evilly at me.

"Oh," I replied skeptically.

"I understand you like deer. Been hanging out with that Lou deer boy, or so I heard. I hope nothing happens to him because you know what happens to Prey when they die right? They get ground up into food for us Predators.

Now that you mention it, I'm in the mood for some venison. Want to join me? My treat!" He said and I was so close to decking him. I could see the trap he was setting and every inch of me wanted to fall into it so that I could beat that smile off his face. I've played chess far too much to be so foolish as to walk into such a lame trap.

He was trying to goad me on to sacrifice a knight to capture a pawn. Right now that seems like a poor tactic, though I've done this type of move before to appear weak and throw my opponent off guard.

"That deer you mentioned, he brought me to this great omnivore restaurant. Why don't I take you there and we can get to know each other better." I smiled and he looked surprised. He had definitely been bating me and... opps I guess I ruined the plan.

"On second thought, I'll pass. I think I've lost my appetite." he replied.

"They have a steak that has clover on it. Clover is good for a sick tummy, my father and I share it as a special treat between us."

"Your father?" he asked. I smiled and tried not to let tears fill my eyes as I thought about the last time my father had shared some clover with me. The thought that he'd never do that again made me long to see him.

"Yeah," I started saying but my paw began to hurt again and I saw the fingers twist then instantly returned to normal again. This time it really hurt unlike last time. I glanced at Roni but he had been walking away and noticed nothing.

"Maybe next time then." I said and made my way towards my dorm room.

"Your plan failed." Roni said as he turned a corner and saw Lou standing there leaning against the wall.

"Of course it did, I told you I wanted to test his reaction. How did he respond?" Lou asked.

"I was hoping he'd try and punch me when I mentioned turning you into hamburger. He looked about to but he just stopped and offered to buy me clover or something." Roni explained.

"Good, good, that tells me a lot. What was that part about clovers?"

"He said he and his daddy eat Clover." Roni said.

"Clover? Why? Did he say who his daddy is?" Lou asked.


"This gives me an idea! Can you get me some catnip? Maybe some catnip laced clovers might cause some concern that a student got high on campus." Lou said smiling evilly.

"I'll see what I can do." Roni replied as he walked away.

To Be Continued...

Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine "Allies and Enemies" By Furry Sith Lord I was leaving class after it ended and I strolled on the campus towards the lunch area. I was holding my shoes stuffed with my socks in them and ignoring the looks the other...

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A Grandpa's Love

A Grandpa's Love Not sure if you can call it a blessing or a curse but either way it changed my life forever. What is it? You may ask. When I was old enough I joined the army! It started with a promise that if I joined the service then the...

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Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven "Revelations Now" By Furry Sith Lord Lou had called my dorm room and franticalled shouted about how everything had better be perfect. His father had arrived on the campus and he was terrified that things would not go...

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