Overnight Overthinking - Coevolution 004

Story by PseudonymousUmbreon on SoFurry

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#5 of Coevolution

Levi rests in bed and has an important conversation with Espen via text.

Please do not read if you are under 18! The following contains mature content not suited for general audiences. You have been warned.

Levi rests in bed and has an important conversation with Espen via text.

TRIGGER WARNING! Contains: relationships, anxiety, racing thoughts, self-doubt, D/s dynamics (very light), hypnosis (mentioned), teasing

Umbre, Levi, Espen, etc. are characters made by me, based off of characters in the Pokémon universe owned by GameFreak and Nintendo. I do not claim rights to characters such as Umbreon, Leafeon, Espeon, etc.

By PseudonymousUmbreon. If you wish to use or reference my work and/or my characters, please contact me first.


Overnight Overthinking

Coevolution Ch.4

"Hey fam, I think I'm gonna end tonight's stream. Thanks to everyone who came out, I'll be seeing you all next week! I'm thinkin we play Mario Kart again. EspenPlays, out."

The screen flashed black for a second before booting Levi back to Twitch's home screen. Levi sighed. "Bye Ez," he murmured, closing his laptop with a snap. Levi's already dark bedroom, now without the light of his laptop, became suffocatingly black around him. He rolled onto his back and pulled up the covers around him.

Time for the nightly brain marathon--tonight's multitude of topics raced through Levi's mind: among them Umbre, an idea for a coding project, Espen, a new mechanic to add to their game, the stupid solution to the daily chess problem, Espen, his eSports friends, Espen, the couple that got kicked out of the library, Es--okay this is getting ridiculous.

So this is what we're fixated on, Levi thought to himself. A crush. He glanced over at the patch of darkness that was his nightstand, where his laptop and phone sat. Maybe I should text her. But... she might already be asleep. As if to make his decision for him, Levi's phone lit the room accompanied by a buzz. His heart skipped a beat. Picking up his phone, the bubble confirmed it was a message from Ezzy. Levi opened the chat.

» Hey.

hey Ez! «

» You busy? I don't wanna interrupt anything.

not busy at all «

everything ok? «

» Oh, everything's fine. I just wanted to ask you if you had Jess's phone number. I need to chat with her.

Levi couldn't help but feel deflated. It was a fair request, sure. But there was no doubt he was wanting for something more. Something meaningful.

I don't have her number, but I have her disc «

did you not friend her? «

» The only people I have from eSports on Discord are you and Nathanial. Because you're both in my Twitch server.

gamergirllade#1476 «

that's Jess «

her pfp is smth from Celeste I think? «

» Thanks Levi. :)

no prob «

anything else you need or «

Please say yes, Levi found himself thinking. He wanted an excuse to keep the conversation going.

» I don't think so. I'll see you at club on Friday!

Damn it. Now or never.

uh «

actually «

you got a sec? «

» Of course, what's up?

Levi took in a breath. He wasn't expecting her to actually answer and now had no plan for what to say next. He had apparently hesitated for too long, because another text popped up.

» Are YOU okay?

ye «

I'm fine «

mostly «

just bored ig «

» Sorry to hear that.

» My stream turns off and you have nothing left to do, huh? :p

shut «

» No. <3

Levi stared at the message, silently psychoanalyzing every possible interpretation of the heart. He knew he was overthinking it too, Ez sent hearts all the time.


actually I've been meaning to talk to you about something «

plz don't let me get off-topic this is important «

» Whatever you need. Talk to me Levi.

thanks Ez «

I just «

it's something I wanna get off my chest «

but I'm scared it'll change how you feel about me «

for the worse «

» Levi, you're my best friend. I'd be a pretty shitty person if I let something seemingly important about you get between the two of us. You can tell me anything. Promise.

Levi read that message several times in an attempt to convince himself to say what he needed to say. Even if she said no, they would still be friends. That much assurance meant the world.

» I love you.

Hold up, what?

» Am I allowed to say that? I'm a big fan of expressing platonic love for your friends, if you're not okay with me saying that I can avoid it.

» Sorry, I should have asked first.

Platonic. The word stuck out like a sore thumb. It was only platonic love. Time to abort mission.

uh «

it's fine «

» That's convincing.

I like you «

romantically «

Why did he say that why did he say that why did he say that

» Oh.


» I mean, same.


wait what «

» I like you. Romantically. Did I not make it obvious enough?

no????? «

» I see. We should probably discuss this.

ya think? «

like what do we do with this information «

» Is your partner consenting to us potentially having a relationship?

yes «

» Then I'd imagine this is the part where we form a relationship.

how and why are you so formal over text and informal in person «

» Firstly, you're avoiding the subject. Secondly, over-text me is paranoid there'll be a miscommunication of tone.

understandable. So uh. Wanna be my girlfriend? «

» Sure! :)

Levi felt as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Would it be inappropriate, he wondered, to wake Umbre for something like this?

» So care to tell me about the excess amounts of psychic energy linking you and Umbre? ;)

what do you mean «

» Dude, I'm a psychic type. I know hypnosis when I see it.

Levi simply replied with an emoji of a flushed face, uncertain of how exactly to respond. Psychic types were everywhere in the world, how many people--

» It's not that obvious though. You have to really be looking for it. And since we're close the excess psychic energy pinged me. I've been wanting to ask about hypnosis for a while, I'm certainly into it.

that's. A lot of information «

» Sorry. What I'm saying is if you ever want I'm down for hypnosis stuff with you.

» As your now-girlfriend.

» Only with your "Master's" consent.

this was a mistake «

» Oh hell yes it was.

Stream of Consciousness - Coevolution 003

Please do not read if you are under 18! The following contains mature content not suited for general audiences. You have been warned. Levi drags Umbre along to their eSports club and introduces her to Espen, a nerdy and bubbly Espeon intent on...

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Jerk. - Coevolution 002

Please do not read if you are under 18! The following contains mature content not suited for general audiences. You have been warned. Levi leaves class satisfied with a project well done and makes plans to work on his own projects over the...

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Rule Number One - Coevolution 001

Please do not read if you are under 18! The following contains mature content not suited for general audiences. You have been warned. Umbre wakes up to discover his partner passed out on the common room couch, overworked yet again by another late...

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