A chronicle of Lunrba family: Contracts

Story by Vexlsf on SoFurry

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#2 of A chronicle of Lunrba family

The second chapter revealed a little bit more about the world, Lunbiv, Sotho and the Lunrba family. The emotion Sotho held back for two hundred years, will he be able to express what in his heart, seeing his child brought he something more than just joy.

The second chapter, same as the first one, I am looking foward to every response and criticism.

Waking up at five and jogging around the lake near his house, returns home then take one hour of brushing because of this new body. And then breakfast, everything is prepared for a new day, Lunbiv knows this is the simple life he always wants, a life where there is no drama or clashing, people talking normally and not pointing knife at each other throat. But the truth is, no one is here to point their knives at the person in the other direction, they are wearing chains or collars right now or at least staying five feet of dirt.

"Come, sit with me my love."

"You prepared all of this ?"

"The fastest way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach, and I know dwarf has thing for alcohol. Enjoy yourself, as my lover and as the courtesy of Lunrba family."

The art of Lunrba family is the art of everything, the Lunrba family's trait is the fact that they love to lower themselves and they love to strike when no one paid attention to them. But in this new world, Lunbiv knows that have to change, right now, without his father and grandfather, Lunbiv needs to spread fear and doubt instead of dominate everything, he needs to spread rumor and let it corrupt everything. That is how the Lunrba is always known for, an aspect for chaos and discord but at the same time, this is a new era, can he just live in peace with those he love...

"Sooner or later, I have to give you this, this is how I express my love to you. I want to dedicating everything for you, I always feel like I didn't give you enough affection."

"You give more than everything that I need... but don't you need to go back to the mountain ?"

"Well, I can monitor many thing at the same time. To be honest my love, the technologies your house created allow me to run my kingdom anywhere I wanted."

"My guest should be here soon."

"You have guests ?"

"Not a lovely guest but I believe he bears good news. But Father Sotho, can you go and stay in the room ? I don't want the mountain become a battleground. Politic is so complicated."

Lunbiv slowly walks into the living room with a fresh brewed tea-pot, on the desk is an assortment of baked good and some scented candles. It is how Lunrba family always take their guests even when they are hostile or not, even for a common person or high class noble, all of them receive the same treatment. But right now, Lunbiv feels more than just Eldar's presence, he got friends or maybe that is his children. Lunbiv doesn't know but he is expected to see more than just one tiger today.

"Welcome to our humble abode, I will be your host today, Lunbiv and I see you brings company."


"I see we share similarities but it is my personality to be a talkative person. Take a seat, we have a lot to talk about."

The traitor are all expected, killed by their own follower, beware those swore the oath of loyalty for they can change like how scenery changed through every seasons. Without real action and with just words, how can we trust what they said ? Lunbiv always questioning about making a new ally but after who knows how many time he died and reborn, he stopped try to make new ally. For almost five times of dying and coming back, Lunbiv slowly learned that getting a reliable ally is far harder than appreciate someone you are having right now.

"I am almost disappointed, you send me a list of dead people... well, then I guess all I can do is find someone else. It is a pleasure to work with you."

"That means..."

"Yes, our agreement is complete, you may go... But just remember, it is hard to resist the whisper of your own ego and desire."

A gentle smile but that is simply a mask, Lunbiv is angry, he knows he has to stay low profile until the master of Lunrba family return. But the feeling of being outsmarted by a toy is annoying to say the least but the feeling when he can cornering a rat is somewhat satisfying. So to him, this is not a lost, an utter defeat but allow his enemies to lower their guard, play into their game, but always watch your back.

"So that is your first target."

"Not really, father. They are on the hit list but far from high priority, especially when I am this weak."

"I think you are not getting used to your new body, remember when you were so dangerous that Begubf have to put GPS on you ?"

"Well, right now I am a very cute and pluffy feline."

"Then I guess I should treat you more than all of your past lives. I still want you to come and live with me in the mountain but you are still the master of the house."

Lunbiv thought about all his duties, all those past lives he only lived to spread chaos and fear across the world. But right now, there is no need for fear or chaos, with the current state of the world, there is no need for chaos, he can finally be happy, but the fact that they are last humans in this world to have freedom. Life is going to be harsh for its vicious nature but Lunbiv knows it is not going to be easy like last time.

"What is it father ?"

"I think I will give you one of my masterpieces to go with your hairpin."

"... So you mean the hairpin you gave me was in a set ?"

"One of my masterpieces and maybe I should make other ornaments, right now, I just want to spoil you. But I don't think I should keep mentioning that without any action."

"I think I want to go out and see the current of the world. Do you want to go with me ?"

"Well, I will be your bodyguard then."

Nothing much to be expected from Lunbiv's view, most of the city is destroyed except for the part around Lunrba family's house and everything is rebuilt to suit the tradition of Gvtre Dynasty. Maybe there is a reason for their house remain untouched or the fact that the last threat in his last life, maybe that is the reason they need to stop. But for the important part is fact now this country is filled with people look like they come from the novel written in two hundred years ago. The house and building almost have some weird design to them but that is not something Lunbiv can pay much attention to. Watching almost two thousand years of development crumble brought some feeling of regret to him but in that is maybe some relief.

"Who are you ? Did they finally decided to sell that abandoned mansion ?"

"Sell ? Can you two please kindly telling me who is the owner of that mansion ?"

"You don't know ? You are with a dwarf then I guess it is the right thing that you don't know, the current owner of the mansion is the headmaster of the occult academy."

"Thank you. Father, so they started to pry into my family's secret ?"

"Don't worry, they only have the self-destruct part, occult academy is nothing more than a living weapon concentration camp."

"Do you remember to burn to those document ?"

"I am not careless."

"So headmaster... well, let's pay him a visit shall we ?"

Lurkos, the current headmaster of the prestigious academy that no one need to care about its name because it is the only academy where people go to die. Another report of students exploded like confetti and everyone slowly forget about them, there are collateral damage but some treatment will help them forget about everything. But the academy will have to face the risk of closing down, two hundred years of research from generation to generation and nothing work, there is not improvement, only set back and the lives of countless tigers.

"Another students ?"

"Actually not, but I don't like strangers prying into my research even taking over my house."

"You are, that's impossible."

"Well, you get a small bite of my power, now, do you know what are you facing against ? Of course, unnecessary killing is not the right way of Lunrba family but live show confetti I am not going to say no to that."

A somewhat a tiger hybrid with a lion and with a pluffy tail of a snow leopard is standing in front of the headmaster of the only academy in occult learning, a red flower hairpin on his head and in his hand is something that look like a scroll, his clothing is formal and it is an old design from at least four hundred years ago. Behind him is the king of the mountain himself in his full armor, the king of the mountain is told to never carry any weapon because that is not necessary. Everybody know this dwarf is dangerous but the hybrid child is far more dangerous than that thunder calling dwarf.

"Refuse to speak more ? You should speak that is the right of a living afterall."

"Why are you here ?"

"Relax, I mean no harm after all. I mean I could but I don't. That is not how I am going to act so I am coming here today with a contract."

"A contract... so you are the young master."

"Indeed, now about our contract. You must know about my name then you should know how everything work right ? You will find my proposal very tempting."

The contractor, the precursor of chaos, pried on people's need and slowly control them from the shadow. The contractor is the one to begin, the one to strike first, the terrifying thing about the contractor is the fact that he doesn't need to do anything, his contract simply speed up the progress toward destruction. That is the reason why Lunbiv was the threat, because his proposal was very hard to resist and it is still very hard to resist until now.

"So let me ask you, do you want to wake up and begin life anew, to wipe your hands clean and to live a life without constant scream of your dead student ? Or we can go further, I will give you a method for your student not blowing up, come to my house, you have time to think."

"What is your plan ? I may see a glimpse of it but what is true plan ?"

"It is very simple father, they are not different from human. They only have two choices, to press on or to retreat. I offer them two choices, the choice to press on only lead to chaos and the choice to retreat will give him peace but the academy will be in shamble without a leader."

"So you give them choices again, like the last time."

"Different from father who only brought fear and grandfather who only brought salvation, I want to give them choices. And now, no more political and social talk, I want pillow talk."

Lunbiv and Sotho share their kiss the moment they enter the house, and they waste no time to undress, the house is quiet only the sound of kissing and moaning and the sound of the armor dropped on the floor.

"Father, I think I have a better idea."

"What is it, dear ?"

"How about we do it under the stars. Isn't that romantic ?"


Sotho held back for nearly three hundred years, this is not a heat of moment but this is how he felt for three hundred years filled with nothing but longing. Sotho always wanted to proposal his love toward Lunbiv the first moment Lunrba family saved him and now, those emotion still remain the same. That same feeling of longing and desire remain and burning inside him like the great furnance in the middle of the mountain.

Different from the burning fire inside Sotho, Lunbiv looking toward the star, his eyes are shining, the star pattern on his fur also shining, the blue light is soothing. The moon, the stars and him all opposite to the dwarf with the flame of passion in his heart, bath in moonlight as the silver light of the cold moon is only here to giving a few touches on his white fur.


"Yes, father."

"... I held these feeling in my heart for past three hundred years. Even with just one hundred years, I know these feeling were not just a spur of moment so... will you marry me ?"

"You know well what is the risk of marry and carry the Lunrba name ? You will not be immortal and experience death until the end of time, going through that cycle could drive you insane."

"As long as every cycle passed you keep me this form then I am fine, I don't want to be seprated from you not again, even when I have to abandon my position as a king. As long as I can be with you."

"... Thank you, thank you for always wait for me. Of course, I will marry you, I was always love you but those people leave us with the impression that we will always alone. We thought you would have left us if you had knew the truth of our family."

"I would never..."

"I know that now, so from this moment, your immortality will be forfeited but we will be together in the cycle. I hope I can be with you until the end of time."

They leaned in for the kiss under the star, everything is far too perfect for Lunbiv, maybe this is what he has been fighting for, all these year against the world. Now, what kept him from his happiness is his full family and that is not for long and then after that only banquet exist. Maybe this is the last cycle but the uneasy feeling keep exist in Lunbiv questioning what will happen when they are revealed to this new world. But now, in the arm of his lover, his mate, his newlywed husband, he felt safe, it felt like when Begubf or Qxerlnorn held him in their arm.

"Dear, your eyes, they are so beautiful, no matter what vessal you used, your eyes are always the same."

"Like the reflection of a star ?"

"Yes, like the star itself."

They leaned in for another kiss, the beard brushed on Lunbiv but no longer tickle him but the musk from the dwarf linger in the air. It is no longer the scent of the mountain, the scent of the earth and he no longer felt the heat of the furnance. What he felt is his lover, what he felt is Sotho like the distinct scent of Sotho and nothing else, like how he can find the scent of his father - Begubf from the scent of the night, of the blood.

"Hold me close, I want to feel your scent. Last night were nothing more than lust but now, I want you to hold me like this."

"I will hold you as long as you like, I will hold you even when my hairs and beard turn white and we can only whisper into each other ear."

"... We have guests but guests can wait, they want my time, they have to earn it. You are so warm, not like the furnance but the fire of the hearth."

"Come on, you are the master of the house and you are my mate, I will dress you up in the best attire, putting up your hairpin and show them who you really are."

The guests are arrived, now not only Eldar but Lurkos also come with him, but the true master of the house is the threatening one. A feline with a dwarf behind him, the feline dressed almost like the emperor of Gvtre Dynasty himself, magnificent yet enticing, even Eldar is stunned. It is a stereotype to think dwarf only good at smithing, they are strong but they are not brute, they can be delicate when they wanted to.

"Welcome guest, please, have a sit, don't standing around like that, it won't be good for your legs."

The way he speaks is different from how a person in Gvtre always talk, smooth and caring but also a little bit of manipulation, his way of speaking is more similar to people from Jbys Kingdom or Orne Empire. Very wicked but there is also a little bit of kindness and caring, Lunbiv never shows his attention but he slowly manipulates people into doing what he wanted, it is all the same to members of this family. Exploiting people fear, exploit their desire, intimidate people in doing what they want.

"So, about my proposal, what do you think ?"


"We will decline, we will not like human and fall for your word."

"Pity... well, anything else, I don't think you take your friend with you just to come to my door and say no. So to make a point, an opinion or something else more than that, you are not that interesting. So making a threat or signing a contract, it is your choice."

"We will not bow and let you do what you want."

"I offered you a way out, actually, I offered you both a way out, but you decline me and you, Eldar, you gave me wrong information. Yes, don't be surprise, I know everything and I am always watching. I know who is lying and who isn't."

Eyes and ears around the world, Lunbiv is the contractor and what is important to him is the ability to see a bigger picture. He needs to see everything to make the next move, one bigger picture can be turned into a mesh of paint with just one wrong move. And that is how he drew the masterpiece called fall of an era, and from the fall, a new era will begin and everything can truly progress but Lunbiv was wrong, it is just another static cycle. That was his mission bestowed by an entity that goes by the name Lamentation, offer them an eternal life by the cost of the destruction of the era that can't progress. And for any reason, Lunbiv can't understand what Lamentation wanted what is their desire, that is something he can't and will never understand. Maybe "I do this because I want to be with those I love" will be his only reason to listen to what Lamentation wanted him to do.

"So what will be your choice, my old offer for you to escape your current fate is still available."

"I do not need false hope to live."

Students of the academy jump toward Lunbiv with the intention of using themselves as living bombs to at least damage him but they didn't know Lunbiv can simply disable that process. They were living explosives and a few moment later they were nothing but harmless cats, a side effect of the technique is the damage to subject's mind, breaking their thought and consciousness at the same time. They are now nothing more than just mindless doll, but using his own trick against him, are they that desperate.

"Surrender now or I will kill the dwarf."

"I'd like to see you try, father, show him the might of the mountain king. Your power are no longer sealed."

And then five students exploded but after after the red smoke vanished, Sotho standing still in his armor, everything on him remain the same. The stoic dwarf king just stand there and look like nothing happened to him, he smiled toward Lunbiv then let out a roar and the same thing happened to other tigers like what happened to those that attacked Lunbiv.

"In the past, I could guide you and lead you to the place where human reached two hundred years ago before the fall. But you choose to kill my those I love... I am not mad or angry because you killed us, we are stuck in this cycle afterall."

But what make Lunbiv furious is the fact that they are not different from how the old era used to act, they chose to fear everything even those that doesn't have anything to do with them. Lunbiv had some understanding for that but he doesn't understand why they had to be so fearful, but that isn't important, not anymore. He doesn't care that much, Lunbiv is only able to defend himself right now but they will always welcome their guests.

"Next time, can you unseal me a little bit earlier dear, those explosion was a little bit tickle."

"Hmm, I don't even want you to use your power, you just lost your immortality and you need to get used to that."

"I'm fine, I can do this all day. Believe me, I am your mate afterall."

"I will always trust you. But I can't afford to see you get hurt, I can't afford to see those I love get hurt but I think we will be revealed to the world."

But now, he is ready, he let them come, the door of Lunrba family always open to welcome new costumers and challengers alike. Even when they are controlled by Lamentation, hospitality is a trait that everyone in this family have.