Sanctuary Secrets

Story by Kybal_Lutra on SoFurry

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#4 of Commissions

Whoa! I'm back pretty quickly, I'll admit. This time at a technically shorter (but still very long) pace. This is the third of my story commissions from way back in November. Like I said last time, I've been really trying my best to get these all done soon, so expect the next one to come out before the end of August! This one was quite a struggle to write (mainly because it's using someone else's OCs which is something I've never done before) but I'm incredibly happy that my good friend drcbllz commissioned me to write it. Go give him a watch and play his game 'Sins and Paradise', which is where some of these characters come from! I hope you all like it as much as I enjoyed writing it! :D


  • Kibble -

Sanctuary Secrets

Los Angeles.

The city of dreams.

Though today it was more like the city of endless and unrelenting heat. The AC in Wolfstar's office was broken and the ancient metal desk fan wasn't doing much more than circulating the heat in a gentle stream around his face.

Leaning back in his chair, the wolf sighed and tapped a claw against the desk as he waited for the phone to ring or a new email to come in--anything to get him up and out of the office.

It wasn't his fault he was the best detective in the city, or his fault that he'd been solving major crimes over the past few years to the point where the police union had come to him personally to complain about making them all look bad. He chuckled at the memory, remembering the fallout of that particular conversation, although most cops still held him in good regard and so did the mayor.

That was all that mattered anyway.

He sighed and tapped his claw against the desk a few more times, running his tongue over his sharp canines before growling lightly to himself and sitting up.

There had to be something going on somewhere. Some nefarious nerdowells running an illegal poker game or a pair of thieving tricksters planning a bank heist. He stared down at his phone and his computer, willing them to make a sound.

He stared at them, the ticking of the clock hanging over his office door filling the silence for a moment.

And then another.




Wolf hung his head in defeat as the silence wore on. No such luck today.

Regardless, the heat was just too much under his fur and he needed a break. No one would complain if he took an early lunch anyway.

With sigh, he stood from his chair and stretched, cracking his back and shoulder as he yawned loudly and scrunched his muzzle up. He eased out of the stifling room and turned the 'Open' sign to 'Closed' as he locked the door behind him.

His apartment was conveniently located just above his office, so the walk from scorching office to cool, wonderfully air conditioned living space was mercifully short. A wave of relief washed over his sweaty fur as he reached up and unbuttoned his shirt, quickly shirking it off along with his pants, leaving him in nothing but a pair of admittedly skimpy, red and black underwear.

He'd always been built of a hardier stock, but to anyone who got the chance to see his body, they would've seen the hours of hard earned work that Wolf put into his muscles. The undulated and flexed under his fur as he shifted his weight from one paw to the other. Like most Wolflings, he stood a good foot taller than the average human at an impressive seven feet, so finding an apartment that was both up to date and made specifically for taller species had been a godsend.

He scratched at his chest fur, ruffling up the cream-colored hairs with his claws as moaned at the feeling. Wolf had always considered himself fairly attractive, enjoying the difference in his fur color as it shifted from the lighter shade of cream along his torso to the darker, red-brown fur that covered the rest of his body. He also wasn't above a little bit of showing off, hence the underwear he unabashedly wore beneath his work clothes.

Wolf stood there in the entrance and simply enjoyed the relief for a few seconds before he stepped into the kitchen, eager to make himself a sandwich. But as he rounded the corner, an all-too familiar sight was ready to greet him.

"Oh, goddamnit! Hyper, are you kidding right now?!"

A pile of dirty dishes filled the sink and the drying rack, and Wolfstar could barely see the sponges and dish soap behind them on the countertop. He shook his head and growled as he heard his roommate's footsteps padding slowly toward him.

"Seriously, Hyper. What did I just talk to you about?"

The gray wolf that rounded the corner managed to make his eight foot frame even more sheepish than normal. He towered over most other people usually, but even with his shoulder bent forward and an embarrassed look on his face, the well-muscled wolf still made Wolf look up at him.

He was wearing a simple white tank top and workout shorts, and clearly had been lounging in his room from what Wolf could smell. Scents of cheap snacks and a lingering funk from his clothes told him all he needed to know.

"Sorry man, I just... lost track of time, you know? I can do 'em now if you want."

Wolfstar threw his hands up in the air with a shake of his head, "It's not gonna make much of a difference now, is it? I came up here to grab lunch and now I'm gonna have to spend the next half hour cleaning up your mess. I mean come on, Hyper. We've talked about this over and over. I get that things are tough, but you've got to take some responsibility here and help me out."

Hyper nodded once and flicked his tongue over his nose as he stepped forward.

"Nah man, let me do them. I can--"

Wolf held up a hand and shook his head.

"No, just... I'll do them. But man, you have got to take some responsibility for yourself. I mean, look at this place!"

He gestured widely to the expanse of the rest of the kitchen and the living room.

Both rooms looked... messy. There were patches of disarray all over; old magazines, DVDs, workout equipment, random pieces of old tech, and a myriad of other things were strewn around the place like a haphazard garage sale had been dropped from the ceiling.

Wolf knew that Hyper's room was even worse. And even though he himself wasn't the cleanest of Wolflings, he at least had the decency to pick up after himself after a day or two. But Hyper... he was on another level entirely.

"Look, I know things have been tough with the job prospects and I'm sorry you're really going through it. But for the love of god, please just clean up after yourself!"

Hyper nodded softly and slid back around the corner as Wolf got started with the dishes. The smaller wolf let out a soft sigh once he heard his roommate's door close a few seconds later.

Holding a scrubbing brush in one hand, Wolfstar got to work on the insanely large pile of dirty dishes.

Hyper had been his best friend for so many years, Wolf had lost count. They'd always had each other's backs through thick and thin, and their camaraderie often toed the line between friendship and... well, possibly something more. Hyper always seemed to prefer women but Wolfstar knew his best friend had held serious attraction for more than a few men over the years.

But seeing his best friend like this hurt him each and every day. The large wolf had been a moderately successful stuntman in LA for years before the jobs started drying up left and right. The rise of CGI and animation often cut out the less experienced and smaller names in the stunt industry, and although Hyper had friends who would call him in for a job every once in a while, it wasn't steady enough to live off of. Wolf had been paying his friend's half of the rest for months now, and while he had more than enough money for it, it still made things a bit awkward between them.

He'd tried so many times to get the big wolf back out into the world but it seemed like most days, Hyper would just hunker down in his room and play video games and mooch off of Wolfstar's snacks. It wasn't healthy and it certainly wasn't helping Hyper's situation.

Something had to change, and Wolf didn't want to be the one to force it to happen. He knew it needed to come from Hyper himself, so he tried his best to nudge him in the right direction every so often.

Maybe this time would be different.

After a half hour of near constant scrubbing, the sink and the surrounding countertops were cleared of dirty dishes. Wolfstar placed the last clean and dry item--a frying pan he'd had to use his considerable strength to clean--on the hanging hook overhead, he let out a pent up breath and headed down the hall to Hyper's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

He twisted the knob in his paw and nudged the door open. Hyper was sitting on the side of his bed, scrolling through his phone with one hand as he pulled his shoes on with the other. Wolfstar watched him for a moment as he leaned on the doorframe, eyeing the utter disaster zone that was Hyper's room.

"I'm uh... gonna make a sandwich or some eggs or something. Do you want anything?"

The big wolf shook his head, pulling his shoe on completely and standing up quickly.

"Nah, but thanks. I'm gonna head downtown actually. Got a tip that some fancy nightclub is paying people to try out new drinks. Figured we could use the money. Or at least, I could."

Wolf shook his head slowly, "Man, we're good on money. You know that and you also know that I don't care if I have to cover you. I just want you to focus on getting some steady jobs, you know? I want you to get back on your feet."

Hyper let out a short bark of a laugh and shrugged, "Doesn't look like the stunt stuff is gonna work out anytime soon. Can't do much else but throw myself out windows or get set on fire so... yeah. I dunno. Just tired of being cooped up here and feeling useless."

Wolf stood up straight and gestured to his friend.

"You're not useless, I promise. You just need to find something else you're good at."

"Tch, says the best detective in the city."

Wolfstar shook his head, "Hey, man. Come on. I worked hard to earn that."

Hyper groaned and leaned back, pinching the bridge of his muzzle. He sighed after a moment and grabbed his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder.

"I know I just... I don't wanna talk right now, Wolf. Need to clear my head. I'll be back later on."

With a huff, the towering gray wolf brushed past Wolfstar and headed for the front door, shutting it loudly behind him.

Wolf stood in his best friend's room, feeling utterly conflicted. But he knew he had to get back to work sooner or later, and he still hadn't eaten anything. Scrounging up what he could from the pantry, he powered through a hastily made turkey and cheese sandwich before pulling his sweaty work clothes back on with a grumble.

He made his way back downstairs and into his sweltering office, sitting down in his chair and wishing the AC repair company would do its damn job on time for once.

Leaning back and putting his hands behind his head, Wolf's thoughts lingered on Hyper. Somehow, he needed to help his friend. Maybe fate would offer up a solution, though in Wolf's experience, not much ever came from inaction on his part.

No, something needed to be done. Something needed to change. But what that would be, Wolfstar had no idea.


Hyper walked steadily down one of the main avenues in downtown LA, checking his phone every so often to make sure he was still on track.

The nightclub he was looking for was called Sanctuary, but it didn't seem to be very well advertised. When he'd searched online for it, only a simple landing page with an address had come up.

According to his human friend Mark, he'd heard the owner was looking for participants to try out some new strains of beer that the club was making in-house. Some new IPA or something like that, he'd assumed. Regardless, Mark had heard that the pay was significant but that it was all very hush hush. Hyper didn't really care so long as it paid, and paid consistently.

As he neared the location, his eyes widened when he looked up from his phone.

There was a large, glowing neon sign hanging outside a large building on the corner of the avenue, its bold and stylish font spelling out the name 'SANCTUARY' in a hot pink color. It certainly stood out against the backdrop of the other stores next to the building, and Hyper wasn't sure how he'd never heard of a place this big before. They must have just opened or else he would've known.

Eyeing the glowing sign, the big wolf strode across the street and made his way to the entrance. A large bull with reddish fur stood just to the left of a double-wide tinted glass door, complete with a set of golden handles with intricate wrought lines and waves inlaid in the material. It certainly looked expensive to Hyper as he walked up to the bull who was watching him with a curious expression.

"Need something?"

The bull's gruff voice cut through the rumble of the downtown traffic passing by. Hyper gave him his best winning smile and nodded.

"Hope so! Heard from a friend that you guys needed volunteers to help test some new beer or somethin' like that. Was hoping there were still some slots available."

Tilting his head, the bull looked Hyper up and down before giving a satisfied nod and holding up a walkie-talkie to his muzzle and speaking into it.

"Yo. Got another guy interested in the testing. Seems like he's alright."

The bull arched an eyebrow and glanced at Hyper, whispering to him, "You're alright, right?"

Hyper shifted on his paws and glanced at the door before looking back at the burly bull.

"Uh... yeah?"

"Cool. Yeah, he's alright." The bull nodded and Hyper heard a garbled reply as the lock disengaged and the left door swung open slightly. The muscular bull pulled it open the rest of the way and gestured for Hyper to follow him inside.

As Hyper followed the bull, he looked around at the inside of the venue. The place was... stunningly beautiful.

An enormous chandelier hung from the center of an expansive dance floor, trailed by smaller lanterns and golden fixtures. The floor itself was a tasteful white marble with gold inlay placed in what looked like some sort of hexagonal pattern. Black padded leather seats and booths were scattered around the massive room beside a flowing glass railing that allowed anyone sitting to still see the action happening on the dance floor. There was even a balcony that hung over part of the floor, under which was a long bar that spanned the length of the balcony overhead.

A mass of gently pulsing lights bathed the entire hall in relaxing hues of soft blue and pink, creating an intimate but familiar atmosphere at Hyper followed the large bull back towards the bar. The entire place was clearly opulent but still managed to look tasteful, almost like an 80s pop dance floor mixed with a modern take on an English pub. It was an interesting combination and Hyper found himself wondering what it would look and sound like with a room full of dancers.

The one thing he hadn't noticed until now was several stripper poles that extended up from the center of numerous platforms positioned around the hall. Some of them had seats and booths surrounding them and others seemed to stand along, allowing for a smaller group of people to gather closely around them. One, Hyper noticed, had what looked like an elevated platform that, as he neared the bar, he realized could rise up from the ground floor to the balcony.

This was... not at all what he'd been expecting. He wasn't uncomfortable with the idea of being inside a strip club, but he paused at what exactly a club like this was doing, making their own special type of beer and paying random people to test it.

"Oh, you must be the new volunteer, right?"

Hyper turned suddenly and nearly gasped at the sight. A muscular lion-man clad in nothing but a jockstrap and a bowtie strode steadily towards them from a door near the end of the bar. His body was absolutely immaculate, with not an ounce of fat visible under his perfectly golden fur. The lion's eyes shone brightly in the soft lighting as he approached, stepping up to the bulky bull and sliding his hands up and across the other man's chest.

"Mm, thank you so much for escorting our guest inside, Holden. You always know how to pick the absolute best volunteers."

Hyper watched as the lion slid his hand lower, cupping the bull's package openly and drawing a low groan from the massive, heavily muscled bouncer. Holden snorted and nodded with a grin at the lion, who winked up at him before he turned and headed back the way he'd come, leaving Hyper and the lion standing in front of the bar.

"I uh... what kinda place is this exactly?"

"Oh, I can't wait for you to find out!" The lion smiled widely, fangs glinting in the light as he stepped closer to Hyper. "Welcome to Sanctuary. My name's Louis. I'm one of the floor managers here, but I also head up our fledgling volunteer program for my boss. Sorry if it's a bit overwhelming but I hope you're okay with nudity and uh, well, a few other things beyond that."

Hyper couldn't help his eyes as they roamed eagerly over the lithe, muscular body of the lion standing in front of him. He felt his cock twitch and bulge slightly in his workout shorts as a wave of arousal rolled off of the lion.

He shook his head, "N-no, I don't mind... like, at all. I'm just curious what exactly you need me to do. My friend said something about beer? Oh, and my name's Hyper, by the way."

"Oh, one of the beer ads must still be active." Louis murmured to himself before he looked up at Hyper and clapped his hands, "Well, regardless, it's very nice to meet you Hyper. But we actually have something different planned for our volunteers today. Don't worry, the pay is still the same and I can personally vouch for Sanctuary's legitimacy when it comes to our contracts. You'll leave here feeling much better than you do right now, that much is certain."

Hyper nodded and gave a hesitant smile, "Alright. Well uh, I mean, what exactly do you want me to do?"

Louis smiled widely again and gestured to the door he'd come out of.

"If you'll just follow me, I can get you situated and then started right away. I don't wanna rush you at all but trust me, you'll love what we have in store for you."

Hyper took a breath and glanced around at the hall before shrugging his shoulders and nodding at Louis. What was there to lose? If Sanctuary wanted to offer him money to help them with... whatever it was they were doing behind the scenes, he at least owed it to himself and to Wolfstar to try.

The lion swept his hand towards the side and Hyper nodded, following the manager through the rather heavy looking door. The wolf's tail swung gently behind him as the lion walked further and further into the depths of the club, and Hyper couldn't help but be curious as they moved past grids full of cables, panels with various controls on them, pipes, and to his surprise, several harried looking people with white lab coats on.

"You guys doing some sort of science experiment down here?" Hyper eyed one of the smaller humans as he walked past, tapping away at a tablet in his hand and not even looking up.

Louis smiled with a knowing grin, "In a manner of speaking. It all has to do with what you signed up for. Follow me through here!"

The lion suddenly turned and headed out of the long hallway and into a medium sized room full of what looked like a bay of plush, heavily padded chairs. Hyper cocked an eyebrow up with hesitation and tilted his head over at Louis.

"This is what you guys wanted? I know you said it wasn't beer but I wasn't expecting like... a massage. Feels kinda weird, not gonna lie."

Louis gestured towards the seat with a winning smile, his voice calm and confident.

"I promise you it's well worth your time. Plus, your bank account will thank you later."

Hyper squinted over at the muscular lion for a moment before shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head. With a sigh he walked over towards the closest empty seat and settled into it, waiting expectantly for whatever it was that Louis wanted to do next.

With a satisfied smile, the lion padded over to the opposite side of the room and unlocked a metal case that hung on the wall. He pulled out a leather case and held it in his hand as he walked back over to Hyper, frowning a bit as he looked over the tall, heavily muscled wolf.

"Okay, so this is what the volunteer opportunity is all about. It's one of Sanctuaries best kept secrets and we're sort of in the testing phase with it, if you will. You wanna see it?"

Hyper smirked up from his seat, still nearly level with the lion even sitting down.

"Sure, man. I'm game."

"I thought you might be." Louis said with a nod and unzipped the leather pouch, revealing what was inside.

In his hand was... a bowtie, much like the one he was wearing. The collar of the bowtie was a deep, dark red fabric with a heavily embroidered flowing pattern circling the edge. The bowtie itself was a simple red tie, nothing fancy. But the piece seemed to have a nice flare to it, while remaining understated enough not to draw too much attention to itself.

"It's... a bowtie."

Hyper stared over at the item in the lion's hand for a moment before looking into Louis' eyes for some sort of explanation.

"Indeed it is! I'd like you to try it on, if you don't mind."

Hyper scoffed, "I'm not exactly dressed for a fancy ball or anything."

"Does it look like I'm dressed for one either?" The lion ran his clawed hands down his well-defined chest and abs, trailing his fingers over his ample package that twitched slightly as he jostled it.

Hyper felt his own cock jump between his thighs as his mouth suddenly went dry. He shrugged as nonchalantly as he could despite his arousal clearly trying to betray him and held his hand out. Louis stepped forward and placed the bowtie in it.

"It stretches so there's no need for you to fiddle with any latches or other nonsense. Just pull it over your head."

"Right." Hyper looked down at it, his eyes looking at the heavy detail that had clearly been put into its manufacturing.

With a soft snort at the weirdness of it all, the big wolf slid the bowtie over his head and past his furry ears, pulling at the fabric slightly to get it past his muzzle before he settled it against his neck. The fabric rested softly against his fur like it was the perfect size and he adjusted it slightly so that the bowtie was as straight as he could tell and centered under his muzzle.

Hyper looked over at Louis who nodded with satisfaction and reached over to adjust the bowtie slightly, brushing his hands gently over the wolf's soft fur for a few moments. As he pulled back and stood up straight, the lion looked over into the corner of the room where a small camera light blinked every few seconds, nodding towards it.

As he nodded, Hyper tapped his claws against the leather padding of the chair a few times, his tail swaying back and forth steadily in the perfectly made hole between the backrest and the seat. At least the chair itself was really comfortable while he waited for... whatever it was that was supposed to be happening.

"How're you feeling, Hyper."

"Mm... kinda bored, I guess? Am I supposed to feel fancier or something?"

Louis laughed and shook his head, "I suppose not. Mind if I ask you some personal questions then? It's all part of the process we're developing."

"Fire away." Hyper reached down and pulled his tank top away from his fur before letting it snap back against his chest.

"What did you think of Sanctuary when you first walked in?"

Hyper thought for a moment, tilting his head a bit as he tried to figure out the right words.

"I thought... I thought it looked really nice. A little more fancy than I was expecting with all the chandeliers and leather seats but, yeah, overall I think it's a pretty nice looking place. I could see myself coming here for sure."

"Good!" Louis glanced at the camera and then continued, "Could you see yourself working here? Maybe as a bartender or a server?"

"Maybe, yeah. If the pay was good. But uh," Hyper shifted in his seat and smiled over at the lion. "What about those stripper poles? You got enough guys to work those every night?"

Louis turned towards the camera and nodded with a grin before turning back to Hyper and holding his hands out wide.

"If that's what you wanted to do, I think we could definitely work something out."

Hyper frowned at that.

Why had he even suggested that in the first place? He'd never had much interest in doing anything like stripping since he'd gotten out of college, and definitely not in what was clearly a gay club. Although Louis looked really good. Great, in fact. He fixed his gaze on the lion and flicked his tongue over his nose, sniffing the air around them and finding the spicy aroma intoxicatingly delicious.

"I mean, I don't know man. It looks like this place would be great for stripping but I haven't done anything like that since college."

Louis nodded and gestured at Hyper, "Well, you've certainly got the looks for it, if you don't mind me saying. Personally, I'd love to see you do a routine for us here at the club."

The compliment sent a thrill through Hyper's body and he felt his dick stiffen more, pulsing along with his heartbeat now. He sat up straighter in the seat and smirked over at the lion.

"I'd certainly like to show you what I've got, if you don't mind me saying."

"Oh, I'd love to see that, for sure. Why don't you undress for me now? Are you comfortable doing that?"

Hyper's claws twitched against the padded leather of the arm rest as a slight sweat broke out under his fur.

"I... don't normally do this. Not sure why... I'm feeling so good."

Louis nodded encouragingly, "We want everyone in Sanctuary to feel good, including our dancers, Hyper. You look so sexy right now, but I really think you'd look even better naked. Can you do that for me?"

Hyper nodded slowly, his mind struggling to maintain its usual sense of control as something else seemed to be edging him to just... go for it. To let loose and give into what he knew would be a good time with this absolutely beautiful lion.

Plus it was starting to feel really good.

Pleasing, even.

It felt great to give in.

Why wouldn't he do that?

God, his cock felt so amazing right now.

And fuck, Louis looked so sexy standing in front of him.

With a twitching hand, Hyper reached down and pulled his slightly damp tank top up and over his shoulders, letting the fabric fall to the floor. Standing up from the seat, the large wolf slid his claws under the elastic waistband of his shorts and pulled them down along with his underwear.

He stood proudly and fully nude in front of the lion, his enormous uncut penis throbbing thickly between his legs as it filled out more and more. Hyper's body flushed with a sensation of tingling pleasure and he moaned, his dick twitching as a few drops of precum splattered onto the carpeted floor underneath his paws.

"Mm, well I must say you certainly don't disappoint, Hyper. Not at all." Louis stepped up to Hyper, grabbing the wolf's thick shaft and rubbing the hooded tip over his own rapidly growing shaft behind the pouch of his jockstrap. Both of them moaned slightly at the feeling, their arousal only growing in intensity.

"Alright, Louis. I think he's ready."

The voice seemed like it came from all around the room, booming deeply and powerfully as the lion pressed Hyper back into the seat, climbing on top of the larger man. He leaned in and lapped his tongue over the wolf's muzzle as he ground his jockstrap against Hyper's heavily leaking cock.

"I agree, boss. Definitely... agree." Louis' voice was muffled slightly as he lapped over Hyper's neck and nuzzled into his shoulder, both of their tails flicking wildly.

"Have your fun and then get him ready for tonight."

The voice boomed out again and seemed to slide against Hyper's ears like the most delightful type of music. It wormed inside his brain and he found himself loving the sound of it. Whoever it was... he wanted to do whatever he was told to do. If it brought him this much pleasure, then what was the point of disobeying?

He wanted to do this forever.


"He went where?"

Wolfstar furrowed his brow as he listened to Mark's voice on the other end of the call.

"It's a new club called Sanctuary. I'll text you the address but there was something about... pay for beer tasting? Something like that, I think."

"He mentioned that part, yeah. Do you know anything about the place? I've never heard of it before." Wolf did a cursory lookup online and found a simple landing page with the address on it. He instantly had it memorized the second he saw it, and he frowned at the uninformative page for a supposedly brand new club in downtown LA.

"Does any of this seem... weird to you, Mark? I can't really find anything about this place and you said it just opened up?"

He heard the human let out an exasperated breath, "I dunno man, I just heard about it. Haven't been there myself, and I just thought it was a way to make a quick buck for Hyper. You know how it's been for him."

"All too well." Wolf sighed.

He glanced at his watch and figured it was late enough that the club should be open and filling up for patrons by now. "9pm on a Friday night. You think it'll be packed?"

"Uh, dude, when's the last time you went out clubbing in this city? Of course it'll be packed."

"Hm... guess I'll just flash my badge to get in. Or maybe my key to the city." Wolf chuckled.

"Wait, they actually gave you one of those?" Mark asked, incredulous.

"You're talking to the best detective in the city, kid. Of course they did." Wolf laughed and shook his head.

"Nah, it's just ceremonial. Doesn't even unlock anything. Plus I doubt many people actually give a shit if they even know. But anyway, I'm gonna head down there and try and sniff out a lead for where Hyper went. I'm just worried how we left things and... well, you know how much I care about him."

It was Mark's turn to chuckle as he echoed Wolf.

"All to well."

Wolf snorted, "Nice one. Alright, well thanks for the info, Mark. I'll let you know if anything comes up."

"No worries. See you 'round, Wolf."


It only took Wolfstar half an hour to make his way downtown, even with the heavy traffic LA constantly suffered from. The haze of smog gave all the street lamps and headlights a blurry quality that seemed almost cinematic to the lone wolf. Luckily his office wasn't near most of the congestion and as he walked up to the corner of the avenue, he easily spotted the neon sign practically blaring out the name of the club as he found the perfect parking spot, miraculously free.

A line of people wound its way around the corner of the building, stretching back towards one of the further blocks up the road. This place must have been really popular without much advertising. Maybe it was all word of mouth.

As he approached, he was thankful he'd traded in his work clothes for something a bit more fashionable. He didn't want to stand out too much so he'd worn a short-sleeve button up that was just the right amount of too-tight against his frame, leaving the top two buttons undone to let his chest fur breathe. And of course, having a pair of fur-tight pants to go along with it didn't hurt either.

Mark wasn't wrong that Wolfstar hadn't been to a club in any capacity other than to investigate in many years. But luckily, his good looks and active lifestyle seemed to have allowed him to fit easily into his older clothes without a fuss. Still, despite the excitement of heading into a club that would undoubtedly be filled with all sorts of eye-candy, he was worried about Hyper and he wanted to see if his best friend was okay.

He walked up to the heavily muscled bull bouncer standing in front of the doors and waited for the trio of guys he was appraising to head through. Finally, he nodded at the bull.

"Mind if I take a look inside? My friend's in there and I just wanna make sure he's okay."

The bull snorted and put his hands on his hips as he arched an eyebrow.

"Uh-huh. And what makes you think you can just cut in line?"

Wolf grinned and held up his badge.

"Oh, fuck me. I just got this job, so don't go tellin' me this place is--"

Holding up a hand, Wolf tried to appease the broiling bull, "Like I said, I'm just looking for a friend who came here. A Wolfkin. Goes by 'Hyper'. Eight feet tall, gray fur, tons of muscles. Can't miss him."

The bull frowned and scratched the back of his neck before he glanced up at Wolf, eyeing the steadily growing and groaning line of impatient would-be patrons waiting for their chance to get inside.

"Yeah, I've seen him. Came in a few hours ago and talked to Louis. He's the manager for the dancers tonight."

"Dancers?" Wolf said curiously. "Hyper was supposed to be doing something with beer tasting."

The bull held up his hands with a shrug.

"Dunno what to tell you, man. Louis took him in the back and I came out here to do my job, which I'd really like to get back to doing. If you wanna go in, be my guest. I won't say anything."

Wolf nodded appreciatively, pocketing his badge and giving the big bull a sly wink as he pulled the door open and walked inside.

The decorum of the club wasn't anything like Wolf had been expecting; glossy, expensive, sleak, and actually rather tasteful, all words that came to mind as he walked slowly through the lobby and into the main hall.

The place was already close to capacity, and the heat from all the bodies and the din of the booming bass created a heady sort of atmosphere that Wolfstar could practically feel filling up his lungs. Tail twitching in time with the beat of the song, he made his way past groups of grinning men, swaying hips, and interested glances of all kinds.

In the center of the dance hall, a mass of male bodies pulsed in time with the quickening beat and as Wolf skirted around the edge of them, his eyes were drawn to the several men wearing bow ties (and not much else) walking around the hall. They clearly worked at Sanctuary because some of them were holding trays full of drinks, and two others stood behind the bar serving patrons directly.

But as Wolf cast his gaze around, he realized that from each of the poles that extended to the ceiling, a few of those same bowtie-wearing men were also dancing lasciviously in front of gaggles of patrons. Cash was being thrown around, handed and hastily slid into the taut strings of jockstraps, g-strings, and speedos--anywhere a bill could be fit. Wolf could smell the strong tinge of alcohol and arousal as several of the strippers seemed to revel in the attention the club afforded them, and his own cock pressed heavily against his suddenly too-tight pants as he strode forward.

He stopped as he caught sight of a lion, lean and powerful and, most importantly, wearing a bow-tie while leaning over to talk to another staff member.

That had to be Louis, which meant Hyper wouldn't be very far.

A loud cheer sounded off to his left and Wolf, sniffing more of the familiar scent he'd been following since he'd left his apartment, turned and found a sight that left his jaw on the floor.

Standing on one of the smaller platforms in the hall and humping lewdly against the long, metal pole he was holding onto was Hyper, adorned in nothing but a bright red jockstrap and a similarly colored bow-tie.

Wolf's dick nearly shot off a blast of cum right then and there at the impossibly lusty sight of his best friend working that pole. He watched, eyes wide, as Hyper bent forward and turned, showing off his nearly bare ass to the group of fifteen or so patrons who were all howling with need as he gave them a show.

Hyper reached down and pushed his ass out, rubbing the cleft of his backside against the metal pole behind him as he grabbed handfuls of cash that was being eagerly handed out to him like candy. He smiled and winked at a few of the men in front of him, gripping his bulging package and toying with the waistline as he slotted more and more bills into the already tight pouch.

Wolfstar stood for a few moments in stunned silence until his training kicked in and he moved, heading straight for the platform and brushing past a group of annoyed-looking tigers going in the opposite direction. As he strode forward, he narrowed his eyes at the sight, trying to push his aroused mind back into gear.

This wasn't right.

Hyper might have played fast and loose with his relationships and had been known to be a bit of a tease to anyone watching, but full-on stripping in public in front of an insanely large group of men? Wolfstar knew that Hyper hadn't been that daring when he'd left the apartment.

What had changed?

As he approached the platform, Wolf stared up at his best friend with something akin to awe at just how well he was working that pole. Clearly, he had a knack for it and Wolf had a knack for staring.

Suddenly, their gazes locked as Hyper turned towards him and froze on the pole for a moment. Wolf froze too, at least until the gray wolf on the platform seemed to recover and licked his nose just before he stepped to the side and performed a showy bow towards his audience. The various men, human and wolfkin and more, all cheered loudly and tossed more cash before they slowly dispersed or sat down in the nearby booths, leaving Hyper to pick up his bounty for the dance.

With a subtle jerk of chin and a smile, Hyper motioned Wolf towards the right. Following closely as he eyed the surroundings as best he could, Wolf kept pace with Hyper and the two of them managed to find a less populated corner of the hall.

"Dude, I told you I'd be back in a few hours. Couldn't wait to get a look at me in uniform I guess?"

Hyper was grinning ear to ear as he panted slightly, reaching down into his jock to pull out wads of cash. He hastily bundled what he could and started counting it as Wolfstar stared over at him with a look of concern.

"You... what? Uniform? Dude, you're hardly wearing anything at all!"

"I know! Isn't it amazing? I seriously can't believe I get paid to do this all night. Boss really has it made with this place, and so do we."

Shaking his head in confusion, Wolf leaned closer and whispered as loudly as he could against the sound of the next song playing over the speakers.

"What do you mean 'we'? You said you were coming here to do some sort of beer tasting and then you were gone for hours. What happened to you? And can we go talk somewhere... quieter? This music is getting ridiculous."

Now it was Hyper's turn to give Wolf a confused look as he glanced up from counting what had to have been at least a few hundred dollars in his hands.

"Why would I care about drinking beer right now? I'm here to dance and make all these people happy, including you! You can't tell me you're not as turned on as you always get whenever you see me naked. And believe me, I can tell when you're watching me at home."

Wolf stuttered, nearly at a loss for words before Hyper held up a hand and gave his best friend a knowing look.

"Just wait. Let me take you upstairs to the VIP lounge. Then you can say whatever you want to. It's more private and a hell of a lot less loud than being down here."

With a sultry wink, Hyper turned and walked off towards the main staircase, looking over his shoulder and waiting for Wolf to follow.

Wolfstar glanced around the room, a sense of unease filling him as he knew something had been done to Hyper to make him act this way. This wasn't normal for him at all, and he was acting like this was his job now. No amount of money could've made his best friend that convincing on the pole, that much was for sure.

With a determined look, Wolfstar followed behind Hyper as they ascended the glass stairs, the shifting and pulsing lights casting oblong shadows and pulsating flares of refracted light against their fur. The roar of the crowd and the music below lessened somewhat, but Hyper continued to move up next to the smaller bar, then past the dual stripper poles.

A very attractive and incredibly hung kangaroo was on one, teasing a few of the more exclusive club members with his rump, and a leather-bound bear who was gyrating his harnessed groin against the steel pole was on the other, slyly watching as Hyper and Wolf both walked past.

Hyper moved towards the wall and then reached out, moving aside a heavy drape hanging from an iron wrought clasp above before he stepped into the darkened room beyond. Wolfstar watched as he disappeared into the darkness and turned back for a moment, knowing that he shouldn't follow but unable to shake the feeling that he really wanted to anyway.

With a huff, he stepped in after Hyper and the drape closed softly behind them, deafening the blaring music to a dull thumping beat behind them both.

Wolfstar's eyes quickly adjusted to the dim lighting of the room, although it wasn't all that dark now that he realized it. There were five large, circular entrances with the same heavy draped material in front of them. The entrances seemed to branch out from where the two of them stood, each one opening up further and bathed in a unique shade of softly glowing pastel light that leaked through the openings in the fabric.

Moans and cries of ecstasy filled the air and the scent of unbridaled, masculine musk and sex filled Wolfstar's nose when he took a breath.

"Told you it'd be quieter."

"Different kinda quiet, Hyper." Wolf grumbled as he shifted uncomfortably on his feet while Hyper seemed to be enjoying the sounds playing out around them.

"Eh well, I don't mind if you don't. Shall we?"

He gestured towards the only open room in the center of the five, where a glowing red light shone out from the bottom of the curtain covering the entrance. Wolfstar nodded and followed the gray wolf as he slid the heavy curtain aside and moved forward into the room.

Once again, the size of the room surprised Wolf. When the curtain moved, the room opened up to reveal the space of a large bedroom, complete with a circular bed that had to have been bigger than two California King mattresses put together. The lighting flooded in softly from the edges of the room, giving off just the right amount of ambience.

A small chandelier that looked like a miniature version of the one hanging in the main hall was swaying gently over the bed, and two night tables flanked the mattress, both topped with an array of lubricants, condoms, dildos, and anything else someone, or a group of someones, might need to have a grand 'ol time.

"Jesus... what is this place, Hyper? Some kinda sex dungeon?"

Wolfstar looked uncertainly at the display set out before them both and crossed his arms while Hyper placed his wad of cash on one of the night tables.

He turned slowly towards Wolfstar and smiled.

"It can be, if you want it."

He moved back towards Wolf, standing just inches from his best friend as he sniffed at the smaller man. A lecherous grin spread across his muzzle.

"Oh man, I can smell just how much you wanna let loose. God, that's so hot to me. Just... knowing that you want to touch me. Taste me. Can't believe it's taken you so long to work up the courage."

Wolf faltered just as he was about to ask Hyper what had happened. His breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight of one of the most beautiful men he'd ever laid eyes on standing in front of him in nothing but a skimpy jockstrap and bow tie.

"I... know, Hyper. But this isn't the time, man. Something's going on in this place. It's changed you somehow, and I need to get you out of here so we can figure this--"

Hyper pressed his muzzle against Wolfstar's, lapping out needily with his tongue as he gripped the smaller wolf's shoulders in his bulky arms and spun him back towards the bed, landing them both in a pile. He drove his tongue along Wolfstar's stunned face, finally managing to slide it into his mouth as he tasted the other man.

Hyper lapped lower, working his tongue over the other wolf's neck and biting at the scruff gently, giving him a nibble and drawing a short gasp out successfully.

"S-shit, Hyper... that f-feels amazing, believe me, but we need to--holy fuck!"

Hyper growled against the detective beneath him and lifted him up easily to push him further onto the mattress. With a gentle sigh, the larger wolf ground his jockstrap-clad crotch against Wolfstar's bulging, suddenly damp pants.

Wolfstar's breath hitched and he let out a lewd, needy whine as he reached his arms around Hyper's broad back and dug his claws into the thick fur.

"Hyp... we need to leave. You feel amazing but we can't--we need to go before--!"

Hyper kissed Wolfstar deeply, sliding their tongues against one another again to silence his friend as he swayed his hips left and right, drawing his damp jockstrap pouch full of his uncut cock over the increasing bulge of Wolfstar's still hidden dick.

Wolf moaned lewdly and something inside of him flared out in his mind. Something had shifted and the air suddenly seemed different. It was sharper, tinged with a heady mixture of musk and sweat and sex and masculine strength.

Maybe it was the fact that Hyper was finally, finally doing what Wolf had wanted him to do for over a decade. Maybe it was the way the larger wolf was practically naked on top of him, eager to taste his tongue. Maybe it was this whole situation, this place, this night.

Wolfstar didn't know what it was.

But he knew what he wanted.

With a growl, Wolfstar pulled back from his best friend's insistent tongue slightly, lapping his own over the bigger wolf's black, wet nose.

"Fuck it. Fine. If we're gonna do this, I'm gonna need a lot less clothes though."

Hyper grinned and quickly undid Wolf's pants as Wolf himself practically tore his button-down shirt open, a few of the buttons flying across the room and pinging off the walls. In a few seconds, Wolfstar was left in a scant pair of underwear that managed to barely hold his throbbing erection back despite how thin the fabric was.

Their arousals began to fill the room with their musks, the scenes mingling and combining in a wonderfully delicious way. Hyper bent down and nosed at his best friend's cock through his underwear, lapping out his tongue and teasing the hot flesh underneath as he dragged his muzzle upwards. He peppered kisses over the fuzzy surface of the stomach and chest of Wolfstar before he continued to ground his hips into the smaller wolf endlessly.

The larger wolf's enormous cock was leaking profusely now, turning the red jockstrap a duller shade with the amount of precum that was now soaking into the fabric. And still, he dragged that musky pouch over Wolfstar's increasingly damp one, wrapping his arms around his best friend's shoulders and deepening their kiss.

Something about this felt so right. Both of them fit so well together, felt so good together.

How could that be wrong?

It wasn't wrong at all. This is what they both wanted. To please one another. To be with one another.

Hyper let out a growl and lurched back down away from Wolf's muzzle. He bent and grabbed the thin waistband of the wolf's underwear in his sharp teeth and tore at it, easily slicing through the damp fabric like butter and setting the trapped erection behind it free.

Wolfstar's beautifully long, cut cock swayed left and right in the spicy air of arousal between them, and Hyper lowered his head until it was between those powerhouse thighs of his best friend. He watched almost hypnotically as that spire of flesh swayed to and fro, pulsing more and more with each passing second.

"F-fuck, Hyp. I... you can--"

Without a moment's thought, Hyper engulfed the wolfcock in front of him, sliding it down his muzzle and eagerly into his waiting throat as the taste of Wolfstar's precum started to pour into him.

He was perfect, this man in front of him, Hyper thought.

His best friend's cock felt so right in his mouth and he moaned contentedly as he felt Wolfstar arch his back slightly and thrust up into the muzzle around his dick. Hyper sucked the smaller wolf down to the root, flaring his wide, long tongue around the hot shaft and reaching down to fondle his hefty balls with his padded palm.

Wolfstar let out a howl of pleasure, whimpering slightly as Hyper's insanely talented tongue brought him instantly close to his breaking point in what felt like seconds. His best friend was better than he had any right to be around his dick, but Wolf wasn't complaining. He simply endured the onslaught of pleasure as best he could before, suddenly, Hyper slurped his tongue around the flared tip of his cock and pulled off completely.

Both of them stared at one another, breathing heavily from the effort. The noise from the other rooms seemed to fade, leaving only them together.

Hyper reached down and clawed off his jockstrap with a single swipe, leaving them both fully naked now. Wolfstar lapped out his tongue against his nose and leaned forward, sniffing rapidly as the musky, natural scent of his best friend flooded his nose.

He loved it. This smell. It was everything he'd wanted for so long and now he could take it.

"Here. Let's do something both of us can enjoy, yeah?"

For some reason, Wolfstar was fine with Hyper taking point on this one. He felt so secure in the presence of his best friend, but now... now he wanted more than secure.

He wanted the big wolf to take over completely.

What was happening to them?

Hyper maneuvered himself onto the center of the mattress, curling his finger towards Wolfstar to follow. As the larger wolf turned around and laid on his back, the sexy gray wolf in front of him crawled over towards him and they slotted their bodies against one another, this time Wolfstar initiating a deep kiss.

"Would you... eat me out? I need your... your _tongue_in me, Hyper."

"You just read my mind, babe." Hyper smirked as he licked the tip of Wolf's nose and slid his clawed hands down the other wolf's hips as he turned around on top of him.


Again, it didn't feel wrong.

Quite the opposite.

Wolfstar rumbled with pleasure as he spread his legs on either side of Hyper, bending down and pushing his backside further back as he lowered his muzzle to engulf the thick, uncut cock achingly dripping between Hyper's thighs.

The taste of Hyper's dick was unreal, like a spicy, delicious piece of meat he wanted to suck on all day. And he did just that, letting the massive, foot-long shaft flow further and further along his tongue and into his throat. Wolfstar's eyes rolled back into his head as he felt Hyper pulse inside his maw, and he moaned with need as the thick shots of precum coated his throat and stomach.

Hyper could smell the intense musk emanating from Wolfstar's ample backside, the heat coming from between those two, perfectly molded cheeks tickling his whiskers as he lapped his tongue out automatically. With a needy moan, Hyper reached his hands around Wolfstar's waist and pulled him back, feeling his best friend lean his muzzle forward as he suckled on his dick, while simultaneously arching his back to give Hyper better access.

That tongue wrapped around his dick felt like it belonged to a god, and he gently thrust up into Wolf's maw, grinning as the smaller wolf gasped but didn't choke at all around his member.

What a good boy.

Sniffing heavily as he leaned forward, Hyper reached up and grabbed the base of Wolf's tail, squeezing it slightly as he forced the fluffy appendage up and out of the way to reveal that tasty pucker hiding between his friend's ample backside.

Hyper gasped as he watched it pulse and twitch and he couldn't help but lean his muzzle all the way in, planting his nose against it and huffing in and out. He wanted to marinate in that scent, always and forever. He licked at it, coating the pucker in his shiny spittle for a moment before he lapped again, and then again. Soon he was coating his best friend's backside in his spit, tasting that delicious scent on his tongue and breathing in the essence of Wolfstar's scent.

He couldn't help it.

He rammed his muzzle against the smaller wolf, drawing a garbled bark from Wolfstar as he licked again and again and again. His long tongue finally found a way through the tight entrance, making way for more of the slick muscle to flood into Wolfstar's hole as the smaller man tried his best to keep blowing Hyper while getting eaten out.

The sensation was beyond heaven. It was transcendent. Hyper felt the muscles clamping down on his tongue, but the taste just kept intensifying, drawing him forward.

Wolfstar rammed his ass back against Hyper's muzzle and pulled off his dick entirely, leaning back until he was sitting on the larger wolf's muzzle fully. He arched his back and squatted atop Hyper's face as the wolf's tongue wriggled against his prostate, flicking that tiny nub and sending wave after wave of pulsing pleasure coursing through Wolfstar's entire body.

"Ah! Ah oh, s-shit, oh god, Hyper I'm... I'm close! I don't think--"

Unceremoniously, Hyper growled deeply, pulling his tongue back and yanking his muzzle out from under Wolfstar's backside. He roughly grabbed his best friend and slammed him forward onto the bed, leaning down and growling in the smaller wolf's ear.

"You don't cum until I do, little Wolf."

Wolfstar whimpered and nodded, drunk on lust and pleasure and not caring about anything else but getting more of it.

"Just... just fuck me, Hyper. Fuck. Me. Now!"

Hyper growled and bent forward, reaching down and angling his dick with one hand until his tip rested against the wide, slightly gaping hole between Wolfstar's cheeks.

With zero hesitation, Hyper pushed forward, snapping his hips hard and firm until Wolfstar's ass was nestled firmly against his crotch.

His dick punched easily through the heavily saliva-slickened walls of Wolfstar's hole, and it filled out wonderfully against the tight rows of muscle beyond. Hyper growled and howled at the ceiling, snapping his muzzle as he pulled back and then thrust forward again, setting a brutal pace for the smaller wolf beneath him.

Wolfstar cried out, howling along with his mate and moving his body back against the hard thrusts meeting it. He wanted to bury Hyper's bone further and further into his aching body, needing all of that big wolf inside him. He was panting, tongue hanging out of his muzzle as his mind went blank, only able to focus on the feeling of being fucked into a pleasure filled nirvana.

Hyper's pace continued, speeding up as the wolf continued to fuck his best friend hard.

Harder than any other man or women he'd ever fucked in his life.

It felt so perfect, having Wolfstar's ass against his hips, having that hole mercilessly clenching around his thick wolf dick.

He growled loudly and barked, leaning down and nuzzling against Wolf's neck.

Wolf, for all his hesitation at first, was fully into what he was feeling. Hyper's dick was ploughing into his entrance with abandon and he felt powerful, having such a big wolf fuck him harder and harder with every thrust. He felt Hyper's muzzle against his head and he leaned into it before he bared his neck, growling deep with each smack of his best friend's hips against his ass.

Hyper took the hint and bent down, latching onto the scruff of skin Wolf bared to him and bit down hard, drawing blood.

Wolf stiffened and suddenly, those powerful hips of his started thrusting back into Hyper's groin even harder. The big wolf held the shoulder bite steady, rolling his own hips harder to meet Wolf's.

Their swinging, pendulous balls slapped against each other's sacks, full and sweating and ready for release.

Finally, Hyper couldn't take any more.

With a roar, he pushed deep into Wolfstar's hole and stuttered his thrusts, once, twice, and then on the third time, hit home hard and felt his release spray blasts of cum into the waiting, empty hole of his best friend.

Wolfstar felt Hyper's orgasm coming as the dick in his ass firmed up and thickened, pushing right up against his prostate and unloading a torrent of wolf spunk inside of him. It warmed his body, that endless flow of seed shooting into him and he couldn't hold back any longer either. His cock twitched and then spasmed, shooting rope after rope of thick, juicy wolf cum onto the mattress beneath them both as they came for what felt like minutes.

Slowly, their orgasms began to taper off and Hyper leaned to the side, pulling Wolfstar into his body as they nestled together on top of the soaking sheets. He could still feel himself shooting into Wolf, and reaching down, he gently grabbed the smaller man's cock, rubbing his padded fingers over the tip as it continued to launch wave after wave of cum onto the bed.

Wolf stiffened with each spray, feeling himself getting fuller and fuller and causing his own dick to shoot more and more like some sort of pleasurable, infinite cycle.

But eventually it did end, and the two wolves were breathing heavily together, locked in place as they took in what had just happened between them.

As Hyper's dick shrank back, it slid from Wolfstar's hole, letting out another steady flow of cum from his backside. He chuckled, bringing his hand up, coating in Wolfstar's cum and lapped at it, finally tasting that pure essence of his best friend.

Wolfstar moaned as he turned slightly, watching Hyper lick his cum off his padded fingers and he chuckled to himself. Slowly, he reached his own paw towards his backside and fingered himself softly, coating those digits in the larger wolf's spunk and then bringing it to his mouth, lapping his tongue over to clean it off.

"You're delicious, babe."

"So are you, handsome."

They chuckled at each other before sliding closer and pressing their muzzles together softly.

"Why'd it take so long for us to do this?" Wolfstar asked, still slightly dazed from the pounding he'd just received.

"I dunno but... we're definitely doing this again together. Every day. Every second."

"Hell yes." Wolf replied, lapping over his friend's nose before--

"Oh shit! What the fuck are we doing?! We gotta get the hell out of here, Hyper!"

Wolfstar shot up in the bed and looked around as his senses seemed to come back to normal, the sounds of the music in the main hall softly thudding underneath the continuous moans and cries of pleasure from the other rooms nearby.

Hyper sat up, confused and looked around.

"Why'd you have to ruin a good thing, man? We were being all sweet to each other and shit."

"Because we have to go, Hyper! They did something to you. This... this isn't you. This isn't me either! Something's going on here and they don't want anyone to find out about it!"

Hyper shrugged and shook his head as he stood on the floor and stretched.

"Nah man, this is great. They're not doing anything bad here."

"Dude, when was the last time you stripped for money?" Wolfstar asked.

"Like... in college?" Hyper answered, uncertain.

"And why would you, a stuntman, go to a bar for a beer tasting volunteer opportunity and then become a stripper for said bar in the same day?"

Hyper looked confused.

"Uh... I mean, the money's good--"

Suddenly, Hyper stiffened and went silent.

"I think that's quite enough questions, Wolfstar."

Wolfstar whipped around and then the world went dark.


"... must say, he was quite resilient at first, boss. But now that we have them both fitted, I think we can handle them just fine."

"No, Louis. We're not going to handle anything. I don't want the police sniffing around my Sanctuary and finding things they don't need to. This was just pure happenstance that these two found themselves here tonight."

Wolfstar's head felt strange. Like it was lighter than ever but... cloudy. Thinking felt bad. Thinking hard felt worse. He shook his head and looked down, finding that he was sitting in a leather chair in a darkened room.


Someone nearby turned and cleared their throat.

Footsteps came closer and closer.

He winced as he glanced upwards and saw... a red dragon, standing right in front of him.

"Hello, Wolfstar. I'm glad you and Hyper are both awake now. How're you feeling?"

Wolfstar shook his head a bit and then looked up again at the dragon.

He was tall. Taller than Hyper by at least a foot. And he was built like an absolute tank, with muscles bulging every which way, and his thickened hide covered in thick patches of dark brown body hair.

He also noticed that... the dragon was entirely naked as his eyes trailed down and saw the absolutely massive cock between his nearly just as massive thighs. The man was a unit if there ever was one.

Wolfstar's mouth was salivating just thinking about what he could do with those big balls.

"Ahh, I guess you like what you see, yes?"

Wolfstar nodded, "Absolutely. You're... you're beautiful."

"Call me Massimo."

"Massimo." Wolfstar rolled it around in his mouth.

It felt good.

"What's... what happened, Massimo?"

The dragon laughed lightly at that and stepped closer to Wolfstar, his scent swirling around the wolf's nose as he trailed a single finger down the smaller man's ample chest.

"It seems that you and Hyper had some well deserved fun in the VIP lounge, although you weren't supposed to ever even suspect my little operation existed. I suppose you've saved this city one too many times for your own good, and that curious nose couldn't help but sniff out my nefarious plans."

"I guess so. Though I'd rather be sniffing something else, Massimo." Wolfstar grinned up at the dragon who grinned back and leaned forward, lifting his arm up.

"Go ahead, Wolf. Have a taste."

Wolfstar leaned forward in the chair and felt utter euphoria as he sniffed rapidly at the bared, hairy armpit of the huge dragon man. He smelled... powerful. Primal. And Wolfstar wanted to smell that forever.

"You're reacting so well now that you're wearing the bow tie, I can hardly believe it. You and Hyper both are extraordinary subjects, and I want to thank you for helping us do this... unexpected trial run."

Wolfstar only realized once Massimo mentioned it but... he now had a bow tie around his neck. It fit perfectly and, while it felt different than he was used to, he really didn't care. The wolf just needed more of that scent on his nose.

Suddenly, he heard a stirring next to him and glanced away from the armpit he was sniffing at to find Hyper sitting in a similar chair just off to his left, fully awake and watching with very interested eyes and a clearly erect dick leaking between his bare thighs.

"Hey, it's no problem at all, Massimo. We're happy to help."

Wolfstar nodded, "Always happy to make you happy."

Massimo smiled genuinely at them both and nodded.

"Well, that does indeed make me happy. See, these bow ties you and the rest of my staff are wearing? They make people want to find pleasure. To give pleasure. Receive pleasure. And I don't think either of you have a problem with that, now do you?"

Hyper and Wolfstar both shook their heads and, as Massimo turned away and headed a few feet towards the back wall, they both stood and followed him wordlessly.

Those bow ties seemed to pull them towards him.

But they also... wanted to follow him. It felt good to do that.

"Mm, I do love that we all agree on this. But... for the safety of my little operation here, we are going to have to do a tiny memory wipe on both of you. Just to tie up those loose ends. You understand of course, I'm sure. I'm not doing anything wrong here. No one, absolutely no one, is getting hurt. Quite the opposite, in my opinion."

Hyper was panting now, reaching out and sliding his hand over the thick, swaying tail of Massimo's. Wolfstar stepped up and ran his clawed paws over the massive bicep of the dragon, holding onto him like a child with his parents.

"If that's what you want, I think we can both agree to that. But... would you be okay if we... had some time with you? Just us and you?"

Massimo paused and smiled to himself, feeling his swelling member throb heavily and his balls beginning to churn.

"Hyper, is that what you want too?"

Stepping around his other side, Hyper gripped the dragon's hand and nodded swiftly, his fluffy tail wagging quickly behind him.


Massimo traced a finger over both of the wolves' ears and down their spines, watching as they stiffened with need and pleasure, moaning lewdly as they simply stood and basked in his touch.

"Louis, would you mind shutting the door? Wolfstar, Hyper, and I are going to be in my quarters for a while."

A soft voice from across the room floated over.

"Of course, boss. Anything you need."

The sound of a door shutting echoed around the large room, but Massimo continued forward as a huge mattress rose up from the floor and he settled on top of it.

He smiled at his temporary subjects as they started to kiss, and lick, and grope him with no shame.

Oh yes. This would take quite a while.


The sound of LA traffic always seemed angrier than traffic anywhere else.

Sitting in his office, that same endless heat seemed to drain the life out of him as he wallowed in it, and the angry honking of mid-day congestion wasn't doing anything to lift Wolfstar's spirits.

"I'm never using this HVAC company again. Bunch of lazy, worthless, insufferable..."

He mumbled to himself before he stood up, deciding it was time for lunch because he couldn't decide on anything else.

Making his way up to the second story, he fished out his key and opened the door to step inside but then--

"Oop, sorry dude. My bad. Gimme a second."

The door had hit something. Wolfstar waited for a moment and heard a shifting, sliding noise and then the door opened a bit wider. He pushed through it and needed to stop and stare at the sight before him.

The room was... clean. Or cleaner.

Okay, it was in the process of getting cleaner. Items that had previously been strewn about had been organized in boxes, and some of those boxes had been filled entirely and even stacked on top of each other.

In the middle of the room stood a nearly naked Hyper, hands on his hips as he proudly looked at Wolfstar with a wide grin. He'd clearly been working on this since the other wolf had gone down to his sweltering office hours earlier, and despite having a fully functional AC, the bigger wolf had built up a decent sweat under his fur.

Even working in his too-tight briefs that accentuated... everything about his wolfhood, he was still sweating like a dog.

A proud dog though.

The front door closed as Wolfstar looked around the room.

"Well, well... I think you've finally taken my endless nagging to heart."

Hyper scratched his shoulder and nodded, "Yeah, I, well, yes. Took me a bit to get started but... once I did, it was a lot easier than making excuses. Hoping to have everything moved and organized and, whatever I can't sell, given away by tomorrow"

Wolfstar looked impressed, "Hey, that's amazing. I know it's been a problem for you too, not just me. I'm glad you took the initiative, handsome."

Hyper cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh, so I'm 'handsome' now?"

Wolfstar felt his heart flutter a bit in his chest.

"You are. You... always are."

The bigger wolf nodded with a smirk, "Is that right? Why don't you tell me that more often, Wolf?"

"Maybe it's because I didn't wanna overstep my boundaries. Or I just didn't know how you'd respond."

Hyper tilted his head, curious.

"Hm... what made you change all of a sudden? I seem to remember waking up in your bed last night after drinking all that beer at that random nightclub. That didn't seem so different from usual. Aside from you being there with me."

Wolfstar frowned for a moment, trying to remember. They'd both been really drunk. Drunker than he could ever remember being in a long time.

"I dunno. I just woke up and felt... like I should tell you. And it helps waking up to you and me both naked in my bed. Oh, and I seem to remember that morning blowjob you gave me helped a lot too."

Hyper laughed, embarrassed at the sudden instinct that had flooded through him in that moment.

"Hey, I never said I wasn't into you. It's just... we never talked about it."

Wolfstar sauntered over to the taller, broader wolf in front of him. He reached down and softly gripped the twitching package in between Hyper's legs.

"Maybe we don't ever need to talk about it. Maybe we just do what feels right and... things will work out?"

Hyper leaned down and licked Wolfstar's nose, wrapping his arms around him.

"I'd be fine with trying that."

"... Good."