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#3 of Tales of Lupone Silverpaw.



Lupone Silverpaw


Lunablaze Glazer



Unknown planet.

The lone wolftaur crept through the foliage, he made sure not to make any sound, as he followed the group of humans, back to their encampment. He had spent weeks learning their patterns and hunting trails. The humans belonged to the Humans First movement, and had set up base on this unexplored planet. Once he followed the humans to where they're going, he slowly backtrack and returned to his usual spying spot, on a ridge and outcrop overlooking the camp, and what a place it was. Heavily fortified with 30 foot titanium steel walls, guard posts at every corner, buildings within had searchlights, guard dogs and heavily armed men patrolled the perimeter. Vehicles of every sort drove in and out, guard PTV's, transports and APC's. 50 yards from the compound was a landing bay for spaceships.

Of all the assignments he undertook, this would have to be the hardest, taking out a few humans in makeshift tents or huts is one thing, but this was something else entirely. His friend and informant told him that there was a large gathering of Human First scum on one of these planets, but even he didn't know of the size or numbers. This is going to be a suicide mission if he messes up. Ohh, there's nothing these bastards wouldn't enjoy more than too skin him alive.

Taking note of another group of vehicles entering the compound for the night, Lupone headed back to his temporary home, a cave he discovered after a survey scan of the terrain. Walking carefully through the dense forest, he stopped at a small brook and had a drink, then walked in the water, following the flowing water until he came upon a large fallen tree that crossed the brook, leaping onto it, he gingerly walked along it, until he arrived at where the tree top had rested on a rocky crevice, he then leapt down and followed the rocky pathway to the entrance of a cave. He stopped, looked around, and then went inside.

Shortly, a shimmering form emerged from behind the tree top, and followed the wolftaur inside, it moved with the grace of a feline. Once inside, the intruder carefully explored the cave, looking for the wolftaur, but no sign. Venturing further inside, the cave grew darker, so the intruder used hir infrared eyesight, picking out the forms of a few rodents and bats on the ceiling. Then a larger heat source caught hir attention, it was still, not moving. Moving closer, shi was surprised and struggling when a large makeshift net dropped onto hir, impeding hir movements, which was long enough for an arrow to pierce hir flank. Meowling, the chakat finally revealed hirself, purple furred with crescent moonshapes over hir body. Trying to concentrate, Lunablaze felt very tired and woozy, as the drugs of the arrow took effect.

Contrary to chakat physiology, they were immune to toxins and drugs, making them useful to live off the land, but the venom from the Skullback Spider, found exclusively on this planet, was highly toxic, death instantaneously, a few humans found out the hard way. Fortunately for Lunablaze, the toxin was only small, and it was enough to make hir sick and unconscious.

Before Lunablaze passed out, shi saw the wolftaur emerge, bow in one hand, wicked sharp looking knife in the other.

When Lunablaze woke up, shi was groggy and tied up, bound really good. Looking around, shi saw the wolftaur cooking something on an open fire, the smoke drifting out from a hole in the cavern that they were in.

"Sire Lupone Silverpaw I presume?" shi stated, struggling to stay awake.

The wolftaur looked at hir for the moment, and then went back to tending the food.

"I have orders to bring you in." shi said, with an authoritive nature.

"By whom?" he asked, slicing a piece from the cooking meat.

"The FCT." Shi replied, feeling the toxin slowly disappearing from hir system.

"Never heard of them."

"That's because they're a covert organisation. It stands for Federation Counter Terrorism."

"And you think that I'm a terrorist?" he snarled, glaring at the young chakat, or should he say chakamil.

"No sir, to stop you from encountering a force of immense power below the compound. If you go ahead with this plan, you will surely die." Shi said, with both concern and certainty in hir voice.

"And why should I trust you?" he asked, taking another bite of meat.

"Because we are fighting for the same cause."

"And what is that?" he asked, with coldness in his voice.

"The destruction of Human's First terrorism in the galaxy."

"Hmph, and what would you do all on your lonesome?"

"I'm not alone, sir Lupone." Shi replied, with a smirk on hir face.

"Oh? And who else do you have with you, eh? More cloaked kitties?" he said, walking over to hir.

"Nope, better than that. Lunablaze to Goldpaw, two to beam up." Shi said.

"What foolishness is this, you have no communication devices when I.... WHAT THE CREATOR!?" he exclaimed, as he felt the beginnings of a teleportation sequence, as he was held by the teleportation field, then found himself standing on the cold high tech corridor of a ship, and standing behind and in front of him, all pointing stun plasma rifles at him, were chakats, skunktaurs, morphs and a few humans, all wearing the same uniforms. One chakat, purple furred and red ears, were cutting the bindings of Lunablaze's ropes. Shi had a gold coloured paw pattern on hir left breast.

"Sir Lupone Silverpaw, welcome to the F.S.S. DRACONUS. The captain wished to speak with you, follow me please." Lunablaze replied, walking down the corridor to an elevator.

Lupone quickly followed, after the guards relieved him of his weapons. He looked around the ship with wide eyes, even jumping now and then when furs and a few humans appeared out of nowhere, or vanish suddenly. Some of the furs were new to him, they were taurs, but of aquatic nature. Some were seals while others were otters. The otters were smaller and agile than the seals.

"Sir Lupone Silverpaw, you are the first to see a new race in our universe, we have decided to name them Sealtaurs and Ottaurs."

"Otters?" he tried to mimic the term.

"No, Ot-taurs. Yes, I know. It gets confusing sometimes. But after awhile, you'll get use to the new words."

The wolftaur just nodded, then stepped out of the elevator with the chakamil and his armed escort, walked a few yards until they arrived at the captains quarters.

Opening the door, Lunablaze walked in and introduced hirself and hir guest to the captain.

Lupone walked in and saw another chakamil behind the desk, reading reports. Flanking hir was a white tigertaur and another chakamil.

The captain's fur was yellow with sun like patterns all over it, and shi had lime green hair. On hir right breast was a blue paw pattern on a green circle. The tigertaur, which Lupone now can see to be a herm, from the large sheath between hir legs, had a nasty scar on hir right breast and another one on hir abdomen.

"Sir Lupone Silverpaw, I would like to introduce you my sire and the captain of the F.S.S. Draconus, Solarblaze Glazer and my mother Snowdrift."

Lupone bowed respectively, as he knew that his fate was now in the hands of the parents of the chakamil he had injured, as well as the captain of this vessel. If he wasn't on a deathwish since the death of his beloved Morgan Duskstar, he would be trembling in fear and begging for his life. As it was, he didn't care if he lived or died.

"Sir Lupone Silverpaw." Solarblaze replied, a slight growl in hir voice, which made Lupone quiver with dread.

"yes sire." Lupone whispered, finally looking up at the chakamil.

"Before we continue with the unpleasant business of your punishment for injuring our daughter..."

Lupone just swallowed a large lump in his throat, and he shook with dread, a chill ran down his spine.

"I must first give you some good news..." and with that, shi handed him a computerized PADD touch screen, which had an image that made him stare wideeyed in shock and excitement.

"IS THIS SOME SORT OF SICK JOKE?" he cried, clutching the PADD, not wanting to believe what he saw, but also unable to tear his gaze from the image of the foxtaur on lifesupport.

"It's true. Morgan Duskstar is alive and well, yet currently in a coma. A coma that lasted nearly 20 years. Shi was rescued by the original captain on the Draconis's first mission against the H1's. Shi has been under our care ever since."

Solarblaze was about to say more, but was interrupted by Lupone fainting on the floor from shock and exhaustion.

"Well, that's a surprise." Snowdrift remarked.

To Be Continued...

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