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Frostpaw Icewolf.



The PTV pulled up in front of the Chakonian Elementary School, and a 5 year old light blue furred folf morph got out with hir bag, dressed in a pretty pink dress with seal patterns on it. Hir hair was a bright red colour. Shi wore practical shoes and white socks. A pink bow was in hir hair, something hir mom put in it.

Hir mom, a red fox morph herm, was driving the PTV, shi smiled and blew a kiss to hir daughter, who blew one back.

"Now, Frostpaw, you behave yourself, and no using your special abilities, ok?" Crysteen said, sternly.

"Yes momma, I'll be good." The pup said, ears twitching and tail wagging.

"Ok, dad will pick you up after school, so enjoy your first day."

"Yes momma." The kitpup chirped excitedly, then shi bounded off onto the grounds, waving goodbye to hir mother. Once inside the building, shi took the bow off hir head and made hir way towards the toilets, there were boys, girls and herms facilities. Entering the herm toilets, shi was greeted by a chakat and a herm rabbit morph, who was talking. They stopped when they saw the new student, eyeing hir up and down. Blushing, Frostpaw gingerly made hir way into the stall and closed and locked the door.

Once shi had privacy, shi took off the dress and the pink underwear, and opened the bag shi had with hir. Placing the garments inside, shi took out the white panties, with the heart on the front, denim skirt. Shi put them on, and then took out the white t-shirt with a polar bear cub on the front. Putting the shirt on, shi reached in hir bag then produced hir leather jacket. Putting that on as well, shi then took out the ice blue tinted glasses and put them on hir face.

Ohhhh So Cool!! Shi thought, then exited the stall, getting surprised glances from the rabbit and chakat, as well as a skunktaur, who had previously entered the loo.

Before shi exited the room, the rabbit called out to hir.

"Say... cool glasses hun... what's your name." shi asked, smiling.

"Frosty." Frostpaw replied, not looking at the rabbit, and left.

Walking down the hall, shi got a few looks from the students, as well as a few glowers from the teachers. Then shi found hir locker, unlocked it and place hir bag inside, after removing hir notebook and writing materials. Locking it again, shi was suddenly bowled over by a red fox boy.

"Gotcha Frosty." He exclaimed, tickling hir in the ribs.

Giggling and wrestling, shi broke free from hir tickle torturer.

"Ok, you got me Danny." Shi gasped, picking up hir dropped pens, pencils and notebook, inadvertedly showing hir panties to Danny, who blushed and looked away.

"Why so flustered Danny Boy?" shi asked, noticing his unusual redness in his white cheek fur.

"Um umm no-nothing Frosty." He stammered.

"Ok, well shall we go to class then?" shi said, smiling.

"Sure, do you know the way?" he asked.

"Nope, do you?"

"Um kinda... follow me." He said, holding out his hand, which shi took, giggling slightly.

Danny led Frostpaw down the hall, up some stairs and down another hall, with class rooms on the left and right. He finally stopped in front of one of the doors and opened it. Stepping inside, they saw a few students already seated and chatting, reading or listening to music.

Danny chose two desks, in the middle and at the rear of the room, they both sat down and began getting their stuff ready, writing their name in their notebooks, then chatted.

Soon, Frostpaw noticed a group of students enter the room, humans; one was dressed like he was ready to cause trouble, denim pants, black t-shirt, sleeveless denim jacket, and a tattoo of a dragon on his upper arm. His hair was short, and he sported a nasty scar on his left cheek. When he saw Danny and Frostpaw, he sneered and approached them both.

"What the fuck are you two freaks doing in my seat?" he snarled, towering over the cubs.

Danny gulped and shivered in fear, but Frostpaw just looked at him with a cold stare.

"We're waiting for class to begin." Shi calmly stated.

The other three humans, all dressed similar to their leader, surrounded the two cubs, as the other students stopped their activities to watch the drama unfold.

"Well wait in another seat freak, before we make you sorry." One of the other boys growled.

"Nope, we're fine right here thank you, now, move along." Shi said, not taking hir eyes off the leader, who was at this point going red face in fury.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" he snarled, just as the teacher walked in.

"Mr Kain, please sit down." The chakat ordered, noticing the commotion, and decided to intervene before it got out of hand. "You don't want another detention, do you?"

"No Pussy Cat, I don't." he growled, and then whispered to Frostpaw. "this an't over freak."

"As you wish." Shi calmly replied, lowering hir glasses, to look directly at his eyes, and what he saw chilled him to the bone. Hir eyes were glowing icy blue, a hint of hir hidden powers within...

To Be Continued...


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